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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 5:50:35 PM
Denise, I may be mixing you up with someone else ... Did you renovate the bathroom for your dad? And how is that all moving along? I have been so focused on your visit with your grandkids, I forgot about the other big deal going on in your life!
Six inches is an amazing amount of rain. It would have to raise the level of the lake, no?
Our horsies have been stinkers. They have been "pushing" the electric fence and popping some of the fence fittings off. The air and ground is so dry that the electric fence doesn't conduct very well right now, so they don't get "popped." So, they continue to be stinkers.
Holly, you don't have me convinced that two trucks of wood isn't much. And I am further impressed that you would bake not one, but two types of bread. Oh, monkey bread is the devil for anyone who has to watch their waistline.
OK, Who has seen the GEICO camel commercial? If not, google it. We loved it.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 6:00:55 PM
Holly, the bread sounds so good. I have been wanting to make bread, but I am really trying to cut down on it, which does not really seem to be happening too well. Getting wood hauled now is good before winter is here. You are a hard worker. Denise, I agree with Holly, it is no picnic painting any kind of ceiling. Bet you are glad that it is done though. Bunny, congrats on selling more items!!!! Hope it keeps up for you. That is exciting. Gyspy, how great that you found a dance class so soon and sounds like you will enjoy it. I just found out that there is a line dance class here for seniors and am thinking of going there to find out if I would be able to do it with my hips. It is something I think that I would enjoy doing. Penny, I know you are busy, but try to take a few minutes of time for yourself, grab a cup of tea and relax for a few minutes. Hope things settle down some for you soon. It was cold and rainy all day again today. It got down to 39 degrees and only warmed up to 53 degrees. That is colder than our normal low is supposed to be. It sure does feel like autumn out there. It is jacket weather. There are people with winter jackets on. It is July, isn't it? Our lakes and rivers are so low from years of less snowfall than normal. They are still about 8 inches lower than normal, but the rain does help. We do not get too much flooding here, unless we get lots of snow and a fast warm up in the spring before the ground is thawed. It is supposed to finally clear up and turn sunny and warmer tomorrow. I do hope so, I need to pick my beans, peas and green peppers. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 7:24:28 PM
Marianne~ Yes, that is the bathroom we had enlarged for my dad. Dh said he will do the second coat on the ceiling and then I will do the walls. I am too picky he says but I think he just doesn't want to have to help me. LOL! As for the move, everything has pretty much fallen into place now. Things are getting to be a little more regular and everyone is learning adjust. The only little problem we have is one of his dogs was never fully housebroken and he doesn't like us to complain about him. I am a dog lover but this one is just spoiled to core. I try not to make a big deal. Dad won't be around forever and I am not going to let something so petty ruin anything. Penny, Good to see you here.
Gypsy, I would love to take dance lessons, how fun and it is good exercise to boot! Definitely get a comfy pair of shoes. 
Bunny, Congrats on the sale of that dress! Hope you get lots more orders. I know you will do well with it.
Janet, It has been pouring here for the last few hours. We are under a flood watch till 1 am tomorrow morning. am looking forward to the cooler temps it is bringing but we had an 8 day heat wave a couple of weeks ago so I prefer this.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 8:23:05 PM
Denise, Picking up after a dog is not pleasant, least of all if it isn't even your dog. You are very fortunate to realize that it isn't a big enough deal to make your father uncomfortable about it though. I am glad to hear everyone is adjusting. It can't be easy for your dad, but he is very lucky to be warmly welcomed into your home. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 9:02:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
I love coming on here and seeing so many posts. Penny, girl, I hope you stay with us and catch us up on what has been going on in your life. I know our brothers were fighting cancer at the same time, and your brother lost his battle, but you know he is back home safe and sound now. All our earth tickets are round trip, you know.
Denise, you have a big heart. Your dad is a lucky guy. Good luck with the painting. I have a lot of painting I need to do out at the farm house, and I really don't mind doing it but I'm not allowed to be climbing around on ladders by myself. My poor kids have just about given up trying to make me behave.
Bunny, you know to take Benadryl when you get stung, right? I swell up and get a big red fever at the sting area, then just itch like crazy if I don't pop a couple of Benadryl as soon as I get stung. Don't laugh, but when I went to the grocery store, in the parking lot there is a drop box for old clothes and someone had piled several bags of clothes around because the box was full and spilling over. For a split second I wondered how much it would cost to nab them and ship them off to you. Then I thought that would be stealing, even though there was a sign that clearly stated no leaving anything outside the box. There was some colorful stuff sticking out of all those bags.
My legs are a little sore today. But the dancing is great fun. Janet you should go try it. I have a friend who has had one hip replacement and she says she gets around better than she ever has. So, go for it.
The rain seems to have left our area. It greened everything up nicely for this time of year.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 28 2013 : 9:10:01 PM
Bunny, also arnica jel or OTC anti itch meds will help with that sting. Or even a little ice pack if you don't have anything else. I'm full of advice.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 09:58:02 AM
Gypsy you crack me up...stealing from the goodwill for me. You are a wonderful sister.:) If you saw all the clothes I have piles up in the basement, you wouldn't worry about me no having enough to work with. Glad the dance classes are going well.
My bee sting is doing better. Still red and hot. No more pain but plenty of itching. I'm good. I didn't have any Benadryl but did use backing soda.
Denise, I think other peoples dogs are a lot like other people's kids. I hope you can find a way to cope and make it work. You are awesome for taking in you dad.
Well, got a good nights sleep so sewing today for sure. My customer said I could make anything I wanted as long as it had sleeveless dress straps for sleeves. I looked at her favorites and saw a few other dresses she has had made for her so thankfully it gave me some ideas as to what she likes.
Enjoy your Monday!!
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 11:14:12 AM
Hi ladies, It's been ages since I've been in. I have become addicted to Pinterest and can't seem to stay off that site. I keep in touch with Mary Jane's site via Pinterest and Facebook but decided today it was about time I got my tail in here and said hello again so folks won't think I've died LOL. I've been keeping very busy this Spring/Summer as my youngest son got married in May. I also babysit my 4 yr old grandson 2 days a wk which can wear me to a frazzle. I have fibromyalgia so energy level isn't too great most days. I try to keep going though as I refuse to let this disease beat me. Nothing makes me happier than making my grandson smile. I hope all of you have had a wonderful Spring/Summer and I'll pop in every now and then to see what's up.
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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9475 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 12:28:44 PM
Thanks everyone! I feel like I am the lucky one that Dad was even willing to leave his home and come stay with us. He is 87 years old and no one knows how much time they have. I am learning a lot about myself by spending time with my dad. We play cards or dominos some evenings. I am still the baby to himeven though I am in my 50's. haha.
I need this little breather. Dad has been snapping beans for me today so I could get them canned. He loves that stuff and it makes him feel useful. Which is a big help to me. So far I have done 14 1/2 qts of snap beans. TOmorrow tomatoes are on the agenda and he said he loves to do those so I will be happy if we can get those put up. As long as he is feeling pretty good things go quite smoothly. He doesn't like to sit around watching tv so it is a challenge to find things he is still able to do.
Thanks for all the words of encouragement. You all have been so kind to welcome me in and that means a lot! 
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 5:55:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am jealous of the 14 1/2 quarts of snap beans put up in NJ by Denise and her Dad. I planted many shell beans. I think five different types so I will not see those until after the first frost. I have some pole beans that are snap beans but they are not producing yet. I bought the type of seeds that the beans will grow to be a foot long. I figured that way I will have a chance of picking them before they get woody.
I have a chicken box hanging on the inside wall of my barn. Two chickens have decided to brood in it. Some of the others like to lay their eggs in it as well. So, today I had three chickens jammed into this box. Chickens have a brain the size of a pea and they do not use all of that either.
We had torrential rains last night. No thunder though. Tonight it looks like the same should start any time now. Today was a wonderfully warm day in the seventies and bright and clear.
I have been collecting Japanese beetles off my roses in a jar of vegetable oil to feed to the chickens. I have half a large peanut butter jar so far. Do you wonder if I have enough intellectual stimulation during the day? lol
Cheryl I really like your screen name. I have avoided Pinterest since Gypsy told us how addicting the site is. I know that I would get sucked in and not get anything done.
My B ( special needs adult who has lived with me a long time) loves to pick blueberries. She is wonderful. She has picked probably 6 quarts of the wild blueberries so far. I have frozen them. I have four quart bags and probably 20 snack bags put by. I do not have the patience for this that she does.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 6:45:09 PM
Holly, I had to laugh at you comment about the chickens. Dh just told me he ordered 25 more to start up another flock. So at some point soon we will be building another coop. The old one is housing his 4 wheeler at present. I told him this time around we need to cover the chicken's yard and build a better coop. I saw some at our local Amish market that we liked but I doubt ours will look like those. Dad said he is going to feed some of them by hand when they are babies so they won't be afraid of him. LOL! He raised chickens when I was growing up so it will be nice to have a voice of experience here too.
Cheryl, welcome back. Nice to have you here again.
I have a bushel of tomatoes to think about getting started on in the morning and the bathroom is ready for the second and last coat on the walls. So that will be one big project behind us. I will be so grateful to get some of the house back in order. It is an ongoing battle for me these days.
Gypsy, Hope your legs are feeling better by now!
Bunny, Gypsy made me chuckle about the clothes because the same thing would have crossed my mind had I seen the same sight with the clothes all around the boxes. Hope things on Etsy are going well.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Denise Farmgirl Sister #43
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 6:57:35 PM
Good news!!! My mom got a check today for $15,000!!! It was from a company my stepdad worked for. They were suppose to pay him retirement money and never did. This is all the back pay. Plus my mom will start getting $95.00 a month from now on. We don't have to worry about her losing the house for at least 4 years. Such a relief.
Just had to share.
Been sewing up a storm today to fill the custom order. She gave me free reign. I'm going to make more than one dress so she has a choice.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

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True Blue Farmgirl
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2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 7:45:20 PM
Cheryl, Yes, I live in the U.P., that is about 140 miles from you. Not that far, really. Maybe we can meet someday. Denise, I am sure the chickens will be very beneficial to your dad. It will probably help him feel that he is helping even more. How wonderful that you are taking care of him and he is able to be of help to you. Bunny, great news!!!! Looks like things are turning around for you now. I am happy for you. You deserve it. Marianne, Hope the horses are behaving better for you. Gypsy, I too hope your legs feel better now. You don't realize how many muscles you do not use, until you use them!!! We had a very nice day today, It was 42 degrees this morning, but the sun came out around 10 this morning and warmed up nicely to 73 degrees. It is now 57, so it should not get too cold tonight. One more nice day, then more rain and cold in the forecast. I did not get out into the garden today, hopefully tomorrow. It was a bit wet yet. But, I did get to grill out tonight, I grilled barbequed pork ribs, made mashed potatoes, and green beans left over from last fall, my last batch. I love green beans from the garden. Well gals, I am tired, so off to bed I go. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
1223 Posts
1223 Posts |
Posted - Jul 29 2013 : 8:33:20 PM
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome back. Janet it would be fun to meet some day. I've never been up North. Bunny that is absolutely wonderful news for your mom. I'm so happy for her. I can just imagine the relief your whole family feels with this good news. Thank you Holly for the name compliment. I think we're all a tapestry of ever changing life happenings. I'm a work in progress :) You were right to avoid Pinterest....LOL. It is horribly addictive. I started there not knowing a soul and now have almost 2300 people following my boards and I follow 8,775 people. So many ideas it can be overwhelming and I will never in a gazillion years be able to make or do all of the things that interest me there. I wish I could have chickens in town but they've passed a law you must be 30 feet away from your neighbor's property line to keep a maximum of 4 hens and our lot size is so tiny there is no way we can do that. I need something to make me feel like a farmgirl so I planted grapes and rhubarb and have a small raised bed 5x5 garden with tomatoes, zucchini and some cucumbers. So far I've had 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, a couple nice batches of fried zucchini and made a cake. I'm very jealous of the 14 1/2 qts of snap beans. Denise how wonderful your dad is there with you so you can spend some quality time with him. I lost my mom a couple yrs ago and not a day goes by I don't want to pick up the phone and call her so I know how precious this time is. My dad is 78 and lives alone on their acreage. So far he keeps saying he's doing fine but he did take a couple spills in recent months so I worry a bit. I'm 400 miles away from him but we keep in touch via phone daily. I'm going to plan a trip back home later this summer when the weather there will be a bit cooler. Almost bedtime here so going to bid you all a fabulous evening and sweet dreams. I sure have missed the comraderie here. :)
Happy farmgirl sister #353
Look for rainbows instead of mud puddles |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 1:00:37 PM
Hi All,
I will have to go back and read up what's been going on but here's my sorry note for the day, taken from my Facebook page so I don't have to rewrite it.
I'm tired and I finally lost it. I am spilling my misery on facebook. I don't have anything cute to say or political. I'm just fed up!
David lost his job. He was given a 15 minute notice after working at the jail for 23 years. With it of course goes our health insurance and retirement because we aren't old enough for retirement yet and don't have enough years in. I only work part time so I don't have any access to healthcare but hey, Obamacare is just around the corner, right? Living with an insulin diabetic I wonder where we will get the insulin, but I figure God will provide it so I keep going. I'm a person of great faith. More faith than most entire churches have truthfully.
Two weeks before that I was in a car accident. Some idiot decided to pass me on the left while I was turning left into my driveway. Totaled my van. I miss the van but was excited to get a new car. At least God made sure David lost his job literally the night before we were going to go buy a new car. So instead we found a used truck that is doing the job for us and we don't have a car payment. One problem averted. God's still on my side.
To say the least, that's hard enough for anyone to deal with but then David got pneumonia & was in the hospital for 6 days, and even then I kept it together. I figure the bills will get paid one way or another, at least he's alive, which when he went in they weren't to sure about. Having had to have his rotator cuff rebuilt he was out of work for 3 months before this & it probably played a big part in his getting laid off and his pneumonia but after 23 years of wrestling with inmates, anyone would need the surgery. We aren't machines after all.
The next day it's pouring rain outside and I think, it's ok, even though the rain is dripping into a pail next to my living room chair, some how I will get a new roof. I am resilient. I can do this. What's a roof anyway. At least we don't have that huge home equity loan we had planned to take out to get a new metal roof. Shingles will be ok. I'm not greedy or high maintenance like some women I know. Heck, I can even do it myself except for the flashing. I really am super woman. I have that much faith.
But today was the last straw!
I woke up for work, cleaned my Vera Bradley glasses so I could see and they broke in half! Ok, so I can't see much anymore, even that I could accept. Coming up with $120.00 won't be easy but I will figure out a way. In the mean time, I will see things a little blurry and use my imagination and laugh it off.
But then I went out to feed my chickens in the fortress they live in (yes it's a real fortress!) and something managed to get in through the egg door and kill George, Georgette, and three of the five babies. God tells us we never get more than we can handle but he's wrong! You just don't mess with my chickens, God! In the pouring rain I am picking up five dead chickens that were making me laugh just Sunday. Mom said I should write children's books about them because she finds the stories so cute. Why did it have to be the chickens God? I think my tears are making me more wet than the rain that's pouring down. I loved those feathered friends. Dam it God, you went to far, way way to far!
Will someone call those men in the white coats to come and take me away! I haven't the energy to call them myself.
And to the guy that started this downward spiral at the Brown house, actions always have reactions. It's science 101. It's Karma. It's Ying and Yang. It might take awhile, but like I said, I have more faith than most churches, I fully believe karma's a b**ch.
So how's everyone else's month going?
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 1:17:45 PM
Ginny, so sorry you have been having such a bad month. I had so many of those, I had the same attitude you do. Keep that chin up, things will get better. Never underestimate the power of prayer, or the strength of a woman. Remember, we are here for you.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 4:05:11 PM
Ginny, sorry about it all. It just stinks and nothing said will make it better. I think you should cry and get angry all you need. After a day or so you can start to make a plan. One step at a time. Hang in there. We are here for you.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 4:24:56 PM
Ginny, There are times we all need to find a corner to curl up in for a good cry. Hope you get yours over with and back to your usual "can-do" self soon. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 5:11:42 PM
Got a call from the college. They didn't pick me to interview for either admin position. The payroll position is still open but not holding my breath. So much for my new college education doing any good. I am going to keep going to school. I'm going to work on a administrative assistant AA next.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 5:55:51 PM
Bunny, sorry about not getting the job, but glad you will be going back to school. You will find something one of these days. It was supposed to be warm, 72 and sunny today. It was 42 when I got up and it was gloomy, so I waited for it to clear, and it rained for 2 hours, was not even in the forecast. So, I got out some of my sewing projects and did some sewing instead, then the sun cam out, but it only got up to the low 60s today and windy. Supposed to get more rain tomorrow. II think we had enough already!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 30 2013 : 8:10:12 PM
Janet, you have got the worst weather on the planet. Well, at least for those of us who need sunshine. But I'll bet the people who love winter sports really like it there.
Bunny, you know Coco channel nearly starved before she finally made it. With your determination you are bound to make it big sooner or later.
Ginny, girl, you know troubles always come in bunches. I don't know why, but that seems to be the way. I guess DH will be able to collect unemployment for quite a while, wont he? Bunny, could you file for unemployment too?
First thing, though, Ginny, is get some replacement chickens. I don't know anybody, myself included, who hasn't lost their chickens to varmints at some point, but the timing on this really bites, doesn't it. When it rains, it pours. You can vent all you want to, your sisters are here for you.
I had my dance lesson tonight, with a tall skinny kid who looks like my grandson. It was just ok. Nothing earth shattering. I'm 5'5" and this kid was more than a foot taller for sure. We did The West Coast Swing.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
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