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True Blue Farmgirl
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fernandina beach
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Posted - Dec 08 2012 : 05:39:11 AM
Good morning,
Phyllis, I hope and pray that you will feel better soon. It is hard being ill around this time of year with so much to do and if you do baking it is really difficult.
Darlys I am so very glad that you are having a wonderful time in Maui. With all those pool boys and lovely meals you sound like one special girl. We girls who came along with you in the suitcase are enjoying ourselves, too. I love the shopping and of course the Hula pie is to die for. Oooooh how I love ice cream. Darlys did you read that? Annika is a redhead.
Annika there are quite a few of us that have red hair. Although mine is not so red anymore. I am using a more blond hair color because of all the grays. I like to cook, too, and find a lot of my friends who have given up cooking. My DH likes my cooking so maybe that is why I like to do it. He gives me really nice compliments.
Marianne I am glad you had a good time with your friend. When people find out that you DH is a chocolate man do they tell you how lucky you are to have all that chocolate around you? I am not into chocolate that much and only have a piece of dark chocolate once in a while. It seems like summer was just here and now snow. I am waiting for the cold weather that we will be getting in Jan. I know, but it does get boring sometimes always having fair weather. I haven't worn a coat more that 3 times in the last few years.
Bunny, good for you getting that good grade. I pray that you will do well with the algerbra tests. One more semester almost down and you are getting closer to being finished. :)))
Holly, oh those teenagers. Well, I guess the dogs were happy to have such a good meal. I can just see that innocent look they give like, "who me?"
Marilyn so happy to see your post. Love it that you are popping in. You are loved here and don't worry if you can't post too often. I love you, sister.
I am not doing much today. I have been redoing my kitchen chairs and have one more to do. Also finished heming the drapes for the sliding door in the family room/kitchen. I made cabbage soup yesterday and it took both my DH and I to get the right spices. The recipe I used had so little spices and the soup tasted so bland.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2012 : 10:09:38 AM
Good morning farmgirls. A bit dreary and wet this morning. Kitties are tracking in mud on my bed. I woke up to two of them on my chest trying to get me up.
Aunte M so glad to see you back and you found our new hang out. So sorry about your older sister. Will put her in my prayers.
Nancy, thank you for the nice card. I'm terrible at getting cards in the mail. Yours was a nice reminder I should try harder.
Annika, I'm amazed at how many red heads there are. Me... Just plain brown and getting grey. I have a natural grey streak in my bangs. I have dyed my hair red, reddish purple and now just a nice chocolate brown, but I keep the grey streak.
Marianne, glad you are good to your FedEx guy. When I had my shop, I made quilts for my two UPS drivers. I really put them through the ringer when I opened my shop and they were always so accommodating. My FedEx guy was awesome too, but he was killed one day on the job. He was in a hurry and pulled in front of a large truck. It was a terrible loss for all of us on his route, Not to mention his family.
Darlys, it will be nice to have you home. However the trip has been wonderful. With food like this, I'm sure I will never be a bikini girl again.
Well, today is one of my last big homework days. One class will be finished for good, another will just depend on if I can get my report all done. Then it's just the last of algebra and work at the library. I was really bad yesterday. My mom needed me to drive her to Portland...again. Thankfully only rain and we got home before dark. But I got to go to the Fabric Depot. Had some things I needed but spend way to much money. I needed to treat myself anyway. Some pretty batik fabric, some crochet yarn in pretty bright colors, some variegated threads and lots of sewing machine needles. Can't wait to get started.
That's all for today. Everyone have a safe and warm weekend!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 08 2012 : 5:48:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think there is a reason that this time of year has celebrations and feasts. I think it is to take people's minds off the darkness, the illness and the deaths. The short, short days do a number on people.
Marylyn I am glad to hear from you. I have wondered what you were up too.
Phyllis I hope you feel better soon. do not wear your self out worrying about reading all of the posts. I like to hear what you are doing. Some of us have more time than others to keep up. No one resents anyone who can't. We just like to know you are alright.
Nancy Thank you for the card. I am jealous of your efficiency this year. I am hoping to catch up soon.
Kethry and I went to the craft fairs today. Planting Hope which is a group of people here in Vermont that sponsor a library and educational activities in Nicaragua had a big one. some knitters, some jewelry, some photos, some chocolate candy, one woman had bread she made in an outdoor woodfired oven. I like to look. I met up with people I have not seen in several years and we had nice chats. We are all graying or whiting as the case may be. kethry has expensive taste in jewelry. She wants a ring for every finger. If she would take care of her jewelry we might consider getting her the nice pieces. She was fun today. Not in anyway moody or manipulative as she can be. lol Today I actually knew something.
Our UPS man is very nice. He gives the dogs biscuits. Several years ago we had a dog who chased his truck. Not him just his truck. One day Bud got his eye tooth stuck in the mud flap running down the driveway. He was a Plott's Hound not the brightest canine specimen. He was bred to chase bear. A dog can not be too bright to chase a bear and then corner it willingly and risk getting knocked and gutted by those bear claws.
Overcast and in the high twenties today. There is a minimal amount of snow on the ground. Wish there were more.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 05:55:34 AM
Good morning girlfriends. I have crossed the Rubicon on this surgery. Slept soundly all night til fur baby Penny decided it was time to roll out about 6 this morning. Pain is all but gone Now the challenge will be to not pick up anything I shouldn't for 7 more weeks. Darlys sent me a huge box of chocolates that would make Bubba Gump proud and I think that is why I have done so well. Even though I know she did it in hopes I wouldn't notice she kept all those pool boys to herself. Either that or they were all so worn out from waiting on her hand and foot they were just too exhausted to fly to Texas. Or maybe she was sending them via jet ski and they are stranded out in the Gulf of Mexico The mental pic of Annika skiing across Idaho made me laugh til I was holding my sides. It is dreary here today with a hard freeze on the way. I hope we don't have ice with it I have been fine here in my little cozy trailer except the beige on beige is making me crazy. Gypsies don't do beige well. I have entertained myself for hours redecorating in my mind. I am really enjoying all the posts from you wonderful chickie poos. By the way where is Thelma?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 06:01:28 AM
P.S. holly I'm not going anywhere near the toilet with this iPhone since it is my only contact with civilization. No TV or Internet Also Marianne I got my nails all done up with the pretty polish hoping to impress the pool boys but......
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 09:17:17 AM
Gypsy, so glad you are feeling better. I laughed at the beige comment. If you saw my bedroom you would know I get it. I have quilts with bright colors on every surface and my mom painted the walls a nice teal green. The rest of the house is beige with pale rose old lady colors and style. I bet it won't take long before your gypsy colors start to brighten the place up.
Tammy, your job sounds wonderful. I'll look for your tea package in the mail.
Stay warm and safe everyone. Winter is here!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 12:02:52 PM
Good afternoon, gfs! It is a cloudy, rainy day in my little part of the Ozarks. Temps are supposed to be dropping, but since I just got out of bed, I am not sure if that has happened yet. Well,my work week is finished until Wednesday night. I really need to begin my Christmas shopping tomorrow, but I am kinda waiting to see what this old fridge does! It has been trying to go out for a year and my dh just keeps holding it together...last night was a scary time with it. Then 3 weeks ago we had to have a new furnace put in! I see Santa getting ready to take a detour around my house this year!!! Oh, yea, can't forget the property taxes due before the New Year either! Awwww, life, what are you gonna do? I just thank God that I am a saver!!! But that money was supposed to go toward my cabin, of which, we did get the footing poured about three weeks ago!!! There's some good news! Hehehe...
Gypsy, so glad to hear that you are on the mend...those surgeries can be a double-edged sword!
Hope you ladies are having a marvelous time in Hawaii!!! Good luck with those pool boys!!
Nancy, thank you for the beautiful Christmas card!
Guess, I have depressed everyone enough! So I had better get my day started!!! Hehehehe.....thanks for all the wonderful comments about being back...I'll just sit on the porch for a while!
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 4:56:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
A cold, breezy day here in the Green Mountains. It would be nice if the temperatures would drop below freezing and stay there. Then we could at least go ice skating. I told the children to not even go near the pond at all. This kind of year is particularly dangerous around ice. It looks solid on the top but it is not nearly thick enough to support any kind of body weight. If it would just stay cold we could skate even if we do not have enough snow to sled.
I worked on the sill of the house today. The part behind the gas tanks is rotted. I should have dealt with it this summer but I underestimated the job and procrastinated. So I put in eight feet of a new sill and replaced part of one stud for the wall. Then I got cold and covered up the gaping hole until spring. The house will be fine until then I believe. I think it will not tip over. When the weather is warm I will have to take the siding off the lower part of the house and replace the sill and studs. I think stud may be a misnomer because they are real two by sixes.
The logger came by today to talk about harvesting some of the fir and white pine. He would also drag out some firewood for me to last the next few years. I am a little wiggy about knocking down trees because they get hung up on other trees, they fall in a direction that I do not want them too. I do not want one to fall on me. It will just be easier to have the logger drag out some trees for me. He will inevitably knock down some red maples when the pine comes down. More than five years ago a forester marked the trees that should come out to make the stand healthy so those are the ones to come down. The money will also help pay our taxes. I am with you Marylyn on the land taxes. We have town taxes and school taxes the first due in August and the second due in November. The school taxes are three times more than the town taxes.
Gypsy I am glad you are feeling better. I know the healing will accelerate once those pool boys get to your place and can do the massages to help you relax. I bet your daughter and grand daughter will be really surprised when they see those young men running in and out of your trailer.
Marianne I would like to be brave enough to cut my hair short so I would not have to deal with it. Can you cook with dh's chocolate?
We celebrated the second night of Chanukah tonight. We had blintzes and potato latkas. We gave the children winter work gloves as a gift. The two boys gloves each have little zippers on the thumbs so they can take them out and text. Who would have thought?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 5:20:46 PM
I hope I am finally back on here now. I had an appointment with my lung dr. the other day, and he said the antibiotics the ER dr. put me on was only good for acne, it would do nothing for the lungs. So, I had that taste in my mouth for nothing!!! He put me on one that is only one pill for 3 days, and that was it. I am still coughing, but better as each day passes. I just have to be careful breathing in the cold air. It had been snowing all afternoon, and very windy. So far we have about 3 inches of snow on the ground and are supposed to get about 3 more before it stops. I don't think we will get any more rain now. The snow should be here to stay now. We will have a white Christmas. I finally got the tree up yesterday, I still have to get out the rest of the decor, bake and do my cards. I am so behind this year with being so sick. Last year I was ahead of the game, not so this year. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 7:01:25 PM
Hi girls, Jan, So glad you are finally on the right drugs. And are you enjoying your tree? I haven't finished my cards yet, either. It is only the 9th, well probably the 10th by the time you read this. Everyone is running late this year, it seems.
We finally got a bit of snow. Enough to cover almost everything. It was 19 this morning, but not terribly frigid. No wind, so it was really bearable and the horses were fine, no shivering.
So, Holly, I have to confess to a rather sheltered life. I have never been close enough friends with anyone who celebrates the Jewish holidays so I don't know how "it" all works. Do you start with the smaller presents and work up to the big one? I know about the lighting of the candles and the readings. When is your most important family meal for the holiday? The first day or the last day?
I understand your hesitancy to allow logging on your property. It never does go perfectly. It is wonderful to have your trees marked so that you can maintain the health of your stand. We live where it is mostly Ponderosa Pines. Property adjacent to ours was harvested and "returned to natural." On what planet is what they left "natural?" You can imagine ...
Our area has taxes only based on your property. It includes the tax for schools, but it is much less than what it costs in the east. Our property tax runs about 1% of the value of our property. When we lived in NY, it was more like 3%.
Bunny and Gypsy, I feel so plain with my off white walls ... I bet you surround yourselves with a riot of color. I think I must approach color a bit more cautiously? Singularly? Boringly? One of those!
Oh, and Holly, your question about whether I can cook with my dh's chocolate...I assume you mean can anyone with culinary skill use the chocolate in recipes ... The answer to that question is Yes! If the question is, Can I cook with the chocolate ... The answer to that is, I no longer use chocolate in recipes. Here's why. When Dh was Quality Assurance Manager for Nestle, I used a Nestle product to make a cake using a recipe on the back of the package. The kids LOVED it. Dh thought it could have been better somehow. I went down to the kitchen the next morning after Dh had left for work. Cupboards were open, the cake was gone and upon closer examination, I realized that every ingredient in the cake was gone, too. I called Dh's office and when his secretary answered, I asked, "Where's my cake?" She was a lovely lady who I still enjoy hearing from at the holidays. She said, "I told him he shouldn't have." I said, "Muriel, where is the cake now?" And she told me, "In the lab." I told her thank you, asked her to have my husband call me at his EARLIEST convenience and hung up. He was so clueless that when he called he thought I would be happy to learn I had used an inferior powdered sugar in the frosting and that was the reason it was grainy and didn't have the correct "mouth feel." No worries, it wasn't the Nestle product. You can imagine my relief. He asked if I wanted him to bring the cake home that night. I let him know what to do with the cake. And I no longer bake with chocolate.
Have a nice Monday. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 7:15:44 PM
Hey Mar, I'm not asleep yet and your post gave me one more big laugh for the night. You gotta give that boy's mom some credit--after all, she produced him!!!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 7:19:16 PM
Marianne, love your cooking with chocolate story! Got to be careful with a guy like that around. I'm surprised with a garden like hours you don't have lots of color inside.
Holly, where do you find the time. I think it is wonderful you even know how to do all that carpentry work. Happy Chanukah!
Janet, I would be having a hissy fit with the first Dr. So glad you when to someone different and have the right mess now.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 09 2012 : 7:25:24 PM
We know you meant to say meds. Haha goodnite one and all
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
316 Posts
316 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 02:37:31 AM
Well, good morning, gfs, from the Ozarks...I feel asleep around 7 o'clock last night and here I am wide awake at 3:30 a.m.!!! I have been sipping coffee and trying to put all of my Christmas plans together...then thoughts of y'all came to mind....then thoughts of my son came to mind...then thoughts of my daughter....then my sister...yadda, yadda, yadda.... I am sure y'all have mornings like that as well. The more I think of what has to be done, it seems like the more I just sit and veg!
Holly, my husband was a logger before he retired. I remember going with him to the woods and watching those awesome majestic trees falling and hitting the ground. I had to remind myself that they were natural resource and that they were worth considerable money...but somehow it always made me kinda sad in a way. Sad that something that took hundreds of years to grow could be downed in a matter of seconds. No, I was not a 'tree-hugger' or anything like that...I mean it was our just made me a little sad. We also had our own sawmill. We employed about 10 men in the town so I guess there was good that came from it. We just recently had to cut about 10 trees where my new cabin is being built and I didn't even like that! But I love my cabin that will eventually be built there! So tis tit for tat! And, yes, I know that cabin will be built from trees! I didn't say it made sense...I'm just sayin'. Hehehehe... Did the Hawiaan girls make it home? You better check their luggage for pool boys!!! Well, that is where I would have stuffed one, had I not missed the plane! Janet, so glad you got the right antibiotics...but what a lovely complection you must have!!! Just kidding...I know, not funny...sorry! Gotta write a couple of letters and make my Christmas to y'all later....I would rather just sit here on the porch!!! Hehehe...
Auntie M Farmgirl # 4062 That which does not kill me, only serves to make me stronger!...unknown to me. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 05:23:50 AM
Bunny don't worry about spell checker. It is so easy to just read right through those changes. I do have color in the house, but the walls are almost all white or beige. But, the kitchen and living area are accented with orange, lime, cobalt and yellow. Sounds like a mess ...
Glad you gals enjoyed the chocolate debacle tale. Yea, kudos to my MIL, she raised a guy who can take a punch - figuratively. I have become used to having my efforts in the kitchen described in what I consider unusual terms - "pithy" "lingering acid" - stuff like that. An occasional, "cold and doughy." He refers to the cards I keep in my recipe box as "formulas." And reminds me that the best way to measure is to weigh. Hey, I married a man with a Master's in Industrial Art and Food Science. He's gonna have some "suggest-lets" now and again. He has learned to keep most of them to himself. Of course, he married an Architecture major and Lord knows I am gonna help him build that deck.
He once built a deck on a house we bought in Napa Valley. It was new construction, so we were working with a square backyard - blank slate. With my Architecture degree it was an easy task to draw up what I wanted and with his Industrial Arts background, we were golden for construction. He took some artistic license with my design. And the man is not artistic. My "L" shaped, two level deck turned into two squares of different sizes that just looked odd. Dh actually disassembled his creation and sort of did it my way. It was, to say the least, a continued source of contention. That was four houses ago, you'd think I would be over it by now. But, alas, a lady never forgets.
Auntie M, I would have died and gone to heaven to have lived so close to the smell of a saw mill. At least I think I would have, I imagine it smells like a woodshop - all that fresh sawdust. I can understand your feelings about the trees. You just respect that they have stood for so long.
And, Bunny, I am with you. I don't know if I could undertake some of the construction tasks that Holly manages. I think I would have been able to do the bunkbeds, but those bolts would have frustrated me.
It was a cold morning here and for some reason the dogs were up at 3am. Since I knew the horses would like a flake of warm-up hay, I walked over to throw some to them. I was really surprised to see two scantily clad, tanned, well-muscled young men in Hawaiian garb. Do you suppose I got TWO pool boys from Darlys? They looked cold ... so I threw them some hay, too. It was THREE A.M. I was tired!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 05:27:55 AM
Happy Chanukah, Holly. I don't rememer much about Chanukah. My father's parents were orthodox jews. My father celebrates both Chanukah and Christmas as my mother was Catholic. I didn't get any Chanukah gifts just the ones for Christmas.
The big celebration at my grandparents home was always Passover and the Sedar meal. My grandfather was a Cantor. All my aunts and uncles and their families would be there and then my dear grandma would start crying. She said she was so happy to have all the family together. Yes, my cousins and I had to sit at the end of the big, grownups table at a card table. All boy cousins except for me.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 06:13:22 AM
The Kids Table! Do people even do that anymore? I remember one year not wanting our peas. So all my older cousins and my older sister scooped their peas into a napkin and told me to go flush it down the toilet. I did. The plumbing held until we left. But, I do remember being asked by my parents if I had flushed something down my Aunt and Uncle's toilet in the guest bathroom. I know my cousins ratted me out.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 06:48:53 AM
Good Morning! I just wanted to pop in and say hi =} I have a wretched upper respiratory infection and I'm feeling pretty rough, but I hope to get some work done around here. But I'm easily tired and may just sink back in my comfy chair and read a book.
Happy Chanukah, Holly! Happy Monday to the rest of you girls  I'll check back in in a bit when I (hopefully) feel less like roadkill
Hugs n' cookies =}
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 07:37:54 AM
Annika I am giving you and Jan the same advice I have been getting. THE WORLD WILL NOT COME TO AN END IF YOU TAKE TIME OFF AND GIVE YOUR BODY A CHANCE TO HEAL!! It must be a farmgirl thing that we think we must be doing something every minute of the day. I have not lifted a finger in a week now and yep I will be a little late on some Christmas stuff but guess what nobody minds at all. Today I am going to put something in a crockpot for supper and do small loads of laundry Bunny now we know why I love all your fabrics so much. We both love all the bright colors. Mar your colors sound divine to me.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 10:54:00 AM
yes, intellectually that makes sense, but, otherwise, i have a hard time with that. i want things to be better NOW. but it doesn't work that way. especially as i get older. :-)
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 12:05:42 PM
Well, we are home again ... and I'm exhausted. Maui was wonderful and the Lavender Farm we visited (finally) on Saturday was spectacular and awesome. I could have spent a lot more time (and money) there.
I had to smuggle on an extra (very heavy) carry-on bag to accommodate all the pool boys you ladies(?) squeezed in with you. It appears that Marianne brought back TWO. Gypsy, if you are looking for your pool boys ... you need to Lei a little Hawai'ian Guilt Trip on some of your sistas.
MY pool boy and I have to unpack as well as shoring up the domestic front and going grocery shopping. We need everything. Also have to pull out some Christmas stuff, start writing cards and bake some cookies. I also have to do laundry and, in general, re-group before we go to Oakhurst Friday night. Sigh ....
I remember many sprained ankles as I grew up. I think they all were acquired while ice skating. I have very tiny bones and once upon a time was as skinny as a rail. (Gone are those days!) But I do remember anxiously waiting until it was "safe" to get out on the lake to skate. We also made a lot of snow forts. Also lots of sledding on everything from toboggans and sleds and "flying saucers" to big pieces of cardboard. Didn't ski until I was in my 50s even though Duluth is built on the side of a hill. They do have a ski area called Spirit Mountain in West Duluth now. Holly, Happy Chanukah to you and your family.
Are there any Winter Festivals out there. You know, with parades and stuff?
It's going to be in the mid-60s here today. I see Minneapolis has over 16 inches of snow. Brrrr
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 3:55:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am at the library passing time while Talie is at basketball practice. He had to go early to have a concussion test. It is a baseline test for if he ever bangs his head and get a concussion to tell when he is well enough to play ball again.
We are cultural Jews, I guess is the best description. My partner grew up Jewish. we celebrate all of the eating holidays. She celebrates the fasting ones as well. We read the stories and teach the children about the traditions. We invite our friends to celebrate with us. Often there are far more gentiles than Jews at our celebrations. Sometimes it is the only religious celebrations that some of the children go too.We sometimes have a children's table but it is attached to the adult table. the children all like to sit together and as long as they are not rude we set it up that way. I like to be able to have adult conversation without being interrupted. It is a time for us to build traditions and community. We only give one present. the rest are given at Christmas, although I told the children that maybe we should start getting one present each evening from solstice to Christmas then it might not be so overwhelming. they were not impressed.
I told the logger that it made me sad to cut down the trees. I understand that in order for a healthy forest the mature trees needed to be cut down. The trees do mature and fall over on their own if they are too crowded. The mature trees with forks at the top sometimes drop the one side of the fork and the tree is damaged. In order for the understory to grow the bigger trees need to be weeded out. I understand that for us to be warm in the winter that we needed to cut trees. Never the less I identify with you Marylyn.
Marianne I like the chocolate story. Is you dh anal retentive like that all the time? Someone recently explained anal retentive to me. It had not occurred to me from where the term actually came from. When my sister was first married she wrote home to my mother that cooking was just like a chemistry experiment if you just followed the directions it would be edible. She was a biology major with a chemistry minor.
Two and three years ago I caught a nasty cold or flu and had to take those antibotics that are one pill for five days. The first year I should have gone back a second time because it seemed to take months to get over it. The second year the doctor gave me two consecutive prescriptions and I became well more quickly. I hope you feel better soon, Jan. Annika growing old is not for sissies. I rejoice everyday to be on this side of the soil with a relatively intact mind. I hope you heal soon.
I would sure like the snow to come and stay. If we are not going to have leaves and flowers we should have snow. I would like the temperatures to drop and stay frozen so we do not have to live with the nasty bugs that you in the warmer climates tolerate.
Ah what did I do today? I had my teeth cleaned. The hygienist repeated several times how good my gums looked. Well, if they looked so good why did she scrape my teeth clear down to my jaw bone? I think going to the gynecologist might be more enjoyable than going to the dentist. I had a read. Finding a good book is very dangerous. I checked school work and took Talie to basketball practice. A slow day.
As far as the construction projects there are many books out on how to build and once I see someone do it I can pretty much replicate or permutate it to suit my needs. I try to go slow because I despise unbuilding or ripping out stitches. That is why you hear about a project for sometimes weeks on end.
Darlys I always enjoy your writing. I live vicariously through your adventures.
Gypsy, I am glad you are healing. I am amused when I see you have popped on for moments at a time. I try to write so when you are awake late you will have something to read no matter how trivial.
Bunny you are a fabulous artist. I envy your skill and eye.
A note about the new boys. Our placement is being held up by the ICPC (Interstate compact for the protection of children) woman who says that Texas has not put all of their ducks in the right rows and is requiring them to do so. I told our social worker today that Christmas is getting closer and I wanted them here. I do not know if it will happen by Christmas or whether we will have to wait until January. Our other out of state adoptions cleared in afternoons or a couple of days. I am frustrated.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 4:55:17 PM
Well, cold or no cold the outside beasties needed food and were enthusiastically cheering me on with each cart full of alfalfa that I delivered horses and sheep are so easy to please on a cold winters day. The temp is hanging just a touch about freezing but the air is clear and the minty sweet smell of the alfalfa was wonderful to be around. Alfalfa always smells sweeter to me in the winter, it's one of my favorite scents. But I spent most of the day puttering and doing nothing much. I'd picked up a few really nice things at a thrift shop in another town that we'd been to last weekend, some old linens, a small tree tier wrought iron book case, a beautiful hand sews old fashioned father Christmas type of Santa Claus doll and this heavy crocheted table cloth. The table cloth was a bit musty and so I've washed it in some white vinegar and it's drying now and looks lovely.
Holly, I'm so sorry that ICPC is being a pain and i will keep hoping that the boys make it there before Christmas. I did some reading today too, but am trying to pace myself with the novel because I read too fast.
Darlys, I'm glad that you made it back from paradise all safe and sound and thank you for being such a lovely hostess, my pool boy should arrive just in time to be a kitchen helper for all of the holiday baking...I DO hope that he can wash dishes...
Thank you Gypsy, I don't slow down very well, I go in circles but do not slow down much. Nevertheless, I had bronchitis a few years ago and don't want to have it anytime again soon, so point taken. But I always want to better immediately too! Growing old is definitely not for whimps!
I hope that all of you are having/have a good evening and stay out of too much trouble 
Hugs n' cookies =}
Annika Farmgirl & sister #13
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Dec 10 2012 : 5:07:08 PM
Holly, I am so sorry to hear the ducks aren't lining up in TX. I can't imagine your frustration. And I can't help but think these boys are at least as anxious to get to your haven in Vermont. Extra prayers, good thoughts, crossed fingers, every good luck charm is being rubbed in hopes that what should happen does.
Nah, Dh isn't anal retentive, he's just really good at his job and likes to keep his wife happy. Sometimes those are mutually exclusive goals.
We finally got some cool weather. Fifties last week, twenties this week. We got a dusting of snow that has mostly stuck. I am with Holly. If it isn't warm and pretty, let's get to frozen and pretty. I don't like the wet and mushy.
At Christmas time, I always like to read a silly holiday feel good, love story or something like that. Just one of those really cheesy stories where everything works out just right! Nothing realistic while the Christmas lights are on!
So, we have decided to just have ham for our holiday dinner. Not turkey and ham. What are the best side dishes for ham? I usually rock a turkey dinner ... give me some hints, gfs!
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