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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2013 :  9:42:35 PM  Show Profile
Hi all! :) The number of entries has increased from 15 to 25....the reason for the reduction in the amount of pages! We haven't lost anything!

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!

Edited by - Kirksmom71 on Jul 17 2013 9:43:10 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2013 :  9:44:45 PM  Show Profile
OK guess I'll make my comments another day 'cause I just lost everything! Prayers and blessings to all of you!

My best to all,

Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 17 2013 :  10:06:34 PM  Show Profile
Mel, that happened to me last night. So aggravating.
Bunny if you have time to read, you should read the book The glass castle. It would make you feel lucky to have your mom. You would relate for sure.
I realize now the reason I haven't done ETSY is because I think you really do have to have a good inventory. I've got the stuff but it seems so daunting to get it all out there. I need a mannequin because I have a lot of "vintage" dresses and lingerie.

Good night all. I wish Thelma and Kathy would check in. And what happened to Sherone?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  11:01:17 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I wish I lived closer to you. You need a Girl Friday!
Set up your Etsy store and just go slow. Don't worry about how many things you have. It takes a while just to learn how to take good pictures and use the right key words. It is a process. You have to start somewhere.

I did get a very nice email from the person that has a very successful store. The main message was to just keep tweaking things until it works. She said my site looked good. She also said it takes time and I need to work on getting a client list.
So I will be patient. I had over 700 views last month but no sales. I just wish I knew why I'm not selling! I decided to have a percentage off coupon for this month to see if it helps. ( she has one) .

Mel, I agree they added more posts to each page. We have just had too much fun! I'm on one forum that had over 600 pages. We are now down to 414.

Hoping to hear from the college today or tomorrow. Getting a little stressed. I need this too bad. There isn't anything else out there right now. I'm down to two months worth of money to pay bills.

Off to the basement! Later all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

1406 Posts

Pasco WA
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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  1:49:13 PM  Show Profile
I have looked at a lot of farmgirl's etsy sites and there is absolutely nothing in them. I was looking forward to seeing someone else's accomplishments.

Betty in Pasco
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  2:23:34 PM  Show Profile
Janet, that is horrible news, both the drowning and the accident. I'm sorry for your son and wish you luck managing the store while he is gone. Maybe you can find someone to help out. What's hubby doing?

Mar, are you there?

The weather continues to be weird everywhere. It has been overcast and drizzling here for several days. Very unusual.

Bunny I hope you get the job interview. I think the idea of setting up an RV in a national park is a good one for someone who likes peace and quiet and a certain amount of solitude. Another idea might be to find a job managing an RV park in exchange for free rent and a small paycheck. Just be sure you work as many quarters as you have to to get social security when you reach that point.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  4:36:23 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone.

Another hot muggy day here in the Greens. South of us there have been severe thunder storm watches. I do not know if they did any damage or not. We do not watch the TV news and that would be the quickest way to find out. We stopped watching the news after 9/11 because the small children who are now teens had nightmares about an airplane flying into our silo.

I read the Glass Castle several years ago. It was hard to believe some of the stuff the parents did not do to provide for their children. She has written at least one more book since. I have not read it, though.

It is nice when people who used to be regular posters pop on so I know they are still among the breathing.

We had stir fry for supper. I cut all of the ready broccoli. We ate some of it and C put the rest into the freezer. I had one zucchini ready so we added that in as well. I do like when most of supper is something that we grew.

Jan I hope you sell a lot of merchandise at the side walk sale. A good surprise for your son when he returns. I think the hospital your son's dad is at is the one that Thelma goes to to have her issues checked out. I hope he heals enough to have a life.

I have a Japanese beetle trap in my garden. I am catching a lot of them but geez there are hundreds more all around. Maybe I should have two more traps or go back to catching them in the jar with oil so I can feed them to the chickens.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  5:24:47 PM  Show Profile
the thread is still messed up. Neither Bunny's nor Betty's post was there when I posted last.
Bunny I am just the world's biggest procrastinator. I have to have a deadline in order to get off my butt. Betty, I also have looked at a lot of the etsy sites and blogs and there isn't anything there or they haven't blogged in 2 years. I stopped posting my blog site when I could no longer keep up with it. I only had 6 followers anyway.
Holly, the woman on the plane who told me about the glass castle said she wrote one called Half Broke Horses but I haven't downloaded it because when I start a book I won't do anything else until I finish it. I thought the book was well written and was impressed she didn't seem to hold a grudge against her parents at all. I would have. In fact, I do. I think the difference is that, the kids got a sense that, in spite of all their weaknesses, their parents loved them. To grow up not feeling loved is worse than starving.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  5:48:00 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, I just looked at your two sites. The denim dress is my favorite. It is stunning.

People who are really into shabby chic would love these clothes, too, so that might be a search word to add if it isn't there already. I also think having the live model shows off that one dress beautifully. Someone will snatch that up. I wonder if people worry if things will fit or how it will look on them? That is my worry about buying clothes online.

what happened to all the other cool stuff you were doing? I didn't see any fabrics or other accessory items you used to have for sale. You've done enough different things to have several departments.
I know someone who used to make period costumes and sell them online. She claimed to do fairly well.
You are just on the verge of a break through, I know it.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  6:49:53 PM  Show Profile
Holly, yes, that is the same area that Thelma goes to. I was there 12 times all together for my hip and shoulder surgeries and my lungs and transplant consultations. The first time I went there, we just miss president Ford, who had a knee replacement there. Most of the presidents go there for their surgeries. They are the 2nd best hospital in the U.S.
We have an 80% chance of rain tomorrow, so our sidewalk sales might end up being on Saturday. It rained this morning just when I left for work. When I got there, it was pouring so hard, I was soaked just going from the car to the store. It took until after 2 for my hair to dry. It kept me cool, which was good, because the humidity is bad again today. The sun came out a little while later and made things worse. This weekend it is supposed to only be 60 for the high. Jacket weather? Summer over?
Sunday we are supposed to leave for a mini vacation to Mackinaw City, about 3 hours from here. We go there every year for a ride, sometimes we stay. It is a big tourist area, but we like it there and all the quaint little specialty shops.
My tomatoes and beans are just forming, but my green peppers are almost ready to pick. My peas are full of blossoms, but no peas yet. All of my herbs are doing very well, I need to start cutting them down and dry them. I took my rosemary in the house for the winter and did quite well indoors until planting outside again. My lavender that I had to buy again is blooming, but it is small, so I will not get too much form it this year. I am going to try to bring that indoors and keep it going year round. I will see what happens with it.
Bunny, hope you hear from the college soon. The waiting is the hardest. Seems like it takes forever.
Well, I am very tired from working in this heat, so am going to take a cool shower and try to get some well needed sleep. Have not had much in the last 3 days.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2013 :  10:48:08 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I was selling fabric great when it was my Amy Butler fabrics. But when I ran out, the sales stopped. I had other things for sale but again, no sales. I know that clothing and jewelry are the biggest sale categories on etsy so that's why I changed.

Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 19 2013 :  04:57:13 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Jan bite your tongue that summer might be over. I have thought it butnot voiced it at all.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 19 2013 :  12:34:37 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, your site looks great and I can tell you've put a lot of work into it. It looks very professional. I like that you come across as a real person, too-- not just an anonymous seller.

I'm afraid summer is just beginning in Texas. August is the pits down here, unless the rains stay awhile to cool things off. Sometimes September is also really hot.
October gets real nice and usually November is balmy. We never know whether we will need shorts or long johns at Christmas. January is usually cold and wet, then by the end of February it's spring again.

I got all the utilities turned on at the apartment in Austin today so next week I will be really busy. I will take possession on Monday. B and I have talked and we agree I should hang on to the house and land just a little longer. The state economy is doing extremely well compared to many other states so there could be a bigger demand for property on the horizon. He said to not worry about it he will help me get it all fixed up when he gets here. So I'm going to go play in the city until that time. A bank account can disappear but the land isn't going anywhere.

The Internet out here is so slow, I think when I get back to civilization it will be easier to work on things like etsy. And I've already decided I will take one UFO at a time back with me to finish. I've committed to making a girlfriend a beret so I'll start there. I just get so depressed out here alone that i end up at the end of the day with nothing done. and there isn't room to turn around in that travel trailer. I'm glad to be done with that. I've just gotta have some room.

Have a wonderful weekend everybody.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2013 :  4:36:06 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, your site really does look good. I agree it is more personal. I like what you have added to the descriptions about how the pieces evolved. And you have two pages!! I think you are really making great progress. I hope it takes off for you really soon. And next week is the week to hear about the interview. Fingers crossed.

Janet, Mackinaw Island has always interested me. It seems so quaint. Leisurely pace. Perfect for a long weekend getaway. I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Holly, I do not miss Japanese beetles. Yuck. I would take great pleasure in feeding them to chickens!

We had The Neighbor's husband stop by to chat this morning. I had a project that was halfway done and not at a good stopping spot to sit and visit, so Dh entertained him. I felt a little guilty about kind of leaving it all to Dh, but not quite guilty enough to stop what I wanted to do instead!

Gypsy, you will probably be so thrilled at your internet speed in town. Are you punishing yourself with the UFOs? Sometimes I just throw them out if I have totally lost interest. You know what I mean, keep the supplies and just chuck what is staring at me filling me with guilt! (I've done this a few times and it really makes me feel better.)

Hope everyone is great,

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jul 19 2013 4:44:26 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2013 :  5:14:59 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We are having an amazing wind and rain storm. The trees are moving from the bottom all the way to the top in big arcs. The rain is blowing from each direction so I have pushed up the windows. It is getting a little hot now because the electricity is off and the fan is not blowing on me.

I spent the day moving sand into the cow stalls. I had a big dump truck full arrive this morning. Each day when the stalls are cleaned a little sand goes with the poo. So eventually the stall looks like it has a canyon in the middle of it. I moved the sand to the barn with the tractor bucket. I would be so exhausted if I did not have the tractor. The littles are so happy this huge pile of sand has arrived. One would think listening to them I had ordered it for their personal enjoyment. Now that I have most of what I need for the barn they are happily making castles and digging tunnels.

Gypsy I remember you posted a long time ago a bit about your growing up years. I am sorry that your parents did not make you feel valued or loved. I think you are important.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 19 2013 :  9:56:08 PM  Show Profile
Thanks Holly. I bet the sand was a real treat for the little guys. I can just see them.

Janet, I've heard about Mackinaw Island and would love to see it too. You are one busy gal!

The moon is out after the skies finally cleared and I'm not sleepy tonight. Odd that it affects me when all the blinds are closed.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  09:58:57 AM  Show Profile
Well, the rain finally stopped and I just went into town to the post office. Boy, is my face red. I must seem like the rudest person on earth to you sweet gals who sent me birthday wishes. Be assured I enjoyed them today just as much as I would have on the day. Will send private Emails later. Love you gals!!

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 20 2013 10:00:42 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  3:50:59 PM  Show Profile
Holly, A mountain of sand must be such a wonderful babysitter for the boys! What fun. I think it would take a few days for that to get old. And I know what you mean about trees moving all the way from top to bottom. When we first moved here and I was watching the pines swaying in the wind during a storm, I actually felt a little motionsick! Had to stop staring out the window. Crazy, huh!

Growing up I used to love sitting on my mom's cedar chest that was by the window in my room and stare out at the wheat fields. The wind would cause waves as the heavy heads moved back and forth. It was always best early in the morning while I waited to hear my dad get up. I have always enjoyed being the only one awake in the house at dawn. Still do, as you can tell from the time of many of my posts. My dad was a farmer and sometimes if I was up and ready when he was, I got to tag along for the morning. Mom always wanted me to crawl into bed and snuggle with her. I always preferred to go start the irrigation pipes. Everything smells so good in the morning...

Gypsy, you are gonna be our City Girl. Bet you are getting excited for your apartment. Do you have all your furniture picked out for the move? Taking your favorites?

Bunny what is your garment count today? It was a warm day here, so probably for you, too. I am figuring you had a nice day sewing in the basement.

Janet, I just learned how to make lavendar wands. You need very little lavendar to make one. It might be a nice way for you to preserve yours.

Hope everyone is having a nice day. Ours has been quiet, YAY! It is nice to take it a bit easier than we have been the last month or so.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  4:36:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The wind and rain storm we had last night lasted only about 20 minutes but it knocked down many trees. We lost power and it was not restored until 5 this afternoon. We had a generator in the other barn we brought over to run the freezers. We alternated two on and two off. I hope the freezer in the garage is ok I have not checked it yet. So, we did not lose any. Worrying about the freezers was the worst part of the situation. We have a holding tank for water in the downstairs and it is gravity fed so we bucket the water up to eat and drink. I used water from the stream to flush the toilets.

Remember a few days ago I told you that I might have to buy a new refrigerator because it had glaciers in it. Well, I don't. Jim came and he replaced a sensor and it is all good.

Gypsy how are you able to not pick up your mail for weeks on end. Do your bills only come a couple of days a month? Now that I have written it I guess I could do what you do sometimes because we only pay bills at the beginning of each month.

I think I would have been with you starting the irrigation pumps. I have seen on the TV movies of the waves of grain. I bet it is pretty. I have never lived in someplace with wide open spaces. Even when we lived in Eastern Mass there were hills to stop the distance.

Today was hot and windy. I was glad for the wind so it would not be stagnant air.

We Bought in Chinese for supper. Not knowing whether the electric would be on we planned ahead. HOwever, C got home and had the wrong order. It was big enough to feed all of us but some items were missing and others replaced our favorites. I guess new people are running the place. Surprises.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  5:06:16 PM  Show Profile
I haven't had Chinese food in so long. I have only had it as take out. It is just what I consider "having Chinese food." What a disappointment to not have your favorites, Holly.

Gypsy, are you still doing well on your diet changes? Was it hard to stay on it while on vacation? Eating "normally" when you are away from home is almost impossible. I remember one company trip we took to Central America. We had all gotten a questionnaire prior to leaving and one question was about dietary needs. I chose to say I was vegetarian because I knew if I stuck to those dishes, I would best served for my comfort. One of the other travelers was so happy that she was able to reveal that she suffered with celiac disease. Unfortunately, the questionnaire must have been for entertainment purposes only, because no special menus or foods were offered to anyone. The other woman spent an entire day very ill due to language barriers and misidentification of food. I was just slightly miffed.

Food can make a difference in how your day goes, that's for sure.

Our day was hot and windy, too. Our thermometer hit 99. It is kind of in a hot spot, so it might be an exaggeration, though. Felt hot, for sure.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  7:00:58 PM  Show Profile
Boy, am I glad this week is over, I am beat and hurt all over. It has been busy, hot, and muggy, until today.
Yesterday was sidewalk sales, and it rained just before opening, but only rained for 1/2 hour, then the sun came back out and it got more humid than it was before. So, the sales started out slow, since nobody came downtown right away, it was wet. Then it got busy, and just before 1:00, a storm came through real fast, it got real windy and rained, blew everyone's stuff all over. There were crafters set up just down from us, and 2 of them had their canopies bend to pieces. Everyone rushed to get things indoors, I was by myself, so it was hard, but I managed, getting soaked twice. Then within 15 minutes it cleared up and the sun came back out, but the streets were bare. About an hour later, the crowds came back, but the crafters did not set back up. Most of us kept everything indoors and ran our sales that way. It worked, and was quite busy. There were power lines and poles, and trees uprooted all over the area but we did not lose power on our side of town. Today was cold out and windy, almost jacket weather, but it was a busy day in the store again, lots of tourists, and they were buying. My son will be quite pleased with the sales when he returns.
Tomorrow we are leaving for Mackinaw City, don't know if we will get to the island or not, we have to find out about bringing the dog on the ferry. There are no vehicles there, everything is still horse and buggy. It will be good to just relax and shop and listen to good music and eat outdoors in the cafes there though, hopefully the weather will be nice.
Mar, how did you learn how to make the lavender wands? Did someone show you, or did you go online? I love how they look, so neat and pretty.
Gypsy, good luck moving into your new apartment. That is a chore for sure.
Holly, You must have gotten the storm that went through here yesterday. Fast and furious. We go to a Chinese buffet restaurant here every once in awhile. We like it if we do not go too often.
I am taking my laptop with me, so I will be on here, if I have internet available. Otherwise, I will be back on Wednesday. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 20 2013 :  7:29:50 PM  Show Profile
Holly, I get all my bills online and have everything set up to auto debit so all I have to do is remember to check my bank statements which I also do online. My tenants put their rent checks directly into the account set up for that. So the only thing in my mailbox is about a million catalogs, usually.

Yes, you would sure be in a fix if all your freezers lost power too long-- that would be quite a blow. Bad storms like that are really stressful. Here the power always seems to go out at night when it's stifling hot without even a fan.

Mar, I didn't stay strictly on the diet while I was gone but did okay. Really just elimininating bread is the biggest thing. I usually could get fresh fruit for breakfast and fish for dinner. That sweet man bought a NutriBullet and had all the stuff to make smoothies for us in the room when I got there. He made sure to get rooms that had a little fridge. He is one in a million. He says it took us 50 years to find each other but it was worth it. I agree.

On the flights I didn't eat very much so I didn't feel good the first day after each all day flight. My biggest problem with traveling is I don't drink much because I don't want to constantly worry about getting to a bathroom, and that sorta messes me up.

I haven't even lined up a mover yet. Need to be sure the apt is as advertised and the carpets are clean enough to suit me. And they will paint accent walls for me at a little extra charge so I might do that. I've got lots of furniture to choose from. Biggest problem is to not crowd it up with too much stuff. And now I have to consider a man's taste and not do a girl cave like I normally would. We want to leave room in the living room to dance. So I'm thinking minimal furniture.

Mar, sounds like you had a great childhood to reflect back on. Good memories are better than gold. My dad was a cotton farmer. It's funny I don't think of Washington state being hot and dry. I would have thought wet and humid. Guess that's only along the coast?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 20 2013 7:37:21 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  09:10:01 AM  Show Profile
Holly, outages are no fun. You have a lot of freezers! I sure hop you were able to save everything. I'm sure having a house full of people and no power isn't much fun either. Are you on a well? Tat was the one thing that got us was no water. I would fill the bath tubs up as soon as I heard a storm was coming.

Janet, what a pain! Your outside sale did not sound like fun at all. I'm sure you were thankful you could just take it all inside. Your son goes away too much. Special event weekends like this are the one time he should stay home!

Gypsy, have fun decorating your new love nest. One thing I know is most men will put up with most anything as long as they have a comfy chair they can call their own. Just make it comfortable and all will be good.

Went on a drive to Mt. Hood yesterday. It looked like home and is only an hour away. I couldn't believe how clouded it was though. I almost wish I could put a little dress shop up there. I'm sure most of the visitors were from Portland. The weather was so nice. It was 75 degrees there, and hour away at home it was 99.

I saw the "Lone Ranger" last night too. I loved it. Especially when they did the Lone Ranger theme song during the dramatic part at the end. It was a typical western though. Some pretty bad bad guys.

Mar, I'm up to 35 items and almost finished 36 yesterday before heading off.

Later all! Have a peaceful Sunday.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  09:12:11 AM  Show Profile
I meant Mt. hood was crowded. Not clouded. Stupid spell checker. And holly, I hope not hop.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  12:07:42 PM  Show Profile
Jan, I did just go online and watched a you tube video to find out about the lavendar wands. It really isn't difficult at all. Keep us posted on Mackinaw! I think the horse and buggy clip-clop would be such fun to hear all around you.

Bunny, I love it. Gypsy has a "Love Nest." Now she gets to feather it. Mt. Hood sounds like it would be a good place for your items. Any chance someone would do a commission-based feature of you items in their shop?

Gypsy, I agree with Bunny. Make sure B has his very own comfy chair and you are golden. The rest of the decor is yours to do as you wish!

I headed out early this morning and got the watering done. Also did some weeding. Whee! of course, there was the usual. Horsie fly masks and fly spray and obligatory candy cane for standing so nicely through that sort of torture. Then, yellow dog has to run like an idiot after a slobber-covered tennis ball. Sheer magic. Actually, it is a part of my day that I enjoy. Just more some days than others. Guess which kind of day today was!

Have a nice day, all
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