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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 07:14:36 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:36:36 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 07:24:30 AM
Janie, Happy Belated Birthday. Glad you did enjoy it, even if you were alone. We are looking for a motorhome right now, a good used one, and plan on travelling the country next year. We were going to go this winter, but time is getting too close, so we will wait until next winter, but if we can find one soon, we will go here and there for the winter. It will take us a year to sell everything we are not taking with us. Holly, no, we do not have air conditioning. Our season is too short, and some summers we do not even need the fans. The 150th birthday bash is now over, yesterday they buried a time capsule. A local funeral home donated a vault that is weather proof to bury 20 items in it to be opened in 2113. We will not be here to see it, but will be something for the ones that are to see. There were a lot of people in our small town for these past 10 days, it did help the motels and restaurants, but my son did not make any more money than he usually does in the summer. If anything, it was worse. This Friday is sidewalk sales, so he is hoping for a good day to catch up for the month. We are in for a hot spell this week and rain except for today. It is already 80 degrees and the humidity is very high. I am thinking of going down to the beach for a swim, not sure yet if I want to go out in this heat. Have a wonderful day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 07:30:29 AM
Gypsy, we must have been posting at the same time. I am so glad you had such a wonderful time, and Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!!!! When will you both be together again? Is there marriage in the near future at all? I know you said it was quite complicated. Looking forward to pictures. Glad you are back with us, we missed you.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 09:12:31 AM
Gypsy welcome home. I'm so glad your trip was so wonderful. You deserve it. I sure hope you two can figure out a way to be together that fits your lifestyles. Glad to have you home though.
Holly, glad the two little boys are getting a chance to socialize. Their lives have changed so much for the better. I'm sure Talie will get over the losses. Losing sometimes is good to keep everyone on their toes.
Janie, happy birthday! Sometimes you just have to treat yourself. I love the thought of an RV. I just don't have the income to pull it off as yet. I keep thinking positive thought my sewing will take off. Then of course there is the fact that I have 4 cats that I love dearly. I don't think RV life would agree with them. Just driving or pulling an RV scares me.
I'm looking for a phone call this week for a job interview at the college. I figured they asked me to apply so an interview is in line. If they hold to their usual schedule I should hear something Wednesday or Thursday. Otherwise, it's back to the sewing room. I only have 69 more outfits to sew to get to 100 items. I did email the lady that is doing so well asking for advise. It will be interesting if I hear back. Some people don't like competition. She may get her panties in a knot. I hope not. I did open my email with how much she inspired me with her creativity.
Anyway, off to the basement!
Gypsy, so glad you are back. Now if we can just get Some of our other missing farmgirls back....Darlys, Nancy....lurkers.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 4:46:06 PM
Janie, I am so glad to hear you had such a fun time on your birthday. Sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday on your special day.
Jan, fireworks, swimming at the beach ... you sure are having an All American Summer! I hope your son kicks butt on the Friday sidewalk sale.
Bunny, sounds like the middle of your week will be getting busy with the interview. How many pieces are you able to finish in an average week? It seems like you are really cranking these items out. Like you might reach your 100 items in about six to eight weeks...
Gypsy, so glad to hear from you. Sounds like your visit was everything you had hoped for. Looking forward to seeing the photos. The pub sounds like it was a very fun atmosphere. Very not American!
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 5:03:07 PM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
Happy Belated Birthday Janiee! I don't even know where my list of birthdays is these days or if it's even current but I am happy you had a wonderful time by yourself. I'm not sure I could do that, so I admire you for it!
Welcome home Gypsy! It sounds like you had a wonderful time and were thoroughly welcomed into a new family! I do hope things work out for you and B. Please share pics if you can. I have heard so much about Banff and Lake Louise, I would love to see them.
Bunny, I LOVE those outfits. Did you use a table cloth on the last two? I think that is so adorable. I like the idea about you taking the pics on the garage too, it adds a roughness to it that is quirky and liked. So far what I saw that I would maybe improve on your site, and remember, it's just my opinion, are these things.
1.First your name should state what you sell so it's recognized instantly, or, if you don't want to change the name or can't (I'm not sure you can on Etsy) have something in your title below the name say something about your clothes. Your competitor says in her title "Eco Upcycled Clothing for Casual Living". You need something like that too. Her stores name means darling cute girl in French. I wouldn't go naming anything in another language unless your customers are worldly, but it seems to work for her. So find a catchy title and put under your name. As an example, I think on Dew Hop I say "Natural Treats for Small Animals" so people know they are natural and what they are for.
2. In your description you say Defiantly when I think you mean Definitely. Big difference in meaning.
3. In your description you tell us about yourself, which is good for the about you section, but for the description of your shop, describe your clothes as she does. Your focus is always on your clothes, not you. I noticed she asks for their email address so she can send updates to them about her sales, discouts, free shipping weekends, coupons, and give aways. You want to be able to get to your customers this way too.
4. She has them follow her on facebook, twitter, and pinterest. In this day and age, it's all about marketing on line. I'm pretty sure she has help doing all this because you can't sew that much and be on the computer 24/7 yet that is what you need to do. I noticed on pinterest the other day that even MJF puts a picture of the day up to remind us of her. Maybe you could do that at least.
5. In my days in school I learned two things as being most important. One was location, location, location, and the other was advertise, advertise, advertise. If you aren't sewing you need to be on line advertising yourself. I know years ago when I sold over 100 items a week on line and when ebay first came to be, I had in my email signature links to our towns blueberry festival besides my website and it helped turn our festival into a week long event from a one and 1/2 day event. My point being, every thing you put out on line make sure it has your website link.
6. On her about page it is immediately photos of her items or her farm. Again, advertise what you are selling, not yourself. Be sure every thing you say is positive, even if you have to stretch it. Today I redid my resume and I used words like Career Summary and Achievements instead of Experience. I want them to know what I have done that I am proud of and what I can do, not just what I have to do at a job.
On Etsy you need followers, or admirers. Go through the list of people who like her site and start liking their sites. They will probably automatically respond and like your site and in turn, maybe buy from you. She has also taken the time to go through Etsy and find lots of items she loves (3135) while you have 0. I noticed she has 10,196 admirers. How many do you have? Go through her list and start like them and see how many respond to you.
The bottom line is, it's going to take you awhile of constantly being on Etsy and seeing other people, connecting to other people, along with setting up a Facebook page, a Twitter page, and Pinterest page and then get in the habit of going to each one first thing in the day and post something, new item, a positive saying, something to get people to remember you, see you, and start following you. Also, remember Etsy has an area to help you learn how to sell on there and I recommend you spend a day reading through it.
Personally I think computers and the internet have added a lot of stress and work to our lives but since it's here, it's also allowed so many opportunities for us to sell to others we wouldn't be able to do in a brick shop. In my case for example, who would have thought people would pay me $3.00 - $5.00 for sticks, pine cones, dowels soaked in juice, and dried fruit all because of bunnies! And while I don't listen to my own advice right now, I have sold over 400 items over the years. I mean, if you can sell sticks to someone, cute clothes should be easy!
Ok, I really really hope you take it all constructively and not any other way. If I could, I would dive in and help you so much Bunny but with David unemployed and always ill these days, my marriage in the tanker, my daughter barely speaking to me, I am so stressed I would like to drive off the end of the world about now!
I have been reading the book Gypsy and Holly recommended to me about my marriage and it makes so much sense. And I now clearly see I have spent 30 years being emotionally abused by a text book case passive aggressive male and for these reasons I am trying to find a full time job so I can get out! I'm kidding myself thinking it will change. Too bad we live on opposites sides of the Country, I'd say lets become roommates! But I don't care to move to CA, sorry.
Love to all of you.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 5:57:46 PM
Ginny, thanks for all the input. I'll take it to heart and see what changes I can make. I'm afraid Maine is a little too far away for me too. I would be too far away from my kids.
I hope you can find a job. I would be so much happier if I could just make a living sewing and living in an RV parked in a national forest somewhere. It's a dream.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 7:00:52 PM
Ginny, you gave Bunny lots of real good advice that I think I will also take into consideration. I find that I tire out so fast when I try to list things or do my blog. I have not touched my blog in over a year because it just seems to overwhelm me trying to figure things out. I need to do something though, I have so much stuff that I do need to get rid of before we move. Bunny, sending good vibes your way for an interview very soon. Marianne, I am sure you are busy trying to keep your house in tip top condition for showings. That can be very stressful too. Holly, sounds like the boys are doing well and enjoying their summer sports. Gypsy, hope you are getting some rest and recouping after all that hiking. Sounds wonderful though. Janie, I hope that your mom's house and things will be behind you soon, and you can start relaxing more and doing things for you. That is stressful also. I did not go to the beach, the humidity was way too high, I just stayed in the house and knitted where it was cooler. It is supposed to be hotter tomorrow with a chance of rain, by the weekend, back in the low 70s, which is a lot more pleasant. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 7:03:26 PM
Good evening everyone,
A very lovely hot day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high seventies low eighties with a low humidity level. I took four of the children to the state park to go swimming. We spent the afternoon in the lake. This area has a long way in the water before it gets deep so even though the littles had their life jackets on I did not need to worry about them going to fast over their heads.
Janiee I am glad you had a good birthday and that you are on speaking terms with your sister...... for now.
Gypsy I am glad you made it back safely and in good spirits. It is so nice that your birthday exceeded your expectations and that your romance is proceeding despite the separation by distance.
Bunny's post about her cats reminded me of a story that was told at my friends' remembrance this past weekend. When they were moving from Maryland to Vermont (11 hours back then) they had 17 cats to move. So, they rented an RV from some man. Loaded the RV with the cats and three people. Closed the door and told the women not to open it until they were in Vermont. Some of the cats yowled a good distance. One howled almost all of the way. One woman asked Janet if she had bothered to tell the owner that they were moving cats in his RV, Why, no she replied he did not ask. They lowered the window a bit to put in the people's food. When they arrived in Vermont the plan was to carefully carry each cat into the house to settle it in. The action was they opened the door to the RV and let the cats get themselves out. Yes, the friends and relatives who helped move the cats were still talking to them after the event.
Ginny I am rooting for you. If there is anything I can do from 8 hours away let me know.
Jan is the water frigid or pleasant. My brother is looking online to buy a used RV. He wants a really big one it seems. Although each time he saves up enough money he goes online and his desires are more than his pocket book. Good luck to you in finding the right home.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 8:20:30 PM
OK, am I crazy or weren't we just on page 90? How did we get "back" to page 55? Am I dreaming? Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 8:33:27 PM
Oh Mar, I am so happy someone besides me wondered where all the pages went!
Bunny, here is a link on Etsy that might help you. After my major list to you, I decided to check out my shop stats, customer stats, and do searches for common words and edit a lot. Then I came across this. Hope it helps both you and Janet! I'm too tired now to read it. Thanks Holly! I will let you know. Just keep rooting for me please!
Night all,
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 9:14:26 PM
Something definitely up with this thread. I just lost my post. Well, darn, and it was so clever!
I'm pretty sure we were on page 90. The gremlins are back.
Love you gals. I'll try again tomorrow.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2013 : 11:09:01 AM
Well, thank goodness, you all noticed the same thing. I am hoping some pages just got deleted when the website was backed up??? It is strange. Gremlins, indeed.
Ginny, it is wonderful to hear you take a strong stand for yourself. We are all here to lend an ear when you need it. Demand the life you deserve.
Holly, that must have been a crazy trip in that RV. When we moved from KS to WA. I drove the Suburban with the two labs and our daughter. Dh drove the pick-up that was pulling the horse trailer and had the cat in a kennel up front with him. I offered to attempt to have the dogs and the cat together with me. The dogs were terrified of this little calico cat. And it just wouldn't work. So, Dh took the cat. I should let you know that the calico was an outside only cat because Dh is terribly allergic to cats. But, Dh is a terrific animal lover and couldn't stand to hear the cat yowl and complain about being in her kennel. So he let her out and she settled right on his lap and brushed his face with her tail for the entire trip. We had walkie talkies to talk back and forth between the two cars and Dh was getting harder and harder to understand. It was very apparent why when we stopped. His eyes were watering, face swollen, throat scratchy. In a word, he was miserable. At that point, there was so much cat dander in his truck there was no reason to remove the cat ... It was only a 26 hour drive or something like that. He is a trooper. The cat was pretty angry about everything to do with the trip. Doesn't that just figure? Dh would have probably died in that RV!
Hope everyone is having a lovely day. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2013 : 8:34:12 PM
Good evening girlfriends,
I will try to get this posted before it disappears into cyberspace
I enjoyed the cat stories. I wonder how that RV smelled after all those felines vacated it. B is a good writer and he was writing me tonight about someone we will call D and her dogs. I will copy and paste that in another post for your amusement.
Ginny, that was some really good info you posted--I've been trying to get going on an ETSY site myself. Could you please find time to come down here and give me a jump-start kick in the butt so I will stop procrastinating.
On the plane I sat next to a woman from Dallas who told me about a writer named Jannet Wallis I think. I'm going to post this and check it for sure since we are always looking for a good read. Back in a minute.
Here it is: Jeannette Walls is the author and the book is The Glass Castle. I've read the first few pages and I'll like it
Here is what B says about D's dogs:
"Every two weeks she has a dog therapist come in to rub down her decrepit old dog who should have been put to sleep two years ago. The dog has no life. Her legs are gone and her fur is molting off. The floor in the kitchen is hardwood and the poor wee dog can't get a grip with her feet so her legs splay out from under her all the time and she can hardly move at all. After the rub down therapy she revives a little bit then lapses back into her infirm condition. The dog was never walked or looked after properly she has two dogs so its twice the misery. "
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
s |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 16 2013 8:50:25 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2013 : 8:57:47 PM
I also wanted to share this with you
You know how the Brits love their tea. B is no exception. He has his Earl Grey several times a day, including bedtime. Well, I've been drinking tea right along with him and find my tummy problems go away and I am more relaxed and sleep better, even though there is caffeine in the tea, and I am cheating on my diet. When I commented on this, he said it was the bergamot in the (earl grey) tea. I googled bergamot and sure enough, it cures all kinds of ailments. Absolutely amazing, so if you wanted to google it for yourselves or just drink the tea and see if it helps. By the way, its best with 2 lumps of sugar and a little cream.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 16 2013 9:04:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2013 : 9:15:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by doll58maker
I also wanted to share this with you
You know how the Brits love their tea. B is no exception. He has his Earl Grey several times a day, including bedtime. Well, I've been drinking tea right along with him and find my tummy problems go away and I am more relaxed and sleep better, even though there is caffeine in the tea, and I am cheating on my diet. When I commented on this, he said it was the bergamot in the (earl grey) tea. I googled bergamot and sure enough, it cures all kinds of ailments. Absolutely amazing, so if you wanted to google it for yourselves or just drink the tea and see if it helps. By the way, its best with 2 lumps of sugar and a little cream.
Speaking of food, I'm going to have my favorite snack now, organic strawberries dipped in Nutella , then I'm going to hit the sack.  hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 16 2013 : 9:21:37 PM
Now what? This thread is scrEwed up
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 05:10:58 AM
Good morning everyone,
I thought I had lost a bit of memory when the board went from 90 down to 50s. Then I thought maybe someone went in and removed pictures. Well,I for one and not willing to go back and read past posts to what is now missing. Oh, wouldn't that be a memory test.
I laughed at dh's kindness to the cat and to think the cat did not care a whit for your dh, just herself.
Well, I think my refrigerator is in for a replacement. The metal skin in the back behind the drawers has a slit in it. It is building up frost on the inside and is not keeping the milk cold enough for it to taste good. Jim, our appliance man is coming this morning to tell me the prognosis. This frig is not that old a couple of years maybe.
There is a decaffeinated Earl Gray on the market. I used to drink it regularly. I do not drink tea much anymore. Years ago I used to give the boys tea and cookies when they came home from school to fill their bellies and give us time to talk. I guess it helped the transition from school to home as well. It must have been the herb Gypsy spoke of.
A hot day here in the Greens. The newspaper says that the hay season has not been a good one with missing the first cutting and the quality is poor. I am glad my hay is in. I hope the quality is good enough for cows. I guess if it is not and I do not have a clue how to tell, I will feed more grain.
It just dawned on me Ginny, that there is a woman here in Vermont who sells small boxes of timothy to pet stores in the city may online I do not know for $7 a box. The news story I heard a couple of months ago said she sells to people who own hamsters and for Easter baskets. She sits and picks the timothy away from the other pieces of grass. I think she has a couple of people who sit and pick the timothy away from the other grass. Marketing is the name of the game. You are right.
Have a good day.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 05:59:27 AM
hello everyone! i am still in the waiting period for the barcoding system at work to take off. found out yesterday that the very expensive bar code scanner my big boss bought for me isn't what i need to implement the system. sigh. so now i am waiting on technology to come out and install the cheaper one to get to work. and Holly, thank you so much for the book and birthday card! i was so surprised to receive them! i really needed a good laugh yesterday when i got home and that card was it....i laughed until my sides hurt (a good hurt) thank you so much for thinking of me. and the quilt book is lovely, i spent the rest of the night looking at it. not much else going sister is still dragging her feet with clearing out the stuff from mom's house so "nice janie" is almost gone and the "real" janie is starting to come out. the brothers are starting to get jealous of what mom left to zac (one of the grandsons) and making ugly comments but i look at this way. it is her stuff and if that is what and who she wanted to have it, by golly they are going to have it. one of the brothers also has a son but because his dad didn't pay child support the son didn't show up or talk to mom for over 5 years so naturally she isn't going to leave him a bunch of stuff and if she had, he would be getting that. sigh. oh well, got to go back to work, you all have a lovely day! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 08:06:34 AM
That may be what happened, Holly, someone removed pictures, but, still, 40 pages? I do go back and remove pictures myself. When you consider the number of " lurkers" we have compared to the ones who post, and all our conversations are really meant for each other, it is tempting to go back and erase. I still think you should only be allowed to read if you are a paid subscriber but somehow MJ has not asked for my opinion.
Janiee, I know you will be glad when that is all over with. It's interesting, this sense of entitlement people have just because they are related. I figure if someone wants me to have something they will convey it to me, otherwise it's their stuff to do with what they will.
We are getting a respite from the dreadful heat-- three days cool and overcast and gentle rain. In July, no less--can't ask for better than that. The birds and wildlife will be so happy. It's been so hot and dry my pasture has completely died and I have 20 or so crepe myrtles along the ridge that were turning brown when they should be in full bloom, so maybe this rain will bring them back. I do not water any more so everything here must survive on rainfall. My fig tree is a survivor, just loaded with beautiful figs. It came from a cutting of my mother's fig tree, which came from a cutting from her mother, who lived in the old home place from the early days. Mine is at least 4th generation, maybe fifth. I don't know how long the trees live, but I suppose you can keep taking cuttings forever.
The rainy days make me lazy but I need to revive myself and do some chores, like go to the post office and take the garbage to the dump. I got food yesterday so its tempting to just hole up and read for a few days
Has anybody tried the nutribullet? I got one and it is a great way to get all your servings of fruits and veggies and nuts in a glass. Tasty, too.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 08:19:03 AM
Another point about sales is that you are going to sell a lot more items in the low (few dollar) range than the pricey things. People won't think twice about spending under 20 dollars but over that they might. I got all revved up about wire wrapping jewelry to sell online because its small, inexpensive and easy to ship. It's in my idea file with all the other million things I think I might do.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2013 08:22:46 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 10:09:04 AM
I still see pictures on our posts. I think there are more comments per page now. That's why there aren't as many pages as before.
Gypsy, earl grey has always been my favorite and Nutella and strawberries.....oh yeah. Had some last night as a before bed treat.. We are totally on the same page there. My grandmother was British and we always had tea and cookies in the afternoon.
I had one down day sewing. Just couldn't get the creative juices flowing. So I spent a day being lazy and doing nothing. Yesterday was much more productive. I try to post pictures from my IPad but they always turn out sideways for some reason. my fibro or whatever I have was really bad yesterday and I was done at 3pm and had to head for bed.
I'm thinking it was the weather. It has been hot, but it was very cloudy yesterday and even rained last night. All clear today so hopefully I'm back to normal.
Janie, sounds like the real Janie needs to come out and kick some behind. What a pain to have to deal with greedy family. My mom isn't leaving anyone anything. My two sisters are always asking her for her stuff anyway. Every time she says she is cleaning out a closet or her clutter, they both start asking. I told her I didn't want anything. I have enough stuff of my own. She told me her attorney will handle everything anyway. Funny thing is, she doesn't have any money. I don't know too many attorneys that will handle probate and an estate with no value or possibility of being paid. But she assures me they have to because its in her will.
Hopefully I'll be long gone and in California when the time comes. I know she will move in with my sister in Utah when I move out.
Anyway, it's hot and the basement is calling me. Only 70 more items to go!
By the way Ginny, I did make some changes to my site and joined some Etsy teams. I also emailed the lady that is doing so well asking for advise. She emailed me back and said she would work on it and get back to me. I'm interested in what she will tell me. Over 3000 sales in 3 years, she did something right.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 1:42:11 PM
Bunny I think that people are starting to think of winter holidays. If you could come up with something that is easy to make and ship that someone would find irresistible for a stocking it would go fast. if you market it right.
Tonight I will go to T's basketball game for 8.
Temperatures in the low eighties and sunny. There is a nice breeze as well.
Hot dogs for supper. Easy and not to heat intensive.
Have a good evening.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 6:11:14 PM
Hard to imagine thinking about Christmas already but it's true. I have about a million chores to do but I started reading that book and could not put it down. If it had been fiction I would have thought the story too much of a stretch to be believable, but its her biography. I didn't even get all the unpacking and laundry done today.
Hope everybody had a great day.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 17 2013 : 7:14:01 PM
I worked today, and will be for the rest of the week, my son's dad had an accident and broke his back, 5 ribs and sternum. He was transported from his Wisconsin home to Rochester Mn. which is over 400 miles from us. He had surgery yesterday, and no spinal cord injuries, but he was told that he may be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. They will not know until time passes more. My son left this morning and drove all that way alone. Friday is sidewalk sales, so I am going to have one heck of a time trying to be indoors and out at the same time, plus all that hauling things outside. I will have to start at 6 a.m.!!! LOL!!! It got to 96 degrees today with the dew point at 74, which is very high. If it is over 60 here, it is very humid. I am so warm, no ac here, or in the store. I do hope it rains tomorrow like they are saying. We are not used to this heat here. Just heard on the news that a small child was missing down at the lake since 3:30 this afternoon. We saw the fire truck, ambulance, sheriff, coast guard all go down there. A little while ago there was a helicopter hovering over the lake, so we took a ride down there and most of the roads were blocked off and the helicopter was still searching the waters. Now it is dark, so don't know what is going on. Seems every year someone drowns down there. They go swimming way further than the beach is, with no life guards or boundaries. I do not think there should be any swimming allowed anywhere except where the beach is. Just on the news, they pulled the body of a 14 year old boy out of the water just a few minutes ago. Oh, how tragic. Now it is really going to be hard to sleep, between this and the heat. Enough ranting and whining from me now. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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