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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  5:51:34 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a very lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the seventies,low humidity and sunshine all day.
The crews must still be cleaning up from that wind burst we had on Friday because the power was out a couple of times for short periods. Like at the end of my bread cooking. There are still a lot of tree branches on the side of the roads. We lost several large branches and some large trees tipped over in the woods.

We celebrated two birthdays today. R turned thirty yesterday. He was so excited. He does have some learning issues so birthdays are still a good deal for him. He came today and we did the party and played Flinch, his favorite card game.
We also celebrated K's seventeenth birthday. For the last week or two she has been saying she did not want a birthday. She did not want anyone to come. Birthdays are ridiculous. She has gone on and on and on. Today she starts in early in the morning, could she open her presents now. She could just open her presents, now. Finally, we had lunch and then it was present time. R did his first. He was happy. He received everything he asked for. Mostly cds with pretty women on the front cover. Then K opens hers. A camera so she can take pictures for her blog. A cookie cook book because she loves to make cookies. A pair of shoes that look like sneakers but are high heels inside. Her last present was a Pandora bracelet. She has coveted one for a year or so now. C went to see her father in Cleveland and he gave her the name of a jeweler he has done business with over the years. He gave her a deal. C paid for the charms and the bracelet part was not paid for. She had a bright smile.

I picked enough beans to freeze for two meals. and a snack pack of blueberries to freeze. Not much but they are not going to waste. I should get my butt out to the field to pick some more berries while they are in season.

We have a spring that gravity feeds to a holding tank in the downstairs. The tank is 350 gallons so it is like a very big bath tub. Very cold.

I am glad Jan that sales went well for you and your son. It will be some good news after dealing with his sick father.

Mar do you have to deal with Bot flies on the horses? Horse flies are bad enough. The Bot flies lay eggs inside the horses legs and then a worm grows under the skin. I guess it is nasty. When we had horses we did not have the problem but some people we know did.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  7:48:55 PM  Show Profile
We don't have any problem with bot flies here, but I remember them from NY. I don't remember if we had them in KS. The amount of ticks in KS kind of made everything pale in comparison.

Please convey happy birthday wishes to the kids. Especially K. I think a Pandora bracelet is something she will treasure for the rest of her life and very meaningful to her at this age. It shows she is an adult in your eyes to be trusted to care for such a lovely item so that she can enjoy it forever. Was she pleased with the charms that C chose?

Blueberries take too much time, as do raspberries. I don't think I will be making raspberry jelly this year. Last year I made so much we still have some and this year's crop is not as heavy. Thank goodness!

We watched Bar Rescue tonight. It was entertaining, but it just makes you wonder about people, too!
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Jul 21 2013 :  11:15:38 PM  Show Profile
No chair. They just go to sleep when you do that. A comfy couch where he has to sit and snuggle with me. I'm not sure if I'm even going to let him have a king size bed, I don't want him that far away. Would you believe the man does not snore? But I do. He says I'm a one man band over there. Every sound you can think of. I don't ask him to explain that.

Mar, I've never had horses. Sounds like you really have to love them because they are a mountain of work Certainly such beautiful creatures, though. I assume you ride?

Holly I'm glad you are getting some nice weather since it seems your summers are short. I lived in north Georgia for a while and I loved picking the wild berries and making jam and jelly. The house smelled heavenly. We also went to the local orchards and picked apples and blueberries. I made the best apple jelly,apple butter,
Fried pies, cobblers, now I'm remembering why I gained so much weight. They had English toasting bread in the stores and I came up with a grits recipe that had hot sausage, garlic and cheese in it, and it was soooo good with the apple jelly spread on that thick toasted bread. We had it every week. I love sweet and savory together.

Did you see in the last MJ magazine that the apples we buy at the stores are already a year old?!! That is shocking. No wonder they often taste like cardboard.

Bunny it would take me a year to accomplish what you have done in a month.
Are you done with school or is there another round? I'm sure you've answered but I can't remember.

Well, I don't want to go back a page so will say good night.

You know, when someone comes on here and posts real regularly, and becomes one of the sisterhood, then they just leave without saying a word, I feel like I've been unceremoniously dumped. Does anyone else feel that way, or is it just me?

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 21 2013 11:21:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2013 :  09:31:08 AM  Show Profile
Holly, sounds like your birthday celebrations were wonderful. Your spring sounds like quite a boon. To have a good water supply stashed away is the dream of any farmer.

Gypsy, I am pretty much done with school. I have two more classes I need for my AA but I found out I doing qualify for financial aid anymore because I have too many credits and they feel I should have had a degree by now. Of course most of them were from 37 years ago. If I hadn't asked the current college to accept them I would have been ok. It looks like I can go see an advisor and maybe get an extension. Just have to do it. It means I have to drive an hour and a half to Portland and I'm trying to save my money as I have no income. If I get a job at the college here, I can take two classes a quarter free. So I'm hoping for that.

I know how you feel about being dumped. There are a few vacancies in our numbers.

I got two more outfits done yesterday. It is so hard to keep sewing when I'm not selling anything. I have to just keep the faith and keep working at it.

Later all. Enjoy the nice weather.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 22 2013 :  3:44:07 PM  Show Profile
It would be nice to know that the farmgirls have just found someplace they feel more comfortable. I remember Patty (byrdhaus) used to post often. Then she started her coffee truck and said she couldn't keep up and she was only going to post on the "Porch" thread. That was a cool way to leave. No hard feelings, no wondering. . .

Bunny, I don't blame you for feeling like you could use the boost of a big fat check for some of your sewing! But, great job filling your shop.

I have about nine lavendar wands hanging in our closet. When I am working on them the entire house smells wonderful. Dh really enjoys it, too, which makes me happy. I am interested to see how much the wands shrink as the lavendar dries.

My tomatoes are starting to yellow! Such an exciting time for a gardener. This morning when I was out in the yard an ATV came down our driveway. It wasn't anyone I recognized, but found out it was a "neighbor" from a ways away. He was out on our neighbor to the east's land looking for a cow and a calf that had been living out there. He reported that he had found a camp where someone had been staying. Kind of interesting. Glad it isn't on our land, but we don't have enough land that that could happen without us knowing.

Have a good day!
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 22 2013 :  5:52:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today K and I took the littles on a hike up Mount Elmore. the map says that it is 1 1/4 miles from the parking lot to the fire tower. We had to be home by a certain time to we hiked 1 1/2 hours and then sat on the side of the trail and ate lunch then went back down. The boys all had a good time and are looking to go again and make it all the way to the tower.

In the afternoon a neighbor came zooming up the hill to ask if we had 6 red pigs. We do I zoomed down with her and she let me out. Another neighbor was keeping track of them. I walked into the woods and called them. They followed me up the hill through the woods until we were almost home. Then they started to run down the hill. I was so glad that J and Ross had joined me then to turn the pigs around and finish the jaunt home.
Last year the pigs did not get out at all. This year I think the count might be up to eight escapes. All in different places. I thought the pen was secure. I fixed this new hole they made. They are shut in the barn for tonight. I told C that she needed to bring home some more pallets so we could fortify the entire pen against escapes.

I am tired.

Mar, I wonder what the rights of the squatters and land owners are out your way. Here if a landowner posts her property and registers it as posted with the town clerk then they have legal standing to keep off trespassers. Otherwise people can use the property within reason, like hiking or hunting.

I hope the job comes through soon at the college Bunny. It would be such a worry put to rest.
I think it is odd that financial aid would be determined by credit count. I hope they reconsider.

I like some of the new people who stop by. It seems Iike I am just getting to know them and they disappear. Maybe we are supposed to be talking about just over 50 concerns, but what would those be besides menopause, aching joints and losing our minds? I am glad for all of you.

K has a purple sparkling bead, a black sparkling bead and a silver sparkling bead. She thinks they are all fabulous. Her favorite colors are purple and black. She has worn the bracelet all the time except to muck out the stalls. She does not want the cow to poo on her arm and get the bracelet dirty. I did not know she ever got that close to that end of the cow.

I agree about the king sized bed we inherited one and I so much prefer the queen we used to have. I like to be able to touch the person I am sleeping with the whole night. A king is just too big.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2013 :  7:20:08 PM  Show Profile
Good evening one and all,

I checked out the apartment today and it was everything they promised. Pretty nice for an apartment. I got an end unit so there is a little fenced side yard for the fur babies. One big pain about apartment living is having to walk the dogs on a leash. Now when it is cold or raining, or during those times when they decide they have to go in the middle of the night I can open the door and let them go. They gave me new carpet and new padding in the bedrooms and the other floors are a wood type laminate which I like. And a very nice kitchen. So I'm happy with it. I don't even have to change a light bulb. I met the upstairs neighbor and she is a nice young woman. She and her parents were there while I was in my apartment and there was no noise at all. And no sign of any smokers anywhere. So maybe I got it right this time.

I will be 5-10 minutes from the grocery, theater, many restaurants, and my favorite stores, Barnes and Noble, Chico's, pottery Barn, and many others. So, soon the gypsy trailer will be a pleasant memory and the country house will go back to being a weekend pleasure instead of a full time worry. I'm not a farm girl any more but I will try to entertain you gals with my city antics. I'm going to sign up for ballroom dance class starting in August so maybe some fun times ahead. Also, just in case, there is a new 24hour emergency clinic not more than 5 minutes from the apartment so my kids won't have to worry about me. It doesn't make one bit of difference when your time comes but they need the peace of mind I guess. There are several golf courses and lots of places to take various art lessons so maybe that will get the creative juices flowing again.

I really enjoy reading about all the different places you gals write about-- just the few of us represent so many different parts of the country. I love reading about Hollys green mountains, Mar's horse farm and her gardens, Janet's Michigan ice berg( just kidding, Jan), and all the other parts of the country. Hoping our Ginny will pop on again soon and let us know what's going on in her neck of the woods. Bunny I am hoping for some good news from you this week too. You just have to trust that things will turn out okay.

I haven't forgotten about the pictures of Canada, I got them loaded onto my old computer but can't get it to work right but hopefully will have some to post later this week.
Holly, you have got some smart pigs, there. Or at least determined. They must have heard they are headed for the freezer so they are trying to escape hopefully to some vegetarians.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 22 2013 :  8:47:43 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:48:25 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2013 :  03:36:35 AM  Show Profile
Holly, I am with you about the bed size. I think one of the most rewarding parts of my day is being able to crawl in bed with my love at the end of it. I don't want a vast expanse of sheet between us either.

Pigs are really smart, aren't they? You have an especially talented group this year, Holly. Maybe you need to start offering marshmallows to coerce them back to their pen. Worked for us with the neighbor's pigs! It is nice to hear your neighbors are looking out for your best concern.

Gypsy, a 24 hour emergency clinic is a nice thing to have close, especially if it quiets the kids' concerns. Sounds like the only reason you would need it would be to treat a twisted ankle from all the dancing! And what is this nonsense about not being a farmgirl any longer. Born and bred, girlfriend, you can't escape it! Oh and you can forget that City Girls playing nice malarky, too. We know better. We like your spots, don't change them! Wait a minute that's a leopard and you are definitely a bit of a cougar! ;)

Bunny, still keeping the good vibes heading your way for the college interview ... wish they would get a move on and hire you already.

Today, we have a friend coming by to take our excess diesel and also the diesel tank. We inherited it and have not used it so the fuel is really old and he can use it to burn. It will be nice to have the fuel tank gone... And I just enjoy this guy. He reminds me of my dad so much. A really big guy, very gentle, jovial, comfortable to be around. It will be a pleasure to be able to spend some time catching up with him. We haven't seen him in a few months.

I wonder about Darlys and Nancy, too. They were two of the main posters when I joined the forum and they were on almost daily. It seems like Darlys was getting busy, but I thought it might settle down by now.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 23 2013 :  7:14:11 PM  Show Profile
I think the HR person at the college is on vacation. I called twice today and got her voice mail. I didn't leave a message because I left one yesterday. Didn't want to seem a pest. Advertise job openings and then go on vacation... How nice. At least that's what I hope is the reason I'm not getting a call back.

I did get a pet sitting job today. I'll be able to fill my truck with diesel. I have another one in August. That will be enough to pay bills for a month. If the kids sewing class goes, I'll hopefully have enough for another month. That should keep me paid up to October. Sigh....I really need a job. A decent one of course.

I decided to sew a purse today. Took longer than I had planned. I'm still not done. I should stick to clothes.

Holly, glad you got your pigs back. What kind of fencing do you use? I had a very large dog that could dig out of his dog run. I used horse fencing with metal fence poles. I then took chicken wire and cut it half way to the center where it would hit the fence poles and laid it on the ground and pulled it into the fenced in area with the cuts going around the fence poles. I then used tent stakes to secure it into place. That way when he started to dig, he actually pulled the chicken wire tighter against the fence posts and couldn't get out.

Gypsy, your apartment sounds just right for you. I hope you have a place to create. I'm sure after you both get comfortable you will want time to go off and do your own things now and then.
I believe you have some hats to make?? I remember that was what you wanted to make from that fabric you bought from me. I bet a few cute sun visors worn golfing and you could probably make a few sales.

It was 100 degrees today. I'm so done with the heat.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 23 2013 :  8:54:46 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:49:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 23 2013 :  8:56:07 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, the golf sun visors is a great idea.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  08:34:00 AM  Show Profile
I'm so excited!! I sold my first dress! It was to a friend I haven't heard from in years. She found me on Facebook.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  2:19:44 PM  Show Profile
Yea, bunny. Which one did she take?

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  3:34:24 PM  Show Profile
Need to catch up on more of the posts.

Janet~ sorry to hear of the drowning and you son's dad's accident. Hope all is well at the store.

I have been so busy getting everything done for my dad and all the changes for moving him to another state. Insurance, SS etc. It has been a real learning experience. He went today to get his will done. That should be all finished in a couple of weeks.

Always something to do. I haven't touched anything in my etsy shop in ages. Haven't had time to make or list anything.

I hope everyone is staying cool this summer. This the first day we have had decent temps so I all the windows.

Will try and get caught up here. Have a good evening all!

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  4:34:43 PM  Show Profile
Gypsy, it was one I had just posted a few days ago. White blouse top with a upcycled table cloth and some colorful blouse scraps. I sewed some buttons on to add a little accent.

I spend the good part of the morning working on my titles and descriptions. Still have some work to do but I'm seeing over 100 views a day. Now to see some money appearing from all this work.

Still no news from the college and I get voice mail when I call the HR department. But someone is there because they posted a new job today. I'm not qualified for it but someone put it on the website. Sure wish I knew what is going on! I emailed my librarian friend to see is she knows anything.

100 degrees here today. My mom has the AC cranked so high, I'm freezing.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  5:09:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

It is the start of Zucchini season her in the Green Mountains. Yesterday, I found one that was about a foot long. I had checked the patch the day before and had not seen any of any appreciable size so I was surprised. I have a Zucchini and Carrot cook book that I received from my friends who died. In it was a chocolate zucchini cake. It thought great. I can grind it up and it does not matter that it was a little large. I made the whole recipe and it was the consistency of a thin pancake batter. The recipe called for 2 cups of shredded zucchini. Well, after I had the recipe made I thought well, I have a few more cups here and I put them in. The directions said to cook it for 40 to 50 minutes. It looked like pudding at the end of 50 minutes so I set the time for 15minutes more and then 10 minutes more. I took it out and turned it upside down on a plate and lifted the bundt pan off. The inside of the cake slid down onto the plate and the outside edge stayed in the teflon pan. So, I tried to get the cake out of the pan and slide it back on the inside of the cake. Eventually, I did get it put back together. It looked and tasted like custard with a crust. It was tasty. I told the boys to act surprised when C came home from work and started to serve dessert and the cake fell in two. The boys had a good time joking with her. The cake was quite yummy.

Today, we had fried zucchini strips and steak for supper. The zucchini was cut into shoestring strips and dipped in eggs and then parmesan with flour and fried. They were very tasty. It would be a recipe to do again.

The pig pen is sheep fencing all the way around. We have one set that is upright on posts. The second set is laid down and bent halfway so half is laying on the ground and half is up the fence posts. The half way fence is on three sides. The fourth side is where they have been getting out. The fence is only laying on the ground a bit and I had thought it was stuck in the ground and grass but I guess not enough. So, this years pigs are smart enough to dig along the edge and lift up the fence. I have 6 more tires to tie along the edge to make it too heavy to lift.

I too miss those you have mentioned. of the old timers I miss Diana and wondering what she is doing with the llama wool. and Marylyn is southern Missouri. I wonder if she started her new cabin.

Congrats Bunny on the sale. Boosts the spirits.

One step at a time Gypsy. The craft area will come together or it will take over your living area. Are you selling the caravan?

Mar, how many marshmallows for six pigs? Not sure I could carry them all. lol I do have a bucket of sour milk and use that sometimes to lure them. Although, if they are going to walk with me then they do it without bribing and that is nice.

Denise how was the visit with the grands? You are worn out?

Today the temperature was in the low 50's and tonight it is supposed to be in the 40's. I think of Jan and her curse that the summer might be coming to an end already. It is nice to be able to sleep with out the fan.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  5:58:05 PM  Show Profile
Holly~ those fried zucchini strips sound yummy. I always love zucchini no matter how it is cooked.

The visit with the grands went well. Since we two grammies were there we sort of had a hers and hers. She is not really a baby grammy so I took on the 7mo. old. She is such a little sweetheart, the spitting image of her momma at that age. She took on the older one who is 2 1/2. I was disappointed that I didn't get to spend as time with her as I would have liked but taking care of the baby kept me busy. I will get to have their family here for a week in September so I will spend more time with her then.

The weather has cooled off considerably here. Supposed to be in the 60's tonight so nicer for sleeping. Hopefully we won't need the air on. Spent a little time on the front porch tonight relaxing and enjoying the cool breezes. Listening to the evening sounds now with the window open by my desk.

take care all,

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  6:32:08 PM  Show Profile
We had a wonderful weekend in Mackinaw City. We had the dog with us, so we could not go to any restaurants, but we did get take out. It was a bit hot, but sunny and a little breezy. Monday night while we were sleeping, it rained hard, but cleared up Tuesday for our trip home, but it was so windy. Last night it got down to 37 degrees, yesterday was in the 60s and today in the 60s. It seems we are having late August weather now. I do hope it warms up just a bit more for awhile. Summer is way too short here.
The garden is doing very well, I need to get out there and cut my herbs down. I have both yellow and green beans almost ready to pick, and my peas. I also have some nice sized green peppers that are ready. My tomatoes are just growing bigger now, my squash and zucchini and cukes are just blooming now. Hope we get something off of them before frost gets here.
My son's dad is stable now, but they do not think he will ever walk again. He had a couple crushed vertebrae, 5 broken ribs and a broken sternum. He did not fall, and they do not know how it all happened. Weird. My son got home on Sunday while we were gone, it was an 8 hour drive each way, but he made it safely.
Denise, sounds like you had a good time with your grandchildren. They grow so fast, don't they?
Holly, I hope you have warmer weather than we are having. Now we are in for rain on top of the cool days. I made zucchini bread last year and added too much zucchini, and it too did not cook right. It was way too moist.
Bunny, congrats on your sale!!! With that many lookers, you should start selling soon, hopefully.
Mar, any lookers on your house yet?
Well, gotta get clothes out of the dryer, so will close for now. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  8:31:11 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:51:49 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 24 2013 :  8:35:33 PM  Show Profile
We had a standing joke that in our little town people had to start locking their cars because if they didn't, they would come back and find a sack full of zucchini in the back seat. Seems like zucchini by itself could end world hunger.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Jul 25 2013 :  09:49:53 AM  Show Profile
LOL! Gypsy we used to do that at our church because we would have these huge bags of zucchini people would put in our car. There were only five of us to eat it at the time. I froze as much as I could and made bread and fried and anything else I could think of. Definitely started locking those car doors after a couple of times of that.

Enjoying this beautifully cool weather! Windows open, air is off. I feel like I need to hang something out in this wonderful breeze. LOL!

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jul 25 2013 :  4:39:37 PM  Show Profile
Oh, we aren't enjoying cool weather. Like Bunny, we are at 100 degrees! My zucchini will be getting some water in the morning. I went out to cut some rhubarb to make a crisp since we have surprise guests and noticed it looked thirsty. DD and boyfriend surprised us (with six hours notice and asking if it was ok or too busy with the house up for sale) and drove to see us for three days. Boyfriend had a strange company holiday and DD hasn't settled into a job yet in their new town - Portland. Bunny, they drove right through "The Dallas". Dh and I said, "Where?" It is fun to learn how to pronounce these new places. Are we correct and it is "the dalls?" Almost a short e, almost a short a sound? Congratulations on the sale of the dress. I think that is the one that I mentioned appealed to me with the border. Gypsy is correct, leave that SOLD banner up for a while.

Holly I think you know WAY more about pigs than I do. The sour milk is probably much more appealing to them than marshmallows ...I had to smile at your zucchini fiasco and how you got C to play into the dessert surprise. Kids always like to be "in" on the joke, don't they? You have a great understanding of how to make people feel important.

Denise, you are so lucky to have babies to cuddle. I have never had a grandbaby and don't think it is in my future either. It's a shame, I would enjoy it. But, I am lucky in so many other ways, I can't complain about that.

Gypsy, I was looking forward to seeing that movie when it was available for rental. Oh, did you know not everyone gets that terrible stinky urine from asparagus? I thought everyone did, but nope. My dad used to grow asparagus and the first time DH had fresh asparagus in his life was at my parents' house when we visited ... back when we were just roommates in college. After dinner he used the bathroom and came back into the room looking visibly shaken. He soon drew me away for a private question... I swear, he had sweat on his brow when he asked me if asparagus changed the smell of your urine. We all had a good laugh at his expense that night. He was so relieved, he laughed, too. My city boy.

I'm gonna go and catch up with you all later...

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 25 2013 :  5:11:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A beautiful day here on the hill farm. It started out in the forties. I succumbed and put on long pants and a sweatshirt to milk. I was back again in shorts in the afternoon. I too hope that this is not the beginning of the temperature decline to autumn. It is way too short a summer. We do not usually have this cold of weather in July. Usually not until the end of August. This spring and summer have been unusual in regards to any sort of weather.

I have a lot of tomatoes on the plants but no red ones yet. The beans I am growing to shell after the frost are getting bigger. I guess I could shell them and cook them as small beans but I want to wait.

The snakes are getting bigger. I have found several shedded skins in the mulch. I see them sunning themselves among the beans and squash. The cucumbers are climbing and flowering. I have not seen any fruit on them yet.

We were told to sour the milk for the pigs a day or two after milking. It is supposed to be more digestible for them. They gobble it down regardless of whether it is fresh or curdled.

Another person I remembered who used to type irregularly on here was Kathryn in Oklahoma. Work can not be that busy that she would ignore us completely.

The blueberries are riotous. Is that a word? It is a great year for blueberries. All of the plants are covered and they are delicious. We pick and freeze. Well, we eat them too.

Jan I am glad you had a good time on your short vacation. I hope your son was pleased with the sales.
Mar a surprise visit from dd. That must have been fun. How long did it take them to travel to get to you?

I love babies. Only three of mine came as babies. I think that if I lived in the city I would go volunteer to hold the babies at the hospital to get my baby cuddling time in.

Denise I am glad you had a good time with the grands. They will not be young for long.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2013 :  7:18:36 PM  Show Profile
This will be quick, I do not like to be on the computer during storms. We are in a tornado watch right now, it is very windy and raining. There was a funnel cloud spotted just 15 miles west of us. I hope I do not have a mess when I get up in the morning and find branches and lawn furniture everywhere.
My son was very happy with the sales while he was gone. That helped with the expenses he had with the motel, gas and food he needed.
I work tomorrow, and hope that is it for this week. I am still tired.
Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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