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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 19 2013 : 7:39:33 PM
Hello Ladies!
I haven't fallen asleep but sure have been busy and more and more bad things happen around here. This will be quick, I promise. Only on top of page 81 playing catch up so bare with me. I won't respond to all of you this time.
Long story short. Finally got the money for the van and the day before we were going to go buy a new car David came home and told me they laid him off with a 15 minute notice after 23 years. So we didn't go buy a new car, instead bought a 2001 Ford truck but at least we don't have a car payment. As of June 29th we will no longer have health insurance or dental insurance either so I took this week off and we are making the rounds to the various Doctors and the dentist next week to get my crown. So we are close to 60, broke, no retirement, no health insurance, and a 12 year old car. I have a husband who needs insulin daily but Hannaford's doesn't offer it for $4.99 or $9.99 so I have no idea what we will do.
In the meantime I am scraping and staining my house while I do have health insurance in case I fall off a ladder and my large garden I had last year, I didn't plant this year because of David's rotator cuff surgery, well it's getting planted this week too. So, I'm super busy and another summer super depressed.
The best thing about this however is slowly happening and that is he is coming around to seeing how right I've been all these years and that I'm the only one in his corner, even if he has been an arse to me!
Thanks for listening. I will try and get on here more regularly but do know, I think of you all, all the time. Hope everyone else is doing well and having a great summer!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 06:17:54 AM
Ginny, so sorry for all of your setbacks. I know how depressing that can be. Please note that we are here for you and always will be. Hugs sent your way, girl!!! Wish I lived closer to hop on over and help you some.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 06:58:34 AM
Ok, 27 degrees on June 20th is just too cold, people. I WILL be moving south when I retire. Luckily, we covered everything, so I think it's all good in the garden department. However, the Chihuahua was shivering when I put her out this morning and the Lab was cuddled under her blanket on the porch.
I must have been tired, because I laid on the couch for a "little rest" at 5:30pm yesterday and woke up this morning at 4:45 am. Good thing Hunky Hubby was on garden duty. I was completely AWOL.
Ginny - Your hubby's lay off is such a bummer. While it is so hard to hear cheezy advise at times like these, please know that it comes from my heart. God will provide for you. He will open that door that needs to be opened and you will grow leaps and bounds from this. I know that it is easy to get depressed. (I have suffered with depression for years) Get your tough farmgirl back up and don't let this situation get you down! We love you and are praying for you!
Janie - Man, that stinks that your sister is being unreasonable. Please keep us informed as you go through this process, though. We can learn so much from you, as many of us will have to do this same thing eventually. I think of you often and wonder how you are doing through this process.
Marianne - Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. In the last year or so, I have felt my body actually slowing down and it is frustrating. Here's hoping for better days for you.
Holly - I love reading your posts. I can tell that you are an amazingly strong woman. You are out there driving tractors and moving wood and doing what so many of us would love to be doing. (Last year, I insisted on driving the tractor during haying for the first time in 32 years. What the heck! Why haven't I been doing that all along)
Janet - It sounds like we are dealing with a lot of the same weather issues. It has been so cold this year. It makes the long winters really long when the short summers are really short! Tell us about the beach. Which lake do you live on?
Better get to work! Have a wonderful day!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
My Blog
Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
Edited by - sherone_13 on Jun 20 2013 06:59:47 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 09:32:11 AM
I hate it when farmgirls are down. I feel your frustration and pain.
Ginny we are here for you. I hate to hear of someone losing their job like that. Another farmgirl on another forum I'm on is in the same place. She is worried her husband will be losing his job. It makes for scary times.
Marianne, sorry you don't feel well. You always seem to have so much energy. Time to power down for a while. Hope you are better soon.
Sherone, way to cold for me! Wyoming and Michigan ...not moving there ever..check.
Spent yesterday a bit depressed. Got my hair colored though. It is a little darker than I like but hopefully it will mello out after a few washings. Took a long nap and them headed to the sewing room. I have about 800 little squares of fabric I have to mark a diagonal line on for sewing. So I watched Dr. Who on my computer in my sewing room while marking them. It was so nice to just hang out down there. I'm spending the whole day again today. Trying not to think about the jobs I have applied for. I hope to hear something soon. I hate the thought of being a working drone for someone else but don't feel I have a choice right now. It kills my spirit.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 10:02:42 AM
im back for a quick one. thank you gals so much for your encouragement - i really needed it. since i don't have any kids this should be the only time i have to do this executor thing and i am so glad about that! Holly thank you for mentioning the northeast. that was my second choice. if i do, maybe we can visit sometime- i would love to see your place. bunny I am so sorry about your job situation. i am praying for a quick "fix" for you. ginny, my husband was not able to work for 10 years. I know what you are going thru and am praying for you. (he was laid off his last 2 jobs and that made it hard to find another one) well, the guys are coming into the office so i have to go! catch you later hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 6:41:29 PM
Hello girlfriends
Hopping on for a quick check- in
Super busy right now
So sorry,Ginny. That sucks. But you are one strong, resourceful woman. Remember that.
So this is where we all hold hands and keep each other bucked up.
I can't even think of anything funny to say to lighten the mood.
Where's Thelma?
Holly, be careful on that tractor.
I went with my kids yesterday down to Houston to see family.
My mom will be 91 on her next birthday. Her biggest complaint is she couldn't find anyone to sharpen her axe so she had to go buy a new one. She is chopping some brush out at my brother's place. She weed eats his yard, too. She would mow it but its six acres and that's a little much even for her. She does still mow her own yard, which is a large city lot.
When I start to feel the years creeping up on me, I think of her, and then I feel silly, and I dig in and work harder. She has scoliosis and is all curled up like a little turtle. She has survived colon cancer. So it's not that she is lucky. It is that she refuses to quit. Sometimes that is all we have going for us, but it is enough.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 20 2013 : 6:54:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
I just plod along. I try not to rush through the day and wear myself out emotionally by rushing from one task to the next. I do have my list and look at it frequently because I just can not remember all of the small things I wrote down.. If I do not finish the list I put it on the next day that I might have time. I am glad Sherone that you finally drove the tractor for haying. It is sort of a mindless occupation once you are in gear and get the rhythm and no one can really talk your ear off because of the noise. So, it is peaceful to talk to your self and look at the birds and the clouds.
We took the meat birds up to be done in. I did not get around to buying a plucker yet. It cost $4 a bird which almost doubles the cost of raising them. I had one of the roosters done in too. He was not mean to me but he did fly at Ross' back too often. He was also scraping all of the feathers off the backs of the hens. I do not like abused looking hens. Today is one of the few times we have had to catch the chickens when it has not rained the night before and made the pen as slippery as snail snot. I will not say it went smoothly because C and G really wanted to help and had no idea how to so they were in the way and making excited loud chaotic noises. My dd (16) who never really had a problem helping with puttiing the birds in the crates has decided that it is nasty and let some of the birds escape when she opened the crate door so we could put another in. It was quite funny if one could step back and watch and think about the whole situation. A comic show really.
We received one kicker wagon of hay today. it usually has about 180 bales or so but the farmer's baler was not working right so some of the bales were not tied so we put in only 87 bales. He will bring two more kicker wagons tomorrow. I am so glad that we can put in the 500 bales we need in a short amount of time and that we do not need to load a truck from the field.
Ginny I am sorry David was laid off. Is Cobra possible for health care. Will he get unemployment for a while? Maybe he is eligible for disability with all of his health issues. I am a compulsive problem solver more than a listener and reflector. If there is anything I can help with from 8 hours away let me know. How about a bed and breakfast set up or renting out the beach house which I know nothing about. Hugs to you.
The good thing about the temperatures being cold at night is if a menopausal woman sleeps with the windows open the night sweats are not so intense.
Mariannne I have been thinking about your color wheel garden and wondering if the edges would breed a combination of colors so the wheel would blend its way around.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 21 2013 : 06:14:32 AM
Well, Gypsy, I think your mom is someone I may have to hold as an example on how to live a full life. Now you said she was upset about not finding someone to sharpen her axe? Is that anything like having an axe to grind???? ;) My mom did not set a good example to me or my children on how to age with dignity. She really gave up. She "took to her bed" and was quite satisfied. It just didn't "fit" with the young woman who went to college and learned to pilot a plane well before it was considered OK for women. Maybe she just ran out of steam.
Holly, my color garden's edges are definitely beginning to blur. Some purple has snuck into the white garden and a bit of salmon into the orange. I am leaving it. Blooms of any color are beautiful and there are a lot of them so I am happy.
Sherone and Holly, I join you in the enjoyment of driving tractor. The soothing bumping along - as long as you are going slowly enough! - and the hum of the engine can drown out a lot. And Holly, I feel so lucky to be past waking up soaked in sweat. Such an inconvenience. K sounds like she would be fun to have around, except for the occasional snit days!
Ginny, hope your doctor visits all come back with a "See ya next year!" Holly is right that COBRA should be available to you if your husband worked at a company with at least one hundred employees ... You have 61 days to decide and the paperwork should come to you automatically. Keep your chin up!
Getting my hair cut AGAIN today. That is the major drawback with short hair. I can go six weeks between cuts unless I have something to attend that I really care about how I look. New pool cover should be here next week. And then we get to install it...that might be tricky. It will weigh about 150 lbs. Sounds pretty straight forward about how to kind of thread it into the tracks, etc...
It looks like our rain will finally stop today. There is a tinge of blue to the sky even!
hope everyone is having a lovely day, mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 21 2013 : 5:38:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a gorgeous day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the high sixties and few light clouds in the sky. A light breeze as well to blow off the sweat.
The littles and I picked up Talie at basketball camp this morning. He had a good time and was beyond exhausted when he arrived home. After saying he could not fall asleep he did manage a two hour nap. We all felt better for it.
We put in 270 bales of hay late this afternoon. It is good and dry. Farmer Bob's baler broke again so we did not get a third kicker wagon full to put in the barn. We were glad to be done for the day but sad too that it is not all done. There is something to be said for having all of the hay done in one day and not having to think about doing the job another day.
I cut out the little spaces to put hinges in on the new closet door. The old door had a hole in it where some boy had been mad and kicked it. It also had paint on it where Ross had gotten carried away. The new door is just primer white. We will see how long it lasts.
Remember last fall when I was painting the walls before the new little boys arrived. Wonderful Ross wrote on a good share of them already. He will only be little once but geez if the house could stay looking clean for a little while that would be fine.
This weekend is supposed to be the super moon. When the earth and moon are closest and the moon is full. Did I get that right. I was only half listening to my informant when she told me. I hope the sky is clear so I can go get some good pictures.
Gypsy, it is good your mother does not give up. It would be nice if she were just a little less rigid. Your life would be just that much easier.
Marianne, some day I will have time to create beautiful flower gardens. I bet yours bloom all summer long. Who knows about rose hips? If I am supposed to let them stay on the plant until after a frost so the vitamin C will be concentrated how do I get the roses to bloom all summer long? When the rose hips build up the plants stop flowering. I dug up the Jerusalem artichokes this summer from the places I did not want them. Ha ha ha. They are still there and growing tall.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 22 2013 : 11:11:54 AM
Bunny, you can't take it personally although it is VERY personal. There is such a glut of employees on the market right now that employers can be very picky and actually quite abusive. Please don't give up. I have been through these feelings with my daughter who is still under-employed and not likely to see that change right away. All you can do is carry on and look at each opportunity as a new chance to get that start that you desire. Try to keep your chin up.
Holly, I wouldn't want to have to extend "Hay Day" over several days either... Are you harvesting the rose hips or just looking at keeping them on the plant for the plant's health? I thought you are supposed to leave the last blossoms of the fall on to feed the plant ...
Our rain has stopped and it is cool, but somewhat humid -- for us -- 72%. Our new pool cover will arrive Monday afternoon and our friend is coming over on Tuesday to help us install it! I look forward to not worrying about whether the cover will completely disintegrate the next time we open the pool. At least it hasn't been pool weather. I am looking forward to planting the pool planters today. That is the only place that annuals exist in our garden. I found some salmon geraniums at 3 for $5! I adore red geraniums, but the color wouldn't work with the other plants I chose. Also got some purple filler plant and salmon/pink double ruffle petunias- another favorite. I get teased because I rarely get into the pool. I enjoy being "poolside" and usually fussing with the plants. At this point, the family knows to ask if I want to go poolside rather than swimming.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2013 : 1:30:23 PM
Marianne, I'm not going to give up. I can't. I have two more jobs to apply for on Monday. One more at the college (they are hiring two Admin. Assistants) and one at the county. The county job pays pretty well. I'm not holding my breath anymore though.
I'm not a big pool person either. I must have been a cat in another life. Cold water is like acid on my skin. I don't mind a nice hot bath though. I love red geraniums too! There is a house close by painted white with green trim that puts red geraniums out in pots every year. So pretty!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2013 : 5:03:24 PM
Good evening everyone,
It started out being a lovely warm, humid day here in the Green Mountains. About 4 it started to rain. Talie had baseball this morning. The first two innings lasted an hour and fifteen minutes. I was not at the game. Cheri, K and Ross went. His team won 18 to 7. He pitched the first four innings.
Mrs B lives down the road. She had to quit walking in the woods when she was 96. Not because she could no longer walk but because she could no longer get up if she falls. One day she was late coming home maybe she was 94 or so. Her son came looking for her on his four wheeler. He said, Ma what if you died out here. She said, what if I did I would die where I love to be.
I have a roll bar on my tractor and always wear my seat belt. I would not get crushed if I tipped over but I do wonder if I would crack my head. I am not willing to test out the theory or practice to know how to hold myself if I tip so we can just continue to speculate and plan ahead. lol
I do not know whether to harvest the early rose hips or not. I would like to eventually because I could boil them down and make a syrup that is high in vitamin C.
Sorry Bunny, the job in California did not come through. Good try though. Who knows why you were not picked. It may have nothing to do with anything you can fix. It may not be your skills at all. Maybe you are supposed to free lance.
With the rain in the afternoon we did not get the last delivery of hay. So, we will wait until there are four hot, dry days. It will give our skin a chance to heal from the hay chaff that has prickled it.
The new door to the downstairs bathroom is about 1/8 of an inch too wide. I need to figure out if I should cut that bit off with a circular saw or try to sand it down.
I have one tiny tomato in the garden.
K is a good time these days. She has a sense of humor. She does not take herself or me too seriously. She is helpful and caring. She has turned out well so far.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2013 : 7:06:56 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:20:09 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 22 2013 : 7:21:30 PM
Holly, either way you cut that door off, it's going to be a #%!! to get it straight.
I don't know a thing about rose hips but now I'm curious. Maybe somebody will jump on with an answer.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 23 2013 : 01:12:33 AM
OK, Gypsy, now you started me thinking about the Venus vs Mars thing ... I used to think that men were the way they were because we "let" them. I kind of felt that the generation before us thought "boys will be boys" and let a lot of the behavior that we find "alien" just go unaddressed. But, as I got older, I have come to accept that men are wired differently than women. I still think we "let" them get away with too much. I always hated the idea of "women's work." So, I don't know how all this happened. But, I don't know if it will ever change.
So, glad to hear that you are doing so well with your exercise program. You remind me not to give up. Exercise is so tough to do when you are achy, but it is the best thing to do when you are achy. I really like the idea of having muscles that continue to work.
Gosh, Holly, an eighth of an inch is a lot to sand away. But, it is almost a blade width, too. I say, Good Luck!
The Super Moon is really super here. Noticably closer and larger. And it is so bright tonight. A real treat to see, I hope you all got a glimpse of it.j
After all that rain we got, the garden has jumped into action. The zucchini has doubled and the peas are well up their trellis. The tomatoes look sturdier, but not any closer to having fruit developing. Of course, there is also a bumper crop of weeds to go along with all this! For some reason, the flowers were fragrant enough that even dh noticed it yesterday. He came inside and said, "It smells so good outside!"
Bunny, good luck on your next round of applications. In the meantime, what have you cooked up in your sewing room?
Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 23 2013 : 5:40:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
Most of the day was nice. It was overcast but warm. It poured rain for an hour or so. The rivers are rushing and the flood ponds are near their brims. I want to hear how many inches we received in such a short time. We had some lightning and thunder. Now I am typing on the battery of this machine and the internet box. The power went out at 4 PM. It is 8:30 now. The message at the power company said, they know the power is out and to not stay on the line unless you knew you had a tree down on a line.
My parents are both dead. My mother in 1977 and my father maybe 7 years ago now. So, I am not going to be a participant in the how do we get along with our old mothers conversation.
I have the door hung and it closes but it is too hard to pull shut so I guess I need to take it off again and trim some more off the side. I did use the circular saw to shave off the edge. I did an even job if I do say so myself. Nothing in our house is square so fitting is tricky. The first boy that kicks a hole in the door will be grounded from something important, and I will figure it out.
I am glad you all are being successful with exercise programs. They make me crazy. I am so bad at repetitive anything. It must be the undiagnosed ADD. lol I try to keep moving doing chores.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 23 2013 : 6:38:44 PM
Our weather was pretty nice. I understand you east coast gals are in for a heat wave!
Dh used Krud Kutter to wash the house today. It sure looks nice. The dust and pine pollen are all gone - for the time being! The windows are clean, too. I worked in the yard, as usual. It wasn't a particularly fun day. You know how that goes sometimes?
Did any of you gals play sports in school? I was on the tennis team. It was fun. But, the back issue got in the way. I actually tried to convince my orthopedic surgeon to let me play tennis in a body cast. He didn't go for it. Nor would he cut me out of it early so I could play my Junior year. And yet, I survived! Of course, by Senior year the pain was too much of an issue for me to be much of a contender. High School definitely was not my glory days!
I think Talie is going to look back at his sports career fondly. Remember that, Holly as you wait for him during all these practices! And congratulations on not ruining the door. That had to be pretty tough to get even.
Hope everyone is looking forward to a lovely Monday, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 05:42:56 AM
I played basketball. I can still play pretty well. My GD Was surprised. Tennis hurt my back.
My son left last night and I tried not to cry but I still did. I am glad I have my trip to see B coming up soon. I always need something to look forward to. He called me last night and talked to me for a long time, and this morning he had left a love note in my email box so I would see it first thing. If I had to describe the man with one word it would be Kind. He's not from Mars.
Mar, I still would love to see pics of your flowers.
I'm going to go into the city and go shopping today to take my mind off my sadness. Those of you who have your kids and grands at least within driving distance are so lucky.
Have a good day everybody.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
2460 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 07:35:04 AM
Wow, what a busy weekend! Saturday, we took our truck to the Uinta Mountains to get firewood. It took us two hours to fill the back of the truck. We got one cord. We need six! I can't say that I'm sad that there will have to be more trips to the mountains. It is so beautiful there.
I am a, shall we say, "plump" farmgirl and I was reminded of muscles that I have not used in quite some time. Turning 50 seems to awakened something in me. I want to live! I want to feel those sore muscles and know that I did something worthwhile to feel that discomfort.
I operated a chain saw for the first time. All the years we have been getting wood, I have never asked Hunky Hubby to teach me how to run the saw. He was very hesitant to let me try. He was afraid I would get hurt. He said I am not strong enough to hold the saw safely. He said that I am like all these women these days, wanting to do man stuff. After 32 years of marriage, he knew by my facial expressions that he had gone to far. I walked over, took the saw out of his hand and sawed a 20 foot tree lickety split. Then I gave him back the saw and said, "Don't ever tell me I'm not strong enough to do something again." End of that Conversation.
The big yard project for the weekend was leveling the wishing well. Our neighbor built the cutest wishing well for me. It sits over the pipe for our surface well. It is located in what I call "The Back Forty" which is really the back of the 1/2 acre property we live on. This part of the land is the lowest on the property and often floods in the early spring. As a result of that flooding, the wishing well has settled and was quite skeddy wompus. We poured cement footings and now it has a nice stable base. We added river rock around the bottom to promote drainage and for a nice finished look.
Bunny - Sorry about the job, girl! It sounds like you have the right attitude. Just do the next right thing and good things will come to you.
Marianne - I have short hair too and it is difficult to keep it trimmed. For me , it is worth it. I have to get up at 4:45 am to get ready for work. The last thing I want to do is do my hair. This way, it is done in 5 minutes! I totally have pool envy! I would love love love to have a pool and would be in it every day! My sister has one in Florida and i can't wait go visit her.
I was swimmer in high school. I swam the 100 back stroke and took 7th at State in my Junior year. I also played Basketball and Volleyball. I am 5' 10" inches, so I was highly sought after for both until they found out that I had no coordination and tripped over the lines on the court. Yep, sat the bench an awful lot. *lol*
Holly - Do you grow your own hay or are you having it shipped in?
Gypsy - Your positive attitude amazes and delights me. So sorry that your son is leaving and you won't see him for a while. It is hard having them far away when all you really want to do is hug them every day.
We ll girlies, have a great day! I hope everything goes your way!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
My Blog
Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 09:37:33 AM
Gypsy, so sorry you are sad. I know how you feel all too well. I'm glad you have your trip to see your man soon.
Sherone, good for you setting your husband straight. My dad taught me to use a chain saw at 12 years old. One year I cut and split all our firewood. Can't work like that anymore but I could still use a chainsaw if I had to. What he doesn't realize is all the women that end up alone for one reason or another and are forced to do this stuff themselves. Or have injured husbands and still have work like this that needs to be done. The worst thing to tell a farmgirl is... You can't do that because......
I didn't play sports in school. I was terrible! I did dance. We had jazz dance as a PE class and put on a show every year.
It has been raining for the last two days. I love it! Plus no fibro issues.. Not sure what that's about but not complaining. I have two applications to turn in today. I found out they hired the payroll specialist for the job I wanted. Now her job is open. When they post it, I'll apply for that too. I have been making a quilt. Haven't done that in a long time. A wonderful friend loaned me money for my store years ago and with everything that has happened, I have not been able to send her any payments. One of the conditions in our contract was for me to make her a quilt. So that's what I have been doing. I have kept in touch with her to let her know I'm not going to flake on her, but I think she is upset with me for not sending any money. I don't blame her, but I'm trying! My hopes are the quilt will let her know I plan to honor my obligation as soon as I can.
Gypsy, discussing mother relationships right now would only make me crazy. Seeing as how I live with mine, (and it is not enjoyable in the least way), I just can't deal with it. It would bring too much negativity to my posts.
Thank you Nancy for my birthday card! 56 this year.
Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 3:32:45 PM
Yeah, the subject of mothers fell flat.
I'm not keeping up with birthdays so I do not want to feel bad by you guys keeping up with mine. Just please drop me off the list--I'm totally lousy at snail mail. Anyway, happy cyberspace birthday, Bunny.
I'm going to be hiking the Canadian Rockies and having a Guinness on the porch on my birthday--then I'm going to snuggle up with the love of my life so far--it's going to be the best one yet. I will lift a glass to you gals. I'm planning to leave all my troubles at home so I'll have no worries at all to deal with. Maybe they will all disappear while I'm gone. Bunny I'm glad the fibro is giving you a break. Something to be thankful for.
Another thing my daughter found out over the past few years is that many times when a job is posted they already have picked someone for the job but they have to post it and go through the process to keep it legal.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 24 2013 3:39:31 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 4:36:35 PM
Bunny, I need to get my birthday list out again. Now that I don't have the monthly reminder from Penny, I have fallen to pieces. I hope I still have time to wish you a proper Happy B Day!!! I think your friend will appreciate the communication and honesty you are showing her about the loan. I have found it is when people just stop talking that the hard feelings start.
Sherone, so proud of you using that chainsaw. I am one of the gals who have never handled one. I have gathered my share of firewood, though. Our land in KS had very nice hardwood trees on it and we always gathered our own wood. It did feel like a great accomplishment. Here, surrounded by pine, we have to buy wood that is a higher BTU. But the pine needles are great for firestarters. Dh and I have been doing a bunch of household projects and just last night we were complaining about our aches and pains and deciding that it does remind you that you are alive!
Has anyone seen the movie "Side Effects?" It recently was released on DVD. Stars Jude Law, Catherine Zeta Jones. Dh and I really enjoyed it.
Hope you all have a great evening, We are still having rain! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2013 : 4:46:44 PM
We finally had a summer day here, in the 70s and breezy, but a bit on the humid side. Good thing there was a breeze, or I would not be able to breath very well. I had to call a drain cleaner today to come and clean out our drains. We were so clogged up, I could not do laundry or even take a shower without backing up. We have a lot of trees in the yard, so it was tree roots getting into the drain pipes. They had to go 150 feet to hit where the city connects to our line. It was a bit costly, but to me it was worth it. I could have had the landlord pay for it, but I do not want our rent to go up, so we took care of it ourselves. I am so glad that is done. Both of my parents are gone, my mother dies when she was 57, 34 years ago, and my father passed away almost 22 years ago. Does not seem that long ago for either one of them. When I was in school, girls were not allowed to be in any sports. There were no girls teams of any kind. The school never did have a swimming pool, the only one in this area is at the Y. Now there are girls teams in almost every sport. No football, but there is a girl's hockey team. I did play violin in school though. Gypsy, sorry your son had to leave and you are missing him already. You do have something to look forward to for your birthday. It sounds wonderful. Bunny, I do hope you do find a job that is worthwhile soon and one that you will enjoy. I am sure it will happen for you soon. Marianne, your gardens sound so beautiful. Mine are not doing the best, but I am trying. Just got done watering them. We have had mostly gloomy cold days, but our grass is all burnt up. Way too early for that. Holly, glad you are having nice weather and getting things done. I am sure the boys are learning all about farm life. Well, off for now. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jun 25 2013 : 7:38:25 PM
Holly - Rose hips should be harvested after the petals fall off and right after the first frost. Make sure they are solid, red or orange, not wrinkled. If you are going to use them for jelly, cut out the seeds first. I have a door yard full of rose hips and have collected them various years as my Mother loves rose hip jam. I guess you can freeze them and use them for other things but I've only made jam with them. I always thought they were a coastal thing so I'm surprised you have them in the mountains.
Hope that helps. Still trying to catch up and stay afloat here. I'm back to work this week. Boy was it HOT today! At my house it was 96 and the humidity was about 90%. We were sure it would rain it was so dark out but only a few sprinkles so David was good enough to go out and water for me. I picked my first full bowl of strawberries tonight, YUM!!!!
Hope to catch up soon. Write less ladies! (Just kidding)
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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