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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 26 2013 : 09:35:36 AM
just popping in. good for you sherone! the guys at work use to tell me that i couldn't handle a chain saw and i had to show them they were wrong about that too. its amazing what a gal can learn to do when she has to (and fun) bunny, you hang in there girlfriend! the right people are just waiting for you to show up! gypsy, you just inspire me with your wonderful attitudes! thank you got to go to work! hugs and prayers to all! janiee farmgirl #390 |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 26 2013 : 6:27:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
It has finally stopped raining.... I hope. The temperature was in the seventies and the humidity was low. I am glad the clouds have lifted.
Sherone, I am glad you showed hunky hubby how to use the chain saw. I use one. This year the men who have a hunting camp on the back of our property are supposed to block up our supply. They have about 3/4 of it done. We are splitting it. We put in maybe 8 cord and usually have some left over. We cut it here on the property. I buy in the hay. We do have enough pasture to put in our own however, we need to upgrade the fields and buy the equipment. Our tractor is paid for finally and it is big enough to run a baler. We buy it from a former dairy farmer who brings it to us in the kicker wagon. That is the wagon that the hay baler kicks the hay into. Geez Sherone you are almost as tall as I am. lol
I did not play sports in high school. We moved to a new school when I was going into tenth grade and I was not picked for the team. I did play in Junior high school I guess if I had to say I have a sport it would be swimming but I never competed.
Ginny thanks for the rose hip info. I used to think they were a coastal plant as well because we only saw them when we went to Cape Cod for our vacations. When I moved up here many people had them. I put them in so the big boys when they were little would stay out of my garden with their playing balls. When we had horses they would eat the new growth. The cows pick off the rose hips. So, now I have a fence around them and the cows can only eat the hips from the edges. They are in full bloom now and are very pretty as well as smell nice.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 12:13:37 AM
Nice to hear from both of you, Janie and Ginny. Jealous to hear about your strawberries, Ginny. Janie, hope everything is going well with your siblings.
Holly, you sure deal with a lot of hay and wood. You have a huge barn, don't you? How is the softball team faring?
Isn't it surprising that we weren't big sports-playing youngsters? I guess what I should say is, "team-sport" playing youngsters.
I don't have many hummingbirds lately. Why would they leave when I have kept their feeder full?
Today will be busy for Dh and I, we are having a realtor out to give us a market appraisal for our home. It seems to be a good time to sell in our part of the nation. And we would love to be closer to our daughter, of course. So, if everything falls into place, we would put our home for sale and relocate. I'll let you know if we take the plunge!
Have a great day, Mar
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 1:02:17 PM
I tried to download "SideEffects" and Netflix said it wasn't available for streaming. So I downloaded "Camilla" with Jessica Tandy and Hume Croym (misspelled). It was so good. A chick flick I suppose, but I loved it.
I'm jealous about the strawberries too. I'm buying organic strawberries at the market for a small fortune. I just got a NutriBullet and will try it out today. Now that I'm paying attention, there is a huge difference in how I feel when I eat clean and when I don't. Huge difference in energy level, too. The booklet that came with the nutribullet said you should try to get organic chicken because the commercial feed is full of arsenic There have been sick people who tested out to have high levels of arsenic as the culprit and they ate a lot of chicken. I often buy the rotisserie chickens and they are not organic or even free range.
How is everyone 's weather now? We are in the 90,s and some places triple digits.
Mar, good luck wirh the house. I know you and DH have been working really hard on it. But how can you even think of leaving the interesting neighbor behind? Who will look after all her animals?
Hope everyone is having a great day
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 2:48:45 PM
Marianne, Didn't you just move there in less than 2 years? I am sure you will feel so much better being closer to your daughter. Hope your house sells fast when you do put it up for sale. Gypsy, I am glad your diet is helping you and you are feeling so good. You are a good example for the rest of us. If only I could get motivated and start a diet. I went to the lung dr. yesterday and gained a couple more pounds again!!! I took a walk around the beach shore today, it was windy and a little cooler today, but it was a nice walk. A little hard to walk in the sand, but it gave me a good workout. I was going to bring my camera to take pictures of the lake and I forgot it. Next time I am down there, hopefully Monday, if it is nice out. I bought myself a new swimsuit and I plan on going top the beach as much as I can this summer. Bunny, how are things going for you lately? Oggie, hope things a slowing down some for you now. We need to enjoy the warm months before the snow starts up again. Holly, hope you are almost done with hauling hay and wood. Bet it is nice to get that out of the way early though. Janiee, hope you are getting things settled now. Hope your sister starts changing her attitude for your sake. It is so hard when family members make things hard on the others. It started raining here, one of those storms that give us a fast downpour and then leaves us just as fast. We had that last night too. It is only in the 60s now, was 73 earlier in the day. Not bad when it is not humid. We have very heavy air here, so when it gets in the 80s, which is not too often, it is very hard to breath. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 6:34:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
The weather guessers are telling us we are going to have a lot of rain in the next 18 hours. Some are comparing the amount of damage to the 1927 flood. Our ground is very saturated already so the rain that will come will run off and not sink in. There are three flood control dams now that did not exist in 1927 so it will be interesting to see what is flooded. There was a newspaper article recently about the building of the dam in Orange. They said it took 2,000 men and 600 wheelbarrows to dig down to bedrock to pour a foundation for the dam. Imagine it was built by hand by the CCC. The men were given $30/month for their work. They lived in tents until they could build barracks. It was a cold winter and many of the men were from the south and did not have a clue about winter.
I was just wondering Mar if you and dh were settled in for retirement. I guess having moved so much over the last 25 years or so one more doesn't matter. I hope you have a chance to pull some of your perrenials if you do end up going. I guess you both believe that dd will stay in Oregon for a while. Will you take the horses?
Gypsy I hope you will not forget us while you are in Canada smooching and loving. Counting down the days?
Jan sorry breathing is hard. I really like walking on the beach. Are you able to see the sun rise or set over the water? or do you see north or south?
Ginny glad David can walk again. Make him a chore list. Is he the self motivated kind or the sit and mope kind. I hope the former and not the latter. I bet your flowers are pretty.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2013 : 9:30:10 PM
Yes, holly, I am counting down the days, one week away, so of course I heard from my mom tonight that they are considering doing emergency surgery on my brother. She dropped that on me in an email just a few minutes ago, so tomorrow I will have to find out what that is about. Since I want to leave the country it is a given that every possible emergency thing will happen in the next few days.
I plan to take my iPad so I will be able to keep up with what's going on. I would try the virtual trip like Darlys did but I'm no good at it. I can take pictures with this iPad,though, so I'll try to do that. Calgary and Canmore have had terrible flooding so I don't know what we will find. I read some of the trails have been washed away. Holly I hope the flooding is minimal where you are.
Janet I think you will be so much healthier when you and DH can take off in the RV and follow the good weather.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 01:31:20 AM
Hi All,
Holly, I will be thinking of you during these wet times. With your living on the Hill, you should be just fine for your personal property, right? I know you will be worried about neighbors and community, though.
Gypsy, how emergent can your brother's surgery be if your mom is choosing to communicate it to you through email? Don't get caught up in a guilt-ridden sidetrip with your mom as travel agent!
Jan, we moved here ten years ago. This is the longest we have ever lived anywhere since Mike and I grew up. We did a lot of moving (seven times in ten years) during the "hey day" of his career. One year, we owned homes in three different states. That was a busy time. Throughout it, although our children were young, both sets of grandparents visited rarely. In fact, my parents only visited us twice in all our years of marriage. It was expected that we would always travel with the children back to CA to visit them. Each summer was spent doing The Tour of both sets of grandparents in Northern and Southern CA, although the elders were retired and essentially free to travel at any time of the year. It was hard for DH and I to understand such rigidness. Dh and I knew it wasn't easy on the kids to move so much and came to the understanding that since we "drug these kids all over the US when they were little" once we retired we would consider it our responsibility to move towards them and their life/career, if it was agreeable to them. It is very agreeable to our daughter that we be closer.
We plan to move about halfway between Seattle and Portland. We will be about an hour and a half away from where DD will be currently, yet if they move back to Seattle area, we would still be close. DD is young, starting her career and may move again soon. One good thing from living in so many different areas of the US, DD knows where she doesn't want to live and how much she wants to stay in the NW. Of course, there are no guarantees.
To sum up the apparent craziness of this move for DH and I, we learned years ago that for us, "home" is wherever we are together. And to that end, there is no reason for us to stay here. We have made good friends, like we have all over the US, and will miss them. But, nothing compares to being with DD. (We would do the same for DS, but his life is smoother without us in it at this time.)
So, with that being said ... It looks like Dh and I are starting another Great Adventure! We do hope to bring the horses with us. Can't imagine them living out their lives with someone else. It all comes down to finances, of course. It will be a challenge to learn about gardening in a different climate! The idea of yanking some of the perennials has definitely crossed my mind!
So, keep your fingers crossed for us that the right choice becomes apparent --- stay/go, which house to pick in which community, and a smooth sale of this home... I will be bending your ears!
have a lovely Friday, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 08:58:25 AM
Marianne, sounds like a good idea for your move. Now if you can just make sure there is room on your back 40 for my little house on wheels (water and electric needed) I'll be fine. Will the weather be that different? I guess not as cold, but lots of rain. We look forward to hearing about your search.
Gypsy, I hope you don't let your mom mess up your traveling plans. Unless you are a doctor, there won't be much you can do for your brother if you stay. What will be, will be.
I spent the day sewing yesterday working on a jean jacket upcycle. I will finish today. I found a lady on Etsy making upcycled close and by my calculation she is making about $60,000 a year in sales. Her clothes are totally something I could do. So I am inspired to keep experimenting.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 10:35:00 AM
Marianne i haven't moved around as much as you, but i have moved. DH on the other hand, hasn't moved but four times in his life. the last time when i was transferred. he doesn't see the fun and adventure when you move. he sees having to actually go thru' the junk he has accumulated and get rid of some of it. we are going to have to do that. like you say, it comes down to finances. i think we will be much better off. now if i can just convince him of that.....
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 4:17:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, the rain as far as I can tell is anticlimactic. A big let down. We had more damage to the roads twice last week than with this storm. Maybe the southern end of the state received more damage. The rain fall itself was far more gentle than it was the last two storms when it poured so much you were soaked walking to the car in the driveway.
I have only moved a few times in my adult life and only three times when I was a child. We are here for the duration I think. Sometimes I think about building a stone house on the other end of the property that is much smaller than this one when we are older. Until this past week we chose to stay here because it was safest politically for us. Now with the Supreme Court decision of this last week nullifying DOMA the options are a little more open. However, saying we can be married and have the 1100 legal benefits of the federal government does not necessarily make a geographic area free of other methods of discrimination. So, here we will stay. I hope I did not overstep the no political discussions of this forum.
The sky has cleared off some. Maybe we will finally have some sunny days. Remember when we in the north were whining about the hot days of May? I sure hope that was not the extent of our summer. I think we must be turning in to a rain forest region.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 4:49:52 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:24:45 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 4:58:22 PM
Don't worry Holly-- my post is worse than political. I'll probably go back and erase it. Seems like if we can have witch farm girls alongside Christian farmgirls, we should be able to throw a little politics and cussin into the mix without gettin in too much trouble.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 5:23:58 PM
Mar it does not sound crazy that you want to move to be close to your kids. People do it all the time. We are retired and are supposed to get to do whatever we want to as long as it is legal and we can afford to. Or if it ain't legal, at least if we think we can get away with it ( kidding).
I'm about to move away from my dd. but only an hour away. Bunny you can have the tiny house, qfor me it is like living in a closet.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 5:31:30 PM
As far as I'm concerned, go ahead and say what is on your mind. We are all adults, and as long as nobody is getting hurt or insulted, I say go for it and get it off your chest. Gypsy, I do hope your brother is doing alright and that it will not stop you from going to Canada. I am sure you will enjoy it once you get there. How long do you plan on being there? Holly, our weather is still cool here also. We had 2 warm days so far. The last couple of days have been rain on and off, and more expected for tomorrow, then it is supposed to be warmer and dryer for the rest of next week. We shall see. The rain did help the grass to green up again, and my garden is growing nicely. I worked today, it was slow, so made for a long day. Next Friday starts our town's 150th birthday weeklong celebration, so that should bring in more tourists. Hopefully they will spend money while here. I do hope we have nice weather for all of the activities going on. We only live 3 blocks from the park, so we can walk down there and not have to worry about finding a parking spot. Bunny, Glad you are now able to do some sewing. Love seeing what you make. Well gals, I am tired and going to go get a glass of wine and put on my pjs, watch some tv, then off to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 6:37:47 PM
Holly, I think you are smart to stay where you have some protection of your rights. I am so fortunate to not have that worry. Even though the DOMA was struck down, things don't change overnight. You know this better than I. I read today that the summer weather in the Pacific NW is supposed to be hotter and drier and your area is supposed to be cooler and wetter. We'll see!
Bunny, don't know how much acreage we will have, but I bet your wagon won't take up much room. Where would you sew???
Gypsy, my mind's eye had your home in the country, your dd in the city and your new apt. putting you closer to her....had that arse backward didn't I? Sorry that you are coming under fire. You are absolutely correct that people undergoing procedures need an advocate. Anyone who is compromised for a short or long time needs someone to look after their best interests. It is too bad that you are the only one who seems capable to fill this role. And yes, your mom is passive-aggressive and somewhat crazy in her method of relaying news.
Jan, hope next weekend is a big business one for your son's store. Things are supposed to be looking up for retail, I hope he is feeling it.
check in with ya later, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 9:44:01 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:26:50 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 9:50:13 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:27:18 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 28 2013 : 11:27:30 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:27:44 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 29 2013 : 06:58:34 AM
Gypsy, You two are a gorgeous couple. We gotta get you in the same place for a combined photo again! I remember the one you posted outdoors with hats. And you both wear hats well, too. So that's what you do with that huge exercise ball I have in the corner of our "exercise area" ... something tells me I'd "take it on the chin" if I tried to copy your honey's move, though!
OK, I am shamed into figuring out my camera ... stay tuned!
Have a great day! Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 29 2013 : 09:36:18 AM
Gypsy, you guys are a beautiful couple. Good for you!
Today is my birthday and I'm off soon with a friend, but I wanted to show you my projects I finished.

Here the jean jacket before I messed with it:

And here it is finished.

Gypsy, I want the tiny house mainly because of cost. I have no retirement and need a cheap living solution that isn't a trailer. Tiny houses are nice stick built houses and hopefully I can find a cheap place to park it. They cost almost nothing to heat. It will cost about $30,000 to have someone build it for me and another $7000.00 for solar power and satellite internet and cable.There are two lofts one for storage and the other for sleeping. I don't need a large place to sew now that I'm doing the clothing thing. I really hope I can get this working. I'm really enjoying the process regardless.
Anyway, I'm off to breakfast for my birthday and it's $5.00 day at Saint Vincent DePaul! party!!
Later everyone.... stay cool. It's suppose to get up to 105 degrees in a few days. I'll be in the basement with the cats..
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2013 : 11:17:30 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:28:37 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 29 2013 : 11:34:40 AM
I hope you have a gorgeous day. Find great treasures at SVdP and get back to Gypsy about the price on that jacket because it would look wonderful on her!!
love, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
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