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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2013 : 8:35:20 PM
Yep, sherone, u got that right. Any guy who will hang out the laundry automatically qualifies. Got yourself a real keeper. Way to go!
I just discovered that I can just punch a little button and talk into a microphone and I don't even have to type. that is absolutely amazing. I've been wondering what that little button was at the bottom of my iPad keyboard and that's what it is. It spells better than I do, too.
Busy time starting early in the morning. See you gals in a few.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 13 2013 : 08:10:26 AM
Finally got my truck back. All better now. What a relief to have it done. Interview tomorrow morning for the job at the college here. Let's hope this one works out. And where the heck is everybody!
I'm getting lonely here!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 13 2013 : 11:01:25 AM
It does look like a bunch of us have fallen to sleep. Holly should have that whiz-bang new computer in her hands about now! Gypsy has learned to just dictate her posts, so she should be posting once things are a bit slower for her. I have almost been successful in crippling myself in the garden. So, today's mantra is "I will not garden." Dh is gone for continuing education for his hearing license and has reminded me that "I will not garden." while he is gone. He is even stopping to pick up a few things for me while he is in town... such a doll. That sounded mushy. Make no mistake - the man drives me crazy, too.
Dd has given notice at her job in preparation for her and her guy's move to Portland. They are quite excited. Unfortunately, we all know how difficult it can be to leave people you have grown to enjoy working with. And then there are the others.
I don't have a lot to say. You know how it is when you just sort of want to gripe about a few things, but know it isn't interesting to anyone but you? That's my mood right now and I will spare you all!
Bunny, it is too early to give up on the CA job. But, put your best foot forward for this job, of course. As you have said, it may be the best long term plan for you to stay put for just a bit more. Knock 'em dead!
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 13 2013 : 5:19:35 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am on the new computer and learning its idiosyncrasies. The key board is smaller so touch typing is problematic. I am sure I will get the hang of it soon enough.
Good for your daughter, Gypsy. I hope she likes the new job as much as the one she is leaving. Is she the mother of your niece who is non communicating? I guess your son and his family are there today. Enjoy your visit.
I took picture today of irises and poppies. The poppies were a brilliant orange but seemed to be past their prime. The irises were gorgeous shades of purple. someone has been working on the garden that I took pictures in for years to get the big clumps of flowers. I am jealous.
Sherone, I would have thought he would have on a cowboy hat. He looks like a guy from around here. I bet he has a great smile and a hearty laugh. Thank you for sharing his picture. He does have an interesting way of hanging laundry. I am glad he is not above helping out. He must love you very much and you have him trained well. You did a great job sizing the picture for the page. I always have trouble with that part.
Mar how far is Portland from you. I had drop in on Tuesday a young man who used to live around here. Around when he was 14 his family moved to Seattle. Now he lives somewhere on the coast counting some bird that lives in the trees and on the ocean. anyway his older brother lives in Portland. So, what job are they moving for? Your flowers sound lovely. I guess if you can not work in the garden you could take pictures or do watercolors. (((((Mar)))))) for your frustrations.
I used to dislike intensely the children talking to all of their friends on their cell phones so I could not hear the tone of the conversations. Dd (16) has had various boyfriends. It has always been interesting to me that she has not met these young men in person. They have had long conversations but not in person. Now, remember the service men she met two weeks ago in the supermarket. She has been talking to one of them who says he is 25 for the two weeks now. They have met once. she knows his last name which is what he goes by. She knows many details about him but does not know his first name or his rank. She says when she turns 18 she is going to live with him, maybe marry him in a military wedding but not in a church. His is about an hour and twenty minutes north. She does not drive. He does not have a car here and I do not know how long his training will be in this state. It is interesting to listen to her test relationships and men. I am liking more the distance she can keep while she has these conversations. I am still nervous about her being taken advantage of. She has told off several well more than six young men. I assume they are young because she tells me they are but who know, for real. Anyway she has told off several men who have given her lines and oh poor me lines to get her to feel sorry. She says she has no time for their drama. One guy told her he was on disability for having Cerebral Palsy but he graduated college early and had played foot ball and soccer in high school on the varsity team. We talked about what CP is and she told him to find another doctor because he had been mis diagnosed. She has not talked to him is a few weeks now. Another young man told her he was going to college on a foot ball scholarship and was looking to be drafted into professional football early because he was so good. Then he told her he quit playing football. She told him how stupid he is and where to get off. YOu know I get all of this through her voice and know nothing of the other side of the conversation. I am just really glad that she is not meeting these men in person.
Whatever varmint that got into the pen wounded one bird. it is still alive. I called the slaughter man today to make an appointment to have them all done in.
Today it did not rain. Yesterday it did until about 2 and tomorrow it is supposed to as well. Nancy was kind enough to send the rains of Tropical Storm Andrea up the coast to us and we have been deluged. So, our weather has been less influenced by Jan's weather and more by Nancy's this last week.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 14 2013 : 07:49:45 AM
Marianne, I have heard nothing from the Calif. job. Plus, my mom's head gasket is going and I had to give her my moving money or she would not have a car at all. There is no way she could ever save up that kind of money. So much for all my hope of going back. At least any time soon. However, if I get this job here, I'll be able to save almost 800.00 a month for my future move.
Time to get ready for my interview today. Later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 14 2013 : 12:32:36 PM
I think my interview went well. When they asked me why they should hire me, I told them because I'm awesome! They all laughed. I then told them it was because I'm a success story for the college. That they had confidence in the education they provided me and now I would have the opportunity to give something back as a wonderful employee. How's that for a bunch of sunshine BS. They have one more person to interview on Monday. They have to make a decision quickly because the person that has the job now is retiring and wants to be gone.
Later all...
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 14 2013 : 2:10:52 PM
Bunny, you mean Sunshine, Blue Sky, right?
My kids went in to town for lunch and shopping and I'm taking a much needed break. Tried to nap but couldn't. So thought I'd see what you all are up to.
Kinda quiet on here. Spring always gets that way when there is so much to do outside.
My son is really being a big help to me and it is so nice to spend time with my little grandson. He is 9 and so well behaved and adorable.
Laundry calls. See you later. Bunny, it will all work out exactly right. Believe!
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 14 2013 2:11:37 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 14 2013 : 3:03:52 PM
Glad to hear this interview went so well. You showed them you have a sense of humor, can think on your feet and are confident, Bunny. Good for you.
Gypsy, glad you are enjoying your family so much. Kids with some manners are such a blast to be around! You better teach him to dance. He'll be a hit when he's older. It is not too early to learn.
Holly, thanks for the comfort about my garden whining. I think Kethry is having some good practice discerning what is the truth in these young men's stories. She'll be able to spot a con man from a mile away pretty soon.
Nice to hear from you all,marianne
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 14 2013 : 6:00:50 PM
Talie had another ball game tonight. His team won 13 to 3. To be fair to the other team they are all younger and less experienced than most of his team. Talie had a good time. 10:15 we do not have to be there until 11. The boy whose mom died of breast caner earlier in the year is on the team. The other parents are making sure that when his dad works he can get to and from the game.
A lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures in the sixties. I am trying to put up another pole bean tower but the screws I have to use are too long and make my drill gun I am using to put in the screws get stuck. So, I need to get more screws that are shorter to make the tower more stable so it does not conk us on the head when it falls down.
Gypsy glad you are having a good time with your descendants. lol geez, doesn't that make you sound old? Still I am glad it is going well.
Bunny that was kind of you to help out your mom with her car repairs. You are quicker on your feet with funny replies than I am. Still hoping for the best for you with regards to the job.
Marianne, I hope you have a good weekend.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 15 2013 : 4:10:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
I hope everyone is having a busy, relaxing enjoyable day. It was quite lovely here in the Greens. Sunny with temperatures in the sixties. Humidity is low.
I am moving the hay out of the hay barn to make room for this year's crop. I am putting it in the garden and in the little room in this barn so the cows will have something to eat at night. I think I have two more truck loads to move.
I also brought up wood in the wagon from the lower field. B helped me and she is great at it and very strong. I think we brought up five loads. I am sore now sitting typing to you.
Talie had a baseball game today. They played a team more their age and size equal. They won 10 to 3. Talie pitched six of the seven innings. He was happy with his performance.
Ms K, dd, has been in a snit all day.
We had lovely sirloin steak for supper. I soaked it in Italian salad dressing all day and C cooked it on the grill. I could have eaten twice as much it was so tasty.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Jun 15 2013 : 7:12:24 PM
Holly, you are such a hard worker. Hopefully you will not feel all the aches and pains when you get up in the morning. The steak sounds so good. Bunny, sending good luck your way for a new job. I do hope you get one or the other. You worked hard to get where you are. I bet you are glad to be done with finals and now off for the summer. Hopefully you will find time to do more sewing now. I have been mostly crocheting lately. I am crocheting the straps on flip flops with fun fur. They are turning out great. Got 24 pair done to put on my Etsy store, hopefully on Monday. It is still not very warm here. I am hoping this will not be a year without summer for us. The beach opened on Thursday, but the water temp. is only 48 degrees!!!!! Too cold for me, that's for sure!!! We only had a few sprinkles of rain today, so I will need to water my gardens tomorrow. My beans and peas are coming up nicely now, tomatoes and peppers are starting to blossom. Praying for no more frost now. Hope all are well and enjoying your weekend and weather. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 16 2013 : 11:34:50 AM
Hello friends,
Hope all of you are enjoying this fine day with the dads in your family. My son was here this morning and my little grandson was so excited to present him with a man-bracelet which he had picked out from a jewelry maker in town, and it was all wrapped up in a lovely piece of artwork he had made especially for his dad. It was a sweet time. Then they left to go to my daughter's house to have lunch together and then do some little ceremony and scatter the ashes of their father, who died last March. So it will be a bittersweet day for all of them.
My B is going to his daughter's for a Father's Day brunch so I am happy about that.
I am enjoying a quiet day at home with my faithful little companions. Not cooking. I'm going to nap a while and then have a meal of leftovers and then look forward to a long phone conversation with my guy tonight.
Wishing all of you a good day filled with good memories.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 16 2013 : 11:59:52 AM
Hi everyone,
It is a happy Father's Day around here as hubby does as he pleases ... now how is that different from most days? ;)
Janet, got my fingers crossed for your gardening weather. And Holly, my mom used to tell us to "Snap Out of It" any time we pulled a "snit." It didn't work, but hey, you could try it on K ... Gypsy, it sounds like your morning was very nice. I hope your children get the closure and solace they need with this time together.
Today is pretty quiet compared to yesterday afternoon. Got a call from my neighbor - yes, The Neighbor. Her horse and llama were "out." That would be because she had her double gate open for a delivery of hay without first securing her animals. But, anyway. She told me they headed east across our property and she was sobbing because she was afraid they would end up in the canyon. AKA "the end of the world" around here. It just would be very difficult to retrieve animals from the canyon, especially flight animals like the horse. I told her we were on our way to help look and that I would call my friend who lived in that direction. Called my MJF friend (Katmom) and told her to be on the lookout. Within 8 minutes, she called back to tell me she had the llama and the horse in her corral. I called The Neighbor, who was heading across other people's land on her Mule (yard vehicle, not the animal). I told her the general direction to head and Dh and I got in our car and headed over to my friend's. We crossed paths with The Neighbor and led her to her animals. I was so astounded at how easily this all came together. I just couldn't believe the luck this woman has when she does some careless things. So, I drove the Mule home, Dh drove The Neighbor home and helped her hook up her horse trailer and then helped her load her animals from Katmom's house. No injuries. Just phenomenal luck. Which The Neighbor took in stride. Almost as though she had expected it to be that easy. We came home shaking our heads.
Time to fix a Father's Day Lunch! Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 16 2013 : 5:37:10 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar you do have a way with words and The Neighbor. It is amazing to me that she needed a trailer to bring the animals home. Only one time has a neighbor used a trailer to retrieve animals from us. He lives about two miles over the hills but a lot farther by road. His fat cows Cinderella and her two stepsisters whose names I can not remember showed up. They had been on the loose for two days. He and a renter, both heavy smokers spent the better part of those two days wheezing and trekking through the hills looking for the three girls. It was pretty funny watching them try to lure the three fat girls onto the trailer which was totally foreign to them because the only time they had ever ridden in one was when they were calves going to his place. You and dh are golden neighbors. It is good he is retired now and not on the road. You would still help her but with out a commiserating partner.
Gypsy, glad to hear from you. Maybe the children can have closure over their father now. It must be fun to watch your grandson be so compassionate. He seems like such a polite boy. You did well by your son and now it is trickling down to the next generation. Good for you.
I am sitting here thinking how can Jan who is a few weeks behind me in planting season have buds on her plants already. Light dawns on marble head. seedlings.
we have had another day of rain. The boys have a harder time being kind to each other when they do not go outside for hours and run and play. Tomorrow is supposed to be occasional showers so maybe they can get some time outside. They do own raincoats but it is cold out as well and so not so fun to play in the showers.
Talie had gone to basketball camp until Friday. He is very happy to be going. They play eight or more hours each day. He has been several years now so he has friends he only sees at camp. It is at a local college so he can experience dorm life and cafeteria food. He likes cafeteria food. He will have cold cereal for breakfast. Pizza and french fries for lunch and supper. His favorites.
Hello to everyone who reads and does not post.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - Jun 16 2013 : 6:22:13 PM
Holly, my tomato and pepper plants I bought already started, I did not grow them from seed. Our growing season is so short here, it is easier to buy some plants than to try to start from seed. It got up to 80 degrees here today, after being cold yesterday. I washed the car inside and out and vacuumed it. I have not had a chance to do that this spring until today. Looks so much better now. Marianne, sounds like you and hubby are becoming pros at rounding up the neighbor's livestock. What would they do if you were not around? I am going to soak my feet and go to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
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Posted - Jun 17 2013 : 06:26:54 AM
Brrr...its cold in Wyoming. We lost three zucchini plants last night to frost. Surely by the middle of June, you could take one night off and not get frost. Nope! Hunky Hubby works as the director for a County owned youth camp. I went to spend the weekend with him in a lovely little cabin in the mountains. In my laziness, I figured the zuccs would be okay. Nope!
We did have a nice time in the mountains, though. I finished some sewing projects that have been driving me crazy. Plus alot of time was spent sitting on the porch with a blankie, watching the hummingbirds feed. Yep, life is good!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 17 2013 : 08:51:20 AM
Good morning all. Finally got to do some sewing on Saturday. I owe a good friend a quilt and found the perfect one to make. I had to draw it out in my quilt design software as there was no pattern offered from the blog I found. Sunday I spent the day doing stuff around the house. Hooked up the lawn sprinkler timer. Worked on my moms computer and then too a long nap. I'm going to Portland today to meet a new friend. We have been Facebook friends but have never met face to face. She has a nonprofit that supports a school in Uganda that I also support. They are having a craft sale next weekend so I'm taking her a bunch of things I have from sewing for my shop. Her husband is going back to put in a water system for the village.
Mar, I'm amazed you haven't had a talk with your neighbor. You have been saving her animals for quite some time now.
Holly, nice that Talie can get away for camp. Sounds like the little guys need inside projects that keep them busy. Maybe some house cleaning?
Sherone, bummer about the zucchini plants. Can't trust the weather...ever. Sounds like Wyoming is a bit harsh weather wise. But a weekend away sounds nice.
The weather here has been interesting. One day it's blazing then rain and thunder the next. Today is warm and overcast. I figure I'll get rained on traveling to Portland.
I hope to hear about the job tomorrow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 17 2013 : 5:25:46 PM
Good evening everyone,
I went to the tooth picker this morning. I like the hygienist but having my teeth cleaned is not far down from having an internal with a cold speculum or having a mammogram with cold plates.
I spoke with my sister this evening and she is fine. Her husband has prostate cancer and has to have it out on Tuesday. She still likes him a lot. They have been married for 36 years. In three months they go back to see if the cancer is gone from his system or whether he will have to do the poison and burn part of the treatment. (chemo and radiation) Kethry wanted to go somewhere to visit for a couple of weeks but now she will have to wait and see.
When we did barn chores this morning the sky was clear and bright blue. By nine o'clock it was overcast and threatening. By two it was pouring...... again. After tonight the next four or five days are to be clear and warm.
I am pecking away at my to do list. Now that J (18 yo son) has decided he can help around the house the list goes more quickly. Even if he only does two things on the list chances are they are two things it would have taken me a lot of time to do. So, I am really glad he has a much better mind set. Kethry always helps and everyday. I would be lost without her.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 18 2013 : 05:51:26 AM
Oh, Holly! The days of having the help of an eighteen year old son! Sigh. It sounds like K is indispensable to you. Was she hoping to visit with your sister for her get away? Prayers for your brother. The "hot" cancer of the prostate is scary, as is the side effects of the surgery.
Moment of silence for your zucchinis, Sherone. Such a bummer. But, your cabin time sounded very nice and worth the loss of the plants??
Bunny,we haven't talked to our neighbor too much about the loose animals because our daughter's boyfriend has a special name for her. It's "Mom." In the interest of keeping the peace ... By the way, I just saw that Katmom posted on "Across the Fence" about our llama adventure, with photo. She even got Larry's good side.
We have had thunder for about twelve hours now. It is a huge system with a good amount of rain. I will be able to catch up inside today. YAY.
Hope you all have a good day. Marianne |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jun 18 2013 05:52:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 18 2013 : 08:15:41 AM
Oh Marianne, sounds like you are in an interesting situation with the Mom neighbor. You are handling it so well. We are getting some cloudy skies here too. Not much rain, just clouds. It is keeping it cool and that makes me happy.
Haven't heard about the job yet. I'm hoping to hear today if I got it. I'm suppose to take my mom to Portland today. Really don't want to go but I don't think I have a choice. Her car is in the shop getting fixed. Maybe she will go herself after she gets it back.
Holly, so glad you have help. With all the things you do!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 18 2013 : 08:57:54 AM
Holly, I have never had the help of an 18 year old boy. Not because I didn't have a son or that he hasn't turned 18. He has just never helped!
OK, I over-exaggerate. He is 21 now and is an awesome young man, who I just adore. Especially his hugs. He's 6'5" and his hugs are engulfing to say the least.
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 19 2013 : 1:36:13 PM
Hello gals, sorry i haven't been around. have been out at the campuses the last 2 weeks counting textbooks. my sister is still being b***** and i am just getting tired of it. i promised mom to try to keep the peace but i don't know if i can. i asked her if she could get the stuff out of the house that she wants before july 15th and her response was that she would do it this weekend and would really rather not see me. sigh. guess i won't be moving to oklahoma when i retire! oh well, i have to be true to my values and i promised the funeral home dude that i would pay him asap when the house sells. i cannot wait until she thinks it is ready...she lives 6 hours away. you would think with it costing them almost $200 a visit they would want to get the stuff quickly too. kinfolks. once this is all done i am going to go back to sewing and hopefully canning -hoping to get a new stove with my part of mom's house. don't need a super duper one - my house was built in 1962. well, got to go back to work--love you gals hugs and prayers to all! janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 19 2013 : 2:24:46 PM
Janie, Sorry to hear of your troubles settling your mom's affairs. You have upheld your end of the deal about keeping the peace. Now, your sister has to get her stuff or lose it. You have the funereal to pay for. I hope the house gets up on the market and sells quickly. You are doing the right thing, don't feel badly about having to be business-like about the sale of the house. And you better find time to try out some new canning recipes on your new stove!
Holly, I hope your BIL is doing well following his surgery. Also, know you are hoping for some good outside playing weather to run some energy off! We are having a few rainy days and I am going nuts with a whiny labrador, let alone three young boys! Thinking of you.
I have things I want to do right now and don't feel physically well enough to do them. I know many of you know exactly what I mean and know the frustration it causes. But, it is always a treat to check in with all you gals, so that is a nice way to take my mind off my frustration.
It's been a quiet few days - no animal wrangling. It almost seems unusual!
Hope everyone is having a lovely day, \Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 19 2013 : 6:05:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Sunny, no clouds in the sky, temperatures in the sixties. The boys were outside all day long. Frog catching, sand playing and general rough housing.
I have asked a young man here in town to come and mill some wood for me. It is the leftover pile of white pine from having some logging done. He told me that he would like the wood put in a pile with one end of each log in line. Did that make sense? So, with my tractor I am moving these logs. It is not hard because the tractor does the lifting. It is tedious because I need to get off the tractor to put the chain around the log and then back on the tractor to move the log. Some of the longer ones I need to move each end. Some I want to lift onto the pile so I drag one end onto the pile and then go to the other end and try to roll it onto the pile without knocking the first end off. I have a few more to do.
I think I have all of the vegetable garden planted. Our son who lives near St Louis sent summer flower bulbs for Mother's Day. They arrived today. I do not really have a flower garden to put them in so I am not sure what to do. A neighbor/friend suggested that she come over with her daughters and we let all of the children decide where to plant them. It works for me. Guilt assuaged.
Janiee I am sorry you are having a hard time with your sister. I guess your brother is gone now. Soon the situation will be resolved. I remember this is a busy time for you at work. The northeast is a nice place to retire to especially if you have not had much experience with snow.
I was at the feed store and there was a woman with Wyoming license plates. I asked her why she moved here. Her daughter lives here. She loves it. Our growing season is longer and it is warmer. I thought of you,Sherone.
My BIL surgery is next Tuesday. I was not sure when it was. He is excited because they are using some robotic procedure and he is a geek of sorts. I guess the robot replaces some of the fear with inquiry.
Marianne you could let the puppy out to play in the rain. Just have huge beach towels lining your walls when he comes in. I hope you feel better and the discomfort eases.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 19 2013 : 7:05:52 PM
We had 80 degrees on Sunday, then the last 2 days have been cool with a low of 33 yesterday and 32 today. It did not do any damage to my gardens yet, it is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I think we are going to have a year without summer. That will really put a damper on our growing season this year. I bought a new swim suit yesterday in hopes that it will warm up soon and I can spend some time down at the beach. Bunny, Hope you hear about the job very soon. Waiting is the hardest. Bet it feels good to be out of school now for awhile. Sherone, seems you are also in a cold spell lately. Hope the rest of your garden is okay. Janie, Hope things get done sooner and you are able to sell your mother's house right away. That would take a lot of stress off you. Marianne, I am sure you do not miss chasing after someone else's animals. Hope the rain stops for you for awhile. Holly, as usual, you had a busy day. You seem to get a lot done in one day, more than I do, that's for sure!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
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