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True Blue Farmgirl
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fernandina beach
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Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 05:09:48 AM
It is raining here like crazy and will be for the next day or two as a part of the tropical storm passes by. Darlys I won't try to call you until you are settled. I wish I was there to help you but I would probably get packed up with your other things and end up in a box in Oakhurst. A Hula pie is a huge slice of 4 or 5 in high ice cream with a chocolate cookie crust. It has chocolate dribbled on it with macademia nuts and lots of whipped cream. Darlys and I had to share one since it is so big. Holly, the big difference for me between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans is the waves. The Pacific, although much colder, has magnificant waves. The crash onto the shore and one can hear the swishing-like sound. The surfers love those big waves. Where I live in FL the waves are very small and the water much warmer. I will be going back up to see MIL in MA in July. I am getting to be a big traveler. I do not like going through security at the airport. Otherwise flying is okay. At least it will not be cold during July. Have lots of errands to do today.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 06:08:22 AM
It is raining here also. Seems the days that I am not working for my son, it is either cold and windy, or raining. Oh well, I don't have to water the gardens this way, but I do need to finish planting, hopefully this weekend. I got the rest of my flower plants yesterday that need to go into my big pots. I also need to get my tomato and pepper plants yet, and lavender. My lavender all died, it is supposed to come back each year. I even had some in a pot I put in the shed, but it did not survive the harsh winter we had. It is still only in the 40s and low 50s for the highs, got down to 28 on Monday and Tuesday. When it does warm up, it will probably get so hot and humid. Well, gotta find something to do today to keep me out of mischief. Have a wonderful dry day,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 5:00:35 PM
Jan, so sorry to hear you have to replant your lavendar. I have been weeding around some of my plants and they already smell heavenly. It is one of my favorite plants. I may have thirty or more plants. When I cut the flowers to dry, it is a few days work! I love having so much lavendar that I can throw it on the carpet and vacuum it up just to freshen everything!
We have had a nice week of weather although today we are almost 90 degrees...
Gypsy, I would have washed anything in that young man's jeans without checking, too! I think the crawdads would have done me in.
Oh and add me to the list of "why did I buy a new sewing machine instead of having this one fixed" people. My Viking is still lovingly packed for my daughter ... fat chance she'll ever want it! But, I think I will have it serviced for myself. I really do prefer it to the one I bought to replace it about eight years ago.
Hope everyone is having a lovely day. Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 5:02:13 PM
Forgot to tell you that Laverne and Shirley (the pigs) stopped by last night while Dh and I were out doing some yardwork. Dh needs to stop calling them Ham and Bacon ... Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 8:42:46 PM
Took me all night to catch up here and on my email! Unless it's raining, I'm outside. I think I have put 1/2 bottle of lotion on my arms from so much sun and my hair is quickly becoming very blonde. FINALLY IT'S SUMMER HERE! Well, except it's suppose to rain all weekend and we will have Andrea coming through.
Gypsy - if you do need help pricing something give me a call or email me a picture. But it sounds like you know what you are doing on eBay and Etsy. For a yard sale just price what you think it should be and say or write a sign that says Don't like my price, make an offer.
Marianne - I think I like Ham and Bacon, lol! Sounds like the puppy is like our George and Fred roosters. David calls them the dueling roosters.
I'm glad to have "heard" from Janiee because I was thinking of you this afternoon. I do hope things are going better today regarding your family and your Mom's house. I hope you are taking care of yourself emotionally and physically during this time.
Holly - I'm about 3 1/2 hours from Augusta. I forget how far that is from you but we went to Vermont once on Rt. 2 and it took us about 8 hrs. to get to Burlington from here, if I remember correctly. It's been years. Loved it though! Felt like I was back in the 60's. But the views are to die for! I can see why you live there! K sounds like a really bright, competent young woman and you should be proud! I love quick wits, probably because I never feel like I am.
Glad Darlys's house sold quickly and everything went smoothly. Soon you'll be in your forever home enjoying a new phase of life!
Bunny - I hope you get this job because you sure are doing well selling fabric! Destiny is saying you must get back to CA., girl! I hope your good luck continues!
Denise - I hope your DH gets his job too! I saw an ad in the paper and thought about applying for this job but I'm so torn. Could always use the money or prefer to spend my summer in the garden and maybe make some money with too much food growing. Tough decisions.
I guess I didn't mention I was in a car accident Memorial Day, 1 hour before my friends got here. Pretty sure my van is totaled but don't know yet. I was turning left into my driveway when this guy thought it would be a great idea to pass me on the left. I live right where the speed limit changes from 40 to 55 and people hate having to wait until then to start going fast. I'm just grateful I wasn't hurt since he hit the drivers side door, fender, headlight, and wheel. Oh the wheel! It's bent inward badly. My back of course already hurt so if he did more damage to it, I wouldn't know. But his insurance took complete responsibility and got me a rental car right away and have been pretty nice so far. But I hate vehicle shopping because we will have to go to Bangor or further south probably.
Outside I'm trying to get my gardens planted too. Seems like we have too much rain. I haven't gotten the back garden rototilled and not sure I will. I have 39 tomato plants in my window waiting to be planted along with pumpkins, squashes, potato's, and seed plants. The two raised beds are planted very tight to use as much space as possible. I am giving up one "pen" where the corn was last year so the girls can have both pens this year. Currently we have 8 hens and two roosters but we also have 5 teens in the garage. So I have to get another coop built this weekend hopefully. I've also been digging out alder clump stumps, took all the concrete blocks out around the pens and put fencing under them and stapled it to the wood so we hopefully won't have rats in there and planted one side with snow peas, two other sides with two different cucs. But I have SO MUCH MORE TO DO! Busy, busy, busy.
And on the note I will bid you all a good night. It's almost midnight and 6:30 comes way to soon. TGIF anyway.
Stay safe and happy everyone.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 8:59:10 PM
Mar, if Laverne and Shirley start digging in your pretty flower beds, I'd start referring to them as road kill.
Janet when you and hubby retire, you are going to miss your gardening. If I've still got this place, you are welcome to come by and work it out of your system if you get. to missing it too much.
Nancy I'm glad you are getting a bit of a break before you take off again. It does sound like you are racking up a lot of FF miles. Congrats to your GD. Sounds like she landed a dream job. The hula pie sounds like something I need to put on my bucket list.
We were talking about hair a while back. I was going to cut mine short but chickened out, mostly because Of the high maintenance of keeping it cut. Well I have an appt Sunday afternoon with my favorite hairdresser, Dan, who is going to do the Deed. Short and curly. I hope I don't come out looking like an old lady. I'm going to tell him think Marilyn Monroe. I'm ready for a change.
Holly, Dan and his partner were the ones thinking about adopting. I gave him your email but don't know if he ever contacted you or not. I showed him pictures of my little adorable adopted GD and he was seriously wanting to do it but a little intimidated by the expense, I think. I really campaign for the kids when I meet someone who would be great parents, as these two are. They were introduced to each other by Sandra Bullock, he was telling me. She lives here and pparently they jog in the same park.
Hey,Bunny, how ya holding up there, girlfriend? You probably wont know anything for a while.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 06 2013 : 9:12:26 PM
Ginny you posted while I was writing. I might take you up on your offer to help with the pricing. I thought I'd just think what I might pay for something and cut it in half. I have a few things that I think are collectibles but I don't think a yard sale is the place for them. Probably do eBay for that kind of thing. I went through a lot of stuff today and finally kind of got into it. One heck of a lot of stuff. I'm going to have a lot of free stuff if they will just haul it off.
One thing I do have that I think might be valuable is an antique spinning wheel. It is really old. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 06 2013 9:18:04 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 07 2013 : 4:41:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, my computer has lights on the keyboard but no light on the screen. I am using Cheri's work laptop.
I was too tired last night to type. I finally filled out the form for the children to go to the school shows at the theater for the next school year. The two teens have ten shows and the littles have 8. Each show is about $8 each and an hour long. They are usually in the morning. We really like to see the puppet shows, the acrobats and the dancers. The teens should be able to drive themselves so that saves me. We do not do alot of other outside activities so these are grand. rule My dd wants to be near NYC. She is now in the process of changing her mind because the people she wanted to go with have other plans now. She will find her way and be successful at what she does.
Janiee if your brothers want to be paid keep track and take it out of their piece of the sale of the house. I love the old embroidery pieces, you are so lucky to have found your mom's. I am a little jealous of you sewing machine find. It will run on and on for years.
Our nearest neighbor is 1/3 mile through the woods and fields and when they first brought home their puppy they would leave it in a kennel out back and we would hear it. I do not envy the pulled heart strings listening to the neighbor's puppy cry at your house, Mar. Even if it is not your dog there is still oh poor puppy feelings.
I should not have complained about the heat and humidity last weekend because for several days this week the temperatures have been in the forties with rain rain rain. Everything is a luscious green color.
I do not check pockets either but I do collect the money at the bottom of the washer or dryer. I have stopped fessing up when someone mentions having lost some money. I used to give it back. I do try to check the pajamas for pull ups. They are nasty when they come out of the wash and nastier if they pop from too much liquid.
Gypsy if Dan and his partner want a child that is not an infant they costs will be less if nothing. I do not pay for my adoptions of the older children the sending state pays my fees. Then after you finalize you can get some money from your income tax credit for each adoption. Texas is a nasty state to adopt in if you are lesbian or gay. The rules are narrow and restrictive.
Ginny I think you must be about 8 hours from me because when we used to go to Belgrade Lakes it would take between four and five hours to get there.
I have been sending good energy thoughts to Bunny all week for the job. Sherone I hope camping was a good time. Judi glad to hear from you again. My first son lives in Illinois near St Louis.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 07 2013 : 6:35:37 PM
Holly, thank you for the good thoughts. No word yet. I'll be ok if I don't get it. I really want to move back to Calif, but staying here for a few years and saving money will work too. I just hate the waiting. Plus my son said it is 106 degrees today. I wish I could get them to all move to Oregon. Never happen though.
Mar, there is a puppy a few houses down that cries all morning when the kids leave for school. Now that school is out he has stopped. I felt so bad for the poor thing.
Gypsy, I bet you do fine with your sale. Too bad you couldn't contact a local antique store and see if they would buy the nicer things. You won't get much over yard sale prices but you might sell more that way.
Ginny!! So glad you are not hurt from your accident. How scary! And now a totaled car. I'm glad the insurance company is doing the right thing.
I'm having another fabric sale tomorrow. I don't expect to do as well as last weekend, but I will be happy with anything.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2013 : 2:05:13 PM
just stopping by to catch up. it sounds like you are all doing well facing the challanges that life has delt you. We went from the drought to non stop rain. Farmers usually have crops planted by the end of April. It is June 8th and fields still stand empty. I have my planters up and going, but the rain has raised problems with the flower beds - lots of grass and weeds that need attention before everything goes to seed. I guess this will be a "less is more" summer. Still not feeling wellso will return to Mayo Clinic end of month.
Taa Taa my wonderful chickie poos!!!!!!!! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2013 : 4:31:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
The man at the computer store said that my computer got too hot and some chip lifted off the motherboard so the computer is history. I have another on order to have whatever programs I need installed on it. I will get it on Wednesday.
We took the children to the Montshire Museum today. It is a nice science museum. There were things to do and touch. Then we went out to eat at Appleby's because one of the big boys gave us a gift certificate for mother's day. The children had a good time.
Some wild thing got into the new laying hen house last night and ate 6 of the birds. At least on was a rooster so I am not heart broken about that one. It climbed in through the eves between the roof rafters which really is only about four feet off the ground in the back. At least whomever it was ate the birds instead of just killing and leaving them. I took the carcuses to the edge of the field and left them. How do you spell carcuss and way?
Thelma I am glad to hear from you and sad that you are not feeling well.
Overcast and occasional sprinkles all day. Tomorrow the weather guessers say some sun.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
196 Posts

196 Posts |
Posted - Jun 08 2013 : 9:23:21 PM
Trying to catch up with you all tonight. It's been crazy busy here, there is so much to do to get ready for my parents moving here and it's been raining so much that I finally got to mow the lawn today, it sure was pretty long. Oh man Holly, I'm sorry about your birds. Bunny I hope you do good on your fabric sale. Gypsy I wish you a wonderful visit with your son and family when they come. Hi Nancy, I hope the storm didn't cause too much damage. Ginny sorry to hear about your car accident, glad you didn't get hurt. It's late and I'm heading to bed. Have a wonderful weekend.
Judy~Farmgirl Sister #599 I've lived in an urban area most my life, but now I'm living in a rural area up on a ridge in the Ocooch Mountains in Southwest Wisconsin, sharing my life at...
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 5:17:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
Temperatures in the fifties and sixties today. Now it is clear but it was overcast for a good share of the day. I planted more beans, the kind to dry in the fall. I also planted Pak Choi well it is Toy choi because the plants will be smaller. I have not grown this kind before so it will be fun. I need to reseeed some of my carrots only about half of it came up. The lettuce is starting to look like lettuce.
My asparagus is growing taller and I fill it in with soil. I do not know how much I should fill in. I am heartened by the success of it because I was not successful in the past when I have tried to grow it.
Talie started Babe Ruth baseball tonight. It was the first practice. The first game will be Thursday.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 5:24:38 PM
I like the pictures on your blog. I like to take pictures as well. I like that you have pictures of lots of different things and people and they do not all look the same.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 5:36:20 PM
I finally got my tomatoes and green peppers planted today. My peas and beans are starting to pop out of the ground, I still need to plant my cukes and lettuce. It was pleasant all weekend, in the 60s, but a bit cool at night yet, 35. We keep the bedroom window open all night, feels good, but we do not get much of a breeze in there, but the fresh air is still nice to breath. It is supposed to rain tonight, I hope it does, my gardens need watering and my rain barrel is getting low. Gypsy, We lived in an upper apartment for 20 years before we moved here, so I only had a deck with potted plants with some veggies. This is our 4th summer here, 3rd one with a garden, so I am trying to plant as much as I can, because once we are on the road, my gardening days will be done again. I do love to get my hands dirty. And it is good exercise. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
196 Posts

196 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 8:44:33 PM
Thank you Holly, I never leave the house without my camera. Our asparagus grew in but we lost a lot of our plants from voles this year...Grrrr! I wish I could send you some rain Janet, we've had our fair share of it. My rain barrel has overflowed a few times already.
Judy~Farmgirl Sister #599 I've lived in an urban area most my life, but now I'm living in a rural area up on a ridge in the Ocooch Mountains in Southwest Wisconsin, sharing my life at...
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Jun 09 2013 : 11:12:35 PM
having trouble sleeping tonight so am roaming around the house. I too lost my lavendar. I called the lavendar farm where Ipurchased it 3 years ago and they no longer ship. I'm sure I an find some around here if I keep ooking. i do want to make lavenar coojies this summer. Taa taa my dear friends |
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
2460 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2013 : 07:47:21 AM
| must have been catching, because I was up all night too. My brain just would not shut down. All I could think about was that we planted the zucchini to close to the fence and the horses were going to eat them in the morning. *LOL* By morning, I had devised a complete fence rehab to protect three little zucchini plants. Oh well, I will sleep tonight.
All - The camping trip was wonderful. The really great thing about camping while wearing the boot of shame is that everybody waits on you. So Hunky Hubby did most of the work and I cheered him on! It is my right leg, so I can't wear the boot when I drive. I fashioned my tennis shoe with some padding and it worked great for the trip. The drive was only about 1 1/2 hours, so it wasn't bad.
An amazing thing happened while we were on the lake in our boat. Hunky Hubby had caught a nice sized rainbow trout. He threw it back in the lake. Like two seconds later, a big white pelican swooped down and scooped up the fish in its bill. It landed ten feet from the boat and lifted its bill in the air. It swallowed that fish whole! It was amazing!!!!
The dogs and their owners were completely worn out by the time we got home. We spent Sunday relaxing and worshiping our Lord. What a great way to end a perfectly wonderful week.
I know that God brings us trials to make us stronger. He brings us days at the lake to remind us that it is worth it. :)
Hope your week goes wonderful and remember that God loves you and so do I!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 10 2013 : 11:00:41 AM
Sherone, sounds like your trip to the lake is just what the foot Dr ordered. Hunky Hubby sounds like a keeper.
Still waiting on word about the job. In my heart I know I need to stay here for at least another two years to accomplish my retirement goals. (Saving for my tiny house). I want to move back to Calif. under my own terms. But if I get the job...I'm there. I'm still waiting to hear from the college for an interview. They took two weeks last time to contact me. So I have at least another week. I know they are not in any hurry since school is out on Thursday.
Doing my online finals today. Finished one and got a B in the class. I'll probably get a C in the next one. I'm good with that. Just want the class to be over.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 10 2013 : 5:23:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was a lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Most of the day was clear towards the afternoon it clouded over. Temperatures were in the sixties. I think the humidity must have been on the high side because I sweated when I did any sort of labor at all. I I planted some lettuce, basil, sunflowers and something else that is eluding me right now. I planted some pole beans and morning glories at the base of some of the Jerusalem artichokes. I also planted pumpkins near them as well. Just a little different take on the three sisters.
I was wishing for Gypsy last night. Something found a hole in the netting of the meat bird pen and tried to eat one of the birds. The bird has a loud voice and we rescued it before it could get eaten. I remember that Gypsy is a dead shot with her pistol. I could have put her on the porch and she could have shot around the bird to the varmint. I did go out to the pen with the staple gun to close up the hole and believe that I did the job. We will find out tonight if I was successful.
I split a tank and a half of wood today. I ache.
That must have been so cool to see a pelican swoop down and eat a fish right out of the lake. We do not have pelicans here. We do have Great Blue Herons.
Bunny glad school is almost over. Just one more semester.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 10 2013 : 5:56:40 PM
Sherone, I think the pelican must have been quite the sight, too. How fantastic. Glad your trip was so fun and dh such a dreamboat.
Holly, Hope everyone is there in the morning. I'm sure you are pretty handy with the staple gun. And no wonder you ache, that is a lot of wood. Our humidity was 14% today. I have aloe vera lotion that I have to put inside my nostrils because it gets so dry here. Somewhere between us is the perfect amount of humidity! Couple more days and then you will have your new computer!
Bunny, congrats on getting thru another sememster. I bet you will have quite a wait to hear from the school about an interview. Those processes seem to be very slow.
Had a pretty normal day today. Did inside "shtuff" in the morning and outside "shtuff" in the afternoon. Now, I'll be happy to watch some tv and hopefully it will be interesting enough to keep me awake! The puppy next door has learned to howl. I am quite happy to not hear her cry nearly so much. I would rather be annoyed at howling than have my heart strings tugged at the crying!
My oriental poppies are blooming. They don't last long, but they are such a big spot of bright color that they are worth it. I have red and orange and an occasional white one. The irises are up. Purples, yellows, whites, yellow and purple, purple and white. Very pretty. And the roses have started, too. Oh and the first peony! I think I have finished cutting the tulips down. And the lavendar is all budded out and I think by Thursday it will be blooming. Busy time in the garden.
Hope you are all having a lovely evening. Mar
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2013 : 8:00:44 PM
Hi, everybody, just jumping on to say hi, one more day before the kids get here and it will be a busy time. I have enjoyed reading the posts. This is the busiest bunch of gals. There may still be a few ignorant and uninformed who think we do actually slow down after 50. Not.
Sherone, I want to see a pic of the hunky hubby. I've got a hunky guy, too. At least to me he is. Mine is 14 months younger, does that make me a cougar? I sure hope so. That's what I'm claiming, anyway.
Mar, your gardens sound heavenly. How about some pictures? I'm having to live vicariously through you gardeners this year.
Thelma I'm sorry you aren't sleeping. You should call Mar, she is always up. Right, Mar? I think 3 in the morning is a good time to post.
Holly I got my hair cut yesterday by Dan and he told me they have decided not to adopt. So he won't be contacting you. Pity. We sure need more people who want these kids. I got a short cut and a perm and go back sometime soon for color. High maintenance gal I am.
Holly, sorry about the varmints getting your chickens. I wonder if its raccoons. I hate those things! Be happy to shoot them for you.
I'm trying to get to 5 miles on the treadmill with a pretty good incline so I will be able to kick B's butt at the hiking. I don't know, they must come out of the womb in Scotland hiking and playing golf and drinking Guinness That's what he lives for.
Bunny, my DD has been trying for years to get a job close to home with no long commute and out of the blue this week, it happened. She got a call from a charter school about 15 minutes from her house asking her to interview for Special Ed Director, she went in for an interview Friday and they called her this morning and told her she got the job. She is still spinning from the news. She loves the job she has but it is a long commute. Anyway, good things are happening and it's your turn.
Good night all
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Jun 10 2013 8:06:33 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 11 2013 : 08:42:49 AM
It's Tuesday and I have heard nothing about the CA job. Part of me wants to curl up in a ball and cry and the other knows it was too soon to move back. I put so much energy into making it work, I don't have anything left right now. I'm thankful that I get to have my truck working properly again and I'm thankful I have some much needed money in the bank. I will continue to focus on what I want in hopes that someday it will come to me. If my mom can get her car fixed, she is planning on spending time in CA with her man friend. That will make staying here much easier. She drives me crazy! I'm saying that in the nicest terms possible. I did get all 3 of my finals done yesterday. It was a long day. Two classes ended with B's and two classes will most likely be A's. I know I'll be getting a C in my algebra class. I'm good with that. Thursday is my last day. But also my last day of work. I sure hope something comes up. I'm suppose to teach two children's sewing classes this summer. I'm not to keen on teaching kids. But is money.
Holly, good for you on your wood cutting. What a job. It would be interesting to know what got into the meat bird pen.
Marianne, your garden does sound wonderful. My strawbale garden is limping along. I found out I didn't need to condition it this year so most of my plants died. The squash is doing great though. I planted the lettuce garden in a traditional planter box and it is doing well. One tomato is struggling, I hope it survives. I'll get it down someday.
Gypsy, good for your dd and her new job. It is nice to work close to home. I'm only 2 miles from the college and a tank of fuel lasts me over a month. Big money savings there. She will appreciate that.
Well, time to get ready for the day. Thanks for letting me complain.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2013 : 1:48:12 PM
Here's Hunky Hubby.....I'm in big trouble....teehee

Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
My Blog
Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 11 2013 : 1:53:45 PM
And since you asked.......he does laundry!

Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
My Blog
Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
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