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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 02 2013 : 5:01:54 PM
Darlys, so good to hear from you!!! Congratulations on selling your home so fast. We will need your new address when you are ready to share it. Nancy, so good that you got to spend some time with Darlys. I wish there were some farmgirls closer to me to meet with. Someday when we are on our travels we will be able to meet with some of you. Congrats on GD getting that job. Bunny, great job on the fabric sale!!!! Hopefully next weekend you can do well also. Good luck with your interview. Exciting things are happening for you!!!! Hope all does work out for you. Would you believe we had snow flurries this morning???? We came out of Walmart around 11:00 and there were flurries flying around!!!! It is June 2 isn't it? It was very windy today and that gave us a wind chill below freezing. We had bad thunderstorms yesterday with high winds and a lot of trees down in town. We do not have to worry too much about tornados here though, it is usually too cold for that. More rain in the forecast for the week. I don't know when I can get the rest of my garden planted. Hopefully this weekend. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 02 2013 : 5:19:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
Herding pigs can get old really quick. Mine have only gone down the road three times in thirty years. I am so glad.
Baseball season is over for the school year. Talie's team only won one game. They are told that because they are mostly ninth graders playing upper classmen that they did really well. Babe Ruth starts in two weeks. I think it is only two nights a week instead of five. Then Babe Ruth all stars.
I want to tell you a funny story. Kethry,Cheri and Ross went to the grocery store yesterday. Remember that K is a precocious 16 yo. When they arrived at the store there were many army vehicles in the parking lot. K was in line for the toilet so she decided to browse the shampoos while she was waiting. An army man came up to her and said, Are you married? She said. You must have been out of circulation for a long time to walk up to a woman and ask that with out even an hello first. Another man came up behind the first excused him for bad manners and the conversation went on. K went into the bathroom and came out and went to get R. She took him to the bathroom and when she came out there were three servicemen standing there with papers in their hands. They offered her their phone numbers. In the conversation K found out that the gorgeous 6' 5" hunk was 38 yo. As she was leaving the store one said, she's gorgeous. Another said, she wants me. We have had a good laugh over K's response to the first pick up line. K is only 5' tall.
WOW Ginny, what a treat having a friend drop in from the Cape, it is not like your house is just around the corner.
Bunny Your total for the sale was wonderful. That much less fabric to move as well. Now to get enough money to fix the truck as well. Just think for a skype interview you could be naked from the waist down and the interviewer would not even know.
Nancy, I am glad you had a nice time in California. What is the difference in the oceans? the color? the surf? I am glad you are back safely.
I live in the mountains. Well, the eastern mountains so they are not as tall as the Tetons or the mountains that Sherone must look at everyday. If I won Powerball or the Megabucks I would get a house on the ocean. I love the sound of the surf.
Gypsy finally enough rain to enjoy the wild flowers. Sorry immigration is a pain in the tookus. I do not envy you having to spend the time to figure out how much something is worth to sell it. I am not good at that at all. I bet Ginny is good at it. Maybe you could fly her down for a couple of days.
Darlys Congratulations on the sale of the house. Kethry said your lemons are the best and I told her that sadly you were selling the house with the lemon tree. Now only one house to care for.
Yesterday and today I rehabbed an old chicken pen to accommodate 20 turkey poults that have finally feathered out enough to live out doors. I just ran chicken fencing inside the old torn chicken fencing and put netting up over the top. It was really a one day job but T had his last baseball game and we had thunder storms yesterday and today. It is clear now.
the weather yesterday and today was like the end of July weather. I hope that we do not have triple digits this summer.
Denise in what part of NJ do you live. My dd has decided that she wants to move to NJ after she finishes massage therapy school. Now that she saw those gorgeous hunks in uniform in the grocery store she thinks maybe she would like to be a nurse in the service. Her excitement over her different paths is fun.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 02 2013 : 7:53:09 PM
Ok all my wise farm sisters. I need some advise. I just found out from my friend that her daughter (the one with the job I'm applying for) told her that I sent my résumé and cover letter with all the edits still visible. She said my resume was really done well, but the edits from the career counselor were all there. I didn't accept them only looked at the final and now I'm feeling horrified. I don't know what to say if he brings it up in the interview. Now you know why I'm such a spaz. I do this stuff all the time!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 02 2013 : 8:49:24 PM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 5:10:51 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 03 2013 : 02:09:32 AM
Bunny, don't bring up the edits. Don't acknowledge them unless you are asked. It probably won't come up. It dings you for attention to detail on computer transmittals, but nothing else. Sorry that happened. I hope it doesn't shake your confidence, though. You know that kind of crud happens when you have a lot on your mind. People can usually forgive such bloopers. We'll all be rooting for you on Tuesday.
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 03 2013 : 02:21:54 AM
Ginny, it sounds like it was a fun time catching up with your friend. Hope your back is healing and you are feeling better. I agree with you that the tornado season has been particularly fierce this year.
Nancy, always nice to hear your good news.
Darlys, best wishes for life in your new home.
Bunny, you kicked butt with your fabric sale. Good for you!
Jan, you must be tired of being patient for spring. It has got to show up soon, put in a short stay and move on for Summer's arrival! I know you are itching to use your awning and outside area.
Hollie, loved hearing how K is handling her attention from our soldiers! She has a way of keeping people in line. I think it will serve her well throughout her life. And what are her plans for all these phone numbers that are being thrust upon her?! What a fun time of life to have all these choices open to you. Maybe it just seems fun looking back. I guess it can be quite overwhelming, but luckily she has you and C to guide her. Is T upset that the season is at an end? When will your school year end or do you not take time off in the summer?
Been keeping busy. Not much excitement. Twenty four hours have passed and apparently all our neighbor's pens are holding her animals...
Happy Monday to All, Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 03 2013 : 02:23:51 AM
What possessed me to spell Holly's name wrong? marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jun 03 2013 : 5:54:18 PM
Good evening everyone There are different ways we can report to the state our progress in home schooling. We can send in a portfolio of the work. We used to do that. It would take me four hours for each child. The learner can take an assessment test for each grade. Not my idea of a good time. Or we can have a certified teacher come and talk with the learner and fill out a form for their learning. This is what we do. In the past we have had the teacher come in March or the beginning of April. This year she was teaching full time so she was not available until June. So, we are still at it.
Today I made three new beds for the vegetable garden. I took eight bales of hay and laid them on their sides in a rectangle. Then I put six bales laying flat inside and filled on top with manure. I planted butternut and buttercup squash, beans, sunflowers, acorn squash, cosmos and batchelor buttons. Everything else is doing great.
Jan I do appreciate you telling me what the weather might be that is approaching. I do not watch the TV or check it out on the computer. I do hear it on the radio occasionally. I guess in some areas nearby there were some nasty winds with the rain that knocked down trees. There were four schools on the PBS station this morning that had two hour delays.
Bunny good sleep tonight and a good interview tomorrow.
Today when I was out in the garden a military helicopter flew over, somewhat low. I yelled to K and she popped her head out her window. I yelled your new boyfriends are looking for you. She laughed and said she knew it was them. Later she asked if they could see through the house and into the bathroom to see her while she was showering. I told her I did not think so. she has a good attitude these days.
Ginny a neighbor of mine was in your fair town over the weekend. If I had known she was going I would have sent her with a prize for you. she said it took her eight hours to get there but the person she was with was driving like 90 most of the way. How far are you from Augusta?
Mar glad the pigs and such are staying home now. How is the puppy?
Gypsy how about posting some pictures of the wild flowers around you. I bet the fields are gorgeous. I found a Jack in the pulpit today. It is not a spectacular looking plant but interesting because it catches flies. I told C that he looked to see the chewing pieces. The columbine are starting to flower as well. They are so delicate. the blues and purples are pretty.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
196 Posts

196 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 06:21:55 AM
Wow, a lot of posts since I've been on last :)
I got back from Illinois on Sunday and yesterday I mowed the lawn all day, it was so long and needed a mowing badly. When I was in Illinois for my parents moving sale their neighbor told me about the "tornado" that hit near our town. I called a friend and she said they hadn't classified it as a "tornado", but there was a lot of damage at the opposite end of town from us, we actually live 11 miles outside of town. As far as I know no one was hurt. My parents sale went well and they sold all the big items that they were wanting to get rid of and what they didn't want to keep went to goodwill.
Bunny I hope your interview goes well.
Trying to catch up with you all, and house work and laundry calls me, though my laundry pile isn't as big as it used to be when my kids were small or as often. I used to do a minimum of 5 loads everyday but Sunday. I got smart and would go through each item and check them out thoroughly because 9 times out of 10 an item didn't need to go into the wash. Instead of putting it back into the drawer what they decided not to wear they just threw it in the dirty basket...Silly kids!
I hope you all have a wonderful day today!
Judy~Farmgirl Sister #599 I've lived in an urban area most my life, but now I'm living in a rural area up on a ridge in the Ocooch Mountains in Southwest Wisconsin, sharing my life at...
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 06:35:23 AM
Judy, I use to do my older son's laundry. As he got older and started earning money, I would find money in his pockets that he didn't remove before throwing it in the basket. Guess who got paid for doing his laundry? Many $20 bills ended up in my pocket that way. He finally decided it would be a better deal if he did his own laundry.
I have had ladies calling me this week asking if they can still come and shop my fabrics. I have a group coming on Wednesday. I need to get off my duff and put it in the paper again for this weekend.
Time to get ready for my interview. Yes, I'm a bit stressed. I do usually interview well.
Wish me luck.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 06:35:43 AM
| is so busy, isn't it? I just can't seem to get enough time out of a day. The summers in Wyoming are so short that we have to cram everything into 3 months that can't be done in the winter.
We got the garden all planted this last weekend. Tonight, the last of the tomato and pepper plants go into the greenhouse. We are trying the plant potatoes in the tire method this year. We have a half acre yard, so just the watering, trimming and mowing are kickin' my butt!
The boot of shame is a pain in my butt! It is making my other leg and ankle hurts so bad that I had to take a percacet today. I'm feeling great now, though! :)
We are heading out tomorrow on a camping/fishing trip. We are going to a lake called Viva Naughton which is near Kemmerer, WY. With our boat and our camper, we will have to take two trucks. this is the first time we have gone camping in our new/old trailer. We are really looking forward to the down time.
More wonderful news is that my nephew is probably going to get full custody of his daughter. Long story that I will tell you after the court proceedings are over. Needless to say, I am so happy, because this little girl is a very special little darling that we want in our lives.
I'm going to be away from the computer for a while, but please know that I read each post and I am loving this thread!!!!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 07:48:37 AM
Bunny....thinking good thoughts for today! Laundry....LOL sometimes sons have to learn the hard way. I was never any good at checking my hubby and sons pockets. Heaven only knows what may have went through my laundry!!! :)'s good that K has a good attitude concerning the soldier's bold moves. I can't imagine are one brave soul. :)
Sherone....Camping with your boot? Be careful!
Judy T.... good to hear your parents sale went well. Where in Illinois are they from?
Hope everyone has a great day.....prayers to those in need!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
196 Posts

196 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 12:17:35 PM
Hi Mel, I was born and raised in Waukegan Illinois and my parents still live there. My husband and I moved from there 3 years ago.
Judy~Farmgirl Sister #599 I've lived in an urban area most my life, but now I'm living in a rural area up on a ridge in the Ocooch Mountains in Southwest Wisconsin, sharing my life at...
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 12:26:50 PM
Honey Bunny - Extra blessings being sent your way today.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 1:44:56 PM
hello everyone...still working on my mom's house. siblings are doing ok but the "money" is beginning to get to them. brothers will work on the house only if i assure them they will be paid for it. sister wants only to clean which would not be bad but she has to move a lot of stuff out of the house prior to cleaning...sigh. on the good side though, my brothers son, christopher, whom we have not heard from or seen in a very long time, did come to the funeral and he was a delightful young man. he has someissues with his dad and i fully understand that. he is now emailing me regularly and is so loving..i am amazed. and he is planning on using the money his nanny set aside for him to start over. he really wants to find a nice girl , get married and have kids (he is 27) and he is a very hard worker. sherone, so glad to hear about your nephew's daughter...that will be wonderful! well, hugs and love and prayers to all.. janiee farmgirl #390 bunny, so jealous of your fabric sale! wish i could have participated in it!! and good luck with your job interview. hugs to Holly today too!
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 4:22:32 PM
The interview is over!!! so glad. Skype totally failed in the middle of everything. I was interviewed by a team of 5 people. They couldn't see or hear me well enough. So we switched to a phone conference mode. Still had video for a while and then that crashed too. But at least they got to see my smiling face. I can't say how it went. I just kept emphasizing that if I didn't know how to do something, I made the effort to learn it. I also added that I felt the job was to support the team and keep all the wheels moving smoothly so they could do their job. I hope I was able to get it across that I know my job is to solve problems. I had to do an Excel project. It was way too easy. Glad for that! One thing that I really liked is they kept using the term "learning" Emphasizing the advantage of the skills I would "learn". In other words they don't expect me to know everything. They have 5 candidates. I don't know when they will make the decision but I still don't have a line on a place to live. However, my truck just left to get a rebuilt transmission for almost half of what the transmission place in town quoted. Sorry to run on, but I'm so relieved it is over. Nothing I can do now except find a place to live and wait.
Jane, Sorry the money issue has raised it's head. Families really change when someone dies and there is money involved. I hope you can get through it without damaging your relationship with everyone.
Darlys, thank you for your positive thoughts.
Sherone, have a wonderful time camping. Be careful with the boot of shame. My mom fell many times because it was not very slippery and it would stick on the carpet.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 4:57:58 PM
Holly, I am in southern New Jersey. Where does she want to go?
farm girl sister#43 O, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it! And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only--how did you take it?
--Edmund C. Vance.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 5:16:05 PM
Bunny, congratulations on getting through your interview. It sounds as though the people made a good impression on you. Don't forget you are interviewing them, too! I am so glad to hear the pride in your "voice" when you speak of how it went. Ride that wave of confidence! You are doing great. Now go take some of those nice ladies' money for your fabric ;)
Sherone, you are a brave gal camping with a boot. But, are you driving? Or is it your left foot? Hope it is an enjoyable time. We look forward to hearing about your adventures. Fingers-crossed about your nephew's custody case!
Janie, is your nephew close enough that he might be able to do some of the work on your mom's house? It sure would be nice to see the money go to him... My heart goes out to you at this time. I know how hard it is. You want to turn to your siblings and grieve, but sometimes it feels like they are just strangers. I hope you are doing well. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 5:26:32 PM
Funny laundry story. My MIL was visiting years ago when the kids were young. She offered to do the laundry. I'm not crazy, I said, "Enjoy." She commented that I really had "my gang" trained to empty their pockets before they put something in the laundry room and how had I accomplished that. I told her my secret was that I never check pockets. Everyone had learned to check their pockets themselves pretty quickly. The one with the worst learning curve was Dh, of course. I guess it is hard to shake the habit of being pampered. He has gotten used to my ways although there have been some casualties.
Holly, the puppy is crying off and on all day. And although we and the neighbor have over 60 acres between us, the puppy is VERY close, relatively speaking. Easily heard. Yesterday, I woke Dh to tell him something was killing our neighbor's chickens. He headed out with the 22 and returned after making it half way there. When I saw him turn, I thought, "Or maybe it's her new puppy..." So, to say it is quite a racket would be putting it mildly. But the pigs have stayed put!
Think I'll go get dinner going ... hope everyone has a lovely evening. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 04 2013 : 6:43:37 PM
I never checked pockets in the laundry either. Told Dh that from the beginning and children have learned it from the beginning. They also know that if they don't check and anything falls out it belongs to me. Ds does his own laundry nowadays. So my tips come from DH who still hasn't learned after all these years!
Bunny, glad your interview is over. Hope all goes well with finding a place.
Dh had his interview today. I am good with whichever way it goes. He did say he thought it went well. He has worked for this particular company twice before and knows one of two fellows who interviewed him. So we shall see what we shall see.
farm girl sister#43 O, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it! And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only--how did you take it?
--Edmund C. Vance.
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2013 : 2:11:12 PM
just stopped by to say hi to everyone. hoping all job interviews are going (and have gone) well. my mom left me her 1952 singer sewing machine (with cabinet)--i am in heaven!! also found a bunch of her handwork(ak embroidered pillowcases, runners, etc) that my sister didn't want so i have those as well. my favorite has to be the sampler she did for their wedding in 1948. she taught me how to crochet and embroidery and she did such beautiful work. i am so in awe... got to go - busy time!! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
196 Posts

196 Posts |
Posted - Jun 05 2013 : 2:28:57 PM
My aunt did the same thing when she did my cousins laundry :) Good luck to your husband on the job Denise. How awesome Janiee, my sister never wanted anything of my moms and I was like "YES!!!" :) Her and I have different tastes in things. I chuckled at your puppy story Marianne, I'm still chuckling :) I too am off to get dinner going, I have 1/2 figured out which is the meat, just don't know what else to have with it. I get so tired of trying to figure out what to make for dinner, I seem to make the same old thing.
Judy~Farmgirl Sister #599 I've lived in an urban area most my life, but now I'm living in a rural area up on a ridge in the Ocooch Mountains in Southwest Wisconsin, sharing my life at...
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jun 05 2013 : 5:13:31 PM
Hey, everybody, I've been so busy I have not kept up with you gals. Looks like we are talking about laundry and other good stuff today so I'll just jump right in.
I was afraid to put my hands in the pockets of my little guy's jeans. No telling what was in there. Once when he was about 8 or so, I washed a load of clothes, so far, so good, then threw them in the dryer and pretty soon there was a horrible stench like something dead. So I pulled everything out and the little stinker had put live crawdads in his pockets. I guess he caught them and had to put them somewhere. He brought lizards, snakes, everything he could think of, into the house. I only found out after the fact. Like when he had to report a garden snake had gotten out of the box he had put it in, in his closet and was loose in the house he felt he'd better say something. Fortunately, he knew what was safe and what was poison.
Judy I know what you mean about having to come up with something to cook every single night. We used to have cookie sheet surprise one night a week. That was when we pulled out all the leftovers from the fridge and heated it up on a cookie sheet and picked what we wanted.
I have a quilt in progress that is blocks started by my grandmother, in the 1940's and my mom gave them to me to finish. I am one block away from being done with all the blocks. The pattern was what I think was called sunflower, and she had just sewn the strips together for the petals and I added the centers and hand appliqued them all on muslin squares. I remembered some of her dresses from those scraps. There is absolutely no telling when I will ever finish that quilt. I've lost interest in quilting for the time being.
I know what you mean, Jainee, about the sewing machine. I wish I still had my old Singer. I do have my first Bernina that I bought in 1976 and it is such a good machine, bought a new one in 2000 and it isn't near the machine the older one is. I got a little Singer featherweight off Ebay a few years ago but I don't use it. Not sure now why I thought I needed it. I'll probably put it back up on Ebay and get half what I paid for it. Seems like if you want to buy something it's priceless but if you want to sell, it's worthless.
Bunny I'm thinking you did great on that interview, and whatever will be will be. Things have a way of working out.
My son and family will be here one week from today and it will be so good to see him. I saw him in March last year but haven't seen my grandson in 4 years so it will be a great visit. Then in 4 weeks from today, July 5, I go to Canada and I'm beyond excited about that.
Seems like we had spring one day and summer the next, with no transition. The a/c is running all day and night and the beautiful flowers are going away. Would be nice to get a little more rain and cloudy weather but looks like it might be gone for a while. Holly I didn't take any pictures this year. I have so many pictures from prior years that I never got around to taking any this time. This will probably be my last year in this house so I should have.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
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