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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 11 2013 : 5:05:27 PM
Would you believe, we had snow today!!!! It was raining hard this morning, then we got a strong north wind and it was snowing big, heavy flakes. Thank goodness it does not stick to the ground usually, this time of the year. It has been so cold here again, down to 30 at night. We went out and bought a new EZ up canopy today, our other one is old and leaks a bit. We will put it up in the yard memorial weekend after we do our first grass cutting. We cannot use a riding lawn mower here because we are on a hill on a corner lot. I got myself a push mower, one that uses no gas, just push. I do a little at a time, but Bob does most of it. I do help as much as I can though. It is good exercise. Hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 11 2013 : 6:49:19 PM
Janee I do pray you are doing well. This has to be such a stressful time for you. Just remember, we do care even if we have never met. Please let us know what is giong on if you happen to just look in.
Darlys, I would be pooped too trying to move! Your home is beautiful and I'm guessing it will sell very soon. My parent's home sold to the first couple that saw it last summer. Might I ask what is behind the door? Some secret hideaway, safe room, or the pantry? I guess I assumed the pantry was behind the accordian doors. I agree with you that the candle holders are to much and I would add something to the side of the "TV stand" in the spare room simply because the stand looks empty and out of place. I think your style is far better than the stagers! Good Luck and hopefully you will be in your new home soon, relaxing and enjoying a new stage of life.
Sad note, the folks who purchased my parents home emailed them to tell them how much they were enjoying the gardens in bloom and Mom said she just broke down and cried. She absolutely hates where they are and misses her house terribly. We had a good cry fest together on the phone today since we aren't together and she is sure she won't hear from some of us kids and I know I won't hear from mine! So we are both depressed this weekend. I keep suggesting we cut her loss's and get a house and I will happily take care of them the rest of their lives. :) Just make sure it's not back outside the beltway.
Gypsy - Sorry to hear about the cottage but better now then later! Keep looking you will find the right place very soon. Always leave a trailer if storms are coming. I owned a Mobile Home Park for 17 years and while we don't have a lot of tornado's, my Dad sent me the funniest, but true, cartoon one year of God pointing down from a cloud with a tornado in his hand and one person said to the other "he really hates trailer parks doesn't he". I'm pretty sure he does after what we went through! I wish I had the time to exercise like you are and I can't wait to get on a "normal" or gluten free diet. Hopefully in the next week David will finally have his denture.
Holly I had to lol about the children writing on the walls comment to Darlys. With a daughter who is an artist, that had to be stopped immediately and I remember her agonizing at trying to clean the wall! She was about 3 at the time. I'm also jealous of any pool! The ocean is nice but it's too cold to swim in way up here and coming from the land of 10,000 lakes I was swimming before I was doing much else.
I'm with Bunny and Holly - I'm hot all the time. In fact I'm sitting in front of a fan right now! I have one everywhere I sit as I too don't want the hormon drugs. Without them I have hot flashes but no periods. I wear shorts all the time no matter the temperture, inside and outside to feed the chickens at least. Throw on a jacket and mud boots and I'm good to go. I think it's going on 10 years for me in the hot flash stage. And Bunny, I too "think" I'm 20 something until I look in the mirror and realize I'm 58! Must find a picture for you ladies.
So I'm still alive and caught up with all of you. I spent last weekend renting a cherry picker and painting the trim and staining the shingles on the very top of one side of our house. We live on a small hill and the garage is in the hill, above it and a ways in is the livingroom, then above it and a ways in is the second floor of the main part of the house. So getting to that part was a nightmare. Even the cherry picker didn't get me all the way to the other side of the window or to the point of the house. I finally had to nail boards into the roof and climb on it. Then, I was literally a foot on each side of the point and above the attic vent, and I couldn't reach any further!!! I was so mad. $300.00 to rent this thing and I couldn't get to the point. Then I remembered my friend's son A.J. is 6'5" so I called him and asked him if he wanted to make a quick $25.00, learn how to run a cherry picker and he came right over and was able to finish it for me.
I have also cleaned up my basement and put all the 50 lb. or 25 lb. of dried beans, rice, flour, etc... into 5 gallon buckets. I guess you might call me a prepper but I do it so in the winter we don't have to worry about staples and getting out in the snow. We are members of a co-op and it's easier to order in bulk and cheaper. Although the 5 lb. of bay leaves I bought was a little over kill to put one bay leave in each bucket!
I managed to plant my "covered wagon" hoop garden but I don't dare to do much else until later in the month. I do have rhubarb up and doing nicely and my asparagus is starting to come up now. I noticed I have one tulip about to bloom and a daffodil way out back that bloomed. I had to rake out the grass of all the sand and rocks from the snow plows, walk the length of our property on the road and pick up trash (1000 feet), and most importantly I have been going through 4 totes of pictures and scanning them into my computer. I purchased a digital frame for my Mother for Mother's Day and sent a flash drive with it full of about 400 pictures. Then I put them on a flash drive for myself too so I can get rid of a lot of the actual photo's not in albums. I'm still trying to clean out my attic and 30 years worth of shtuff as Mar says! And this week I have started to build another, smaller chicken coop as we have 5 babies in the garage, the "Georges" who were in the garage (1 roo, 1 pullet) are now in a cupboard outside that is too small for them, and since David can't do anything to help me, I'm it! I'm tired, stressed, and I just keep moving.
Regarding David: in his recuperation he started to wear new slippers around the house on the foot he just had rebuilt. Since he can't feel anything in it, apparently, he didn't realize he got himself a huge ulcer on the bottom of his big toe. So he is now back on his "knee scooter" because the wound specialist has said he can't be on his foot and he can't use his arm for more than 5lb. in weight due to the rotator cuff surgery, and all this time we've been waiting for his denture to arrive so it's been a hellish couple of months, again! When I can finally make a tossed salad for supper and have a solid piece of meat I will be in heaven!
My Mother tells me to stay put in my house because by the sounds of it, I may not have a husband long at this rate. He is an insulin diabetic but doesn't do a good job at all of taking care of himself, obviously. But overall we are getting along fine as long as the topic of our marriage doesn't come up. We've married twice and the first marriage anniversary was April 23rd and was 30 years while the second one is tomorrow and is 25 years along with Mother's Day. If I have sun to finish this coop it's all I'll ask for.
Actually we've had beautiful weather until this weekend and this is the first rain we've had in a few weeks. Like Holly we can't burn here which is hard as you have to burn blueberry fields here every other year. We have low bush blueberries, 80 - 90% of the worlds bluberries grow here. Just Thursday there was a 100 acre forest fire near here. And like Holly, we are having some of the trees in our woods logged, but we are using the money to put on a new metal roof. New Englanders love metal roofs, I don't know why.
Ok, I've written a book once again so time to work on pictures.
Stay happy and healthy! Ginny
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 12 2013 : 10:17:10 AM
Happy Mother's Day to All!!!!! Hope it's a great day! Our weather in Dallas is absolutely delightful!! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 12 2013 : 11:27:39 AM
Ginny, it was so nice to hear from you. We don't mind that it is feast or famine in regards to your posting because you always make up for the famine part with a wonderful feast of news when you do! Happy Anniversary times two and Happy Mother's Day. I don't disagree with your mom about how long your husband is going to hang on. You have been killing yourself to keep him well, but he has to do his share, too.
Jan, I hope you have had your last taste of snow for the season. Holly, I know you will get the accolades that you deserve today. I can imagine you are low key about the holiday, but you are loved, so that always feels right.
I am enjoying the day with the dogs, horses and dh. Dd is looking for a new apartment with her love today. She could not get any time off for the last 10 weeks and is a bit frustrated, but I think they are coming home for two days of the three day weekend coming up. She works Saturday, he works Tuesday. So their three day weekend doesn't coincide. But, then their two day weekends never do either! They only have Sundays together.
This morning, as I was carrying my coffee into the living area, I looked out towards the canyon to see a bobcat looking back at me. We were both startled. I had the lights on in the house, so she could see me easily and took off. About an hour later, Gertie, the lonely turkey strutted by. Hmm, Gertie might want to be a bit less of a chatterbox!
I treated myself to a fresh bouquet of tulips, iris and lilac blossoms from my garden. It smells so pretty. My daughter knows not to send me flowers because my garden flowers make me so happy. When she has been home for Mother's Day, dd has gathered the bouquet for me.
Happy Mother's Day to all my strong friends.
Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2013 : 11:49:30 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
The day is progressively cloudier and seems to be cooler. The thermometer reads 50 degrees. Why does it feel so much colder when the sun is not shining than when it is if the thermometer reads the same?
We are making raised beds from pallets. They are a little tall but the price is right. The first ones I made I filled from bottom to top with aged manure. then it dawned on me that I could put in old hay three quarters of the way up and fill the top with the manure. It goes faster this way. I guess it will decompose over time and I will have to top it off but for now it is good.
Ginny when I was 50 I was climbing the apple trees in the spring to prune them. I was told I should not do this at my age. It did not stop me. Now I think the cherry picker and the boards nailed to the roof tops my apple tree pruning. Good for you!
Thank you Gypsy for the kind thoughts. I read them to Cheri. She was happy to be remembered. She agreed with the thoughts about children loving but not being mature enough to say so. We have a couple of those although not long term ignoring but short term selfishness.
Kethry made bacon and pancakes for breakfast and then took the littles out for a walk. She made a nice heart shaped card with kind words as well. R came and brought a card. He has played with the littles outside on the swing set. J came home with two pots of geraniums and cards. He also had a smile which was the nicest part. K called from Illinois to say he was sending plant roots. We told him a picture would be just as nice. He did not want to send a picture, he said it is the same as last year he is just balder and fatter.
Talie was on the news last night pitching at one of his ball games from yesterday. He was tickled.
The apple trees blossomed today. I hope that the weather guessers are wrong about the cold air coming tomorrow and Tuesday. Last year the frost killed the pips.
Sweet dreams to all of you.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 12 2013 : 5:19:29 PM
Happy Mother's day to everyone. Pretty quiet around here. I just finished my payroll homework. Both my boys called me. They are doing good. My youngest just bought his first new car. I'm proud of him. He is doing really well at his job and his dad and him went in halves on the car. I'm just as proud of his dad for helping him out. I miss them so much.
Weather is pretty boring. It is warm, windy and cloudy sky. I don't think we will get any rain. I would love some rain.
Sorry, feeling a bit low missing my boys. I still feel so trapped here in Oregon. I know what I need to go back to California and it just doesn't seem to be coming my way yet.
Gypsy, hang in there on selling your house. You are on to bigger and better things for sure. You are selling for a good reason.
The last two houses I sold were not. I sold my little cottage in the forest when I got married. I cried when I drove away because I knew it was the wrong thing for me personally. I had to sell because of the capital gains law after I got married. I miss that little house so much. After I sold it I couldn't even drive down the street. Of course my log house by Yosemite was a nightmare and boy did I cry when I drove away from that. I'm sure it will be bitter sweet for you.
I did get some helpful things done today. I printed out flyers for my fabric sale, my pet sitting business and put ads for both into the local newspaper. I also put an ad in Craigslist for pet sitting and a pet sitting website. It just wouldn't take much for all this to work. I just need a good start.
Holly, so neat that Talie got to see himself on the news. When my son was on the volunteer fire department they had a rule. If you got in the paper, you had to buy ice cream for everyone. If you got on the news... you had to buy pizza for everyone. Tell Talie, next time he gets on the news he has to cook dinner for everyone!
Marianne, I would love to see a bobcat. Not sure it would be such a good thing for my little kitties. I'm amazed Miss Girtie is still around. My grandmother always had a wonderful garden and when I went to her house in the spring there were always flowers all over the house from her garden.
Ginny, you have so much energy! I agree with Gypsy, buy yourself something you want to eat. Your husband is lucky to have you. Most men are pretty useless when sick anyway. When my second husband and I talked about divorce, he started to cry and asked "who is going to take care of me?". That was the first thing that crossed his mind? Nothing about wanting to work things out etc.. Hang in there. Someday this will all be behind you.
Janet, I can't believe you got snow. Good grief! Note to self: No moving to Michigan!
Darlys, thinking about you!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 05:45:46 AM
hello gals, my mom passed away friday may 10 at 11:10 am. i am busy planning her funeral now and trying to keep the siblings from fighting with each other. actually, i am proud of them, they cannot stand each other but they are really trying hard to get along because they know that is what mom would have wanted. i am doing ok. thanks for all of the good thoughts and prayers and i will be back soon! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
2460 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2013 : 08:34:03 AM
I would like to introduce myself as the newest 50 year old in the farmgirl group. I turned 50 today and am very excited to see what this phase in my life will bring. I had hernia surgery about four weeks ago and I am feeling better than I have felt for years. I hope that the next 50 are just as fun as the first. I have been eyeing this topic for sometime now and feel like I'm qualified to enter the ranks of the 50 and older farmgirl!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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fernandina beach
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 08:46:49 AM
Welcome Sherone. You will find the nicest, kindest and most fun ladies ever here. Jump in and let us know what you are doing and what is on your mind. We are here for each other through the good and trying times. The laughter sometimes gets me to get tears in my eyes. So glad you can join us.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2428 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2013 : 12:07:15 PM
Welcome Sherone, and Happy Birthday!!!!!! You will love it here once you get to know all of us. We are quite the bunch of farmgirls!!!! Janie, so sorry to hear of your loss. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to have you back with us soon. Well, we have sun today and 42 degrees!!! That is a start, right? Even though it was 23 degrees this morning. Someday we will be able to plant our gardens!!! More later,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 6:17:44 PM
Good evening everyone,
Janiee I am sorry your mother died. I am glad she did not linger in pain and confusion.
Bunny I am glad you pointed out the deer story on Sherone's blog. We laughed and laughed so hard I had to stop several times to wipe the tears from eyes before I could continue. My brother hunts and he might have thought up just an idea like that. I sent him the link.
It has been in the thirties all day and overcast. We did have light flurries off and on. People around were not impressed with the snow. I told them my online friend in Michigan had had snow and that we should expect it because she had it already. The logger growled at me.
I took J to the eye specialist today. We were at our regular eye doctor several months ago and he said he had been watching a dot on his retina for several years now and we should go have it checked out. The specialist told us that people have freckles all over their bodies and you can get them in your eye as well. J has a freckle on his retina. J was not impressed. He had been doing some intense worrying about this appointment. I wanted to tell him that when I was approaching 30 and had a lump in my breast and weighed 125 on my 5' 11" frame had it removed and the doctor told me it was a lump of fatty tissue. I told him of all the places on my body to have fat this was not one I would have chosen. But, I did not tell J that like his freckle fat could cause worry too. Did that make any sense. Anyway it is over now and he is relieved.
It is supposed to get down in the twenties tonight and tomorrow night. Freezing in higher elevations. That is us.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 9:02:49 PM
Janie, I am so sorry you lost your mother. I am glad that your siblings are behaving so well and I sure hope it continues. Please know I am thinking of you.
Sherone, Welcome! I loved the deer story, too. Good lord, could someone live through that?? I joined this group exactly when I turned 50, too! I couldn't wait. I was so happy to hit 50, just knew that it was gonna be a great decade.
We had some rain today and are supposed to drop to 37 overnight. I may be tempted to put the garden in a couple weeks early ... the forecasters are pretty hopeful that the high temps are going to hold for the next week, plus. Tomorrow is a big running around day for dh and I. Hope everyone else has better plans! Marianne
Holly, so glad that the eye doctor appointment went so well. Same with your lumpectomy a long while back. Still, worrying is hard to avoid, isn't it? |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 9:09:30 PM
Happy Birthday, Sherone! (Almost didn't make it)
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - May 13 2013 : 9:20:43 PM
Janie, I'm so sorry you lost your mom. I'll say a prayer for you and your siblings. My dear sister passed away suddenly last week. She was like a mom to me. My heart still has some aching to do too.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
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Posted - May 14 2013 : 09:21:19 AM
Bunny and Holly - I'm so glad that ya'll found the deer story. I literally gut laughed when I read it. I wish I knew the guy that wrote it. It would be fabulous to hear that story in his own words.
Janie - I lost my mom about 2 1/2 years ago. It is very hard to lose someone so close to you. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Marianne - I have been tempted to put the garden in early, as well. Years and years of experience have told me that we usually have a freeze around the 10th of June. This year, Hunky Hubby, is building me covers for my raised beds, so we can extend the season. We only have about 60 days growing season here.
Nancy and Judith - Thanks so much for the nice welcome.
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 14 2013 : 6:10:47 PM
Congratulations to B ... he's the real winner here! Gypsy, much happiness to you both!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
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Posted - May 15 2013 : 06:00:06 AM
Gypsy, Congratulations. B is really getting a jewel in you. Lucky fellow is he. Your birthday is such a good day for a wedding. You will "dance" your way through life together.
We have had two beautiful spring days here. It is perfect with the temps in low 80's and blue skies. Oh, how I love it. The heat will be here soon along with some humidity and those varments, the mosquitoes.
Have a great day.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
2460 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2013 : 06:35:54 AM
Gypsy - Congrats! I don't really know you yet, but as a farmgirl I feel qualified to wish you the best in your future with your new love!
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
My Blog
Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 15 2013 : 3:06:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
Here I am at the library again. Talie has baseball practice. Yesterday he had a game at the Mountaineers field. It is a team made up of college ball players and the managers of the field are picky about who else they allow play on the field. T pitched 6 innings and only allowed three runs. The Mountaineers are college students. T plays for the high school varsity team. His team won 15 to 4. They were happy it is the first game they have won so far. Most of his team are ninth graders and they play against mostly juniors and seniors. T hit three for three as well.
It is 50 degrees and overcast with a brisk wind. It feels too cold to be out gardening. This morning had occasional clouds so the same temperature felt fine to work in.
I bought some marigolds and tomato plants today. The flowers I can put out the tomatoes will have to wait although the weather guessers say it will warm up tomorrow and stay warm.
Gypsy Congratulations. I think dancing into the sunset is a great idea. I hope you and the best life has to offer for all your days.
Judith I am sorry your sister died.
Sixty days of growing season is more than a month less than ours. I thought ours was an iffy prospect.
Chili for supper tonight. I made it this morning so it would be good and flavored for supper. A good choice on a cold day such as today.
Gypsy I would like an updated address for you if I may since you are in Mason so seldom these days.
Nancy maybe Gypsy and B could become your neighbors in sunny Florida.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2013 : 12:01:50 PM
Just walking past my computer and decided to say hello from Iowa. I am staying to busy, but then i have waited a long time to return to the gardens. I promise to read all your posts next week when the weather quessers are promising rain. Taa taa my chickie poos - be have yourselves |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - May 16 2013 : 3:58:30 PM
Nice to hear you are enjoying your garden, Thelma. Looking forward to catching up with you next week.
Holly, our growing season is short, too. Not like Michigan's, either, though. Too short for peppers and some of those plants that need a bit more heat and length to develop. Everyone is suffering from some Spring Fever. T must be so excited about his outstanding performance! Whoopsie, gotta go, be back later! Marianne |
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