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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 17 2013 : 06:56:17 AM
hello gals, thanks for all of the prayers and thoughts - i really need them! it was going good until yesterday when my sister decided to throw a tantrum..sigh..i am about ready to move to another state and not leave a forwarding address!! :) my mom's funeral will be tomorrow and i am trying my best to get thru that and then let the ugliness begin. my sis is a wonderful person BUT she has some strange values (ie--money, money,money)and i think things like respect, honor and integrity are more valuable. i am so thankful for the 4 extra days i got to spend with my mom and take care of her. while going thru her things, we found an embroidery sampler she made when she and dad were married in 1948. and yes, i did claim it-got to go. hugs to all janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 17 2013 : 12:16:48 PM
Whew....there was definately something wrong in the universe yesterday. Our family has been hit hard with multiple mishaps and it all seemed to culminate yesterday. Today, I would like to make a gratitude list to counteract the negativity of yesterday, Today I am grateful:
1. That John Denver recorded all that beautiful music for us before he died. 2. That the skies are cloudy and we may get rain. We need it for our hay crop. 3. That my husband thinks he doesn't need a hobby because he has me. (He really needs a hobby) 4. That I have a job that will allow me to totally not focus on work all day and still tell me that I'm great!
For these things, I am so grateful. Thank you for your grace, Lord.
Farmgirl Sister #1682
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 17 2013 : 3:20:58 PM
Good evening everyone,
The team Talie's team played last night was one they lost to earlier in the season 18 to 2. Last night they lost 3 to 2. The coach of hte other team congratulated them saying that his team had underestimated their skill level and were surprised at the close score.
Gypsy, I think it is right to give children as many opportunities as possible so they have a choice. Some of my children take the opportunities and some are so stuck in their own head problems that they can not get out of their own way. We are patient.
Sherone, hugs to you and good for you to try ot look on the bright side.
Our growing season used to range from the beginning of June to the beginning of September. Those dates have extended in the last few years to add about two weeks on each end of the season. Now that I said that we will probably have snow in June. Bite your tongue Holly. I have a friend who live about a mile through the woods longer by road who lives in one of those cold hollows the weather guessers talk about receiving a late frost or tonight maybe snow.
I have put in broccoli plants that I traded for manure. Yesterday I put in marigolds. Today I planted some asparagras. I tried once before but was not attentive to detail so I am trying again.
C and G are so excited to help in the garden. I believe they have never seen one before. it is nice to have their enthusiasm.
Time to go get T at practice.,
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 17 2013 : 8:05:41 PM
Holly - don't pick asparagas for 2 years after planting it. It will be worth the wait because the plants will become strong and healthy.
Gypsy - Congratulations on your up coming martial bliss. Are you considering a pre-nup? My MIL didn't have one and was married to her 2nd hubby for 16 years before he passed - what a mess she had with his family and their lawyers! Anyway keep us posted on your plans. Hmmmmmm Bunny could design your dress, Kathy and I could do your flowers, Holly could do the catering, and I'm sure we will find jobs for the rest of the sisters. giggle. Have you told your children yet? What were their reactions?
Welcome to you new gals. It is always nice sharing with others about hobbies, dreams, and desires. A good place to vent and share a smile or two. How do i find the deer story? I am tired of hunting for it.
The loss of your mother is sad. i was not real close to my mother, but all these years later I still miss her.
Taa taa my chickie poos. Have a wonderful weekend.
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 18 2013 : 09:42:08 AM
Thelma, click on Sherone's blog and scroll down until you see the deer. Title is " why deer hunters use rifles".
Gypsy, it is important to know the laws about survivors. If you do decide to purchase something together, who gets it after death. What happens to his assets if he dies first? Thankfully you are a woman of means. Not every woman has that option. I got screwed over big time when my father remarried. He died first and when his wife died, her oldest daughter got everything because her mother put her name on everything. It was terrible what she did to my sister and I. It may not seem like anything important now, but please have a plan in place that protects your assets for your kids.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Posted - May 18 2013 : 2:31:21 PM
My dad used to grow asparagus for market. He always called it "grass." Isn't that funny? I don't know if it was what most farmers called it or just his joke ... But, Thelma's right about waiting to cut it.
Sherone, sorry to hear about the mishaps the universe sent at you and your loved ones. Good job with the attitude adjustment.
Janie, thinking of you. Things haven't been really smooth between my sister and I since we lost our parents. Same story ...
Holly, how fun to have enthusiastic new gardeners. C and G will certainly expand their diets this summer. I hope they are helpful and not just interested!
Enjoy your weekend, friends! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 18 2013 : 4:25:21 PM
Good evening everyone,
A beautiful day here in the Green Mountains. Occasional light clouds, temperatures in the sixties. T shirt weather. Well, except for the black flies biting. Most of the time they do not bother me. I guess I do not taste good enough. On the other hand they love Kethry and Talie.
Talie had a baseball game this morning. It was a massacre. I think the boys are all tired. I can not imagine getting up at 6 to go to school. school all day and two hours of practice and then homework. Talie would be miserable. I am glad we homeschool. Anyway Talie was not in good form because yesterday he was riding a bike down a hill and his foot slipped off the pedal and the bike flipped. He has some good road burn on his arm and knees. Today he went to catch a ball and it flipped up his glove and hit him in the forehead. He has a good bump on his forehead.
C and I planted five different kinds of beans in the garden today. He was very methodical spacing the seeds and had a good time. I hope we have not been too ambitious and lose the beans to frost.
I will wait to cut the asparagus as long as I can. I hear you about the two years.
My siblings and I get along ok at least after the death of out parents. That was not an issue for us. My father remarried about a year after my mother died and his wife inherited everything. We will see what happpens when she dies she only has one son. Although she recoginizes that her son is greedy and his wife spends money too fast. So, we will see. I am sorry for all of you who have siblings who feel entitled? unloved? needy? for the grief they have caused each of you.
hugs and sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 18 2013 : 7:18:04 PM
It has been awhile again since I have been on here. Time is just flying by so fast. Next week is Memorial weekend already!!!! Where are these months going? We had snow on Sunday, 77 degrees on Wednesday, and only 51 today with rain, Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so am hoping we can get the lawn mowed. I help as much as I can, I get out of breath very easy, so can d a little at a time. I also can not get the lawn mower started. Then sometimes I use my push mower, which is more work, but good exercise. Bob tilled my vegetable garden yesterday while I was at work, now maybe sometime this week I can get my peas and beans planted, if the weather does not get too cold again. Janie, so sorry about your mother. I do hope things all work out smoothly for you. It is so hard when there is a death and everyone starts fighting over things they want. I went through that when my grandmother dies, and my mother. Gypsy, I am so happy for you. You sound so happy yourself. I hope everything turns out the way you want it. Holly, glad you are having good weather and the boys are having fun helping you with the gardening. Marianne, glad you are also having nice weather. Thelma, sounds like you have been busy. Sherone, hope your day was better today. No fun when you have those kind of days. Bunny, soon you will be able to have more time for sewing. Have you heard ant more about that job? Cherime, I have to check out your books one of these days when I have time to read them. You do have talent. Hope the rest of you are doing well. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 19 2013 : 09:31:53 AM
Janet, nice to hear from you. Everyone seems to be trying to get gardens ready. Hopefully you are done with the snow.
Holly, Talie's biorhythms must be off. Poor guy. Hope he can get some rest this weekend. I think it is wonderful your kids get to experience a life gardening and raising animals. I hope someday they appreciate the life you and Cheri have given them. How would their lives been different without you and Cheri.
I did not get the secretary job. I'm ok with it. It wasn't enough to provide much income. I have a line on something else. Just trying to figure out the logistics. It is in California. Just going down for an interview will cost me about $400.00 for airfare and a car rental. That would have to come out of the money to fix my truck. Then, if I get the job, how do I move back. My truck won't be fixed and I have to find a way to get my things back down there. Plus keep my truck running once I get there. Thankfully a place to live isn't a problem. I have that already taken care of. I figure, if it is meant to be, the resources will come. The job hasn't posted yet but it will in the next two weeks. I need to be ready. The hardest part is just telling myself I can do the job. (I'm at least qualified on paper).
Had a bad day yesterday with homework. I have had this terrible dizziness all week. My head feels strange inside. I just haven't been able to think straight. I did what I could but wasn't able to do my weekly quiz. Totally bombed it. My confidence was pretty low. Today is payroll homework. I sure hope I can do better.
The weather has been pretty nice. Some sunny days and some rainy days. It is very windy today. My neighbor has just started up one of his noise yard tools. Every Saturday and Sunday I have to listen to something violating my quiet. He takes very good care of his yard, but it is so noisey!
Anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 19 2013 : 4:43:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was high overcast and warm, temperatures in the sixties. It started to rain about 5 PM. I am glad. The forests and gardens could sure use the rain. It is supposed to continue through the night and most of the day tomorrow. We can get some inside jobs done without pining for out of doors.
Bunny will you finish your degree if you get the job? Only one more semester.
I put flowers in my porch boxes today. Bright red salvia and some yellow daisy like flower but both annuals. In the window boxes that hang off the porch railing there are red and pink petunias.
The apple trees are beautiful. I thought the frost we had last week might kill off the blossoms but we are lucky they seem more vibrant. The wild cherries are still in bloom so there are patches of white amongst the bright green leaves of spring in the forest.
The black flies are biting but not voraciously. The meat chickens are growing. I usually take them up north to Craftsbury to have them done in but he is charging $4 a bird. He can do 50 in an hour and he will cut them in half but the cost raises the price of the bird significantly. We are thinking of getting a plucker and doing them in ourselves. I have done in meat birds a long time ago. It was not fun. If we did them ourselves we could make our money back on the plucker in two years. We could also rent it out for the day to other adventurous sorts. Something to think about.
Hope you are all well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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Posted - May 19 2013 : 5:21:22 PM
Holly, I think your math on the birds/plucker sounds reasonable. I would not be one of the adventurous sort that might call you to rent your machine! But, I admire your willingness to provide safe, healthy food for your family. Do you have to worry about disease from the black flies? Does the bite itch afterward or is it just the sting of the actual bite that is bothersome?
I spent the day cutting tulips. I sure do enjoy my thousand or so tulips in the spring ... this time of year, not so much. It is a lot of bending, kneeling, crouching, stretching and then of course, complaining about the bending, kneeling, crouching, stretching. It takes a lot out of me! Dh, of course, just enjoys my joy of gardening mindset. As you all know, I am a pleasure. ;-) The lilacs are in bloom and I cut a few and placed them by Dh's chair. They smell so good, even he noticed.
Dd and boyfriend are traveling here next weekend. They only have two common days off, Sunday and Monday. So, their three day weekend will consist of two days here. I am really looking forward to seeing them. I even have a belated Mother's Day goodie coming.
Bunny, if you are qualified on paper for the job, you are qualified in life for the job. Don't sell yourself short. And if they will hire you without the degree, are you going for it? How close to your family will you be? Keep us posted! It is exciting to think of being back where you want to be. Sometimes when I am suffering from allergies, I have dizziness. The Eustachian tubes get plugged. Sudafed usually helps me.
We have a lot of pollen floating in the air right now and lots of yellow pine pollen on the ground. It is allergy time here. Dh has been sneezing. He has usually one or two days that he is miserable. It will be later in the season, though. Something to look forward to... You can imagine how silently he suffers ... he is, after all, a typical man when it comes to any kind of malady.
Well, I have been less than a cheerful corespondent today. I hope you will forgive my sarcastic take on life today. . . it isn't much of a surprise to the gals who have been posting for a while!!
Have a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 19 2013 : 6:13:14 PM
Mar, you don't sound sarcastic to me. The thought of a thousand tulips just overwhelms me. They must be beautiful when they bloom. I'm glad you will get to have a couple of days with DD.
I'm wondering the same things about Your job prospect Bunny Will it get you back to the area in Ca near your boys where you want to be. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out just right for you. It is time for you to have some good luck.
Holly it sounds like your corner of tHe world is very beautiful right now. How many meat chickens are we talking about. Maybe you have some neighbors who would help you do yours in exchange for use of the equipment. My neighbor did that. I went over and watched. They made a party out of it. The meat was beautiful.
We don't have the black biting flies but we sure have mosquitoes. I sat out on the deck just a few minutes and even with the wind blowing I got chewed up. Looking for the caladryl lotion.
Janet I don't know how you do as much as you do. You are really going to enjoy kicking back in the RV and not having all those chores.
I took my daughter and family out to dinner tonight because they usually cook and invite me. We had a nice time My sil and I had a margarita and I will pay for it by not sleeping well but it was worth it.
Nothing going on here to write home about. Pretty quiet uneventful days.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on May 19 2013 7:59:41 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

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Posted - May 19 2013 : 7:45:11 PM
Marianne, I bet it is beautiful with all of those tulips, but I do feel for you will all the work and aches and pains. Glad your dd will be home for the holiday. I am sure you will have an enjoyable time.
Gypsy, I am staying young by keeping busy, but I do know I do more than I should. Today I helped mow the lawn and shut off the mower. I was so proud of myself when I got it started by myself. Fist time I could do that. That means my shoulder is stronger, but then, I trip over the dog's chain and fell and hit my other shoulder hard on one of my planters. I am really bruised now, and very sore. I can hardly move right now. I am just so thankful it was not the shoulder that I had replaces, or my hips, but I did jar them. I will be sore for a few days. Oh well, it is supposed to rain for 4 days now, I will get some housework done then. We did manage to get the new canopy and sides up, and I grilled out, so we really made a day of it outdoors today. I love it. 64 degrees is perfect around here, and we had sun!!!! Now after the rain, I may be able to get some planting done.
Holly, I have never had to butcher any animal. I would not want to do the chickens, but if I had to I know I would. I can see that it would be costly to have someone do them. Maybe a family project for all.
Bunny, How great that would be if you could get a job close to your sons. I am sure you would all be happy with that. Hope things work out for you. One day at a time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Well, I am tired and sore, took a hot shower, now I am going to bed. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 19 2013 : 9:14:24 PM
I will defiantly keep working on my degree. I have put in too much time to quit now. I can take my last two classes online. Yes, I will be closer to my boys. It is I. The same area I came from. I'm almost too afraid to talk about it too much. I don't want to jinx it. I still need to get my resume together properly...and get an interview. I know my son will help me move my stuff back down there. I think he would even share a house with me. I just have to calm the &$-¥ down and focus on being positive. If it is meant to be, it will all come together as it should.
Marianne, your tulips sound wonderful! My lilac has been done for quite a while. I have has the dizzy spells for years and different times of the years. I know it isn't allergies but might be the weather. It has been off and o. Rainy. Can't make up its mind. I'm feeling better today anyway.
I'm stuck watching Dr.Who on Netflix so off to the Tardis I go...later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 20 2013 : 6:16:03 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lovely overcast day her on the old hill farm. the clouds were high so even though the sky was filled with them it was still bright out. Today was the second day that we opened the door to the lower barn to let the pigs into their pen. They are all still small. Stupid Joey the dog, jumped the fence and chased the pigs this afternoon. One of the little pigs ran through the fence and we have not found it yet. I am hoping it comes back to be with its litter mates. or at least to look for the food. when the sound calms down. It did not even weigh twenty pounds yet. I hope it is there when we go to do morning chores.
The black flies are a nuisance. I am surprised that when you lived in upstate New York that you were not plagued by them in the spring, Mar. Some people are allergic to the bites and they swell up. They itch a lot. There are no diseases that come from them like from mosquitoes that I know of. They swarm all around your head that is why they are so bothersome. There is a 5K run in Adamant a town near us that is called the black fly run. It goes around Sodom Pond.
Thousands of tulip bulbs in bloom attest to the amount of time you have spent on your knees each fall. Mar, I bet they are so beautiful.
We have 50 meat chickens well maybe 48 or so now. I have a couple of neighbors who would be great at helping and believe people should do in their own meat if they are going to eat it. I am trying to figure out where to set up the cut off their heads site so the blood does not attract more wild things to the area. I think that the feathers and guts are readily compostable. I did meet a man who boiled all of the the innards and fed them to his pigs. Something to think about.
Jan, sorry for the bumps and bruises. They heal that is the good thing about being alive. We heal.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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Posted - May 20 2013 : 7:31:42 PM
Gosh, Holly, I really don't remember the black flies in Upstate NY. But, we lived in the suburbs way back then. Do you figure that is the difference? I do remember the huge mosquitos! They were aggressive. Upstate NY was one of my favorite places we lived. I thought it was beautiful.
Does anyone else have, what I have always been told are called, skin tags? I have them all over my neck and they make wearing a necklace uncomfortable, if not impossible. I remember first having them called to my attention when I was about 13. A girl at school asked what I had all over my neck ... I don't remember when they appeared. I have had them removed several times in my life. I have a lot of them. One doctor commented he had never seen so many. A friend of Dh - an MD - told us to just remove them ourselves with the new Compound W freezing kit. He said it is the same way he would remove them in his office. The cost (last time) I had one removed was about $200. I don't know if I would get a discount for have a gazillion of them. Anyway, last night, dh started burning/freezing them off one side of my neck. The first ten. Dh is a stickler for details. First he punched a hole in a piece of medical tape with a micro-mini punch. Then he carefully placed the tape over each skin tag so that the tape would protect the surrounding skin. Then he used the freezing do-hickey and managed to treat ten of them before I said, "Uncle." That is about half of them on the left side. Unfortunately, the bigger ones are on the right side ... Still, I look forward to having a relatively smooth neck again. It will last for quite a few months, but they will come back. Just a nuisance.
So, who has great Memorial Day plans?
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
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Posted - May 20 2013 : 8:18:12 PM
Howdy do Ladies!
Janiee - I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother but glad to know you had time with her before the end.
Judith I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Both deaths are devastating but I will keep you in my prayers.
Welcome Sherone (did I remember that right? I'm not using my post it but typing right into this box).
I lost two elderly friends last week, but they were not all that close. Besides viewings and funerals I've been busy working around here like all of you; mowing, weedwacking, cleaning the chicken coop, planting flowers, and even got to cut and eat some asparagus from the garden! No cherry picker this week, lol. Also went to the eye Dr., regular Dr., and tomorrow I take David to Portland and we find out if he can go back to work! That would be nice if he can. It's suppose to rain here all week so maybe I'll get some inside work done.
Blackflies!!!!! I did tell you about my friends and I starting the Maine Blackfly Breeders Association didn't I? You know you have a lot of time on your hands in the winter when you do that! While the website hasn't been updated in years, you can check it out at And now that I think about it, I really should get it updated as it's REALLY OLD! We do sell T-shirts still and they sell a lot at Blueberry Festival every year. I think my friends Marilyn and Holly went to that Blackfly Run, Holly. I'll have to ask them again. It was some years ago now.
Ok, that's all for now. My typing keeps going everywhere but where it should.
Memorial Day plans - planting my garden.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - May 21 2013 : 4:01:06 PM
We are getting some showers heading our way. It will be welcome with all the transplanting I have been doing. The winds picked up with the weather front and the horses were running and the neighbor's horse and llama came up and started running. Dh and I went out to give everyone a carrot, but it was getting really chilly! My thin-blooded rear headed back into the house! Dh wasn't too far behind...
Now I am making croutons. I save all the left over bread. Dh can't eat an entire loaf before it spoils and I don't eat bread any longer, so I throw it all in the freezer. Then, drag it all out at once, and start cubing and toasting with olive oil, butter, parmesan cheese and OF COURSE, garlic! It smells yummy. They go a long way towards getting Dh to eat a salad for dinner.
Ginny, I think planting a garden over the three-day sounds perfect! Enjoy! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 21 2013 : 5:55:23 PM
Marianne, I'm getting the wind and rain right now too. I love it but my fibro or what ever I have is not. Sorry Gypsy, but I haven't had wheat for almost 3 weeks and still having some issues. Still, nice night to just sit and read or watch my latest obsession on Netflix....Dr. Who.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - May 21 2013 : 9:30:15 PM
Well, Bunny, I just learned that Dr. who has been televised for 50 years. You may have a lot of entertainment in store! We were a bit humid today with the oncoming storm. Humidity isn't supposed to be good for chronic pain. But, I felt a bit better. Maybe I am just contrary? Hope the fibro settles down.
Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - May 22 2013 : 07:11:53 AM
Oh my, We are in the mid 30s this morning. And you really feel it after a taste of the warmth. Hope my tomatoes aren't mad. Zucchini seem more forgiving ...
Lots of laundry and sewing to finish up today. I will probably bake something to turn the oven on and warm up the house even more.
We watched "Last Stand" last night. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Johnny Knoxville are in it. It was kind of funny. Entertaining, at least.
Have a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2460 Posts
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Posted - May 22 2013 : 08:21:15 AM
I planted zucchini in the greenhouse last night. I wrote a little about it on my blog. Since I had a hernia surgery about 5 weeks ago, I am certainly feeling my age. It really comes out when I'm gardening. Just planting the zucs and watering the herb garden tired me out. I just had to go watch the Dancing with the Stars Finale to rest up. *G*
Thanks for the welcome Ginny. I am enjoying getting to know all of you.
Farmgirl Sister #1682
Thirty-One Independent Consultant
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Women are angels. When someone breaks our wings, we just jump on our broomsticks and fly! We are flexible that way! |
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