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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 06 2013 : 11:16:54 AM
Dearest sad to hear about your Mom! You and yours are in my prayers!
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 06 2013 : 2:33:08 PM
Good evening everyone,
Dear Janiee, sorry to hear that your mom had a stroke. I hope her passing is easy for her. Know that she loved you and you did your best for her.
Another lovely day here in the Green Mountains. temperatures hit 79. Way too warm for this time of year although last year had some very warm temperatures early on as well.
C and G are learning. They are both resilient and we are learning to express patience and compassion even under stress. Unconditional love is raised to a new level and we are trying.
Gypsy you are better than me when it comes to self discipline to improve health. I can do physical activities but stationary bicycles and treadmills are outside my attention span and determination. Good luck.
Has Jan gone camping? it seems too early for her to go on vacation.
the biting bugs are starting to swarm. Black flies are here but more annoying than deadly. Like little BB's hitting my skin. The mosquitoes are starting up too. They annoy the teenagers more than me..... so far.
Ross' caught a turtle today in our pond. I should say that Ross caught thee turtle that lives in our pond today. It is a little snapping turtle about two inches across. I let it go in there last year thinking it would move on but it did not. He was thrilled and C and G were fascinated. I bought them a butterfly net to catch the tadpoles and salamanders with. I may have to shorten the net a little.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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Posted - May 06 2013 : 3:42:41 PM
Janie, you and your mother are in my prayers. You have kept her safe and comfortable. She is very lucky to have a daughter like you. I hope you are ok. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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rough start farmgirl
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Posted - May 07 2013 : 1:37:23 PM
Hope to hear that Janie is faring well through this difficult time.
Holly, we are having some amazing weather, too. We are looking at hitting 80 again today. It is SO difficult to resist planting vegetables. I know we aren't done with cold nights ... I noticed the horses were swishing their tails, so we have flies here, too. They are not the biting kind, thank goodness. We had some pretty nasty ones in Kansas, but they don't bite humans here. They do sit on the horses and chew on them when they can.
I am also impressed by Gypsy's stick-to-it attitude with her exercise routine. I exercise more often than not, but I would rather arse about the yard instead. But that doesn't get your heartrate up. At least, it doesn't usually! We got our pool opened yesterday. Of course, it won't be pool weather until mid June, maybe July. But, it is always better to start the pool before anything can start growing in it! It is always a bit of a relief to find that all the machinery connected to the pool is working properly. We had to replace something both last year and the year before... It's a big pool, 29K gallons of water. We have a retractable cover and keep it close anytime we are not using it and it doesn't lose water due to evaporation. We do have a way to capture rain water to keep it full, but we don't get a lot of rain from now until October. Still, I am such a water miser, it is a good thing this pool doesn't lose water, because I just wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Is everyone looking forward to Mother's Day?
Looking forward to checking in later to see what everyone's day has held. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Nora Springs
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Posted - May 07 2013 : 4:54:18 PM
Janie, I'm sorry to hear of your mother's stroke. I am praying for her and for you.
Farmgirl sister #3926
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2013 : 04:42:09 AM
Janie, I am praying for your mom and for your family. We are here for you.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
873 Posts
873 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2013 : 08:02:40 AM
Hey Gypsy....I feel your disappointment but I would wager that you made the wise choice! Wow it's been a while, you were still Glenda when I was last here! Love the 'Gypsy' fits you well! :)
My best to all, Mel
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - May 08 2013 : 2:27:04 PM
Still thinking of you, Janie...
Holly how are you doing in the warmth? We hit 88 degrees yesterday. It is going to be in the 80s today, hopefully not quite as high, though. I got my raspberries pretty much weeded out this morning after my doctor's appt. Just a med check appt. Very quick.
Dh rented a movie while we were in town and decided to watch it during the heat of the day. So, I feel I should be kind of quiet so he can enjoy it ... I will type lightly!
Gypsy, You must be very disappointed over losing your cottage. Your decision seems sensible, but how sad. Hope you are taking it better than I am!
Everyone have a lovely day, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 08 2013 : 5:57:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Janiee I think about you often when I am awake. I hope that you are at peace although that does not mean without emotional pain. I hope your mom is at peace as well.
Today was another lovely day. Clouds moved in this afternoon and we have had a shower. Nothing to make a difference in the dryness of the ground but it did drop the temperature significantly enough that I changed from my shorts to jeans. This is summer weather! How am I doing. In the afternoon I want to lay quietly on my bed and read. It is just hot enough that working in the garden causes me to be tired prematurely. Before I was peri menopausal I did not sweat! I glowed. Now I sweat. I do not like to sweat too much. It is hard to see when it drips behind my glasses. If it is this hot now what will we be in June and July? I am not complaining. I would rather it be warm than snowing like Thelma is recovering from. I too have thought about planting my bean and squash seeds. I did put in carrots, lettuce, spinach and beets today in hopes of the rain soaking the seeds.
Sorry the cottage is more work than you wanted, Gypsy. Keep looking something will come around. In the next town over there is a place called SPA. It is a building with public art studios for rent for reasonable rates. Maybe there is something near you. I guess if you are planning to set up residence in Florida in the next while maybe renting would be a better option than buying.
Darlys, I was at the library and looked at the video of your house. It is gorgeous. I can tell that you no longer have children writing on your walls. I hope it sells well for you. when you settle I would be happy to have the new address.
A pool. I am more than a little jealous. I do have a pond but a pool. sighing heavily. The boys caught the little snapping turtle that lives in our pond yesterday and then let it go again. I bet you do not have a single snapping turtle in your pool. Maybe I should motivate to clean out the hot tub and fill it to start the woodstove in it and float. I do like to float. A pool, good for you.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - May 08 2013 : 6:30:36 PM
Well the cottage was to be first a good investment. I was going to use it for workspace for the next little while maybe a year or so and then put it in the B&B pool here (where one company manages almost all of them) and there is profit there as passive income. And that way my retirement money is diversified it is good to have some real estate investment. Anyway that was the game plan but if you find you have to spend so much that the house is then overpriced, then that makes it not a wise investment So that is why I backed out. That and the feeling the seller was being neither fair nor honest.
Usually Texas wins the prize for sorry weather but sounds like we are having a good year compared to some of you. it is very pleasant here with warm days and cool nights. It's very pretty and green now but that won't last long. I have 5 friends from Austin coming out for lunch tomorrow so I'm hoping for no rain. It is just over an hour drive and we will have lunch at a local cafe and then stroll the shops and galleries in town. We meet once a month. There are ten in our group but usually 6 to 8 make it each month.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - May 09 2013 : 01:12:16 AM
Oh so sad ... our beautiful pine that provided shade for the horses just up and died. Quickly. It took about five days for it to completely turn brown/yellow. Dh and I keep saying what a shame it is to lose this tree. We also did a bit of research and found the reason our peach trees are struggling again this year is because they are thirtee years old. Peach trees apparently live about ten years in our climate. These trees have been stuggling and giving very little fruit for the last two years. I guess they will need to be taken down too. It is such a loss to have to cut down three trees at once. The yard will look naked.
The weather is supposed to continue to be this warm for three more days. Then we should cool down by at least ten degrees. That will be much more seasonable.
Did any of you gals have a Flexible Flyer sled when you were a kid? I loved that thing. We had a slight hill with a sidewalk around our house and I used to sit on the sled and steer with my feet. Once my sister threw her flip flop out in front of the sled and I tried to stop by putting my feet down. My feet flipped over because I was going so fast and I drug my foot, topside down all the way down the hill. There wasn't much skin left on the foot. Ugly. Somehow, my sister convinced me it was my slow reflexes that were to blame. Gotta love big sisters.
love, marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2013 : 10:49:39 AM
Marianne, so sad about your trees. At least you will have some firewood if you have a fireplace or stove. I didn't know that about peach trees. Time for some new ones.
Gypsy, I'm glad you had the foresight to pull out of a bad deal. You'll find what you are looking for I'm sure.
Holly I'm afraid I'm with you on the sweating. Hot flashes are terrible right now. My mom had them up into her late 60's. They are exhausting sometimes. I don't want to take any hormone pills so I'll be dealing with them for quite a while. At least you have some quiet time to yourself. With such a full house, I don't know how you do it.
Not much going on here. Weather is up and down. Today is suppose to get up to almost 90 and again for a few days. Then back down to the 70's. I went for an interview today for a part time secretary position at a small private Christian school. It is only 10 hours a week and $10.00 an hour. We will see. It is a start if I get it. They may just hire a parent that is just looking for extra money. I made it clear that I need to earn enough to support myself somehow. If it is meant to will. But I'm getting tired of the false starts. Too many opportunities that just don't provide even the basics.
Enjoy the nice spring weather. It will be too hot soon enough.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - May 09 2013 : 1:06:18 PM
Bunny, I can appreciate your frustration with the false starts. How about the people who KNOW they can get you hired on here or there ... and then nothing. So disheartening. Fingers-crossed that a true blue good opportunity comes your way.
I was "lucky" (yeah, right) going through the change. I had the usual hot flashes, night sweats, perhaps a mood swing or two from 39 to 50. My mom went through the change when she was 41. I will be officially be done in October. It will have been a year. And for the last year, it has been very smooth for me. I was told the earlier you start the longer you go ... how is that fair? I started VERY late- fourteen almost 15 years old. So, yeah, I guess I was lucky. Of course, as a teenager, I was mortified to be the last one to start.
Holly, we have no snapping or non-snapping turtles in our pool. We do have at least one Senor Froggy every year. And occasionally, we rescue a chipmunk. They can squeeze under the mechanism that the cover runs on. Last year, dh heard one fall in, retracted the cover and saved the little guy. He was kinda cute. (The chipmunk was cute, too. ;-))
check with ya later! marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 09 2013 : 4:46:22 PM
Marianne, I made me think I need to work on my pet sitting again. I only have one customer right now. I have a little extra money and can put an ad in the paper. Maybe between my monthly fabric sale and if I can get some more pet sitting jobs, I'll be on my way. I just have to find the right combination.
So cute about the chipmunk. Glad you were able to save it. Poor little guy must have been scared to death.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2013 : 5:10:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
Anyone heard from Jan or Kathryn? or Ginny?
Bunny I hope you find a job that you can be content with. Could you take in sewing jobs. There is someone who advertises in our paper. I do not know how well she does. There are two storefront sewing businesses in town so they must do well enough to pay the rent. One woman hems pants for business people and changes out broken zippers. I do not know what else she does.
Mar you should make movies of your dh. They would be fun for us and maybe a little embarrassing for him. Sorry about the trees. I do not know what would make a pine tree die so quickly. I did not know that peach trees were only productive for such a short time. Seems really short when you consider how old they must be to have enough branches to even start producing a reasonable crop.
We have had two days of off and on clouds and maybe two ten minute showers that wet the surface of the ground but did not sink in. I am not sure if I should start worrying about the lack of rain but what can I do about it so why worry. make any sense?
We have been having some logging done for the last few months. Billy has taken out the white pine with the forked tops. I think he is done, finally. I do not like hearing the trees fall. I would like the birds to have secure nesting spots. It does help to pay the taxes.
The black flies are starting to bite. I have a new hat to keep them off the top of my head.
One of our young laying hens escaped the house yesterday. I think she went out the eaves. I was waiting for someone to help me catch her. Kethry said that a big hawk came down and flew away with her. Someone had a nice dinner. I would have liked to see it happen.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - May 09 2013 : 5:20:23 PM
I am here, just been so busy. I finally got all of my spring cleaning done, except shampooing the livingroom carpet. I washed all of the throw rugs today and hung them outdoors. It is so windy right now, sounds like a tornado out there. We have had some days in the 60s, but now it is only 35 degrees with that strong north wind. We are getting the cold Canadian air right now. Supposed to be cold until next week. I got some of the raking done, filled 18 bags Tuesday. I can only do a bit at a time, so it takes me awhile to get the whole yard done. We have a 1/2 block lot here up on a hill, so lots of lawn to do. I cannot start the vegetable garden yet, we usually cannot plant until around Father's Day. I will try to catch up more tomorrow. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - May 10 2013 : 08:09:20 AM
Marianne, unfortunately I'm not that good at sewing. It stresses me to do sewing for other people too. I never liked to sew custom quilts. Always afraid the customer wouldn't like something. I had friends that did that and it only takes one cranky demanding customer to make you not want to do it again. I'm not a traditional seamstress anyway. I do everything wonky and free form. It's more of an art form.
Holly, sad about your hen. Hawks got to eat I guess. I know if I ever get back to the forest I'll have to worry about that with my cats too. And here I keep thinking you lived in a paradise and then you had to talk about the little bitees. Sounds like they are a big bother.
Janet, so nice to hear from you! Sounds like you have been very busy. You need a riding law mower and you could just ride over all those leaves and make them mulch. What a late start you have on your garden. Do you start your garden in a greenhouse?
Sorry to say, but I'm being spoiled by the spring weather here. Should be around 84 degrees today. Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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2259 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2013 : 1:53:41 PM
Bunny, what do you mean, you are not that good at sewing?. I thought that's what you do! You are great at sewing--I think I know what you mean, though. Your sewing is your art and you have to please yourself or it won't work. Like most other artists. They need to like what you've made and buy it, right? It messes up the creative process when you start trying to please someone else.
I remember the hawks getting my chickens. It sure upset me but when you live in the country with lots of animals, death is something you have to accept and get used to. We eat the chickens, too, so we can't get too upset with the hawks.
Well the Texas weather is returning to normal. Wicked storms last night. 80 mph winds, golf ball sized hail, and a tornado that fortunately did not touch down. I got the heck out of that trailer until it was over and then worried all night about the house so this morning I got up and drove out here. Everything was fine except some water on the sun room floor where it always leaks. Fortunately I have stained concrete floors so nothing gets damage. There were lots of trees that had fallen and the roads were carpeted with leaves where the wind and hail stripped them from the trees. We grow peaches and grapes and pecans in this area so there is some speculation that those crops will be ruined for this season. I saw one field that appeared to have been corn maybe a foot tall but it was so shredded it was hard to tell. Lots of people out with chain saws cleaning up the damage. And they re saying to expect another round of serious storms tonight. At least out here I can put my car in the garage. And there is a safe room but I'm too claustrophobic to use it. I'd rather take my chances upstairs.
Marianne, you asked earlier about a sled-- I've never lived where the was enough snow to use one. I do not like cold weather. All that snow is so beautiful to look at but not to deal with for months at a time--not for me. ouch!, I bet your foot hurt for a while. We don't have pine trees here in central Texas but farther east we do have them, and they sure can just up and die in a hurry. We always thought it was pine beetles but I guess they get diseases too.
Looks like I will go to Canada in July for my birthday. I've been officially invited.
Has anybody heard from Janiee? Janet I'm glad you checked in. Wondering about Ginny now.
My old computer is just about to give out so I got myself an IPad yesterday. I think I'm going to love it. I've downloaded series 3 of Downton abbey so I can finally watch the whole thing and I signed up for Netflix streaming so now for sure I won't get anything done. I'm hooked on all these electronics just like the kids.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on May 10 2013 2:25:52 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2013 : 4:10:48 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have flexible flyers here. They sure go fast down our road when it is not sanded. We try to put a truck at the bottom of the road when we are sledding because they go so fast there is not time to bail off when a vehicle is coming up the road. It sure does hurt I can sympathize with the pain of the crash.
We might have snow and cold weather for months on end and we do have several seasons, winter, recovering from winter, getting ready for winter, gearing up for winter and winter. But, we do not have tornadoes. I am so glad. Well, I guess that is not actually right in the flatter sections of the state there have been two tornadoes in the last five years.
The leaves are a light lime green right now on limbs that are red with sap. the poplars and maples have flowered. The apple trees are in bud. The fields are green and yellow with the dandelions. The world is alive again.
I understand about not wanting to do custom sewing. I do not like to do custom cooking or sewing or any sort of art that might give another a reason to find fault even if there is none. I like to do it for myself.
So, do I wait to hear from Janiee or send a sympathy card in anticipation of her sad news. I do not always know the protocol for these type of manners.
Jan, I am glad to hear from you and find that you are all right if worn out.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on May 10 2013 4:12:16 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
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Posted - May 11 2013 : 04:52:23 AM
Janie, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. My prayers for her and for you. May God give you peace, comfort and strength during this sad and stressful time.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2013 : 4:17:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
The weather guessers predicted a day long deluge but it was only off and on showers. This was good for the sports teams because their games did not need to be cancelled. Talie had a double header. He hit a home run. Everyone was so excited. Talie pitched some of the games. He and his catcher made a double play on the other team. That was exciting.
I hope each of you have a great mother's day tomorrow. We are low key. One of the big boys is coming to visit. I am not sure what the middles and littles are planning. I am hoping for some time in the garden.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2013 : 4:28:57 PM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
It's been pages since I've been on here, again, but yes, I've been busy because up until today it's been beautiful here.
Annika, I would love to have you email me some recipes as David is a diabetic too and since I would like to try no gluten it would be easier to bake some things for him. We use splenda as nothing else seems to settle with him in terms of sugar replacers.
Gypsy, I love your new little love nest, (if that is what it is ;). It looks very inviting and warm even though it's all white white. And the right "feel" is very important. For me, Maine would not be my first choice in that department.
Janie, I'm glad to hear your Mom likes her caregiver since that is very important!!! And the dog story is wonderful, it was probably your hubby's way of telling you he's still there. So sorry to hear about your shoulder too. I feel your pain!
Kathy I too like your fairy garden. Your daughters pot is adorable. Hope you are feeling better soon. You've had a rough winter girl so please take care of yourself.
Sounds like a grand time at Pam's house! Congratulations to your daughter and Happy Belated Birthday!
By now I believe Thelma's snow is gone, but you have a beautiful basement that is "spring" to enjoy so hang out down there! It's coming soon, it has too!
Have to go put the girls to bed in the rain now. Will come back and finish catching up and hopefully, this post will stick.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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