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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - May 02 2013 : 4:30:49 PM
Seems like I've been down so long, I'm pulling up my socks with my teeth. Guess I'm just sick & tired of being sick & tired. Even the warmer weather and being able to get into my garden hasn't helped much.
Jenny gave me her cold & due to RX restrictions, I can't take any over the counter meds. So I go about my day sniffing or blowing. My head is in a constant fog & I'm tired all the time.
In the mean time, I planted out tomatoes after they grew to 3 feet tall in my green house. I planted seeds for butternut squash, zucchini & yellow squash today, directly into mounds of dirt. I've been planting out or up-potting my plants. I can only keep them so long in those cute little pots they come in from the nursery.
Oldest daughter is trying to "build" herself a fairy garden, and keeps giving me all those pretty little plants she finds---after they outgrow her fairy garden. I keep telling her to look up the plant first to see how big it'll get before she buys it. On the other hand, she does give me all her rejects!
I went to the Sugarloaf Craft Festival last weekend. I noticed a booth of really beautiful skirts and I swear I almost asked the woman running it if she was our Bunny!! I did get some great ideas though.
Well, that's enough. Did you miss me?
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 4:47:13 PM
I've been out all day working in the garden and preggy goat sitting for my landlady. Poor things look like watermelons. now my eyes are all dazzled and everything has little green spots on it.
If it's any consolation Marianne, I'm rockin' hat hair too. I'm heading back out to fight the canary reed grass and wormwood after dinner.
Oh Gypsy its such a cute little place! I know that you'll give a big pinch or farmgirl love and color I can't wait to see what you do with it!
I wanted to weigh in on the gluten topic.I had unsolved health issues for years and no one could figure out what was the deal. Last year I read an article on line discussing the problems with wheat in the American diet, and the symptoms sounded so much like what I was going through that I dumped gluten from my diet. Not easy either, I'm a total carb fiend! I also ditched sugar. Not only has my health vastly improved, but I'm down almost to my weight that I was in my 20's! I'd really give a try, it's really helped me. I used ground almond flour and coconut flour to bake things. Because my guy is diabetic we eat sugar replacer in the house ( don't shoot me! I know it's not the farmgirl way) I make a wonderful dense lemon poppy seed cake from a recipe that i found online. I really miss pasta, but it's worth it not to feel awful.
Later chickies! gotta cook dinner
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 4:47:27 PM
Flower pot oldest daughter gave me for Mother's Day a couple of years ago with a couple of her fairy "rejects". .jpg) My fairy garden. Complete with hidden gems & a fairy. .jpg) Gypsy the cottage looks cozy.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 4:55:18 PM
Kathy I am very happy to hear from you. Three feet tall! That is a great tomato plant. Hope you kick that cold once and for all.
Gypsy, I am SO taken with the front door. Huge windows and an open kitchen. Quite charming. So glad you got the good "hum" while you were there. I have always experienced buyer's remorse at some point with every "big" decision I have made. If you can avoid it, you are magical.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 5:03:25 PM
Oh, girls, when you take your hats off, you just bend way over, ruffle your hair up real good with your fingers, flip it back up, and instead of hat hair you've got bed head.
Thanks for liking my wee cottage. I am feeling love for it already.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 5:07:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
Kathy we always miss you. You are in the right climactic zone for early planting. Gypsy is too but she seems to not have enough water to grow anything as lush as you do. I live vicariously through your garden. I am sorry you do not feel well. Lay in the sun and bake that nasty cold out of your system.
I am thinking during my free time of learning to make gluten free bread. They sell it at the Coop and it looks pretty good. Probably has a lot of fiber in it from the different grains.
Gypsy your new studio looks lovely. Bright and cheery.
I think, Mar you are forgiven for using weed killer. I know that going out every week and using the weed wacker on the growing grass is a pain in the arse. You would never get a head. It would be like the people who paint the bridge in San Francisco who finish it and start at the beginning again the next week. It is good for your dd that you are handy with the machine. I am sure the dress will look lovely on your dd.
I ran around today with the children. I also planted two more five gallon buckets of jerusalem artichokes. Lucky for me the dear cows ate two buckets full themselves so I am almost done planting.
Today was a wonderful day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were again in the seventies. It began to cloud over at dusk . Maybe we will get some sorely needed rain. There is an alert out not to burn outside for fear of starting something bigger.
We had quiche for supper. A brocolli, a ham and a plain cheese. I wonder how one would make a gluten free crust?
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 5:11:53 PM
WOW five of us posted at the same time. I must have been a nano second behind to get flipped to the next page. the miracles of modern technology.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - May 03 2013 : 07:44:12 AM
hello gals, sorry for not posting for awhile but have been busy with my mom and her caregiver. i really like the woman and so does mom but she is a bit of a scatterbrain at times and i had to give her a talk last night. my sister and friend wanted me to ask for a different one but mom really likes this one and that is important to me. of course, she tries to play us against each other (like commenting to the one that the other one doesn't do anything) but we don't let that affect us. went to the doctor and my blood sugar is still within normal range so i am still off the meds for diabetics. yipee! i really don't want to take them again but Holly, your breads could tempt me to do it! they sounded so good and i love breads!!!!! love the fairy garden, just wished i could grow something in my back yard. the cats have left me again for the warmer weather (hahahaha it got cold here for a few days and they came back running)but i know when it warms up, they will leave again. which is fine with me, they are both so old and i love them to pieces but they need to do what they need to do.. i had a good laugh at baby boy (male dog) the other night. when i tell the two dogs that its time to go to bed, they race to the bed and do a little "dance" on top. when i was going down the hallway i heard a weird thump thump thump and when i got to the bedroom door, i could see that baby boy had crawled up under my pillow and left his bushy tail out and was wagging it--that made the thump. that pillow looked so funny with that tail! just what i needed to see on the 3rd anniversary of my beloved's death...i laughed till i cried and it was all good. went to the doctor not only for blood sugar but about my shoulder and back and he thinks at this time that it could be a strained shoulder muscle and gave me some pain meds and exercises to do. the exercises hurt but am doing them and can only take the meds at night after my mom is taken care of--they made me very sleepy. they are helping though. have been on another clean out - trying to simplify my life and keep only what is useful and beautiful. my neighbors are having a field day with the curbside attractions :) i just love being able to clean my house easier and makes it look bigger with less "stuff" in it. well, better get back to work...hugs to all and prayers being sent janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 03 2013 : 7:57:33 PM
janie, It is so nice to hear from you. Sorry you are having trouble with the caregiver, but I agree that it is so important that your mom likes her. I hope she can at least be counted on to be there when you need her and keep your mom safe. Congratulations on remaining off diabetes medication. That is a great accomplishment. Glad your baby boy helped you through that tough anniversary.
It was another great day weatherwise. Gertie, the lonely turkey, has been hanging around still. I think I told you all about her. She is enjoying raisin bran these days ...
sunday is the big half marathon here in Spokane. It is called Bloomsday and it has had a lot of extra time on the news after what happened in Boston.
Have a lovely weekend, marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
1812 Posts
Pleasant Hill
1812 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 08:04:03 AM
Ladies I'm been gone for some time. But always enjoyed my Over 50 farmgirl sisters. I've got a lot of catching up. Hugs, Brenda |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 10:40:37 AM
Hi Everyone,
Hope that everyone who is dealing with the May snow can hold on a wee bit longer for spring...when I read the posts here about gardening and spring work, I feel spring stirring across the country. My family in Iowa got 5 inches of snow, and since were are a farming family, this will make for an interesting spring. Meanwhile, here in Phoenix, we have already broken triple digits.
Kathy, I loved seeing your fairy garden pictures. So whimsical. Someday, when I have grandchildren, I plan to have a fairy garden to share with them.
Janie, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I am glad to hear that you are taking care of's a cliche but so true that if you don't take care of yourself, you have nothing left to give to anyone else.
My kids fly in tomorrow, and for a few days all 3 kids will be with us! Then our parents fly in (on my birthday!) and the next day we celebrate my daughter's graduation with a BBQ/party at our house. I am looking forward to a wonderful week and I feel so blessed to have my family coming and to have milestones to celebrate. Today ,besides watching the Kentucky Derby, I am applying a bit of polish to my house and garden (otherwise known as spring cleaning!).
Have a good Saturday, sisters, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 2:58:54 PM
I am hanging on here in Iowa where we have 12 inches of snow. This time of year i go out and stay out all day, but not this 2013. I am trying to hold on, but I am asking God to lift me up. It will be at least a week, before we can garden, if even then. We are usually eating spring onions, lettuce, and radishes by now - not looking at a garden wearing a thick white blanket.
My RLS has gotten steadily worse. Dr. put me on meds for it on Wednesday. It is really doing a number on me and all the medical offices close over the weekend. It must be some really powerful stuff. Monday I am calling the Dr. I would rather have the leg cramps that really hurt and keep me up all night, than the side effects of this crap.
Gypsy, your cottage is wonderful. Enjoy it! Kathy, enjoyed hearing about the fairy gardens, I made one about a year ago and it is doing very well. Now I am making a minature farm for my hubby. Will send pics when I have it done.
taa taa for now my chickie poos. Enjoy your weekend. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 6:03:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
Janiee so nice to hear from you. I am glad your mom likes her caregiver and is willing to have her. I guess if she continues to be scatterbrained you could make her a checklist. Unless your sister is willing to step up and help manage your mom's care she should mind her own business. mmmmmm is that too blunt?
I am glad you are keeping your diabetes numbers within range by eating well. That is an accomplishment worth congratulations.
Brenda glad you popped in. I was wondering just today as I tripped into my workroom and saw a needlepoint book how you are doing. It is you who does needlepoint? right?
WOW triple digits. i thought 75 was warm today. We have been wearing shorts. It is nippy in the morning at 38 degrees but warms up fast. We are hoping for rain. The ground is very dry. There are no fire permits issued right now for burn piles because of the danger.
{{{{{{{{{ Thelma}}}}}}}}}} I am sorry you are feeling poorly. I wish that your doctor had a better grasp of your dis-ease. I do not like being a science experiment which I am afraid we are much of the time.
I traded manure today with a man across the mountain. He gave me a picture frame he made and a little lighthouse that is a windmill that he made. He was happy with the manure and I am happy with the lighthouse and picture frame.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 6:51:13 PM
Gosh, I almost feel guilty talking about my garden planting plans for tomorrow. Feeling bad for all you farmgirls still in the snow. My plants came today and my mom filled my planter boxes with soil. I'm ready to go. The big veggies will go into the straw bales and the lettuce and herb garden into two planter boxes. Hoping they stay planter boxes and not giant kittie boxes.
Thelma, I know RLS is not fun. I have it too but it comes and goes in waves of intensity. I was given clonazepam and loved it. I would take one a few hours before bed and it worked. Not sure about how it would work with any other meds, but you could ask. Sorry about the snow. I know it's a big downer to be stuck inside.
Holly what a nice trade you made. I wish I had someone to trade stuff with here.
Pam, sounds like your birthday will be wonderful! Have fun with all the kids and family. A BBQ sounds pretty nice right now.
Janie, your pup sounds so cute. Glad you have your "kids" to get you through the anniversary.
Marianne, your turkey girl is lucky your dogs leave her alone. My Scooby would have brought me a turkey dinner for sure.
Well, all my homework is done and tomorrow I'm planting my garden and then down to the basement for some sewing R and R.
I'm done with my internship. No job offer, but I'm ok with that. It just wasn't my kind of place. I'm applying for a school secretary /bookkeeper position at a local private school. A friend of mine whose children go there told me about it and said she would give me a good recommendation. We will see. I'm not holding my breath but it would be a good opportunity. It is only 20 hours a week but that leaves lots of time for another job and sewing.
Off to dinner, later all! Thelma, stay warm, spring is almost here I just know it.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 9:07:40 PM
Thanks for stopping by, Brenda. Hope you can visit with us more often.
Pam, what a wonderful weekend you have planned. Congratulations to your dd. Enjoy having all your family together. And let us all know how it all went!
Thelma, I hope you can find some comfort. RLS sounds terrible. It really says alot that you would be happier without the meds due to the side effects. I know you will see spring soon! Hang in there.
Holly, what a great trade. I have never been able to convince someone to take my shtuff, let alone trade me something for it! We are not allowed to burn either, but that is not unusual. Too many trees.
Bunny, enjoy putting in your garden. We are all interested in seeing your bale garden. So keep us posted. What are the weekend sewing plans? Congratulations on getting through your internship. The private school postition sounds like a good fit. Best of luck in landing the job.
Enjoyed myself gardening today. Feel it though! A bit in the back of my legs. And my feet! From squatting down and having my toes all bent. It doesn't make the "funion" very happy. Dh has been out there with me. I have always had to garden by myself and having his company is such a cool thing! It makes it so much more fun.
Love, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 04 2013 : 9:36:31 PM
Mar, that's what I'm talking about--I depend on you to make me laugh out loud. Not many people will take my shtuff either but I keep dishing it out!! When holly first said she was trading manure I thought there was a good joke in there somewhere and you were the one to find it. Whatever would we do without you!!
Thelma, I am so sorry you are going through such pain and misery. Please know we are here for you. I sure hope you get some relief from that soon. My older brother has RLS and he sure has a rough time. I have bad leg cramps only rarely if I overdo and don't drink enough water or gator aid.
Brenda I wondered what happened to you--glad to see you are still around.
We had no snow this year and not too many freezes, none of the really hard freezes so we may have a bug problem this year. I'm sleeping with the windows open tonight but will probably have to get up and close them before morning.
Bunny you sound good-- hope you are feeling good. I'm typing in the little box tonight and on my iPhone so can't see everybody's posts I'm listening to music on it --. Joan Baez is singing some of her sad stuff. Good night all.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on May 04 2013 9:39:12 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 04:54:18 AM
Hi everyone. Sorry that I have been away for so long. It has been raining here for 3 days and I have been able to catch up on things a bit. All the flowers and trees look so happy and the grass is finally really green.
It is so good to hear from Pam, Janie and Thelma. Like you I have been very busy. I am becoming a frequent flyer even though I am not too fond of flying. I think the worst part is the lines for the security. Such a big todo.
Darlys, you darling, I hope all is going well with the house preparation for selling. It will be nice when it is all over and you will finally be able to stay at Oakhurst permanently.
Holly, it is so encouraging and nice to read of your family activities. It is so quiet at my house compared with the goings on at your house. I remember all the excitement and fun I had when my kids were young. Never a dull moment.
Love you all.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 11:54:12 AM
Here is my garden after I got all the plants in. Pretty bleak right now but think of it as a "before" picture. Hopefully everything will take off in this nice weather and look like a real garden soon. I'll keep you up dated as it goes.
I found this picture of me while browsing around. Thought you might like to put a face to my name.
That's all Gals... off to the sewing room after I clean the dirt from under the fingernails.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 3:18:34 PM
This has been an interesting weekend for me. I decided to turn off & shut down. My computer, that is. Hubby took Jenny out to do some roof work on our retirement house & left me at home with the doggies & chickens. It was weird being "off line". You forget how much you depend on electronics. I spent time planting corn and green beans in my garden. Almost everything is planted in big pots or in the ground and out of the green house. I keep buying more flowers, because you know I need more flowers. I went to a farmers market where I bought even more flowers. And, my oldest daughter made me a "fairy loo"! . Isn't that the cutest!! Don't know if you can see in the pic, but the moon sign on the loo door, the toilet brush off to the right, and the sink & soap to the front right of the pic. She is just so talented!! There is broken pieces of mirror and blue stone "water". A small lavender plant is in the back and the whole pot was nestled in a pretty purple basket along with lavender soaps, lotions and bath puffs. . Darn gremlins! Turning my pics sideways. Hope ya'll can see it all anyways. I'd post pics of my garden, but you wouldn't see anything but a lot of dirt. And tomatoes in their cages.
Well, that's enough catching up for now. Good night sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 4:02:14 PM
Bunny! Thanks for the photo. Good grief you look young, are you really supposed to be part of our group? Some one will be over to "card" you. It really is so nice to think I could recognize you if I passed you on the street! Your bale garden is so cool. I really hope you do post some after photos.
nancy, It is nice to hear from you. Glad you yard is looking lush. Hope you can spend time at home and enjoy it.
Kathy, your daughter certainly has a knack for the "fairy" world. That is a very clever gift she has put together for you. Lucky you. I did appreciate that you pointed out all the special touches she included.
I just had a housewife kind of day today. I made cookies, ironed, made a huge salad and got my MIL's Mother's Day gift together to mail tomorrow. Gertie, the lonely turkey, didn't show today, but some male turkey did. He helped himself to some of Gertie's popcorn and then moseyed off. We had our "green" lawnmowers going all day. I'll give you a hint of what I mean. They have 8 hooves, 4 ears and they neigh. We put up temporary fencing - basically yarn - and let the horses onto the part of the yard that stays green. It isn't really lawn, it is native grass, but they trimmed it some for us.
And how was your day? marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
410 Posts
410 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 4:22:07 PM
So much to catch up on. So much going on. I've been MIA for a bit ... but it sounds like everyone is probably as busy or busier than me so I plead guilty to limping along on the sidelines. Not a chance I can respond or catch up with all of you but here's what's been happening with me.
I am exhausted from the preparations and "stuff" that selling the Cupertino house entails. There has been a sign out front saying "Coming Soon" for about five weeks now. And,we are now in Oakhurst every weekend instead of every other weekend. The Cupertino house officially goes on the market Wednesday -- open house for the realtors is Thursday - then the public open house is Friday, Saturday & Sunday. There is now a virtual tour ready. The photographer was there Friday. I'll try to post it here but I'm not feeling too technically perky just now. I can't tell you how tired I am ... Precious Nancy sent me a card saying "breathe, breathe, breathe!" She calls and she's been so supportive through all this stuff. I'll try to share more when I'm not right in the middle of it.
The bedroom is a much paler shade of violet than appears in the photos. Seems that computers just love to intensify the blue hues. We had very minimal staging as it was decided that our stuff photographed well. I found/find some of the stagers accessories to be a bit clunky - big purple candle holders for instance ... but I'm at the "It is what it is" stage of this now. Some of the over the top stuff is now in the garage. More may join what's already there - if I have the energy. I guess they go for the "pop" whether it's in good taste or not. I'm not an orange color loving person - so .... Just so it hopefully adds something and at the very least, doesn't detract. DH says my Virgo is infringing on my Libra -- picky, picky. He says it lovingly.
There is still so much to do. The termite guy is coming tomorrow morning ... they found a little (happily, minimal) damage on a post on the outside of the garage, a handyman guy is coming to fix a drip we discovered coming from the garbage disposal and we are "tweeking" the little things the property inspector pointed out. Not major, but still time takers. Window washers are coming Tuesday, and on and on and on. Taking care of all that stuff falls to me as DH is still working full time. He appreciates me and I appreciate him. Boxes, boxes, everywhere ....
Gypsy, love your cottage. I'm reading as much as I can - but, at the risk of sounding repetitive, sigh ... I'm pooped.
Sister #3284 - on her Tippie Toes - oxox, Darlys
Chocolate Kisses ...
That is the best ... to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 4:59:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
Another lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures rose to 75 in the afternoon. it was forty when we woke up. Barely any clouds in the sky. A nice breeze off and on through out the day.
Nancy it is nice that you can go up and visit your MIL as frequently as your dh needs too. I think you are the only area that has rain. We could use some here. but, you know after the first day we would all have forgotten the many days of sun that we have had and start complaining about the rain. lol
When we have bales of hay that get wet and lay around for a while and start to rot they look like the bales Bunny is using for her garden. They should grow nice lush vegetables for you and you do not need to bend over all the way to the ground. Thank you for the picture Mar is right you do look much younger than me. But, then again I think you are. lol
We have automatic lawn mowers too. Sometimes later in the season I need to run the mower to cut down the buttercups that have gone by. The cows do not like to eat them.
I thought that Kathy took the picture sideways so we could see the loo and accessories. There are never too many flowers.
Darlys so nice to hear from you. I hope your house sells quickly and for a really good price. Kethry did say that the lemons you sent us were far better than any from the store. I told her there would be no more because you were moving. Oh, well.
We brought up blocked wood from the lower field to the area where we run the splitter. We still have a lot more to cut into blocks and bring up. G and C said they are already done with moving wood and I laughed. Better now than in the fall.
Mar I am glad that you find joy in being around your dh and with him helping in areas that have always been yours solo.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - May 05 2013 : 7:27:37 PM
I had to laugh at your comments about me looking so young. I'm hiding my double chin well in this picture. I'm going to be 56 this year. Some days I feel it and sometimes I'm still 20something.
Darlys, so glad to hear from you. I figured the house was sold off and you were just enjoying the mountains too much to deal with technology again. Hope it sells quickly so you can be on your way for good.
Kathy, love your little fairy garden. I bet your daughter has so much fun putting them together.
Holly, you need to read the fable " the ant and the grasshopper " to C and G. Maybe they will get the message.
Had an awesome day in the sewing room. (Do I ever have a bad one?) ....finished up a really pretty dress that looks like something Dracula's bride would wear. I'm working on getting a good picture for my etsy store. That is the hardest part of the whole process.mi can sew up a storm but the picture taking.....not so much.
Here is my first picture...not the one I'm going to use. I just took it to show off on Facebook and here.

You can't see it but it has a black lace train. I put little buttons at the shoulders so the bottom of the train could also be attached at the shoulders.
Sorry, it seems to be sideways. It also looks much better in person.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - May 06 2013 : 10:01:27 AM
just a quick note - my mom has had a massive stroke and is not expected to live the day thru. please pray for me and my family. janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
60 Posts
Park City
60 Posts |
Posted - May 06 2013 : 11:09:04 AM
Oh Janie I will be praying hard...So sorry about your MOM.
Just came on to catch up and seen your post.
Hello all I will be back in a bit.
May your bobbins always be full!!! |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |