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rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 25 2013 : 10:54:00 AM
Holly! I know you are aggravated with the animals when you start using the percentage, number, and dollar signs. I will faint if you use the ampersand! I wouldn't have much nice to say about all the rebuilding you had to do, either. Hope everyone stays put! It is so cool that you have an entire extra strawberry patch from all the baby plants. That is what I have been doing, too. Transplanting all the extra plants and bulbs to fill in the bare spots. So far, I have orange, white, pale yellow, bright yellow and a few red tulips up. The pinks, lavendar and purple ones come in a bit later. The hyacinths are winding down, as are the crocuses. The daffodils are still looking perky! They make me smile.
I was thinking of brushing the horses today. THey look scruffy with their long winter coat trying to shed. But, we are going to have some very cold nights this weekend, so I think I'll let them hang onto the extra hair a bit longer!
Got through all my exercises and pilates workout. So, that's checked off my to-do list! Got some butter softening for cookies and then out to garden after lunch. My honey is out painting the well house -- still. It looks great and will match our barn and other out buildings when done.
Well, I'll check in later to see how all you gals are doing. Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Apr 25 2013 : 4:24:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have daffodils flowering and crocus have also bloomed. The narcissus come later. The daffodils that are blooming are old time bulbs that we transplanted from where the old farmhouse was before we moved here. the bulbs I bought from the catalog have their greens up but no sign of a flower stalk yet. The narcissus are also from the old house area. They are paper whites. We also have old roses that grow on a single stalk and have white blooms a little bigger than a half dollar. A little down the road there are some that are pink and have a great smell.
I like tulips but they only come up a couple of years if that. So, I prefer just splitting the daffodils. Mar your gardens must have color all summer.
I ran in and out of town with the children today.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2013 : 1:11:44 PM
Hello All,
It's going to be 90 degrees in Phoenix today, and I am trying to get a little gardening done. I go out and work a bit, then take refuge in the house where it's cooler until I feel brave enough to go out again. I am actually trying to plant some roses...wish I'd gotten that done earlier but I think that if I cover them with shade cloth they should be OK. It's actually better weather to plant cactus.
Thelma, I grew up in Iowa on a family farm. We had dairy and beef cattle, pigs, baled hay, and grew soybeans and corn. No live stock anymore; my dad and brother still raise field crops. I have such fond memories of seeing the animals out in the pastures. Now, when I come across livestock doting the landscape, I feel very nostalgic. But, I remember that that way of life was far from perfect and it was a lot of work.
Mar, a clean fridge is the stuff of my fantasies!
Strawberries and flowers and roses and such...Spring is such fun! It will surely arrive soon for everyone. Meanwhile, I am going to go back out and brave the heat in my garden.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
rough start farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 26 2013 : 3:32:15 PM
Pam, 90 degrees is hard to imagine right now. We are enjoying just about perfect weather. Low seventies, overnight in the mid forties. Sigh. It won't last forever, but in the meantime.... I know what you mean about seeing the animals graze. It is one of my delights.
Gypsy, I believe wildflowers suit you better than a carefully planted flower bed. I imagine you, swaying in a flowing skirt of bright colors. Quite reminiscent of a wildflower in the breeze...
I only have one rose bush that has great smell. And frankly, the roses aren't usually that nice. They are a very full and round, sort of peony-like. Holly, my tulips have lasted and multiplied for the last ten years. Is it because your winters are a bit more severe than ours?
Hope everyone is having a lovely day, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2013 : 4:05:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
I think that the tulips do not last here because of the cold. some people said it was because the moles and squirrels ate them but while we have both rodents they do not dig in my gardens. I think because we have four cats now down from many more. Varmints eat my young cats if they are not alert soon enough. Keeping the cats inside is really not a possibility.
Gypsy I did zoom in on the frog but I was pretty close to it too. Snakes that have their mouths full do not move away. I have many pictures of this snake eating the frog and the frog is blinking away. It must be an odd feeling being eaten alive.
Gypsy are you still contemplating selling the farm?
yesterday I misspoke about the temperature or was it the day before? It was in the seventies. the next day was in the fifties and today a bit cooler. The sun was out and the breeze light.
Tomorrow is the clothing swap in town. I took eight kitchen garbage bags full of clothes today to be sorted and given away. It is nice to know that the clothes which are still good will have a new life.
We usually have only one or two weeks a year in the nineties and that is at the end of July. Starting so early is amazing to me.
We had fish and orzo for supper.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 26 2013 : 8:14:28 PM
Pam, what part of Phoenix are you in? I was in Mesa and we hiked those mountains up above Phoenix several times, and we went to a beautiful park several times in Gilbert. We also did the Thursday night art walk in Scottsdale twice. It got cooler just before I left. I've been in Scottsdale before in August when it was 114 and I do not know how humans survive that. I asked a guy at the golf course one day how he survived the summers and he said "stay in the pool or go inside". Seems like the a/c bill would be so high. One of the things that makes this forum so interesting is learning about all the different parts of the country. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 26 2013 8:16:30 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 27 2013 : 3:13:44 PM
Does is seem strange that since yesterday, we have had five posts ... mine is the sixth ... and 96 visitors. So ninety people are checking in with us, but not posting. Don't be so shy! I know everyone can't post everyday. None of us do, but wouldn't today be a great day to jump in and let us know about your day?
Holly, did you check out the clothes swap or just donate to it? We have some serious wind today and although it is 60 degrees, it feels pretty chilly.
My MIL has a friend in her 90s who is in an assisted care facility that is quite beautiful in the San Diego area. "Bea" has arthritis, but still does quite a bit of hand sewing. Instead and handwriting letters, she responds to my notes with a typewriter. It is an manual and I am always quite impressed by the fact that her arthritic fingers can manage the manual keys. She is a lovely woman, who was always generous to our children and thoughtful in her actions. I enjoy hearing that my letters "make her day" and really don't expect a response. Bea is very annoyed that she is unable to find a ribbon to replace the one on her ancient typewriter. She is sending the make and other pertinent information to us and Dh has pledged to find, order and have a new ribbon sent to the great gal.
I changed out the tablecloth on the dropleaf table at the top of the stairs today. I have a small collection of vintage and vintage inspired tablecloths. Today's choice is a lavendar blue with a chartruese border decorated with apples, pears and daisies. Love it! It was such a Saturday-type activity to take up a good portion of the morning, due to the ironing involved!
Hope to hear from all my usual favorites and maybe some new friends-to-be today! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2013 : 6:19:25 PM
Hello everyone. Not much going on for me. Just business as usual. I did get the planter boxes set up for my lettuce garden. I bought a bunch of stuff from a friend doing a fund raiser for her daughter school. Everything will show up the beginning of may. I found a great book on straw bail gardening. My bails are getting the conditioning they need for this year. I should have squash and tomatoes running out of my ears if all goes well. School is really though this quarter. I'll be lucky with a C in three of my classes. Work at the accounting office has slowed down a lot. They don't have a workstation for me so no way for me to work. Kinda bummed but it gives me more time for homework, which means I might have time to sew. I have decided to do a fabric sale out of my living room one Saturday a month. I'm hoping it will help me make some money and get rid of my old fabric. If it works well, I can keep it going. I have lots of sources for good quality but great priced fabrics.
I'm feeling much better lately. I still get the whole body pain of I work too long or do too much. But I think the change in weather has made a big difference.
Gypsy, sounds like some big life changes are coming your way. If you sell your house, are you going to live in your trailer or look for something else to buy? I hope you can figure out something with your new love. It would be a shame to have distance ruin everything.
Anyway, I'm done with homework for the day and just being lazy. Figured I better say hey before the porch posse heads out to haul me back in.
Later all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2013 : 1:52:41 PM
Gypsy, I appreciated reading about the things that you are thankful for. I know that we usually focus on this in the fall, but I want to join in. I am thankful that next week, for a few days, all 3 of my kids will be here! Many family members are flying in for my daughter's graduation with her master's degree. It has been a year since all the children were with us and my mother's heart is bursting with joy at the thought. I am grateful that 2 or my 3 kids have completed their educations (the youngest is still in college). I am also grateful that my parents are well and I am healthy...I have learned the hard way how important these things are. I am grateful that I am finishing up my fourth year of school...two more years of practicum/classes, a year of internship, and I will be finally done. I am so looking forward to the day when I don't have write another paper or take another test. I've taken all but 4 of the required classes, so now it's down to mostly practicum and dissertation.
And, I am grateful for my garden. I live in an isolated community that is part of Phoenix, on the south side of South Mountain Park. The park is close enough that we can access hiking trails a short walk from our house. I love going into the part to see the plants, the wildlife, and Native American petroglyphs etched in the rock all around the park. My garden is surrounded by tall Mexican palm trees and a few queen palm trees. While the trees and shrubs are lush and colorful, nearly all of them are water-wise, an important consideration in Phoenix. I've worked to create a garden that can provide for us and for the critters. We have orange, lemon, pomegranate, guava, and a small mango tree. I've put in a grape vine and I scatter vegetable plants in among the flower beds, sort of a French kitchen garden look. I've collected lots of cactuses, which are in bloom right now. I've put in a lot of variety of plants (many native plants and many, many flowering plants) that are various sizes, to support the desert wildlife and fulfill my need for flowers. We have lots of lizards of various types, and I suspect that we probably have snakes (the neighbors do from time-to-time), birds of all types (road runner, hummingbirds, quail, ducks, mockingbirds, woodpeckers, and many others). We have a yard full of desert cottontail rabbits with their huge ears, an owl who is frequently in our palm tress, a feral cat, and we see coyotes on our street. My garden is full of bees and butterflies all year long. This is all in a 1/4 acre suburban yard! I've certified as a backyard wildlife habitat with the National Wildlife get this certification I've put in bird feeders. bird baths, hiding places/shelter for creatures, and put in plants to draw in wildlife.
I guess I've gone on a ramble garden is how I stay health and happy, especially since my work is stressful. I will post photos sometime if I can figure out how to do it.
Gypsy, people in Phoenix grow tulips, daffodils, and other bulbs. If we can, I wonder if you can too? Not many people here do, but there are a few around in the spring. The bulbs are planted after the heat breaks in the fall, which here is about Thanksgiving. They bloom in late February or early March. You got it right about how to survive the summer time heat. It is very pleasant in the pool, even on the warmest of days. I garden and exercise between 5 and 7 a.m., and other than that, it is necessary to spend the day in the air-conditioning. The heat does seem to drag on, but I've learned to plan for it like I planned for winter in places where it snows. I have some books and projects set aside to work on during the summer and I plan my meals around keeping the house cool. While it is Hot Hot Hot, the garden is still beautiful and I can look outside and see green and flowers.
Happy Sunday Everyone....I am looking forward to hearing about your weekend.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2013 : 4:32:21 PM
Wow, Pam-- I LOVED reading about your gardens, I'll bet everyone else will too! You get to join our dear Holly and Marianne as the best storytellers in the group. Please keep it coming.
I think South Mountain park may have been where we went. We turned down S Central Ave and it took us to the entrance but we didn't know about the petroglyphs
What are you studying ? I think you may have said in an early post.
I think the deal with having the tulips here is that you have to plant them every year and the bulbs have to be kept in the cold fridge for several weeks before you plant them.
I think a big part of happiness is gratitude.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 28 2013 : 6:31:11 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a glorious weekend here in the Green Mountains. The nights hovered around freezing and the days well up into the seventies. The sky was a clear beautiful blue. There is a male cardinal singing all day long. The hawks are back soaring on the thermals and calling to each other. The frogs have been mating merrily all night long and the peepers are finally peeping these last two nights. The peepers tell us that spring is here to stay.
I have been trying to create a fenced netted area for the meat chickens to live in for their remaining days. I had the netting up last year but much of it lay on the ground so there was not a lot of running area for the birds. I have more than doubled their pen. The biggest problem I am facing is that where I want to put up the netting there is a lot of burdock and it catches on everything. I do not like it in my hair at all. when I stop to pull it out it messes up my do so I have to stop and reput in the hair ties. It is such a bother and mess. lol anyway I think I have one more days work on it and then it will be good to go. No hawks eating the birds from above and no raccoons eating them from the ground.
The littles fell asleep quickly tonight. They were outside running and roaming all day long. Nothing like sun and exhaustion to make a child sleep.
I made bread today and I made two pans of monkey bread. The bread did not rise as much as I would have liked because I put it in to proof and I forgot it for several hours. so I only rose it three times instead of the four. the monkey bread was yummy. Kethry said it would make her gain a hundred pounds. I put butter and brown sugar on it. I usually use butter and pudding mix. I was told now I have no excuse for not making it because we always have brown sugar and that was so much better.
I would like to see pictures of the Pam's gardens. There is a site some where in the MJF that tells how to post pictures to a forum. Maybe at the bottom of the General Forums listings you might find it. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of Mar's gardens this years since you have mastered posting pictures demonstrated by that wonderful one of you and dd.
I did not go back to the clothing swap. I knew I would come home with treasures I did not need. Did I tell you that while we were dropping off Ross found a beautiful black pair of open toed backless three inch heals size 8. He had worn them for several days and is now stating that he is ready to pass them on.
Gypsy I have been waiting for you to finish your gourd doll and post a picture. You sound like you have a plan and are now ready to move on from the farm and that piece of your herstory.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 28 2013 : 7:35:39 PM
Ross has wonderful taste, open-toed is such a classy look! Bet he had fun with them. And I bet he is really ready to pass them on. Can't imagine Kethry gaining 100 pounds. She "sounds" like she should be of athletic build: tall, strong, not skinny, but not particularly subject to weight problems. Don't know why, but that is how I "see" her. Funny that there is so much garden photo talk. I did take photos this week. Tulip time is my favorite! I will work at getting one posted. I always forget how to post between photos!
Pam, you certainly have done your homework on making your yard a haven for the natural wildlife. Congratulations. It sounds amazing. You must always have a nature show "on" anytime you look out a window. I do hope you will post a photo. The coyotes around here are pretty fierce looking up close. How are yours? Dog-like?
Monkey bread sounds so delicious. I haven't had that in years.
Bunny, I think a Saturday sale sounds like genius at work! Good luck. Glad you got some spare time this weekend. And take those Cs and RUN towards your degree. So one more quarter or are you on the semester system? I am glad you are back on par with dealing with your pain. It is a relief to be back to the "normal" amount of pain, isn't it?
Gypsy, you know everyone is jealous of your new studio, fresh start and closeness to your daughter. Best wishes making the space your own!
Oh and Holly, chop off your hair like I have and you won't have to redo your do!
Lovely to hear from you ladies! marianne
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2013 : 2:02:47 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
How Kethry would love tp have an athletic build. the young woman is strong beyond belief. She and Cheri were dealing with the pig stall and Keth was carrying the palletts down to the stall straight armed over her head. She can carry a fifty pound grain bag on her shoulder. Now, I agree that carrying it on your shoulder is not too hard I do have a time getting it up on my shoulder in the first place. However, Keth was svelte until she was six and then her little body started to mature. Lucky for as decided that she wantrs to trim down now so she is moving a lot more than she was. I think the poundage is not reducing significantly but all of us that she did not maximaize maturity until she was twelve but none the less she started to pack on the weight. She topped out at 5 feet tall and is built like a linebacker. She has decided that she wants to trim down so she has been moving a lot more with purpose. She has lost inches. He back looks narrower to me. I do not know if her pounds have actually reduced much. She looks a lot like her birth mother and her birthfather was only 5' 8" or so. So, thank you for having an athletic picture of her in your head. She is beautiful and has a great personality.
Saying all this we went to the orthodontist today because Miss K has decided she wants to take the plunge and have her teeth straight and beautiful as she says. She lost her first baby teeth when she was 4 1/2 and these huge teeth came in and reshaped her upper jaw. They are not really buck teeth but she wants a rounded jaw line. The ortho man says it is cosmetic but as she grows older it will make a difference in her continued good health. The tooth doc says she will have them 9 months or so. So, she had the initial visit for the pictures and x rays. She is our fifth to have braces.
I think about having a nice trim do like yours Mar but first of all I do not have great body in my hair like you do and secondly what would Ross hold onto when he sleeps for comfort.
I am sitting on the steps of the library because it is closed for some unknown reason. T is at baseball practice. He did all of his schoolwork today without a tantrum and washed the dishes. Tomorrow is a game, the first of the season and he is not taking a risk of missing any playing time because he missed another practice. On Saturday he rode his old bike three miles to beautiful downtown Worcester and then back. The hills are gradual and deadly if you are not in biking sheape. He was one big bead of sweat when he arrived home. So, he did not want to rile Mama and have to ride his bike to get to practice either.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 29 2013 : 4:09:59 PM
Holly, I had forgotten the comfort Ross takes in your hair. That is such a lovely picture in my mind's eye. I am excited for K. Braces can make a big difference in self-confidence, etc. I hope it isn't too painful of a process for her. (Or you and Cheri!) I have always found strength to be a very important component to a woman's beauty. Sounds like T is very serious about his baseball career this season! Good habits being taught in your house.
Gypsy, I, too, look forward to photos of your dolls. And I so enjoy B's way of descibing the frequency of your farm. I know I have lived in the wrong frequency before! Such an apt way to sum up the feeling of things not necessarily being wrong, but things are just not "right."
The gluten info is pretty compelling. Sounds worth a try for many reasons.
so nice to hear from you both. I'll try to post again later. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
361 Posts
361 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2013 : 7:04:32 PM
hello everyone. it sounds like y'all have so much going on. i am glad to see the sun, at last. hoping that it sticks around for a while, and i can finally shake the winter doldrums.
Some dreams are worth the risk it takes to make them real.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 29 2013 : 7:23:49 PM
Charlotte, I think we stayed at a resort in Delavan when we were waiting for our house to be completed. The house was in Burlington. Am I remembering correctly and Delavan is about a 15 minute drive from Burlington? The circus place...
Let me know if I am way off! Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2013 : 2:34:23 PM
Good evening everyone,
I am at the library before my Tai Chi class. I had to drop T off earlier for baseball. He tells me he is going to play for the Red Sox when he grows up. He is determined when it comes to baseball. I wish the zeal extended to other areas of his life as well.
I made bread and monkey bread again. Sometimes four loaves can last us 5 days and other times they barely make it through two. I made a shelf in the lower barn to hold the pig food. This way the strong children can carry the 50 pound grain bags down and store them and their poor old mother only has to lift them off and put them in the trough. No more slogging through the slippery mud for me while the piggies are rubbing against my legs and telling me good morning.
Overcast all day but t shirt weather none the less.
House energy is important to listen to and feel. I was told by a woman that whenever she moved to a new apartment she would walk around each room with a lit red candle and recite a rhyme for well being. I wonder if your ex jinxed the house with all of his negativity and that is still reverberating.
I have not had any problems with gluten so far and I am so grateful for it. I live on carbs they are my comfort food. I do have problems with refined sugar and store bought dairy products. They give me tightness in the back of my neck and a headache. I used to guzzle quarts of milk as a child and it never bothered me.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2013 : 3:04:02 PM
wow! I'm head spinning on how busy you've all been! Today it was cold, windy and snowing and now it's sunny and windy..gotta love weather on the Palouse!
My seedling are growing like crazy and it's wonderful to watch them seeming to grow by the hour.
I've had a bunch of health issues lately and have only posted periodically. So the good news is that I'm not bi-polar and mentally ill like the doctors have been trying to convince me that I am for several years. The bad news is that this last month, I've started seeing weird flashes of light, had strange numbness in my fingers and I'm having trouble with my left eye randomly it turns out that I actually have a mild form of epilepsy and I'm on an anti-convulsant and feeling better. It's good to know that the doctors were nuts and not me!
I'm finishing my garden beds this coming weekend no matter what the weather and starting in on the hen house. I'm in love with the dominiques and wyandotte chickens and can't wait for the peeps this summer.
Will try to check in later when I'm not running around catching up on the house!

You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
rough start farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 30 2013 : 3:42:37 PM
Annika, It must have been a very scary time for you waiting to be correctly diagnosed. I am glad to hear you are feeling better, but sorry to hear you are dealing with such a major health concern. I am also in awe at our 52 degree weather that included a snowstorm. It is a crazy time in this area of WA.
Holly, how nice to have the help of the strong children as we get older, huh! I was thinking something had gotten so much heavier than I remembered just the other day. I had to laugh at myself a bit. Not as strong as I used to be!
today we got out early enough to get the fruit trees fertilized. Played with the horses and the dogs and then headed in before that freak snowshower. I was cleaning out my china cupboard while it was overcast and breezy. Then when it cleared up, we went to get the mail and strolled through the pasture. The horses are starting to chow down enough that we need to take them off pasture every other day or so...starting tomorrow... they were way out and I didn't want to walk out to get them and it was too windy for them to hear us whistle.
Yesterday we ran all over town doing errands and shopping. It is always nice to get those "hundred stop" trips done. In and out of the car constantly. And it was so windy! I had to pay attention to which way the car was facing to see if the wind was going to catch the car door and whip me out of the car. Or I was going to have to use all my might to push the door open.
Where is Ginny? Nancy? Darlys? Thelma has been missing for a bit...
have a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2013 : 4:06:27 PM
I'm going to have try no gluten too! I have fybro and am always tired, always in pain. AS soon as we can get off this soft diabetic diet of Davids I will see what I can do. I didn't know gluten ca
Glad everyone is doing great. Sounds like a lot of beautiful gardens out there! I just got my wagon train garden planted today and put in 5 rows of lettuce, in between
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2013 : 07:49:00 AM
Cluck Cluck everyone. Once spring gets here farm us chicks really get busy. We have had about a week of great weather but now it is raining and the weather guessers state that we will get snow tonight. UNBLIEVABLE! I finally turned off my furnace last week, but may have to start it again because of the dampness caused by the rain and lack of sunshine.
anyway just wanted to check in and wish everyone a happy May first. I would bring you each a Maybasket, but the planes will probably be grounded do to the impending snow. giggle
Gypsy - I am happy for you and your new little house. Sounds like you have some terrific plans. Will you have to repair and paint or can you move right in?
Bunny - I hope you are done with your schooling soon so you can whip up all those creative projects that are flowing around in your mind.
Holly - Always love to read about your extended family and the children. People do not realize what home schooling involves. It takes parents with strong educational convictions to make it happen. And on top of your teaching you raise outside kids - good for you. The black shoes made me laugh. I like to try on shoes while shopping, but am smart enough to leave them in the stores. Give me a pair of sandles or flats any day! That way I wont break my neck when I fall.
taa taa chickie poos. do take some time to smell the roses today. I will do the same even if I have to dust the snowflakes off of them first! |
Edited by - Thelma on May 01 2013 07:53:57 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2013 : 5:45:47 PM
Good evening everyone.
I was at the library waiting for T to finish baseball practice. I was typing directly onto the board and hit some unknown button and I was sen to the page before and you all know what happens to a post then. so, I am back home now.
Today was another lovely day here in the Green Mountains. Temperatures were in the seventies and the sky was a gorgeous blue. The hawks call and soar while I am out working but often times I can only hear them and not see them.
I finally finished the netting on the chicken pen. T and J carried the crates of meat chickens out from the stall that has the heat lamps. It is nice having the testosterone to carry 15 birds and more at once. In the past I have carried them out two at a time and that takes a long time. The lamps have not been on for a while because the birds are feathering out enough not to need them and so they would not be shocked going from a really warm room to a nice warm outside pen with a breeze. They seemed to have adjusted to the change of a 10' X 10' stall to a pen that is 25' long by 20' wide or more. They are finally settling down now that the sun has set.
In the afternoon I started to plant the Jerusalem Artichokes. I only gave a way a few. A neighbor tilled an old pig pen for me so it is not hard to plant them. I did two five gallon buckets today. I was thinking that after they get a foot or so tall I will plant pole beans among them. That should be a pretty way to grow them. Maybe I will look for some morning glory seeds as well.
Gypsy sounds like B is not letting moss grow on his feet in preparing to move. He seems determined to join you asap. I hope your farm sells quickly at a good price.
Annika I am glad they figured out that your health issues are only a form of epilepsy and nothing worse. If it can be controlled by a drug that would be fine if you could figure out why now it has decided to rear its ugly head that would be grand, I used to work at a residential school and some of the children had grand mals. One was from eating the wrong B complex vitamin she was allergic to the filler. One was from being constipated. Who knows but now it is great you are feeling better. Are you able to drive or has the doctor restricted you?
Mar did you have a list of your hundred things or did you rely on your trusty memory. Mine only extends to three items if I say them several times. What do you fertilize your fruit trees with? We have many old apple trees that could use a boost.
The logger is taking down all of the white pine that have forked tops. The forester says they are old enough now that they are prone to splitting. I do not like to hear them fall. But, it opens up the ground for new growth. And the sale of the timber hellps pay the taxes.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - May 01 2013 : 8:06:22 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 4:46:40 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - May 02 2013 : 11:36:05 AM
Thelma, sometimes I think I jinx the region with another snowfall when I pack away my heavy jacket too early. It is still hanging on the back of the door right now ... just to be safe! I hope you received your final snowfall, I know you are itching to get outside and STAY outside. I remember May baskets. They were such lovely surprises. I don't think our children even know of the tradition.
Holly, how nice to have the chickens where they will stay for a while. I think the Jerusalem artichokes will look great with the beans running up them. I once planted morning glories and our season was too short for them to ever bloom. A bit of a disappointment. Your stories of all the loaves of bread just make me green with jealousy. (Probably Gypsy is jealous, too.) I used to be a very big carb eater. But, just can't handle it anymore. Everything I take in must be high in fiber because of my meds. I "invented" a cookie that is very high in fiber that I make to take on trips, etc. Dh aptly named them "S%*#-A-Bricks." See, I "get" it, too. I don't just "dish it out" to this poor man.
Gypsy, try the photo posting again. The gremlins were at work last night, they are sleeping now.
Dh and I went out and sprayed the fence line. Yes, we use weed-killer. Do I get thrown out of MJF? It is more than a mile of fence line to maintain ... We have to keep the weeds down under the electric fencing so it won't short out. So, we spray right under the fence line. Ten years ago, we used a weedeater to maintain it. But, well, that was ten years ago. Nice to have that chore done. Not happy about the hat hair that I am sporting right now, but I am heading out to garden in a bit, so that is the look I will rock for a while.
Dd got yet another flat tire yesterday. She has had more flat tires than dh and I combined in all our years driving. And she has been driving for 8 years. She has AAA and called to asked what would be involved in calling them to change her tire. We told her and she said, "Oh, I'll just change it myself." And in fifteen minutes was on her way home. She has always had to switch her tires from winter to regular with her dad, as well as change her own oil. And she appreciates having this knowledge. She helped out a coworker with a dead battery the other day. No one else had jumper cables. Country girl moves to the city and teaches them a thing or two! We all know that story, huh.
When we were visiting dd, she and I went shopping at Old Navy. We found a darling navy eyelet dress for her that was Orig. $38 on sale for $24. It was a great fit and we looked further to find one that had a half off sticker because there was a problem with the zipper. Well, the problem was that the seam had come undone. Right on the seam line. The zipper was uninvolved. Snatched that one up and swapped it with the one she had tried on. Got it for $12. Yay for us. Now, I need to get my machine out!
Have a lovely day, gals, Marianne |
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