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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - May 10 2020 :  09:00:52 AM  Show Profile
Today my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but I answered it anyway. A man on the other end said "Happy Mammys Day!" I asked him, "Who are you?" He repeated "Happy Mammy's Day." "Yes, but what is your name, my children are a lot younger than you sound."
"OH, I think I have the wrong number."
At least he got to practice.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - May 28 2021 :  12:49:30 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,

I have been missing in action.

The children are well. The animals are growing and the black flies are biting.

Hope to try to get the board going again.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 28 2021 :  1:10:09 PM  Show Profile
Hi Holly! Hope all is well?

I dont get to drop in often, but I saw this the other day and it just cracked me up, so thought I would share:

Hope you all get a little giggle, too!



Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - May 28 2021 :  3:11:55 PM  Show Profile
I am well. I did not get sick and was able to get the vaccine early because I worked at a nursing home. Yes! I now have a part-time job and I am so happy with it. Lowell (DH) is also well if anxious about getting sick even though he is also vaccinated. I hope we all can communicate again.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 04 2021 :  08:30:52 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Nini that was a great show. I looked at them and thought sisters and then it dawned on me that they are all the same woman. She is clever and has a great sense of humor. I believe my mood swings have subsided and the hot flashes are mostly confined to the night when I want to sleep through.

Has your son graduated yet? It his hard for me to keep track of how old everyone is getting.

Marie, I am glad you stayed healthy. I received the vaccine pretty early as well. I am considered a health care worker as a foster parent for special needs adults. I thought I would not be even eligible until summer but most my age were eligible in March. Vermont is up to 76% vaccinated. When we get to 80 % the governor will lift the bans on gatherings in public and private.

I have friends who are trusting their immune systems to get them through the nasties that can infect us. I thought about that but I have too many people I care for in my family. Two of my twenty somethings did not want to get vaccinated but their employers told them they could not work if they did not get vaccinated. So, we shall see what happens with them.

Anyone doing gardens? The weather is not consistent. Somedays in the eighties and then in the thirties. The carrots are just starting to grow. the Jerusalem Artichokes (sunchokes) are going full tilt. I have some morning glory seeds I want to plant near them so the glories will grow up the stems. Should be pretty if it works.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2021 :  1:01:16 PM  Show Profile
I realized, much later, that I had been going through perimenopause in my forties. I knew I was going through full menopause when I started having hot flashes. I remember my first one after which I felt such a profound sense of loss and nostalgia. It was amazing and I was determined to go through it observing every change and feeling. I kept track of my cycle to track the end. Alas, when I bled for two months straight, doctors found that I had some anomalous cells inside. I received a hysterectomy and that was that. For many months, I felt less than female. It was such a huge change which I cannot explain.

I am so happy to have a job. It is such a small thing and it has helped me to be more certain of myself and positive about my contribution to the world. The position is wonderful. I work the graveyard shift so there is no one around (not even a supervisor), very little to actually do and I get paid extra. I have had to adjust my sleep schedule to stay healthy. I am doing many of my crafting projects while on duty watching videos. LOL

We have friends whom we believe are against vaccinations. They are part of the alternative healthcare community many of whom have some dangerous ideas.

I no longer have good soil to plant in. Lowell and I bought a condo and the soil in the back is tainted with arsenic. I may be planting in containers. This pandemic has caused me to be even more lazy than I already am. I have trouble starting a project and following through with it.

Breathe deep, think peace.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2452 Posts

Galt CA
2452 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2021 :  11:35:24 AM  Show Profile
I had my first hot flash 16 years before my last period. The night before my hysterectomy when I was 58 I remember placing my hands on my abdomen and thanking my uterus for doing its part and giving me three lovely children. We parted in peace. The greatest miracle was that the migraines I had been having since I was 20 stopped and have never returned. The hot flashes are still here.


Happiness is Homemade
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2021 :  4:08:10 PM  Show Profile
It is so great to see everyone here!
I love the UTube video, but I also like "Older Ladies".
Things are picking up, I've rejoined the quilt club and we will have 4th of July fireworks.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2021 :  03:46:33 AM  Show Profile
So nice to see everyone here again.
I started perimenopause when I was 38. Thought I was pregnant. Then things started to get wonky with cycles so I kept a journal. Went to my doctor who said no not the beginning of menopause because most women don't start till they are 50ish. A friend assured me it was perimenopause and I started using wild yam cream (progesterone) to help with night sweats and hot flashes. By the time I was 44 my cycles had stopped and I only had night sweats a couple of times. I still get the hot flashes.
I hesitate to say anything of those who don't vaccinate as many are not medically able and it is everyone's personal choice between them and their doctor.

Marie, glad you are enjoying your job!!

I have been busy downsizing our belongings. Planning to move in the very near future and don't want to get such a big place next time. So I have been sorting and packing things up.
Supposed to be in the 90s again today. I'm not ready for hot days.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Edited by - levisgrammy on Jun 06 2021 03:47:59 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2021 :  08:39:09 AM  Show Profile
Morning, sisters!

Holly, my son is 24 now... He is on his own and working full time in sales. He loves it. As much as I miss having him around, it's nice to have the place to ourselves. Its hard to keep up with the comings and goings of a 24 year old. Lol.

Starting to really realize how big this old house is. Im starting to clean house and get ready to downsize. It will be hard because we have a lifetime of memories here. Im taking my time. There is no rush. Ultimately my hubby's health will dictate the when, where and how. I have to say, tho, Im kind of excited about a frssh start..

Oh my word: the hot flashes. They are killing me. They are part of the reason I dread the summer heat: double whammy! What do you all do to help with this?

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!



Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 06 2021 08:45:57 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 06 2021 :  6:05:43 PM  Show Profile
Plenty of cold showers. I sometimes took 4 a day. No soap, no shampoo. Just water as cold as I could get it. It was so nice.

One night I thought I was having a hot flash. It turned out to be a low blood sugar reaction. They feel the same except I go into shock after I raise my blood sugar.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 06 2021 :  9:32:55 PM  Show Profile
Oh, Marie! I am SO with you! I take cold showers, too, (even in the dead of winter!), and use only Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap because its so cool and refreshing! And my poor hubby...I have fans blowing year round, keep my house at 62 degrees in the winter (hey, he has sweaters and comfy slippers and can cover up. I can only take so much off without scaring people!), and the a/c is blasting first sign of heat. I can't take this. I will never retire to Florida... I'll be heading up north to shack up with the eskimoes and learn Inuit throat singing instead! Lol!

How do you determine whether it's hot flashes or low sugar while they are actually happening? That's pretty scary! Please take care of yourself! The reason I ask is that we are doing keto: no sugar, no carbs. I wonder if that's making this worse. I havent gotten loopy or anything, but I did have a disconcerting heart happening yesterday. Took my supplements and it went away, thank God. But I did wonder if the diet was getting to me, you know?

Ah, the perils of womanhood!



Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

Edited by - Ninibini on Jun 06 2021 9:33:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2021 :  12:24:11 AM  Show Profile
I get them often when I don't eat a balanced diet. Sugar and junk food(processed stuff) bring mine on.
The more I eat whole foods the better it is.
Yes to any way to keep cool. Hubby hates it but in the summer I have to sleep with the a.c. and the overhead fan on in the bedroom. We are already having 90+ degree days and it's cool showers for me. Sometimes hot flashes can last because you can have one right after one. I've even used ice packs to get cooled off.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Edited by - levisgrammy on Jun 07 2021 12:29:04 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 07 2021 :  10:06:24 AM  Show Profile
Keto, I believe, is not a good diet for most people. Neither is the Cave Man Diet. Why? Because we don't live a lifestyle which requires large quantities of meat. I would eat as close to natural as possible. Grass fed meat is really very good. If you have a working pancreas, I see no reason to worry about blood sugar. Checking for diabetes should be part of a regular physician visit.

I realized this intense heat was a low blood sugar was because the sweat was limited to my face and it was lasting way to long. Sometimes these get so bad that the sheets get wet and Lowell (DH) has to change the sheets while I treat the condition and take a shower. I get really cold after one of these and I become very cold. It is a fine line to tread sometimes.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jun 08 2021 :  5:58:03 PM  Show Profile
My and Churunga's mother (we are sisters, I could tell you so many stories) is in a nursing home near her house in Western Wisconsin. About a week ago she fell and broke the neck of her femur. She got surgery, I'm not sure what they did. I tried to talk to her but got frustrated because there are no phones in the room; they take a cordless phone to them. I could hardly understand mom with all the cutting out and static. Our folks don't even own a cellphone. Hopefully she will be back home soon.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 08 2021 :  7:23:25 PM  Show Profile
I spoke to Mom today. They hollowed out her hip bone and replaced it with and replaced it with a piece of metal. Today she said she can finally put her foot on the floor without screaming. Poor mom.

The buses in South Minneapolis have all been rerouted and getting anywhere I want to go is very difficult. I had to walk 8 blocks to get to the nearest bus stop. It is usually only 4. It was over 90 degrees. When I arrived at the stop, I was spent and there was nowhere to sit because this was not an "official" bus stop. At least I was in the shade. I got to the hospital complex and had to walk an additional block in the sun to get to where I needed to go. The light just wouldn't change so, again, I stood in the sun feeling weak. Finally, I just crossed the street. I made it to the cool clinic building and fainted. It was a difficult day.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jun 09 2021 :  03:07:43 AM  Show Profile
Oh my! Are you ok? I hope you didn't hurt yourself.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jun 09 2021 :  09:08:07 AM  Show Profile
Yeah, I'm okay. I didn't pass-out. I just collapsed and the nurse caught me.

I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and worked on stuff for a while. Then, I had a hot flash and had to take a cold shower.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 09 2021 :  6:25:40 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

Third try. How come the perennial problem. The children ignore me for hours and then when I am doing something I want to do without them here they come wanting something that can wait. oh, well.

So, my perimenopause started when I was 35 with nasty moods swings. My skin would hum and I knew I could really not be civil. I would tell the oldest boys who are now late thirties early forties to please go outside. I told them they had not done anything wrong but if they stayed inside I would find a reason to rip their faces off for no reason. The four of them would go outside and after a while I would hear them quietly turn on the tv.

The mood swings lasted through the second set of children as well. I can remember going snowshoeing and one of their shoes would accidently hit mine and I wanted to toss them into the bank. I did not. It was a lot of self control.

I can also remember Cheri ( my partner) coming home from work and I would be in the rocking chair in the bedroom crying my guts out. She would says what did the children do. I would blubber, nothing. Could you please just make them dinner. she did.

I understand that crying is cathartic and healing but I would cry for no real reason in the present.

I finally stopped bleeding when I was 54. My primary care physician told me she was sure I would be done at 42.

The only solace I took in it was that the longer I bled the less osteoporosis I would have early. I am glad it is over.

I still have hot flashes. Mostly at night now. In the winter I put my hands on the window panes to cool off. I took a Tai Chi class and my sweatshirt would go on and off throughout the evening so I could maintain a tolerable temperature.

I spoke to a friend of mine who is not doing vaccinations.I found out today that the school personel can not ask the children/families if they have done the vaccination. I told her I support her decisions I was relieved that her daughters would not be pressured by either the staff or the other children. She had this concern as well. We are in a wait and see mode. I do worry about her though because she had familial breast cancer last year and so her immune system must be compromised in some way. She does everything to be very healthy.

This last year has been a difficult year to downsize or to just keep the clutter in control. Usually our town has two clothing swaps and a book swap in a year. Last year none.... I have more old clothes that are still good sitting in boxes. I would so like to get rid of them . Even the yellow boxes that collect clothing for Africa or someplace are usually in the parking lots are not there. I was assured on Sunday that a clothing swap would happen in July. Keeping my fingers crossed.

One of the women chiropractors in a near by town is around my age. I asked her how she dealt with perimenopause. She said she went to her chiropractor and had an adjustment and had no further problems. Maybe I should have tried that when she told me.

Stay well my friends.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Jun 11 2021 :  8:07:07 PM  Show Profile
I have been going to a chiropractor for years and it has never made a difference for me as far as menopause was concerned.
There is a lot that getting adjustments does help such as the immune system but there isn't much to be done when it comes to your body dealing with the changes. I did use progesterone cream and that helped with the mood swings but diet is the only thing I have found that helps with hot flashes.

Everything is getting back to normal here somewhat. I would think it would be a privacy issue the reason they aren't allowed to ask about the vaccinations. I have family who are immuno-compromised ( I think that is what it is called) and are advised not to have the vaccine. But it is totally a personal decision.

I hope everyone here is well and enjoying a good weekend.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 12 2021 :  4:20:45 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

Today was a lovely day. The last two nights have been good sleeping nights. The temperatures have dropped and the breezes picked up enough to cool me off enough to sleep and not wake up in a sweat.

We went to several yard sales. Mostly picked up replacement mugs. I have given up trying to have matching dinner ware. it was too upsetting to think I had a matching set of dinnerware when one or more pieces would get broken. So, I gave up and we just collect mugs and plates and bowls at yard sales. Last year made it tough to replace pieces. So, this year we are catching up.

farmgirl #2499
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

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Brooksville KY
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Posted - Jun 13 2021 :  6:54:50 PM  Show Profile
In my house, if anything marches it's an accident!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 15 2021 :  1:31:43 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

Today is a lovely day. Temperatures are in the high seventies with a light breeze.

Our calf, Leonard, was born the beginning of February. I put him in his own stall last night. It is next to his mother's stall so she can see him. Until now he has been in her stall but he has been guzzling her dry for two mornings now before I got down to take my share. So, now he will sleep on his own at night. After the calf gets big enough I separate him from his mother in the night and in the morning I milk. Then they are together all day. I do not need to milk at night. Last night he did alright by himself.

I have been cutting burdock out of the aisles of my garden. It looks good but it takes up too much space.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Jun 17 2021 :  11:20:33 PM  Show Profile
Hi girls! Just finally catching up on things!

Marie and Vanessa - how is your mother doing? My goodness, she has been through a lot! And Marie, are you feeling better? That must've been scary!

Holly and Denise - I think chiropractors are amazing! I have only been twice in my life, but both times I walked away feeling like I was a new person. I remember an elderly neighbor once told me that she took her children to a chiropractor whenever they had colds and ear infections as kids. She said he would tug on their ears a certain way and their ears and sinuses would drain and they would be well the next day! I never heard of an adjustment for perimenopause/menopause, but our chiropractor is across the street and down a few houses. I will ask him. I know friends of ours took their dog to their chiropractor after hours when she was elderly, ill and needed help walking. He was a tremendous help. He wouldn't charge them, did it as a favor, because he said he wasn't licensed to adjust dogs, but he was happy to do it! Talk about a nice guy!

We have had a couple of good, cool nights, too, Holly. I just can't sleep. I've been experiencing insomnia for the past week. It's terrible. But I sure do like the chill and snuggling up to my hubby at night and nestling my feet close to our dog at the foot of the bed! I hate how they both hog the bed. But when it's chilly out at night, their warmth is HEAVENLY!

I never wanted Bella to share our bed, but when she was an older puppy she had a tough night one night and I made the mistake of letting her up with us - just so I could get some sleep! BIG mistake! Now she takes up the foot, he takes up the side, and I get a little section in the upper left corner to ball up in, all twisted, like yarn. Lol. When the two of them are snoring in stereo and then start stretching out and pushing me over the edge, I just sigh and remember how blessed I am to have them with me! And sometimes, I just crawl downstairs to the easy chair... ;)

I miss yard sales... My hubby and I used to do that all the time! I love a good treasure hunt!

Holly, do you use burdock root medicinally?

I grew horehound this year. My aunt always had horehound candy out in the barn for treats for the kids. I just loved it. I am hoping to try to make some myself this year! Have any of you ever made it?

Also I am just wondering... Do any of you visit local nurseries? Are you finding that they don't have nearly the selection or quantities they have had in past years? Ours all seem to have cut back considerably on stock, not just in type but in quantity. Everything - flowers, veggies, herbs, etc. - flew off the shelves and most are of such low stock, it's shocking. Nobody had Easter flowers for more than a day or two, and now the shelves are virtually empty at our favorite haunts. It's just so weird! Just wondering if it's a local thing or a nationwide phenomenon?

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jun 21 2021 :  6:30:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have not been to a nursery because then I would need to plant the flowers and since I have failed fencing 101, 201 and 301 our cows just roam up here on the hill. I have a GPS on the mother cow so I know where she is and if she does go down the hill I can know. So, far so good this year. So, since I have not done fencing if I plant flowers the cows will eat them just as they are flowering. I do love flowers. We have many rosa rugosa. the cows do not eat the flowers but once the hips come out they like to nip those off the stems. They also like to eat the jerusalem artichoke (sunchoke) bulbs. I did them up in the spring and fall and feed them by the bucket full. The cows are not good at digging up the tubers.

Nini, I say that I sleep on a half of a camp cot when I am crowded to the edge. Our dog is 15 years old and has tumors on him. He also has a bad cough to clear his throat. I think one of the tumors is leaking into his throat. I think we will be lucky if he makes it through the summer. I told him it would be good if he went to sleep and did not wake up. That is preferable to me than having to give him a death shot or a black pill. I think he has some constant low level pain and his hearing and sight is going from being an old dog. Other than that he seems to be ok. He can still run and bark and chase the cows. He is a large dog and I think 15 is old for someone his size.

Stay well everyone.

farmgirl #2499
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