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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2019 :  11:19:42 AM  Show Profile
Wow Vanessa,
Who plays the banjo?

I love bluegrass and folk music. I play a Mt dulcimer, autoharp and guitar a little. Jack of all trades master of none.


The fun begins where the sidewalk ends.
Shel Silverstein
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Aug 17 2019 :  11:56:03 AM  Show Profile
Fang, my sweetie plays. Its taken him a while to learn how to pick fast.
Today our adventure is a flat tire on KY9 in northern Kentucky. We had to walk a bit to get phone service but AAA will be here soon. We had a nice couple give us bottles of water. Lesson learned: be prepared.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Aug 31 2019 :  1:18:42 PM  Show Profile
I am pooped out! Today was another festival in our county and as a "girl reporter" I was there for the opening ceremony and activities. Our dogs were in the pet parade, with kepi hats and bonnets made from newspaper and newspaper burning on the wagon. They were mostly good for first time participants and won the "most patriotic" award.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Aug 31 2019 :  1:29:54 PM  Show Profile
So was it newspaper "bunting". I'd hate to think that your dogs were on a wagon on which newspaper was burning.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Sep 16 2019 :  6:42:39 PM  Show Profile
Oops, yes it was bunting. My phone is going wonky on me!

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Sep 18 2019 :  6:27:03 PM  Show Profile
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Sep 18 2019 :  6:28:40 PM  Show Profile
Sorry ladies- I’m deleting old posts from old conversations. Not sure how this happens. Hope everyone is well.
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2019 :  2:04:42 PM  Show Profile

A Haunting we will go!
Ladies, its been too long since we've posted. My mother in law just had a procedure on her carotid artery and is doing fine. We are looking for rain tomorrow.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2019 :  05:36:03 AM  Show Profile
Things have been a little crazy here. A few weeks ago we took what was supposed to be a nice relaxing trip. Back to Indiana to visit my DD,on to Gatlinburg, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, then up the Blue Ridge Parkway back to the house. When we left our daughter's house my car decided to die. It had to be towed to a Suburu dealer and it took two weeks to repair. They gave us a rental and we continued the trip, all though we shortened it. Then when it was fixed we had to drive back over there to pick it up. Thankfully it was still under warranty.
It has been very dry, no rain for over three weeks. That, and the high temp, has been really hard on the plants.

Romans 8: 38,39
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2019 :  05:38:26 AM  Show Profile
It posted without letting me finish! Have been busy with quilting, spinning, making Christmas gifts, and spending time with the grands.
Marie, are you all settled in to your sweet new home? Hope everyone is doing well.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2019 :  05:32:24 AM  Show Profile
She wrote to me and mentioned that she's not able to get on MJF until she unpack and settled. She's working part time at a books store.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2019 :  09:36:34 AM  Show Profile
I have been very busy indeed. I have finally cleared a path to my sewing machine so I am able to get some sewing/mending done. It still looks a mess and at least I know where most of my stuff is.

Lowell (DH) got mad and took a bunch of my stuff down to the basement. It will be a lot of fun trying to find something I need.

I have gone back to volunteering at Whittier International Elementary School with my favorite co-worker, Mrs. Pendleton. We are the same age and just work together so well. She says she really missed me. The class is challenging. So many of them do not know how to identify letter names or make letter sounds. So many make their numbers backwards. So if they mean to write "14", they will write "41". Some of them don't even know how to write their own name. It is so sad.

I have also started working at Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore every Sunday. I am paid $50.00 a week. It is nice to have the extra money.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2019 :  10:16:10 AM  Show Profile
I think it looks lovely. I can't wait until I can have my own sewing/crafting room.


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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Nov 03 2019 :  3:07:18 PM  Show Profile
Fang and his mom went to Andersonville GA this weekend (long story) so I was home with the 4 dogs. I like to think that it is practice for when I'm a widow, without worrying about paying bills.
On the sunnier side of life, I signed up for Noom, and went from 197 pounds to 183. I'm making better food choices and changing how I react to food, so I'll keep the weight off. I walk almost every day and Oskar Meyer loves to come with me

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2019 :  10:45:15 AM  Show Profile
Dear holly, thank you so much for remembering me with a card this time of year. I love the pictures so much.,sorry that I don't write a lot on here anymore. It's just been a really hard year for me. Finding my last remaining brother dead in January was just the start. Then my only remaining living relative, aka little sister, turn on me, it almost gave me a stroke. She just couldn't understand that I had promised to do certain things when he died and it made our relationship very rocky. I have been working on rebuilding that relationship but with an understanding that that is who she is and it has made me become stronger in some ways. I still work at a small family owned business and that has been a learning experience after working 38 years for a school district. I do get on here a lot and just read. Right now I have one 17 year old dog with kennel cough and a 11 year old dog with blown kneecap. They won't operate on the kneecap because of his age. I just have pain med to give him when it really starts hurting. Makes me so sad. Well, didn't mean to get into all of that. I just really appreciate the card, holly. Much live to all. Janie. Farmgirl #390
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2019 :  7:42:21 PM  Show Profile
It is a busy season. Thankfully tomorrow we send off the New Years newspaper, and can relax a bit.
The good news is my mother in law and I are almost finished with her quilt. I'll post it on the sewing site when done.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2019 :  06:44:32 AM  Show Profile
I should have bought Fang an expensive Christmas present, because now he's getting himself a red pick'em up truck. How can I say no to him?

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2019 :  10:02:07 AM  Show Profile

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Dec 28 2019 :  10:52:26 AM  Show Profile
Yep, how can one say no. Lowell has been talking about getting another guitar or getting the pickups on his Stratocaster switched out to get that "authentic" Stratocaster sound, whatever that is. He's the expert. At least it is less expensive than a truck.

It is cold and rainy outside today. The roads are so bad that most of the buses aren't running. I'm not going anywhere today. It is a good day to read some of my old email newsletters.

Here's a picture of me and my dog in bed.

Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1334 Posts

Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - Dec 29 2019 :  07:24:08 AM  Show Profile
Nice truck your sweetie got---I love red trucks. Marie you and your dog sure look cozy. I go back to bed and cuddle my pug after hubby leaves for work at four in the morning. You never feel alone with a dog around. And especially with six dogs around.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Dec 29 2019 :  12:44:50 PM  Show Profile
Unfortunately the truck was returned. First it didn't start, then we jump started it and he was driving around when several systems went haywire. I feel bad for the darlin', especially since he posted it on Facebook.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2019 :  12:48:17 PM  Show Profile
Crisis averted. Component replaced, truck returned. Happy husband.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

1334 Posts

Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2019 :  1:50:02 PM  Show Profile
Hurray for Hubby! I am glad they fixed it and he got it back---also be glad this happened now and not a lot later. I guess trucks are like people---a great looking truck---like good looking people---they can hide the evil that lurks inside.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
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Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl

2322 Posts

Brooksville KY
2322 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2020 :  05:32:57 AM  Show Profile
It has been so long since we posted anything; I guess our lives are busy! Last weekend we had a taste of Christmas when snow fell but it melted off the next day. Valentines day seems the only bright spot in a dreary month.

Farmgirl Sister #6754
Doxie Mom - Everyone loves a Weiner!

There's no place like home!
Dorothy Gale

Nature speaks in symbols and in signs.
John Greenleaf Whittier
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2020 :  06:42:02 AM  Show Profile
It has been a long time. Life just gets so busy with the everyday stuff sometimes. It is starting to warm up a little here and there are buds showing up on some of the trees and shrubs. We have had a lot more rain than what is usual here I'm told. So everything is kind of muddy and waterlogged. It's really a mess when I go to the horselot with my grands, but they love riding and as long as they want me there I'll be there.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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