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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 21 2021 : 11:05:46 PM
Awww... Holly... First, the fencing, the cows and the flowers... Awww... The cows love the flowers just as much as you do! That's so great and such a bummer at the same time!
But even MORESO your furbaby... AWWWwww... I feel so sad that he's having these problems - God bless him! Your poor baby! Poor YOU!! I am so sorry this is happening. I know it's part of life, but it sure is a heartbreaking one. SO painful. We had to put our girl Pawlee down a few years ago and it just about killed me. I went from strong loving mama who was determined to be there to see her through to an absolutely blubbering idiot who cried and begged the doctor to stop because I was SURE she was suffering with the shot. I won't go into detail, but I definitely was not prepared and was a total mess. My poor girl. I just pray it truly was easier on her than it was on me, as the doctor said. But never again... I vowed never again. I totally understand your desire to have him sleep his way into Heaven. I pray he does, too, when it's his time. Until then, I pray he has a wonderful, carefree time running and barking and chasing the cows, and that he never realizes that he isn't a puppy anymore! And I pray he doesn't cross the rainbow bridge until you're BOTH ready, if such a time can ever come!
Funny story... Bella used to love going to the farms and the butcher with us. While I did grocery shopping, my hubby would walk her down the parking lots and over to the barnyards. She always loved going over and "playing" with them on the other side of the fence. They always seemed to find her quite entertaining, and she actually had a few friends for a long while. The cows at the butcher's place, in particular, would always come out to the fence to see her and walk along side with her. A couple of the calves would even "jump" a little like they were bucking with excitement when they saw her. It was so cute. Well one day, she and one of the cows at the butcher decided to get to know each other a little better. She went over to the fence, and the cow leaned in to get a better look at her. My husband said suddenly the cow let out her long, wet tongue and licked Bella on the nose. Bella was stunned and didn't know what to do. He said she seemed to suddenly realize how little she was and how big the cow was, and she wasn't having any of it. She turned right around and headed right back to the car. Since then, she will walk down the drive, but the minute the cows come out, she pulls my husband away in the opposite direction. Lol. Brave no more! She is much happier watching them from afar!
Our furbabies sure fill our lives with so much joy and love. How blessed we are to have them!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Audra Rose
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 22 2021 : 05:15:43 AM
Nini, our mon is still in the nursing home doing therapy. Dad visits her and is learning to cook for himself (he rarely had to before- older generation). One fun thing that has happened is their corgi pup, Duke, seems to be the epitome of corgi conformation and since he isn't fixed, the breeder they got him from has a couple gals they want him to meet. I told dad to get Duke some Axe and breath mints! The local nurseries had lots of veggies and flowers, but now at least one, the Greenhouse in Gertrude,is closing for the season. The other, Lipperts, May still be open. It is waaaay out in the middle of the country. I got some bushes for my mother in law's area. Sunday I put up a rain chain and water barrels, then last night it poured and filled the first one. I will need to modify the barrel because the water splashes all over and the plastic grid doesn't let the rain get inside quickly. I'll run the chain through a bin with holes that will drip into the barrel and replace the plastic with metal chicken wire. Plus sweetie needs to get a 1" spade bit so I can link both barrels.
Vanessa Farmgirl Sister #6754
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 22 2021 : 09:53:52 AM
Vanessa, thank you for the update on your Mom and Dad - God bless them! I hope your Mom's recovery keeps her meeting with successes, and that's awesome your Dad is learning to cook! I hope he is enjoying it!!! And GO DUKE GO!!! LOLOL...
Our nurseries here are practically sold out of everything - fruits, veggies, trees, shrubs, flowers, you name it. The one place that isn't - my FAVORITE place - is owned by a few older ladies who carry LOTS of really cool plants grown from seed from some of our favorite companies online1 They are out in the boonies a bit, but I tell EVERYONE about them, and have taken more people out to visit them than I can remember. If I need it, they have it. If they don't, it's suddenly in their greenhouse the next season! And their plants are the ones that ALWAYS thrive in my garden. They do it right! They are awesome!
GREAT rain barrel set up! My hubby has one outside for us, too, that we use for watering our garden if and when necessary. We get a LOT of rain here, so it's not used very often; but it sure does give us peace of mind when things run dry!!
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Jun 22 2021 : 10:12:44 AM
Our Dad has been really busy. He has cleaned out the refrigerator. My mom tends to save small bits of food to use later in a "mystery" casserole or stew. Dad said he tossed anything that looked dubious or was growling at him. Now he's taking on the freezer. Anything he can't identify, he throws out. I would believe that perhaps the wild animals in the woods would like to tackle it but oh well. I believe he is having a great time bonding with Duke and relearning the skills he was using in the Marines. What a guy!
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 10:24:55 AM
Good for him, Marie! Good for him! I agree - he IS quite a guy! That's awesome!
How are you feeling?
Hugs -
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 11:03:19 AM
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 26 2021 : 12:43:26 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
It is raining here now. I spent the morning doing yard sales and other errands. We needed a new stove so we went to the appliance store. It is coming on Thursday. We actually needed new ovens not the stove part. The stove we have now has two ovens. The new stove has just one. We will make do. Two ovens are handy on holidays.
I donot use burdock root medicinally but, we do eat it in stir fries. My partner is 35 years sober and making tinctures would put alcohol in the house and it is just something we do not do. Some or many of our children were born addicted to drugs and our pediatrician said drugs co existed with alcohol so we do not keep it in the house. Many years ago we had some and we thought our oldest boys were nipping so out it went. At holiday people can bring their own but the extra goes home with them. I am not into tinctures enough to use glycerin either. I prefer teas.
I took our 15 year old to tennis camp in New Hampshire on Wednesday. He was so excited to go. He called to day and asked me to send him a care package filled with candy and treats. lol He will be there for 3 1/2 weeks.
I hope everyone is well.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 27 2021 : 12:00:08 AM
Marie - I hope you're doing better! I want you to be feeling "YES!" not "meh!" Do you think the weakness is due to the heat and sun, or are you thinking it might be something else. I hate the heat. I am so looking forward to fall. If I could sleep the summer away, I sure would! LOL.
Holly - I didn't know you could stir fry the root! That's great!! When should it be harvested? I haven't made tinctures yet. I'm just starting to learn. I started out with essential oils and teas, too. I am amazed at how good they are and how quickly they really do work. We are so trained to just run to the pharmacy and plop whatever they have to help us. But considering how well the oils and teas work, now I am starting to get more serious about it. I was told by a lady at our local nursery, though, that we can't grow herbs that provide consistent levels of medicinal value. I am really willing to try! To me, it's just so important to boost our natural immune systems as naturally as possible so they can do their job. But I do believe God gave us doctors, too. Over the years, however, experience has taught me that they call what they do a "practice" for a reason! LOL. Just kidding!!! We are very blessed to have excellent doctors, and I am extremely grateful for each and every one of them!
That's so great that your teen is enjoying camp! What fun to put a care package together for him! Are you thinking of putting anything special inside?
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 28 2021 : 5:31:35 PM
Good evening,
G called again today to ask me to send him a care package. Sugar is his number one food group so camp must be only providing food that is good for him. In addition to candy today he asked me to include cereal. I will see. I think earlier before camp started I received an email about care packages so I will have to look back and read it.
The age of the root of the burdock should be a first year root. You could dig and use the root the second year but it must be before the stalk rises. I think I have made burdock root pickles. The recipe is online someplace.
Today I spent the morning limbing trees for firewood. My shirt was soaked front and back with sweat. I think this is the first time I have soaked my shirt front and back. I remember it getting wet around the collar but not the whole front and back.
Good for your Dad getting it together to learn to cook and clean out the fridge. My Dad had to learn as well. He is the older generation that relied on his wife but when she was sick he had to step up. I think he approached it as a science experiment and then it was at least edible.
Have a good night.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 28 2021 : 5:38:33 PM
Holly, there is a great many borage plants on the edge of the park where I walk. I have tasted both the leave and the stalk and found them amazingly bitter. My D&D herbalist character may just put a tiny amount of this dried leaf in their potions to make them taste like medicine. LOL Are there any good medicinal or other uses for borage?
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 1:15:50 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
In my Peterson's Field Guide to Medicinal plants and Herbs. The leaves of Borage are listed as historically used for fevers, jaundice and rheumatism. They can also be made into a poultice for wounds, externally. The flowers are edible. Some people candy them. there are recipes online and in books for doing this. The candied flowers can be sold to bakers to decorate cakes. The leaves contain some sort of toxin that is cautioned against eating like the comfrey leaf.
I like the plants to solve problems. For example, touch me not juice can be used externally to counteract stings and especially the stinging nettle sting. they often grow in the same vicinity.
We had a nice thunder and lightning storm this afternoon. My daughter found Bunker, our husky golden cross in the shower stall in the dark bathroom. We do not have thunder very often.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jun 30 2021 : 3:45:48 PM
Ah, noted. I tried to eat some new growth at the top of the plant and it tasted less bitter. I guess I will refrain from experimental tasting and will use it wisely in my game.
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2453 Posts
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Posted - Jul 04 2021 : 11:20:27 PM
Marie -- Try putting a few borage flowers in your salads. We used to do that when I had borage growing. They tasted like cucumber. That's the only part of the plant we ate.
7932 FGOTM 6/21 I'm old and I do wear purple |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

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Posted - Jul 06 2021 : 04:28:39 AM
Borage oil is good for hot flashes. I used to take it and it did help. Primrose oil is also good for that if anyone still has them.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured." 
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Edited by - levisgrammy on Jul 06 2021 04:30:11 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7577 Posts
7577 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2021 : 11:52:22 AM
I have a HUGE borage plant growing out there. I'm going to crystallize the flowers for decorating cakes, freeze some in ice cubes for when company comes, and then dehydrate the leaves and figure out what to do with them later - busy busy busy month ahead! Thank you SO much for sharing this information! It's my first time growing them, too! I did read, though, that you have to be careful. They are dangerous for pregnant woman (nobody worrying about that here, are you? lol.), not great for kids under 12, and if you consume too much it can make you ill. I am not sure how much "too much" is, but I am planning on incorporating it into a few tea blends this year. Denise - I will definitely make some oil with it - thank you for the recommendation. I am in hot flash hades! It makes summer so much worse! UGH!
Farmgirl Sister #1974
God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 10 2021 : 6:58:52 PM
Good evening everyone,
The roses are in full flower now. Well, some of them have gone past. I pick the flowers and put them in a cake pan inside my gas grill in the sun. I do not put on the grill I just use it as a solar oven. Every now and then I fluff them up so they dry evenly. They smell so good. I sometimes put the peony blossoms in the grill too. If I leave the flowers on the porch to dry the wind blows them off. The mint is tall and I pick and dry that as well. The plants are all over the hills here. The farm wives of yore must have shared their bounty with each other and the mint spread.
Does anyone know about Japanese knot weed. It is a very opportunistic plant and takes over where ever it lands. I am trying to discourage it in two of my fields. I have cut it with my brush hog but it came back. When the clover and flowering plants that feed the bees pass I will cut the fields very low. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it are welcome.
Today was a lovely day out. I moved some blocks of firewood with the tractor. I am so happy to have a tractor it saves so much time and effort.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 03 2021 : 12:50:13 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
People must be busy this summer. Today we picked two and a half gallons of blueberries. My daughter made some very delicious blueberry muffins a little bit ago. We put 2 gallons of the blueberries in the freezer. It is so nice not to have to blanch the fruit to freeze it.
We went for a walk this morning. I try to take my adult foster daughter several times a week for walks. We do work on firewood as well. Right now the woods are too wet to take the tractor in so our exercise is walking. We walk about three miles. It is mostly flat so that makes it easier. Post menopause weight loss is hard so we walk to make the effort.
I have been pondering memory issues lately. How are yours?
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Aug 03 2021 : 2:27:12 PM
Ah yes! Memory . . . What was I saying? LOL
I am familiar with memory loss. After I had ECT, I didn't really lose memories. They seemed to be just behind a curtain and I needed some help lifting it. When it happened, memories returned in a rush. I still have some images in the front of my mind which I cannot locate. I have been keeping a journal since I was 14 so I could go back there. So much of it is so sad that I don't want to. I do not believe that individuals with Alzheimer's have lost their memories. In my experience, it seems as if the past is in the present. When I am interacting with people who go into the past as if it was today, I go with them. So if they believe I am their daughter, I do not contradict them. I believe that trying to bring people back to our present is frustrating for everyone.
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 04 2021 : 4:45:13 PM
I agree with the thought that the memories are not lost. My father had some sort of dementia and I think what frustrated him was the inability to get out a word or sentence that he wanted to tell someone.
We were the caregivers for a friend who lost her ability to communicate and I kept a group of stories that I knew she remembered and had told me. Most of which I was not a part of but, they made her laugh when I told her and she could bring back that piece of her past.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 13 2021 : 2:24:57 PM
Hotter'n blue blazes here. If the wind would only pick up some we would be great. The sunsets have been pretty with all of the ash in the atmosphere from the fires out west. Unfortunately, some people are having breathing issues.
I had been in contact with the Humane Society for some barn cats. Day before yesterdaY I went and picked up 4 spayed females. They were yowling and carrying on. One was scratching at the door of the cat carrier. Then she was climbing over my shoulder. She walked to the dash and sat in my lap for a bit and I tried to comfort her. She started to walk to the back of the car and pushed on the buttons and the windows went down. I noticed the front windows were down and quickly made them close again. She walked towards the back of the car and was quiet. I thought oh, she has gone to the far back of the car and settled down. I looked over my shoulder and the back window was open.
I arrived home with three cats.
I called the Humane Society and told them what happened in case someone called.
Today I received a call telling me that one of the managers had spotted her at an out building near where she had jumped.
It is amazing that she was found. She is downstairs now with the other three acclimating. I will let them all out in a few days.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Aug 13 2021 : 3:40:21 PM
Aren't cats amazing! They seem to choose to mot be domesticated.
The weather is cooler here and has a nice breeze. I will be going to a camp on Cass Lake in northern Minnesota at the end of the month. I will be sharing a room with a friend of mine and we will be carpooling with a group of Unitarian women. I really need this break.
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 19 2021 : 7:30:45 PM
Marie I hope you have a nice time at camp. I am glad it was not COVID cancelled. I usually go to Girl Scout Camp in the beginning of September. It is an adult weekend. It was cancelled both last year and this. Have a good time.
We have had rain all day from Tropical Depression Fred. I would guess all of you up the East Coast had a visit from Fred this week. I think our drought might be over. This rain was warm. I was outside picking mullein in the warm rain today while G was in the orthodontist. He had his braces taken off about 6 months ago and then did not wear his retainers and his teeth moved on the bottom. His nice mother had braces put back on today. We actually had a surplus of insurance money sitting at the orthodontist so it is not out of pocket expense for me.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 19 2021 : 8:39:38 PM
Parts of Minnesota are now in severe drought and we have watering restrictions because of the low level of lakes and rivers. Parts of the Boundary Waters are burning and the temperatures continue to be hot. It is so hot that I have to take a siesta everyday during the afternoons when it is so hot. I refuse to have air conditioning because the machines are so loud and the electric bill more than triples. Besides, we would have to have it on all day. I can't afford that. If I really wanted to I could walk a few blocks to a cooler place. The problem is that I would rather be at home than anywhere else.
Marie Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Aug 20 2021 : 08:37:19 AM
We have had days like you describe. Usually we only have two weeks of excessively hot days and nights. The last week of July and the first week of August. This year July was the hottest on record for Vermont. We are very lucky to live far enough from town that the concrete and absorbed heat from buildings is not an issue for us.
The cow and her calf have spent days in the hallway of the barn to get out of the heat.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Aug 28 2021 : 6:13:55 PM
Well, I have missed a lot. Unpacking is keeping me busy. I will have to take some time to get caught up with you all again. Unpacking is not quite finished yet.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured." 
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |