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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 18 2013 : 1:41:36 PM
I was going to complain about this crapy, no good, horrible, weather but after reading Janie's post I am ashamed of myself. I am going to find a quiet place and spend some quality time conversing with my Lord and Savior! God please protect loved ones and strangers alike. Calm our fears and keep us safe from harm. Amen |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2013 : 1:53:20 PM
Good evening everyone,
I heard Waco on the radio and thought of Janiee right away hoping that you are alright. Tragedies on purpose and by accident. too many.
Gypsy good to hear from you. I do note a bit of melancholy in your voice.
Today has been mostly overcast and chilly. We are having a metal chimney put in for our wood stove. For fourteen years the furnace and wood stove shared a chimney. then the home inspectors to be home providers for B and K came and said that it was a code violation. They had been to the house many times before and had never said so. Anyway, we had a fan with a motor put on the furnace to vent out the exhaust. It ran all during and for ten minutes after the furnace was on and stopped. The exhaust was vented into the garden. It stunk. So, Now I am having the furnace on the brick chimney and a metal chimney for the wood stove. It has been cold in the house today. Tonight it will be warm again and a lot quieter. I do not like a lot of white noise. I also worried that the fan would stop working and the exhaust would back up and cause the furnace to explode. I am not paranoid but the fan was something I was forced into and never liked. Now I will have one less thing to worry about.
Talie is at baseball practice so I am at the library using their WIFI. It is so fast.
Gypsy I am glad you stuck up for yourself in the day. I wonder when I deal with stupid remarks whether it is even worth the rave when there is no chance that education will happen. That does not stop me from voicing my opinion. it does make me feel better when I have given the individual a piece of my mind.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2013 : 9:46:16 PM
The house is quiet and I wanted to give a "peep" before I head for bed. It's been a gorgeous, cool day here in Phoenix and it felt wonderful. It will soon be too hot to be outside, so I am glad for the cooler weather.
Marrianne, the chicken story was great. Thanks for sharing your chicken/dog/husband antics.
Janiee, it must be such a terribly difficult thing to live so near to a major disaster like the fertilizer plant explosion. I am so glad that you are unharmed, and the people of West, Texas, are in my thoughts and prayers.
Same for Boston.
Annika, I agree that physical work is a great way to find peace; for me that means work in the garden. When things are the most difficult, I head strait to the garden. I remember after 9/11 I spent many days taking my feelings out on the weeds. I think that there's just something about being in the garden and surrounded by plants and birds and creatures that is life affirming, even on the darkest of days.
My 16 year old cat had an eye problem so I took him to the vet today. Turns out he has high blood pressure. He's never had a pill before, so tonight was an experience trying to get him to take his meds. I used every trick I knew and after about an hour, he finally got it down (I think). Poor baby.
Nite all...sweet, peaceful dreams.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 19 2013 : 02:29:59 AM
Janie, I am so glad you are safe. Thinking of you and your neighbors...
Annika, I enjoyed a bit of time in the garden, too. Such a great place for thinking.
Pam, I don't envy you trying to get a cat to take a pill... Good luck!
Holly, It sounds like you will be much more satisfied with your chimney situation now. I hate white noise too. It sounds SO nice when you turn off a fan or humidifier, doesn't it? I get a bit of a thrill from a very fast internet connection, too. I love the instantaneous reaction when I click on something!
Gypsy, your sharing of the effects of smoking was astounding. I know smoking ages people, but your examples were so telling. I mean to look an entire generation older! Wow. Such a strong addiction...
It is so nice to hear from so many of you. We fell off for a while and I wondered if we were going to peter out completely as a group. I am so glad to hear about everyone's day, weather, activities. I sure hope we can keep this thread going for a long while!!
Have a lovely day, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2013 : 07:34:43 AM
Good morning everyone. The weather here can't make up its mind. One day it is all sunny the next day stormy and trying to snow. Today is starting out overcast. Time will tell.
Well I only got $2000.00 from the foreclosure relief fund. That means the bank had to have destroyed or lost most of the documents that would have shown what really happened. I was pretty upset, but there is no fighting it. I knew they would lie.
I start doing tax preparation today. In true fashion, no training. He wants me to just sit down and do it. He is giving me 1/2 and hour of him "getting me started". On a positive note, he said he really wanted me to try this. I know he wants to replace someone in the office. She is at retirement age so hopefully it won't be too hard on her. She just isn't a people person and is front and center in the office. He tried to hire me last year and I said I wasn't ready. I know he is grooming me for it. I'm just hoping this isn't too stressful for me. Tax preparation was at the bottom of my career plan. On another great note, my college accepted my college credits from my college attempt 37 years ago. It means I don't have to take a science class or any other business electives. I might even have enough classes in for 2 AA's.
Well, time to get ready for work. Later Y'all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2013 : 08:47:40 AM
Janie - I am wondering what type of chemicals were being used in that fertilizer plant. Are you and your loved ones breathing contaminated air? I hope everyone is doing ok and all your friends are accounted for. Still praying. Boston looks like a war zone.
Bunny - I have loved every job i had except for substitute teaching which help pay the bills back in the day. DO NOT settle for something you don't want to do!
Holly - I know what you mean with white noise. My friend has a machine the makes ocean, wind, rain sounds - give me the quiet of rural evenings and a rooster to wake me up in the mornings - giggle
I saw on the Create channel something interesting. Kate took maps and applied them to a wall in collage fashion with wallpaper paste. when she had the maps done and dried she put several coats of polyurithane (sp) over the top. Holly if you did something like that for your ladies would it work. Many years ago my neighbor did the same thing with brown paper bags. She burned around the edges for a rugged effect. When she had the finish on it looked like leather. Beautiful in her office. Now the question is - how to remove it someday because you won't leave it up forever.
We were gifted with more snow yesterday. I almsot lost my mind over this weather. I need to dig in the dirt, but alas, tis still frozen. Today the sun is shining so I feel a little better. I had planned a road trip to some fairly local quiltshops, but decided to stay put. I will play when the sun warms up my little piece of heaven. Today I will finish the laundry and sew for awhile. Our great niece is getting married and of course I'm invited to a shower next weekend.
Gypsy - are you happy?
Taa taa chickie poos. Will cluck at you again soon. Carve out some time for yourselves this weekend. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 19 2013 : 5:30:05 PM
Good evening everyone,
I would like to inquire of the people who live where it is too hot to be out in the summer. When do you garden? When do you put in your seeds and when do you expect to harvest. How many plantings do you get before the plants die from too much heat? I see Pam said she wanted to get into her garden and enjoy it before it was too hot to be outside. Gypsy sometimes talks about the heat as well. I am not sure if Nancy has this issue or whether they have enough water to keep the plants growing during the summer.
Bunny take the experience it may not be what you want to do but it may pay the bills if you get into a tight corner. I tell the children to acquire as many experiences as possible so nothing will be out of their grasp if they need it.
We had a lovely overcast day today with temperatures in the fifties. We were out in our t shirts most of the day. I worked in the garden. I now have five two gallon buckets of Jerusalem artichokes and all of the stalks from last year cut down along the fence. I am going to try to barter some of the sunchokes for started plants and perennials. I have not yet dug in the area that I planted on purpose last year. Nor have I dug up the ones that ended up in the rosa rugosa. so, I will have plenty still.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 08:53:46 AM
Holly - I am not familiar with Jerusalem Artichokes. They do sound interesting. How do you prepare them? |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 09:37:23 AM
Holly I agree about the noise. You don't notice it much when it is there but when it's gone, you notice the quiet. When I moved here to my mom's house, the heater going on sounded like a helicopter was landing on the house. It has a heat pump and it is so loud. Coming from the forest and a very quiet house except for the refrigerator going on, it was quite a shock.
Pam, giving kitties pills is soooo fun. I'm doing that with two of mine right now. It is an artform. I have it down pretty well. Good luck.
I came home so depressed yesterday after work. It's one thing to do something you have been learning in school. Another to do something you have very little knowledge about. The only way I'm learning is by doing it wrong and then my boss corrects it and tells me how it was wrong. Nothing makes sense to me, I don't know where to put the information in on some of the forms. All I can say is this is a terrible way to learn. Without much background knowledge I'm just fumbling through it. I just tell myself it is for me and will get me what I want. My mom is perfectly fine with walking away from her house. But where she wants us to move, I won't be able to keep my cats. Which suits her fine because she doesn't like them. She thinks I will just "get rid"of them if I have to. That's what she always did with her pets when they became an inconvenience. She doesn't understand making a commitment to an animal when you accept responsibility for them. Sorry for my rant. I just know she is trying to manipulate me. I will keep this job if it kills me so I can do what I want instead. Which is to save enough money to build my little house on wheels and go back to California.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 09:39:42 AM
Holly, I wanted to thank you so much for the birthday presents you sent me. It was quite a surprise!!!! As soon as the package said liquid, I was so hoping it was some of your homemade maple syrup. Plus the crochet hooks and market bag and glass pendant. My goodness, you were so generous!!!! I love them all. Thank you so much!!!!!! I have not felt well all week. Then it dawned on me that it seems every year at this time my tummy acts up, and my breathing gets worse. I am now thinking it must be allergies. I need to get some Claratin and try that. Seems I have no appetite either, but still do not lose any weight. I hope to get back on here later, I just wanted to let Holly know I got her package. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are so good hearted. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Right now it is only 30 degrees with the sun out, but 10 degrees with the wind chill. We had snow flurries all week and supposed to all next week too. Our ground is still frozen, but most of our snow is gone now.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 5:49:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
I prepare the Jerusalem Artichokes like mashed potatoes. I sometimes put them in mashed potatoes. The bulb looks like a lot of ping pong balls mashed together so there are a lot of crevasses to clean out or to break the balls apart. A friend said her mother used to pare them and cut them up in slices. I think paring them would be very tedious. I tried to do a search and did get results but I do not know how to move the address on to the post with this new system I have been given to use. They have a nutty flavor.
Jan you are worth it. I am glad it made your day. I hope you have a use for those double ended crochet hooks. I had no idea that they even existed or someone would even know what to do with them. I believe you are very talented in the crocheting department. Maybe you could make something and show me what they are for.
Bunny less than a year now and you will finish school and be back being independent. One step at a time.
I have been thinking I should go to the material store and see what pictures are on the fabrics. Maybe I could decoupage some on the wall in B and K's room. they like bugs and flowers and fish. I should be able to figure something out now that you all have jogged my brain with possibilities.
Today was overcast with temperatures in the thirties with a stiff breeze. The breeze made it cold enough to want to wear a coat. I tried to prune two of my apple trees. They were very overgrown. I did manage to cut out a lot of dead branches. My ladder needs to be taller for one of the trees but I may be able to get close enough and high enough if I use the bucket on the tractor to stand in. It is tedious cutting the branches by hand but I do not want to risk my self up so high in a wobbly place with my chainsaw. I do not heal as well as I used to although most people heal slowly from chainsaw cuts.
C and G rolled the tires down the hill. It was so fun. It was not so fun rolling the tires back up the hill. I think they have little experience in fixing what they have messed up. Maybe people where they used to live never made them deal with the consequences of their actions. It sure seemed like it. One was having an angry fit and one was whining to beat the band. I sang to my self as I walked behind them for two of the tires. G said, what if I do not bring the tire up the hill. I said I guess you will not watch any TV until it is done. I was prepared to wait days. They both missed six days of TV recently for standing at point blank range and throwing a hard ball through the window of the chicken house. I was not happy. So, all five tires are back at the top of the yard in a pile.
The chimney on the wood stove works wonderfully. If the wind were not blowing so loudly it would be very quiet up here on the hill. Part of the wall where the chimney had to go through is slanted. The man had to put a piece of sheet metal over the hole around the pipe. He needed to cut and ellipse. He did not have a clue how to figure it and neither did I so I told him to take a piece of paper and make a pattern for it cutting and taping as he went. He was so happy to be able to do a good job. He took strips of cardboard and taped it around the pipe and then peeled it off the wall and laid it down on the sheet metal. It came out nicely.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 6:31:34 PM
Janet-I am so sorry I missed your birthday. I hope it was great.
My greenhouse is rapidly overflowing. Tomatoes already 24" high & in peat pots way too small for the roots. Sweet peppers are up 6 to 8". Spinach is already to harvest, and we've been eating salad greens all winter. Romain & other lettuces are growing in patio pots all around the yard in various stages of growth. Cauliflower & broccoli also in pots too small for comfort. My garden is almost ready. All I have left to do, is get the irrigation hoses spiked into the ground. I promise to post pics so I can have before & after's. I'm really getting excited. I just hope my strength doesn't fail me & that Jenny doesn't run away from home!! Oh, I'm going to try my hand at sweet potatoes too. Mostly for ground cover under my tomatoes but you never know what may grow.
I haven't been watching the news, but does anybody know if that crazy bomber said why they bombed Boston? So many sickos in the world.
Praying extra hard, sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 8:41:37 PM
Kathy, I am "green" with envy over your green house. Even though it wouldn't be useful to have one in Phoenix unless it was air-conditioned (!), I've always thought it would be great to have one.
Holly, funny you asked about gardening in hot places. I just went to a workshop today on vegetable gardening in Phoenix in the summer. Basically you can plant and harverst here all year long, but the seasons for what to plant are unique to here and I plant be a caldedar that the master gardener program has published. Right now we can plant squash, armenian cucumbers, gourds, corn, tomatos, pepers, sweet potatos, carrots, radishes. Some things will survive the summer *if* they are covered and watering is a big part of getting plants through weeks of tripple digit heat. We really do have 4 growing eseasons here. In the fall we can contune to plant corn, carrots, radishes, onions, and also lettuce. We get a few nights of hard frost here between Thanksgiving and the beginning of February, so that requires "cold season" gardening. Spring gardening starts the end of March and is the sorts of things that colder parts of the country can sow in early spring. We can flower garden here all year long too...between the trees, shrubs, perrineals, annuals, cactus, and agave, somoething is in bloom year round. It's been challenging to learn how to garden here, but it is rewarding. Anyway, in the summer, I get up with the sun and garden early in the morning; by July it is 100 degrees by 7 am! I've lived in snow and I can say that I would rather deal with the heat than the least our skies are always blue and there is always some gardening to do. But, I also lived in Hawaii for many years, and that was the best of all worlds! Truly paradise, but we moved back so our kids could grow up closer to their grandparents.
Gosh, when I get started talking about gardening, I just can't quit. Good night, friends.
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Apr 20 2013 : 10:31:56 PM
It's taken me a few hours to read and catch up here while watching Les Miserables. I thought it was very sad.
I've told you all before, I think, that David and I are news & political junkies so we see the news a lot during the day whether on TV, radio, online, or in my case even emails at work. When Boston happened the first thing I said was "Don't they know never to mess with Patriots on Patriot's Day"! I've been saying that ever since. Because Maine was part of MA in our Countries founding, we still celebrate Patriot's Day too and of course cheer for the Pats and the Red Sox. I found out after it, that my daughter had just spent a few days in Boston but came home Sunday so I'm thankful for that. I have a few friends that were spectators but all are fine.
One of them covered it as a reporter for about 15 years. In honor of her hubby, who passed away last year with pancreatic cancer, she has put together a 26 mile international marathon for June. It is only the 3rd international marathon ever and boy are we having fun (NOT) with all the logistics of this, which is going to be a nightmare. When I say "we" I an talking about at work. It's called The Bay of Fundy Marathon & I hope nothing like Boston happens here! We have to make sure emergency vehicles on both sides of the border are able to get where they may be needed along with security. And since it's only one two lane road in and out along with a bridge they cross into Canada through the border crossing, it's going to be hard. Of course we don't have 26,000 runners yet, only about 500, lol! But it's 26 miles and takes place in Maine and in Campobello Island, N.B. Canada. Google the name and it should come up.
Regarding 9/11 - I knew two people who parished on flight AA 11. It was an older couple the Nortons from Lubec (same town the marathon is in). They were on their way to CA for their son's wedding. Mr. Norton was the oldest person who died that day. It was very sad for everyone around here as he was a really great man and cared deeply about his community and the people in it.
I will keep Janiee's community in my prayers as I think that is overwhelming and am very upset the media just stopped reporting on it. The chemical that was in the fertilizer plant was Anhydrous Ammonia. It is what gives plants nitrogen. I know this because part of my job is to keep track of every hazardous chemical, the amount, & the facility it's in, in our County. I have a computer program called CAMEO that I keep all this info in and if I had been in Waco it would have been my job to tell the firefighters and Strike Team what chemicals that plant had, how much of each chemical, and where it is located in the plant. That way we hopefully wouldn't lose firefighters because I would also tell them what they needed to wear, what the dangers would be to their health along with civilians health, what radius we would need to evacuate, depending on weather and wind, etc... Not that any of you want to hear about that, but I just thought I'd tell you. It's not often two things in one week happen that my work expertise could be used for. First responders practice endlessly for "the big day" and seldom does it come, which is GREAT, but we never get to use all that training. That is why I thought it was so tragic and actually a bigger threat to lives then Boston until the shoot outs. It could have affected thousands of people. But Boston, what a war zone!
Enough about that. I did manage to put my "covered wagon" back up this week and am working on getting the second pen secure for the rooster and his hen that presently live in my garage. They need to be out because I have six new chicks that need the garage space rather than in my basement! Holly, do you have pigs? We are thinking about getting a pig to butcher this fall, maybe two so my in laws have one too. The only ones I've even remotely dealt with were on my two Uncles farms in IA and of course their pigs were about 900 head for each farm! I don't want to upset Thelma, but I always remember growing up we'd say "IA, were pigs out populate people". Do they still say that? My Uncles both had huge farms with that many pigs, that many cattle, 400 chickens or so, and they grew all their own grain for the animals. Mom sent us kids there many summers to help out so we could get paid in meat to bring home in the fall. It kept us out of trouble that way too. They lived near Avoca.
Thelma - I love your garden area and think what you painted is beautiful!! You did a great job.
It's 1:30, time for bed. I'll try and respond to things I really wanted to say tomorrow.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2013 : 05:09:16 AM
Hi, everyone. Holly, I had a smile on my face when I read your question about gardening in hot weather. Last year after the spring planting the weather here started to get really warm. Water, water, water was what we did all the time. Some of the plants died. Our radishes never came up. We did get lots of tomatoes, some onions, lettuce and broccoli leaves. There was a pretty nice bunch of broccoli and I decided to wait a day to pick it. Meanwhile some wild animal came and ate my broccoli. We get very little rain here compared to the middle part of Florida. This year I have only planted some herbs, broccoli, tomatoes and onions. Oh, yes, we are picking last years radishes which decided to grow.
Bunny, use this experience as a jumping point. The more you know how to do the better off you will be. Mainly, get the money so you can have more independence. Keep your goal in mind and keep moving toward it. Love you and know you will get your hearts desire.
Pam, I got so frustrated trying to get my cat to take a pill I finally crushed it and put it in some tuna which he ate. I know the vet knows how hard it is to give a cat a pill and I wish they would have a powder medication for them.
I am going to CA in May for my middle granddaughter's college graduation. Then it will be back to MA in July. I am beginning to be a gypsy like Gypsy. I am enjoying it for a change.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2013 : 4:41:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
A gorgeous day here in the Green Mountains. The temperatures were in the high thirties and the sun was shining, shining, shining. In the morning G and C and I went for a long walk through the fields and along the streams. then C took off his mud boot and filled it with water and we went home. It took a while to get there. He does not seem to feel the cold like he should. However I remember my brother coming home from the neighbor's house in a snowstorm and not being able to find his coat the next morning to go to school. So, maybe it is a boy thing and I should not worry about hypothermia or frost bite so much. In the afternoon I dug up more Jerusalem artichokes that had found their way into the flower garden. I now have seven five gallon buckets full. I hope I can find people to barter them too. I have no interest in replanting hundreds maybe thousands of the bulbs.
We talked at supper and the children who are 18 and 16 have no tolerance or compassion for the two young men who are accused of bombing the marathon. I just wonder why? they must have known that they would not get away with it and would die for doing it. I have not heard about their mother. J says she is in Russia. I hope that she can find peace in her heart.
Last summer we met the young woman in New Jersey who founded Emily's hats for Hope Initiative. She collects hats and donates them to people. It started out for homeless people but it seems to have expanded to anyone who is cold. She found out about a school in South America and sent them hats. One for each child and one for each mother. They sent her back a picture of each of them wearing their hats. She will be a freshman next year in college.
We do raise pigs. it is better to have two pigs than one. One gets lonely. Make sure the males are castrated. Intact boar meat tastes funny I am told. We have a large pasture for them. The meat tastes best if the animals are not stressed. Pigs can dig but not jump. so we put their fence up like an L on the ground and up the posts so they have further to dig underneath. I tied old tires onto the fencing that was laying on the ground so it would be harder to lift to dig underneath. A neighbor told me I only needed two strands of electric fence to hold the pigs. I chased those babies for days trying to keep them in the pen. Ours escaped through the gate when it broke but not through the fence. When you make the gate block the bottom so you have to step over it to get in but they can not push the bottom to get out. You need to have access to plenty of water. We use a hot water heat cut in half the long way for a trough for feed. I try to make sure there is always feed in the trough so they never have the opportunity to be hungry. Make sure you have someone to slaughter the animals lined up ahead of time. Around here the butchers only cut deer during November. We have made our date already for the end of October and we will not get the piglets until next week.
I am glad to hear about gardening in other climates. It seems no matter where you live there are challenges.
Nancy I never think of you as old enough to have grandchildren old enough to be graduating college. Congratulations.
The frogs were out singing in the pond yesterday. today they are quiet but it is a lot colder. Today we found frog eggs in a rut in the woods. I was driving at dusk yesterday and heard peeper frogs a few miles from here. It will be several days before we hear them at our elevation. The chick a dees are singing up a romance. The downy woodpeckers are pecking on the silo calling for a love interest.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 21 2013 4:43:33 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 21 2013 : 9:48:34 PM
Hi Everyone,
Ginny, I haven't gotten up the courage to watch Le Mis. My daugther said that she's watch it with me because the music is beautiful, but we haven't watched it yet. I was fascinated to hear about your work keeping track of dangerous chemicals. In light of what happened last week, that seems like important work.
Bonnie, welcome to the group. I am fairly new to the group myself, and I have appreciated the warm welcome from all of the Farmgirls here.
Today I bought some more roses...I am replanting a bed that had some irrigation issues last year. I love roses and I have visions of roses all over the garden, cottage garden style with lots of other things mixed in. It is possible here, and I am determined to create this. Wish me luck!
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2013 : 08:16:52 AM
Pam, I have always loved roses too. I want a little cottage with climbing roses up the recount porch posts. Good luck. You will have to post pictures when they bloom.
Holly, it is hard for most people to feel compassion for the two young bombers. The youngest one reminds me so much of my youngest son Jesse. I keep wondering what changed him to do such a terrible thing. Sad but if he survives, someday he will be more mature and if he isn't damaged by the justice and prison system, he will regret his actions. Most likely though he will be celebrated among extremists in prison and will never change. That's sad.
Nancy, I know this work will be a good experience. It's just the learning process I don't like. It is stressful for me. I have a very high expectation for myself and knowing I'm doing things wrong because that's how he wants me to learn makes this not much fun. I'm working on changing my attitude, thinking about my goals and knowing I'm working to get what I want.
Time to get ready, later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2013 : 5:03:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
I know there are very few people who have compassion for these two young men. I too wonder what they thought would happen to them or who they thought would reward them for this deed. In this country there was not a hope of anyone getting away with a bombing like this one. My children sometimes have odd takes on situations so I was a little surprised by how vehemently they condemned these young men and that the story interested them enough that J even read all of the articles in the newspaper and knew the details. I am glad they are finally thinking and not just going along with the status quo. My brother said that if this young man lives and is released in to a general prison population that he will be killed as an inmate by the other inmates.
Ginny I did not realize that you lived close to the Bay of Fundy. Are the high and low tides as spectacular as the history books and National Geographic depict them? Is the race for the man who died who had the music concert last year while he was in hospice?
I am going to move the new laying hens that have feathered out into their house. I needed help and I hope that trying to catch them at dusk will be a lot easier than trying to catch them in the day time. I hope they are sitting to roost. I do not want to chase thirty birds around a stall in the barn.
There is supposed to be a fabulous meteor shower tonight.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 22 2013 : 9:44:42 PM
I went out tonight to see if I could see the meteor shower...and I didn't see a thing. I will go back out and look again, but I wonder if the moon is too bright to see well?
Holly, how did moving the young hens go? Chasing chickens isn't my favorite task.
Bunny, glad that you had a good day at work.
Remember to make a wish if you see a shooting start tonight!
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2013 : 11:55:41 AM
We had about an inch of new snow when we woke up this morning. The weather reporters (guessers?) say this should be the end to it. My gosh it is the 23rd of April already. We usualy are thinking about mowing the grass and planting stuff this time of year. It is really weird out right now. The sun is shinning on the snow which is melting and the tempurature is warm enough to cause the moisture from the snow to raise into the air. It looks like the fields, buildings, ect are smoking. It is really strange looking. If I was still teaching there would be a science lesson out there today.
I to am going to plant more roses this year. Last summer I dug things out of a flower bed and grass took over. Now I will only have to deal with the grass, level the soil, put down that barrier stuff, and then plant. I am looking forward to the duties I have assigned myself. Have you gals picked out your rose varities yet? I haven't let myself think such thoughts because of the weather, but now I am ready. I want to buy same quality bushes and hope to have enough money to get 12 or 14 of them in a variety of colors. What do you suggest I plant to scent the air? Hybrids often do not smell like anything and I love the scent of roses fresh from the garden.
More pigs than people in Iowa - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Never heard that one, but it is a mouth full of truth. We also have poeple who act like pigs and that is true also - giggle - . when I was little, pigs were raise "open range" as Holly described. Now you can't drive very far in any direction without driving past hog confinement buildings. The cattle farmers are going back to pasturing their stock. The flat land is valuable for crops,but the hill sides support grazzing. I love driving around the country just to see cows and pigs out in the open. Most chickens in my area are grown for meat, but laying hens are making a come back. Many farmers do not have animals at all. They harvest in the fall, go south for the winter - or take factory jobs-, then return to farming every spring. More pigs than people - yep!
Holly - you mentioned fabric designs for decorative walls. I know a lady who followed her husband from one military housing unit to another for several years. She was never allowed to do anything to her walls so She bought fabrics and soaked them in liquid starch and hung them on the walls like wallpaper. When hubby was reassigned, she took the fabric down - the walls remained clean behind the fabric - moved to her new house and hung it up again. I was always going to try that, trick but never did.
ok I am done clucking at my chickie poos, so will let you get on with your lives. taa taa my friends taa taa and all that! |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 23 2013 : 4:47:09 PM
Hi farmgirls, Just got back from another visit to the Seattle area. This time, dh, the two dogs and I drove over and stayed with dd and her boyfriend. It was so fun. Before we arrived, I got a text from dd's boyfriend telling us to park in his covered spot right next to their apt. Dd had made my favorite muffins and had everything for breakfast croissant-wiches for her dad. We were so welcomed and treated like royalty. We spent Sunday at Pike's and stocked up on dh's special tea blend at Market Spice Tea. The gal who helped dd and I conjure up the recipe last visit was there. She remembered us and was so thrilled that dh loved the blend we created together. She asked if she could copy the "recipe" and try to sell it at the store. She asked what we called it and if she could use the name. It is such a fancy name ... "Mike's Blend." All in all, we bought over a pound of tea. I think it was about 19 ounces for $27. It really is an inexpensive way to enjoy something special.
So after the market, the boys went to see "Oblivion" and dd and I watched junk tv and visited. Then, we all had the chicken scallopini we brought for dinner and just enjoyed being together.
On Monday, dd's boyfriend went to work. Dd has Monday's off so she and I hit some stores! Dh and I left about 1 pm. The dogs were so tired from being around so many new smells they didn't move the entire trip home. We needed no potty breaks for them for 4 and a half hours.
It's good to be home again. A two bedroom apt is tight for four adults, a lab and a chihuahua. Can't wait to see them again.
Today, I cleaned the refrigerator and sanitized it. Please try to keep your jealousy of the excitement of my life in check! It does feel good to know it is clean. Dh didn't even notice. I'll take that as a sign that it wasn't that dirty.
We had a marmot crawling around out back this morning. I think I saw it again a few minutes ago. It seemed to be headed towards my vegetable (empty now) garden. I don't think I want him to get too comfortable that close to my garden. They tunnel like gophers, but I bet he would be thrilled to not have to dig too much for dinner ... They look like land beavers. From a distance, they resemble a short-legged, fat tailed cat. They are very common in the city of Spokane, but I have only seen two out here in "the wilderness." In the city, I've watched them cross six lanes of traffic - that of course, drew to a halt for them.
I didn't get to get a glimpse of the meteors either ... sad face.
But, I was happy to see so many of my tulips had really shot up and are about ready to open over the three days we were gone.
I hope you all have a lovely evening. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2013 : 06:56:23 AM
good morning Chickie poos. Sitting with my first cup of Java for the day. I will enjoy a little R&R this morning as the rest of my week is going to be crazy, nuts. I am waiting for my great niece to stop by with her mother's wedding veil so we can reinvent it. (Bunny I could sure use you imput on this). This afternoon I need to take care of some business stuff, and then have my cousin's visitation from 5 to 7. Tomorrow is her funeral, Lots of relatives coming for this and there are no decent hotels around so will most likely have a house full. I'm sure things will work out because everyone pitches in. I want to get some shopping out of the way Friday afternoon. Saturday a bridal shower and Sunday a babtism. Monday this chick will be sleepin in!!!!!!!!!
If you don't hear from me for a few days know that I am alive and kicking. Quess what? next week we will be taking a tour of the other section of my basement. Aren't you lucky - giggle
Taa taa my feathered friends. Slow down and notice the nice smalls around you today. If you don't smell something pleasant - be creative by lighting a candle, baking something, wearing perfume. you get the picture. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 24 2013 : 2:23:19 PM
Good afternoon everyone or maybe it is evening because here it is 5:00PM.
Anyway, Talie is at baseball practice so I am at the library where there is WIFI that is speedy and does not cost us on our phone bill!!!!
Today was a gorgeous spring day. Temperatures began in the 30's and rose into the fifties. We were out in our tshirts. Do you remember the strawberry tower I made last year. Well, the soil sunk in it so the top layer was empty and below the top of the second layer. So, to day I dug up the plants, filled the tower again and re planted the strawberry plants. I had more plants than would fit so Gabe and I screwed together a raised bed for the rest. It is only ten inches tall but it defines the bed enough that I will know where to weed. Then I look out the window and there are those #$%$# chickens scratching in my new strawberry bed. The plants have not really begun to sprout yet so maybe they will survive the chickens.
The little layers took very little time to catch in the stall. I was really surprised. Cheri is really good at catching chickens especially considering she grew up in Cleveland and had never seen a live one before she moved in with me. Their new house is 12" X 18' so they can stay in there until I get the pen reconstructed...... again. Remember those #$%^%$ cows trounced through it last year many times trying to get to and inhale the chicken grain. So, I need to figure out how to keep the #$%$ cows out of the chicken pen.
Mar glad you had a great time in Seattle. I am jealous of your clean refrigerator. Jarrett used to clean it out on an irregular basis but now he rarely helps around the house unless he wants something. someday he and the other boys will learn how to offer help instead of waiting to be asked.
I did not see the meteors either. I guess the moon was too bright.
I do not know why some of the words are underlined and in red on my post and the next one.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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