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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 14 2013 : 4:54:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
Overcast and warm all day. Cheri finished up boiling the sap for syrup. It is finishing on the stove in the house. It makes the house smell warm like maple sugar. It makes the ceiling in the kitchen sticky as well but not awful enough for flies to stick.
The new curtains did not encourage the boys to sleep longer this morning but it does help them to go to sleep faster in the night. They spent all day outside today. Kethry took them for a walk in the afternoon out through the fields and into the woods. Exhaustion is a wonderful behavioral control.
I am hoping for five digits for your foreclosure reimbursement, Bunny.
We had quiche for supper with rolls. I made bread this afternoon and made rolls with one of the hunks.
Pam, glad you popped on. It must be a huge weight off your shoulders to have finished the exam.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 12:33:44 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 4:41:19 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 07:47:44 AM
Good morning chickie poos. I hope everyone had as nice a weekend as I did even though it rained. Our son had us down to help celebrate our granddaughter's birthday after church. She liked the cell phone holder I made her AND the gift card I put inside. Her back is healing nicely and it is great seeing her active again.
Ginny - the tree space in my basement will make a nice kitchen. but I already have a big kitchen on the main floor. I created a secret garden in the area. I did all the painting and decorating myself.  |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 07:53:12 AM
Oops! I forgot to read page 63. I wondered where everyone was this morning. I'll do that in a minute.
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 08:02:25 AM
If you look at the first pic I posted this morning you will see an old screen door going into the furnace room. That is the original screen for theold section of the house. It is over 100 years old. I am not an artist, but I managed to get a tree painted. Look close and you will see small shelves on the tree. got them for 25 cents each. I have birds, and squirrels glued to them. When Dar's mom went to the nursing home she gave us her patio furniture. We use hers outside and mine newer pieces fit nicely here. I painted stripes and added an old window to the other full wall. I wanted it to look like a garden shed. The large pink flowers are made out of fabric and the little bink ones on the little tree are yoyo's that quilters use to embellish projects. |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 08:06:25 AM
The last pic for the day shows how i painted the half wall. I wan it to look like a rock wall. I hope to have a small fountain in the corner soon. Now I can enjoy good weather in the middle of winter just like some of you chicks. |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 08:21:35 AM
Bunny - I am not going to move my sewing room down because I already have a beautiful sewing room - ok chicks, you can hate me if you want giggle Bunny I hope you get a healthy check. Money spends so quickly these days and your life will be less stressful with a little nest egg in it.
Pam I am glad you have returned. I know what you went through. I earned 3 different special needs endorcements. I taught all year and then went to school summers and also fall night classes. I never had much down time in those days, but would do it again in a heart beat.
Gypsy - lets hop on a plane and go borrow Holly's maple syrup. the real stuff costs a fortune around here, but I buy it whenever I can find it. Sounds like Holly knows how to cook so we could bribe her into fixing something yummy for us.
Holly my ceiling above my stove is grimmy from cooking and needs to be painted. I am glad to know that I don't need to paint until the flies stick to it - giggle giggle giggle
Gypsy - I am sorry to here about your brother. It has been a long haul for him. My husband s speech is almost non existant due to a stroke. He does well with a few frustrations from time to time. I am afraid it would be a whole different story if he couldn't eat or drink. May I pray for your family?
Taa taa chiekie poos - coffee mug is empty and I have written a book! Be creative today, or enjoy someone else's creativity. |
Edited by - Thelma on Apr 15 2013 08:29:51 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 08:54:10 AM
Good morning from Maryland where the temp is finally warm enough for Jenny & I to get out into the garden. The chickens will not be happy about having a much smaller space to scratch around in. Thanks to them, the garden is all cleaned up and fertilized. They turned over all the dirt & dug out all those nasty grubs! As soon as we get going, I'll post pics. I'm excited that Jenny is getting interested in helping me lay out the space & where we'll plant each crop. She would like more corn than green beans this year.
Does anybody else love "salt & vinegar" chips?? I'll eat half a bag at one sitting and totally destroy the inside of my mouth!! Oh my.
We have a canopy in the back yard, next to the house, where we park the 4 wheeler, the lawn mower & the small chipper. When it snowed a couple of weeks ago, the heavy wet snow collapsed it & the frame bent and broke. We replaced it with another one. It rained and the wind blew and the new canopy broke!! We got a third one but haven't put it up yet. We will put it up tonight. Hopefully this one will last longer!!
My hubby wears a kilt so I know what going commando means. He is Scottish on his mothers side. He will wear a Utilikilt around the yard during the summer. He says its very comfortable and cooler than jeans. I think I've posted pics of him on a ladder cleaning out our gutters wearing a kilt.
Welcome to our new sisters. Sorry I've been AWOL for awhile.
Well, Jenny is calling from the yard so I've got to get going. Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 09:33:46 AM
Thelma, again, your basement looks wonderful. I love all the painting you did. Your ceilings just need to be blue for that total outside feeling. Love, love the rocks.
Gypsy, so sorry about your brother. I can understanding him wanting to risk the surgery. I know whatever is suppose to happen will. So what's the update on the relationship. Thumbs up or down?
Kathy, I hope you bought a different canopy this time. Maybe a stronger heavier one? Nice that you and Jenny get to get out into the garden. I need to get out in mine and do sOme cleanup. Just haven't had the energy or time. I have a bunch of plants coming soon and need to get ready!
Holly, the maple syrup smell would be wonderful. What a cool thing to be able to do. I love that you and Cheri are so resourceful in providing for your family.
Yesterday's homework just about did me in. It took me 8 hours and sooooo much whining to get it done. Online classes are so hard for me. I don't do well with learning this way. I'm a total in the classroom, interact with the teacher person. Will defiantly not be getting an A in this class. I'm learning that I need to split up the studying for it. The last thing I had to do was the test. No easy after 7 hours of struggling. Plus the test was timed. So being tired and that, I only got a C on it. I need to plan better!
Only have a little homework left today and then thinking about heading to the sewing room for some inspiration. I really need it.
Later y'all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 2:07:33 PM
I haven't really caught up with everyone in a couple of day, but I've had the stomach bug all weekend and have been curled up on the couch with a book.
Today, I found a bunch of last summers plums that had been buried in the way back and decided that I'd make spiced plum butter. I'm cooking them down and it smells like heaven right now!
I've planted a bunch of heirloom tomatoes and peppers this morning too, and wanted to go work in the garden but its been sleeting and is supposed to get down in the 20's tonight... I'm really wanting spring to hurry up and get its heiny here.
I've got to get back to my plums, so I'll check back later
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 3:07:28 PM
Hope everyone is well. I am just so down about Boston. It feels so personal. Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 3:13:35 PM
I do too Marianne. It's terribly sad and more so because likely some nutter decided that they had to make a statement or whatever. I've been popping back and forth between news stories and its just awful. I'm so sorry for all of those poor people and my thought are with them and their loved ones tonight.
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 4:11:36 PM
Just got a text from my 10 year old granddaughter who lives right here in Iowa.. She told me to wear purple for Boston tomorrow. Why do 10 year olds have to be afraid because others living hundreds of miles away think it is cool to be evil? Does anyone have friends or family living in Boston? How about running in the marathon? Dar has a nephew living in Boston, but we do not know him as he moved there when he was 18 and rearly calls or comes home. PRAY TO YOUR HIGHER POWER. taa taa for now |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 5:17:43 PM
Good evening everyone,
Thelma not only are you talented in 3D art with your quilting you are fabulous in 2D art as well. Would you like to come and paint a wall in B and K's room. I have not written about them much. They are special needs women who have lived with me for 28 years or so. Every few years there are inspectors from the state who come to harass the home provider. One year the man said that their room had no decorations. Well, K sometimes gets physically angry and tears things off the walls. Sometimes she just loves them to death by rubbing and peeling the frames of the posters. Any way my last try at decoration was stick on large mouth bass fish and Canadian geese from Cabella's K loved them to death. They stayed on her wall for almost a year and then she started to peel them. It took her about 2 months to love them right off the wall. She had a great time with those fish. So, I thought if I painted a scene on the wall she could rub it and scratch it but it would not come off. I am too chicken to try a free hand painting on the wall. If I had a picture I could grid it on the wall and paint it. I really like the way the leaves are done. so, I could fix up a room for you and Dar to stay in while you painted the wall. What do you say? road trip?
When 9/11 happened Kethry and Talie were about 4 and 5. Talie was terrified that a plane was going to come and crash into our silo. We stopped watching TV for years. We still do not watch the news on the TV. It is terrible that children all over are now affected by another sad person/people. Boston is a recognizable name to many children in the US. I am glad we do not live where there is war and killing on a regular basis in our neighborhoods. I realize as I write this that there are children in cities in the US who live in daily terror.
The VPR news guy said that there were about 100 people from Vermont who went to compete in the Boston marathon. there is usually a contingent from Montpelier who goes so I may know someone down there but I do not know who yet. The athletes train so hard and the race is very difficult to have it end so tragically is just awful. having word find issues to describe my thoughts.
Gypsy I am sorry your brother is not well and feels without hope for the future. I hope one way or the other he has peace soon.
I am so glad that this board has expanded our vocabularies with words like commando and doppelganger.
Kathy maybe you could make your dh a kilt out of some lovely cotton flower material from Bunny. It would be even cooler than the wool kilt of his traditions. I wonder if you could get him to wear it?
I am thinking of putting arches of black PVC pipe on my raised beds and rigging the white garden cloth over it so there would not be so many bugs eating my broccoli and cabbage. I thought it might also raise the temperature enough so I could get an earlier start. Now if the snow goes away enough so I can find the black pipe it will be good.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Apr 15 2013 5:19:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 15 2013 : 8:51:00 PM
Hello All,
Thelma, I love the "Secret Garden" that you created in your basement. So creative!
In the midst of the sadness today, I went to the garden center and picked up some rose bushes. When I got home, I turned our covered patio into a garden room, with wicker furniture, pretty pillows, and pretty flowering plants. It was a matter of re-arranging things, but I am so happy with the result. I find gardening and 'nesting" to be a perfect answer to the horror that sometimes grabs our attention in the news.
Hoping for a peaceful sleep tonight...
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 16 2013 : 4:15:10 PM
Holly, I think you have a pretty good idea about lengthening your growing season. Good luck. I admire your ability to let K love her decorations. I feel it is so important to enjoy what you own rather than displaying items. I haven't always been able to live by that idea, but I try to and I have been more successful lately. (Am I explaining what I mean? Or did I just talk gibberish and you are wondering if I have taken leave of my senses...)
Thelma, congratulations again on your lovely space AND the success in posting the photos. It was such fun to see all the angles. I am so jealous of the wooden screen door. Dh has looked for years for the "right" wooden screen door for me. I want to hear that slam of a wooden screen door all summer long ...
Bunny, I hope you get the break you are hoping for. How's your mom's cold?
Pam your garden room sounds beautiful. What a great time to spruce it all up.
I have limited my news viewing because it was just all so horrible. The Boston Marathon will forever be changed now. Heard from a friend of ours that his daughter was fine. We were wondering all day yesterday. She had already finished and had returned to the hotel.
My kitchen cabinets are almost done. Only three more drawer fronts to screw back on. Of course, dh wanted to beat his head against the wall when he realized he should have numbered the drawer fronts so that he could easily tell which drawer front went on which drawer. It took him two hours to figure out the six drawer fronts he had unscrewed before realizing he should be marking them. The mood in the kitchen was ... tense. So, I busied myself in the family room! But, the wood looks so pretty again. And I am so happy! He did good!
I transplanted seven plants that had come up in areas that I wasn't happy with. It is so nice to have so many volunteer plants to play with! The raspberries that I moved in the fall seem to be doing pretty well. It looks as though I lost two, but they may be blackberries instead, which wake up a bit later than raspberries. Anyways, the big fall transplant wasn't a total fiasco.
Hope you all have a lovely evening, Marianne |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 01:39:57 AM
Over the weekend we had some fairly winterlike weather. Dh and I decided to take it easy and were just hanging out in the family room. I was talking on the phone with a girlfriend and Dh was strolling on the internet. We looked out the window and saw that we had a visitor strutting back and forth along the strip of land between the canyon edge and the pool. She was a bright orange hen, very pretty. I hadn't seen her before, but thought she might belong to the neighbor who lives immediately below us.
I gave my neighbor a call and learned that Henrietta had escaped that morning when our neighbor had collected her egg. Henrietta ran from our neighbor and our neighbor didn't feel like chasing so the "Let the chicken figure it out" stance was adopted and put into effect. (Which led to Henrietta hanging out poolside.) My neighbor said she wasn't interested in coming up to try to round up her poultry and that we shouldn't bother ourselves either. For the next hour, we watched Henrietta strut back and forth along our pool. I told Dh that I felt like we were just waiting for something to snatch the chicken and I wasn't looking forward to having a ringside seat for the "show." He is soft-hearted and agreed with me and took our live animal trap and some croutons out to try to lure the chicken into the trap. Of course, the activity sent the bird scurrying away. We didn't see the hen for the rest of the day.
The next morning, after the chipmunks had enjoyed the croutons, Dh removed the trap so that we didn't inadvertantly catch something else. And the chicken strolled out about twenty minutes later. We were glad to see she had survived the night.
Dh thought if he went out the downstairs door, he might be able to chase the chicken towards her home. I decided to head out on the porch on the other side of the house so I would have a good view to see if the chicken headed in the right direction.
Now, Dh was raised in the San Diego area and doesn't have a farm background. His decision to bring the labrador with him for this chore is one of those instances when his cityboy-ness was particularly glaring. Dh saw the bright orange chicken laying under a pine tree next to our house and told yellow lab, Sammie, to "get it." (Sounds horrible, but Sammie is very gentle and he knew she wouldn't hurt the bird.)
Sammie took off and pounced...on the nearest stick, which she brought to him with an ecstatic look on her face knowing he was going to throw it as far as he could for her to retrieve. Her activity did flush the chicken, who ran around the house under the deck I was standing on and straight for the horse barn. Opposite direction of her home, naturally.
Sammie was put in the house and Dh and I went to round up the chicken. Which had completely disappeared. We looked and looked. Fed the horses. Looked some more. Gave up and came in the house and had dinner.
A bit later, Dh went out with the Chihuahua for her to potty. Such a small dog can't be just let out because of the eagles and coyotes, etc. The minute she left the front door, she "tracked" and cornered the hen. Dh showed no cityboy-ness when he scooped up Henrietta and popped her into the trap. In fact, he was a lot more "country" than this born and raised farmgirl when it came to picking up a flapping chicken!
Called our neighbor and she walked up to take Henrietta home. I haven't seen Henny since and I hope she is happy at home. She sure is pretty. Oh and in the few minutes that she was in the trap waiting for her owner, she left us an egg! She did step on it and break it though. So sad. Our neighbor was glad to have her back. She said she had been wondering about her ...
All's well that ends well!
Love ya gals, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 05:55:34 AM
just checking in gals! marianne what a chicken story - so glad that it ended well. gypsy, will be praying for you and yours. what a horrible thing to go thru with your brother. still in shock over boston, this friday will be the 7th year for my nephew's death and the 28th of this month will be the 3rd year for my swee dh's death. april is not a month i look forward to and boston makes it worse..sigh. thelma, love love love the room and all the colors! you did a great job! holly, so glad that you are who you are..what a nice gesture to let k love whatever you put into her room...after all it is only "stuff". mom's caregiver started monday and i really like her. she has already gotten mom to talking more than she has in months and she seems like a very caring person. well, got to go back to work.. hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 06:12:36 AM
Janie, I hope your mother's caregiver can turn April around for you. I hope she can continue to make such a difference for your mom, and, of course, for you. You deserve a bit of a break from all the anniversaries. So fingers-crossed that the caregiver's start date is a good anniversary for you! love, mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 10:29:29 AM
Hello all 
Thelma ~ you are so talented, I love color of green and the paintings! Holly ~ I will never forget watching the news while I sat studying, looked up to see the news had switched to videos of the first plane hitting the trade center. I was riveted and stood in shock seeing the whole thing happen. I can still see the imaged in my mind. It was a horrifying day.
Ive seen those black pipe season extenders.They look like they'd work great for thwarting the bugs. I'm with you on the winter weather going bye0bye for the year. It's been down in the 20's at night for the last few days. Gypsy~ I'm so sorry that your bother is going through all this and I hope that he finds peace. Marianne ~ I love the tale of Henrietta!
Janie ~ It's so hard when you have month where someone that you love passes on and all you can think about is the anniversary of their death. I'm glad though that your mom's caregiver is turning out to be just what she needs and hope that it works out well for both or you.
I've been swamped with helping my landlords during their lambing and kidding and have been spending long hours up at their barn. I really need a nap before the next batch are due
On the plus side, we haven't lost a single lamb or kid yet! We have about half or their goats and sheep to go still though.
On the down side my sister is having a biopsy in a couple weeks due to worries about possible cancer. We are very close and this is being very hard on us and the anxiety is stressing us both out.
I'm glad to see all of you and hear about your doings when ever I can pop on 
I'm taking a long tea break and trying not to doze off lol!
Hugs to all!
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 11:48:47 AM
I'm trying to get organized today. Seems that businness papers multiply the minute my back is turned. I am also cleaning my sewing room. It is time to decide what summer projects I want to work on. I plan to cut a bunch of stuff out and then sew whenever I have a few minutes. My problem is that I don't know what i want to make for little gifts, fall church bazar, or holiday gifts. Guess I'll wait until I am inspired on a sunny day!
Holly - painting on a wall is no problem. I decided that if I didn't like it I could simply paint it out. I can not draw so I just looked at the shape of trees and bushes and lightly penciled in the bones. After that I used browns to fill in the lines forming trunk and branches. I sponge painted the leaves over the trunk and branches using several different colors of green. Any real artist would laugh at my work, but I did it for myself not an art critic. If you don't want to paint add pictures with a deco-podge type product and then brush several thin coats over the top. The ladies will enjoy the pictures,but shouldn't be able to peel them off.
Hmmmmmmmm! Chickens are interesting critters are they not? I would love a few for fresh eggs, but don't want to hire a chore person eery time we want to go on a road trip.
Back to work. Will write more next time. Taa taa chickie poos. Stay warm!!!!!!! |
Edited by - Thelma on Apr 17 2013 11:57:22 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 5:43:07 PM
Good evening everyone,
A woman who grew up down the road from here ran in the Boston Marathon. She was about 100 yards from the finish when they stopped her. If she had not stopped to go pee at the 18th mile she would have been right at the finish line when the bombs went off. She was sad that she did not get to cross the finish line but very happy to be alive and whole. There was an article yesterday in the local paper about her and the race.
There is a woman on the other side of town who was in the second tower when the first was hit. When she heard the noise and the announcement that all was safe she walked down the stairs and walked away from the building. she found a man going in the same direction and they hailed a cab to their town in New Jersey. Her husband said it was awful not knowing if she were alright.
I have done lambing. We tried to breed so the lambs would come in warmer weather. I understand how tired you are. I hope all of the ewes are good mama's. We do not keep sheep anymore. We did have a llama once to protect our sheep. Well someone gave him to us. He loooovvvedddd those ewes.
Hens are funny birds. I keep reminding the children that their brains are the size of peas so do not expect that the chicken knows how to get out of the way instead of running in front. I am glad you found her safe. I am glad your dh got the fronts back on the right drawers. Remember there is an old proverb that says she who finishes house dies. But, even at the rate Mar and dh are doing projects you will not finish them all for a long time. Is dh complaining about his honey dew list yet?
I have been cleaning up the garden I cut down the tops of the Jerusalem artichokes also known as sunchokes. Ross and I are working on thinning them. We have two five gallon buckets full so far. I called a neighbor and she will come tomorrow afternoon to pick some up to eat and plant. What I can not give a way I will replant some place else. they are the last plants to flower in the year. They are so happy to look at.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 17 2013 : 10:22:42 PM
Good evening friends, Marianne if you ever need a job I think you would be a terrific short story writer - the Henny story was priceless, particularly the ending!! I had to read it three times. Funny story so cleverly written. Thanks for taking the time to entertain us in such a delightful way. And, BTW, never underestimate the little chihuahuas. They do not know they are little and they will take on anything at all. I love those little guys, even the ugly ones! I sure miss my little mutt furbabies and will be so glad to see them next week.
Janiee, I am very glad you got someone who is working out so well for your mom. I know that is a big load off your shoulders.
Bunny, I hope you are feeling better and the time is marching on, the school year will be over before you know it.
Holly, I forgot to tell you that I went to legacy and read the obituary you wrote for your friend Libby. She was an extraordinary woman and so was her partner. The women of today forget how hard it was for all women back during that time. I remember a few times being told I was "really smart for a woman". Every guy who ever said that to me got a tongue lashing he would not have forgotten til his last breath. Especially since I chose cussing to be my one serious vice. I do not trust people with no vices.
Thanks all of you for your kind words of support and prayers for my brother. It is not going to be an easy time. When someone decides to smoke, I wish I could tell them his story. He is two years younger than I am but when we are together we are asked if he is my father. When my own father was dying of cancer (from smoking) people would ask my mother if he was her father. Even now, my brother is unable to stop smoking. I have heard it is a worse addiction than cocaine, and I believe it. I have always tried to be healthy for my children's sake if not for my own. Bruce is a good example of how we all should try to live. He started running/jogging when he was 14 and never stopped and never allowed himself to get overweight. Now at age 68 he no longer runs but he hikes and exercises regularly, eats properly and takes vitamins and has the appearance and energy of a much younger person, he takes no medications whatsoever and has never spent a day in a hospital. Some is genetics, to be sure.
Thelma, I think it is smart of you to do all the cutting out first and then being able to sew when you want to. I would cut it out and then forget where I put it, probably. Being organized is not my strong suit.
As I read about all the gardening you gals are doing, it makes me anxious to at least get a few pot plants. Annika, I hope you get that piece of property you fell in love with - please keep us posted.
I miss the women who have stopped posting and hope they are well.
Good night all. I will be traveling for the next couple of days, going back to Texas. It has been a grand adventure. To be continued.....
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Apr 17 2013 10:27:36 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2013 : 06:03:06 AM
hello sisters, by now most of you have heard about the explosion in west, texas less than 20 miles from where i live. it is a very sad day in the lives of all those who live in the area and we would appreciate any and all prayers. this has not been a good week - told you about april! (:) ) earlier in the week, police stopped a pick up less than 1 block from where i work with a bomb inside before it went off. then the boston marathon, then yesterday my sister told me they had a bomb scare at her office in oklahoma city and last night the explosion in west, texas .......just please pray janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 18 2013 : 08:19:10 AM
Oh my heavens Janie! How awful! I'm so glad that they caught the guy with the bomb in his truck! I cannot grasp this frenzy for bombing. Why have bombs become the haute fashion all of a sudden? And so far this year has been a wild one for accidents as well, explosions, collapsed buildings, pipelines busting and everything else. Maybe 13 really IS an unlucky number. I really just hope for peace and a wee vacation from the madness. These tragedies bring home just how fragile life is and have given me a new perspective.
My thoughts are with the people of Boston and Texas today and I cannot seem to focus on anything else. I think I'll be out doing yard work and getting the beds ready to plant. Physical work is soothing and peaceful, which I really need today.
May peace be with all who suffer and have been left in fear. In which ever religion one belongs, I hope that all find guidance and strength from it. Prayers of comfort and peace to all.
Live fully, enjoy each moment and choose one thing to be grateful for.

You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |