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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 07:21:41 AM
Holly, I will post a picture this weekend. This is our first brand new truck ever. We did buy a new car once way back in the 70's. We have been driving a Dodge Dakota, but could not find one so a new Ford 150 with the eco package it is. I will drive the Dakota and we will get rid of my old van. I am excited about getting the dodge as I have always liked it. The new truck is a full size 4 door. It will hold 5 adults plus a child or two comfortably. We are not the kind of people who have to have the top of the line houses, clothes,or vehicles. This time it was the most economical way to go.
Top of Iowa is white again this morning with a trace of snow. Hopefully it will melt when the sun shines. I can not believe that Monday it was 58 degrees and we were outside all day. The good Lord is giving me lesson's in patience again this year. I just want to get my cool weather crops planted and now that will be a month out. Last night a made my granddaughter a small cell phone bag with a little pocket for her birthday. I like the way it turned out so will make a few more. When I give gift cards, I like to tuck them into something fun.
Well chickie poos, I had better take a shower and get my day started. Is today the day you are going to up your gentle exercise by 5 minutes? taa taa and cluck-a-do |
Edited by - Thelma on Apr 12 2013 07:29:39 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 07:33:27 AM
Made mistake now can't post a picture here. later |
Edited by - Thelma on Apr 12 2013 07:38:59 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 1:04:55 PM
I've been in my full speed spring cleaning mode and racing around busy for the past couple of days. Living on the Palouse and surrounded by wheat fields, it gets so dusty and needs a deep cleaned every couple of months.
Janet ~ Did you get the snow? We are expecting low temps, winds of about the same as you and snow this weekend, spring is almost here right? And I'm jealous! I need a good and fancy pair of cowgirl boots!
Marianne ~ it would have been magic to see the look on your poor hubs face >giggles< I did that once with mine as we were wading through heavy mud in sudden snow storm. I tripped and grabbed his britches on the way down. It was a cold few moments for him [;p} but ever being the gentleman he did eventually pull me out of the mud.
Gypsy ~ I have horribly dry skin,it's always miserable, peeling and flaking. Lately I've found Shea butter helps a lot to make my skin soft and less dry, coconut butter helps as well.
Janie ~ I hope that you find a good way to help with your mom AND find relief for your pinched nerve problem.
Holly ~ I love the picture of the kids rolling off the flatbed into the sand! That sounds so fun I might be tempted to try it myself 
Thelma ~ I hope that you enjoy your truck
Back to whipping my house into shape. Take care m'dears!
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 4:07:44 PM
Good evening everyone,
OK so how far apart are Annika and Mary. I understand that distances are much greater in the western states than here in old New England. We have different climactic zones in short distances but Mary is planting and Annika is living the snow life like Jan, Thelma, Ginny and myself and they both live in the same state.
We received snow overnight and sleet most of the day. All after school activities were cancelled today which only affects us because Talie wanted to go to baseball practice this evening. He has missed the last two nights because his mean old mother tells him that if he does not finish his schoolwork he is not going to baseball. My sweet boy has turned into a bully with the onset of these heavy hormones and I do not like it. So, he is relieved there is no practice tonight for him to miss again. I think keeping him home from practice made me more upset than it made him.
Janiee I hear you when you say your mom's words were like a stab with a knife. Even rationalizing that it is the disease speaking does not make the hurt go away. Do your best.
I remembered an exercise that the chiropractor told me to do which I have not done and had better start doing. You stand in a doorway and put your forearm up like you are signaling a right hand turn. Put your forearm against the frame of the door and lean forward to stretch your muscles. The other one is to lay on the floor like you are going to do a push up. bend your arms at the elbow and lay your forearms on the floor hold the position for as long as you can then relax and try again. This one is very hard for me. I can barely hold myself up for anytime at all.
One of the heat lamps for the baby chicks slipped it's string and was touching the wood shavings. It smelled like burned popcorn in the barn when I went to do evening chores. I found it while it was still smoking. I poured the water from one of the chicken waterers over the charred shavings. I am glad I found it. That could have been disastrous.
We had salmon, broccoli and french bread with garlic butter for supper. It was yummy.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 5:40:18 PM
Actually, a few days before last weekend I was out in a tee shirt and working in the yard (Well I was wearing pants too ) it was 61-63 and sweet spring-ish. Last weekend it was storming so hard that it ripped shingles from my roof. Now this weekend there is a good forecast off snow and lots of wind with night temps in the upper 20's...
Nampa is quite a different climate zone than Moscow =}
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 6:05:01 PM
I have been a home health aide for over 5 years. One thing I would like to remind you is that we have rules to follow from the agency. However, with being said you can put in requests. One thing you need to determine is what is the purpose of the aide. Is she there as a companion or otherwise. I have done everything, from fixing meals to bathing, to companionship. Most of the time the family wanted me there to keep their love one safe from harm, entertain them, engage them, and care for them. I for one am one of those who go beyond my duties and did as much as I could. Some of the comments I received was how much I cared about the person I was caring for. So for me if it was me, that is the one thing I would stress. As for meals there is nothing wrong with them fixing the meal for your mother and then eating the food they bring with her. I did that many times. Try to find an agency that will work with you in finding the right type of person that fits your mothers personality the best. Not every one does. Some people cam be too quite and others to upbeat. The best fit is someone who will make your mother feel like she has a new friend. So often I have seen caregivers just go and earn a paycheck and it would anger me knowing that the person was not receiving the care they needed. . I loved all the people I took care of like they were my own family and that is what you truly need to find. Find out what the policy of the agency is in finding people.
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. Becky #4932 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 6:15:18 PM
We gopt close to a foot of new snow, it snowed all last night and today, it just finally stopped about an hour ago. Plus we had 35MPH winds. I had to shovel so I could get onto the street to get to work. The snow was wet and heavy. I thought for sure I was going to get stuck, but I did not. It is supposed to be snowy and rainy most of next week. We saw grass for a day and a half, now it is white again. Today was my birthday, so went to Pizza Hut with hubby, son and daughter. Then came home and had a nice visit with them.Now I am officially a senior citizen, 62. Have a great evening, I work tomorrow, so my weekend is short again.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 8:44:29 PM
Janet! Happy Birthday! I am so sorry to send you birthday wishes so late on your special day! Pizza Hut sounds like the perfect birthday dinner! So glad you could celebrate with you kids and dh. Too bad you didn't get great weather. But, it'll be coming.
Hey Holly! Let me confuse you some more about the weather in these parts. We live just half and hour from the Idaho border. We hit almost 70 last week and will be expecting some snow this weekend, too. In Spokane, just 12 miles away, the growing season starts a full two weeks earlier. So, even though our states are large, we still have the microclimates you were speaking about. Your timing with the heat lamp was pretty fortunate! Disastrous is exactly the word that comes to mind. The pushup like exercise you describe sounds like some that I do. I refer to them as a plank. I also do them on each side, too. Supposed to improve your core muscles. Actually have dh doing them, too.
And hey, hey, hey, what's with all you gals saying how nice a PICTURE of my pantsed husband would have been? Surely, you don't expect me to share EVERYthing about Mr. Wonderful with you. ;-)
Rebecca your input about the expectations for home health aides was helpful. I remember the aides that my mother loved and the ones that collected their pay, as you said. I hope you will stick around our group for a while!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 12 2013 : 9:06:08 PM
Good evening everyone. Sounds like spring just doesn't want to show up for some of you ladies. I am on the border between Washington and Oregon almost right in the middle. Spring is doing pretty well here. Sunny days with some rainy ones mixed in. My perfect kind of weather. Unfortunately it will get very hot in the summer. We will be complaining about that in no time. I can imagine you are all getting pretty darn tired of the snow. I know I would.
I think things will slow down a bit for me. Now that tax season is over I won't be needed so much at work. They still have to commit to a minimum of 9hours a week. So I'll be still making a little bit of money. It should also give me more time for homework and hopefully sewing.
Feeling a bit better lately. I have been resting every chance I can. I'll figure out what is cramping my style eventually.
Holly, I'm so glad you found that lamp when you did. What a tragedy that would have been. I remember my older son having some attitude when he hit about 16. When it got really bad, we had a private talk time. We told everyone else in the house not to bother us for a hour and went into his or my bedroom and shut the door. The rule was he could talk for 30 minutes about everything that was bothering him. He couldn't blame anyone or put anyone down. Just express his feeling. And except for a question or two, I had to just listen. Then it was my turn and he had to just listen to me. Sometimes kids just doing feel like we are listening to them and this gave my son some private time to express his feelings without judgement. But it has to work both ways.
Anyway, it's getting late. My mom is sick today. She has a fever and has been in bed all day. I need to go check on her.
Later y'all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl
2474 Posts

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Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 10:16:28 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new to this sight and have been reading the posts. dear H and I went to the opening of the new Japanese gardens in St Paul. My H is one of two who works on their world-class collection of bonsai. It was snowing outside so the gardens were covered but it was beautiful. Some of the bonsai trees were in bloom azaleas and flowering quince. Spring will come. But meanwhile I am delighted to keep on quilting. When it's time to do the work outside I'll have to put that aside for awhile.
grandmother and orphan farmgirl |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:17:33 PM
Bonnie - Welcome neighbor. I live on the Iowa side of the border - jusst under Albert Lea. We are abut 2 hours from the cities. We don't drive in the cities but our travel groups see lots of plays at your many theaters and playhouses. Bonsi is wonderful. If I had had the money when I was younger I would have taken up that wonderful hobby. I am also a quilter. Welcome to this crazy site!
Holly you were lucky to catch your potential fire before it was to late. A home burned to the ground about 4 miles from us this week, so hubby and I are extremely careful right now. Praise god that your little chicks were not fried before their time giggle ok not funny
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:23:32 PM
Sorry to double post but my granddaughter called and I helpedher with some camera stuff.
I am going to post pictures of my basement from time to time. If you get tired of them let me know and I will stop posting them. My basement was a three year porject so I am very happy to finally share the results
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:26:08 PM
view #1 from the stairwell
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:28:16 PM
View from the stairwell #2
.JPG) |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:33:34 PM
Ok now computer is acting up don't know what the next pic will be |
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:38:06 PM
there are 4 windows in the sitting area. Each window will have a nature scene in it. I have this one done. sorry these pics are taking up so much space, more another day taa taa chickie poos. hope your weekends are going well. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 3:43:13 PM
Thelma, Your basement is beautiful. What a lot of room! I would want to rollerskate down there. Love your nature scene window. Don't worry about the space ... we all feel slightly grateful when a photo loads, let alone getting it sized or oriented correctly!
Bunny, It is so nice to hear from you. Glad you are getting some down time now that tax season is slowing. Hope you don't catch what your mom is nursing!
oops, not enough time to finish my post... marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 4:04:03 PM
Nancy, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful birthday card you sent, and for the tea. I will enjoy that this week, for sure. The card you made was so nice. Still snowing off and on today. I say we had enough!!!! We are supposed to have rain and snow most of next week. Hopefully that will be the end of it!!! Thelma, what a great job you did on your basement. I would love to have that much space. We live in a very tiny home, no basement or garage, 1 bedroom, very small kitchen, only 2 teeny tiny closets, but we like it here, even though we are only renting. We did not want to buy another place when we sold our other one. This way, when we retire, we can travel and not worry about a house, or having to wait to sell it. Plus our rent is so cheap, plus the utilities. We cannot complain, except for the space. Keep the pictures coming. Bunny, that is good that you can start slowing down some. I am sure you will feel better with more time. Holly, how lucky you were to catch the light before there was damage. Good thing you were there when you caught it. Bonnie, hope you are done with your snow there. I think we had enough for this season, don't you? We need some nicer weather to get the gardens going!!! Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 5:12:31 PM
Good evening everyone,
Well, Mar I was wondering if your dh dressed commando but I thought it might be a little too revealing. lol
Happy Birthday, Jan. I was using the birthday list to get Kathryn's mother's address off it yesterday and wondered if I had missed any birthdays and there was yours. I thought I had better get my arse in gear and get a treat in the mail. I wonder if arse in gear is akin to arse about? Anyway Jan, I hope you had a great birthday. You must have awesome back and shoulder muscles from shoveling. Who shoveled before your hip replacements?
I should try your sit and talk, Bunny, I try to talk to him in the car but it seems like nothing is resolved. or we reach and agreement until the next time. He was the youngest for ten years and then Ross usurped him. Now he and Ross both think they are the youngest and both have the I am the prince attittude treat me like a prince.
WOW Bonnie, bonsai. I so admire the technique and the results. Your dh must have a great artistic eye and steady hands. and patience. Pictures would be appreciated of the old trees.
Thelma what a nice big space. I see why you wanted a brown floor but the green is bright and cheery.
Jan I was wondering what you were going to do with your house when you started to RV but now I see that you have planned ahead. My brother had been looking on Ebay for an RV. Unfortunately for him his tastes exceed his pocketbook. He says each time he saves up enough money to buy the one he thinks he wants he finds one he likes better in a higher price range.
Today was sunny sometimes and overcast sometimes. When it was sunny my sweatshirt was warm enough. When the clouds came by I was glad I had on my winter jacket. I took the littles for a walk this afternoon. I have to tire them out somehow and going for a walk is the best. Kethry drove us to the end of the road which may be 2 miles. we walk home. Well, the boys play in the stream and the culverts all the way home. It took us a little more than 2 hours to make it home. I was beginning to think they were going to get hypothermia they were so wet. None of them cared. C said at one point that is feet were cold and wet and then he walked up the ditch on the side of the road in the running water. What do I know? G pulled the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over his hands to pick up the snow clumps to throw in the river. Ross walked in the runoff from the culvert and then told me his boots were full of water and I had to empty them. C found a rotting pumpkin and carried a piece of it a mile home to plant in the garden. AAAAhhhh life with young boys is never dull.
I made curtains for C and G's room finally. Spiderman material with dark sheets sewn on the back. Maybe they will sleep later in the mornings now.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 5:58:36 PM
Holly your post has brought back fond memories of when my two guys were little. One time I was driving up our street and #2 son was sitting on top of a pile of snow.It was a melty day. I told him to head for home. Well he didn't come and didn't some. How was I supposed to know that the snow caved and he was stuck up there until daddy rescued him. gotta laugh. We lived on a street with an elementary school 2 blocks down. The small ones never went by without splashing in every buddle along the way. I would call out the door for them to get moving. It got so they would splash to my house, run past fast, and then hit those puddles again when they thought I could not see them. Cute!
We raised our big boys in a tiny little house. I used to call it my cottage. Now it is just the two of us and we live in a huge home. Sometimes I lose Darwin in here - giggle I had a basement in town, but it was full of junk. I used to say I had my own personal landfill. When the basement started to fill up here I put my foot down. It took me 3 years of saving up and then doing projects. Everything down there is recycled from auctions, thrift stores, garage sales, ect. My most expensive item was $45 and my best was a sofa and 2 chairs for $5.00. Not the prettiest sofa I could own, but very well made and if the grands jump or spill on it I'm not out anything. Still need to get a tv, fireplace, and another carpet piece, and a few pieces of wall art so am watching for sales. If I can talk my son into building me a plywood box I might make a fireplace and then just buy the electrical part. I am tired of projects down there so will see what i can purchase first.
today has been a day for getting little jobs finished up. I did some sewing, dug through my patterns, straighted up the sewing room, talked to sis for pver 2 hours, and worked on computer stuff. Now it is time to sit. I think i will sew a binding on my new wall hanging of a applique robin. taa taa chickies. I'll be back soon with more basement pics. |
True Blue Farmgirl
502 Posts

502 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 7:37:37 PM
Hi All,
I just want to jump in and say "hello" and 'sorry" that I've been out of the loop for a long while. I just turned in my comprehensive exam for school. It is the exam that I must pass to continue with next year's work, and it took me two very intense months to write the exam. I feel like I am just now coming up for air. I have missed my Farmgirl friends and just want to let you all know that I'm sending warm thoughts to each of you.
Aloha, Pam
Pam Farmgirl #1075 |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 10:42:23 PM
Thank you Pam for the warm thoughts because I think all of us Northern girls can use your paradise about now! I woke up to snow too ladies, but by evening when I went to feed the chickens it had melted from rain. This morning though I noticed in the snow turkey tracks around the coop and raised beds and ironically next to them what I think was fox tracts. I saw the turkeys yesterday, first time this winter actually. So this storm has gone from Washington State to the Atlantic Ocean in Maine and finally, by Monday it should be out to sea.
David got his sling off and thought he'd be going back to work but he has to have 6 - 8 weeks of physical therapy three times a week still and can't use his arm until that starts so we are basically in the same place we were in before. He is not being allowed back to work, not by the Dr., but by the Sheriff as there is no light duty in a jail, even if you mainly do paperwork. For his arm, I'm sure this is for the best. For me, well, I will survive.
On a more uplifting note, my daughter called this evening, FINALLY! Of course I didn't get to talk to her, she immediately asked to speak to her father. But it's progress I guess. I did tell her before I handed the phone to David that she shoujld call more often and to "get over it" and become part of the family again. Then I handed the phone to him. I probably shouldn't have said it that way, as that's not quite what I meant, but it just came out that way.
Welcome Bonnie and Pam! Another gal from Minnesota! Darlys and I are both born and raised Minnesotans, but neither of us live there now Bonnie. I still have a huge family there and my BFF since we were 11 is still there so I manage to get back there now and again.
Thelma, you did a great job on your basement! I want to know what that area is between your bar area and your sitting area? I see you or someone painted tree's on the walls in that area, right? I love your nature scene in the window well too! Great job! A lot of hard work, and a thrifty shopper, just like me! I hope you make lots of wonderful family memories down there!
So glad you can have a bit of a break Bunny in your work, even though it means less hours/pay. We will all send positive vibes and prayers your way and maybe we can get a few sales of those beautiful skirts on your etsy site for you!
It's late late late, even for me. So Good night!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2013 : 05:42:01 AM
I am so busy this week. I want to tell you Thelma that I really like your basement. I love the color you painted the walls and I like the furniture you used. As many of the parents say to their children now days,"Good Job." :)
I am in the middle of making small sized quilts for the local animal control place where there are many cats and dogs awaiting permanent homes. I wish I could take them all and give them lots of love.
Welcome Bonnie. You love all the beautiful ladies here. They are wonderful.
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 14 2013 : 10:17:57 AM
Thelma, love the basement and the painted walls. When are you moving all your sewing stuff It looks bright and colorful.
Ginny, sorry about hubby and your daughter. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon and you can get on with your life.
Marianne, love the DH story. I'm thankful he doesn't go commando. Good thing you live on some property. Would have been quite a show for the neighbors I'm sure.
Not much going on here. Homework city. If I get it all done today I might sew tomorrow. Or I might be responsible and do homework at the beginning of the week so I can have the end of the week for play.
I got an email from the sewing machine shop the next town over. They want me to teach one of the kids sewing camps again this summer. I of course said yes. I was so glad they asked. Made me feel good. I'm saving up money so I don't have to work this summer if I can find a job. I'm going to sew my little heart out. On another good note, I got a postcard a while back from the federal banking regulators regarding the foreclosure violations chase did while dealing with my home. I'm suppose to get some money. Don't know how much. It could be anywhere from $3000 to $50000.00. I read the checks went out Friday. I'm trying to stay calm, but kinda excited. If I get the larger amount I'll put it away until I can complete my degree and then have some choices to make as far as how to get back to California and my kids. I had to stop and do meditation twice yesterday because I was so stressed. Just got to chill out!
Later all. Hope you have a spring weekend.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |