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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2013 :  9:21:30 PM  Show Profile
Mary I really enjoy both your blog and your website. I blogged for a while but didn't keep at it. Another UFO for me.
Kathryn I think "y'all" is a perfectly good word. Better than "you guys" which seems to be the other catch all. We are becoming so homogenized that we are losing our colloquialisms which make us unique. Can't let that happen.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

912 Posts

fernandina beach florida
912 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2013 :  05:25:29 AM  Show Profile
I am just dropping in to say hi ya'all. I have been crazy busy with visits to my MIL up in MA, getting ready for my trip to CA to see my GD graduate for college and doing the usual stuff around the house.

Holly congrats on the new addition. I think Harlem is a perfect name and Kethry must be happy now that she has been able to give him a name.

Kathryn take care and I hope you can soon get enough sleep. It is hard to operate everyday without that sleep. I am hopeless on the nights that I don't sleep well.

Marianne, I so love reading your posts. You are so supportive and encouraging.

Gypsy, I know I have not emailed you in a long time. March was so very busy for me and now I have this crazy laptop that I am writing on. I think my home computer may be dead for good. It is still being repaired. I don't know what DH did but it was a dooozy.

Darlys, my dear, I know you are hiding in all that packing you are doing and I know the moving will go smoothly for you. I pray your house will sell quickly so you don't have to go through having the real estate people call you and tell you they want to come over with prospective buyers in 10 minutes. Then you rush to get everything ready, sit down and wait and they don't show up. Oh, the memories of that when I was selling my house in S. CA. Well, you know how the people are down there and alas I was one of them. Haha!

So today I am taking the car in for oil change, finishing up on 4 dog quilts for the nearby shelter, doing some shopping and planting some flowers. I had my hair cut Friday and it is looking pretty nice. I am coloring it a more golden blonde because that color lasts longer than the beautiful red I love so much.

Well, please excuse any spelling errors, and/or strange letters or words as you read this. This crazy laptop !


Make everyday a celebration of the heart.
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2013 :  08:12:53 AM  Show Profile
Hi ya'll! popping in to say hello! found a doctor for my sweet mom and she saw her - am taking her for an ultrasound on her left leg tomorrow morning (it was and is swollen) more so than her right leg and then a repeat of her bloodwork from last week. there are days she seems better and then the next morning she starts telling me all about "janie" (i am janie) and how she won't do anything she (m0m) asks her to do. i just tell her that i am sorry that janie isn't better to her and ask what i can do. sigh sometimes i really miss the woman she was but i am trying to really love the woman she is now.
several weeks ago i came into her house and she had fallen and when i tried to pick her up , she fought with me holding onto to all sorts of things that interferred with the 'move' and i hurt my back. didn't really think much about it until this weekend and my hands started going "wonky" again. is it possible that i pinched a nerve in my back and that is why i am having so many problems with my hands? i cannot afford to go to the doctor until the end of the month but is there anything i can do now to help? everytime i try to pickup something (even a small magazine) my hands feel like they are going to sleep and this typing is really beginning to hurt. would appreciate any and all help..
tried to do one quilt block this weekend using bonnie hunter's instructions for a scrappy bargello and it worked pretty good. tried it in shades of turquois and coral/peach/orange/rust. might be too much turquois will try for 4 blocks and see how i like it.
well, got to go to work..maybe i can file without my hands hurting.
hugs to all and holly - love the pic of the new baby!

mar, i thought you looked really nice in your gray hair...i color mine because it is so thin it looks like i am halfway bald if i don't. there will probably be a day that no longer bothers me but it is not today! :)

farmgirl #390
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2013 :  5:24:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

You are right Janie you need to live in the moment with your mom. Work on moments of joy and remember she has not forgotten you the disease has. I like to think that the disease is a cover for all that goes on and we as the caregivers can not afford to believe that the person we love is not there anymore. Because she still is she is just covered by the disease. make any sense?

Nancy I am so glad you popped on even if you are typing on the dreaded laptop. When I was a child my hair was white blond. I like to think that my hair is going back to that youthful color now. My grandmother had the nicest white hair. I am hoping to have that pure white that she had.

I don't drink alcohol anymore. I never really liked the taste and Cheri is 24 years sober and some of the children are children of alcoholics so it is just easier not too. I think sometimes when I am child free I might like to try the relax with a glass mentality.

I think Janiee you may have a pinched nerve in your shoulder. My hands go to sleep when I sleep if my shoulders are curled inward, which of course is the way I have slept my whole life until about 8 months ago when the chiropractor told me I had to sleep on my back so I would not curl my shoulders. Now I sleep on my stomach with a pillow under the shoulder I am looking at so it is raised. It helps some.

Mar I thought your hair was gorgeous in the picture. It has character and you are lucky to have hair with body to it even though it is straight. Mine is straight just straight.

Today was in the high thirties with beautiful sunshine. I started to pull the old dried tops off the Jerusalem artichokes and weeds that are around the edge of the garden to put in the compost bin. The chickens are having a great time finding old seeds. the wooly bears, the orange and black striped caterpillars are moving. I think I saw a dead earthworm on a thawed puddle. The woodpeckers are calling for mates. The hawks are migrating and last week I even heard a flock of geese fly over. Spring is on its way.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

467 Posts

Manchester Tennessee
467 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2013 :  5:57:31 PM  Show Profile
Holly - congrats on the new calf. Jenny said "Oh cow cute........eewwww! Is that him being born?" We'll, you had to be there. It all came out all at once.

Today was beautiful and 81 degrees!! We planted broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage & 3 varieties of lettuces in planter boxes sitting on the patio. Planted some pansys for color, here & there.

My mil, about a year before she died, absolutely refused to take off her down filled coat, even when we were inside & the furnace was set to 90!! It took 3 of us trying before we finally got it off of her.

Tomorrow, oldest daughter is spending the day with me, helping me to pick out some new "old lady" clothes. I seem to keep buying clothes that are too "young" for my age! When I was much younger, my mother told me that I dressed like an old lady. While I was raising our 4 children, I wore clothes that were easy to wash & wear and hard to wear out. Now that I'm getting up there,(or up here) I just can't seem to figure out what to wear other than jeans! ;-). Giggling hysterically right now.

I'll leave you with that pleasant picture. Good night sisters.

Hugs and Squishies!!


Farmgirl Sister #3983

Take care of the land and it will take care of you.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 08 2013 :  7:03:29 PM  Show Profile
Welcome Harlem! I think it must be the year that Holly's family named the calves after east coast cities ...

Janie, I got such a lump in my throat reading your post. I can't imagine the pain you must feel hearing your mother express disappointment in you when you are right there doing exactly what she would hope you would do. Holly has so much better insight into how to handle that. Her wise words make so much sense and I hope I could be strong enough to handle it as well as she has and you are. You are in my prayers.

Thanks for all the nice comments about the grey hair ... all you golden blondes, you! Holly, I am hoping for the stark white look soon, too! Oh and Gypsy, I will bet B will wonder what you are doing in the bathroom while you are dealing with the touch up! One time, back a number of years when I was still rocking the dark brown look, dh was home for the process which included the plastic wrapped around my head to catch any drips. Dh had a quick doubletake and thought he would recover by saying, "You look good with a bag over your head." I just said, "I'm sure that's not what you meant to say." And let him reconsider his words. Which he did and tried to take them back as quickly as possible while tripping all over his tongue. I do keep that poor man on his toes...

love ya guys,
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  04:54:21 AM  Show Profile
My sister and I were just talking about our clothing. She is 13 yrs. older than me and she says she will be the only 90 yr old women still wearing blue jeans! She is not close to 90 of course. :)
If it is clean, comfortable, modest and you like it, wear it! LOL

Thanks for the tip on where to get longer shorts. Always keeping an eye for those.

farm girl sister#43
O, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it!
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
But only--how did you take it?

--Edmund C. Vance.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  09:06:42 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, I'm here. Feeling a bit down. Not really wanting to share.
Work is ok, school is ok. Health...not so ok.

Will check in later.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  11:02:29 AM  Show Profile
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR------------------------- I have waited all winter for today as I signed up for a biginner knitting class through our local junior college. I got a call yesterday saying that the class was pulled due to lack of interest. Did they think when they came to work Monday morning they would have all kinds of people signing up for a class out in the boonies? I am upset that the class was pulled, but even more upset that it was pulled at the last minute. Now do i take my needles and yarn back to the store and grovel for a refund or do I find someone who can teach me to knit which is what i really want to learn? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr venting grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I am not going to growl at the weather as I can only be upset with one situation at a time. Beautiful weather yesterday, even had coffee on the deck as we soaked in the warm sunshine. Today we have steady rain (which we despertatly need), but this afternoon it is to turn to snow and the weather guessers are calling for blizzard like conditions through tomorrow. OUCH!

I am the one who started the wine conversation. Hubby and i love to visit local "mamma pappa" wineries that are poping up everywhere around the midwest. Of course we sample and then buy a bottle or two of the ones we like best. I also get a kick out of the names of these wines, like Red Ass Rrhubarb, Rubby Dubby, Cupcake, Middle Sister, or Plum Good. When I did our big basement I added a wine bar for private and small party use. I have a liver disease and didn't drink for over 20 years. This wasn't hard because I am a foodie. While everyone else was getting loud and sloppy I was eating. Anyway after Dar had his stroke I decided life was to short not to enjoy it. I am not a lush, but i do like a social drink from time to time. Heck i even drink wine out of those paper boxes, but please don't tell Jay Leno giggle.

Holly the picture of your new calf is cool, but I am wondering how old the little feller is. He is clean,but looks almost like he might be entering the world.

I am going to try to post picture of bluebird. They are rare in my area as well. Pictures of basement are on their way as soon as I figure out what is going on with my computer again. The batch of pics i just imported will not jump onto that darn disk no matter what I do! Taa taa chickie poos Stay warm. Stay dry. Stay contented. Stay looking beautiful no mater what you decide to do with your hair.
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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  11:08:02 AM  Show Profile
Thel's beautiful,Iowa Bluebird

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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  11:16:40 AM  Show Profile
Here is a picture of the quilt (top only) i am making for me grandson. I don'y really care for the tractor prints but that's what our family does all summer.
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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  11:18:51 AM  Show Profile
one more try

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True Blue Farmgirl

5602 Posts


5602 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  2:29:12 PM  Show Profile
Thelma ~ Gorgeous bluebird photo!
Bunny ~ Be well and and I hope that you feel more like yourself soon.
Holly ~ congrats of the new calf and I hope that he and mama are doing well
Gypsy ~ thank you for the welcome back, I've been crazy busy.
Janiee ~ I don't know if would help you but sometimes it does for me for me, warm heat, like a rice bag or a long shower sometimes help as does shoulder and neck massage. My hands go all tingly and numb when I've pinched and nerve in my shoulder or neck. I live on a farm and I'm always lifting more than I should, or get pulled around by some critter and pulling some thing out of whack. I hope that you can get some relief from that soon. I know that its hard to deal with a parent that is having these issues. My mom was not at all rational or anything like herself before she passed and my dad is going into dementia so I can really sympathize.

Marianne ~ I absolutely can't wait for my hair to turn silver. Right now I dye it pale red blonde because it's thin and I look like a balding monkey with the natural darker red. I love the way the guys respond to our beauty processes It's good to keep them on their toes or they get lazy.

Kathy ~ I used to try really hard to stay up with my peers and somewhere along the line a few years back I decided I really didn't give a fig what others thought about my dress habit. When people give me 'the look' I just give it right back. For me, the most important thing and sometimes the hardest to achieve, is to feel comfortable in my own skin. I am a clothes hog and love pretty things things to wear,but my faves are long straight dresses or jumper, leggings with short dresses, pale blue button fly jeans and a good soft tee, yoga pants and hats or all kinds lol! I get a lot of odd looks for the short dresses and leggings.

Yesterday while out for a fun drive in the country, my sweetie and I found a gorgeous 16 acre piece of forested land for sale and we decided that we really wanted it. I don't know if we'll get it, but we sure would love to build our mini farm on it and there'd be a lot of wood for the airtight stove for a good while once we cleared out some of the trees. Crossing my fingers!

I'm doing a bit of hand sewing and trying to teach myself tatting again. So far I've ended up with a tangled bunch of knots! Patience isn't one of my strong points so I'm giving it a rest for while. I've been too busy anyway, so I'll get to it next winter maybe. Weather wise it'd been either mild during the day or raining like crazy, and freezing at night most of the time. It'll be June before I'll be able to put any thing out in the garden this year I'm afraid. But I've got the seed potatoes planted and covered with straw and I'm hoping for a good tater harvest. Not too much excitement going on in my life right now except the land that we're hoping to buy.

I'm of to tame the mess in my house so I'll see ya'll later. Have a good evening girls

You must do the thing you think you cannot do
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Farmgirl & Sister #13

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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  8:04:09 PM  Show Profile
My son called me into work today so he could finish his paper work to get his taxes done. He always waits until the last minute to get these things done. So, that was my day today. There is so much I am trying to get done around here, but always seem to need something else done instead. I had to find all my papers so I can finally sign up for social security. I could not find my divorce papers to find out the dates that I am sure I will need. I did finally find them, so all is a go for tomorrow, so far. Then I need to file all my other papers that I need to save, like my Dad's service papers, and the family funeral papers. Then I need to start on putting all the family photos into albums. I have about 12 boxes of pictures to put away. I do need to condense, or it will not fit into our motorhome. I want to take as much with us that we can.
Bunny, Hope you start feeling better real soon. Things will work out for you.
Thelma, what a beautiful bird shot you got!!!!! We do have bluebirds here, but I never see any. I am still waiting to see a robin. I hear geese flying by, but that is it for now. It is still too cold here. The squirrels are just starting to romp around outside now. They have been digging up the yard, getting the acorns they buried last fall.
Well, I am tired, so going to bed. Have a great evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 09 2013 :  9:49:33 PM  Show Profile
Thelma, that is a gorgeous shot of the blue bird. I love the quilt, too. I'd be fuming too about the class being cancelled at the last minute. that happened to me last fall and I had already driven into Austin to take the class. It was a beginner spinning class. They wait til the last minute hoping they will get enough people to make the class, not very considerate.

Janet, have you thought about scanning all the documents and pictures onto a disk for yourself, and then giving the originals to your son to keep?

Annika, I'm thinking you've got exactly the right idea about what to wear. You should wear whatever makes you feel good and if someone doesn't like it, so what? Same with the way we talk. That's what makes us unique!! Anybody can be boring----but not us farmgirls!!

Do y'all know about the $10 store? It is owned by Marshalls, and they are cropping up all over the place. I found myself several gypsy rings,(you know, big and gaudy) 3 hats, and a purse and metal credit card case, each only $10. I think I got everything in hot pink or peach color. Oh, and a multi-striped big hat and tote bag to match. They have scarfs, belts, jewelry, all kinds of cool stuff and everything in the store is $10.00. Then at the local swap meet I found $5 sunglasses and readers. So I bought every gaudy color I could find. I'm going to geezerland kicking and screaming.

I'm thinking we need to send the posse to find Ginny now. You girls keep me busy looking after everybody.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2013 :  06:03:15 AM  Show Profile
Thelma, what a sweet looking blue bird. Our "blue" birds are more blue jays, I think. And, to tell you the truth, I don't know for certain if I am correct in saying that about WA. I may be thinking NY or KS, or CA. I just know I haven't seen a sweet looking blue bird like that in a long time! And your quilt looks beautiful. Your gs will certainly enjoy it.

Annika, my dd is always trying to "trend" me up a bit. I am always saying that I can't wear that! And Gypsy, I remember the $10 store from Vegas. It was fun. I picked up some clutches and a pashmina-type wrap when they were so in style. Peach is my color, too. I often get compliments when I wear it.

Today, when we walked down to get the mail, dh brought the ball to the delight of Sammie, the yellow lab. As we walked, Sammie covered at least six times the ground back and forth, retrieving. She is deliriously happy whenever she can retrieve, obviously hard-wired for it in her brain. So as we got to the end of the private drive and almost to the county road where there are a few houses, dh picked up the ball, cocked his arm back and was about to release a throw, when Sammie, in uncontrolled delight, jumped up near him, caught a paw on his shorts pocket and completely pants-ed dh right there on Fairchild Drive. Shorts ended up down at his ankles. He has one hand full of slobber-covered tennis ball and he is bent over trying to yank up his shorts with his ther hand. Almost wet myself.

have a lovely day,
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True Blue Farmgirl

526 Posts

Machias Maine
526 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2013 :  12:42:53 PM  Show Profile
I'm here Gypsy. It took me all afternoon to catch up on here. Didn't think I'd been gone so long.

Janiee I am so sorry to hear about your Mother but you have to keep remembering what Holly said, it's the desease talking, not your Mother. I'm sure it has to be extremely painful for you. But to be able to keep her home is a God send.

I laughed about your hair needing a touch up Gypsy. My bathroom wall has orange streaks still on it from when my daughter thought it would be a good idea to go from very light blonde to red at the age of 13 or so, without any help of course. Guess I should repaint one of these days!

Me, I've never colored my hair, it's still very blonde, and I am hoping it only gets brunette as I grow older. I use to have it long, bra line of my back & dd told me I shouldn't have it that long for my age. So I cut it and now I look like the little Dutch boy! I'd rather have it long enough to put in a pony tail or braid I think, at least during gardening season.

I'm with Denise on what to wear. Whatever you like that looks good on you! I will probably be like your sister and be 90 and in jeans.

Kathy, have a great time with your gdd! What did she major in? Are you all going to CA or just you?

I'm taking David to Portland to get his arm out of the sling tomorrow, hopefully. And while I'm sure he will need physical therapy, I'm hoping he goes back to work next Tuesday. Monday is a holiday for us called Patriot's Day. I think it is a NE thing. I'm tired of having him camped out in the livingroom.

Love Harlem Holly! Congrats. Since he is male, does he become another Fernanidad (spelling). Or do you sell him?

Thelma - I went to a knitting class once and the teacher was so frustrated with me because I learned backwards because I was watching her do it, lol. Needless to say, I don't knit. Love the picture of the blue bird and the quilt! I'm sure he will love it!

It's still to cold here too & Friday they say we will get what the midwest has right now, rain and more snow. Is spring ever going to show up? I've got all my seeds & am ready to go. I also need to get one of the chicken pens secure because I have a rooster (George) and hen (Georgette) in my garage & George is now crowing loudly! Can't put him in Freds pen and don't have the heart to kill either of them. They were babies right before Christmas which is why they were in the garage, but our garage is below our livingroom.

Time to go make dinner. It will be shrimp stir fry and brown rice at our house tonight. Just got a bunch of Chinese veggies from our co-op to try.

Farmgirl #2343

"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with."
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2013 :  2:14:26 PM  Show Profile
Loved your Sammie story. Had me giggling for sure!

farm girl sister#43
O, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it!
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
But only--how did you take it?

--Edmund C. Vance.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2013 :  4:20:58 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Yes, Thelma the calf is being born in the picture. If I am repeating my story bear with me I can not remember. I went down to milk Coco and there were two little hooves poking out. So, I fetched my camera and then sat and waited. Gershwin pushed and pushed and the legs came out a little more and then disappeared back inside. Knowing it was her first calf I figured it would take her some time so I went and milked. When I finished she was no further along and I could see a bit of the calf's tongue hanging out. so, when she pushed again I pulled on the front legs until he was out as far as his elbows. His head came out as well. I think Gershwin was tired. When I saw the calf was breathing I let them be and she eventually pushed him out. Harlem will be steak in two falls as will Hershey. I am not sure what we will do with two calves worth of meat.

I think the quilt top for Thelma's gs looks like fields the way the colors and patterns are placed. I really like the picture of the bluebird. I should have such steady hands.

I like your idea Thelma about growing old and enjoying life. Quality of life that does not compromise quantity is what we should consider.

When I was much younger I weighed around 130 pounds on my 5'11" frame. Having the body of what some considered a model I was not able to buy any clothes at the women's stores that fit. There is still a limited selection if one has longer than a 32" inseam. So, I dress as I want. My dd would like me to dress differently but since I spend most of my time on the farm with the children it does not seem worth collecting all those pretty clothes. I do have a few outfits I collected from the reject table when store went out of business in beautiful downtown Montpelier several years ago. When I do have to dress up dd makes compliments so I guess I am not too out of style for a woman my age. Now shoes. Shoes are a different story. How to find size 10 dress shoes without heels. I have not looked too much lately. Lucky for me I live in Vermont where the dress clothes are more casual than the more urban areas.

We had rain last night. Most of the snow is gone from around the house and most of the fields. I can see day lilies poking through the soil. One of my hives survived the winter one did not. I let all of the cows out today. I figured at three days old Harlem would be able to keep up and he did. Gershwin took him out to the second field and later brought him back for afternoon grain.

Pictures Marianne would have been worth thousands of words and laughs of your dh being pantsed.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Bunny}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} we are here for you.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2013 :  5:08:46 PM  Show Profile
It is April, right? We are supposed to get a big snow storm coming in tomorrow, 4-8 inches, whether we want it or not.And 20-30MPH winds again. Seems it is windy every day lately. Most of our snow is now history, but that just made room for more!!!!! I am sure we will not be here next winter. We lived here all of our lives and we despise the cold more each year. Maybe it is the age thing.
Holly, I love hearing about your adventures on the farm. I never had a farm, but always loved animals and would have had a big farm, if I had the chance. I am too old to start a farm now, and too out of shape to even think about it. I bet the baby calves are the cutest.
Marianne, that would have been cute if you had your camera with when DH got pantsed. That was funny, for sure. I bet he was glad the mailman was not on the way to your house!!!
Ginny, hope all goes well for hubby and he is able to go back to work. That would probably be a big relief for you. Do you still have alot of snow on the ground there?
Kathy, I dress the way I want to also. I get alot of comments from my daughter, I either look like a Pentecostal, or a teenager!!!! I just got a new pair of cowgirl boots, and she just about went nuts. She went on and on, we could not wait for her to leave. Took us 3 days to recoup from her ranting. I have been buying boots and things to take for our travels, a little at a time, then I will be all set. I tell her we will be in the wild west, and I need the cowgirl boots, now I need a hat to go with them!! LOL!!!
Hope all had a great day, and a good evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2013 :  09:00:32 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Marianne, I am still laughing about your husband being depantsed. I shared with my hubby and told him he is lucky Lily only weighs 6 or 7 pounds. giggle - giggle - giggle some more - wiping tears of laughter from my eyes -giggle - giggle

Holly, when I was young I used to help Dad pull lambs as his hands were to big. We never told Mom as she wanted us raised to be genteel(sp)young women. It is a wonderful feeling to be helping birth animals.

Yesterday our son had to travel to a town 2 hours away to pick up a log splitter. He asked us to go with and keep him company. It was a nice outing. I got our older granddaughter a JCP gift card for her birthday, found a very small handbag for our party bus trips, and then met the guys for lunch. Our son is always looking for fun food experiences. He took us to HoHot. It is a fun place where they cook a stir fry meal of your choice right in front of you. He said they eat at a Hohot whenever they go to Vegas. For me, living in the heart of carnfield country it was fun, and my hubby likes "all you can eat" places.

We woke up to 5 inches of snow this morning. I would go out and make a snowman if I wasn't so darn sick of winter white. It is supposed to start raining again within the next few hours so will create a muddy mess on top of the muddy mess already under the snow. We are trying to decide if we should pick up our new truck this afternoon or wait until tomorrow.

I have enjoyed reading fashion statements from you chicks, and for the most part we seem to be on the same wave links. I also am looking for just the right clothing statement for myself. I really don't care what people think of what I wear. I usually like to get classic pieces like a navy suit with pants and skirt, or a black dress and then change my shirts and jewelry to fit my moods. Right now this really isn't working for me. Maybe it is the weather, and I am just sick of my winter clothes. It is time to dump my closet and make some fashionesta decisions.

My coffee break got a little longer than I had planned and it is time to change out the laundry. Taa taa chickie poos. If you eat chocolate today, make sure it is only one piece of the best chocolate you can find. taa taa cluck cluck cluck

Edited by - Thelma on Apr 11 2013 09:08:11 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2013 :  10:15:33 AM  Show Profile
Good morning chickie poos. Thelma it is always so nice to see you pop on even for a minute. Ginny I'm glad you checked in and are still alive and haven't killed DH yet Janet I'm betting your boots are really cute and yes you do need a hat to go with the boots. Hats are such fun I don't know why everybody doesn't wear them.
Now that we've got our fashion dilemmas resolved, what do you over 50 chicks do about dry skin? Any secrets to share? I've tried everything to no avail. Now taking silica and evening primrose oil because I heard that helps. Getting out if the dry Arizona air should help some. Even my scalp is dry and itchy.
I use sunscreen and lotion and oils and you name it. Keep thinking there must be something I have not heard about yet.

hugs to all my sistas
Gypsy #3534
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True Blue Farmgirl

820 Posts

Shawnee Oklahoma
820 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2013 :  2:07:20 PM  Show Profile
hello girlfriends! thank you to all who have suggested things to do with my mom. i really appreciate ALL of the ideas and thank you Holly i am trying to remember that it is the disease and not my mom talking. have to admit though when she said that about me that it felt like a knife in my chest but i was able to laugh it off. just received a phone call from the agency that will supply mom's meeting with them on monday 15th. any questions i need to ask this person? i don't really have any ideas other than to see how mom responds to her and hopefully she can cook (one meal only).
marianne, the guys at work had to come into the office to see what i was laughing about - what a hoot! and pictures would have been funny too...:)
i cannot sleep with a pillow under my shoulder because it is both shoulders that tend to hurt. hot showers do seem to help some but i cannot stay in the bathroom all day! hehehehe would love to since when my old hot water heater fell apart my boss bought me a new one with bigger is lovely, just lovely....
well, my hands are going to sleep typing this so better close. please pray for the person that is going to help my mom...i really want them to be a blessing to her..
farmgirl #390
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True Blue Farmgirl

395 Posts

Thompson Iowa
395 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2013 :  3:07:49 PM  Show Profile
Janie, fill one side of your sink with very hot water (don't burn yourself) and the other side with very cold water, place your hands in the hot water for a few minutes then the cold and then the hot cold hot cold hot you get the picture. Do this a few times daily for a few days and see if that helps your hands. My dr. suggested this for me a few years ago. I suffer from fibro and arthritus.
Gypsy, I enjoy your posts as well. Dry skin is a tough one. My liver disease makes my skin itchy all the time. I usually opt for a non purfumed type like Jergins or Aveeno. I use body butter when I can aford it. I usually get those in little gift shops when we go with our travel groups. goats milk products are wonderful as well. I usually get a big bottle of that when I find it. I have dry eyes and my eye doctor suggested I take fish oil capsules. I don't know if that has helped the dry eye thing, but it has made my skin better. Good luck.

did not go after the new truck today due to the weather. I hope we have it for the weekend. taa taa.for now basement pictures soooooooooooooooooooooooooon

Edited by - Thelma on Apr 11 2013 3:15:14 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Apr 11 2013 :  4:42:27 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

When we hired help for Libby one of the things we wanted them to do was eat with her. That was against the policies of the home health agency because they did not want the aides taking anything from the client. Some of them brought their own and some of them sat with her and some of them did not spend time with her when she was eating. I did not like that part.
Find out what help they will give your mom. Our aids cleaned Libby's house. It had never been so clean in all the time I knew her. If she likes to play card games tell them and ask that it happen. Does your mom like music? Ask them to make sure it is playing. Do you want them to take her for rides or to shop? I guess you need to know what you want the person to do and discuss all of the points. We had a journal that the aides wrote in so we knew what went on during the day. The one aide who wrote nothing did not stay in our employment very long. Does your mom take meds that the aid will give. We had to pre pour the meds for the aide to give. They were not allowed to take the pills out of the pill bottle. Does your mom like to be read too? YOu are paying the aid fill up her time, make it worth your while. But, remember she is not you and does not know your mom so if she does not do something quite like you want it tell her. Maybe set up a time each week to discuss the care, how it is good and how it could change for the better.
We thought that Libby's caregivers would be the same everyday but the agency changed them out so she might see each person only once or twice a week. Finally we had someone in from 7 AM to 2 PM and found the care more consistent.

I use Vaseline Intensive Care on my skin as lotion the kind that does not stink. We also have Bag Balm which is a teat cream made in St Johnsbury, VT that is very oily if you have cracked skin it is the best. I wash my hair with Selsun Blue to keep my scalp from itching.

It was overcast and just below freezing all day long. Jarrett(18) played with the littles all afternoon. They went outside and found the flatbed wagon. They all sat on it and rolled down the hill into the sand pile. over and over and over. The track might have been 50 feet long. They had a great time. I looked out and they all had the biggest smiles.

We had burritos with chicken and lettuce and cheese and sauce of choice on them. I made an avocado spread a few days ago that is very spicy and it picked up the taste of the burrito very nicely.

Thelma a new new truck or new to you truck? extended cab or just a bench seat for you and Dar?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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