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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Apr 01 2013 : 7:20:50 PM
Arse ABOUT! ABOUT, not around. Got it. Wrong preposition. And I love the "lavie" phrase, too. Dh is gonna be so surprised! He just loves when I turn a new phrase. He can't hardly understand me normally, so throwing a monkey wrench in there just keeps it interesting!
Gypsy, I think you should take the call about your property as a very good sign from the universe. Maybe all the pieces are going to fall into place. And all the obstacles will clear out of the way so that your Florida retirement can come true. And can I say I am absolutely green with jealousy about your and B's ability to dance! I have always wanted to dance. What a fun date that must be. I hope you can get out on the dance floor together soon. It seems like it would be an evening of romance. But, I don't envy you the fish problem. Good luck finessing your way out of that ick.
Mary, I think we are enjoying the same weather front. Hasn't it been beautiful?
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2013 : 4:09:29 PM
Where is everybody?
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2013 : 8:16:41 PM
I am here!! Today everything I've been doing caught up with me and instead of "arsing about" I was dragging my arse about. But, I am feeling back to my usual self now. Got some more kitchen drawers cleaned out and organized. Dh finished painting the roof of the well house. We had plans to have a friend over on Thursday, but that isn't going to work out...maybe next week! Our neighbor's llama was out today and the horses were pretty amped up about it. I called her to let her know because her fencing isn't exactly good enough to keep a llama in, as the llama has proven several times already. He wasn't supposed to be "out" - the poor thing lives in the barn since last summer. Hopefully, she will have proper fencing installed soon...
No big news around here. Hope everyone is doing ok.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 02 2013 : 9:10:13 PM
I'm here lurking as usual. Tired. I have learned that I don't want to work for an accounting firm. All they do is taxes and I hate doing taxes. I'm not doing tax returns at work. I'm organizing clients documents for the preparer. Not having much fun. Hopefully after April 15 I'll get to do something else. I'm realizing I will have no life this quarter at all. Way too much homework and not enough hours and energy to do it well. It's 9pm and I just finished my algebra. I did get a nap in today. Didn't do much good though. I know....complain, complain. I'm just tired and a little stressed. I don't see me in the sewing room for a long time. Sigh...sad face.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 12:33:41 AM
Oh, Bunny, Just what you don't want to hear ... yet another Over Fifty saying, "You can do it. You have come so far!" I know you haven't said you want to quit ... but, we can hear how much you want this over with! I would miss my sewing machine, too. It isn't whether you use it, it is the fact that you can't = no time. If my time at a CPA's is anything to go on, the taxes don't stop on April 15. They just turn to all the ones they filed extensions for! Yuck and yuck. Sorry that today everything looked crumby to you. You have to complain or else you will explode! You don't complain too much so don't worry about that!. Good luck, tomorrow will be better.
Gypsy, I think stones are so cool. I love learning what each stone's properties are according to the ancient beliefs. Moonstone is a cool looking stone with the reflection in the stone that seems to be deeper in some areas than others. It sounds like a fun hobby and portable!
Love ya guys, chins up, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 08:17:58 AM
I know it will be worth in in the end. I do know unfortunately that tax season really never ends in an accounting firm. I'm doing customer files for October processing. It is just a big wake up that this is not where I'm suppose to be. It will be good experience and hopefully somehow I can get pointed in the right direction. I'm more interested in a "money in, money out" type of job. Today is my long day, 9am to 9pm with a driving dinner break in between. I did get all my algebra homework done. Even with as tired as I was, it got done. I guess I needed to prove to my self I could do it. But 9pm is my upmost limit. Brain turns to mush after that.
Gypsy, I have been looking at all your "stones" posts on Pinterest. I was thinking to myself, Gypsy is stoned to the max. Sounds like the golf thing is starting to sink in. My grandfather played golf every day except Sunday. That was gin rummy day in the clubhouse. When they went on golfing trips, my grandmother would spend the day in the hotel room sewing, crocheting or reading. She always brought stuff to do. Then they would go out to dinner with friends. It worked pretty well for both of them. So even if you don't want to play, you have so many other cool things to do.
The weather here is beautiful. Tulips and daffodils have finally come up. Mom is paying to have the lawn mowed thankfully. So it doesn't look like a jungle.
Well, time to get ready for my day. Later all.
Enjoy the spring!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 1:14:20 PM
Saw that my daffodils are getting ready to show color today our walk! Bunny mentioning hers made me think to look for them. Such a happy sign of the change of seasons.
Two more kitchen drawers are spic and span! All my spices are wiped clean and alphabetized!! What out Martha ... It sounds like I have a luxuriously large kitchen with how long I have been harping on cleaning these drawers. I don't. It is laughably small. I can't open my refrigerator and the dishwasher at the same time. It is so narrow that you have to close the dishwasher and change sides to finish unloading the dishes so you can reach the other cabinet. Singular, because there is one cabinet above the counter on either side of the sink. I keep my pots in drawers. There are NO under the counter cabinets, all drawers. Weird, huh.
So, I am about to head outside with my buddy, dh, to work in the garden. We have today and maybe tomorrow left of this taste of Spring and then back to some brisk temps. Sure feels nice.
I will check back later! Hope to hear from all you gals! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 1:48:19 PM
I am soooo jealous of all you GFs who have gardens and flowers about to bloom I appreciate getting to hear about your gardens
Holly must be busy. I know there is so much work to do to prepare for spring planting. I do miss it but can't be two places at once. I don't miss the lonely days and nights out there on the farm. I hope it sells quickly now that the decision is finally made.
Bunny you made me laugh with the stones remark. But there were some cool stones, eh? I needed a new addiction. Mar, you are going to have a house so spick and span even Martha will be jealous. If you want to talk small kitchens, in B's apt you just stand in one spot and reach everything. No dishwasher but it is so easy to just have two of each thing and that's it. Clean up is a breeze. I've had it with all the "stuff". When I get back home I'm finally going to start getting rid of all but bare essentials.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 3:18:10 PM
Marianne,yes, its been wonderful. My yard work and gardeni.g has taken precedence over housework. I am so excited... I have two more families signed ul for my c.s.a. program..... I also want to add... That havi.g a man that likes to dance is wonderful. I live my husba.d with all my heart. He is so good to me. But, he dosnt dance.... I've been married to hum for 15 years.... 21 years ago I waS widowed ... That husband could dance, he was a competitor in swing dance and taught me.. we danced three nights a week. And I knew when he died.... I would never dance Lu Ike that again... And I haven't...never found a man that enjoyed it as much as he did.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2013 : 9:16:25 PM
I still have 3 pages to read before I am caught up with post reading. Will try to finish tomorrow. I have been busy doing my own thing. The basement is done except for buying a few items which I hope will go on sale soon. I hope to finish my grandson's quilt top tomorrow as his 7th birthday is this weekend. I have also been cleaning out a few drawers and closets- The usual spring stuff. Bunny - with all your sewing creations I am resorting my stack of clothing that i was going to send to charity. You have given me a few ideas so maybe will keep a few items and try my creativity to renew them. I am not a skinny minny, but I think I can make do.
I DO NOT think spring will ever arrive in my little corner of the world. I have a few tulips trying to pop out of the ground on the south side of the house while there are snow banks only a few feet away from they. WEIRD!
Taa taa my chickie poos. It is time for this tough old bird to hit the roost. Be good to yourselves tomorrow. Do something special with someone you enjoy spending time with, or call someone you haven't visited with for awhile. taa taa |
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2013 : 06:42:17 AM
hello all! just wanted to pop in and say thank you for all the prayers and advice. my mom was approved for help AND we found a doctor and we both like her! I am sorry that so many of you had problems with helpers and I already have started praying for the one that will come and help mom. as for the protecting precious items, my mom is the most precious item in the home and as along as they are good to her, i will be happy. haven't had time to can anything lately or dehydrate. have been looking at recipes though and planning. still working on dear jane quilt - had to restart. must have sleepwalked because all of the precut and sewn squares are missing or one of my furbabies have hidden them (squares) hahahaha had another tree fall but in the back yard so have been working on cutting it up to take to the curb (no fireplace) and have to get my gas lawnmower fixed-had to start. i really wish that Mary Jane would consider publishing a small paperback book with all of the herbal "stuff" in her newsletter or the recipes or the diy articles. doesn't have to be a large hardback book - i would purchase it if it was only 100 pages (or less). it would just be nice to have all of that information in one "spot". i have printed all of her newsletters but haven't had time to pull out those articles to put into notebooks yet. plus i cannot print in color. anyway that is just a thought. better get back to work...see you guys! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2013 : 08:57:29 AM
Janiee... what a great Idea of MJane doing a book on herbal ideas.... I flip through her magazines to get "that article" or that "recipe" all the time.
Have a Great Day everyone.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2013 : 6:22:57 PM
Just checking in and catching up. Have a bunch of pics to share since Jenny's snowman.
. Pile of Valentines cookies we made & shared around the neighborhood.
.jpg) . Pics of my spring flowers. The birds really must hate me. Seems they dive bombed my truck. .jpg) Finally, $40 worth of colorful flowers from Lowes
.jpg) .jpg)
Windy & unseasonably cold for this time of year. Most of my veggie garden is still in the green house but I can't wait to move them out.
Still working on new "chicken tractor". Will post pics soon.
As for tonight, going to bed early. Driving to our money pit/retirement house tomorrow to see a real estate agent to see if he can convince dh to sell....soon. Before property prices go any further lower.
Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2013 : 7:16:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Each evening Talie has baseball practice. It is usually 2 hours long which is not a practical amount of time to drive home do something and drive in to get him. so, this week I have been doing the grocery shopping trying to hit the sales at each of the grocery stores. So, I have not had an opportunity to write.
Today was a beautiful sunny day with a brilliant blue sky. There was a brisk breeze as well. We played on the scrap wood pile for a while. it was great fun finding the slab wood that looked like lances and swords. I was thinking as they were sword fighting. Oh do not hit your brother over the head with your sword the head bleeds so. Years ago when the biggest boys were little we did not allow play guns because you should see the person you are trying to kill. so, Kevin hit Rici over the head with is sword and gave him a two inch cut. Steri stripping sealed it but it sure did bleed.
The snow is receding. Maybe next week we will see the stems poke through the ground.
The poplar trees are starting to bud.
I am enjoying the conversations on here. I laugh and laugh. You are good for me.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2013 : 07:54:22 AM
Just a quick hello this morning. I decided to add another row of blocks to grandson's quilt and I have to make a hugh batch of potato salad for his party tomorrow.
Last week his mother was reading the papers. He was looking at the pictures and he said, "Mom, is that a picture of the new Poop"? We will tease him about that when he gets a little older. He is going to be such a good little Catholic boy. giggle {No we are not Catholic but both boys married into strong Catholic families} I don't care what demonitation they are as long as they grow up knowing about God.
I love reading the posts and seesing how everyone's gardening is coming. We are having a few warmer days now so I stay outside longer when I take Lily for her walks. In this part of Iowa no one plants much until after May 10th except for a few cold seanson crops like potatoes or lettuce. Then the frost is out and the chance of a freeze is over. I don't really mind. I have a lot of outside things to get done before then. I do enjoy hearing from fellow gardners and seeing pictures of those pretty posies.
Taa taa chickie poos - later! Are you taking care of yourselves? |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2013 : 08:03:00 AM
Happy Friday ladies, as I read Hollys post about Tallie in baseball memories flood my head. My husband coached little league from the time our little ones were 5 all the way into highschool. And he played on a men's team. All 5 kids shared his love of the sport. Good years. They fly by fast, so enjoy them.... Great memories.Have a great day,
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
5602 Posts

5602 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2013 : 09:15:34 AM
Whew! Loooooooong few months of dealing with horrible and unexpected family issues. I'm so glad to be home in my own home and hopefully getting back to my own life. My lap top is being a real booger this morning, so I hope that my posts make it through.
Even though I'm late to it this year, last night I planted a whole lot of little seeds to get starts ready to go out in late May or June. My hunny and I sat down and worked out a plan for raised beds that are easy for my gimpy old self to take care of. We've decided to re-furbish the storage shed, which is rather roomy, to accommodate a chicken coop in one half of it. We'll be making a chicken door out into a small pen and then into movable sections of chicken tunnels that can be shaped to go around various places in the yard. Plenty of bugs for them to get excited about So I've had no time to lazy about much.
I've got to go pick up some organic seed potatoes to get in the ground, but today I'm giving my knee and back a rest and catching up with business here. I have such a sexy life 
I've missed all of you and will try to keep up and get caught up on all of your doings
Yippee! it's Friday!!
You must do the thing you think you cannot do -Eleanor Roosevelt
Annika Farmgirl & Sister #13
True Blue Farmgirl
213 Posts
213 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2013 : 5:20:10 PM
Well, Hello , Y'all. There Gypsy I said it; I've been trying to not say it for years, but it just slips out and, let's face works.
First, I want to apologize if my words seem a bit...garbled...? I have had somewhere in the vicinity of about 8-10 hours of sleep in about 3 WEEKS. I'm exhausted, but have not been doing well in the sleep department.
I bet you all thought I dropped off the face of the earth...not yet, but I may yet. lol
Weather, hmm. We've had so much of it that I don't know if I should be put something dangly from my toes or polishing my ears...Windy, rain, hail, snow, hot, cold, sunny, cloudy....Monday thru Wednesday they are talking about twisting to go with our shaking; these are not dances I'm talking about either.
I can't remember when I last posted, so I touch a few highlights...the middle of March brought me 3 birthdays. GD, Juli, turned 10 on the 13th, Mother was 75 on the 19th and Son IL was 36 on the 22nd. Then came Passover, which I took your advice, dear Holly, and invited people to my 600 sq ft house (8came, so including me, there was 9) . It was great, but really put the pressure on for my purging. I got the main living area (Kitchen, dining, living, and bathroom) done. I also got my bedroom done. Everything I was unable to get rid of yet got shoved into my craft room and boy am I dreading going in there. I manage to pull out and put into piles what's going and what's staying, but that is as far as I got.
Oh, do you all remember my telling you about the little hot water heater under my kitchen sick acting up; hissing and spraying hot water every where? Well, it has finally stopped doing that. In fact, it has stopped doing anything...even heating the water. Right after Passover dinner for 9 I had to start heating water on the stove to wash things up with. Yay!! I can't tell how excited I was about that!
I am going to have to use my divorce money, which I've had to do for the last 20+ years, which is why I'm not divorced yet, to get a new hot water heater; that size is about $170. I was looking on-line and found some small, tank less, on demand hot water heaters for the exact same price and I though, "hmmm, save on water and electricity too, cool. I checked to specs to see if I could do it and the tank less ones use 30 amps, ok...the dumb thing that refuses to do it's job was only 12 amps. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! My house only has 2 breakers of 50 amps a piece. !@#%$&* Oops, sorry for the potty language. This just will not work, obviously, so I look at the same ones as I already have. Now I should explain to you that these particular heaters come with a 6 year warranty and this is the THIRD one in 8 years and this company does not honor their warranties!
I tried to remove rusty nails from my deck boards, which are twisting and bending out of shape and pulling up, to replace them with deck screws. I expected it to take me about an hour or so to complete this task....***heavy sigh*** alas, on the first screw, my drill refused to operate.
I plan on, if and when I ever get the nails replaced on my deck, to empty the dirt out of the 3 "planter" left on my property and move them up onto the deck, where I can get more use out of them. Hmmmm, yeah.
I was so close last night to almost going to sleep last night when my phone rang (around 10:30ish) It was the nursing home where my mother lives. I was told that they thought my mother had a stroke around noon time, but did not really know for sure until just a few minutes before that she was having a stronger issue than she usually does. They were sending her to the hospital to be checked out. So I go to the emergency room; I texted my daughter and thankfully she requested to go with me. I did not get home until nearly 3:30 in the am and could not fall asleep until some time after 4:30; I get up at 6:00 to go to the office.
Mother is fine and back at the nursing home. The doctors believe that she did have a small stroke, but that there was nothing really they could do about it.
Doc, for you new ladies that do not know I "work" for a homeopathic doctor and I call him Doc...oh and welcome to the newbies, by the way. Sorry, had to get it in while it's in my brain, because in a few seconds it will be gone again. lol)...wait...where was I....? Oh, oh...yes...I remember... Doc says that the claw marks on my face will not leave any scars and the bald patches on my head will grow back...eventually.
So! How is every little thing going for you all? I have been trying to skim all of y'all's posts as much as I can...but I can't seem to keep what you've said in head. Doc told me that this might be due to my head continuously banging itself against the walls (or whatever happens to be handy, at the time.) and this too shall pass, once my head quits trying to punch holes in my walls. I am all for it quitting sooner, rather than later, because then I am the one that will have to repair the damage to the walls that my head has caused, because my head is refusing to take responsibility for them.
I'm going to got to the new quilting shop that is having it's grand opening tomorrow in the town where the office is. Heck, I just might leave during the lull between patients and walk over to spend money I don't have on fabric and notions that I can't find my sewing machine in order to make it into anything. Many people, throughout my life, have told me that the are going to go out and get drunk, because they deserve it after a hellish time, but as I don't drink all that much, except for Darlys' "tea", I feel that I will just have to get "drunk" on fabric and notions shopping instead. I DESERVE THIS Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Heee Heeee Heeeee! THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE ME AWAY! HA HA HEE HEE HO HO!
If there is a will, there's a way; find your way!
Sister #3282 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2013 : 7:40:04 PM
It's me again, whining!!!! We are supposed to get 5 inches of snow tomorrow, a big storm coming in. Can you believe that? I am working hard to get all my ufos done and packed away so we can move and take all this stuff with us, done and ready to sell at markets on our travels. I worked today, it was kind of busy, which was good, made the time go by faster. Holly, when is the new calf expected to be born? Glad the boys are enjoying the great outdoors. Our snow has been melting, we still have almost a foot, but soon it will be gone. Our ground is still frozen though. Well, better get off and get some sleep. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2013 : 02:02:45 AM
Kathryn, you sound like you have been very busy and may have reached the end of your rope. You know what they say, tie a knot! Good to hear from you.
Jan, I believe I would be whining a bit about five inches of snow at this point of the season. Hope it is the end of it for you. Glad business was brisk for you, also good news for your son!
Holly, miss you during baseball season. Hope it is a good one for T. As Jan mentioned, we are waiting to hear about the arrival of the new calf. Do you have a best guess when it will occur?
We are "enjoying" some sprinkles. The rain is slow, intermittent, but we aren't getting any clear skies to speak of. It will be a cozy, inside weekend. After suffering from Spring Sore Muscles, I think I will enjoy it!
Got my hair cut yesterday. While I was in the chair, I heard the woman kitty corner from me tell her stylist that she wanted her hair to be the color of mine. It made me feel good .. for a split second, until the stylist said, "You aren't there yet." Referring to age and the graying process, I suppose. Not a big deal until you consider the other woman was obviously at least fifteen years older than me! Hmmm. Oh well, my gray hair may age me, but I owning it and I am never going back to being a slave to color.
So, I was thinking forward to Mother's Day. I have my MIL's gift done, nothing too exciting, but it is what she wants, so that's always nice. It is only five weeks away and Memorial Day is only three weeks after that. It seems like summer is already starting to slip away. It is so true what they say about time starting to move faster as you get older! Each day is so precious. Boy am I in a sappy mood, huh!
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2013 : 5:32:27 PM
Good evening everyone,

Gershwin had her son this morning around 10. Kethry told me that she was going to name this calf. She never gets to name the animals. So, she named him Harlem.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2013 : 6:02:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today started out overcast and very windy. By noon it was a beautiful clear blue sky. The temperatures were in the thirties and forties. When I rose my arse out of bed at 7:40 it was ten degrees. the sap is dripping.
I took the littles on a walk this afternoon. Cheri dropped us off at the end of the connecting road and we walked home. It is hard to walk on the road if we do not get a ride because the dogs follow us and I do not want them down the hill on the road. They are not as nicely trained as Mar's dogs. they are like teenagers. They listen when they want to. I guess we walked about two miles. Strolled, rambled threw rocks in the stream. A lot of rocks in the stream. The walk might have been 45 minutes shorter if they did not have to throw rocks in the stream for a mile along the way. It is important to remember that one should not keep on a clock when walking with small boys. Maybe girls.
Our ground is still very hard. There are patches of clear ground on the west sides of the hills.
It is so interesting to me that Idaho is so much warmer than we are. We are zone 3 in a good year zone 4. We could maybe plant snow peas in a couple of weeks but not much else for a while. If I drove to Kathy's house it would take me 8 hours and she is living in a totally different climate than we are. Even putting out containers on the porch is a dream. I do like the changing seasons we have. I am not complaining just being amazed. I guess down in Montpelier people have daffodils blooming.
I am glad there are more people posting again.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2013 : 7:45:39 PM
We got about 2 inches of snow, then sleet, then rain, so it washed the snow away. It is now raining hard. I am hoping to wake up and see all our snow in the yard gone.That would make my day, along with the sun!!! Holly, Harlem sounds like a good name for a calf. How do the new boys like all the farm animals? Do they help feed them? I cut fabrib all evening, going to sew alot of skirts and craft items, using up my fabric that I have laying around. I need to get rid of alot of this stuff before we take off in the fall. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2013 : 12:01:23 PM
Weather - Baa - Humbug!!!!!!!!! Holly, I am in zone 4,but try to buy zone 3 when I can. I am about an hours drive from zone 5 and when I am down that way I feel like I am driving from one world into another. The zone line is that visible. My sisters are both in zone 5 and they can rasie so many more varieties than I. The growing season is about 2 to 3 weeks ahead of me - and they don't garden - go figure.
I got our grandson's quilt top finished last week. I was afraid he would be dissapointed that it wasn't 100% done, but he got so much stuff from other family members that he seemed ok with it. He will have it yet this month or early next. We are waiting our turn with the machine quilter. Personally. I am glad to blocks are finished. I really am not into tractor prints and I was rather bored with it.
The birthday party was loud and noisy,but I got to visit with our DIL's family. They live 8 hours away and because I don't see much of them, we have nice conversations. The kids were outside playing baseball which was fun to watch (oldest 10 - youngest 3). I did break down and eat a piece of cake. I don't think it did any harm, and we all have to live a little. Now the 3 glasses of wine I had -well I won't go there. Wine is made from grapes so wine is a fruit right?
Time to walk Lily and then read for awhile. I am just starting THE PARIS WIFE by Paula Mclain. That Ernest Hemmingway must have been pretty romantic or was he a cad? I'll have to read and find out. My book club just finished SARAH'S KEY. I can't remember the author. It was about a 10 year old Jewish girl and her family living in France during the Halacost (sp?) It was a book that was very hard to put down, and has left it's mark on me thats for sure.
This morning we had a wonderful surprise. We had a bluebird at our feeder. Now these little darlings do not like trees and rarely visit feeders. I did get a picture that I will send soon, just not today. Taa taa my chickie poos. Remember that someone out there could use a good word or kind act from you. |
Edited by - Thelma on Apr 07 2013 12:09:09 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 07 2013 : 4:27:04 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lovely sunny brisk day here in the Green Mountains. The snow is disappearing rapidly. If we would have some rain all of the dog poop that is accumulating as the snow melts would wash away into the ground. Do you think that dog poop has any fertilizing qualities?
It is so nice that the sun is setting later. Here it is 7:15 and it is dusk. Still light enough to see by outside.
Gershwin and her son were let out this afternoon and we do not know where they are right now. Kethry and Talie are looking for them. Coco and Hershey were out as well but they came back and are in their stall. Harlem must have laid down someplace to sleep because he is just a day old and Gershwin would stay with him as she should. Being white and black it is great camouflage for this time of year. She will not make any noise.
C and G do not help with the chores. We let them have free run when the came but they had no respect for the animals and were unsafe with them for themselves and the animals. C and G are only allowed in the barn with close supervision. When a child is thrown away as many times as they have been there is reason they do not respect animals or property or themselves for that matter. I would like for them to become secure enough that they will be safe around themselves and the animals. Everyday gets better.
I am jealous of Thelma's bluebird. We have rare sitings of them. I did get a good picture of a robin up in a tree. I hope it is a good picture it looks good on the little screen on the back of the camera anyway.
I believe wine is a fruit juice with a little extra.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
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