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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  06:25:26 AM  Show Profile
Karin -- I received no less than 3 spinning books from Amazon yesterday -- I think I may have already developed another bad habit. I have an Ashford loom -- it's their Knitter's Loom, so I can use regular yarn -- a rigid heddle and I love it. Ashford seems to make good products. I will wait a while before even THINKING about a wheel. I find needlework relaxing, too. The only thing that keeps me happy when I have hours and hours to fly.

Cindy -- I think doing yoga on that cliff would be wonderful -- especially with the sunset. I'm glad things are looking up for you. Yeah -- I am afraid I would come unglued if someone bothered a dog of mine. Our repo guys are pretty careful about when they pick a car up. Generally the people know what's coming, so they're not too surprised. Dude gives people way too many chances, I think. If you are a big enough adult to sign a contract, then you are a big enough adult to keep to the terms. Everyone can have financial hiccups, and we certainly work with people when that happens, but some people are just yucky. (Sorry for the language! ha ha )

Holly -- Sorry about Miss Bossy. I hope she's not too upset. Sounds like you are having our weather! We expect it here, though. I hate to see a company stab their employees in the back like that. I know it's a tough business climate, but people are not just throw-aways. Not that I have ever bought anything from this company, but I will certainly not do so in future.

Still haven't heard from our newly-refinanced guy. His payment of $125 was due on the 5th. It is now the 8th. His starter interrupt device has kicked in. Dude saw the car parked on the street. He is going up there to see if it starts. I want to scream. Honestly -- I hate the way this job makes me feel about people. Sigh.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  08:07:21 AM  Show Profile
Just wrote up 3 new Orders of Seizure and the guys have gone out to pick up cars. Sigh. Might be a long weekend for some folks, but it has been a long time waiting for payment for us.

I spoke to my daddy last night on the way home from work. He is sounding weaker and weaker, but his spirits are still so good and his attitude is great. I am thinking that I will need to make another trip out west before too long. I don't want to hover like some kind of vulture, but if Daddy wants me, I want to be there. This is a tough time of life, isn't it? I have been sooooooooooooo lucky for so long.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  08:41:30 AM  Show Profile
Well, the guys went out and picked up the 2 cars that were right here in town. You wouldn't believe what a huge emergency it is for the customers to reach me NOW. I actually laughed when the one said "I was GUNNA" bring some money in this week!!! I was GUNNA? Are you 12 years old? Sounds like what my daughter used to say when I reminded her to clean her room.

The other guy called and said "Mr. S**** told me there would be no repossession and I could just continue to drive the car." Sure thing, Kiddo.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  09:31:44 AM  Show Profile
I want to go home and never come back. If it were not His Dudeness' business, I would. These people are horrible.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  11:20:04 AM  Show Profile
Ah! I remember being in charge of collections for an internet service provider. When they were one week late, I sent a nice letter telling them to get the payment made in 7 days. If that didn't work, I sent a letter saying they had another 7 days to make the payment before their internet was cut off. I would also call these people. If that didn't work, I would send a cut off letter and would cut the internet service at 3:00 on a Thursday afternoon. We did it on that day so people had the chance to get the payment before the weekend. Most of them would pay up and I would restore their service. Some would call saying they didn't need our service and we would settle up. I made deals with people in difficult financial situations so they could look for jobs. I felt such a sense of power when I cut the internet service. MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Collecting is a nasty job. I had to collect third party debt, basically credit cards that had gone bad. Most of these were held by people who had had a bankruptcy and they had really bad terms. So many of these people just didn't have the money to pay the card off. It was so sad.

I spent most of the morning in a dry, hot basement doing an inventory and clean-up.

This is the kind of challenge I love. I will start at either side of the door taking stuff out, listing it on a spreadsheet, counting it, measuring it and making notes. The spreadsheet is shared so everyone can be informed. Another room in this basement has over 100 boxes of paper records. Some interns are going through these boxes and keeping just what is necessary. The shelves that are emptied will be placed in this room for storage. When stuff has been inventoried and sorted, everything will be stored and labeled. I am very good at this.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jul 08 2016 11:44:42 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  12:13:02 PM  Show Profile
Oh Marie ---- This job looks like it was MADE to order for you :) I was hoping it would be a nice cool basement. No such luck, I guess. We are having awful heat and humidity. And of course I am adding to the world's woes by being the evil mean lady in the back room. Honestly -- you call and call and call and nobody will pick up or return your message, but boy howdy -- as soon as that car is gone -- WHAMMO! Calling me is the most important thing in the world!

This last vehicle the boys brought in...I had called every number we had for the guy -- none of them were in service. The letters I sent came back. His former FIL said they had split, but we knew where he worked. So the guys went up and brought the car back from the parking lot next to the guys's job. I want you to know that they were not back THREE minutes before that guy called me. He is a nice guy, very laid-back and sweet, but not very good at life in general and finances in specific. He said "Miss Marilyn, I see the car is gone, so I assume it's a repossession situation" You are so right! We had a very gentle talk and I told him how much $$ it would take to get the vehicle back. He doesn't have it. I was trying to get a new address for him, but he said that he was actually homeless and had been staying in the car at work. (I know for a fact that he had been staying with his auntie)

One young Mr. M**** came in to make his payment. He is a sad-sack sort of young guy who had to go through a divorce he didn't want a few months ago. He doesn't know that we have also sold a car to his ex, as well as his little brother. Well, he was telling me his sad life tale, including that he had just been over to see his ex and that she was nearly passed out drunk. It's her day off and she was just lying on the couch drinking all day. He was worried about her because she only has one kidney and he sees her hurting herself. So right after he left, she called and wanted to make a payment over the phone, which we do not do. Then she asked if she could make a half payment. I told her that Mr. S*** was out doing repos today and was not in the mood to make a deal for a partial payment right now. She wobbled in about half an hour later and paid the whole thing.

I want to go home and hide under the porch now.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Jul 08 2016 12:16:47 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  4:42:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Hugs to you Marilyn. I am not good at what you do. I would guess the Dude dislikes this part of the business as well. Maybe the two of you should treat yourselves to a nice dinner out or a snuggle on the couch with a funny movie. Some people can only learn the hard way and then even their learning curve is close to flat.

Todya was a lovely day. The temperatures were in the low seventies with a nice breeze and low humidity. We had a bit of rain last night and that helped all of us.

C will go out politicking tomorrow. I ran into the husband of a friend of mine yesterday and he gave me her number. She will take C around to people she knows in her town. This is the hard part for her. One to one talking. The woman she is going with has a great smile and cheery voice. She is outgoing. They should do well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 08 2016 :  7:08:22 PM  Show Profile
I was supposed to go back to work on the 18th., but they called today and asked if I could come in on Monday. Sure! I can't believe I've been off for nearly six months. It seems sort of unreal. It'll be nice to have an income again--funny how that money thing keeps popping up. But beyond the money, having a job adds some direction and purpose to life--I've been having a hard time keeping myself occupied while I've been off. I've also been feeling cut off from reality. So I'm glad I'll be going back to work--I just look back over the past few months and wonder: why? What was the purpose of the hell I've been through? It hasn't made me any stronger--I was already strong--it seems like all it's done is to convince me that the world is a terrible place. I guess I need some positive experiences. I almost went to yoga tonight but was so tired I had to take a nap instead.
Marilyn--if I had your job, I would probably really be a basket case. People can drive me batty pretty easily. Being poor and down on your luck is one thing, but people who are irresponsible make me wish I was an octopus---so I could slap eight people ay once.
I just saw where a police officer was shot in an ambush in Ballwin, Missouri. that's way too close to home. I have been feeling sad for God lately--I believe he must look at the world and weep over what we are doing to each other. We are not being the people that God called us to be. We are made in his image, and we are treating each other like trash, which means we are also treating God like trash. I have been feeling far too nostalgic for the early 1970's lately--I want to bring back songs like "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." I want to bring back fringed leather vests and men with long hair. heck, I even want to bring back Sonny & Cher. I guess I'm hopeless. Or maybe I'm too hopeful.
Holly--I wish C the best in trying to make this world a better place.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 09 2016 :  4:22:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening,

I saw someone this morning at the Cafe here in town and she said there was a march in downtown Montpelier to protest the recent murders of black men. We talked a little about doing good. I said, I wanted to make a t shirt that says, What good have you done to justify the air you breathe. My friend Brownie told me she was teaching the immigrant workers in the continuing care home she lived in how to read and speak English to justify the air she was continuing to breathe. When she died one of the women she had taught crossed the line to come to her room to say good bye and thank you because she could talk to her sons' teachers because Brownie had made the time and effort to teach her.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 09 2016 :  6:14:39 PM  Show Profile
How amazing is it when a person commits to a small action on a regular basis that makes a big difference. I don't think about the impact I make by just showing up to volunteer at the school; however, every time I walk around in this neighborhood, children who are outdoors recognize me and come up to talk about where they have seen me and engage me in conversation. It is an enormous feeling to realize that one has made a difference in a person's life.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jul 10 2016 :  8:05:47 PM  Show Profile less than 12 hours away. Will my life return to normal? What is "normal"? For me, it's always meant being too sensitive. I read something today to the effect--"If a person tells you you're 'too sensitive' you can be 100% sure that person doesn't want to accept responsibility for hurting you."
I'm done with feeling guilty cause I'm "too sensitive". I'm done with feeling inferior cause I can sense things that most people are unaware of. I justify the air I breathe by knowing that God put me here for a reason. I think of the image of our lives as being a piece of embroidery that we can only see close up. and close up it doesn't make much sense. But when we step WAY back, we can see that we're all part of a tapestry. And at the end of our lives, we are able to see the entire tapestry and then everything makes sense. We just need to trust the embroiderer.
I don't know why I'm going on about this. Maybe because of all the unrest that's going on. As I said, I can SENSE things that others are either unable or unwilling to admit. I have felt very lonely at times because of it. But on Mary Jane's Farmgirl Connection, I don't feel so lonely. I will feel lonely when I go back to work. At work, I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing. yes, you read that right. Cause I'm surrounded by wolves, and the only way to survive is to disguise myself. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm a sheep.
Wish me luck.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2016 :  05:33:31 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, you are in my thoughts. I hope that today is the first of many good days on the new job.
I was a L&D and pediatrics nurse for many years. Sometimes I would see my little patients out in public and they would cry "that's the one who stuck me!!!" Other times I would see moms who would say "Do you remember me? You helped deliver my baby!" I often though about the impact I had, be it negative or positive, large or small. It is a humbling feeling.
Still hot and humid here. Think I'll try and stay indoors and work on the ballet sweater I'm making for one of my granddaughters.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 11 2016 :  4:28:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

By now your day back is over, Cindy. I hope it went well.

Last night at 11:30 PM we received a call from the state police looking for dsT. They questioned C about his whereabouts. Apparently someone had said that he was with a missing young girl. He says he was not. We dread calls like this from the police. As a mother of sons of color we worry that the call will be more than an inquiry but will be a declaration of the state of my sons' lives. My sons have been stopped in cars and on foot for being black. White youth have been sent from a sight while my son has received a citation for possession of a malt beverage. My daughter has be followed by the police and photographed for doing nothing wrong. She has been stopped by the police while driving and ogled by the police.
My sons are afraid. DsT says why bother Mama. I am either going to end up in jail or dead. Why bother to work hard when it won't matter. My children live with fear and anger that because their skin is brown they will die.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 11 2016 :  11:45:17 PM  Show Profile
Holly--I pray the police will find something better to do than harass dsT. It has changed so much since I was a kid and Officer Friendly would visit the schools. I don't like being around police officers--when there are two or more of them, it's too much testosterone, and I always wonder how many of them are taking steroids. Which affect a person's judgement and make them more aggressive. Even the female officers scare me. And if a young white man and a young black man commit the same crime, there is a huge difference in the way the system treats them. I was in the ER of a large hospital in St. Louis once, and I was delusional. The security guard kept leering at me and threatened to restrain me. Of course he ogled me when he said that. No one should have to fear for their life because of their skin color, religious background, sexual orientation, at least not in this country. But we have to teach even very young children how to act "in case they get arrested" cause the police now arrest seven year olds for misbehaving in school. I know being a police officer is difficult, and I commend the ones who do it well. And as I mentioned, there is a serious problem with officers who are using steroids. As steroid use has increased, so has police brutality. I have deliberately not told the police about the young man in my neighborhood who tried to break into my car. (This was several years ago). He was about fourteen years old, was poor, was obviously lacking in opportunity, and I had a feeling if I turned him in, it would just make his life worse. he didn't seem like a "bad" kid--just misguided. If someone ever threatened to kill me I would inform the police but I'm going to give a poor, misguided kid a lot more leniency. I still believe in people's innocence even though they may have broken a law. I don't believe in the innocence of rich CEO's who engage in the corporate murder of anyone who opposes them. I had a friend who was probably killed by a foreign govt. for his peace activist activities. anyway, I will pray for the safety of your children. And of all the children of this world.
I went back to work today and found out the woman who had been working in my position left on Friday. I don't know the details. it seems she left in a hurry. So I am working in my old position until we can find and train someone else. (This is getting old). A person who has never had a kind word for me saw me in the closet on 2west and said, "I'm so glad you're back. that other woman was bossy and snippy and caused all kinds of problems." So all in all it went pretty well. I came home exhausted and went to bed. My shoulder feels fine but both my biceps hurt. Not used to doing that kind of work after being away for six months.
Anyway God seems to have worked out things for the best at work. I'll leave it at that.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 12 2016 :  06:39:52 AM  Show Profile
I was thinking about skin color this morning on my walk. We are all over 50 here, so grew up at least "sort of" in the same era. We marched for equality, we sat in, we sang and chanted and carried signs -- racial equality was a much bigger thing for me than gender equality ever was (I don't WANT to be treated equally, thank you very much -- I want to be treated BETTER than men!!!) ha ha Anyway, all the marching and singing and chanting and sitting -- what purpose did it serve? I look at some of the great strides we have made toward racial equality in this country and I can see that we have taken some big steps, but these days it seems like we are going way WAY backwards -- so many divisions and so much shouting. I have no clue what it's like to be a person of color (except for my pasty Great Northwest fish-belly white) in this country, but I get the feeling -- not sure how to express this well --- I feel like back in the bad old days, the young black man in the deep south felt afraid because there were the good old boys who ran everything and could do whatever they wanted on a whim, and justice did not pertain to the young black man and he knew it. But the feeling was always that, at least up north, there was less of that horribly entrenched attitude so the young black man left the south for a northern city where he could work and raise a family and educate his kids. Now I am getting the feeling that there is no safe place -- there's no promised land -- there is no difference between the ugliness of the Sheriff Billy Bob in Hayseed County and Officer Joe Yankee of the Metropolitan Police Department.

I have always thought that if this nation fell to internal forces, it would not be a race war, it would be some kind of tax revolt --- but these days I am not so sure, and it scares me spitless.

Keep your young ones safe, Holly. I know they are learning the best life lessons from you, but it must be such a challenge.

Please, please, please -- Read my words the way I intended them. I certainly don't mean to upset anyone or offend anyone -- I was just musing this morning and I think we all share some feelings of hopelessness and helplessness right now. If I had all the answers, I would be God -- do I look like God?

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 12 2016 :  11:19:30 AM  Show Profile
I feel more sad and helpless about the guy killed in Dallas and the guy killed here than I have about any of the others. Please hear me out. Jamar Clark, who was inexcusably shot by police in Minneapolis last fall, was being unruly but he didn't have to be shot. The man in Baton Rouge wasn't even the guy the store clerk had called about. Philandro, the guy whose girlfriend recorded the aftermath of the shooting, was being compliant. I watched the video and felt so completely shocked and helpless. I watched in wonder while Diamond remained calm while the love of her life was bleeding out next to her. Later in the video, her little girl was trying to comfort her. I am crying now. I don't know if I could be as calm as Diamond was in that situation. I am not participating in any of the protests or vigils. I am holding Diamond and her little girl close to my heart. I am also feeling compassion for the police officer who shot him. His life is effectively over. I am certain it will take him the rest of his life to forgive himself if he ever can. In our community, we are having some very heartfelt discussions about the problems of gun violence and racial bias. I hope we can all become more enlightened about our society.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jul 12 2016 11:23:00 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 12 2016 :  2:20:44 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I am glad your first day back to work was not too bad. Being off that long will take awhile to get used to working again. I am sure that is a big load off you. You will be back to where you were in no time.

I do not have time to post more, we are packing the car to leave for Michigan in the morning. We ill be gone from 2-6 weeks. Depends on how long our money lasts staying in motels. They all charge more for having a dog. I will not say in a no name place. I want to look at land when we get there. If it is out of our budget, we may look on the way back somewhere where we can go in the summer and not be as hot as here. I could handle the heat, but not the humidity. I am sure we will freeze in the 70 degree weather in Michigan.

I will try to post when I can and let you know how we are fairing the cooler weather.
Have agreat evening,

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 12 2016 :  9:36:54 PM  Show Profile
Hmm...I just talked on the phone to a friend who lives in the boonies of Missouri. She said she had seen a strange animal--she described it to someone and they said, "Chupacabra!" I've read a little about chupacabras and scientists say these animals are the result of people living in the backwoods (and believe me, Missouri has a lot of backwoods) who are intentionally breeding wolves and coyotes together, as the animals that have been found have both coyote and wolf DNA. Others say they are coyotes or foxes or even dogs with severe mange. I don't know what she saw, but I know other people in that area have seen similar animals. These animals have been spotted in Mexico, South and North America, and Russia and India.
So, has anyone seen a chupacabra or know anyone who has? Is it a real animal or some hybrid? Is it a canine with mange? And what about its supposed habit of sucking the blood of the animals it kills? I've seen some pictures that would indicate that it is real, while others are obvious fakes. And why hasn't it been reported in Africa, Europe, or Australia? There are dogs with mange in those countries. People say it's an urban legend, but less than 250 years ago, Europeans didn't believe the reports of large, hairy men living in the jungles of Africa. Then they discovered that gorillas are real. And these aren't creatures like Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster--these are actual canine creatures that people argue about. I don't trust the scientists who claim to study the remains because, well, even scientists lie. I once had a renowned "scientist" personally tell me that chickens raised in warehouses are "happier" than chickens that are allowed to free range. He said they don't peck at each other as much (well, no, since their beaks are cut off and anti-depressants are put in their food to sedate them). By the way, this scientist worked for Monsanto. yes, scientists can be and are often bought, just like politicians.
Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this out there. New species of animals are still being discovered, so why not? That part of Missouri has cougars and bears and wild boars so why not chupacabras?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  07:16:15 AM  Show Profile
Whew! My head is swimming a little this morning. Started the second session of my accounting class and this one is more in-depth, as it should be, with more complex transactions. I keep trying to get everything straight in my head, but I have to remind myself that NOBODY does accounting like this with pen on paper these days - there is so much great software out there. But it is so interesting and helpful to understand what's going on underneath all the digital stuff.

We have been trying to catch a critter that's been coming down near the house and digging in our mulch -- setting traps overnight and having whatever it is take all the bait, spring the trap, but not get caught. Motion sensor on the security camera doesn't catch it, either. The sounds I heard the other night sounded like a raccoon, but they must have wised up since the first dozen or so we caught last year. My daughter and I were joking that it must be Chupacabra!!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  12:13:16 PM  Show Profile
There are such animals in the real world and they do not suck blood. Maybe they are just going after the intestines. The mythic beast called chupacabra is a legendary creature in South America which is part man and part animal which may be a lycanthrope and may not. Those are the ones which suck blood. Or so I have heard. There was an X Files show about the chupacabra.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  4:47:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Around here there is talk about coydogs a cross between dog and coyote but they are just enough genetically different that they do not interbreed. I would guess the same is true of the wolf and the coyote. What your friend saw is probably a domesticated dog that was abandoned and went wild and is not sufficiently wild to care for itself well. I have never heard of a chupacabra. It must be a midwest anomaly.

Good luck on the accounting program. I am not that detail oriented that I would attempt it. Next you can do investment counseling and make a killing in the stock market. Then you and the Dude could retire in a manner to which you have not yet become accustomed.

It was 96 degrees today. I opened and closed the windows and the curtains. The house was cool most of the day.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jul 13 2016 :  5:33:46 PM  Show Profile
Will miracles never cease? I survived a bad storm today. I left work at 3:30 and could tell it was going to get VERY windy suddenly. I got in my car and was driving home, past a park where they are building a new sidewalk. Dust devils were swirling around as the wind gained strength. I was going down a hill, with a steep bank on the side covered with trees. Then I heard a loud CRACK. I knew what that meant. I looked in my rearview mirror as a tree fell across the road directly behind my car. I kept driving. I was afraid if I stopped, another tree might fall on top of me. The tree that fell blocked all traffic behind me. I got home and the whole thing still feels a little surreal. I've been in the woods before when there was a storm and I've heard that CRACK but this is the first time I've experienced it while driving. So I am grateful to God tonight for keeping me safe. I just looked at Facebook and the huge tree in front of my brother's house was uprooted. Looks like it didn't damage the house, but what a mess. The wind was gusting at 60 mph. There are trees down all over St. Louis and the metro-east. The storm moved through and now things are calm. I don't know if we'll get more storms tonight.
Holly--chupacabra is a Mexican mythological animal that is probably based on a real animal. Someone supposedly found the skeleton of one in Maine. They have been spotted mainly in Texas but also in Arkansas and Missouri as well as other states, including the NW. I think it's real cause several years ago, I saw a live video of several chupes in the jungle. They reminded me of a hyena. An hour later, that video could not be found anywhere on the internet, and I haven't been able to find it since. I have seen pictures that are probably coyotes with mange, and people think they are chupes, but I do think there is a real animal out there, and the superstition surrounding it scares a lot of people (it supposedly sucks the blood of goats, chickens, and other animals) so the governments and scientists try to keep it a secret. You know, classified information. Cause we stupid common people can't handle the truth. At least, that's my take on it. And yes, there is a lot of BS out there surrounding the legend, but that's to be expected. I don't know what my friend saw but she said it was dog-like, with a long skinny tail, hairless, and had a huge muzzle. She has spent most of her life in the city so she isn't surprised when she now sees some animal that she hasn't seen before. It could have been a dog or coyote with mange but similar animals have been seen in that area before. And there's still a lot we don't know about animals. Most people don't realize that deer can make a hissing sound, but I've heard them do it. I have also heard that a deer will sometimes catch a bird in a tree and eat it. I guess they need a little protein in their diets. And eagles have been known to hunt and kill deer. I love living in a mysterious world cause it shows the wonder of God's creation.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  07:03:53 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, I am so glad you weren't hit by the tree. Just as I was walking out my front door to go to the Y one day I heard a crack and then watched a huge tree come down across the driveway about 50 ft in front of me. Needless to say I didn't go anywhere that day, but I did get my workout. We live in a very heavily wooded area and DH has had to cut up four trees that fell across the road so far this year.
It is still very hot and humid here, with off and on showers. I"ve been staying mostly inside, spinning and knitting. I'm working on ballet sweaters for my granddaughters right now and a pair of socks for me.
I hope Jan is having a safe and enjoyable trip. Has anyone heard how Bunny and Mar are doing?

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39

Edited by - craftingram on Jul 14 2016 07:04:50 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  07:56:00 AM  Show Profile
Karin -- I think I may be getting sort of hooked on drop spindle spinning!!! I have been practicing some every day and the results are getting smoother and more uniform. I sent for a couple more balls of roving and a batt yesterday. We will see what happens. Not sure I will ever make enough yarn to keep my needles busy, but maybe I could knit up a wild hat of some kind. I love knitting sox and Dude loves wearing my handknits, but it's going to be a while (like probably never) before I could hand spin something that fine. I could see a wheel in my future, though. It does seem like magic!

I e-mailed Mar a while back and things were going okay -- the usual life stuff, but otherwise okay. Not sure about Bunny -- I miss them both! Maybe Holly has been in contact with Bunny? I should hop over and look at her web page or her Etsy shop.

We have been doing a bunch of repos this past week. Picked up another one yesterday afternoon. There was a little green plant growing in a pot in the back floorboard -- I will let you all guess what kind. These folks have been using several different names and operating sort of "under the radar," so we don't really expect to hear from them like we usually do from people. Hopefully the other folks will wake up now that they know we will come take their cars back if they stop paying. One time we picked a car up and my Crazy Rasta Lady called the police and told them her car had been stolen. The police here in town knew her (all too well), so they called us first to see if we had the car. We put the starter interrupt system on the car and she took it back and ended up paying it all off. Most people know exactly where the car has gone when they can't find it where they left it, because we have warned them and warned them. Sigh.

No school work to do today, so I will probably have a little time to knit. Dental cleaning at 2:00, so I am looking forward to that -- I love the feeling of clean teeth!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

77 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  10:49:44 AM  Show Profile
I'm so far behind reading here, but you don't fail me, girls, with your varied discussions about life in your corners of the world.

I've been busy busy.

ID'ing calves. We are barely over half-done. Today, the cowboys are putting out bulls. Some by trailer, some by trailing.

Daughter and baby came up for the funeral of daughter's best friend. Stayed here a bit, so I got some baby cuddle time.

Son is DOING SO MUCH BETTER! He is now on a "tour" for the Canadian Diabetes Association, by himself, going to various communities and events, raising money for the CDA. He's a "balloon twister," children's entertainer, so it gives him a good "opener." (He also does birthday parties and other events.) He is doing a bit of "counselling," encouraging parents of and kids with diabetes. Son has been a diabetic since he was 18 months old. He's overwhelmed by the response... teen kids breaking down and bawling... parents crying and hugging him, shaking his hand. I know nobody was "there" for us 31 years ago when he was diagnosed, and we learned by winging it. Now, son and I are talking about writing a book...

Anyway, I sewed him a pair of pants, with all kinds of vibrant appliques (butterflies, fish, hearts, stars, cat, etc), found a neon green shirt, neon bandanas. For his "uniform." He says his is on its last legs. I used to make him costumes when he was the balloon twister for church kids events.

He'll be here on Sunday... WITH HIS DAUGHTER! (His bio daughter who lives up here.)

SO different from his mental and emotional state just a few weeks ago. His wife (not his bio daughter's mom) has totally gone off the deep end... I had to unfriend her and remove her from my contacts, as she was sending me vile and profane messages, plus posting garbage on Facebook. She's already got a "roommate."

Whew.... don't know how that will all end, but for now, son is safe, happy, with a purpose.

I've been mowing and mowing... cleaning a couple of houses here on the ranch, getting them ready for new staff. People are disrespectful pigs, that's all I'll say.

Getting geared up for our family reunion in two weeks. My sister and I are offering a sort of canteen service, serving breakfast and lunch on the Saturday and Sunday, for those who are tenting it or staying in motels. I don't know why they switched to this rather than potlucking every meal as they used to. Even tenters can bring a bag of cookies or potato chips or a watermelon... I don't know... but I'm not the powers that be. And my sister and I don't mind doing this if it means people who wouldn't come because of the food issue will now come.

So, I'm working on lists... we have the menu planned... need to shop, bake.

Finished the article for the beef magazine. Found out the deadline was August 3, rather than August 31, so that lit a fire under me to get it done.

Beautiful sunny weather... intermittent storms and rain...


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Jul 14 2016 10:54:44 AM
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