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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  1:04:19 PM  Show Profile
So glad you checked in, Ann -- You DO sound busy! That is great news about your son. I have a cousin who was diagnosed at 4 years of age with type 1 - it certainly was a long road for her parents in the beginning. Glad that people are finding each other now and providing some support.

I think we have just about all of our repos dealt with. Tomorrow will tell if there's one more out there that I want to have towed. Another "I will bring money next week" guy.

We have to go to a viewing this evening, and I would really rather not. I know that it's a tradition in lots of cultures, but I find it ghoulish. The gentleman who passed away was the brother-in-law of a dear friend of Dude's, but I had only met the man once, and just tangentially at a baby dedication. Hopefully we can drop in, pay our courtesy, and make a quick exit. It's a huge Ukrainian family, so I doubt they will miss us much. I wonder if Queenie will feel the need to put in an appearance.

It is hot and humid here -- supposed to get a little break MAYBE this weekend.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 14 2016 :  2:29:44 PM  Show Profile
I bring a paper and balsa wood fan with me wherever I go because of the hot flashes. I do not like electric fans. This one is beautiful and was given to me as a gift by a good friend. I take it to the classroom because I always have a hot flash between 9:00 and 9:30 AM. I had it out of its holder within easy reach when I needed it. The distracted autistic kid was sent to his desk because he was uncooperative. I didn't see him take my fan and carefully remove three of the decorative balsa wood spines. When it was discovered, I could hardly speak. I picked up the pieces, told Patricia I needed a break and went to the next room to assess the damage. The fan isn't completely wrecked. It's just . . . tainted. The kid is really good at saying "I'm sorry" but not very good about taking responsibility. He couldn't look at me when I tried to explain to him how I felt. If he had listened and understood even a little, I may not have required the mother to replace it. I have the feeling that these parents are going to be cleaning up after him for the rest of his life. I am so very unhappy.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  05:44:53 AM  Show Profile
My mother collected fans when I was a kid. She began the collection with a couple of very pretty ones that her brothers had brought back from overseas during the war. Then the funeral homes in Indiana used to give fans with their advertising on them to the churches in town, and once in a while one of them would make its way out of the church building and on home. Some of the Japanese ones Mother had were really art-work. I'm sorry the student wrecked your special fan. I don't know much about autism, but it does sound like his parents have a long road ahead of them.

I just found out this morning at coffee that one of our little town's biggest boosters died a couple of days ago. He was helping a friend pull up crab traps and got a cut, from which he got that "flesh-eating" bacteria, and was gone in under 48 hours. They amputated his arm in an attempt to stop the spread of the bacteria, but it had gone into his blood stream and he was already too involved. So sad. He was involved in the Chamber and the Mainstreet Association -- had a little antique shop uptown. Be nice to one another.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 15 2016 :  5:58:18 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--that is terrible about the man in your town dying so suddenly. My parents know a woman who had that, and I think she's in a nursing home now. Do they know what causes the bacteria? It is probably a sad commentary on what we are doing to this world.
I had to giggle a little when I read about your cars being repossessed--sounds like something that would happen to Linda Blair.
Marie--I am sorry about your fan. I think it is difficult for the boy being autistic as it is for the parents to deal with (and you). Maybe someday he will want to "fit in" badly enough that he will learn to control his impulse to do things that hurt others. My friend's daughter is nineteen and is getting much better with relating to others.
Ann--I am glad your son is doing better. DIL sounds like she has some undiagnosed issues. I found out the person who previously had my job was let go cause she mouthed off at the wrong person. Or maybe one too many times. My boss comes back next week and I hope things will go smoothly. I am going to be nice to her.
With all the rain we've had, my lettuce has been exploding. I guess I wasn't watering it enough before. The hot weather doesn't bother it. I have just worked five days after being off for six months and my body is complaining. Will rest this weekend.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 16 2016 :  3:38:10 PM  Show Profile
It was actually nice and cool this morning and not so humid, so I took a long walk. Then I fixed the window that got broken when the tree fell on the wellhouse. My glasswork has kind of fallen by the wayside since I've been doing so much handwork. It took quite a while to find my glasscutter since those supplies have not been properly organized. D built a cabin where he does his pottery and gave me the top floor for my glass studio. Everything has been moved in, but is in kind of a mess. One more thing to do.
Fish frys and BBQs as fundraisers are still a big thing in our little community. The fire departments are all volunteer and they don't get a lot of money. The food is always good and the money goes to a much needed cause. So, dinner was a big plate of fish, cole slaw, hushpuppies and french fries.
Cindy, will you be returning to your old job or going to the new one?
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 16 2016 :  6:18:07 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Last night's post is not here.

I understand the feeling of frustration with the fan. How did he take it when you were right there and why did his need to pick something apart happen to your favorite fan.

I am sorry the man died of the nasty bacteria or is it a virus. I have read stories about people who lived after having it and while they are grateful to be alive their lives are forever changed.

I took stained glass lessons decades ago. I really liked the way the glass had variations in color. Do you have pictures of your projects to share?

Ann I admire you even more knowing that with all you balanced for the many years of raising your children you also dealt with a child with diabetes and taught him how to manage his diet to stay alive and thrive.

Three of the pigs escaped their fence yesterday. DsR and I saw them coming down the road through the field. I thought they were the neighbor's an I was lucky enough to get them to go into the cow's stall and shut the door. I went over to their pen and counted and their were only six in the pen. I found where they had escaped and had dsR stand there while I went and retrieved the zip ties and more tires. We were so lucky to not have had all nine escape. I hope we have the pen fortified enough now. Their pen is more than two acres of land but for them it is not enough. They continually root the perimeter and not the center of the pen.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 18 2016 :  8:35:26 PM  Show Profile
Hope you can keep the pigs contained. I would imagine they can be quite destructive. Do you have stumps for them to root on? That will keep them busy for a while. I have heard of farmers using pigs to clear fields of old stumps.
Karin--your community sounds a bit like mine. We have lots of artists and craftspeople. Someone is trying to get a carriage for downtown and for funerals to add some "old time charm" to our quaint and crumbling town. I saw that a black bear has been verified in southern Indiana. Anywhere near you? I am sure there are bears in southern Illinois but I've never seen one around here. I know someone who swears he saw a bear cub one morning. I think it was probably somebody's pet. I always like attending a good fish fry. I am currently working at my old position but they are going to try to find someone to train for it so I can move to my new position. I've been doing the same thing for 15 years. Time for a change.
it is VERY hot and humid and muggy here. And supposed to get worse. I used the long-handled clippers to cut down some small trees, branches, and other foliage when I got home--I started to pull a vine off a fence and then realized it had three leaves. I barely touched the vine, and none of the leaves. So far no itching so that's good. I will let the branches dry on the ground and then pick them up and put them with the yard waste. They take up a lot less room in the trashcan that way. all our yard waste gets composted. I need to mow the front yard but I was just too wiped out after cutting those branches. Nothing makes me wilt like the humidity of summer. I have been to Dallas in August when it was HOT but they didn't have near the humidity that we have. I saw where it got to 80 degrees in Alaska--a new record. Baked Alaska. I finished reading "Once Upon a River" and it was pretty good. If you've ever been to Michigan I would suggest reading it. I got a book at a local used book store--"Of Wolves and Men". In the past year I've also read "Wild" and am still trying to finish re-reading "Walden". I can't spell Henry David's last name correctly but I guess ya'll know who he is. I read "Walden" in high school and I like it but some of his references to Greek and Latin language and philosophers is a bit much. My shoulders were hurting today after I pushed an uncooperative cart weighing about 165 pounds. the wheels would not turn. The next time I get a cart like that from the linen company, I am going to empty it and leave it where it is, with a note explaining why I didn't try to move it. Those drivers aren't supposed to give us carts that are broken. I feel OK now. Gotta use my shoulder enough so it doesn't freeze up, but not overdo it. I wonder if there is a way to block all political, national, and world news.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 19 2016 :  06:51:17 AM  Show Profile
Our bank changed ownership over the weekend, so this week is kind of silly, trying to get used to all the new numbers and procedures. The staff at our uptown branch is wonderful, though, so I'm sure they will iron everything out. Dude changed our cable/internet service last week -- we were paying for a package with a whole slew of sports channels that we just never watch, and this new package saves us several hundred dollars a year. Unfortunately for ME, he didn't realize that there would be a new modem (which means new interfaces for everything!). So yesterday on my day off, I worked out the new interfaces for the thermostat, the alarm system, the home computer and the iPad. Whew. It's a sad commentary on our household when I am the tech person! ha ha ha ha

Yesterday I also had a consult with a local insurance broker. When my divorce is finally final, I am going to be buying my own health insurance because I can't stay as a family member on the group policy. I was really concerned about the $$, but this guy helped me sort through a bunch of things, and now I feel MUCH more confident. Through the course of our conversation, he said he gets lots of folks looking for a bookkeeper, so he took my card and asked if he could send people to me. Yay! I may get my little business built up yet. I really only have time for about one good client right now, but it would be nice to get that underway so that I can build on that when and if Dude ever decides to retire and I go with him. So I felt much better after talking with the insurance guy -- I have some homework to do, but that's okay.

Happy Tuesday, All!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  04:30:15 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

I gave dsR a melatonin to go to sleep with the other night. He tried to drink it with a fizzy water. He put it up to his mouth and said, I lost it. I saw the melatonin sink to the bottom of the bottle. Then the fizzy water started to FIZZ right up over the top. I grabbed the bottle and ran for the shower. By the time I arrived there about 6 steps the fizzy water was shooting five inches out of the top of the bottle. Now I wonder what really is in melatonin that makes fizzy water react like baking soda and vinegar.

Your house is far more high tech than ours, M. The only interface we have is C's fitbit and her phone.

C was asked to teach medical ethics one night a week. She is very excited. She starts coordinating the clinical placements for the nurses on August 1st and then she starts to teach on September 1st. She thinks she has gone to heaven. She says the teaching part wll stretch her boundaries and that is good.
C has 30 days of vacation at her old job that she has not taken. She thought they would pay her out for it. She figured out yesterday that if she leaves the state employment they only cash out 20 days of vacation. If she worked through full retirement she would get it all cashed out. She is not happy. She came home early yesterday and will not go in today or tomorrow.

I dug out dsR's bedroom yesterday. He likes to do art projects and he had a feather pillow that ripped. It took me three hours and his room is not that big. I separated all of the recyclable paper, trash and toys. I guess if I had just gotten a big garbage bag and shoveled it would have taken no time at all.

The cow did not come in last night. She did come this morning but her daughter had drained her dry. So, I gave her her grain and said have a nice day and do not worry me tonight.

Have a great day.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  06:24:44 AM  Show Profile
The air here is hot and somewhat humid. A small amount of rain has been coming to the city almost everyday. There were heavier rains in a few of the rural areas that caused flooding. This has been good for the garden. I have had a couple cucumbers on the vine. Misty snags them before I can pick so I guess these will be hers to eat.

I was just eating my cereal when I noticed a sharp taste. I changed spoons because I had picked up a slightly dirty one to use. That didn't help so as I was considering changing the bowl, I tasted the almond milk. Yep, it has gone sour. I had gotten 2 half gallons of it because it was on sale. Apparently, I do not use it up fast enough. Anyone have a recipe that uses sour almond milk? I'll have to do some experiments.

Summer school ends tomorrow. YAY!!! This class has taken some time to whip into shape. Three little boys almost did not get to go to the pool yesterday. Patricia gave them up to 5 fails before they were left behind. She used this as an incentive and didn't rat any of them out. She told them that they had to walk 5 blocks and would be crossing 2 busy streets so she needed kids who could follow directions. If she didn't think someone would, they would be left behind. I wish she would have left that one kid behind because he had to take time outs at the pool and then was banished to the playground. The out of control autistic kid did not come because he does some unsafe things on the playground like climbing trees and fences. They all had a really good time.

I can hear thunder in the distance. I need to get to the school before it rains.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  11:50:32 AM  Show Profile
Oh dear. So sad for one of my customers. She came in with her partner to make their car payment and hung behind -- told her that she wanted to ask me a quick question. This is a couple who have had a heck of a year! The one gal was morbidly obese with all that goes with it -- diabetes, bad knees, etc., so she had bariatric surgery. They each lost quite a bit of weight beforehand by doing the dietary changes, but the one gal -- S******** -- had the surgery and has been nearly deathly ill ever since -- bad stomach ulcers, unable to eat anything but liquids, blood clots, you name it. When she got home from the hospital after her surgery, she found out her 14-year-old daughter was pregnant by a guy who turned out NOT to be the dreamy boyfriend the young girl thought, but a repeat sex offender preying on young girls -- so baby is now 2 months old, baby daddy is in jail (where he belongs) and baby momma has been in the hospital for gallbladder issues, etc., and really isn't that crazy about taking care of her newborn. So Grandmom -- S -- is taking care of the baby, the other kids, et al, without solid food because she is existing on protein shakes. She has lost over 100 pounds but looks like death warmed over. So there's that.

So the other partner, V*******, waits until S leaves the office and says "You are a professional businesswoman, and I know you hear about a lot of stuff...right?" Then she pours out this story -- a week or so ago, she gets a phone call out of the blue telling her that she has been selected at random to receive an educational grant of $11,000. They said they would call her back in 48 hours to find out if she was interested in receiving the grant and to get details about how to claim the money. So she stews for a couple of days and thinks "Wow! I could take a couple of classes, PLUS pay off some bills and that would be really helpful with all the hospital bills, etc." So when they call her back and tell her that she needs to deposit $1000 into their account as a "processing fee" and that she will get that back when they give her her $11,000, she goes right to the bank and sends the money to wherever it is they have told her.

I felt almost sick to my stomach when I told her that she was never going to see that money again.

It infuriates me that there are bottom feeders out there who prey on desperate people. Just an ugly society. I would like to have a good long cry now.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
2428 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  12:38:11 PM  Show Profile
Hi all,
We made it here in Michigan safe and sound, but tired on Saturday. We did see some of the family members, but not all. We spent most of our time down at the park because we did not want to hang out in the motel all day. Last night I grill burgers down there for a picnic with son and daughter. It was nice out and we had a great visit. My son and daughter both work, so don't see them until evening. Yesterday my niece died of lung cancer at the age of 52. We are not staying here for the funeral. We are leaving here tomorrow and will meet one of my sisters about 140 miles from here, and she is 40 miles from where we are going to meet. I did not want to come home again this year, we were just here last year. Bob wanted to come home and I was not going to argue with that if he was okay with going to Texas first, which we did. Now we will not come here again for a few years, I hope!!!!! It was over 1748 miles one way!!!
Marilyn, you do see all kinds when you are in business. That is so sad that people do take such advantage of others. I got an email yesterday saying that I won a random drawing of $145,000 and to contact them for the details to receive the winnings. Yeah, right. I am not sucked into that stuff, but there are a lot of people out there that are conned into it.
Cindy, glad you are adjusting back into the workforce. Bet it feels good.
Holly, C will probably be a lot happier with a job change. I wish her the best of luck.
Marie, How long will you be off work before you start again?
Karin, I always wanted to do glass cutting. I have all the tools for soldering glass for jewelry, but have not had time to practice on it yet.
Ann, you sure are a busy gal. A true farmgirl, for sure. Hope you have time for yourself once in awhile.
I will post again when I can.

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  1:26:36 PM  Show Profile
Good news that Jan made it to Michigan safely. I would imagine the change in weather has to feel pretty good. My folks used to travel in RVs and motorhomes, etc., in their retirement. I can't even imagine how many miles they went! They sure had a great time of it, though.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  2:12:30 PM  Show Profile
I start training on August 15th. I want to visit my parents for a few days. I will rent a car and take Mitzi with me. I will stay about 4 or 5 days. My brother Joe will be there and it will be great to see him again after more than a decade. I haven't told Lowell yet. I might just wait until the last minute.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 20 2016 :  4:46:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Sorry those women are having such a hard time. The one who had bariatric surgery needs to see her doctor and demand that the doctor check the surgical lines. We know two people who have had screwed up surgery. One ended up having his whole stomach removed and the other had the doctor go back in and restaple the line because it was not a solid line and the food leaked into the closed part. They were both very sick. As far as the baby tell them adoption is an option and that it could be opened or closed depending on what the grandmoms and mom can handle emotionally. Raising a grandchild is hard and raising its mother at the same time is harder. hugs and strength to them.

I hope you have a good time visiting your parents, Marie. I remember you like them and have a good time when you go.

Jan, I am glad visiting the relatives was not as stressful as it has been in the past. Safe trip to you.

We took a Toyota truck load of bulk metal to the metal dealer today. We got $23 which doesn't seem like much but it is out of the yard and off the back porch.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 21 2016 :  06:10:28 AM  Show Profile
I know what you mean about the metal, Holly. When Alaska daughter was visiting, she spent a lot of time digging through the woods on her mom's farm and kept bringing more and more metal here to the shop in the pickup truck. It takes a whole lot of scrap metal to make much money, but it sure feels good to have it off the farm.

When I went uptown for my walk this morning (extra early because it is HUMID!), I had a bag of zucchini to leave at Neighborhood Services. I didn't even make it to the porch! ha ha A lady called out to me in Spanish that they weren't open yet -- she was pacing around waiting. I thanked her and told her I was just going to leave a bag of zucchini for them, and then asked her if she would like to have them. You'd have thought I gave her a bag of gold -- partly because I spoke to her in Spanish (such as it is) and then because I am fairly certain she was there to get some sort of help. Just another reason we continue to put in such a big garden every year -- someone can use it, even if we can't.

Had a siblings chat on Messenger last night about Daddy's final time. He had a little stroke last week and is getting weaker, but he is not in any pain and his spirits are good. It was just a TIA, so there was no lasting damage, but he is definitely failing. I spoke to both of them yesterday afternoon and they were feeling pretty good. It was good to get an update and talk about plans for final visits, etc. This is not the most fun part of life, but it's coming to us all.

Have a happy Thursday, Ladies!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 21 2016 :  4:02:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today began quite chilly and ended quite warm. I closed the curtains so the house remained cool. I wanted to mow the lawn but could not get the mower started. I wanted to brush hog a path in the other field but could not pull the PTO pulled out long enough to attach to the tractor. I have a phone call in to a friend with testosterone.

I hope your Dad's passing is peaceful for him.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 22 2016 :  11:20:57 AM  Show Profile
It is hot and very humid here today, which means that the sidewalk people stop by. This one toothless old guy keeps wandering in, making a bunch of big talk about how much he wants this one car on the lot and making sure we know he's a veteran and was stationed in Germany and drove on the Autobahn....blah blah blah. Dude humored him for a while and walked him out the door as he was leaving for a bit. Well of course, then the old guy wobbled back in a few minutes later and started up with me. This guy lives in one of the upstairs apartments uptown, and usually he can be found sitting on a bench in front of the bank with his shirt pulled up over his belly, scratching himself. But today he is Rockefeller and wants me to give him a car for $1000 and then just "transfer the money from the savings bank" because that's where his disability checks are deposited.

This morning, I took a credit application from a lady who has worked for years as a CNA at the county old age home. She has bought cars here before, but had a history of paying late and eventually even brought a car back. But Dude is big on second (and twelfth!) chances, so I took the app. At the end of the credit app, it gives an "A, B, C...etc." score, which is based on longevity in the area and at a job -- stuff like that. But it also looks at income versus expenses and calculates the maximum monthly payment allowable. This gal had come in promising that she would make $300 monthly payments, because we insist on paying off a loan within 12 months -- but the credit app information calculated her maximum monthly payment at $127. Sigh. I think the reason so many of these people get in the situations they're in is that they really never actually make a budget and LOOK at what is coming in and what is going out.

I finished the pair of sox I was knitting for His Dudeness last night, so I have picked up a scarf I had been knitting. I really have to get my phone looked at so I can send pictures from my phone and/or iPad to the computer again. I know I must have changed some kind of setting, but doggoned if I know which one it is! ha ha I used to be able to just e-mail myself pictures from the phone and then save the photos to the computer and use them from there, but now when I e-mail a photo to myself it just never shows up-- no error message or anything. I keep saying I am going to go over to the phone store one day and have one of the 12-year-olds there sort it out for me.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 22 2016 :  11:47:19 AM  Show Profile

Okay -- this was cumbersome, but I made it happen.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 22 2016 :  7:03:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I like the sox and the pattern. Thank you for making the effort so we can see your handiwork.

We have Sirius XM satellite radio. Harper Valley PTA played this afternoon. It reminded me of your town and all the people who come in to con his Dudeness out of a car.

It was hotter than blue blazes here most of the day. I spent most of the day putting together frames for a honey super for one of my bee hives. It was slow, quiet inside work. No sweating involved. I put the super on the hive tonight. A person generally works the hive in the heat of the day because most of the bees would be in the field. I have a hard time wearing my bee jacket in the heat of the day so I tried tonight when I returned from grocery shopping. It was a mistake. I was stung twice and several bees followed me out of the bee yard. They have not done that in the day before. I did put the honey super on the hive so they can start building the comb and filling it with bee spit.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 22 2016 :  7:55:59 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--you knit some very pretty sox. I like those colors. QUestion: if the guy only wants to spend $1,000.oo for a car, why doesn't he get a motorized bike? I saw one of those the other day and the guy was going about 25-30 mph. He was keeping up with traffic pretty well. I have thought about getting a motor for my bike but I'm afraid to ride in this town--no good bike trails. The town where I went to college has converted a lot of abandoned RR tracks into bike trails and lots of people ride bikes there. I wish we had that here. Sometimes I wish my dad would pass away in his sleep before he gets any worse. Lots of times he doesn't recognize my mom.
Holly--do you have a smoker to calm the bees? It seems like it's hot all over the country. I think the heat index here got to about 110 degrees today. The A/C at work stopped working last night so when I got there this morning, it was about 90 in the room where I work. I felt like I was going to get sick but then they got it fixed and things cooled down and I felt better. Was very tired when I got home today. Slept a couple hours and now I feel refreshed. I have been drinking a lot more water (and less soda) since it got so hot. Need to cut back on the soda--I still need to lose more weight and I need to get a blood test soon, as the meds. I'm on can promote diabetes. I finally got a paycheck again, but it was just for one week. In tow more weeks I'll get one and it should be my usual amount. Then I hve to start worrying bout property taxes--since Illinois is so broke, they raised everyone's property taxes. At least gas is cheap now. I wish all politicians had to live on what the rest of us have to live on. It also wouldn't hurt for ALL politicians to have some knowledge/experience in agriculture and growing things. Washington and Jefferson, as well as many others, were farmers.
I was talking to one of the Sisters the other day, and I mentioned that I'd been feeling depressed, and she implied that depression came from the devil. Well, no, it has a lot to do with a chemical imbalance. And it's not evil. I think it's pretty normal to feel depressed about some of the things that are happening in this world. It bothers me that there are still people who think having a mental illness is a sign that you've morally failed. Would they say that to someone who's overweight? Or to someone who got cancer from working in a refinery? I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying anything in reply, cause then she'd have told me I need to go to confession. Yeah, I'll go to confession when all the clergy start confessing about what they've done.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2016 :  06:06:58 AM  Show Profile
I have to take Jaxon to the vet this morning. He is having trouble peeing. Peed for about two seconds this morning and last night when I walked him, he barely went. Has been drinking water. He acts lethargic and just isn't himself. :(

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2016 :  08:21:29 AM  Show Profile
Poor Jaxon. I can relate, Cindy. Mitzi has been having trouble pooping. She strains and maybe excretes an intact but sloppy turd. She does this several times then scoots on her butt. I know that she has a growth of some kind back on the anus. We took her to the vet and I observed that it is twice as big and bleeding. They recommended that it be removed now before the process gets more complicated. Lowell is beside himself so I have to be strong for us both.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 24 2016 :  4:43:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We had a dog who had impacted anal glands. His symptoms were like Mitzi's He did not have an obvious growth. The vet squeezed them to clean them out and he did not like it one bit. I said, How long until they fill again? Oh, not too long. I would think with the symptoms Jaxon might have a urinary tract infection. I wonder if he would drink cranberry juice. I hope the vet visit goes ok and the solution to his problem an easy fix.

Last night we had our first son and his wife here for a party to celebrate their December wedding that happened in December in Milwaukee. The wife's parent's came. DsK has some learning differences. His MIL said, I ask my dd questions and she sorts him out for me. I told her dsK has a good heart and has some difficulties problem solving. His wife adores him and that is what matters. Her parents are glad they are happy together. It poured for the first hour or so of the event and then it cleared off to be a lovely evening.

My oldest brother arrived at the party with a ten year old boy in tow. He had been invited and I guess he had RSVPed but that was not my job to know. Anyway he usually treats his sibs like he is an only child. I didn't kow that he even liked children. He has been mentoring this young boy for a year now. The boy is very hyper and lives in the city where it is not safe for him to play outside. My brother was pleasant and a bit chatty. I was surprised pleasantly by his behavior. I think he might even come again with the young boy to hang out with my sons. He lives 189 miles away. C said it is the happiest and most relaxed she has every seen him.

Yesterday at noon I picked up dsG from camp for the evening. I took him back to camp today. He is having a good time. I hope his self esteem is rising. He made a Bowie knife. He put the blade on the handle. He made a fire poker in blacksmithing. He has swimming lessons everyday. He has earned some awards for archery. He was happy to go back.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 24 2016 :  6:57:13 PM  Show Profile
Jaxon is staying overnight at the vet's. I took him this morning and they tried to get a urine sample but he kicked over the collection pail--twice. I brought him home and he got sick four times and then he came into my room and could barely walk. He kept collapsing. So I rushed him back to the vet and he seemed disoriented but was wagging his tail, being the happy fellow he is. He got sick several more times. They got a blood sample and his red blood cell count is elevated but everything else is pretty normal. The vet said being dehydrated could increase the red blood cell count. But he couldn't explain why Jaxon was wobbly and off balance. Jaxon also refused to sleep on the couch last night--I realize now it's because he's afraid to jump up on it. He was given fluids and antibiotics through an IV and will be catherterized to collect a urine sample. He piddled a little on the floor at the vet's and they were able to get a sample from that, but they have to send it to a lab. The vet said it may be dehydration but it could also be something neurological. Dehydration could also cause him to throw up and lose fluids. he's been staying inside during the day and most of the night cause it's been so hot. He always has water. Last night was the first time I've taken him for a walk in a while cause it's just so dang miserable. I had to apply for a special credit card to cover the cost of his care. It can only be used at vet clinics, or for vision, hearing, and dental work. (For people). It seems so weird that he's not here right now--he's always been such a healthy boy and has never really been sick. I wonder if he has an inner ear infection that is causing him to get sick and be off balance. I looked at his gums and his ears and they seemed fine. His temp. was a little higher than normal. I feel lost without my buddy. This is a bad time of year for me. Something happened nine years ago around this time and I never have gotten over it. I was kicked out of a CSA I belonged to for very...unjust reasons. I was betrayed by a former friend, a man I loved, and certain people who knew the truth and didn't want anyone else to know. All they cared about was protecting HIM, even though it was his own fault, and no one gave a d**n about protecting ME. Even though I wasn't guilty--they tried to make me the scapegoat. I got so depressed so quickly that I became delusional. It was awful. So I hate this time of year. And I love my Jaxon and pray that he will quickly recover. He never once complained when I took him to the vet. He just wagged his tail and knew that he was in good hands. Now he's in God's hands. And I have to be as trusting as my dog is.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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