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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jul 01 2016 : 11:18:29 AM
We just jumped through about a million hoops and refinanced a loan for a guy who has been a very troublesome customer for some time. More work than all our other customers combined, for just about zero return. HE specified that his new payments should be $125 per month, with the first payment due July 5 -- again HIS choice. He signed the contract. Dude explained it all to him. Who would like to take bets????? I am going to say right now that he will NOT make his $125 payment on July 5. Let's just see how this turns out and what his excuse is.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 01 2016 : 2:34:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
Our internet access has been poor to none existent for the last week. Quite frustrating.
One guinea chick has hatched. I guess soon there will be many. When I went to get my camera the chick was front and center. By the time I returned it was way under one of the hens.
The meat chickens and turkeys arrived today as little chicks. One of the laying hen chicks has made her way under the wall of the stall and has snuggled up to the guinea hen mothers.
Cindy I am glad you have a job again. I hope it suits you well and you are happy with it.
Jan if the relations get you down you can always leave early.
I am always sad when I see the baby birds have been eaten. I guess the Dude is having a flashback.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2016 : 07:55:01 AM
After reading along for a while, I decided I want to be part of this group. I'm a retired RN, had to quit a few years ago because of too many neck and wrist injuries. We live in the hills of southern Indiana, near an art and tourist community. We have 15 acres, mostly hills, and a vertical driveway. We lived in Louisiana and Texas for 40 years while DH worked for a helicopter company. It was very hard to leave Texas, because it was really "home", but we are much closer to our daughter here in Indiana and our son and grandbabies in Virginia. I am enjoying retirement, spending lots of time cross stitching, knitting, spinning, and doing all the things I didn't have time to do while I was working. And spending time with the precious grands. Looking forward to being part of the group.
Karin Farmgirl Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2016 : 08:46:26 AM
Welcome Karin!!!! Looking forward to getting to know you better. My husband and I retired and moved from Michigan to Florida almost 2 years ago and are loving the warmer weather, although, it is a little hard getting used to the heat down here. In Michigan we were lucky if we got 2 days of 80 degrees during the summer. We do not miss shoveling all the snow and the 30 below zero days though. Again, welcome!!!!!
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2016 : 3:50:03 PM
Good evening everyone,
Even though the thermometer reads 60 F it seems so much colder. The wind is brisk today. The clouds are intermittently very thick and low. There were tornado warnings in the southwest corner of the state near Bennington. That is about four hours by car from here.
We are still waiting for more guinea chicks to hatch.
Welcome Karin. Congratulations on retirement. I am glad you have plenty to do. I dream of the day I can do as I wish without interruption.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2016 : 4:56:17 PM
Hi Karin. I am glad for the new voice. We can be pretty feisty.
I live in Minneapolis and have been here for 17 years, since I came here to go to college. This city is so diverse. In our neighborhood we have Europeans, Africans and Hispanics. I know the area like the back of my hand provided I am riding the bus.
I had to go out to breakfast with Lowell today because I needed to pick up my sewing machine from the shop. Everyone here knows how much I loathe going out to breakfast with him, my DH. I would have rather gone to the Farmers' Market where I was supposed to volunteer but OH WELL. This is a ritual with him and he stays out until the middle of the afternoon. I do not want to spend that much time away from home where I have loads of housework. We took Mitzi, our little dog, with us and decided to sit on the patio so she could be with us. He wanted to take her to a walk in Lake Harriet Park where there is a rose garden in which a large variety of roses are grown in beds. He encouraged me to "wear my finery" for this outing. Well the dog wanted to sit on my lap while I wore one of my favorite dresses. To enter the park area we had to navigate a steep downward slope. It was about 60 degrees. I had to walk to a different part of the slope. I would not have made a successful journey had I tried it with my dress shoes (not high heels) and my aching knees. Of course, he totally understood my difficulty and apologized. NOT!!! We walked through the rose garden while I, in all my finery, carried the poop bag. I must have looked lovely. I ditched the poop bag as soon as I could then we walked on to the former Rock Garden now called the Peace Garden. He let go of her leash and she made for the small pool with a waterfall. She walked in to get her feet wet and take a drink dragging her leash behind her. I could not retrieve her because I was in my finery. We sat on a bench at the edge of the bird sanctuary and that was very nice. He had the great idea to go get the car and pull up on the road to pick us up. I got Mitzi on her leash and walked to the road through the Peace Garden. When we got to the middle of the gravel path, she decided to poop. People are all around and I didn't have a poop bag. I did have a shawl so - you guessed it - I scooped it up in a corner of my shawl and made my way to the nearest garbage can. While there, I unpinned it and wrapped it up. Lowell pulled up and asked me why I had the grumpy face. Of course he understood every concern I had. I was so glad to get home.
Anyway, that's my Lowell rant for the month.
The weather here is absolutely perfect. Not too hot. Not too buggy.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 02 2016 : 9:58:27 PM
Welcome Karin! Hope you like us. What part of southern Indiana are you located? I remember stopping at a little town called Vincinnes (sp.) when I was coming back from Kentucky once. Marie--when a woman walks a dog in her finery, the man always handles the poop bag. Most men don't realize this and need to be trained. Men respond best to food rewards. Beer and pretzels work well. Seriously, I am sorry you had to go through all that. I once took Boxer to a park after feeding him a homemade diet that had lots of garbanzo beans in it. He wasn't used to the diet. We were at the park. listening to the Muny Band play, when he upchucked--garbanzo beans everywhere. Luckily I had a bag. I never fed him that diet again.
Today was on the cool side and it didn't get above 70. We got some much needed rain but not enough. we may get more tomorrow. I have been sneezing all day due to allergies. I took a Claritin about 45 minutes ago and it seems to help somewhat. I usually don't take allergy medicine, but then, I usually don't sneeze for the entire day. Here is a picture of my sweet boy, Jaxon. He loves tummy rubs. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jul 03 2016 : 5:10:32 PM
Good evening everyone,
I had it in my head that Jaxon is a small dog. Imagine my surprise to see his picture that he must be as big as our Joey. He is a handsome boy your Jaxon.
I worked outside some today. It was a lovely day. Temperatures must have been in the high sixties. low humidity. light breeze. intermittent clouds, but not too many.
We had pork chops and burdock stems for supper. I had to peal the stems to get the stringy part off. That was very tedious. Then I boiled them. They did not taste like much. We put butter and garlic powder on them. Never the less we can say our whole meal came from our hands and had not preservatives.
DsR wants every to know that he went to the parade in Montpelier and almost gave a high five to Bernie Sanders. The security guards scared dsR so he backed up. DsR said Bernie walked fast and he did very well for an old man.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2016 : 06:35:02 AM
Good Morning and Happy 4th of July. It is foggy and we are supposed to have rain on and off all day, so fireworks may be a bust. Cindy, we live outside Nashville. It has about 900 people, and I think at least half of them are artists. Downtown has two stoplights, some excellent restaurants, specialty stores, and many galleries of one type or another. Traffic is pretty bad on the weekends all the time, gets worse in the summer, and is horrible in autumn. Everyone comes to see the fall colors, which are beautiful in all the hills we have. DH started throwing pottery many years ago as a stress reliever from work. He now sells it through one of the galleries. Part of the deal when you get juried in is that you have to work in the gallery, so two or three days a month he is there and I get a bit of alone time. There is also a yarn shop where I spend a good deal of time. The first time I went in we discovered in talking that the owner and I are from the same town in northern Indiana. She graduated 5 years after I did. One of the other knitters is married to a man from that town too. Small world. Hoping to get some spinning done today.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2016 : 07:47:10 AM
Good morning girls!!! AND Happy 4th!!!! What are your plans? We do not do much here, just stay home and enjoy the heat from the indoors. Of course, I am knitting. I like to design my own patterns, so when I find something I like, I make a bunch of them. I am working on a neck cowl that is kind of like a dickie. I like how they are turning out. Bob said to me "In Florida?" I laughed so hard. No, they are to sell on Etsy!!!! He gets a kick out of me always tearing things apart. I keep telling him that I design my own things, so if I do not like how it is turning out, I tear it out and start over. He thinks I should finish it after putting in all that time. We live just 2 miles from LEGOLAND, so we have been hearing fireworks every night all weekend. Maybe tonight we can go outdoors and watch them. We shall see. Marie, Lowell sounds so much like my first husband, that is why I am not married to him anymore. He needs to be less self centered. I like to dress up once in awhile, it is good for the ego. Hope the shawl washed out clean. Holly, you have not been writing about DD lately. Is she on her own now? I told Bob that one of these summers we are going to Vermont to meet you and your family. I still rave about the maple syrup. Our neighbor next to us here in the winter is from Mass. He will only use Vermont maple syrup. Cindy, I too thought you had a little dog. You are well protected with Jaxson, I am sure. When do you go back to work? Karin, sounds like you live in a very nice town. I love these small towns that are full of art and antique shops. We have a lot of small towns here that the buildings are all painted with murals. I never tire of looking at them. Marilyn, You are probably out in the boat. Hope you are having nice weather for that. Well, time to get off here and get busy doing something. Have a great enjoyable day,
Jan Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2016 : 09:01:18 AM
Ah Lowell's not so bad. He has just never been a girl.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 04 2016 : 7:52:19 PM
Good evening everyone,
We had a lovely 4th. C went to do her politicking. She marched in a parade with her signs and candy to toss. She has some friends with her as well. Her campaign manager marched here in town with C's signs and a small crowd. The parade here might be a 1/2 mile at tops. The one C marched in was more than two miles. They had a good time.
Tonight we went to the fireworks. The man who owns the company's wife grew up in our town so people say we have the best show in the area.
DdK is around. She babysits three days a week. It barely covers her spending money at $50/day. I don't know how she managed before she had this income. I know we did not supply her with that much cash. She is learning how to deal with her friends who want her to spend her money on them. She has a hard time saying no sometimes. Yesterday, she went to see a married friend with three small children. The husband gave the wife a small amount of money and she spent it on the older child. DdK said how could I let the two year old cry for something? She said she spoke to the mother about being used. We will see what happens in this relationship over time. Her next scheme is to go to New Jersey on the weekends and do modeling and work in a club. Just for the weekends. I am not at all for this idea but she is convinced it is her way into big money and that she will not have to put out for sex to do it. I truly hope she does not get hurt physically or emotionally in the learning.
Our town has under 900 people in it. maybe by 20 hard to say with the birth and death rate. We have a church, a town hall, the town offices and a store on the main drag which is a state road so we do not have to pay to plow or maintain it the state does. We have 18 miles of town road that the town pays for. The next town over has 87 miles of town road. We have several artists in town but only one weekend a year do they open their studios to the public. The craft cooperative in Montpelier requires the people who display their wares to work as well.
Gee, Jan I thought when you said you were going to make a swing down the East Coast that you might drop in for a visit.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2016 : 06:10:02 AM
Karin -- I myself am a Hoosier girl. Went to high school down in Bloomfield, Greene County. Actually have a classmate from there who lives in Nashville somewhere -- and she's an RN, come to think of it! ha
Holly -- What are the guinea hens good for -- are they for meat? There's a farm over by my daughter that keeps them because they are supposed to eat ticks -- that would be worth it except they are always out in the highway and have caused a couple of wrecks.
Fourth of July here -- Cookout Saturday evening at some friends' place. Sunday on the boat with the kids and grilled lobster tails at home that evening with kids. Monday was overcast so we went to the Brandywine River Museum and looked at all the Wyeth stuff and then home so I could do laundry. Steaks on the grill last night -- but just the two of us, which was fine! Now back at work like nothing's changed. Had a very humid walk uptown this morning. It rained all night here, so I guess people were glad they did their big fireworks on Saturday night.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 05 2016 : 6:51:01 PM
Good evening everyone,
We keep guinea fowl because they are fun. We do keep them to eat the ground bugs like ticks. We have not had any ticks on anyone in years. Actually the only one who ever had a tick was one of my cows. We live on the side of a hill/old mountain. If you go down our hill (1/2 mile) across the road and up the hill on the other side I have been told waling through those fields there are a lot of ticks. They are great alarmers. The Roman army used to keep them as sentries. They are stupid. Their brains must be the size of a split pea. Our guineas have it out for the tail feathers of the roosters. A guinea will grab hold of one of the tail feathers and the rooster will run with an outraged and offended look on his face trying to save his vanity. The guinea holds tight. Sometimes the guinea tires and some times the tail feather comes out. Sometimes we look out the window and one guinea is chasing another. They run around and around the yard. It is usually a female chasing a male. Some people eat them. We have not because we have not yet had enough to spare .
A hot not humid day here on the old hill farm. Too hot to do much outside.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 05:52:58 AM
Thank you Holly. I see so many people keeping guinea hens along with their chickens here, and I never knew what their allure was. Chester County has a HUGE tick issue, so I could see that -- I wondered if they were great egg-layers or something. Turns out they are for entertainment! Our neighbors at the bottom of the hill have a few in with their chickens. Not lots of traffic up our hill, either, so they're not a problem for cars.
It is going to be hot here today -- maybe Jan won't think so, but for us Pennsylvania Yankees, 91 degrees and high humidity is not pleasant! Always seems that we have 2 or 3 weeks of heat and humidity every summer, but at coffee this morning, we were saying it usually hits more toward the end of July. Oh well, it is what it is and I have a very loose cotton blouse on today, so it shouldn't get too sticky.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 07:11:57 AM
Good morning! I went to the Y for a workout this morning and on the way home saw two does and two bucks in one of the fields near our house. Both bucks were at least 8 pointers. Everyone looked very sleek and healthy. It has been hot and extremely humid here. I thought when we moved back up here from Texas the weather wouldn't be so bad in the summer, but I don't see much difference. Just doesn't last quite as long. Last winter we had a tree fall on out wellhouse and smash in the roof. DH started working on it this weekend and is finished except for shingling. He is up in northern Indiana for a few days helping his brother work on a truck for another brother. So while he is gone I am going to clean up the mess around the building before it starts raining again. Then I have the rest of the day to knit and spin 
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 07:18:37 AM
Marilyn, there is another RN who comes to our knit group, and the daughter of one of the others knitters is an RN. Wouldn't it be funny if one of them was your friend?
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
Edited by - craftingram on Jul 06 2016 07:20:33 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 07:35:38 AM
Her name is Cathi B***********. That would be a hoot!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 07:38:02 AM
Karin -- What kind of spinning do you do? I am waiting right now for my very first drop spindle to be delivered. I have been a knitter, weaver, crocheter for years and have always wanted to spin. Last week, a gal I see at coffee in the mornings offered me some raw wool and it made me think it was time to just take the plunge and try spinning. I hope I love it -- ha ha! Just need yet ANOTHER fiber hobby!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 06 2016 : 8:11:00 PM
I just tried typing a reply and then it disappeared. Let's see if this one gets posted. I hate it when my computer does that. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 05:57:19 AM
Still hot and humid here, but I think it is supposed to break a little in the next day or two. The a/c in my office works pretty well. I keep the ceiling fan running and the overhead lights off, so it stays pretty cool in here. The delivery guys and the shop guys really like to find reasons to come inside for a while! ha ha I would too.
This morning on the way across town to come to work, we saw one of our customers coming out of the gas station parking lot. She was driving the car she is supposed to be paying on. She is wayyyyyy overdue on her payments and the starter interrupt device on her car should have been making it impossible for her to start the vehicle for 16 days. So evidently she has had the unit disabled. That's another one. I want all the overdue cars back. I swear I am going to hire a repo guy and have every stinking one of them picked up and brought back to the lot. The fellow who we refinanced and had his first payment due on the 5th????? Did anyone take my bet, because you would have lost. We saw him driving around this morning, as well, but it is possible that he is using the emergency code, which would give him 24 hours to get here with his payment. I am sick of dealing with these thieves, I tell you. And that's what it is -- thievery.
One of my favorite customers had fallen off the radar for a while. A nice young man named Jacob. He would be a little late once in a while, but generally kept his payments up and would always make an effort to get them in on time. A few months back, he told me that he had taken the car to a shop for something and needed a code so the mechanic could work on it. That was the last I heard from him for weeks. I tried and tried to call and got no calls back. His older brother (also a customer) came in to make a payment one day and I asked him about Jacob. The company he had been working for had gone under and he was back to doing cement finishing and really struggling financially. Aha! That clears up the question. "Well, have him call us so we can work something out with him, okay?" No word for a couple more weeks, so I finally sent a very stern letter. He called overnight and left a message. He had left the car in the shop and now owed the mechanic over $600 just for storage. He says he doesn't have the money to pay us or the shop. Dude just called and gave him a rather fatherly talk -- kind of like "Why on earth did you leave this so long without letting us know what was going on?" So that's another one.
And on it goes and on it goes and on it goes.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 12:23:33 PM
Made a few "friendly reminder" calls this morning -- plus one "We have no recourse but to repossess" call. There have been so few incoming calls -- I have been knitting most of the day. We had yummy ribs from the Amish BBQ for lunch -- just the best. They do a great cauliflower/broccoli salad, too. Tonight's dinner will be some of the Alaska salmon that the kids brought us. We sure do eat well around here!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
528 Posts

528 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 1:39:27 PM
Marilyn, I could never do your job, I would have blown a gasket or given myself a stroke having to deal with these people. You are much more patient and kinder than me, I think. I have an Ashford traditional one treadle spinning wheel and a couple of different weight drop spindles. I find spinning relaxing, but then I find any kind of hand or needlework relaxing. There are so many wonderful rovings and tops to spin. I think you'll enjoy it. Today was my day to go to town and run errands and buy groceries. always glad when it's done, especially when it is so hot and humid. I miss my gardens. When the kids were growing up we lived on a farm with orchards, big gardens, and a lake full of fish. I hardly had to buy anything! Where we live now is mostly vertical and shaded by so many trees. I managed to find a sunny spot for one little raised bed, so at least I have tomatoes and cucumbers. Cindy, have you started your new job yet? Hope everyone is having a good day.
Karin Sister #2708
Romans 8: 38,39 |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 2:39:06 PM
Marilyn--there have been two different times I've been at a business and came out to see someone's car being repossessed. One time the owner was getting her hair cut and she came running out, screaming, "No! Don't take it!" I felt sorry for her, but she was getting her hair colored at the time---so she had money to color her hair but not make a payment on her car? I think the person who lives across the street from me had her car repossessed a couple months ago. She had a real nice PT Cruiser that she would park in front of her house---and then it just disappeared. One time I had gone hiking with a friend at a state park. On the way home, we stopped in a small town to get fish sandwiches. I parked in what I thought was a safe spot along the street. when I came back to my car, someone had left a nasty note claiming that I was blocking his "driveway". I looked and looked but didn't see a driveway. I saw a couple tire tracks where it looked like a car had been parked a long time ago. I guess in some small towns, that's considered a driveway. It was weird though--apparently this person had to drive over a curb and a sidewalk to access their "driveway". What really riled me was that this person threatened in their note to have my car towed---it was a cool autumn day, and my dog was sleeping in the back seat. I had the windows slightly cracked and it was in the shade, so he was fine. IF someone ever had my car towed with my dog in the back seat, and something happened to my dog---well, I would probably wind up in jail and they wouldn't let me out for a long time. I don't care if a person threatens me, but if they threaten to harm my dog in any way---let's just say no on has ever seen that side of me, and I hope they never do. You remember the old Hulk TV show where David Banner would turn into the Hulk? "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me if I got angry." I doubt that I'd turn green, but my eyes just might glow with that strange yellow if you do hire a repo man, tell him to make sure there are no animals or kids sleeping in the car. I start back to work on the 18th. I got my new job description today and I doubt I'll have any problems with it. it'll be hard to get back into a routine cause I've been off almost six months. The last time I was off that long was back in 1991. it'll be good to have a paycheck once more. Not having any money can really stress a person out. Even if I have been getting help from family and friends. I think my boss will leave me alone. I haven't really felt angry towards her for being a jerk--mostly I've felt sorry for her. I know her life is probably no easier than mine. It does bother me that this whole situation has left me feeling paranoid. There is an outdoor yoga class tomorrow evening on the bluffs and I think I may go to it. Doing yoga on the bluffs while watching the sun set over the Mississippi has got to be relaxing. Anytime I see the sun set from the bluffs I feel peaceful.  Here is a picture of a not too high bluff and a picture of our local Native American legend. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jul 07 2016 : 6:40:45 PM
Good evening everyone.
It is hotter than blue blazes here these days. The humidity was high as well. I really dislike having a film of sweat all over me. It is not supposed to be this hot until the end of the month.
I did not realize that buck antlers would be so developed this early in the year. We have white tailed deer. I have not seen any buck out and about but I have seen doe and their fawns. DdK goes for a walk in the woods each day sometimes several times and she sees deer on a regular basis. Today she talked about the turkey and their babies. The neighbor had his chickens and chicks invaded by a weasel. I guess she must have babies to feed too. This time of year is a bit harder on livestock.
Our cow is not pregnant. The vet said she will be in heat again next week and to try then. He said she had a cyst and the egg did not pop out. He said the cyst is gone now so I do not know if he popped it or he felt where it used to be.
I would not be good at Marilyn's job either. I think that if you are an adult you should behave as an adult and be responsible. I have little patience with functioning adults who believe behaving irresponsibly is acceptable.
Zutano which is a children's clothing line that was developed here in Vermont was sold to some company and the shipping and receiving warehouse is being moved out of state. We know some people who work there. or maybe I should say worked. Yesterday they were given 6 weeks notice. Today they were told everything needed to be ready to be shipped to the new location by the 19th. I remember years ago when the company first started they made sure the workers in other countries were paid a liveable wage to create the garments. Now I am told the company was sold to a supplier that created the worst product.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |