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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 27 2013 : 12:35:32 PM
Janie - I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! It really is important to keep our elders at home as long as possible so they feel alive and as though they can still be part of life! It gives them hope which if you don't have, you go down hill quickly. I sure hope you find someone to help you. I'll keep you in my prayers.
On a funnier note, I woke up to it snowing AGAIN and then saw this on Facebook so I thought I'd share it for all us Northern girls.

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 27 2013 : 12:43:43 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I believe that I was a negligent farm mother at the end of last summer. It seems that Gershwin may be about to deliver. She was one year old at the end of January. So, count back nine months and that was when her brother from a different year knocked her up. I noticed that her bag was big. Well, so another naming contest is in order. Kethry said she is going to name the baby because I named the last one. We shall see.
I think when we were young the sizing system was different. Because after I grew up adn while my mother sewed my clothes I wore a twelve. Now I wear a 4 or six and I am taller and heavier.
The sap is running again.....finally.... we did have too cold weather for a couple of weeks. Now we wake up and it is sunny but by noon it is cloudy.
The Pine tree seeds is a good company. The packets do not seem as big but that means less seeds are wasted. I like the lettuce collections and other vegetable collections because I can get different types of plants without having to buy a packet of each kind.
I am hoping the seeds I planted last fall come up this spring. It is always a fun science experiment.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 01:17:44 AM
Ginny, I so enjoyed that video!! Did you get the chance to visit that site I mentioned? It is I think it is the funniest thing! The dogs look like they are posing for mug shots and some of the things they have done just crack me up. I hope you are fully over your headcold by now. Maybe even looking at some springlike weather for the holiday weekend. So nice to hear from you so often and loving your posts that make me laugh out loud.
Janie, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles with your mom's care. I guess you know you can't depend on your sister to help at this point. I hope you can keep your mom engaged and taking part in her life. When we had help for my mom, they stole everything they could. This were bonded and background checked individuals hired through a highly respected home care company. They stole meat from the freezer, childhood toys, towels, money- small amounts that my mom was allowed to keep in the house, we were trying to be smart. Unfortunately, on the day we buried my father, we found someone had stolen my mothers wedding rings. That really sickened me. It affected my mother terribly because she knew she was now MORE dependent on homecare with my father gone. So, word to the wise, keep what is in the house with your mom to a minimum. We had family members in and out of the house at all different times of the day, too. My aunt came by every morning to give my mom her insulin shot. My uncle worked on the ranch and was always by at odd times, as was his son. My sister usually visited on the weekend or whenever because she lived about twenty minutes away. It just didn't seem to matter that we were really need to take everything of value out of the house. And we really liked the people that were caring for my folks. When you realize what is happening or has happened, you feel very violated. You have to trust these people, but yet, some of them you just shouldn't. Some of them were so wonderful and others, not so much. Just be careful.
Holly, I think you are right about the sizing system. I seem to get smaller, too! Although, I have gained about four inches around my waist since I was in my twenties. I weigh the same ... distribution is definitely different! So you are looking for "I" names for the new calf? That might be tough. I like the older names, like Imogene, Ida. Boy's names aren't as fun for I's. Ivan isn't very friendly sounding. What else? I'll have to think about that. Sap running time sounds very exciting to me. It is something I have never seen.
We had a nice day. It looked like we might get rain, but it never materialized. Got the blinds washed from the room dh just painted. So that room is nice and clean. Almost completely organized, too. I should get that finished up this week. We took the pups around the property. I just love watching them run. They are more engaged with one another now that it is just the two. In fact, they were playing tug of war. I had to stop it before the lab whipped the Chihuahua through the tv with one good fling of the rope. Mollie used to flip her dinner bowl when she felt the kibble was slow in being dished up. It was a funny habit and only occasionally annoying. Three days ago, Gracie (chihuahua) flipped her ceramic bowl. She has never done this before. Then last night, Gracie flipped the lab's bowl, which is fairly large in comparison to her. Felt like Mollie was checking in with us! I still find myself glancing over to where Mol's bed used to sit now and again. Less and less each day. We really miss seeing her when we come back home. Mollie was always "The Great Greeter" because she just burst out of the house SO thrilled to see you. It didn't matter if you had been gone a week or had gone outside to turn off a hose. The other dogs are happy to see us, but they are able to contain the excitement a bit more!
So yesterday, dh and I were getting ready to hop on the ATV to head out to fix fencing when I asked him, "So is this what you expected when you thought of retirement?" He looked over at me with the biggest grin on his face, nodded his head and said,"YES! How about you?" I told him it was what I was hoping for. It really made my heart so happy. We love taking care of our place and to have the time to do it at a more leisurely pace is heaven on earth.
Hope everyone is having a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 04:30:45 AM
Oh, drats! Everything I was writing just disappeared. That is what I get for using this lousy laptop. My main computer is still not working.
First of all, have a Happy Easter everyone. It is my favorite holiday and I am so thankful to God for everything.
Bunny, I really like the dress. It is so pretty. Too bad I am not the right size for it.
Kathy, Jenny made a really nice snowman. I used to love going up in the CA mountains in the winter and make a snowman. So much fun. , Ginny, I do hope you will feel better soon. It is so miserable being sick.
Holly, sounds like you had a wonderful seder dinner. I miss the seder dinners and passover celebrations that I used to have when my grandparents were living. My grandfather, a cantor, used to sing. As kids we had to sit at the end of the table at the card tables. All my aunts, uncles and cousins were there.
Janie, I can feel for you dealing with you mother. I had my mom living with me for about 2 years when she was in her late 80's. I finally had to put her in a nursing home as I could not give her the care she needed. I had such anxiousness and sorrow. She was in the home for almost 5 years. She was not sad there as they were very good to her.
Please excuse any misspellings or other errors. It is the laptop's fault. I am blaming it anyway. :)
Make everyday a celebration of the heart. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 09:33:06 AM
First off, Nancy thank you for the wonderful Easter card. Loved the trim around the outside.
Holly, another baby on the way! What fun. Can't turn your back for a second on nature.
Marianne, interesting about the bowl flipping. I would like to think Molly is saying hi and that she is happy. It does take a while to move on. I think it is wonderful you and hubby are so happy.
So sad about caregivers being dishonest. I know my grandmother had that problem with housekeepers. She finally gave out all her jewelry to us because some of it had been stolen. So much dishonesty!
Yesterday was a bad day. Didn't go to work and spent most of the day in bed. Today is much better. I'll be spending it in the sewing room.
Ginny, glad you are feeling better. Hopefully this lousy flu season will end soon. Too many people getting sick.
Later all, have a wonderful spring day.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 2:33:16 PM
Bunny, hope you are back on your feet. A nice day of sewing may be what the doctor ordered!
Nancy, You sent me a beautiful card! It made me smile and will probably be my only Easter card this year. Thank you so much! Your handwriting is so pretty. I used to have nice writing, but my hands cramp up a bit too much to depend on being able to address an envelope as lovely as yours was.
Dh sharpened all my knives this morning. Maybe I should check the bandaid supply! Got a bunch of morning type chores done and then we took the pups around the property and down to get the mail. Sammie was off leash, we were only off our property for about twenty feet. A utility truck came by us and I made Sammie sit. She jumped up before I had released her, so I grabbed her fat lab tail. Got her to sit back down. The guy in the truck laughed. I still have a bunch of stuff I should do, but ... the sofa is calling my name! And it just started to sprinkle outside. Decision made!
Hope you all find time to say hello.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 3:26:49 PM
Nancy, I recieved your beautiful card today also. Thank you so much. It is so thoughtful of you and all the time it took you to make them. i did not send any Easter ones out this year, I have just been so busy trying to get some of my ufo's done. If we take off in December, I need to get alot of my stuff done and packed, since we plan on going to markets and craft shows to sell what I make. That will be out extra income for travel expenses. I have so much junk here, I don't know how I will get it all cleared out, plus OI want to make a bigger garden this year so I can put up alot of food to take with us. So much to do, not enough hours in a day. It is finally melting here, but we still have at least 2 feet of snow on the ground. Had sun 2 days in a row, I think that is the first time that happened all year!!!! Spring is coming!!!! Gives me more energy. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 6:12:32 PM
I hate Chico's sizing. Like I need more confusion with trying to figure my size. I do love their jewelry and a lot of their tops. My MIL will ask me my size -- often -- she is amazed that I can stay the same size. She also cannot understand when I say I usually just eyeball it. Doesn't everyone? Unless you always buy the same brand.
Can you believe it has been 20 years since Jurassic Park came out? How does time go by so quickly? Am I officially old, now?
So, I mentioned that I have been trimming down some plants that I didn't get to in the Fall...well, it has taken a toll on my hands. They feel a bit tender and none of my wedding rings fit. That seems like a pretty good indication that they might be swollen, no?
Yay, tonight is Project Runway, my favorite. I always feel like sewing while I watch. I wonder how Bunny could ever watch it!
marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 28 2013 : 6:37:34 PM
Gypsy, I'm with you on the golfing. Always wanted to try but knew I would embarrass myself. Maybe you could sneak off to the local golf pro for a few pointers. I'm sure they have seen it all.
Marianne, I was almost scared reading your post about Sammie. Glad she has a nice long lab tail. I would hate to hear about another tragedy. I do watch Project Runway. I haven't had any lessons and wish I could take some. Sometimes I'm amazed at what they come up with and other times.....what were they thinking!
I had fun today but did a little too much. I'm hoping my nap fixed it. I finished a jean jacket and a jean skirt. ( not matching though). I'm working on another short jean skirt with fabric streamers added around the bottom. I pinned everything and I'll give it a rest. Probably will finish it on Friday. I work tomorrow. Not looking forward to school next week. I did get 3 A's and 1 B on my report card though. Not too bad.
Dinner is ready, later everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2013 : 07:28:37 AM
Good morning from Maryland, where it's getting warmer. Rained a bit last night, but nothing left today. Grass is starting to grow-well,weeds are growing anyway. But at least the lawn is looking green and my bulbs are growing. Some daffodils & tulips are up and looking pretty.
Nancy, thank you for the beautiful card. Jenny put it up on the wall in the front room like a picture. She said to say thanks too.
Well, I started going to a knit/crochet club that meets once a week. We bring whatever yarn we want to use and we sit around making rectangles to put together as lap afghans for the wounded warriors program. It's really a good thing and it gets me out of the house once a week. Same group holds a book club meeting once a month. Last months book was good and I really enjoyed talking to other people about the same book and getting other views on the same book.
And, I'm off to the weekly meet of old ladies knitting & crocheting. Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2013 : 5:45:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast most of the day. Temperatures were in the thirties so we had a sap run. Tomorrow we will boil the sap and probably Sunday as well. the boys have been collecting it and bringing it up to the boiler. T likes to drive the tractor so he is the main boy doing the collecting of the sap.
We are looking for H names. We go by the year. So all babies born in 2013 will be H names. Next year will be I names. We do not name the chickens or pigs or turkeys. That would be way too many names to remember.
I guess we are lucky that we had good caregivers for our friend. Two of them were fired during their time with her. The first for gross negligence and mouthing off to her supervisor. I was coming home a year ago this spring from taking T to some sort of practice and lucky for us I chose the route home that I had because there standing in the road was Libby. Didn't have a clue where she was and didn't really know who I was either. She was probably a quarter mile from her house. As we were driving up her lane down comes her caregiver to look for her. She must have been gone for more than an hour. Her walking was not very good then. The other caregiver flapped her gums to another client who knew Libby and the client told the boss that confidentiality had been broken. Libby did not have alot of value that anyone would want. She did not treasure those things. She loved books. I am sorry for all the loss you all suffered.
I am not at all good with that eye hand coordination stuff. I once went golfing on a small course but not miniature golf which has all the decorations. Anyway, I failed miserably. Swung and missed..Swung and chipped up the grass. Swung and put the ball on the other side of the hole. I am ok with archery.
We had salmon for supper.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2013 : 6:12:33 PM
Nancy - THANK YOU for the card! As a bunny person of course I love the bunnies! It sits proudly next to my glass Easter Egg which is very large and was given to my Grandmother from her Father when she was 1 so it's 116 years old! I sure do miss her. Growing up with 4 very strong women in my life was awesome! She was one of them along with my Great-grandmother, Aunt, and Mom. It was a house where the women ruled!
Marianne - I did check out the website and LOL a lot! Very cute pics. To bad for the parents of the dog who had to get his ball behind the TV! When I got about 4 pages in it wouldn't bring anymore up though. That site could be addicting! You obviously have a "keeper" in the hubby department! I'm glad you are enjoying retirement and staying busy! I use to watch Project Runway years ago, my daughter got me addicted to it. Then I bought a cheap "Project Runway" sewing machine! and haven't used it yet & quit watching the show for some reason.
CONGRATULATIONS BUNNY!!! You are doing a great job in school so I'm sure you will continue to do well. You just need more faith in yourself cuz you are doing really well in school, job, and sewing! 4 gold stars for you sista!
Spring is around the corner here, finally. I noticed tonight my crocus are all up and many are in bloom. FINALLY!
B would hate to golf with me! MY BIL took us to our local 9 hole course and after about 3 hours he said he was sorry but had to get back to the Beach House. We had made it all the way to the 4th or 5th hole! Didn't David and I feel stupid!! That's it for me. Course was pretty though, right on the ocean.
Girl names Holly - Ivy, Iris, Izzy, Isadora. Boy names Irving, Ichabod, Iggy, Ivor. Good luck!
I decided to make a nice ham dinner for me and I will take the ham and grind it into ham salad for David! Throw on some scallop potatoes, sweet potatoes, and asparagus rolled in puff pastry and dinner is served for one! I made a chocolate angel food cake yesterday thinking it would be a nice change with Strawberries. However, no candy cuz I already ate my peeps! Shame on Ginny!
Speaking of Easter, has anyone else followed The Bible on the History Channel? How about The Vikings? So far I can't say I learned anything new, not that I thought I would but I think they have done a great job.
Happy Easter girls! Here's a few Peep Diorama's
Project Peepway 
Jurassic Peeps

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 29 2013 : 7:29:47 PM
The Peep Dioramas are so clever! Ginny, your dinner sure sounds great! So glad you liked the dogshaming site.
Holly, I can't imagine what went through your mind when you found Libby that day. It can be astounding how things work out, what events transpire to put you where you needed to be at a certain moment. And back to the task of names ... Must begin with H ... and I am drawing a big blank ...
Today I rearrange all the kitchen drawers. OK, almost all the drawers, I still have a few left to do. Also, gardened a bit. We had great weather, temps in the 60s. Amazing for March! My crocus are up and the hyacinth is making an appearance.
Is anyone a member of Angie's List? We joined this afternoon. It is very reasonable. $12 a year. Plus I had a 40% off code. So, I haven't really checked it out, but there are a few things we need to have done around the house: window replacement, new pool cover...lots of fun stuff like that. Anyway, I thought it might be handy! I'll let you know.
Hope you all have a lovely evening, Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2013 : 4:24:35 PM
Holly - H names..........Harry (hairy), hoppy, happy, Hawthorne, Harvey, Holiday, Horace, Homer, Higenbottom, Hillary...(oh wait, you said you don't name the pigs ... Tee hee!!). What are you naming again? Isn't it for an unborn, unexpected calf? Sorry..going crazy today.
We went to Lowes for some 50 cent screws, and I convinced my dear hubby to buy me $40 worth of pansys & impatients. Now I just have to decide where to plant them.
Also starting to make a chicken tractor. It's something Mother Earth News did an article about & the company gave out the design and a parts list free. Supposed to end up costing under $ far only cost me $40 for the flowers I got instead of looking for the parts. I saw all the pretty colors and forgot everything else!!
Time to put the greenhouse to bed. Later sisters.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 30 2013 : 5:52:37 PM
Good evening everyone,
Ginny the peep shows are amazing. I have a friend through Girl Scouts who makes peep shows. She has a great time and they are so tacky. lol
Flowers we still have ten inches of snow on the ground. Bare places are appearing slowly.
I get carried away when I see the flats of flowers. Instant beauty.
Today was an awesome spring day. Temperatures were in the forties. T shirts and sweatshirts. The little boys were outside most of the day and their faces look like they are coloring up some already. No more winter pallor for us. The sugaring still ran all day. No syrup yet though.
No calf yet either.
Nancy thank you for the Easter/Passover card.
To the new women we have a birthday list for this board and that is where people are getting addresses to send out cards. I will have to look for her email if anyone wants it. She has been missing in action for a while. I hope she is ok. I wonder what has happened with her job. We have been mourning with her for the loss of her brother.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 02:04:53 AM
Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Peep Show Sunday! I hope everyone gets a glimpse of spring and a lovely day to spend how you wish!
We are alone this year. First time. We are celebrating with homemade pizza. I generally only get the smallest of slices since I don't "do" white flour. But, I am looking forward to it. We top our thin crust with garlic infused olive oil, mozzarella, regianno and parmesan cheese, and then thinnly sliced marinated artichoke hearts. Yummers.
My gosh, our weather has been such a tease. It was in the 60s and it isn't even April, yet. I know we will have another taste of winter, but it seems impossible at the moment! I transplanted a bunch of plants yesterday and just generally continued with the usual Spring clean up in the garden. Yow, do I feel it in my hands ... and butt, knees, shoulders ...
When the kids were young, we always did hunts with clues to the place to find the next clue and goodies/gifts. It was a different kind of easter egg hunt that we could always have no matter what the weather was! Our son now does it with his girls, which really makes me smile. Years ago, when his wife still liked us, we were included in a mass "Happy Easter" email that told about the hunt they had made for their girls. She gave our son all the credit for having come up with such a clever idea and it kind of stung that no one acknowledged that it was a long-standing family tradition. But, as I said, it made Dh and I smile that the tradition lived on for their daughters. We always had a lot of fun with it.
Have a great day! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 11:38:29 AM
Happy Easter Farmgirls!... I hope you all have a wonderful day. Marianne, we ate gluten free and bobs red mull sells Awsome gf pizza crust mix. We use it all the time....... Anyway... Have a great easter.... its our first easter alone in 30 years... We are going on a hike... And enjoying it.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 4:16:30 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today it was in the high forties low fifties. It was overcast and breezy all day. It seemed cooler today than yesterday probably because of the breeze even though the temperatures were higher.
We bought in Chinese tonight. The children were excited.
This morning we had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Well, the children had dried fruit and candy from their baskets. We had plastic eggs out on the snow cover. The small children and B had a great time picking up the eggs.
hope you all had a lovely day.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 5:00:38 PM
Happy Easter to one and all. We went out for late breakfast and then to driving range and then a cold dri k, now are texting our kids to tell them happy Easter while secretly so glad we aren't entertaining a houseful of relatives. Later we will go out to supper. My kind of celebrating.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 6:56:48 PM
Hope all of you had a great Easter today. My son and daughter came for dinner. I made ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, fruit salad, dinner rolls, and pineapple upside down cake. It was so good. Has been awhile since we had ham. Our snow is going down, we still have about 2 feet of snow on the ground, but it is going down. We had snow yesterday and it was a mess, but melted this morning. It has been in the high 30s, and some sun, so that is helping melt the snow, and also helps with knowing that things are looking up weatherwise. Have a wonderful evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 31 2013 : 7:49:21 PM
Wow. If we didn't hit seventy degrees today, we were very close to it. Amazing for March, even the last day of March. It made me think how nice it must have been for the kids hunting for eggs and all the young people dressed nicely and not having to hide their fine clothes with heavy winter coats.
We enjoyed a great pizza, as I mentioned before. Then we worked outside for a bit and enjoyed a movie, too. Caught up with dd and MIL for Easter wishes. Just a nice day all around.
Hope you all have a lovely evening, Marianne |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2013 : 1:10:13 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Overcast all day. Temperatures must be below freezing. We are having light snow flurries which are better than rain. The dirt roads are breaking up. Should I say slogging up. It makes for interesting driving conditions.
We are having cheese filled meatloaf for supper with rolls. I do not know what veggie yet.
Slow day.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2013 : 3:59:50 PM
Today was kinda of the opposite from Holly's day for me. We had really nice weather. Low 70s and not a cloud in the sky. Dh got started on the well house roof (painting) before the metal roof warmed up too much. He got the primer all done. The well house is, of course, a pretty small structure. I worked inside while he did that and then we took the dogs around. Oh wait, we "arsed around" the property for awhile. (Gypsy will be so impressed that I have incorporated that term into my post.) Had lunch and then went out to pick up some piles we had made around the yard of pine needles, clippings, leaves, general clean up stuff. I drove the ATV with the yard wagon and Dh did most of the pitch-forking. Around the back of the house, canyon edge, the drop off is pretty drastic and since we have the sprayer attachment on the ATV, Dh said he wanted to walk alongside me as I slowly drove along the edge so that the tank of the sprayer attachment didn't try to slip with the angle of the ground. As we started along the steepist area, Dh commented that this was my chance to run him off the canyon wall. Like I am simple enough to not realize when such opportunities present themselves!
One time, years ago, Dh fell in the shower. I was downstairs and it caused quite a commotion. It was quiet after all the thumping, so after listening for what I thought was a reasonable amount of time, I went upstairs to check to see if he was OK. He asked me if I had stopped to check his life insurance policy first. My mental note was, "I will next time..."
All kidding aside, we are having so much fun being able to play together all day. Everything seems to go by so much more quickly when we do it together. It is a good kind of tired in the evening and Spring just puts everyone in a good mood. Of course, it is a false spring, I suppose. Rain is coming and I am sure cooler temps.
The chihuahua got a bath this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I really love all our animals. But, this dog is not a labrador. Has few redeeming qualities, but still manages to be part of the canine species. Her hair is coarse, wiry, not pretty and it is even less pretty freshly washed. I once told Dh that she was from the "Ug" side of "Lee." For some reason that made sense to us. She insistes on standing in "First Position," with her front paws pointing out. Oh well. She is our Gracie Belle. She speaks with a thick Spanish accent and she is very flippant. At times, she swears like a sailor. Mollie rarely swore. But, Mollie did have that lisp and she spit all over the windows when she barked. Do you all think I am slightly crazy yet?
Hope you all have a lovely night and don't send the men in the white coats to my house! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2013 : 4:46:48 PM
Can the weather be any more perfect for setting the garden beds up?.... cool enough that you don't die from heat exhaustion. I can work for a longer period of time.... like ALL DAY. Im in my element outside... Love the country life.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Apr 01 2013 : 5:32:07 PM
Busy Bee Mary, you go, girl. I will enjoy gardening vicariously through you and the other farm girls this year. Hope you and Kathy will keep posting the details about your gardens - I so enjoy hearing about it. What are you getting ready to plant? What zone are you in? I gardened for many years, then went through a miserable divorce and didn't do anything for a while, then went back out and tried to do it again, but my heart just wasn't in it, so I've quit again. Maybe its a case of "been there, done that".
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |