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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 22 2013 : 07:01:47 AM
Gosh, this really ages us, doesn't it!! I also remember the Betsy McCall paper dolls. I remember glueing the dolls to the backs of cereal boxes before cutting gem out so they would stay stiff & not flop all over. I remember actually getting a Betsy McCall dolly when I was 6 or 7. Blond curls & a blue gingham dress with white pineafore & bonnet!
Welcome new girls. This is a great place to be.
My garden is all still in th green house waiting for warm enough weather to transplant outside. But here in Maryland, high today is going to be 46, yesterday's high was 39. Tomorrow should be around 53. And we're expecting rain/snow on Monday? I think I agree with lawyer who's going to sue Pucksatawny Phill!!!
Got to run. Later sisters!
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2013 : 08:06:24 AM
Woke up to a fine dusting of snow, very cold in the Treasure Valley of Idaho. There goes my plans for planting my iris tubers today.... Happy Friday everyone.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
60 Posts
Park City
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Posted - Mar 22 2013 : 09:26:47 AM
Hello All..I know I dont post often. Sorry
Bunny.. I have Lupus. They found mine in 1984. It took them awhile to figure it out. Sorry to say you sound like you are going though what I did. Though the years it has been bad then settles down for a while. Seems it is always worse when the seasons change for some strange reason. I did have to tell my doctor that I would not take all that crap medicine they had me on until it got really bad.. Thank the Good Lord that has not happened. Yes i have the pain.. somedays don't feel like I can function at all.
I hope this is not what you have. I went to 12 doctors before I would beleve it. I will pray it is just stress for you and that you will get over this.. Here if you need me
Must go LOVE you all.
May your bobbins always be full!!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Mar 22 2013 : 6:15:40 PM
Diana, sorry you are dealing with Lupus. I have good days and bad days but other than days where I am too active, I can't figure out what sets off the pain. It was really bad this week but today...not so bad. It would be nice to at least put a name to how I feel for sure. There is a clinic in town that goes by income. Last I heard they would not take anyone new. But I'm thinking of giving them a call and see if I can get in yet.
Work was good today. I finished everything they gave me in record time and ended up leaving early because they didn't have any more work for me. I also got some more good news ( hopefully). I got a letter from the federal banking regulators. The ones that are dealing with penalizing the banks for all the foreclosure violations and they said I should be getting some money. Don't know how much but the letter said I should see something in 4 to 8 weeks.
Gypsy, cool you found some lefty clubs. Golfing should be fun for you. It sounds like things are going a little more smoothly? I hope?
Well, it's nap time. So later for now. Stay warm!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 04:33:18 AM
Hi everyone, Bunny, I am so sorry that Lupus has loomed into your life. I agree with Gypsy that diet would be a huge factor in how you feel. I hope you can find relief. My pain isn't due to an autoimmune situation, but I have often said, when asked why I hurt one day so badly and have a better time on other days, that if I tried to figure that out I would go crazy! Sometimes it is an obvious over working myself the day before, or the weather, emotions, but, sometimes... who knows! You just got to go with it and I know you have the same experience with fibromyalgia.
Holly and Cheri are geniuses to bring all those great items to Libby's memorial. It really must have captured her spirit and brought out the stories and memories. Beautiful. And I think I forgot to tell you thank you for the St. Pat's card. We all got such a laugh out of it. How clever of you. I opened it and thought, "Good grief." Then when I read it, I laughed out loud. Seriously, out loud. Showed it to everyone. Enjoyed their reactions, too. Thanks for all the entertainment.
You gals were so much smarter than me with your Betsy McCall. I never thought to glue her to cardboard. I remember waiting for my Grandmother to finish her magazine. It took forever.
So, flutes ... Are you saying you are making beautiful music together, Gypsy? That's our girl! What else did you find in the shops? Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I think you will get better information from your elimination diet than you will from the allergy testing. I think you have found the key component in making you feel better by staying away from the grains. Just sayin'
Kathy, you are so much closer to a garden than I am! Lucky you. But, I won't tolerate any complaining from you about having to wait because of the weather! How is your arm? Have you decided if you are going to have more surgery?
Nancy, please tell your computer I hope it gets well soon. We miss your posts. Glad you had some "fun" weather in MA. Bet it feels good to be home.
Tomorrow (today) we are going in search of loose tea for Dh. Remember dd and I got him is own "Mike's Blend" at Pike Place Market when I visited her? Well, he really enjoyed it and I had the sales gal write down the weights of all the different blends she included. I think there were six or eight of them. So, I found a shop here in north Spokane and I think we will venture out there this morning.
We have had some pretty cold temperatures and some snizzle. Yes, that is a word that our weatherperson uses. It looks like tiny round snowballs or dippin dots if any of you know that frozen treat.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 10:22:09 AM
Gypsy and Marianne, I have thought about the food allergies. I'm not sure where to start. I could cut out dairy first. I just don't know how to cut out wheat right now. My class schedule is terrible next quarter. I have two days that I will be eating something literally on the run. I can't do that with salad. Trying to find something I can actually eat on the run is hard.
Got to go... later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
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Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 2:05:21 PM
Hey, Chickie Poos! A few years ago I bought a book put out be reader's digest. I finally found it again and am rereading it. It is called LONG LIFE PRESCRIPTION. If you can find a copy please read it. It is easy to read and understand. It deals with the idea that we think as we age we fall apart both mentally and physically, and this is not true. It deals with positive vesres negative ways of thinking. I so enjoyed Gypsy's U Tube hit where the 90+ woman dances with her grandson. We can lay down and tip over or we can have alot of fun on our way to the grave.
Bunny - I do hope you find some answers to your health situation. Find a way to get medical help. In doing so you will gather piece of mind which is very important to the healing process. Not knowing is just to stressful.
Mary - Mary - Mary - I do so envy you. How many more sessions do you have to complete before you become a Master Gardner? Being a MG is on my bucket list. They are only offer the class in the fall in my area, and the site is a two hour round trip. I would have to make an eleven week commitment. I have a few months to decide. What are you going to do for your community project? If I decide to go for it I will do a project that involves kids. Keep in touch as I want to hear all about your studies,
Holly - your kitch idea is awsome. What a great way to do a celebration of life! A friend and I have often played a game almost like this. We find the ugliest plate,dress, whatever, and we can't pay over $1.00. Problem is her idea and my aidea of ugly are two different things.
Gypsy - I agree with your statement on teenage manners. I gave our 14 year old granddaughter what I thought was an age appropriate piece of jewlery. She opened it - handed it back - and told me she would never wear it. Not typical of her, but it happened. I also think the whole world needs cell phone manners. I do not allow electronics while we are eating. I am thought of as an old prune because I hold my ground. Also if I am having a conversation with someone DO NOT put me on hold so you can answer you phone,text,whatever. Ok I will stop now. I just get annoyed because anything goes in the manners dept. these days.
I also love dark yet bright nail polish. I have noticed that several gals about my age are wearing them too. Maybe if we had paper dolls today their nails would be as cool as ours. My garden seminar on Thursday was fantastic. We had sessions on birding,growing lilies, landscaping,starting a butterfly garden, and enjoying honey from those fantistic bees. Everyone was given a nice Rosemary plant, garden seeds, and a small Pansy plant. I didn't win any of the door prises, but I did have a great time. On the way home a friend and I stopped at a shop that sold only bird feeding supplies and bird related items. I plan on going pack there soon.
Well Chickie Poos - it is time to move on to something else. If you celebrate Palm Sunday do have a joyful day tomorrow. Easter week is now upon us. (No egg hunt this year as they will get lost in the snowbanks - giggle -) taa taa - be good to yourselves be eating something healthy along with those jelly beans. |
Edited by - Thelma on Mar 23 2013 2:14:25 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 2:38:32 PM
Bunny, I agree that trying to go wheat free is a huge undertaking and not very likely to be a success while you are so busy. When I was keeping some of those things from my son, we used rice cakes. I like them with peanut butter or tuna. The best way to start is to track what you eat and then see if you can find a correlation to feeling badly. It takes a while to find a pattern, if there is one, but it doesn't cost you anything but your effort. You don't have to make any changes at all.
Thelma, your garden day sounds quite nice. We have a new little shop in our neighborhood that a girlfriend and I are thinking of stopping at next week. It can be fun to tour a new place with a pal.
My rule for the kids as far as being respectful towards adults was simple. You wait for adults, they don't wait for you. You don't interrupt adults, you wait for a break to pardon yourself for interrupting and then speak. And the reason is because, adults have less time left on this earth. Not always true, but the kids never argued with it. But, truth be told, teenagers are sullen, angry and sometimes rude. They may be good kids, but it can still slip through. I laughed about Holly's fat a#$, I could see me reading someone the riot act over that, too. "You can call me a FLAT a#$, but a fat a$# is just factually incorrect." And of course, the anger and sulleness disappeared with the introduction of laughter. Smart move, Holly. Sometimes, the lesson is better learned through humor.
Check back with you all later, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 5:57:11 PM
OMG you ladies are so FUNNY!!! Thanks for all the laughs today!
Janet - I loved your story about your green hair! I took black shoe polish and wrote all over my brothers white car when he married his first wife and trust me, I got into so much trouble as it NEVER came out! I was maybe 11 or 12 as he is 8 years older than I. I also put limburger cheese in the engine. OH OH! I was worried about payback but he couldn't find our truck!
Thelma - I'm glad you are doing well. Looking inside oneself is always a great idea. I'm still on that path myself, just stuck at the moment. I bet the gardening class will be wonderful! I can't wait until spring. Don't they make special paint for concrete? Our's is gray in the basement & around the outside of our foundation. But since you love what it is, it doesn't matter! :)
Marianne - You are so funny! I had a great laugh over "female bacon". To us it's actually Canadian Bacon. It's used in Eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce over it among other things. I can see people coating it with a bread type coating. I think it is like ham yet they sell it in huge chucks around here, not round at all like in the city.
Had a good laugh with the story of Noodles. I can imagine her running down a hallway and then bang, smack into a door and wondering what hit her! But the belly laugh came when your hubby thought you had a stroke because of your nail polish! Years ago I painted mine blue for the Blueberry Festival and when I took it off a few days later, my nails were tinted blue for weeks. I suspect that has all changed as I see so many dark painted nails these days.
On a serious note, we watched Argo Oscar night and I enjoyed it too. I remember the time so well as I worked for a lobbyist in DC at the time. I remember the parade they had for them (the other hostages, not the ones in Argo) when they arrived home. Thankfully, the streets were lined with people 4 to 6 deep. I had given my seats to Reagan's inauguration that year to my parents. I felt they fit in with that crowd better then I did and figured I'd have many more opportunities to attend other President inaugurals. So I stood on the mall with my friends and drank beer instead. I was all of 26. Before his re-election we moved here to Maine and I never had the opportunity again. Not that I care, it's just another "I was there when this happened" moment and they were released that day. It was about a week later they had the parade.
Holly - You Mom skills are so great! It's always best to surprise them with an answer they aren't expecting. It shows them who is still boss! I always reacted unexpectedly with Alana and to our benefit it worked as she would always tell us what was up. So when she was older I always told her how proud I was of her. She didn't have green hair, tats everywhere, piecings everywhere, and by golly, she has a great job! Oh the stories of teenagers!
I'm sure what you said at Libby's memorial was perfect too and I think handing out those kitsch items was a great idea! That is the sort of thing you remember people for after all. Thier quirks and how they made you feel!
Mary and Nancy - I guess it's not quite spring anywhere (except AZ with Gypsy) but keep the faith, it will be here soon. I am ordering more seeds tonight and tomorrow thought I'd start a few things in the house. We normally can't plant outside until end of May.
Diana - No need to be sorry you don't post. Just let us know once in awhile how you are doing! We love to hear from everyone!
Gypsy that video is AMAZING!!! I copied it and emailed it to my folks, they will love it! My step-father use to take us to the Officers Club at least one Saturday night (if not more) a month for many reasons, but one was to teach us to dance. The other was to teach us manners, how to eat with people, etc... because he always said "You never know who you may end up dining with one day". Of course he was right! I never imagined at that age I'd have worked with Senators and Congressmen or eaten with them at the most exclusive places in town. They loved dancing but once Mom fell and broke her ankle in 3 places they could never dance like they use to, so sad.
Living here in Maine I always have my best china and silver for holiday meals for that same reason. So Alana and my neice would learn manners. And she learned manners with my Aunt living with us for 9 years too. She's so polite, too bad she doesn't talk to me though!
Bunny - I do hope you feel better soon. I know when I was first diagnosed with FM I was in bed more than out but then something happened and I don't feel the pain as much now. When I do my gardening or my chores it is horrible the next day but I force myself up and back at it and soon my pain goes away. I think I will take Gypy and Thelma's advice and try a different diet and read the book. With all the crap they put in and on food these days it's amazing most Americans are alive! But I do remember being told by my Dr. that in order to feel better I had to cut all stress out of my life (which I haven't done), and get a good nights sleep. I find if I can sleep more than 4 hours at a time I feel better because we all need at least 4 hours for our REM sleep.
Time to go watch another movie with David. Since he's stuck in the living room we've been renting a lot of movies.
Have a great Palm Sunday and Easter Week or in Holly's case, Passover.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 6:02:39 PM
We need a picture here so here's Fred, our rooster. He likes to stand on his coop and can barely fit inside of it these days! We keep him out of the girls coop for obvious reasons.

Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 6:59:57 PM
Good evening everyone,
Libby's memorial went very well. I wish there had been more people but oh well. there may have been a hundred or so. the kitsch was well received. Some people took home two or three pieces. It is amazing what some people find wonderful. We had a box of kitsch leftover. If you go to you can read Elizabeth Anne Turner's obit. I am told that subscribing newspapers all list their obits on this site so the people who leave comments can do so on one site and the people who read them can just read one site instead of having to search several.
I do like my children to be polite. I do like them to have table manners. I have not brought out my good crystal or china..... yet. We used to eat on it at holidays when I was a child. Now we have had children young so often that I have not dared. I have thought a willow switch on the back of the legs would be a good idea but have never tried it. The children have met Dawn and have not been impressed with her flavor. I do not rub it in I put it on a sponge with the handle and they do the damage themselves. In their arrogance they do a more thorough washing than I would have. they do all know how to behave with company and in public.
Years ago when the big boys were little we went to New York City for the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots to march in the parade. We took the four boys to a Chinese restaurant for supper. There was one other patron in there already. The boys knew there manners and were learning to order. The patron left and the maitre d' came rushing over. That man just left $100 to pay for your supper he thought when you came in that the boys would be loud and ruin his supper but they were so polite. He wants to be anonymous. We were so proud and enjoyed a nice supper.
There are times now that the middle group are teens that I do not know how to get them to be kind and polite. It does bother me. It also seems like once they pass the oh poor me stage of adolescence they are so much easier to get along with. Kethry and Jarrett have managed to survive it. Talie is in the throes of it. Although boys seem to mature and take responsibility for getting out of their own way so much slower than girls. Well, I can not say for all girls because I only have one daughter. She helps and does not have to be nagged. The boys still have to be nagged.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Mar 23 2013 7:13:38 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 7:16:24 PM
Good evening everyone again.
I remembered that the cows had not been brought in because dd did not do evening chores before she left to go to her friend's house this evening.
Now that I am writing on the rectangle at the bottom of page 55 I can not remember what I wanted to say.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 23 2013 : 9:23:16 PM
Ginny, nice rooster! Sounds like you have had some interesting experiences. I love to read all about everyone's life stories.
Holly, glad the funeral went well. I knew you would do a good job. Teens are interesting beings aren't they? I had some times with mine. I took my oldest to the ground by the hair when he was about 16,looked him in the eye and yelled "I'm' the parent here!" and then growled. He was almost 6 ft tall and a good 190 lbs I'm 5'3" and about 165. Power of surprise works wonders. I always said with boys, you just have to be the meaner dog. We have gotten along great since then. My youngest was always a sweet heart. They are both pretty wonderful people and everyone that meets them tells me how awesome they are. Makes me proud. Holly I bet your kids are great when they are out and about. They just feel comfortable at home. No excuse for bad behavior but I bet they do great in public.
As usual I had the best day in the sewing room. Here is what I have almost finished. It is a size 8. Some day I'll make something I can wear.

Off to bed. More sewing tomorrow. Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
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Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 02:36:43 AM
Ginny, what fun it is to hear about your adventures in Washington. It seems like it would be exciting to be amongst the law makers and shakers. At least for a while. Love your rooster. He is a handsome guy.
Bunny, growling is a method I never used in child-rearing, but I bet there were days when the kids would have wished I would have just growled at them instead of the harping I did! Man, you just do what you can, right? Hope for the best. It seems if you have put in the time, eventually it turns out. So many of us have the situation that Ginny and I have where our kids are great, but choose to not have us in their lives right now. I suppose this isn't something new to the generation. Still hurts.
Your latest creation is so pretty. I know you are proud of it. Just so fresh for spring. I hope it flies out of your store. It looks like it belongs in Miranda Lambert's new Pink Pistol store.
Holly, the gentleman in NY paid you such a lovely compliment by anonymously treating your family to dinner. That must have sent a very strong message to your children. Those moments as a parent are so cool.
We are having a bit of cooler nights again. In the twenties, but looking at hitting fifty during the day for the next few days. I transplanted a bunch of bulbs the other day. Not the right time, but they had spread into the walkway and they needed to come out, so I thought I would take a chance and pop them in somewhere else. We'll see what happens. They may not make it. But, they certainly weren't gonna stay in the middle of the walkway. There were probably about a hundred of them. Boy, they divide and multiply fast.
Well, Sammie has been very vigorously retrieving her tennis ball, as usual. Unfortunately, she must have twisted and jumped a bit too much because she is favoring a shoulder, so today's retrieving will be a bit less frenzied. These labs will cripple themselves in their singlemindedness about returning a ball or stick. Silly dogs. She is young and will be fine with a day of less activity.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 08:24:54 AM
Marianne, I was a little unconventional sometimes with my kids. I grew up in an abusive home. Both physically and emotionally. I tried to find ways of dealing with my kids when they were out of line without hitting. I think the growl was me not beating the you know what out of him. His father was living as a woman ( yes, as not with) and so he decided to become the other parent, only trying to parent me too. It is amazing how close we are now. I just wish we lived close. It kills me to be so far away. Glad Sammie is having her fun. I miss my two big boys. Neither would fetch to save their lives. But Scooby kept all the other wild critters away. Not even the neighborhood bear showed up at our house. Hope she doesn't hurt herself having too much fun.
Well, looking forward to another day sewing. Already have another creation in mind.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 5:46:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
I tell you Bunny, I am tempted to smack T in the head sometimes. I think it would do no good at all if he even noticed. He is about my height and outweighs me by forty pounds. He was so needy when he was little. His terrible twos lasted from sixteen months to six years old. He was sweet from then until about a year ago. He is in that adolescent rebellion stage. He needs me but does not want to need me. He told me several years ago that he would always sit next to me on the couch and he would never be embarrassed to hold my hand. Well, things change some but he is still my baby boy. I know he will grow past this disrespect. So, instead of smacking him in the head I whistle Ode to Joy and try to walk away. They have known since they were little that if Mama is whistling or humming Ode to Joy they had better back off and figure out what upset me. I find taking me away from the confrontation deflates them more than me staying because when he is in that frame of mind there is no reasoning brain working. He has his own set of baggage that he is dealing with and when he is settled some of the pieces that we thought we sent to the dry cleaners and left there find themselves back in his suitcase. I thought he had his birthmother in the right place in his head after watching K and J deal with theirs. Then she unfriends him on Facebook after not chatting with him at all. We do not know if she has told her current family or what her current family looks like. Even though he knows the details of his birth it still hurt him. Then his friend Isaiah's sister kills herself. He knew Ravenne too. on and on. I think I would not like to be an adolescent ever again. Once was enough. How did people years ago marry at fourteen or fifteen or younger and raise children and earn a living with all the hormones raging?
I am glad Sammie is fun. Your arm must be sore from tossing balls. maybe you should get a ball pitching machine like for baseball. lol
Jan, how are you and your weather? We are supposed to have three days warm enough this week to have a sap run.
I took G and Ross to a neighbors for an equinox egg hunt. The snow is still knee deep on me where they live in a valley. so picture a dozen children six and under running through the snow trying to find plastic eggs and colored real eggs to put in their baskets and bags.
We did Seder last night. We had 33 people at the table. Now remember ten of them were us. It was a nice service, good food and good conversation. Cheri does the food and I do the setting up but K does a lot of the setting up so I am moving out of the necessity for a job but I am not upset at all. We had matzo ball chicken soup, and beet soup.We had harosets (apples, walnuts, almonds. raisins cinnamon grape juice) and horse radish) We had gefilte fish and mock chopped liver (mushrooms, walnuts and pecans, onions, garlic), brisket, baked chicken, tsimits (carrots, sweet potatoes and apricots) roasted potatoes with garlic. olives, pickles and people brought their own non grain beverage. Keith made and brought macaroons and honey cake. Michael made a chocolate cake without flour .
Bunny has your son's father transitioned or is he still living as a woman? or did he die? I think Gypsy's X died. did yours too? That must have been a real head trip on you.
Why do our children behave better for other people and with other people than they do for us. I guess it is because they know we will always love them
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 7:17:54 PM
Hi Ladies, hope everyone had a awesome weekend. Bunny, you aren't alone in the trials and tribulations of raising teens. Ive raised 5 of them. they ALL had one issue or another, Drama, backtalk, disrespect... except the baby who is now 19... he did not like what he saw in his older siblings and said he would never do that to us. Our oldest was a alcholic at the young age of 15... shes sober now and has been for a long time . She is a officer in the Army now. Our oldest son was homeless because he was LAZY and had no goals. He is now a Vet. Tech, and works on a horse ranch as a wrangler. He said my letting him go homeless was the best thing Ive done for him. Boy was I worried.... I could go on about the disrespect, backtalk.... but not need to. I stood firm. Refused to let them treat me badly... and at times with my Drama Queen Daughter who is now 20... would not talk to her or allow her to talk to me unless she could do it calmly and with respect... it was hard for her but she came through. Now, we are a empty nest and all the kids are thriving. and often I think... I cant believe I made it through it all. You will too. Youll be okay, so will your son. It takes time and dilligence.
I love your sewing as well. I am a self learner on clothing... Been quilting for a long time but wanted to venture onto something different. I started making matching pajamas for my neice and her doll. I made a dress for my Grandaughter... and next up is a sundress for my Grandaughter and matching Doll Dress. So fun.
I am also happy to share that I am a Master Gardening student... My community project this week is that I created curriculm and am going to my neices 4-H group to teach gardening to 9 & 10 year olds.. we are calling it the Jr. Master Gardening workshop. Its this tuesday so Im looking foward to it. Its a all day workshop. We finished planting our orchard and am very excited about the up and coming C.S.A . I am limiting my shares to 10 families as its only our 1st year accepting money from people... last year I gave it away. What I couldn't use.
I keep working outside when the days are nice... nite times Im usually stoved up with my arthritis.. but Im not going to let that get me down. well, better go find out what the puppy is barking about...
Cheers to all.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 7:24:02 PM
Wanted to share my new website for our C.S.A with you all. Its @... Let me know what you think.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
Edited by - BusyBeeMary on Mar 24 2013 7:24:59 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 24 2013 : 9:35:09 PM
Holly, sounds like you had a houseful for your celebration. I didn't realize you had 10 in your family. How do you do it. My X transitioned years ago. He still has man parts and added girl parts. I figure if I say more than that it might be more than everyone can handle. It is still a work in progress even after 17 years. It is hardest on my sons. He/she is their dad and not. They can't say dad in public but don't want to call him by his female name either. We all deal the vest we can. We have stayed friends all these years. Mostly because I didn't want my boys to have our issues as well as theirs. So I have just stuffed it all and remember the person I married and ignore what he looks like. He is still the same person. Strange but we do ok. He/she has a girl friend in Hawaii and is planning on retiring there. I sure hope I haven't upset anyone talking about him. It isn't an easy subject to talk about. As a family I think we do pretty well.
Mary, I too am a quilter. I had a quilt shop for 9 years. I do so many different things with regards to sewing. I make quilts, quilt art, fabric post cards, and now teaching myself to repurpose clothes. I wish I could just do this full time. I still have a basement full of fabric. Amazing about your children. I'm so glad they turned out well. It must have been so much stress and worry for you. Not to mention the toll it took on them.
Time for bed. Nite everyone.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
467 Posts
467 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2013 : 09:21:19 AM
Good morning from Maryland, where its 36 degrees and snowing. Finally!! Jenny is happily making a snowman. She ran out first thing this morning & made snow angels. It's still snowing a little bit with a lot of moisture mixed in. It will probably turn to all rain this afternoon & Jenny's snowman will be slush. But at least she finally got to make a snowman. Can you believe it'll be Easter in this Sunday? The snow is so heavy that our canvas canopy tore and collapsed! I thought we'd get another years worth out of it, but looks like we'll need a new one......wait....we have duct tape. Maybe we can fix it.
. Here's Jenny's snowman! Don't know why it's sideways.
Bunny-that dress is beautiful. I just wish I were younger and smaller too.
We are keeping the chickens in the coop today and gave them a breakfast of leftover chocolate chip waffles. Which they loved. Gave us a beautiful egg!
I think I'll spend the day reading by the fire for the rest of the afternoon.
Hugs and Squishies!!
Farmgirl Sister #3983
Take care of the land and it will take care of you. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2013 : 12:48:11 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Actually there are eleven of us at some meals but J was at work on Saturday so he missed Seder dinner. Our second oldest who was our first son and started us on this road was homeless when he was in his late teens as well. He took all of his money he had saved for a deposit on an apartment and used it to buy friends. He spent it all in three days. It was hard to watch. he is self supporting now and for who he is and where he came from he is a miracle.
We had a woman in town who transitioned while here. Her X was miserable to her. She has two sons. One still lives here in town. I think they call her dad. I could ask the son if he would email yours and chat if you want. The son is married now and has a catering business. The dad had his surgery in Montreal. She did hormones for several years before the surgery. it is a long process. It was interesting that before hormones she had a receding hairline and after hormones her hair all came in and she had a pageboy.
Today started out sunny and bright. It is overcast now although the temperature has not dropped. I hear from my brother that St Louis received a foot last night and we should be expecting some in the next day or so.
T has baseball practice tonight from 7:30 to 9. He is not happy it is so late. I told him to be happy he is home schooled and does not need to get up really early in the morning.
I am jealous of all you who have taken the master gardener's classes. they are offered here on interactive television in the spring. I know several people who have taken them and really liked the program. some year I will have time.....
Ah the thought of reading by the fire is delicious.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 25 2013 : 2:59:36 PM
Kathy I like the snowman pic too but I'm on my iPhone and you know when you turn it side ways the screen flips too so I'll get a good look at it when I get out the computer I'm having a hard time imagining 20's and snow. I brought winter clothes but fortunately brought summer ones too. hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 23 2019 4:33:28 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2013 : 01:30:58 AM
Kathy, I am so glad that Jenny got to make her snowman! She looks quite pleased with him. You know you made everyone so jealous with the reading by the fire idea! Hope you had a good book.
Bunny, I think your family is dealing with your ex's situation tremendously well. The fact that you can talk about it and are talking to one another is pretty good, period. You are wise and unselfish to put your needs aside for your sons. This would be a very difficult subject to discuss let alone live through for teenagers. You have done well. I think your crytic description of the state of your ex's transition was clear enough to example everything. Have you locked yourself in your sewing room for the rest of easter week? Are you working everyday or did you get some time for yourself?
Holly, your holiday dinner sounds incredible. You do have quite a crowd around the dinner table on a regular basis. That seems happy and busy to me. I think you have the right idea about children behaving for others better than for their parents. It's that unconditional love thing. But, at least you can be proud that your children feel the love. That is no small accomplishment. So, are you tapping syrup this week or did the cold set you back?
Gypsy, my dd gave me a hint on overcoming that autorotate on your phone. I was complaining that I was feeling seasick with the movement when trying to view a photo and dd told me to set my phone on the table and then rotate it. Duh. It works like a charm. We are just from the wrong generation to know these things.
My MIL learned that a dear friend of hers has lung cancer. The woman is MIL's ex-sister-in-law and they have been close for about sixty years. It is a deep blow to MIL, she has lost a few friends lately and also has had some health issues herself, so she is feeling the march of time.
I made a small batch of chicken scallopini for lunch and had enough energy to do a bit of gardening yesterday, too. The pups are so happy to spend more time outside and so am I! Everything is greening up! The spring bulbs are poking through. I did some cutting of a few plants that I had not gotten to in the Fall. My hands are really tired and sore now. Arthritis is crumby stuff.
Hope everyone has some nice plans for the weekend to look forward to.
Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2013 : 08:04:56 AM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
Kathy, tell Jenny I love her snowman!! She should come visit us some winter, she'd have a blast! At least she got to make one! Years ago a friend and I made an "eggman" out of snow because it snowed so close to Easter. We put red food coloring on it after we made it so it would look colored.
Bunny I love the dress! If I were a size 8 I'd buy it as it is something I would wear but I don't think I ever wore an 8. I was very skinny most of my life but I think 10 or 12 was the smallest I ever got and then I was boney! Not so much anymore. And I loved seeing all the material behind it! I realize you want to sell the material, but make sure it's in all your pictures of outfits. Someone may want to order from you that way or ask for a customed order with one of the fabrics! They are so bright and festive!
Marianne - I got an email a week or so ago and thought you would love the video! Any dog owner can relate and it sounds like Sammie could use one of these!
As often as I might have liked to smack Alana upside the head, I never did because I made her take Karate and knew she'd whip my butt! She managed to stay with it until her brown belt, which I believe is before a black. The three things I insisted she learn as a child was karate, her flute, and a foreign language. The flute and brown belt now sit in my attic, the foreign language I don't think she was ever proficient in.
Mary - is your granddaughter into American Girl dolls? I ask because of the matching outfits. Alana loved American Girl dolls. The first 5 also now sit in my attic! Gee if she'd come and get her stuff, I'd have a clean attic, lol! I love your website and you have a great pic of you and your hubby! Is the little one your granddaughter? Can I ask if your "online store" product set up is something you created or something you can get elsewhere? I love it and would like to be able to do the same thing. Anyway, it's a great website and I hope you do really well!
Your Seder diner sounded amazing Holly! I can see why you offered me to come to your place, one more at the table wouldn't be noticed! You guys must have a huge house! I'm sure those kids helped you or at least I hope they did! WOW! I don't know if we will even feel like it's Easter. With David on his soft diet and Alana not speaking to us, I can't make a normal dinner. Also my in-laws won't be able to be up here as my g-gnephew is having surgery on his ears so they will stay in Bar Harbor this year.
I have been home sick since Sunday but today I am feeling much better. My head was ready to explode it hurt so bad and made me so tired and I was up all Sunday night sick. I can't believe I got sick, I rarely do, but I guess with all that is going on it was inevitable(?). David has to go in to the Dentist today as he says he has an infection in his gums and so as always, when it rains it pours at our house.
The good news is I think spring may be trying to poke it's head out here too! Also a BIG THANK YOU to Holly!!! I checked out Pinetree Garden Seeds, and ordered $80.00 worth of seeds and gladiolus bulbs. I don't know if it was a great deal on glad bulbs but I thought it was, 100 for $24.95 and you can pick 10 varieties as long as it's 10 bulbs of each. So I'm anxious now to get out and dig! Of course we still have snow on the ground so it won't be that soon, but it's coming!!!! I'm glad you asked about other places to buy seeds Holly because I found these guys to be much more reasonable on many seeds. I also ordered a bunch from our library's fundraiser and won a book for it called "The Good Earth Home and Garden Book" by Casey Kellar. It seems to be a cute little book filled with recipes for healthly cleaning solutions, pet problems and pet treats, edible flowers, etc... A lot of it I knew already but it's still filled with things I didn't know or remember.
In fact I wrote a book similar to this but haven't had it published because I haven't gotten to the point of finding someone to or paying to do it yet. It needs to be edited as I am terrible in English and my friend who is the high school English Teacher hasn't had time to do it for me. She has three kiddos too so she's a busy lady. I based mine more on the old 1800's books called "The Gems" of such and such.
Anywho, time to get going. Need a shower before the dentist and a shopping list so I can make one trip. And I need to figure out dinner for a soft diabetic diet. Boy I can't wait until those dentures come in!
Have a great Tuesday!
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
820 Posts
820 Posts |
Posted - Mar 26 2013 : 12:47:52 PM
hello gals! wow! gone for a few days and you all talk up a storm...:) first, holly, thank you so much for the card - it is amazing to me the quality of pictures that you take - so wonderful. bunny, you amaze me with your sewing talents - i love all the items that you make and wish i was smaller so i could wear them! they are just tooo beautiful .. Marianne, I am so sorry about mollie. I know what it is like to lose 'someone' you love after so many years. i am glad that you have others to keep you company and give comfort and i love the doggie door poem. i am going to put it over my front door because i have two older furbabies that won't be lasting much longer. my mom fell again last week and hasn't been doing very good since then. we have a meeting tomorrow with some people to see if they can provide some daily help for her in addition to me helping so any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated. told my sister about it and her only comment was that mom belonged in assisted living. we had originally planned on living together when we get older but if she has that attitude, i think i might reconsider. in fact, i am looking at travel trailers seriously. i won't be able to retire for another 4 years (money problems)and i want to be around for mom for as long as she needs me. so holly, i understand about your friend libby and how much it hurts to have seen her go down, my mom now is nothing like what she was a year ago let alone while we were growing up and that makes me so sad. well, better get back to work, am praying for all of you and hope everyone is doing better! hugs janiee farmgirl #390 |
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