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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 24 2016 :  1:35:44 PM  Show Profile
And success! I called the salon where I have my hair cut, just on the off chance that their massage therapist was working today. She had an opening at 2:30 and I jumped at it. My daughter has been going to her for quite a while and just loves her. So I have been poked and kneaded and thumped and stretched and I feel much much better. Let's see how tonight goes.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 25 2016 :  08:07:09 AM  Show Profile
I am HOME!

Here is the RD version of what happened.

His family apologized to me and asked forgiveness for all they'd done and said to me over the last 40 years.

EVERYTHING has changed. They are now "family" like they have never been.

Xh's death was horrible. The family is still traumatized. They are also traumatized by xh's behaviour during the last 2.5 years after he went back to California to be near them. It was SO bad that at Thanksgiving, his sister prayed and asked God to DO SOMETHING, even if it meant her brother would "go away." (He died Christmas Eve.)

The extended family welcomed me back. Actually more like it was meeting for the first time, which it was in a way, without his lies and presence. I have been friended by almost as many as are on FB, and exchanged addresses with others. At the memorial, I didn't even make it to the food tables, because I was flooded with hugs and greetings and conversations.

Now home.... trying to get back to "normal." Making a baby quilt for my due-in-April great nephew. Making some quilted table runners as thank you gifts for some of my "new" family.

The cowboy has surgery tomorrow.

Our mother is still hanging on, though now heavily medicated.

I am still giddy, thinking of all that transpired in CA.

Sunny and warm... snow is melting.


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Feb 25 2016 08:09:32 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 25 2016 :  09:30:43 AM  Show Profile
Good morning everyone,

Marilyn I hope you are in less pain. Did you get your massage? I hope that Cindy's pain is subsiding as well. A massage sounds great.

I went to a neighborhood meeting last night about the proposed carbon tax. There is a bill in the Vermont legislature to add $.88/gallon to the cost of oil products. The increase is supposed to be paid by the gasoline companies but the sponsors of the bill recognize they will pass the cost on to the consumers. The money would be used to winterize houses and put in heat pumps and alternative energy sources. If you are interested in reading about it visit

I spoke to a friend this morning and her aches and pains are more this morning. I agreed with her. It rained all day yesterday, all night and has been raining all day today. There is a lot of flooding along the rivers. I told ddK when she went to therapy if there was a big puddle in the road to not go through it. One can not tell by looking if the road has been washed out.
The fog is rising from the valleys in streaks along the mountains. I wish all this rain were snow.

My cold is better, I made some tea with colt's foot, mullein, spearmint and golden thread yesterday. It seems to have done the trick to get by the nastiness. I slept the whole night once I got to sleep.

Have a good day.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 25 2016 :  09:31:12 AM  Show Profile
Oh my goodness, Ann! So much good news!!! Sounds like after his family got to really REALLY know him, it opened their eyes to what had actually been going on. What a blessing for you to have all of them in your family at last, and that you can share that with your children. Very very happy for you all.

Take care of that cowboy as he recovers -- he sounds like a real "keeper."

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 25 2016 :  1:07:49 PM  Show Profile
Thanks, Holly. The massage was a real treat! I made an appointment for my next one while I was at the salon -- I have decided that it's too important to my well-being to skip it. I was able to sleep last night -- what a relief. I am glad you are getting your cold under control. Sleep is the best medicine, but when we have colds and can't breathe, it's a little hard to rest. We had rain yesterday, too. And then last night we had huge beautiful thunderstorms with lightning and sheets and sheets of rain. I was very glad to be inside. I had turned off all the lights so we could watch the show and after Dude nodded off, I went to bed and watched it until I fell asleep. Sadly, some people had wind damage, which is NOT so beautiful, but as a light show it was tops. We have had snow flurries all day here, but nothing is sticking. It is getting colder as the day goes on. I think we may have to light the fireplace tonight. Brrrr

I have spent most of today here by myself. Mostly quiet, with the occasional phone call. A couple of hardy souls braved the weather to come look at cars. I took a deposit on one. Tax refund time means lots of people buying and lots of people paying off. We will be delivering another one as soon as the young man can get here after work. Yesterday we got to deliver a VERY FIRST CAR to a boy -- that is always fun, too.

My QuickBooks class is beginning to get more interesting. The first few lessons have been very basic, but yesterday we started looking at fixed assets and depreciation, so that was interesting. Tomorrow will be the beginning of accounts receivable, I think. So far, so good.

Can't get over what good news Ann has had! Isn't it amazing how we dread things and dread things and then sometimes they turn out so completely different from what we dreaded? At least that's how it works for me.

Time for me to begin to gather up, Ladies. I hope everyone is inside and warm.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 25 2016 :  1:33:45 PM  Show Profile
Ann, I am so happy the trip to California went so well. I guess there was no way to know how much their impressions had changed. Congratulations on gaining more family.

Today is such a lovely day. Temperatures are in the mid 30's. We could beat the record high of 54 degrees on Saturday. I believe I will start to clean up the yard this weekend to get ready for spring. I was out with the dogs today and Mitzi found a sunny spot on the grass to roll in. Both of them really are anxious to get outside, as am I. I am so glad I saved up enough sun last summer to last me through the cold, dark winter. I didn't have so much seasonal depression this year.

Thinking about the garden!!!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 26 2016 :  06:33:16 AM  Show Profile
Marie -- We have had so much warm weather and rain that it has washed away almost all of our blizzard snow. Last night the cold blew in again and today it is bitter with a few flurries but mostly blue skies coming. Supposed to be in the low 60s on Sunday! Woot! We are thinking garden at our house, too. I am determined to put in more flowers this year.

I am concerned about Miss Bunny. In her last post she said she had not been feeling well. I hope she is recovering. I know she carries an awful lot on herself.

I was in a MOOD when I arrived at work this morning, so I had a good long walk in the crisp cold and that has helped. You all know that I complain too much about my irritating customers, so yesterday I decided that I was going to just concentrate on the ones I like and treat the others as minor irritants. Going to go for that again today. Really enjoying my online course -- today we begin on accounts receivable. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation was very interesting and well-taught. I still don't ever want to be an accountant, though. My brain is for bookkeeping!

I am reknitting the scarf that I had to unravel a week or so ago. It is really a fun knit, and I am enjoying it just as much the second time around. Ha ha. I guess it's like being really bad at golf -- you get to enjoy more swings per dollar, so it's a better value. I am getting double enjoyment from this yarn/pattern combo.

Our downstairs is getting so close to ready to use -- the bathroom fixtures are in and functioning. The guys hung the rest of the drywall in there the other day, so it needs tape, spackle and paint and then that room will be ready. I already have an idea in my head of how I want to decorate -- so exciting to think about after all this time. I want the guest suite to be very calm and welcoming. I have lots of handmades -- quilts, pillows, etc. -- and antiques. We have this old cast iron woodstove that has just been sitting around rusting. I am taking it out to have it sand-blasted and painted a nice clean black -- that will be one of the nightstands in the guest room. It will be very cute with a punched tin lamp on top. And yes -- I will try to remember to post pictures.

So...I guess I should get some work done. Still waiting for Dude to decide what accounts he wants me to adjust for December. I am looking forward to closing December and 2015. Hate having those months sitting open.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 26 2016 :  1:21:02 PM  Show Profile
A while back, I had mentioned to the Dude that I thought it would be very cool if there was a tree growing up out of the floor that supported the ceiling beam above our new stairs that go down to the downstairs -- a nice tree with a branch sticking out to help support the beam. (I might have been in the creative throes of some wine at the time) The style of the remodel is pretty contemporary, but our furnishings and surroundings are very country, and I thought a tree would tie the two styles together nicely. Well, on one of his trips to the Amish cabinet shop, he talked to the owner who got a gleam in his eye and took Dude to the back of the warehouse. They demolish old buildings and build furniture out of the reclaimed timbers. I have a lot of their furniture that Dude has bought me over the past few years. Well, he had some big round tree trunks that had been peeled of their bark and used as supporting timbers in an old barn. So my sweet Dude picked out a couple of nice ones and had them cut a tenon in the side of one of them to add a "branch" to it. This afternoon he took me out to the shop to pick them up and they are PERFECT!!!! I said to the cabinetmaker that he must have thought it was a nutty idea. He said "Well, it WAS different, but it was fun to do!"

We are so lucky to live where there are craftsmen to do this kind of work. Our contractor is Amish and everything he has done is solid as a rock. Sometimes Dude will come up with a new idea or a change or something odd (like a tree growing up out of the floor) and Mel will get a sort of faraway look in his eyes and think for a bit and then say "Yes....we could make that work." While they were doing the main redo outside, I took dozens of progress pictures, then I went online and had two copies of a book printed that showed the project from beginning to end, with captions and notes. I gave one to Dude as a Christmas present and gave one to Mel. He really enjoyed it and said he would be able to use it as a sort of portfolio to show prospective clients. I really enjoy it when he brings some of his kids with him to work. It is wonderful the way the boys are learning to work by working alongside their dad. The biggest boy is only about 15 now, but he and a couple of his littler brothers helped dig holes for the footers for the deck.

So this afternoon was a pleasant surprise. I am looking forward to my nice tree. We also ordered a big custom kitchen unit while we were out there. It's kind of like a Hoosier cupboard or a Kitchen Queen, but without the top part. It will make a nice addition to the kitchen, because we don't have enough cupboards now. It will have a big oak butcher block top and lots of drawers and shelves, with a tip-out on one end for the waste basket.

For years, when I would visit my daughter here, we would go shopping at the Amish market and I would say that if I lived here I would have a house full of Amish furniture --- and that is coming true a piece at a time. Thank you, Dude.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Feb 26 2016 1:22:57 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 26 2016 :  3:39:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am so glad that everything worked out for you, Anne while you were in California. How long did it take for them to overcome your caution? You have a good heart to let go of all the past hurts and let in the goodness. I hope the cowboy's operation has gone well and he is recovering and you are too.

A number of years ago a couple from Boston bought a farmhouse and a tract of land here in town. They hired and architect that the wife likes and went to Europe while the architect had the house built. It was assess at 6.6 million and in our little town that was a sizeable addition to the tax base. Teh architect was well known for building houses with trees in them, The couple returned from Europe and the wife hated it. She had it torn down and she sold the property. They bought an old farmhouse in the next town and refurbished it leaving the exterior intact. We were all amazed that someone could tear down a brand new house and not flinch at the wast of resources.
I am happy for you to have the Dude and the carpenter create a decoration that you really like. Some year when I do not have children and especially sons we will have some nicer items around the house. In the meanwhile I will live vicariously through you..... and Ann with her retirement house.

DdK has a male friend who wiped out on his motorcycle night before last. I do not know what he was doing driving it that night. We had rain all day and night. He broke one of his legs and the other is wrapped in gauze so maybe he has bad road burn on it. His family is from Egypt. I think they must be Muslim. His mom likes ddK but his father does not want him around her. She was visiting him in the hospital today and the family came in and the mother suggested she go wait in the waiting room. He wanted her to say good bye to him before she left the hospital tonight to come home. She says they are just friends what is the problem. we talked about a female should not be anywhere with out a male guardian or family member. DdK thinks that is stupid but understands it is their belief system We will see how this develops. The doctors put a rod in his leg today. Young males need to do stupid things to prove themselves I guess. DdK says that his ribs hurt him too. I sent a book of kids jokes with her so she could get him to laugh. I do not know if she took it in with her.

Temperatures were in the lower twenties with a bright sun. Marie it is exciting to think about planting and getting outside.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 27 2016 :  06:07:53 AM  Show Profile
Ann--it is a good thing when families come together as families. I'm glad things worked out for you and that there is healing and forgiving. It's difficult to wait years but I like to believe that good karma wins in the end. I hope your Cowboy is recovering and feeling better.
Marilyn---you MUST post pictures of your remodeled/redesigned house. I LOVE houses with trees in them! I almost used real branches as curtain rods in my living room. I DID do it in the attic but then, I'm the only one who ever goes up there. One of these days, when I'm rich (ha ha) I will re-do the attic and make it my yoga/craft studio. I also love Amish made furniture and have an Amish console table in my LR. It is made of solid oak. I have a simply made Amish pine box that I keep in my bedroom for special things and even though it's simple, it's beautiful. You can't beat the craftsmanship. There used to be a store here but the owners retired and the store closed. I would go there just to admire the furniture.
Holly--I can't believe some people. Must be nice to have millions of dollars to throw away. didn't this woman look at the blueprints before the house was built? I know a man who builds ecologically friendly houses that create all their own energy. He says since good wood is scarce, he uses concrete to build. Then he covers it with siding or whatever so you can't tell it's concrete. He showed a picture of one of his houses after Hurricane Katrina, and the house he built was the only one still standing. He's built concrete dome houses in this area that can withstand a tornado--the wind just blows right over the top of them.
Sorry DdK's friend is in the hospital. I agree that young men and motorcycles are not a good mix.
It's supposed to be around sixty today so I will try to get some outside work done. My yard is covered in gumballs from my gum tree. I have a round rolling cage on a stick that picks them up, but it takes forever. Oh well, I have lots of time.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 27 2016 :  4:56:59 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,,

Is there anything a person does with gum balls from a gum tree? never thought of it before.

C has a rocking chair and foot stool that was made by an Amish man and his son.

the sun was bright all day but temperatures were in the teens. I watched Elton John's live concert in some Los Angeles park while I did the dishes this afternoon. It was streamed on AOL. Then I made pizza dough. My accomplishment for the day.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 28 2016 :  12:05:08 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon everyone

I spent most off the night last night on the pot or worrying about getting their on time. TMI I am sure. Better now that whatever I caught from DsR has moved through my system.

OK it took me several days to figure out what RD meant in Ann's post and I have it now. Sometimes just a little slow.

I humg a load of sheets out on the line this afternoon. I hope they have enough time to evaporate. Temperatures are almost 60.

C put out some of her taps for maple sugaring then the drill ran out of charge on the battery.

Have a good afternoon,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 28 2016 :  1:24:07 PM  Show Profile
It's 73 degrees today. And windy. I got some yardwork done including getting all the dirt in the backyard to the frontyard. It's still not enough to cover all the rock. I got up some of the gumballs--I know someone who made a wreath with them, but other than that, I don't know what they can be used for. To fill a pillow for someone you don't like? That would be mean.
I went to my parents' villa as my brother and his family were coming over. It's the first time my nieces have seen the new place. I explored the little woods behind the villa and found a deer trail. there's only a bit of woods, and beyond that are some empty fields and farther, the railroad track. My parents have seen deer walking right by their patio. There are also turkeys and geese that poop everywhere.
I started my pepper and tomato seeds last night. Getting started late this year cause of my shoulder. I've been going to PT and have been regaining use of it.
Holly, I hope your bug has cleared up. How many maple trees do you have on your property? I made pancakes yesterday and realized I didn't have any maple syrup. So I took some karo syrup and added some molasses and almond extract. It suffices until I go to the store again.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 29 2016 :  4:23:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

How nice for you to have such warm weather. Is this the norm or will you all worry about a drought because the warmth is out of season? I have no advice for the goose poop. The local day camp that has a pond has a hawk silouette they hang on a wire that is supposed to scare them away. I guess you could rake it up and use it for garden fertilizer. I hope the mice do not move into your parents villa. I guess if they did not when the cold weather set in that will probably not happen. I used to have an online friend who lived some place in the flats and fields of the mid west and the mice moved into the top of the stove under the burners and lived and pissed. Ohhhh I do not mean to be a bringer of bad thoughts or frustrations. Just a warped sense of humor tonight.

There are more maples up behind the hoiuse but one would need to be more ambitious or willing to run piping through the woods to bring the sap down. We are not. Some year.......maybe.

I do not know how many sugar maples we have. I can say that C puts out about 50 taps each year. This year we both hope she taps sugar maples. Last year she tapped many red maples and an oak and a few sugar maples. I could see her confusion with the red maples but if she had looked up the oak still had leaves on it from the previous year. We had a good laugh. We have a grove that she usually taps , I hope she chose to tap in there this year. She and dsR started the work yesterday. I try to stay out of it. When she is stressed physically she loses her sense of humor.

I like to have cinnamon sugar on my pancakes sometimes with a lot of butter.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  07:20:10 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- you are such a worker-bee! Makes me tired thinking about all that you do, but I bet your place is lovely. There used to be a TV show on PBS called "The New Red Green Show." It was a group of guys who had a lodge up in Eastern Canada somewhere and they were always getting up to some kind of silliness and none of their big plans ever worked out quite right. Well, one time Uncle Red got the bright idea that, if you could make maple syrup by tapping maple trees, you were just wasting all the other trees in the forest! He got hold of a vacuum pump from an old MIG aircraft or something or other and hooked it up to "speed up" the process of collecting the syrup. Well, of course when they cranked up that big jet-powered vacuum, all the trees collapsed with a big sigh like an old Hoover! They boiled down all the sap and made some truly horrible syrup. It was quite a project -- like all of his experiments! Hope you have much better luck. (Also -- glad that the bug worked its way through quickly. No fun at all!)

Ma and Pa Kettle have come in to make their monthly payment and it is quite the show! They only come down out of the woods about once a month -- to go around and make their payments after they get their "guvmint money." They don't see anyone but each other, so they like to give us all their "news" when they come in. Ma doesn't have any teeth and has smoked like a chimney for years and years, so she croaks like a man. She is worried about her sister who is quite ill, so she is telling us all the details about that. Bless their hearts, they are very simple people and we are all they have. Their superstitions surrounding death are pretty interesting.

I am going to put some pressure on His Dudeness today to make some decisions about the end-of-year so I can get December CLOSED!!! I don't like having open months hanging out there. Wish me luck.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  3:28:20 PM  Show Profile
I love The New Red Green Show!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  6:22:52 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have heard of the new Red Green show or maybe just Red Green but I have not seen it. There is a comedian up here called the logger and he would tell stories just like that. A person could laugh so hard the tears would run down her legs.
There used to be a family in the next town over who did not drive and came down the hill once a week to collect the mail. They had neighbors drive them to town. Then the old man died. He was the brains in the family. The others all had wood sense and could get along unless they had to deal with people over money. One time he had cords of fire wood stacked up ready to sell. His two sons had cut and split it by hand. No chainsaws, no wood splitters. The wood started to disappear. he sat himself down in the bushes one night and as the thief started to take the wood he stood up with his shot gun in the man's face and quietly asked what he thought he was doing? He informed the man that if he were cold or hungry they would help him get on his feet but if he ever came by in the night again uninvited he would find buck shot up his behind as he ran away.

In their living room they had a mounted head of a deer with red light bulbs for eyes that glowed when they connected it to the battery.
The mother/wife put up 60 quarts of wild strawberry preserves the boys and she picked the berries. Now, when I was living near them 30 years ago the boys were 48 and 35 but they were always called the boys.
When the old man was young he rolled the roads in the winter with a big barrel behind horses. It would pack down the roads so the sleighs could get over them to go to church or school. Where else was there to go in the wintertime.
They had a spring and the water would come into the house from a pipe and fill up a big wooden barrel. They would heat the water on the stove for what ever they needed.

Today was Town Meeting Day. Most of the towns in the state have town meeting. It is a state holiday but many of the private businesses do not give their employees time off. Anyway we vote on the town budget and the school budget. There was discussion on a state mandate to expand the road crew from 2 full time people to three full time people. We also discussed the out of town organizations that serve some of the people in our town and want us to give them money. The state representatives came and spoke. None of the senators came this year. By Australian ballot we voted in presidential primary and for selectboard members , school board members and whether to approve the jr/ high school budget.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  7:41:13 PM  Show Profile
I went to the caucus tonight. It was good to see all the neighbors.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  9:08:51 PM  Show Profile
I love the story of the family who lived in the hills. How anyone could pick enough wild strawberries for 60 quarts is beyond me. I have not hears of the Red Green show, but I watch very little TV. I don't have cable, so I usually watch old shows from the 60's and 70's on one channel. I crack up at some of the outfits they wore in the 70's.
I went to a building in town today that was once a popular hotel with a spring-fed pool. There are supposed to be ghosts that haunt this building (from the late 19th. century). Someone recently purchased the hotel and now there are some new businesses moving in. It's like a mini mall. I walked into a store and it was their very first day. I bought some passionflower herb. Later I made tea with passionflower, nettle, lavender, and ashwaghanda. Plus I steeped some sh**ake mushrooms in it. It didn't taste bad--the lavender gave it an almost minty taste.
My tomato seedlings are popping up already so I put them under my grow light. My shoulder has been hurting today, more than usual. I have PT tomorrow. It is cold again and was windy today. I am wondering how to upload pictures on my smartphone to this thread. I have a Jitterbug smartphone, which is a smartphone for dummies. I'm still figuring out how to use it. I recently discovered there are apps you can download that help you deal with stress and depression. One is called Stop, Breathe, & Think. I like it. It's like a mini therapy session.
I hope my shoulder feels better tomorrow.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 01 2016 :  9:12:04 PM  Show Profile
Well I'll be a monkey's aunt. The name of the mushrooms I used is apparently a naughty word. Silly auto-correct.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 02 2016 :  10:28:09 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- Isn't that funny? I forget how long ago this was. but I typed the word that rhymes with "witch." I wasn't calling someone a name, but just saying that they were complaining about something. I was so surprised to read my post later and see the asterisks! Mary Jane watches out for us, doesn't she? ha ha ha Ever since then, I have been more careful with throwing that phrase around.

Just back from our weekly Rotary meeting. Today we met our students of the month for March and heard about the three applicants for college scholarships. Now to hit the books and get my classwork done.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 02 2016 :  4:03:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Who would have thought the name of a mushroom would be made into a picture. I remember years ago now when some of the servers were coming on line and what they would and would not allow. Trying to prevent pornography from taking a hold any site with the word breast was deleted. Well, imagine the uproar when women tried to get a breast cancer support board started and were denied.

Your Rotary sure is active and has evidence to support it. good for you and the group.

Today we woke to snow on rain or was it the other way around. Anyway, the robo call called at 5:30 to tell us that school would be delayed by 2 hours. Better than being canceled. The boys have been home for a week and two days on break. The robo call sure is better than sitting in front of the TV or the radio waiting for our school district to come up and hoping we would not miss it.

Good luck on the homework. I hope Bunny is alright.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 02 2016 :  7:05:09 PM  Show Profile
My mother passed away last night.

Flying out in the morning. I need strength (so tired) and wisdom for executor duties.

I appreciate you ladies.


My life on the ranch ...
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2016 :  7:32:29 PM  Show Profile
God will be with you. You have been through so much in a short period. Sending you peace of mind.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2016 :  8:48:54 PM  Show Profile
Ann, I am thinking of you at this time. Lean on us for strength when necessary.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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