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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 03 2016 :  06:38:34 AM  Show Profile
Oh Ann -- so sorry to hear of your loss. You are having some kind of trial by fire and ups and downs lately. We will all be thinking of you and holding you up in the light. Hugs.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 03 2016 :  07:57:06 AM  Show Profile
Well good morning, Goddesses. I am here by myself and probably will be for the rest of the day. Dude has gone to the bid sale and then will be meeting with an attorney. We are trying to hopefully bring a partner into the business and they are having a sit-down to talk about the logistics. I already told Dude that I will have only the one boss, whatever happens. I have worked for two or more before and it never works out. I don't mind doing work for another person, but I will only answer to Dude. As long as we know that going in, we will be okay. He is really trying to plan so that he can step away a little bit more, and that would suit me fine.

Got an interesting little bit of a challenge this morning. A shipper called me and wanted me to send him a Commercial Invoice to ship a part back to the vendor internationally. Of course we have no such form, so it has been up to me to come up with one. He was pretty helpful about what information is required. I have sent him my first attempt -- we'll see if it passes muster.

Crazy Rasta Lady came in yesterday afternoon and was sweet as honey pie to His Dudeness. She is supposed to come in this afternoon to make her payment -- we'll see if she is that nice to me -- ha ha ha. She always insists that either the mechanic or Dude puts the new code into her payment reminder device. She won't let me touch her keys (she's afraid I won't give them back), so I guess she will have to learn to put the code in by herself today. I am personally not inclined to go out of my way to help someone who slams the phone down in my ear and calls me a b****. She can jolly well reap the whirlwind of her nastiness as far as I am concerned. I have typed up the instructions for entering the code into the device (we give instructions to people when they first buy their car) and she can just read that and walk herself through it. Everyone else does.

It is cold here but sunny and beautiful. I got a great walk in first thing this morning and told Dude that I was going walking at lunch time, even if I have to lock the door behind me to do it. I feel so much better when I get my 10,000 steps in. We are supposed to get some snow overnight -- maybe an inch or two -- but it will be turning to rain later in the morning. So I am not sure that I will get to walk. Then they are calling for 72 degrees next week! I will take it! We are going to the big Philadelphia Flower Show on Tuesday. Looking forward to all that spring feeling.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2016 :  10:38:33 AM  Show Profile
Oh my dear friends! I am sitting here completely terrified. A huge State Trooper came in just as I was having my after-lunch coffee -- said he wanted to see my sales records for so far this year. Says he is doing an "audit" of my records. Asking questions about recent customers, etc., etc. Of course I am here alone and I feel like a rabbit in a trap. Trying to just answer everything honestly, but I really don't KNOW some of the answers. He had me pull all the titles for cars on the lot, which I could do easily, of course. We run an honest business here and I try to be honest in all my dealings with customers, but I AM TERRIFIED and feel very vulnerable. So scared -- I just want to hide and cry. I wish I had gone ahead and locked the door at lunchtime and gone for a walk and never come back.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 03 2016 :  4:19:28 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn I am sorry the Trooper felt a need to terrify you. That seems to be how most of them operate. By rights you did not need to give him any information with out a search warrant and disclosure on his part. We are so programmed to be submissive to the police and people of authority in uniforms that we forget we have rights and they are sworn to serve us. Hugs to you.

Ann I guess you mother passing is good and not good. Now she will no longer cause you pain but now there is no hope she will ever apologize or ever will you learn why she behaved the was she did. Hugs to you. I hope the Cowboy is well.

You will be a fine executor and if she has written her wishes your job should not be is tedious more than anything here in the US.
We have some sort of law here or maybe it is a bank rule that says a certain number of days after the reported death the accounts are frozen and the executor nor any of the heirs are prohibited from accessing the money without court approval. C is the executor of someone for whom she was caught in this bind but there is a mortgage on a piece of property she owned and the bank continues the automatic withdrawals.

Bright sunny frigid winter day. DsC's Earthwalk was cancelled today because there is too much ice on the ground for the children to be able to run around to get warm. So, I did not have my child free day. Next week I will.

Sloppy Joes for dinner.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 03 2016 :  4:19:59 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn call your corporate lawyer. If the trooper comes back, refer him to the lawyer. I believe he needs a search warrant for this kind of thing.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  02:30:05 AM  Show Profile
Yes, call your lawyer. He can't search without a warrant. Police use intimidation so they don't have to jump through so many hoops. It's wrong and I understand your fear, but you shouldn't have to deal with it. As my lawyer once told me, "Let me do the worrying." Perhaps it's a bit condescending, but that's what lawyers are paid to do.
Holly--Bernie is speaking at my alma mater this morning. I'm wearing the t-shirt you gave me. I'll have to get there early as a crowd is expected. My friend K came to my support group last night. I hope she comes back. She said she would. I'm proud of Pat, a friend from the group. Her friend was left standing at the altar and tried to kill herself. She recently got out of the hospital and is staying at her parents' house. Who should show up but her ex-fiancé. Pat told him to leave and he said no. she called the police and they made him leave. Pat said she remained calm throughout the ordeal. She has come a long way from where she used to be.
I got my tax refund so I need to buy some straw bales. I'll start with eight and maybe add some more later. My little tomato seedlings are so cute. It takes about two weeks to prep the bales for planting. You have to add fertilizer, water, and take their temperature till it's just right. I know of someone who had great results with it. My cousin tried it but used too much fertilizer. She got a lot of growth but few tomatoes. So this year she plans to not fertilize so much.
Something funny happened last night when I bought a soda at the hospital cafeteria where the meetings are held. I was carrying my hippie purse and the cashier remarked to another person how cute it was. She told the other woman that she would carry one, but she wouldn't expect "someone that age" (referring to me) to carry such a bag. Then she realized what she'd just said, and blurted "I didn't just say that!" We had a good laugh. I told her hippies come in all ages.
And so they do. :)

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  06:42:29 AM  Show Profile
Actually, the State Patrol here IS the auditing agency for the license, registration and titling process. They can do an audit whenever they wish. And I had no argument with that -- I know that we run a very clean office and I wasn't afraid to show him whatever he asked for.

It was his jack boot Nazi intimidation that bothered me. He could just as easily have been polite, made eye contact (a dead give-away for aggression), and smiled when he asked to see my records. Instead, he bullied and ordered and never once ASKED to see anything - he just barked orders. He was definitely here because of some kind of complaint or incident or something. I don't think he really wanted to see my tagging and titling records at all -- that was just his cover story, because he never once asked to see where we keep the actual plates and registration forms. He kept on asking about some woman who had dropped her car off here one morning for an inspection. I couldn't remember any such woman or incident and he just got angrier and angrier with me when I couldn't recall.

Eventually a Borough police officer showed up. I think he just saw the trooper here and stopped to visit, because they knew one another and stayed out in the front office whispering about what the trooper was looking for. I finally marched out to the front office, put my hands on my hips, and asked them if I was in some kind of trouble, otherwise they had better lighten up because they were scaring the peen-waddin' out of me and I didn't like it one bit! I said "You are asking a post-menopausal 60-year-old woman questions about something that happened a couple of days ago and I can't even remember for certain what I had for LUNCH yesterday. So if you've got specific questions for me, just out with it and ask them." The Borough officer left -- I guess he didn't want any part of that. Eventually the trooper finished up and left. I wanted desperately to call his barracks and fuss, but I honestly was a little afraid that if he was the investigator, he would trump up something to fine us for.

About the time the trooper left, my dear old 87-year-old Bill came in. I flew right into his arms and he held me and patted me while I had a good cry. Next best thing to my Daddy. Anyway, this morning when I was talking to the Dude about it, I told him that I had been afraid to report the trooper to his superiors. He said "That's the kind of complaint you want to make to our state representative." I said that's exactly what I was going to do TODAY. He was furious about the way the guy had behaved. When he gets that angry, he gets very very quiet and his jaw muscles work. I would love to be here when that trooper comes back to talk to Dude.

In other news -- Rasta Lady called me yelling and yelling and yelling because her car wouldn't pass inspection. Same old stuff. I tried to help her and get her car started, but she yelled and yelled until I finally told her she needed to shut up once and just listen! Her ex was standing there with her, and I heard him saying "That's right! Just listen." So I guess he got the car started for her and then she came in here later to make her payment. Well, Ladies -- she was easy as peach pie -- probably because that Trooper was still here. I convinced her to just pay off the balance of her loan so she would have the title to her car and be able to sell it at her pleasure. I can't believe it! She reached into her big old bag and peeled off the money and paid off the whole balance!!!!! She has to come in later this morning to pick up her title and have the payment-reminder unit removed, but then we will be free of her! I am jubilant.

No sleep last night, but today will be much much better.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  1:20:32 PM  Show Profile
We have snow today. It is one of those unexpected snow falls that, if you are inside a building and don't look out you would never know it was happening. I dressed a little light but I should be okay.

Marilyn - Way to stick up for yourself. It is so stressful being confronted with that kind of animosity. I am so glad Bill was there for you. What a sweetie. And GEE! Ms Rasta had the money to paid off the loan all the time. Maybe she never thought about doing it. Good call on that one.

I will be looking through my garden supplies this weekend to see what I need and what I can start. I buried a pumpkin in the garden last fall and hope that some vines will grow from it. Mitzi has told me that she wants some cucumbers this year or else.

I have been doing almost nothing around the house. I may make cookies this weekend.

Tower Games, the store I inhabit to play Dungeons & Dragons moved 9 blocks north on Nicollet Avenue. It is now easier to get to and the store in much bigger, brighter and warmer. I no longer have to navigate those treacherously steep stairs to play in the basement.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Mar 04 2016 1:28:32 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  4:28:38 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn I am glad the trooper visit is over for now and that the Dude has your back. He probably knows most of the troopers and their superiors because he grew up around there. He may even know their mother's. I wonder if he will be in in the next week or so to apologize. That would be a treat.
I hope the Rasta Lady takes good care of her car for a very long time.

I was thinking about you tonight because i received a flower catalog today and they had two pages of ground covers. I think I like the wintergreen the best because it would be dual purpose. in my Birds and Blooms magazine there were directions for the straw gardens. Put the bales somewhere you want more top soil so when they decompose you will not need to move them.
Funny about your hippie bag. Did the speaker not realize you were a hippie before she was born. hahaha.
Enjoy Bernie speaking tonight.

Marie did you ever make the dolls for the store? I was just thinking that I made dsR a doll he calls Chuna when he was little. I had him lay down on old sheets and traced around him. Sewed it together and stuffed it with unfinished socks and fiberfill. The unfinished socks were from a very large bag C bought at the sock store several years before and we never finished the toes. So, I used them as stuffing in different projects. A little heavy but they were good for the bum section because it enabled the doll to sit. Then he dressed her in his clothes.

Sunny all day. Started off at 2 F and at lunch time it was 38 F.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  4:35:41 PM  Show Profile
I went to the Bernie rally. There were a LOT of people. It was kind of creepy, the Secret Service was there. I like Bernie's message that a country's moral progress is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. It's not a new idea, I think Gandhi said it first, but it seems so forgotten at times. It was the first time a presidential candidate has spoken at SIU. The campus has changed so much since I graduated--when I was there, there were no dorms on campus. Now most students live on campus. There are so many new buildings. I'm surprised I was able to find my way around, but I did. There were lots of students with purple hair--when I was in college, orange hair was in vogue. Think Annie Lennox.
Well, Marilyn, sounds like the Rasta lady is out of your hair. You should celebrate by treating yourself to something special. And I would contact your state representative--I had to do that once and I filled out a Freedom of Information Act document and the representative is obligated to share with you all the information. It got the problem resolved--not quite as well as I'd liked it, but it was resolved.
Marie--glad you don't have to walk as far to play Dungeons & Dragons. Steep stairs scare me--I almost fell backwards down some very steep stairs and I could have been killed. All because a dog brushed up against me and I moved back just a still gives me shivers.
I stopped by the house of the man who has straw bales for $4.00 each. He wasn't home, but when I knocked on the door...let's just say I expected to see a "Condemned" sign on the door. It made me wonder about the quality of the straw bales. So I think I will get them from the farm & home store cause they are fresh and not weedy. It'll cost a little more but it'll be worth it.
There is a seed swap tomorrow at the co-op. What interesting treasures will I find?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 04 2016 :  4:42:11 PM  Show Profile
Holly--you posted as I was writing. I'm wearing your Bernie shirt right now. It was a lively rally. Gives me hope to see young people care so much.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 06 2016 :  4:00:24 PM  Show Profile
Where is everyone? Today was nice, started off chilly then warmed up. I have been making tassels with embroidery floss. Don't know what I'll use them for--maybe I can incorporate them into some jewelry. I found some periwinkle seeds at the store but it is too early to plant them. I will be getting my straw bales tomorrow. Soon the time will change again and we'll have to get used to it all over again. I have beans soaking to make black bean burgers which I will freeze and eat some later. I make mine spicy by adding red curry paste to them. I enjoy that I can hear birds singing early in the morning--they know spring will soon be here. Went to my parents' house this morning and the washer & dryer were gone. My brother sold them to someone on Craigslist yesterday. He didn't tell me so I was a bit shocked when I went downstairs and they weren't there. I hope everyone else is having good weather--I know it's supposed to snow in some places. we are expected to get a lot of rain mid-week. I hear a bird chirping outside and he sounds so happy. Nature is a good teacher.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 06 2016 :  5:07:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone

Today was a lovely day here on the side of our hill. We woke to temperatures in the teens and it rose from there into the forties. The sun was bright and cheery. I went over to the green house to find one of the windows on the second floor had blown in. We had some pretty ferocious winds the other night so that must have been when it happened. I was not too up set. I have a window that is a couple of inches smaller than the current hole and can fill in to make it fit. I am going to see if I have a little bit bigger window to use. that will just take time.

C and big DsR and little dsR set the rest of the taps in the maple trees today. I hope she gets a good sap run this year. It always boosts her spirits.

I guess parts of your parent's household will be disappearing over the next while. Do a little ritual to say good bye then maybe you will feel a little bit in control. Endings are hard.

I like mildly spicy food. The after burn is what gets the best of me when I do spicy.

I was reading about growing wasabi. I think where I live really is too cold. The articles say the lowest temperature it can tolerate is 45 F which is way warmer than my low but I was trying to figure out how I could create a micro climate to grow wasabi roots. I wondered if I could dig down and fill a pit with wood and manure and hay to have it compost to create enough heat to keep the roots warm through the winter. I grows in running water. I have a stream but it has ice build up on it in the winter. Just ruminating.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 07 2016 :  3:12:30 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was overcast and snowy. I think we received two inches of snow. It seems like this might be one of our bigger snow storms of the season.

Didn't do much today. Just chores and cookies and taxi service.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 07 2016 :  3:41:21 PM  Show Profile
The temperature reached 60 degrees today. I took two bags of stuff I did not want to Savers and bought a pair of jeans, a pair of sweat pants and a pair of dressy shoes. It all cost me just over $16. I was pleased. Everyone was walking around without coats and enjoying the sun while it was out.

I have been home this afternoon answering email, ironing and setting up the jeans and sweat pants for hemming. The sweat pants are knit and I want to try to sew it with a double needle. We'll see how it works.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Mar 08 2016 :  6:08:21 PM  Show Profile
Well, that was weird. I was typing and suddenly everything disappeared. My computer has been acting goofy tonight. It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days. Marie, is it still warm in your neck of the woods? Holly--if two inches of snowfall is one of your bigger storms, it worries me. We barely had winter this year. It's freaky. I've seen enough films about what's happening at the poles to know that the climate is changing drastically. "Where have all the flowers gone? Gone to graveyards, everyone. When will we ever learn?" Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I wish people would realize we have to CARE for the Earth and stop abusing it. I have had two dreams where the Earth spoke to me of Her pain. Sounds crazy, I know, but this is personal for me.
I am concerned about Marilyn.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 08 2016 :  6:45:40 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Yes, it is worrisome that she did not post today. Usually on Tuesday. Maybe she had the day off again and is at home.

I worry about the earth too. it is so hard to teach people who can't even hear the problem never mind that they refuse to recognize that there is one. some people are so arrogant.

A lovely day here on the hill. Temperatures in the fifties and mostly sunny. I had my mammogram this morning and then dsC has his swim lesson so there was not a lot of time to spend outside. DdK washed the car in the driveway. Most of the water drained off this time. Last time there were ice floes that were a bit treacherous.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 08 2016 :  9:49:00 PM  Show Profile
Yes, the temperature got up to 70 today. The bachelor pile of snow out by the garage has melted so I raked up the leaves that had accumulated in the fall and sat there all winter. The dogs really love being outside. I have to clean up behind the dumpster. There are two large pieces of wood 4 X 4's and some more leaves. Then I have to reorganize the wood pile and rake up some leaves there. I believe I have a sack of soil out there which I will use to fill in a couple holes dug by a dog who used to live here. If you don't know where they are, they can break your ankles. I also want to spread some around in a low, squishy spot. I might even consider digging in some bricks for the fire pan legs to sit on. Then it's time to burn some excess dry vegetation. Good times.

I went to the Police Conduct and Oversight Commission. They were discussing body cams and the co-response initiative for critical incidents involving mental crisis and police. One of the recommendations is that a working group be set up to implement the program. I may be part of that. We shall see.

Otherwise, I promoted one of my students to the next reading level. After passing this level, he will be reading at a 2nd grade level. One student so far has passed the last level in the program and is reading above a 2nd grade level. I am so happy with this.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 09 2016 :  11:05:18 AM  Show Profile
Sorry everyone who was concerned. We closed the shop yesterday and played hooky at the Philadelphia Flower Show! We rode into town with a group from the Brandywine Museum -- went on their bus, so there was no traffic to worry about and no parking to find or pay for. The theme of the show was 100 Years of the National Park Service. It was very full, but we had a good time. We are looking at 80 degrees today and tomorrow. I am trying to get caught up and not making enough headway to suit me. A new lesson in my QuickBooks class was released today and I haven't had a minute to even look at it. I feel squished for time, for sure!

Thanks for the thoughts, but I am fine. Hopefully I will be able to catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 09 2016 :  4:12:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Glad to hear from you Marilyn. Now that you jerk my memory I do recall you saying you were going to the Flower Show at the time I thought I went to that 30 years ago. It is amazing how people can get all of that dirt into the building and then get all of those flowers to blossom at the same time and survive the trip in to the show. of course I forgot when you said you were going. I am glad the Dude will take time off to do some fun activities with you.

Marie- I think it would be interesting to be on a police oversight committee. I would think part of it will be an education component and you would be good at that. Glad some of the children at school are making progress in their reading. Reading opens up a whole world to children.

It was in the fifties today and overcast so it looked colder by far than it was. Mud season is upon us. The mud is only five inches deep in the ruts so far but the ruts can take your car and suck it in and then throw you across the road and down the bank before you can even blink so the going on the dirt is slow and steady.

The children went to the Flynn theater to a magic math show. They had a good time. There is only one more student matinee that we have signed up for this school year. The new form for next year comes out in May.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  06:36:11 AM  Show Profile
Oh Holly -- It's hard enough for me to remember my appointments -- I can't believe you would! ha ha I bought one of the Mary Jane's Farm Farmgirl Planners and I am really enjoying it. As much "electronic" as I do -- I still really like having pen and paper. Old-timey, I guess.

I just got back from my walk. I cut it a little bit short because I got a late start and because I needed to stop at the drugstore and get a sympathy card. Yesterday an 18-year-old customer came in to make his payment. We have sold cars to the dad and all three of the kids. Anyway, he paid his bill and then asked me if I had heard about Jimmy, his older brother. I hadn't and he told me that Jimmy had passed away over the weekend. Drug overdose at 21. Dad came home and found him dead. Now Dad can't bear to go back inside the house, so he has gone to stay with friends. This younger boy had just moved out with his girlfriend. The family just seems to have fallen apart. I felt so awful for the poor kid. He's trying to be a grown-up, but he's just a kid -- my grandson's age.

Life is wonderful, people. Enjoy it. Savor it. Roll in it. Breathe it in. And love one another.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  10:01:19 AM  Show Profile
Has anyone heard from Bunny? I am concerned because I know she has such health challenges, as well as with her living situation. I miss hearing about her projects and seeing her work, too. I have to assume that Marianne is busy with her hubby's medical issues. Hopefully they will get him squared away soon so she can have some kind of normal back again.

Dude left this morning for a couple of bid sales/auctions, and I don't know when he will be back. E (the mechanic) and I just had our lunch. He had 2 large McD's fries and an orange drink and I had Weight Watchers fish 'n chips. He will leave in about half an hour and then it will be very very quiet around here. I would love to lock the door and go for a walk. It is absolutely gorgeous outside! When I drove uptown to the bank and over to get E's lunch, I had the windows down in the car and it was wonderful. I may check my computer and see who is scheduled in for a payment and then lock the door after E leaves at 1:30.

I got lesson 9 (of 12) done in my Intro to QuickBooks class. The instructor said to go ahead and start the intermediate class next week, even though we won't be done with intro yet. I had thought I would wait until the mid-April start date, but it has been pretty easy to keep up with the classes, so I think I could handle both for the short time they overlap. After I finish intermediate, there are some other bookkeeping and accounting classes I want to take. Hopefully there will be more meat in those. I wish there was more repetition and practice in this class so that I would remember the processes better. I guess that's why they call it an intro class. I have printed the text of each lesson, as well as saving them on my laptop, so I can always go back and refer to them.

Oh it is so hard to sit inside here at this desk with NOTHING to do except look outside and envy the people walking on the sidewalk! ha ha I didn't even bring my knitting today, because I thought I would be working on my classwork. Sigh. I guess I could tidy. Or not.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  5:13:11 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I would like to hear from Bunny as well. I hope she is busy making new creations.

It rained all afternoon here. Temperatures were in the fifties but overcast and gloomy. I went outside just before lunch to take pictures and scout out trees to saw down for firewood. I would like to get them all down before they leaf out. They are harder to make fall where I want them to go when they are covered with leaves. We can drag them with the tractor to a central spot to block up and split. It would be so nice to have it all put away in the barn before the weather gets really hot. Only one year did we achieve that goal. The other years we do not get them all in the barn until the end of August or later.
The snow on the fields is almost gone. A couple of towns over has a tree and bush conservation sale so I have been trying to figure out what I would like to order. We receive so many catalogs but not many of the fruit or nut trees will grow in zone 3. This year we were warm enough for zone 4 but why risk a plant that will not grow well.

Sorry for the young man and his family. It is happening all to often around here.

Glad to hear you are doing well in your class. I guess with practice the information will go into some sort of memory for you.
Nest time prop open the door and sit out side in the sunshine. and smile.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Mar 10 2016 :  9:14:13 PM  Show Profile
I used to have Bunny's address but I lost it with all the other Mary Jane's info I had when the flash drive I had it on went dead. I would like to send her a card. I hope she is well. I do worry about her.

Today I attended a conference call with representatives of Framingham, MA who put a jail diversion program in the community. They got the police buy in by offering the services of a mental health clinician if they wanted them to accompany them on a call. The whole key was not to require the police officers to use those resources. They found that the crisis situation was decreased just by having the third party present. The clinician could also stay with any children who had to be left at the home until another family member could come to take care of them. The clinician could observe the person in crisis in their own environment and to assess their status and figure out what services they needed. Just this extra effort saves all kinds of the time of booking and processing and costs for the personnel, paperwork and liability. Other cities which have these types of programs are Los Angeles, CA and Duluth, MN. I am so excited to be working on this program.

Tomorrow the temperature will be up to 60 degrees.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Mar 11 2016 :  07:06:19 AM  Show Profile
That issue of what happens to the little children when the police take their parent(s) into custody has always worried me. Poor little things must be just so terrified!!! Sounds like a very worthwhile program, Marie. It's great when people who care get involved with the community.

We had 80 degree weather for the past 2 days, and today it is in the low 60s, but after such a cold winter, the 60s still feel like spring! I woke up this morning with a blazing headache and a sick stomach. The headache is most probably due to the new weather system -- just about the only time I get a headache. The tummy will just have to work itself out. I got out for my walk when we got to town and really enjoyed it. Ran into a gal who used to be a customer here -- she had her new little baby girl with her -- what a little dolly! Saw my good friend who is going to Costa Rica with us next winter -- we had a little chat about that and about an upcoming dinner party. Enjoyed the first few sips of my coffee sitting at the coffee bar and chatting with the barista, who has become a nice friend. All in all a good way to spend my walk. My head still hurts, my tummy is still "off," but my spirits have improved.

Holly -- I was wondering the other day what zone you were in up there. We are pretty lucky here and most everything will grow except the really tropical stuff. I joined the National Arbor Day Foundation a while back, and one of the little inducements was 10 free trees. They say they will ship them at the proper planting time for our area. One of these days we are going to drive up after work and find a forest of 6-inch seedlings on our porch! ha ha Hopefully they will grow in our little forest out back. I also ordered some dogwoods and other things to help fill in some open spots. When his girls were little, Dude used to mow the back yard all the way up to the top of the hill, but now we leave it natural, and the trees have been making their way back down toward the house. We just have a little area out back for a shade garden and the swale for the water to run around the house.

Speaking of which -- we came across a pile of brown and white striped feathers out back the other day. We have a fox den up in the woods, so we think Foxy Loxy left them there. Trying to find them on google images, they look like maybe a wild turkey or a pheasant -- we have seen both. They really looked a lot like a barred owl, and we have at least a pair of those out in our woods, because we hear them calling to each other at night, but I don't know how a red fox would have got hold of an owl. The pileated woodpeckers have been busy busy busy -- there's a dead snag up by the fence where I think they are nesting and they have made their big holes in several of the other trees. Amazing what they can do.

I should get some work done. Friday is usually a busy payment day and I have already had a couple of customers in. I also have another lesson to tackle. The admissions office still has not returned my call to take my payment for the intermediate class. There is an option to fax them my credit card info, but I am not about to do that. I mean, if nobody is there to answer phone calls, how would I know who is walking by the fax machine and helping themselves to my credit card info? Hopefully I will hear from them today.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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