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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 18 2016 :  5:52:43 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

You provide such a service for your customers, Marilyn. A vent for them to relieve all of their daily frustrations. note this is said tongue in cheek with a chuckle.

Sorry you have been ill, Bunny. I hope you feel better soon.

Today was in the teens but the sun came out.

Tonight was the Student Showcase at DsR and dsG's school. dsG was Albert Einstein. He had to memorize a quote and sit in a little set and when someone pushed the button on his hand he lifted his head and said his words.

dsR read a piece that he had written about his friend Jack.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  06:52:06 AM  Show Profile
Oh those boys are so cute! I especially love Mr Einstein's crooked mustache!! Is Jack a real friend or the invisible kind? Mine was named Johnny Singer and bore a striking resemblance to Pat Boone. You can see that he is really 'splaining about his buddy. They are so cute.

Bunny -- Glad you checked in. Take care of yourself if you can. We miss you when you aren't around.

I got home last night and there was a nice surprise waiting on the porch for me. My adorable fairy house door from Marcy's give-away! It is just as cute as the picture. Of course, His Dudeness looked at it and cocked his head like a German Shepherd. Sometimes they just don't get it! ha ha

Dude stayed at home this morning to help the plumber install our new toilet, sink, and shower downstairs. If they have enough time, they will move the laundry sink over a little bit, too. He was just beside himself with excitement to be getting this job done. I moved into the house just about 2 years ago, so it seems to me like we have done a LOT of work in a reasonably short time, but he had been thinking about making all these changes for years, so it seems like a much longer time to him. Our contractor will be out later next week to begin the finish work and the last of the drywall. Then we will need the painter. The end is actually in sight now!!! We should have a viable guest room by summer visitor season. That will mean that a whole lot of the junk that's been cluttering up the upstairs can go downstairs. Yay! Then we will need to have the hardwoods upstairs refinished, but that will be a pretty quick process -- but will require moving all the furniture. I think I will need to be away from home for a few days. It will be so nice to have everything DONE at some point. I hate the mess.

I came to town a little early so I could get my walk and get back here by 9:00. As soon as I walked in the door, my mechanic was waiting for me all in a tizzy because he had tried to call Dude and he didn't pick up, and a customer stopped to drop off some payments and then the body shop guy called because he had a car to bring back and he wanted a check.....hi, guys -- let me hang my coat up, anyway. Ha! The body shop guy doesn't like me. He was hanging around one day asking me a bunch of questions about the business -- how many people are behind in their payments? How much money are you losing? How much money are you making on each car? Just a bunch of stuff that was NONE of his business. I refused politely to answer and he kept on pushing -- I finally said that was business information and I was NOT going to discuss it with him. He got his panties into such a wad. So now he "punishes" me by not talking to me on the phone or chatting me up when he comes in the office. I am devastated.

I have a new lesson waiting on my computer, so I ought to get at it. Hopefully it will be pretty quiet this morning now that I have things situated. And hopefully Crazy Rasta Lady has found a new bone to chew on and will not be calling. I am afraid I am going to bite her on the neck and catch the gleek!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  08:02:46 AM  Show Profile
Jack is a real person. He is an aide to another student but dsR hangs with them a lot. DsT had an invisible sibling set for a while. The first was named Harvey after the invisible Rabbit from the play "our Town" I think. Then Harvey had a sister named Mary. Fitting everyone in the van with seat belts was sometimes a trick. haha or on the couch to watch movies. I do not remember when they moved out.

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  08:40:30 AM  Show Profile
Oh my! My youngest grandson always "became" his imaginary people. For a long time, he was Dr. Steve (instead of Dr. Phil) and would line all his nursery school cohorts up in rows to tape the show. His teacher finally told him that Dr. Steve would have to stay home, because he was getting too upset when everyone else wouldn't play along.

Rasta Lady came in and shouted at me for a while. I escorted her to the exit and she called me a b****. Time for lunch, I think!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  1:48:17 PM  Show Profile
It rained this morning. This was on top of frozen snow and ice. So the ice on the sidewalk is impossible to see and the frozen snow is very slippery. People who don't have to walk just don't get it. Mitzi's back legs slipped out from under her today. Poor dog.

I have this kid in class, Daniel. He is a sweet kid and tries very hard. He loses focus and starts getting lost in feelings I guess. He is able to stay on task and focused when he takes his medication. His father does not want him to take it and his mother wants to go with just therapy. He only goes once a month. Daniel was at his conference begging with tears in his eyes for the medicine. Poor kid. I know how that feels. Patricia wants to just choke Daniel's father.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  5:11:51 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A sunny breezy day here on the hill farm. I could hear the wind chimes all day. they are pleasant tones.

I went to the physical therapist this afternoon. I was not impressed with her office manner. She was not chatty or friendly. I guess I was not either but I am not comfortable in new situations with medical personelle. I have a set of stretching exercises to do for my bursitis in my hip and fasciitis in my feet. I have strength exercises to do for my hip. I told her I am called Holly and not my first name and she called me by my first name anyway. At the end of the visit she said it seems you did not want to come to the physical therapist. I told her my doctor thought it was a victory that I agreed to a PT appointment. I would like to be able to lay on my left side at night and to roll over without pain so I am willing to give it a try.

Marie could the teacher tell the parents that if Daniel were a diabetic they would not think twice about whether or not to give him insulin. There has been a lot of public discussion about over medicating young boys especially. and there is such stigma attached to being labelled, the parents live in fear of the long term consequences of labelling their child. On the other hand.......... There is a magazine and website called ADDitude. Maybe Daniel could take the link home to them and they could do more research. Just trying to problem solve from afar again.
The ice sounds nasty. I think I would stay home as much as possible.

You know Marilyn there is an old saying that she who finishes house dies. So, I would guess there will always be something to adjust in your house.

I wonder if Ann is back home yet?

The AI man is down stairs giving the cow a good time. We do not allow her to smoke afterwards because she does live in a barn, hahaha I hope she is in heat and it settles. Cows have a nine month gestation.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  6:32:44 PM  Show Profile
Patricia has spoken to one of our education assistants who can speak their language and help them understand what his son needs. He has a connection to this family. I told Daniel that he could talk to me anytime and that I would listen.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Feb 19 2016 6:33:26 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 19 2016 :  6:49:28 PM  Show Profile
Is the AI man full of bull? Haha. I guess now the cow is.
I went to my first PT session today. I am sorry you had a bad experience with yours. The ones at my hospital are very good and professional and I've never known then to be rude. they are probably the best dept. in the whole hospital.
Marilyn--I have seen a sign in some businesses that say: For complaints, push here". There is a mousetrap on the wall they are supposed to push. Maybe that's what some of your customers need.
Today was in the 70's so I emptied my pots from last year and dumped the dirt on top of the rock in front of the house where some bushes used to be. there is probably a ton of rock buried there. It would be too difficult to remove using a backhoe so I am dumping last year's dirt on it and then I plan to find a groundcover that grows well in shade. I have eight bags of topsoil out back that I used for last year's bag garden. I hope it will be enough to cover all the rock. I will have to find someone who can bring the bags to the front yard. they are quite heavy. I think I have found someone from whom I can buy straw bales and they will also deliver it. I am determined to have a garden, even if I do not have the full use of one arm.
I bought the newest issue of Organic Life and they have some good recipes using dandelion greens. I have no shortage of those when it gets warm.
It feel sgood to be able to drive again.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  5:37:49 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

WE woke to three inches of the fluffy white stuff. DsC and DsG were out for several hours making snow people. The favorite book right now is Diary of a Wimpy Kid, so in the yard now are the characters as the boys see them. This is the first snow that was wet enough to hold for a snow ball. As the day wore on the snow melted off the roof and at dusk it rained.

I made whoopie pies today. I used fluff and confectioners sugar with butter for the filling. It did not taste like I remember when my mother made them. The children all thought they were delicious. They were pretty easy to make.

Yes, the AI made was full of bull? You are so funny we had a good laugh. He used a red angus sperm. We have always used black angus in the past so if this egg settles she will have an interesting colored calf since she looks like an Holstein.

We really like dandelion flower fritters. They are filling and yummy. You can make pesto and freeze it from the leaves for the winter.

You are doing very well one handed.

I am glad someone is advocating for Daniel and he might get the help he wants.

Vjinca grows well in the shade and has a pretty purple flower. Winter green if the shade is near pine trees would be good as well. Then you could use the berries. I am reading about permaculture and the key seems to be to plant so the plants and landscaping have duel purposes.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  7:20:27 PM  Show Profile
I have not heard of Vjinca. Is it a New England flower? I don't have any pines in my yard--in the front yard is a sugar maple and a sweetgum tree. I do have wild strawberries that grow in my yard and eventually they might take over. which is fine with me. I've eaten them and they are not bad. they are VERY good for whitening your teeth. I did manage to drag four of the bags to the front yard with my good arm. they were very dry so didn't weigh too much. It's raining now so I will have to wait till the others dry out before I can move them. The hardest thing is I have to bend over while dragging them and that hurts my back. I can't lift them, otherwise I'd use my garden cart.
I took Jaxon to Tractor Supply Co. today for his rabies shot. It saves me the cost of having to pay for an office visit, which runs close to sixty dollars. I don't know how long I'll be off work and I don't know if I'll have quite enough paid hours to cover it so I am scrimping. I even got a free small bag of dogfood. Can't beat that. They had the chicks and the ducklings and all the stuff needed to raise them. I have decided against hens. If they caught avian flu, the govt. would have the right to kill all my birds, including my two indoor budgies. I am not going to take that chance.
Bunny, hope you are feeling more yourself. we miss you.
Are Daniel's parents of a nationality that doesn't trust western medicine? I don't always trust it myself but if someone tried to take my meds. away, I'd be standing there with a flame thrower, daring them to take my magic pills away. I know what happens when the drs. take me off my medicine--and it's not a place I want to visit. Sometimes people never come back from it.
It will be funny if you get a red calf with black patches.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  8:12:41 PM  Show Profile
I am not sure about Daniel's parents. I rarely meet the parents and when I do, I only say nice things about their kids. I'm really not supposed to know some of this stuff. From what I have heard, his dad is a bully and the mom just tries to mediate. They are both Hispanic and need translation services. Daniel speaks English very well and is getting much better at reading. I can see the pain in his eyes when he knows he is not having success. I can really empathize with him. Ray is also off his medication. He gets really manic when he doesn't have it. Both his parents have their own troubles. It is so sad.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 20 2016 :  8:14:46 PM  Show Profile
I am not sure about Daniel's parents. I rarely meet the parents and when I do, I only say nice things about their kids. I'm really not supposed to know some of this stuff. From what I have heard, his dad is a bully and the mom just tries to mediate. They are both Hispanic and need translation services. Daniel speaks English very well and is getting much better at reading. I can see the pain in his eyes when he knows he is not having success. I can really empathize with him. Ray is also off his medication. He gets really manic when he doesn't have it. Both his parents have their own troubles. It is so sad.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 21 2016 :  1:24:54 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon,

I misspelled the ground cover it is Vinca. I can not find a picture in my files. sorry. Around here wild strawberries are very tiny and very sweet.

It is hard on children when they donot have good advocates for schooling.

Overcast most of the day. Not too cold. We are having pork roast for supper. DdK has gone off with one of her friends for the day. I hope they are making good choices.

Have a good afternoon.

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 22 2016 :  3:08:56 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

A lovely day here on the hill farm. The sun was lovely all day long. It shone in the house and made everywhere toasty warm. The outside temperatures were in the low twenties.
DdK thought it would be a grand idea to wash the winter dirt off the car so now the front yard is a slick ice floe. She does not like to drive a dirty car.

I just did the regular chores today. nothing titillating at all.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 22 2016 :  4:42:11 PM  Show Profile
The temperatures here are warming and the frozen snow is gently melting. I may to out in the yard this weekend and pick up some stray dog nuggets and clean up the yard for planting. This time of year my hands seem to want to get into the dirt.

I had so much energy today. I washed dishes, cleaned the remaining meat off a whole chicken and froze it and the carcass. I want to make broth from the carcass. I looked at all the old candles I had lying around and am considering melting them down and placing them into a mold I have. I have to dig out my book on candle making.

Lowell had to get an $800 brake job on his van. The repair shop is in the neighborhood so we walked the dogs over there to pick it up. The dogs have been wanting to take a long walk for a while. The weather was so nice. We could still get a blizzard here so I'm not keeping my hopes up.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Feb 22 2016 :  8:17:42 PM  Show Profile
Today was not as warm but more like it's supposed to be this time of year. Really, who needs 75 degree days in February? It just messes up the flowers and the trees. It might snow Wednesday so I hope the buds on the trees and the spikes of green (jonquils) in my yard don't freeze. I am still trying to find someone to haul straw for me. I may have to ask my uncle but I don't want to pay what they're asking for at the farm & home store for straw. I saw a sign where it was cheaper but I drove past that house and didn't see any bales.
Ah yes, the art of creating glaciers in the yard. Once when we were kids we built a sort of snowman and then we had freezing rain. The snowman was a solid chunk of ice. We took turns riding our sled towards it and jumping off at the last possible moment. Even after the sled had rammed it many times, you could barely tell.
I talked to a friend last night who was semi-suicidal. She was depressed cause a friend of hers killed herself and someone else she knew slashed her wrists. then she found out her last remaining aunt had died. She mentioned that her friend who had taken her life was married and left behind two young children, one of them too young to understand what's happened to his mommy. I suggested that when she starts to feel like harming herself, instead say a prayer for those two children. That seemed to help her realize that everyone suffers loss. sometimes we just need to look at things from a different perspective. She promised me she wouldn't harm herself. I think she will be OK. She's seen a lot of loss in a short time. I know it can feel overwhelming but I hope she remembers she has friends who care about HER, and who would feel sad if something happened to HER. And she knows she can call any of us anytime.
anyway, other than that, everything is rather quiet. I worked on a short story the other night so maybe I'll work some more on it tonight. I want to submit it to a journal and the due date is the end of april. I started working on it sometime last year. With all this time off, I have no reason not to get it done.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  05:55:20 AM  Show Profile
I love vinca -- it is also called periwinkle. I planted it as the main ground cover at one of my previous homes out in Western Washington. Dude had it planted here, but then he put in some pachysandra and that has completely taken over! It is pretty, as well, but I really love the little purply flowers of the periwinkle.

I am at the shop on my own this morning. Dude stayed home to work with the plumber. They are putting in a new laundry sink. The Amish crew was there yesterday and fairly tore the tar out of the downstairs! Oh what a mess they left behind. It was a group of younger guys, and I think if the boss had been there they would have been a little more careful, but that's the way that goes. You should have heard Dude fussing and cussing while he was cleaning up down there last night! I just tried to stay out of his way. They did get a lot done, though. Still quite a ways left to go, but it's all very fussy trim work, so that takes time.

I have a young man coming in so I can take a credit application in a few minutes. Evidently he is VERY young (still a juvenile license) and his dad will be coming along. We'll see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!!!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  06:51:49 AM  Show Profile
I am considering planting creeping thyme in our yard. The back yard is very uneven and still has a couple ankle-busting holes that a previous dog dug. There is very little grass and I want something nicer than the tiny little weedy weeds that are growing there.

We had some snow today but the temps will be almost 40 later so it will all be gone soon. I am going on a field trip to the Minneapolis Children's Theatre today with the kids. I have never been there. I love theatre but can hardly afford it.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  10:35:31 AM  Show Profile
Oooh -- I think the creeping thyme would be wonderful! I like having herbs that will release their fragrance when you bruise them a little. Lots of them are nice between stepping stones.

It is raining here and the goofy stuff is seeping out through the cracks. This morning, one of my "less capable" customers started calling because he said he had locked his keys in his car. Well we have all been there, but this poor thing does it quite regularly. So I told him I could loan him the extra remote BUT ONLY IF HE BROUGHT IT RIGHT BACK. (We have had so many issues with this customer that Dude was even questioning the guy's motives for wanting an extra key.) So he walked over here several blocks in the rain and got the remote. Then he calls and says the remote won't work. I said I had one key that Mr S said he could borrow (It is a door-only key that doesn't start the car) . He asked if I could run it over to him -- well no, I can not. So he gets a buddy to drive him over, hands me the remote, and takes the round key. Directly he calls and says this key doesn't work either, did I have another key he could try -- "Mr S had come over once and had a WHOLE RING OF KEYS..." now I am getting somewhat more suspicious, as it seems he wants the whole ring of keys, which I will NOT give him. He and girlfriend have regular fights over who has custody of the car, and we are not getting in the middle of that. Dude called in at that point and said DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY MORE KEYS. So when he called yet again, I told him that he would need to call a locksmith or a tow company or somebody else to help him. That has been about two hours ago and he still has not returned the key. I do get so tired of people.

Then Mechanic and I are sitting here having a little lunch and my number 2 line rings. It is an elderly black lady asking if we have any toilet paper over here. I wasn't quite sure I heard her correctly, so I asked her pardon and she repeated that she was wondering if we had any toilet paper over here. (At this point I am fairly certain that I must be getting hoaxed, but you never I said I was very sorry, but that I thought she must have a wrong number. She said "I'm so sorry. It has been so long since I've talked to anyone. Oh please don't hang up on me. I couldn't bear to lose anyone else. Not since I lost my husband. Can you come over and take care of me?" She just kept on and on, but I finally said I had to go.

So I did a couple of reverse look-ups and found a name and a street here in town. There is a large senior living facility on that street, so I went ahead and called their front desk and told the lady what had happened. I still don't think it was a real person, but I wanted to let someone know, just in case. The lady at the senior living didn't have anyone by that name, but there's a lot more on that street than just that place.

I had just hung up from that phone call when I got a call from a woman saying she was with the Credit Card Fraud Department. Yeah, right. "Which credit card?" I asked. We have noticed several charges on your Credit Card account recently. "Which credit card would that be?" I asked again. One charge was for $237 for a hotel room in Guatemala. Were you in Guatemala recently? "Are you a live person?" I asked. And of course she was not. I will give them this -- it was not a grainy easy-to-tell-it's-a-recording kind of recording, but still. Like I am going to tell you my account number right here over the telephone. Sadly -- there are lots of people who would. Those kind of calls are irritating, but they also worry me because my mother would not have the slightest clue how to respond and just hang up the phone! She would just assume that they were telling the truth and probably go get her purse and read off her credit card number. People can really be ugly.

So it's just me here now until Dude gets back from his appointment over in Delaware. Mechanic has left for the day. I am not going to make any calls to recover that lost key, because that's a conversation that I would like for Dude to have. What a silly day this has been so far.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  1:28:13 PM  Show Profile
Just a little more research and here's what I found on the "little old lady." I found the number in a reverse directory, so I researched that directory and found that it is unreliable and is used by robo-callers and other scammers. So there's that. Then on the very off chance, I googled -- Little old lady caller asks for toilet paper -- which led me directly to a website where you can BUY prank phone calls. Is that the most ridiculous waste of time, money and energy you can think of? One of their most popular prank calls is for an old lady to call and ask for toilet paper and then go into a big long guilt thing, hoping that you will stay on the phone -- I guess they record the calls and play them back for kicks to show off or something. I don't get it, really. So what happened is --- someone who uses our line 2 got on this idiot website and actually PAID somebody to call and waste my time listening to a fake situation and try to get me to make a fool of myself so they can laugh at the recording. I guess some folks have more money than they know what to do with. But now I don't have to worry about there being an actual little old lady who is lonely.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  2:08:09 PM  Show Profile
They could have paid you instead. LOL Some people's kids.

The 2nd graders were so good at the theatre. The show was called A Snowy Day and followed Peter as he explored in the snow and tried to save a snowball in his pocket. Then as he tried really hard to learn how to whistle. Then as he tried to keep the googles he and his friend found away from some older kids. And then his birthday party. It was so well produced.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  3:10:15 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We have the Ezra Jack Keats books and they are wonderful. It is good to hear that the children go to the theater. It is so important for the children to be exposed to the arts.

I would not have thought to google little old lady asking for toilet paper. I would have thought lady you are crazy if you think I am going to drive toilet paper over to you. On the local radio station well, there are two that do it , they have phone scams. I think for the most part they are rude and belligerent to get a rise out of people. Usually someone the called person knows sets them up for the caller to scam. Then they play it on the radio. The called person often gets very upset.

I did not go to Tai chi because I am sick. A non productive cough that just wears me out. I will be better and expect with the correct cough syrup I will sleep through the night.

It is school vacation and I am done with it. The children go back to school next Wednesday the day after town meeting. I sent them out the door to play. If it had not been so cold they would have stayed out a lot longer.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Feb 24 2016 04:49:46 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  4:44:15 PM  Show Profile
A radio station here used to call people, usually men, and offer them a free bouquet of roses that they would send to their sweetheart. The trick is their husband or wife would be on the line when they gave them the information on what to say on the card. When the person was caught sending it out to someone else, they would bring in the aggrieved and the fur would fly. A lady at one of my temp jobs would always listen to it. Usually they couldn't reach the offender but once they did and broadcast it on the radio. I was really embarrassed to be listening to it and felt that this is just one more way a reality show situation can hurt someone.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2016 :  5:32:48 PM  Show Profile
there is a website 800notes. com or .org, and you can put in a phone number and see al the comments people who have been called by this number have left. I was getting calls from Microsoft (yeah, really?) about "the problems you've been having with your computer". I put in the number and it was from India. People were complaining that these people in India kept calling them, at all hours of the day and night. So when my paretns, who no longer have a computer, kept getting these calls, I took the phone and told the guy that I knew who he was and what their scheme was. They never called back after that.
It's wonderful for kids to see live theater. we have a great community theater here in town but it's hard to attract young people. I was in some plays in elementary and junior high school. In high school I worked backstage during plays. I would go to the library and find the scripts for popular plays and read them. My favorite was "You Can't Take It With You". I saw that one onstage and it was funny. they just don't write plays like that anymore. In one of the plays I was in, I had to wear a genie costume. If I was married, maybe I'd rent a genie costume and play "Midnight At the Oasis" for my husband. I'm weird that way. :)
I will have to look up about periwinkle for my yard. I'd like to have something pretty that also has a nice fragrance. I ordered summer savory as my "have to try" herb for this year. I also ordeed carrots, which I haven't had luck with in the past, but maybe they'll grow deeper in a straw bale.
My neighbor asked me if I had seen the moon the other night, I think it was Saturday. she said it was red. I didn't see it. Anyone else see a red moon?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Feb 24 2016 :  05:35:46 AM  Show Profile
I am in pain today. There's some kind of muscle pulled on or near my left scapula and the pain woke me up last night, all the way down my arm. As soon as the clock strikes 9, I will be calling around to find a massage. I already told His Dudeness that I was OUT OF HERE no matter when the appointment is. There are a couple of places here in town, but if I can't get in I will drive up to the next "bigger" town -- they have a Hand and Stone that I have been to before. Just ouch.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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