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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Mar 17 2013 : 4:46:52 PM
Thanks for the greetings ladies, Tall Holly,our last frost I'm told.. is may10th. We moved here to Idaho from sunny California. Muss the climate, but that's about it... We spent our first winter in Idaho hunkered down. It was the worst winter in 10 years. But we did fine. Spring isstarting to show her pretty bonnet here, as I planted 350 bulbs in the fall.they are just beginning to pop up.we are planning our huge garden. I already have veges and flowers starting under grow's a picture.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
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Posted - Mar 17 2013 : 9:58:05 PM
Couldnt get the picture to load....
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2013 : 11:42:29 AM
Jumping on to say hi to everyone. Ian reading some of your posts I my IPhone Holly, thank you for sharing Libby's story. We only get the bad news in this life, neverthe good news , and the amazing real heroes usually just quietly go about their business and we are all unaware of the angels among us. One of the reasons I always admired Oprah Winfrey so much is she was one of the few people with the power of the media behind her who used it for the common good and occasionally we would get to hear an uplifting story like Libby's. it helps us to be better people ourselves when we know of strong, courageous women like her and her partner.
I am on the iPhone so I need to post this before it disappears. And then another short one
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2013 : 6:21:28 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was pretty clear with sun and temperatures in the low thirties. It felt cold. We still have about ten inches of snow. Tonight we are to begin getting snow and it is to continue through Wednesday morning. The weather guessers say that we are to get 6 to 18 inches. The last two predicted storms missed us. The good thing is the snow melts slower and has a chance to fill the water table so even if the summer is a dry on then our springs and wells will not go dry.
We are having a logger cut log lengths and cord wood this winter. He keeps his equipment in a lower field that we can not see from the house. C and G were outside yesterday wandering and wearing off energy. They took themselves down to the logging equipment and got into it. Billy the logger checks on his equipment and found out they had been there within minutes of them being there. The boys are now stacking firewood to pay for their mischief. He understands about boys. He took them for a ride in his skidder. He told them to go up to the house and get on warm clothes and come down to work. G had gone out in just his long sleeve shirt. He had been out for about 45 minutes before he came back up to get on winter clothes. I figure when they get cold they will figure out they need to come back to the house and get on the right clothes.
Relationships are always a learning experience. New or not. Good luck. do what is best for you dear Gypsy.
Mary I am always interested in what the climates are in the different parts of the country. I would have thought in Idaho that you would have a deep snow pack since there are those high mountains. I hope you had enough warm clothes and blankets. I like snowshoeing. Was your winter bad with snow or just looking up at zero.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2013 : 7:44:24 PM
Glad you enjoyed my blog, but I need to update it. It was in the high 50s today and I took advantage of the sun and worked outside the entire day. Only to come in for a drink of cold water. So much to do on this 2 acres. Excited to do it all. Im a horticulture nut and love growing anything that I can. This year Im starting up my vegetable stand and CSA. I already have veges and flower seeds started under grow lites. Living in Idaho has been a dream of mine for over 15 years. I can breath here.California was killing my spirit. Our place is in the Treasure Valley, so the snow is long melted away on the valley floor. Mtns. nearby still have a lot of snow. I can already tell that Im going to enjoy this group. Thanks for welcoming me so warmly. If any of you are on facebook, i have a facebook page for my hobby farm. Its called Quail Run Farm.. in Nampa Idaho.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 18 2013 : 8:26:26 PM
Mary, welcome to our group! So nice to hear you have a dream come true.
Gypsy, I hope you can work through everything. We are so hoping for the best!
I know what you mean about men being single for so long. I have dealt with that problem and finally just gave up. My last husband wanted everything kept separate. Money, property, expenses. I wasn't use to that. Married meant everything together. Not any more. I guess when they have been through a few divorces and been taken to the cleaners a few times, they don't feel like sharing anymore.
Holly, sounds like your logging guy knows how to deal with boys that need some good lessons. It is wonderful to think of all the great things they will learn while getting into trouble.
Pretty calm around here. I had 3 of my finals today. I know I did really well on 2 of them. Not sure about the first one. I could have stayed and found out my score but didn't want to have the rest of the day ruined if I did poorly. I'll find out next week when I get my grades anyway. I can wait. I'm hoping for a break next week. I'm thinking about taking it off from everything to just have fun and sew. If things go the way I hope they will, this will be my last week off in a very very long time.
Waiting for Spring!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2013 : 4:00:18 PM
Good evening everyone,
You are right Gypsy we have not heard from Marianne in several days. I hope this absence is a good one.
We have a religious cult a few towns over. They have their church, their school and their community. The son of one of the original families wanted his son to play little league baseball in the town. The church told them quit or leave. The son was no longer allowed to communicate with his mother. The article in the paper indicated that she agreed.
need to put the children to bed. Hope to be back.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2013 : 4:19:37 PM
Holly recieved the card you made yesterday!!!!! Thank you. I save all of them in a notebook. That was quite the snake's meal!!!!! I am not Irish either, and do not celebrate. I did when I was younger, in fact, when I was in 10th grade, I mixed white shoe polish with green food coloring and put it on one half side of my hair. Well, it stayed in and would not wash out. It took 2 years to get all the green grown out. I never did that again. Everywhere I went, people would stare. Not good for a teenager. We had almost 6 inches of snow last night into this morning. Only in the teens again and very windy. More snow on the way. This is getting really old. I worked 6 days last week for my son, and will be working Friday and Saturday this week. I am trying to catch up on my housecleaning and laundry now. He wanted me to work all week again, but told him I could'nt. It is too much to do that many days for me. I like working for him, but not every day. Gypsy, hope you were able to go back to sleep. I am that way too. I can fall asleep for about an hour, then I wake up and am wide awake again, like I am all rested up. Hard to get back to sleep. Bunny, We all knew you would ace your finals. Have a great evening,
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Mar 19 2013 : 4:57:18 PM
Good evening again,
EEEWWWWWW Jan, green shoe polish. It must have looked lovely and stiff for St Pat's in high school. I think my mother would have had a bird if I had painted half of my blond hair green. Who would have thought it would not wash out. I guess you were a woman ahead of your time in the fashion industry.
We have also received about six inches of snow since last night. Temperatures are in the high twenties. Roads are slippery. Schools were closed today in the area. Although we home school Talie plays sports so he is listed to call by the district robo caller. The district began making robo calls a couple of years ago to tell families when school was canceled or let out early or exams and such. So, the call came at 5:30 AM. It has continued to snow throughout the day and is expected to continue through the night. It is pretty.
Mary is your valley fertile? what river runs through it? How are you advertising your CSA since you are so new to the area? I think you should stock up on some sort of liniment for your aching muscles, because I am sure they will. At our advanced ages it catches up to us no matter how good a shape we think we are in. lol I want to here about your plans.
Bunny, I am glad the semester is over. I hope you have no more classes with the teacher who doesn't give a rat's patootie about teaching. Only a few more semesters to go.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
526 Posts
526 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2013 : 5:09:09 PM
Howdy Ho Ladies!
Welcome Mary! I love the name of your farm and I'm sure you are in heaven since this is a dream come true. I live in Maine, about as far north and east as you can be and still be in the USA. Anyway, hope to hear more from you!
Holly, I am sorry to hear about Libby but what she did in her life is more than most people even dream of. If we could all strive to be like her what a great world we would have! I know you will miss her, we always miss those we love & especially those who are so special. I had to laugh about Ross though wondering what kind of clothes her spirit would wear, lol. Kids, they are so honest. Which reminds me of this story:
When my Dad died my Mom took us to his wake & brought us into the room to view him in the casket. They had put a foot stool near it so I could stand higher and see him. I looked into the coffin and examined it all, and the first question I asked was "Why doesn't he have shoes on? He can't walk around heaven with God if he doesn't have shoes!" She nearly lost it in laughter and had to explain to me he didn't need them in the casket because no one would see his feet. I took things very literally so when they said Walk with God, you walked with him. The day before the wake my Sunday school teacher came by the house and I was outside playing in the front yard. She asked me why I was out there and did I really understand what happen. I told her everyone kept telling me to go here or there so I finally went outside and of course I knew what happened, he died and went to be with God and why is it everyone was crying. Afterall, wasn't that suppose to be a really happy time? Which in retrospect is probably what got me through his death.
Now fast forward to me at 45 and I am at a yard sale & David says check out that bag of paper dolls. Well, I just bought the bag for .50 cents and brought it home. At the time I sold antiques. A few days later I finally opened the bag and it hit me like a wall! In the bag was the exact set of paperdolls I had as a child and happened to play with in my walk in closet the day Dad died because everyone was pushing me here or there. I had finally just went into my closet and shut the door. Girls you wouldn't believe it, but it's true, I sat on my floor (at age 45), took out the dolls and could remember every "scenario" I had and what clothes were on what doll that day. I cryed and cryed for hours that day. The paperdolls are called Teen Time Dolls Merri and Ginny. This bag had ALL of the parts and the box and it now sits proudly on my shelf here in my office. Ironically, I met my best friend Mary just two years later and to this day we are two peas in a pod, just 2000 miles apart! We also looked like the dolls as kids!
Also Holly, I too have to Thank You for the card!! I love it! So fitting for St. Patricks Day. I got it on Sunday because Sat. I didn't walk out to get the mail.
AND like Holly, it's snowing here!!! Really, the day before Spring and we are having a foot of snow here! Like Janet, I am so sick of snow!
Time to go watch my favorite show, NCIS. I love Gibbs!
One more thing though, dinners: I made spanakapata a few nights ago. David had never had it which totally surprised me. Anyone else like it?
Sorry, long story. I'm not known for short ones on here.
Ginny Farmgirl #2343
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." "Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." Both by Elwood P. Dowd (Jimmy Stewart) in the Movie Harvey
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Mar 19 2013 : 5:18:06 PM
Hello from Iowa. I am sorry that I have not been on much this winter, but it has been a different kind of time for me. I didn't get alot of outward things acomplished but I turned inward and did a lot of soul searching. I am working on some women's studies and finding that the spiritual side of my life is leading my down new paths. There are so many strong women in my life and I am glad you gals are part of of the equation.
I don't know when spring will ever come to my part of the country. We had a cold,open winter. Now it weems that March has decended upon us with a furry, and winter is finally here. If it isn't snowing the snow we already have is blowing around. I just want to stop worrying about the weather and spend time sitting on the deck!
I have been trying to keep up with everyone's posts. Seems like a lot is going on. Marianne I am so sorry about Molly. Holly you are a rock. Gypsy - you go girl. Bunny and Kathy your sewing projects are amazing. Hello to the rest of you and welcome Mary and Anne.
I am trying to get a quilt put together for my grandson. He will be 7 in a few short weeks and really wants his tractor quilt. Whenever he comes he has to check out my progress which hasn't moved ahead very much. I will give him the top for his birthday then take it back and deliver it to my machine quilter who will get at it as soon as possible,but she is busy now with graduation orders. I quess T-shirt quilts are still very popular.
Thursday I am going to an all day garden seminar. I have been looking forward to it all winter. I'll post when I get back and share gardening news with you. I haven't forgotten those basement pictures. They will be posted soon.
Taa Taa my chickie poos. Be good to yourselves. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 11:03:26 AM
Good afternoon everyone,
The snow has stopped and we have occasional moments of sun. Temperatures are in the high twenties. The snow is rumbling off the roof and the little that is left is dripping. I think we may have received about ten new inches of snow for this storm. Sometimes these snows are called sugar snows I think because of the time of year and the hope for a good sugaring season.
Thelma I am so glad to hear from you. I have not taken any women's study classes. I bet they make you ponder your place in society. I would like to hear some of the challenges.
Ginny that was a wonderful story about the paper dolls and the lack of shoes. It is interesting how a person's mind works and what will trigger memories. Healing comes at all different times and in all different ways. I am glad you had a good cry. My mother was sick for a long time before she died. She told us she would sit up and spit in our eye if we had an open casket for her. We did not. My father was appalled about the way my mother talked to us about death. I think that he thought if he did not talk about it death would not come. He did not handle my mother's passing nearly as well as we children did. Then again he had more guilt over having worked 7 days a week for years so they could have a fun retirement and then she was not there for the retirement piece.
Today is Leo's birthday. He is twenty nine. We are waiting for him to come home from his day program so we can have his cake and ice cream and presents. He loves his electronics to death. He loves electronics.
I am to speak at Libby's memorial on Friday afternoon. I wrote the obit. Now I need to figure out what to read out loud in front of people.
Gypsy good luck on your life choices.
Sweet dreams, zswz
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 2:26:11 PM
Hello! I have missed all you wonderful gals, but I am caught up on the posts and Hot Darn, we heard from Thelma! Thelma, it is so nice to hear from you. I think your gardening class sounds so fun and I think you should be quite satisfied with having spent a bit of the winter working on the "inside" of you. You are already so special to all of us, hard to imagine an improvement, but we all need some time to become reacquainted with ourselves as we change. I hope you are feeling well and can get those photos posted!
Ginny, I loved paperdolls so much as a kid, too. It is strange what takes you "back" and how vivid the memories can be. As Holly said, healing comes at such different times in our lives. You were a pretty precocious little girl, weren't you!
Holly, as a woman who loved words, Libby would have been quite moved by your use of the language to dedscribe her and her partner. I am sure you will find the words for Friday, as I believe you always try to speak the truth and from your heart. I guess Leo has an electronic gift waiting for him tonight??? Hope you have a wonderful celebration together. I think I was fairly lucky to have both of my parents pass fairly quickly. Long illnesses seem worse to my way of thinking.
Gypsy, thanks for the email "kick in the rear" to get back posting. Glad that you and B are enjoying leisurely walks and the start of a routine.
Talked with a friend who was returning from Toronto to the States and had smuggled in "female bacon." Please don't alert Homeland Security! I may have misunderstood the name of the product... do any of you know what I am talking about (cuz I don't). He said it is bacon that is covered in a cornmeal type breading and it is served at breakfast and has a porkchop taste to it. Sounded interesting.
Had to make a quick call in the middle of this post, and when I came back I had a huge line of drool down my computer screen. Sammie (aka Noodle), the yellow lab, has taken to staying by my side and attempting to console me since Mollie's passing. She is maturing into a good lab. Dh says the brainstem finally connected. Of course, the dog is SIX. It really takes labs a long time to grow out of the puppy stage. And if you bring out a stick or a tennis ball, they all revert back.
So the story of Sammie's name is this. You know how kids (and dogs) will just go limp when they are misbehaving and you are trying to pick them up. It is like you are picking up a sack of flour that just keeps sliding through your hands and they feel like they weigh twice as much! Well, Sammie is the champion of all dogs at that move. I described it as being without a spine, like a wet noodle ... hence Noodle. Then, since, I am Italian and all dogs have to pay homage to that, she became Rigatoni. We finally reverted back to Noodle which is more fun to yell. "NOOOOOoooooodle!" She comes running sure that you will open the storm door in time ... until you don't. And dh yells, "Did she break it this time?"
Holly, thanks for encouraging me to continue to tell Mollie's stories. I will. But, right now, I am thankful to have this little love bug helping my soul. BTW, found the funniest website . There is a black lab photo posted March 18th that made me laugh out loud. Some of these dogs have such hangdog looks. You have to check it out!
Mary, I think you are near Boise? We are about 45 minutes west of Coeur d'Alene, near Spokane. You will get Spring a bit earlier than we will because we are a bit more north, and our house is higher than Spokane ... did those words look tinged with green? My bulbs are coming up. I planted another big plot of them last Fall and they are looking good so far. Right now our town is going NCAA crazy. Gonzaga (dd's alma mater) is poised to do well in the competition. It is good for the local pubs and small businesses, but I don't agree with the amount of money spent on sports programs in colleges.
Bunny, congrats on your exams being completed and good scores so far. I hope you have a very productive Spring break. Warm up that sewing machine!
Thanks for keeping me company while I was quiet. I was lurking, someone used that term not too long ago and I thought it was cute. Hope you all have a lovely evening, Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 2:36:26 PM
Mar , welcome back-- you were missed. One more day and we were going to send out the posse. Did I spell that right?--well you know what I mean
Bunny came up with the "lurking" terminology. It's good to have a brainy one in the bunch, isn't it. I try to be the funny one because I dont need much of a brain for that.
Now I think we need to send out the troops to find Penny. It's been too long since she posted.
hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 3:25:13 PM
You guys are so funny. Marianne so glad to have you posting again.
Well, school is over for a week. Sigh. It has been taking a toll. I have not been feeling very well lately. My fibro has been particularly bad. My mom asked me about different symptoms and I now have a new one. I get a rash on my face when I'm going downhill. She did some research and said my symptoms seem more like lupus. Because I have been diagnosed with fibro, it looks like I may have both. Some symptoms I though were from the fibro are actually lupus symptoms. Of course I don't have medical insurance so getting a doctor to test and make sure is out of the question right now. The free clinic is maxed out and won't take any new comers. But things are getting worse all the time. Kinda bummed. I have always had lots of energy and always took care of things myself.
Holly, I know you will do great with the obit. Have fun with Leo's birthday.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 4:40:25 PM
Two days in a row you are hearing from me. I'm not taking formal women's study classes. I am reading lots of books and visiting with several women who have stories to tell. Darwin and I have also changed churches (hard decission as he attended our old church since he was in 6th grade and I started worshiping there as a new bride 43 years ago) We have both grown from our new church community. Now I am trying to understand the the role of women in both the old and new testament. NO! I have not become a religous nut! Just a better christian.
Has anyone ever painted a basement floor? Well I picked out the prettiest chocolate brown and when it dried it was pink! As pink as a sunset. I went back to the store and was told the the chemials in the paint often react to the cement mixture. They let me exchange the paint so I chose a deep green.(Green or gray - some choice) The green on my walls clash with the green on the floor but I love it! I thought I would be done by now, but am only 95% finished. The family side is done except I haven't found a fireplace that fits into my budget so will wait until fall. I will be getting a large screen TV soon. The wine bar part is almost finished. I need to get a small fridge and then get some hunkie guys to set the bar into place. ThenI can touch up a few places on the floor and call it good. Only I could change a brown floor pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giggle
Dar and I have a nice day. Our travel club rented the local theater and we watched Gone With The Wind. What a spoiled brat that Scarlet was. I now have a new saying "I can't think about it now or I'll fall apart. I will think about it tomorrow". I just might have to go to the library and check out "Return to Tarra". and then maybe not. After the movie we celebrated the first day of spring by going to the cassino for lunch. We don't enjoy cambling so we just ate and returned home in time to take short naps before our evening began. Taa taa my chickie poos. Remember that the first day of spring and the first spring day can be quite different! Do something to pamper yourself this evening. taa taa
True Blue Farmgirl
395 Posts
395 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 4:50:19 PM
Holly I forgot to thank you for the mmmmmmm lovely Saint Pat's card. You were so creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I ever tell you that I am scared to death of any kind of snake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Darwin is still laughing about the look on my face when I pulled the card out of the envelope. My grandson thinks it is real coooooooooool! All joking aside - you are becoming a good photographer. I love how you use your pics in cards. Hope you don't mind.but i am stealing your idea. I so enjoy farm chick mail. Thank you for thinking about me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 5:03:32 PM
Happy Wednesday ladies, more importantly... Happy 1st day of spring.. Thiamoening I went to my Master gardeners class,thinking of all the things I was going to accomplish outside after class. But its raining and thundering.... So I cleaned house, took a nap and finiahed a few mire chores. I just came online to read what's going on in the over 50s posts..... I have to say ... You are a group if lovely women. I sense deep concern, compassion, humor,and kindred spirits. In a world to convoluted and twisted its nice to see this.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
True Blue Farmgirl
178 Posts
178 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 5:05:24 PM
I hate it when my phone misspelled my words, hope you can decipher what I meant.
To Live a Full life one must LOVE MANY THINGS- Vincent Van Gogh
Mary Fitzpatrick #3232 http//
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 5:05:28 PM
Oh Thelma, it is nice to hear from you two days in a row. And I have taken your advice ... I am pampering myself with a coat of nailpolish! It is a gorgeous magenta/purple called "decadent." Well-named. I just love having my nails painted. And lately I have really enjoyed the dark colors. I mean DARK, like navy and greige and decadent! I did that crazy new look where you paint one of your nails a coordinating color, but different from the rest? Thought I was so hip. Dh said he thought I had had a stroke and didn't know I messed up. Quite the kidder that one... You and Dar do so much with your travel club, it sounds like a nice group. I haven't seen Gone with the Wind in a few years. And I have had an itch to hit our casino and play my favorite game for a bit lately. I am a very small gambler. If I waste five dollars on the game, I'm done. Funny, I've never won really big!
We watched Argo last night and I really enjoyed it. I didn't remember that part of American history. I was in high school and too absorbed in teenage life. It is horrific to think of that many Americans being kept hostage for almost two years.
hope everyone has a lovely evening. mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2428 Posts

2428 Posts |
Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 8:00:14 PM
Here is a very bad picture of me. Hubby does not know how to take pictures and will not try, so I used my webcam and they do not come out very well. I do not look good in any picture anyway.
Janet Farmgirl Sister #3340
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Mar 20 2013 : 10:14:45 PM
Mary, my phone does that, too. Don't worry, we are all used to it and we decipher pretty well. I have suggested several times that MJ give us spell check.
Janet that's a good picture of you except, where's the smile? You know back in the day we never really smiled for our photos did we? All mine are so serious.
Ginny, your post reminded me of something. My dad died in 1979 and I remember my mom coming home from the funeral home and getting a pair of socks. She came as close to crying as I've ever seen her, saying his feet were always cold and I guess they didn't dress any part of the body that wasn't going to be seen. So she took socks to the funeral home and made them put them on him.
Bunny, girlfriend, don't go getting upset until you know for sure what you've got going on. Pure stress can cause a lot of symptoms of other things, and can mimic diseases. I have also just learned that food allergies are the cause of a lot of things that we think are other diseases. Do not listen to your mom on this one. She's a downer anyway for you and you don't need this too. Try to program your mind to be positive, try to spend as much time in your sewing room as you can, try to drink lots of water, and try to eat as much healthy nutritious food as you can, and do some online research on holistic medicines, etc. Also, do some gentle stretching exercises to try to get rid of some of the stress you are no doubt holding. Take deep breaths as often as you can think about it. My mom always said relax your tongue. this will make your jaw relax and then your face. Get rid of that stress as much as you can and I think that alone will make you feel better. Kathryn, if you are looking in, maybe you might have some suggestions, you are very knowledgable about these things. Also, we need to know how your granddaughter is.
have a good evening everybody hugs to all my sistas Gypsy #3534
Edited by - doll58maker on Mar 20 2013 10:47:08 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2013 : 08:56:46 AM
Gypsy, I do meditate. I have just been in so much pain, I wish I could find a better way to deal with it. Any exercise makes it worse. I cleaned house the other day and ended up in bed for two days. I do eat pretty decent food just need to do the elimination thing to see if it is affecting me. I think the facial rash and the low grade temps for no reason plus all the pain, make a good case for lupus though. I just wish I could get the testing to know for sure. Until then, I have to try to lay low. I hope to do some sewing next week. I really need some me time.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Fabric website:
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2013 : 1:18:58 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
I am not sure what I am going to be doing this evening so I popped on now while I have a few moments. Taliesin wants to go to baseball practice to night but he has been an hormonal bully and slacking on his school work. He missed practice last night because he had not done his work on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tuesday there was no school because of the snow so he blew off his work in a bullying way. I have taken to saying your choice. I will not drive to practice if the work is not done. YOu would think he would have learned by now.
I like the name Noodle. I am glad Noodle is taking care of you. We used to have a miniature schnauzer called Poop. His registered name was Amadeus. When he came to live with us as a pup Cheri called home from work to ask if I had taken him out on his leash to do his business. I told her if she thought I was going to take him out five times a day for the next twelve years she was out of her mind. she got over her urban point of view as far as dog care quickly.
Talie in his hormonal nastiness today called me a big fat A##. I told him that in no way did I have a fat a##. I had never had a fat a## and probaly never would. In fact I had won a best looking underwear contest with this a## so if he wanted to insult me and be mean then he had better find something more appropriate to call me. Kethry and Jarrett were laughing so hard I thought they might wet themselves.
When we were little my parents took us to Boston to see Gone With the Wind. It was a big event. All I remember was tthere being a lot of killing and blood and the little girl falling off her pony and breaking her neck. The movie made quite an impression.
Who remembers Betsy McCall paper dolls from McCall's magazine? I used to cut out and play with those every month
Bunny I am sorry for your aches and pains. I am no help in sorting those out. I could suggest arnica but do not know. If you were here in Vermont we have good health care for uninsured Vermonters. Maybe when you are not so stressed the pain will ease.
Janet and Libby had several close friends they exchanged kitsch with. the rules were you could not really spend money on the item and it had to be awful. Today we collected the kitsch from the pool table room to take to the memorial. We are going to give it out to the attendees. What else could we do with it? How could we even think of throwing out all those awful items. For example there is a pair of little girl's shoes that might have been worn for firts communion. someone glued elbow macaroni onto them and spray painted them gold. There is also a little wooden statue of a man with a barrell around his middle and when you lift the barrel up a big ol' peenee sticks right out. you get the idea. We have three totes full of these items. I hope people have a good laugh.
It is time for me to check Talie's math work.
Sweet dreams
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
912 Posts
fernandina beach
912 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2013 : 05:29:40 AM
I just got back from my trip up north to Fairhaven,MA. My computer is still in the Staples "hospital" getting fixed. I am writing this on a neighbor's computer. Oh, the woe of having no computer. I have a few days of reading to catch up to all the posts.
It was pretty nice up in MA. We had about 2 inches of snow one day and rain the next. I went to see "South Pacific" at the high school there. It was quite good and quite an undertaking for the students. They did a wonderful job. The music is so beautiful and I had really good seats.
Thank you Holly for the cute St. Pat's card. What kind of snake is that? My teenage boy never called me a A## but he grumped from age 13 until he was about 17. I wish I had had more of a sense of humor then. He did not do well in school alternating between A's and D's. Well, after graduation he finally got it together, went to college and became an attorney. He was slow in maturing but finally got there.
Bunny I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain. I hope you will find some relief.
I am catching up on the weeks's mail and doing laundry today.
Oh yes, I love the Betsy McCall cutouts. Well, I love cutouts anyway. I still remember sitting at the dining room table with those little stubby scissors cutting out those clothes. I kept it all in a shoe box.
Have a great weekend ladies. I hope to have my computer soon.
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