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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:16:35 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:30:56 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:17:56 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:31:21 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:21:47 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:31:53 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:25:01 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:32:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:53:20 PM
Holly, I hope DD is feeling better. That sounds dreadful. Give her a hug from me. Tell her I love her beautiful smile.
Mar, breathe. Hang on. It will be ok. I don't really know the difference between vegan and vegetarian. Two books which claim to work miracles for just about any health problem are the Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls (I think). She also has a TED. Talk. And the other book I think called ---the autoimmune something----- by Amy Meyers. She only has one book so if you google the name it should come up. She is a functional medicine Doctor. Maybe some suggestions or recipes you could use. Both probably have blogs and Facebook. I agree with Holly, it's good to hear about all these experiences. There have been times I've been really scared about some symptoms only to find out it was a common ailment in my family. And fixable now. I don't know if your DH went for a routine physical and discovered this or if he was having symptoms but at any rate you have discovered it in time. I'm thankful for that. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 3:57:14 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:32:59 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 4:03:57 PM
G the difference between vegetarian and vegan...vegetarians will eat eggs and milk products. Vegans eat no animal products at all.
Your pictures are beautiful! Could really use a long vacation there myself.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 5:25:23 PM
The color of the water is so gorgeous. And I'm sure the camera didn't completely capture its beauty. Thanks for the suggestions. The food issue is work. The sixteen grams of fat a day is really low. But, you can see a difference in as little as three months.
I'm still eating a bit of cheese and using egg product in the bran muffins I eat. Dh is fully committed to totally vegan.
We did some running around in the drizzle today and had DnA here as usual. She greeted me with, "Hi, Marianne. It's been TWO hours since I ate lunch. Oooh....cupcakes!" Yep, DnA gets to enjoy her usual goodies, no veganism for her!
Yesterday I got to pull some weeds so the front of the house looks a bit more cared for.
Marilyn, did you have any takers for your job? Thinking of retiring with that $1? How funny that you and g were both at st. Johns, but not the same St. Johns. At least you both enjoyed your get away.
G, are the babies home and fully attached to you and B?
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 5:28:58 PM
Good evening everyone,
years ago when C and I were given a weekend of child care as a winter holiday present we would go to Ogunquit, Maine. There is a restaurant called Jonathan's . I sometimes had raw oysters with ginger, soy sauce and wasabi as an appetizer. They sure were tasty. Enjoy the south.
That is a beautiful picture of the water and rocks. It is so clear and bright. Welcome back.
When I sew with the children the first project we do is a pair of pajama bottoms with an elastic waist.
Now to go to the next page. Sometimes I forget to do that and can not figure out why there are so many posts ahead of mine that I missed.
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 26 2016 : 5:38:13 PM
and continued.... I guess I could just edit the above post. So many choices.
Ah the ocean so warm and clear. Years ago we took the middle children on a cruise and one of the stops was Antigua. We spent part of the day at one of the beaches. I went swimming and rode one of the waves into the shore and the ingoing wave pushed my top up and the out going wave pulled my bottoms down. I had on one of those tankinis. One of my son's caught a glimpse and was so embarrassed by his old mother showing off her self like that. I laughed.
DdK is here beside me. She just had her bandage changed. She says thank you for all of your sweet thoughts and words. She went for two walks today. I think the cold air makes it not hurt so much. Her endurance is getting better. Last Sunday she could hardly walk up to the green house. It was very frustrating for her.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 03:30:34 AM
Glad that folks seem to be healing and feeling better. Winter can be so tough.
Welcome back, G! Love the pictures. The batiks looked beautiful. Did you bring home any fabric? When I worked in the quilting business, batiks were like a whole sub-category of fabrics. I had a friend who did some gorgeous work with them. I like the, for appliqué, because the subtle differences in the color make things look so real.
I am really missing my walks since we have been back home. The blizzard left such piles and piles of snow, and the plows scrape everything up into big walls that make some of the intersections uncrossabke on foot, I am going to try to get out this morning, but I think falling and breaking myself would sort of defeat the "fitness" benefits of walking.
Had a text from my IT guy yesterday. My computer was running all its updates, so it should be ready for me to pick up today! It will be good to get started on those classes. I am feeling very low energy and winter blah right now. I need something for a jump start. Maybe getting out of bed would be the place to start! Ha ha.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 07:32:08 AM
Marilyn, it's always a bit overwhelming to come home after vacation. There's SO much to catch up with. And when you add a blizzard to the mix, well...winter blahs can be expected. I know you will be back to perky soon.
Today,I don't have to hit the ground running. I've got the bed stripped and beans soaking, lentils waiting for some magic to happen and some tofu marinating. Vegan cooking is a full time job.MIL remarked that it was too bad there wasn't a store that dh could shop at and know he could eat anything they sold. I told her there was such a thing, that it was called a farm or fruit stand. At least that was what we called them when I was younger. She was a bit stumped. But, she has lived in a big city all her life and I'm a country fall. We all set up strands to sell our garden stuff to the city people who came to play on the river each weekend.
Mar |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 27 2016 3:00:51 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 07:57:25 AM
Marilyn - Here in Minnesota, the roads get cleared before the sidewalks do. Here in the city, it is law that the sidewalks be cleared within 24 hours but sometimes it doesn't happen or happens half-heartedly. In that case, I just walk in the street. It's a little dangerous here. Where you live, it might just be the solution.
Marianne - Look up some macrobiotic recipes. The diet is mostly vegan and the good is really delicious. The meals are all centered around grains and regional foods. I have a really great cookbook called Keith Michell's Practically Macrobiotic Cookbook. Many of the recipes use miso and seaweed. The book also has some very good tips on how to prepare the raw ingredients. The author is an actor and had to be mindful of his schedule. If you look this up online, look for references to Christopher Wilhelm Hufeland or George Ohsawa. Any site that doesn't reference one of these names is a pretender. Making good food is hard work.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jan 27 2016 07:58:17 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 3:11:03 PM
We got a call from dd at noon asking if we were home...her building is testing the alarms and sprinkler system (again?) tomorrow and Friday. Sammie can't be left alone to deal with that...she knew Sammie is always welcome here. So, she said she was on her way, mentioning that she didn't appreciate the short " 24 hour notification" that management slipped under everyone's for at noon. We ended up saying we'd meet her halfway. She appreciated it so much. It's always nice to help and know it is making a big difference.
Hoping ddK is progressing. Packing that wound does sound incredibly uncomfortable.
More cookbook/ nutrition information to add to my " must check" list...thank you. And for mentioning that good food is hard work.
I remember feeling stuck when the snow was piled up. You want to walk at a brisk enough pace, but that can be treacherous. I swear by YakTrax. They have saved my tail bone many times. Many businesses are quite remiss about cleaning their walk ways.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2016 : 5:04:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
A while back I said that ddK was an awful patient. She has tried very hard to be a good patient. She told me today she has been very concious (can't spell it) of not whining and trying to be helpful. Her back side is very painful. C says it looks like it is starting to heal.
Mayim Bialik has a book on cooking vegan. I only saw it in the book store I did not stop to look at it. A long time ago I had a friend living here who was and probably still is macrobiotic. She chose root vegetables and greens for each meal and cut them on the diagonal. She had taken a class.
I went to the dentist today. it was an uneventful visit and I am glad it is over.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 05:47:26 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:35:35 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 05:50:26 AM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:36:02 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 07:01:42 AM
Ha! I just realized that Dude and I have been together for 4 years already. We had some rough patches getting started, because neither one of us was looking for this kind of relationship, but we're both glad we hung in there, because we are both happier than a lot of folks we know. Happy Anniversary!
G -- I agree with you about cooking fish in the house! I just can't stand that smell, even though I love the fish. My mother used to fry red snapper and the smell just stayed and stayed. Dude grills most everything outside, so it's not an issue. We do pan sear Ahi tuna every now and then, and we do that inside, but it doesn't seem to have the fishy smell that a whitefish does. At least I haven't noticed it.
I got my computer back yesterday -- it runs like a champ now, so I am ready to register for the online class. The course materials say I need QuickBooks Pro 2015, but that is hard to find now -- at least the downloadable version. Everyone's pushing 2016. I have a call in to the registrar to see if 2016 would work. If not, I still have time to get it by disk -- the class doesn't start until the 10th. I am looking forward to being back in some kind of school again. It's good for my brain. Also good for picking up some freelance jobs. We went to see our new tax accountant yesterday for the business. He was very happy to see how clean my accounts were -- that made me feel wonderful! Dude was beaming proud of me.
First thing today I had to untangle a little mess. Dude had absently written a deal for January 7, 2015, when he meant it to be 2016. The young man who bought the car had already made a payment, so I had to reverse that and unpost the deal from the system, then rewrite the deal to reflect the correct year, repost it and retake his payment, plus the one he made this morning. Whew! A couple of years ago I would have had no idea how to fix it, but today it was just a matter of working the system. I love this software we use. I am hoping that QuickBooks makes as much sense to me. The community college offers a whole series of course -- Beginning, Intermediate, QuickBooks for contractors and Payroll with QuickBooks. I plan to take them all. That is - if His Dudeness can stand it! ha ha He had to sit on the sofa ALL BY HIMSELF and have a glass of wine last night while I fiddled with getting the computer set up. Sigh. He is so mistreated and neglected already.
We are helping cook at the local teen center -- The Lighthouse -- tonight with some other Rotarians. Tonight is spaghetti and garlic bread -- shouldn't be too hard. They have been running the program for quite a long while, so they have the system down -- we just have to step in and do what we're told! They feed a whole slew of teenagers every weeknight. Part of their after-school program. They have sports and homework rooms with tutoring help, and this meal is the only one some of these kids get every day. We have been supporting them for a long time, but the Club wanted to get more involved, so we have taken on Thursday dinners.
One of my favorite customers just came in. She is a cautionary tale for me, actually. Somewhere in her mid-to-late 60s and lives in a HUD apartment uptown. She has done home health care for 25 years or so and had to cut back when her Social Security kicked in. Anyway, she has been on the waiting list for a local senior housing community for over a year and her number finally came up! She is so excited! I am happy for her. Her rent won't change, since it's HUD, but the new place will include her utilities, she will have a regular parking spot instead of having to park on the street in town, and it will be a much more secure environment. The maintenance in the building she lives in now is notoriously bad, and her living room floor is patched and spongy. So we are all pretty excited for her. She keeps telling me -- save your money and put away as much as you can so you don't end up like me. When her husband passed away she had been a homemaker forever and had no idea how to go about making herself a living.
I have been typing bits and pieces on here all morning. Time to get to some serious work! Enjoy your Thursday, everyone.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 08:00:15 AM
Good news! Just checked the online course catalog and they have ADDED Beginning QB 2016 -- so problem solved.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 4:32:17 PM
I have been having an issue with beef and milk products. Not what they do to my body, but how the animals are treated. If we treated a dog or cat the way cows are treated for milk production, we would be arrested for animal cruelty. I'm going to try to wean myself off of milk products if I can.
When I'm sick, I want to be left alone! I only ask for help when I'm desperate. Tired of listening to my mom and sister when my sister has her attracts. My mom waits on her like she is three.
Well, my etsy total for this month is pretty good so far. If only every month could do well. I'm going to finish the skirt this weekend. I'm afraid the cold and darkness of the basement are putting a damper on my creative spirit. I wish I could sew upstairs. But I rely so much on all my stash downstairs for quick inspiration. Sometimes I see something hanging out of a basket that needs to be included in a garment. Can't haul all that stuff upstairs.
So Mar, do you bake without dairy? So many things call for milk. Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative? What about for butter? Seriously!!! What am I going to put on my popcorn now?
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 6:57:36 PM
Good evening everyone,
Tamari and brewer's yeast on the popcorn. A few years ago there was a video on utube from some huge dairy outside Chicago that had a tourist tour and the people who saw it thought the farm was wonderful. They had several thousand acres of land but the cow never went outside. They showed calves being born but neglected to tell the people that the cows did not get to nurse their babies and that the bull calves were sent to slaughter soon after birth. The propaganda that companies put out to deflect controversy. If we did not grow most of our own food I am not sure how we would eat.
I was reading Consumer Reports today and the vegetable oil that I buy for the children to cook their french fries in is made with genetically modified soy beans and the extraction process is one of the worse for the environment. The shredded cheese has cellulose in it that is extracted from wood or bamboo and the chemical used to keep it from molding is a pesticide. I am not happy.
Where is Ann?
DdK likes to use unsweetened rice or almond milk in her shakes. I think you could use those Bunny. Do not research how they treat egg layers in commercial poultry farms or you will give up eggs as well.
Remember the nights under the stars with the B Gypsy. They might get you through the harder times. Taxes are a b****I I think where ever you live.
Marilyn do the children not get free lunch at school? Your teen center sounds better than most. Good luck with your class.
Ddk is having a hard time being home bound even though she is still in a lot of pain. I can tell when her pain meds have kicked in because she talks non stop.
Sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 8:48:50 PM
Mar, are you dog sitting Sammie for the day, that is, did you bring him back home with you? I remember you were really attached to him so I'm thinking it's not too much of a chore. How is your chocolate man doing now that he has had some time to adjust to the new normal? I hope he is ok.
I have used only organic milk, eggs, butter, and meat, in addition to every thing else, hoping to avoid the GMOs, pesticides and the in humane treatment. It is terribly expensive. My mom eats anything and never would pay for organic and she seems to be fine, so who knows. She was telling me today about all the vitamins she takes as though she expects to live forever.
I'm always interested in good healthy food so I hope as you find your way through the vegan trail you will share your recipes, etc.
We went to the movie, Thirteen Hours tonight. It was very intense. And such a sickening story.
Bunny, I'm glad your sales are good. Holly, Glad DDK is feeling some better.
We are having weather in the 70's and not a cloud in the sky. This morning we did volunteer work in the gardens, harvesting onions for the outreach program, and this afternoon we went to the driving range. B asked me to go with him and give it another try, so I did. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 28 2016 8:49:52 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 28 2016 : 9:53:03 PM
The problem with a vegan diet, as I see it, is that there is a whole vegan industry trying to get you to buy their products. I got a so-called cookbook from a vegetarian/vegan group and it's all store-bought frozen vegetarian dinners and how to pick the meatless choice at popular restaurants. I want to eat a mostly plant based diet because 1) it's healthy 2) it's better for the environment 3) I want to know where my food comes from 4) I want to meet the people who grew it) 5) I want to know that the farm workers in poor countries were paid a decent wage 6) I don't want animals to suffer....I could go on but the point is, it's hard to eat a diet that takes all those factors into account. It's easier to buy a frozen vegan meal at the store but that's just another form of consumerism. I'm going to watch a movie next week that explores if it's even possible to eat a non-gmo vegan diet. I try to do what I can to help the earth, the animals and the people, but I know it's almost impossible to eat and take all these things into account. Unless you grow EVERYTHING that you eat. And it can be hard to grow olives, coffee, and citrus fruits in most of the USA. So I think we all do the best we can but due to the world market, we have to make compromises. I personally find it very frustrating. And I get angry that politicians are being persuaded to NOT label GMO products in this country. But I've gone off on a tangent....we all need to eat. Just be smart about it. I am now officially side-lined from working. The guy hired to replace me is never going to be able to work so I hope they hold my current job for me while I'm on leave. I doubt I will ever be able to lift the 50 pound boxes of paper in the storeroom, or lift the oxygen tanks, one type of which weighs about 200 pounds. No one can lift it; you have to move it by rocking it gently back and forth. My surgery is Wednesday and I'm already apprehensive. I worry I won't wake up from the anesthesia. Even though I've had several surgeries in the past. Marilyn--I don't like the smell of fish in the house either. Jaxon loves it. I like to eat the buffalo fish sandwich from an outdoor stand in a small town up the river. When the wind is right, you don't smell the fishy smell of the river. This time of year there are lots of bald eagles along the river. Which means tourists. If you ever want to see eagles, Trumpeter swans, white pelicans, etc., come to the Midwest in January or February. I hope everyone has a good weekend. My parents are moving tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow is also my birthday and I totally don't give a crap this year. too much on my mind. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6867 Posts

Debbie L.
6867 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 04:57:13 AM
Oh how I would love to go on a Cruise, to a warmer climate about now! It is on my bucket list!. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of the blue, blue water sure do miss the ocean. Welcome home G.
Holly sure wish Ddk would heal faster it just is no darn fun being down. Hats off to C. for handling her bandage changes with such grace, I know it probably hurts C. more than Ddk to have do it. Tell her to hang in summer will be here before she knows it.
Cindy, we have been dealing with VA for years, my hubby is 100% disabled, the tests are accurate (sadly) and they are redone every few months as each of his diseases and disabilities progress. This is how they keep on top of things. Our VA is pretty darn good compared to others we have heard about. We are blessed and take it day by day!
After being sick it sure takes a few days to catch up. Yesterday my Son and I took hubby to the pool swimming, oh gals it was fabulous! I ran on the treadmill, enjoyed the sauna, hot tub and swimming pool all for $5.00 a piece at a local hotel. Love that they offer this to locals as we live in the boonies with the big city over and hour away down the mountain pass to the closest pool! We all loved it, so refreshing and relaxing and so helpful for painful parts of our bodies. Of course after that this old girl is done for the day:-)
Still trying to catch up here as well, so much can happen in a few days.
Will be gone in town all day for medical appointments and grocery shopping so I will check in with all of you later and hopefully to finish reading all the posts.
Have a beautiful and wonderful day gals and know that someone in Colorado thinks of you!
Hugs, Deb #1582 Blessed in Colorado
"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt
Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado |
Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on Jan 29 2016 05:00:16 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 06:11:50 AM
Debbie -- What a great option that hotel offers! I have never heard of such a thing, but what a great idea. Like a spa day or a mini vacation for you -- sounds like you made good use of it.
We made spaghetti and garlic bread for the kids last night -- probably about 70 of them. There were 3 Rotarians and 3 Rotaract members from Lincoln University, so we had it all covered. I cooked the ground beef -- about 15 pounds of it! The guys heated up the sauce and got the steam tables ready. After I got all the meat cooked, I switched to dishwasher duty. They have a wonderful new facility with a big professional kitchen, so the dishwasher is amazing. It has been years since I have used a commercial dishwasher of any kind, and this one was great. I kept the cooking pots cleaned up as we went, and by about the time the girls had finished serving everyone, we were ready to clean up the kitchen and leave. We had some food left over, which went into clamshell boxes for the kids to take home for later, or for siblings or parents. Yes -- most of these kids do get free or reduced lunch at school, but lots of them won't eat it. They sure did love the spaghetti, though! Lots of hot sauce (just the one certain Mexican brand), some had parmesan cheese, and several had sugar on their sauce! Whatever works, I guess. About 6 gallons of orange drink, too. What a neat program for those kids. Keeps them busy and safe between school until after dinner.
I was feeling pretty low this morning -- winter blue -- a little short of actual depression, but definitely the season of darkness. I texted back and forth with my daughter for a while, which is always good, because we share a brain and I don't have to pretend anything with her. So first thing when we get to the office, we are taking messages off the phone from overnight. My crazy Rasta Lady called 3 times! She says she is being held prisoner in her house because the 2 brothers she lives with won't plow the driveway, so she is stuck. This is a woman who is ALWAYS out driving somewhere -- you never go into town without seeing her back and forth somewhere. I guess being housebound is getting to her. So she is sitting at home with nothing but her phone and she starts calling. She has called the local police, who are quite used to hearing from her nearly daily, and she has called the county and even the state police! In one of her messages, she says that she can hear a helicopter flying around overhead, so she thinks that is because she called the state police. Poor thing really is slipping - she has become more paranoid over the past couple of years. She was institutionalized for a short time after she was arrested for harassing her mother and sister, but they only kept her there for a 72-hour hold. When she is on her meds, she seems to be okay, but I think the snow has messed with her routine and it's really a problem for her. So about 10 minutes ago the phone rang again -- it was her. I picked up and gave my standard cheerful "Good Morning" greeting -- she heard my voice and hung up. Sigh. I am sure we will be hearing from her more today.
So the sun is out. The snow continues to melt away. We are flying down to Charleston tomorrow to spend a warmer weekend and visit their Oyster Fest -- life is always good.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |