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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 23 2016 :  5:39:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DdK has had a hard third day. C changed her bandage this morning and then took two hours to recover. ( C that is) DdK has spent a long time in her room entertaining herself with her phone and trying to deal with the discomfort. I tried to figure out food she could eat. Her throat still hurts and her stomach is uneasy. She has been a trooper. She knows about Marie's multiple occurences and it not impressed. at all.

I do not read murder mysteries. I dream in color and that would be the end of any sleep for me even if I read it in the morning. Too vivid and ongoing an imagination.

Glad you are back Marilyn. We were hoping here that you made it back safely and were holed up at home for the onset of the storm. I have a friend near Annapolis and several years ago she put in a back up generator. She called the neighbor and told her she could come over if the electricity went out.

Very nice skirt, Bunny. How is it to be the practical down to earth person in your crazy household?

Anxiety s****. Paranoia s****. I am sorry it takes over your life on occasion. I am glad to listen and if I were closer I would hold you until it passes.

I just watched a Robin Williams recording of a show he did in Washington DC just after the first election of Barack Obama. Geez i miss his commentary and his ability to bring truth to the insanity of the world.

When is G due back?

Debbie how did all of the doctor's appointments go?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 23 2016 :  7:00:13 PM  Show Profile
Holly, poor C. Hope she recovers faster next time. Good that DdK is doing so well.
I too dream in color. I don't watch or read anything graphic before bed.

So here is the next step with the skirt. I am deciding on the flowers. What do you think?

Number one...

Or number two...

I will sew the flowers down tomorrow and add lace to the bottom of the skirt to make it longer. Then finish it off with ties and cover the waist band.

Cindy, so sorry about your panic attack at work. Must have been terrible for you. Glad you have a friend to talk to that understands.

Mar, is DH going vegan?? Bummer! That is harsh on the diet front. I wish I could go vegetarian but sometimes I slip up. It is getting harder and harder for me to justify eating meat though.

So my mom threw out the pork hops and three full bags of perfectly good cereal. I asked her why she threw out the cereal. She said no one was eating it. I said I would have eaten it but it wasn't mine! (Note, my sister admitted this morning to eating my whole jar of Nutella!!!)

So here is another good story.
My sister had a date the other night. Someone she met online. I get a text saying to tell my mom she would be home around 3am. Mom says ask her why so late. My sister texts back...because. So mom is stressed and says..this is just not like her.
My sister comes creeping in about 4am. The next morning she tells my mom they went to dinner and he said he really liked her and wanted to spend more time with her. So they rented a cheap hotel room and watched movies. He had to go to work so left at 2:30am. He lives 1:5 hours away. She was 20 minutes away...why did it take so long for her to get home. Of course my mom bought the story hook line and sinker. Me....not so much.

I should write a book....


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  02:47:56 AM  Show Profile
Bunny, it sounds like your sister is having a bit more adventure than watching a your mom really accepting that explanation? Of course, sis is a grown woman...does she is an explanation?

The flowers are gorgeous on the vine. Love the color combination. A bit of color on a neutral base. It will be gone as soon as you post it on your site.

Poor, poor C. I would be very slow in recovering as well. Especially since K is in pain. Sounds like she is hanging in there. Not a fun time for any of you. Thinking of you. So glad that Day Three is behind you.

Yep, Bunny, we are the Vegan Regans. Even though it rhymes, mom cannot say "vegan" correctly. It is as though she thinks we should be the Veagan Reagans. Aww well.

It would be nice to hear from g...

How are you recuperating, Marilyn? Hoping you have a photo to post!

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 24 2016 06:48:45 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  04:58:43 AM  Show Profile
Mar - I didn't knit a stitch in St John - I never do. I don't drink wine when it's warm, either - I switched to beer while we were down there. I did run into a lady knitting on the beach one day while I was walking and we had a nice chat. She is from Boston and was on the same flight as we were coming home. I got a lot of knitting done on the plane, though! Sox for His Dudeness. Back to the shawl I was working on since I got home, though.

Bunny - loving the new skirt! We didn't miss anything by coming home a day early. We agreed that we wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy some extra days because of the uncertainty of getting a flight out. Looking at the airport at Philly today - still not going to be up to easy travel for a few days now. We enjoyed being at home to watch the blizzard from the comfort of our nice warm house,

Since we weren't home to stock up on provisions (and had actually tried to empty the fridge a little before our trip) we are running low on a few basics, but will be okay. If I know my Dude, he will want to get out and about today and will do a little provisioning. We have so much snow, though! He will be driving my Jeep for a few days I imagine. I am planning to take my regular Monday off tomorrow - with all this snow, it will be QUIET at the shop.

Dude's daughter and her fiancée drove up from South Carolina on Thursday, I think. Their new puppy was going to be ready to pick up, and they were NOT going to miss that. So they are over at her mom's and were planning to drive home today. I hope they can get out. I think it was silly for them to come up - they could easily have waited until next weekend. Anyway, the daughter started texting her dad during the blizzard yesterday - they were "hoping" we would come over for dinner so we could meet the puppy. What? You want us to get out on the roads in a blizzard to look at a puppy? No thanks. I like puppies just fine, but NO. Dude was making noises about going over this morning so he could see them before they leave. I reminded him that the kids are meeting us this weekend in Charleston when we fly down for the Oyster Fest. He knows that I will not be going over to the ex's. I saw quite enough of her at Christmas, and I told him I could handle special family events, but I not going to start socializing with her on a regular basis. Bite me if you don't like it.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  06:18:43 AM  Show Profile
Dude is outside shoveling and I know it is a pain, but with the gorgeous sunshine on all the beautiful snow, the cardinals really shine and it is a pretty pretty scene.

This is the snow on our front deck. Some had fallen from the roof last night. The railing on the deck is 36 inches, for scale.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  09:31:26 AM  Show Profile
Ah yes! I remember the days when I spent the night with a guy I had just met at a party. Luckily, I didn't have a mother to check in with the next day. It seems as if the guy got what he wanted. Meeting guys on the internet like this without clear boundaries is a recipe for all sorts of bad things. I hope she's not thinking she meant anything to this guy.

Life is same old same old here. Temperatures are just under freezing. Lowell is complaining about our lack of space again and threatening to throw out a bunch of my stuff on the dining room table. I remember all those years I begged him to eat dinner with me at the table and how he hated doing it. He said he had nothing to talk about and would rather sit in front of the TV with his plate in his lap. NOW he wants a clear table. ARGH! He tells me maybe we could eat dinner together at the table scheduling and food preferences permitting. Well maybe that is enough incentive for me.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  10:03:32 AM  Show Profile
Wow, Marilyn that is quite a snow pile. I agree, staying home during a blizzard is the best idea.

Thanks for the good words on the skirt. Lots to do today.
The sun is out so being in the basement will be easier. Seeing blue sky thought the basement windows makes it a bit brighter.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 24 2016 :  5:42:41 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

NO snow fell here. Temperatures are in the twenties during the day.

DdK had her bandage changed tonight and is not feeling very well. It hurts a lot to have the gauze pushed into the cut. She takes her pain pill first but it still hurts. She is not liking having to sit and sleep on her side. She is glad it is over and hopes to never experience it again. She was not impressed to hear that Marie had it twice.

DdK was on a tirade this morning about having done a three year program in massage therapy and all she got was a paper with her name on it. I said that is all I received when I was in college. That is not right she says, you should get more than a paper with a name on it. She kept going on and on about all you get is a paper with a name on it. I said what do you want? A bag with a picture on it. She said, yes. they should give you a prize for finishing. C and I were amused.

DdK likes the dark flowers and I like the lighter colored ones, Bunny. Mothers believe what they want to believe about their children. We had a friend who was on her 6th year of cancer treatments. She was an emergency room doctor. She went home to England to visit her mum. She was taking a wig break in the bathroom and her mum walked in. She told her mum that she had a high fever and all her hair fell out. Her mum believed her. She wanted to live longer than her mum so her mum would not be sad. She did by several months. Her mother died of old age and she died of complications from ovarian cancer. Your sister is a piece of work, Bunny.

WOW, Mar. Vegan. ddK says that is harsh. She hopes you know what you are doing. She tried vegan for a while but could not balance all of the parts of it. So, she is doing vegetarian. I guess you have figured out how you will get all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy. I think your needs must be different than his. It is nice to see someone who loves someone so much that she is willing to jump through many hoops to do what is necessary to keep him going. Hugs to you.

I hope Ann comes back soon and is whole emotionally or healing anyway.

I was thinking about your plan to organize earlier today, Marie. Good luck clearing the table. It has only taken Lowell several years to claim your idea of eating together as his. I guess his learning curve is not flat just a very slow incline.

Cindy what do the riverbanks look like now that the waters have subsided? or have they? How are mom and dad doing? they moved right?

Where is G?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  06:44:43 AM  Show Profile
Oh my gracious it is cold! There is so much snow in the lot and no parking along the street, because the plows have piled it up. I had to step in E's footsteps to get inside and his strides are much longer than mine! The snow was up over my boot tops -- brrrr. The big disaster was that my coffee maker was frozen up here at the shop! Eeeek. I have since thawed it, though, so all is well. Still about three feet of snow drifted against the front door, so nobody can get in that way. Hopefully we will get someone over to help shovel a path to the front door at some point.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

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Debbie L.
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  07:43:18 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning Gals!

Well we never did get the predicted snow, the sun is out with a beautiful blue sky! If this does not make me feel better nothing will! I have been sick all weekend with tummy issues, got it from my son as he was sick last week. I am feeling a bit better today although my tummy is still queasy, won't be doing much again today I do not think.

I hope all of you hit by all the snow Nd cold are staying warm

Holly: Poor DdK, I believe it will be a long few weeks for her, C and you! Hopefully the time will fly by for all of you. Did not get much good news from my buddy's VA docs, test results were not what we hoped:-( more in my next letter.

Tummy is talking to me so I will dash!

Have a Beautiful week everyone.

Blessed in Colorado

"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  08:01:43 AM  Show Profile
Oh Deb -- So sorry about the tummy issues --no fun at all! Hope it works its way through your system quickly. Not quickly enough to cause discomfort -- just hoping it doesn't hang on too long.

I was looking at your "women are angels" tag - I am on my broomstick today, evidently! ha ha Just had to have a "come to Jesus" talk with one of my young Latino clients and he left off communicating and started cursing at me. I explained to him that shouting and cursing was not really communicating and was not helping his case at all. He just kept cursing and said he was "done dealing with" me. Well, I have news for him -- he will deal with me and like it! ha ha ha Seriously -- Your misconduct and laziness does NOT constitute an emergency on my part or special circumstances. This particular kid is just a hot-headed little criminal and he hasn't paid his payment since mid-December and has disabled the starter interrupt unit on his car. I told him that he just needed to come in and make his payment and we would speak to him at that time. If there wasn't three feet of snow on everything I would send my repo guy out right now to pick up the little crumb's car! THEN he'd deal with me! Bwa ha haaaa.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  08:33:45 AM  Show Profile
Wow! He disabled the starter interrupt. The kid has some smarts I guess if it suits him.

I have been reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. It set in a fantasy world with a very scientific magic system. The main character was brought up in a traveling troupe of entertainers, spent some time on the streets of a large city and eventually was admitted to the University where magic is studied. It is a 660 page book. I get it from the library and have to reserve it. The print version has 24 requests for it and the e-version has 74 requests. This is my second time having it and I have about 200 pages left. I have to take it back to the library today and put my name at the bottom of the request list to get it again. Hopefully, the next time I have it I can finish. I don't mind reading books this way especially one I really like. The first book of his I read was The Slow Regard of Silent Things. The story is so enchanting. His was afraid this book would not be published because he spends several pages on the main/only character making soap. It is a much shorter book and takes a person into a place that we could never live in but might fantasize about. Anyway, good read.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  08:48:02 AM  Show Profile
Someone please offer me one dollar for my job today.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  10:10:44 AM  Show Profile
Bunny -- Love love love the flowers.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  5:46:57 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DdK is in a lot of pain today. She does not keep ahead of it with her medication and her cut is very big and awful. She has gone out for a couple of walks. She likes to walk in the cold. Sometimes she feels dizzy or it hurts so much she has to stop and wait. She is very frustrated.

Our neighbors stopped in NYC on their way home from vacation two weekends ago. They stopped by to get water and the dad says guess what I did in NYC last weekend. I did not know. He said I saw the premiere musical on Broadway. I said, You got tickets to Hamilton! I was excited for him and he was excited I knew what show he was talking about. He went into the city on Sunday. HIs family did not want to go that day. He put his name in the lottery. He and the woman next to him agreed that they would share the extra ticket with the other. His name was called. If you win the lottery you get two tickets. I think for $20. The show's tickets are running for $600 a pop. He was so excited the woman next to him was so excited. They sat in the front row on booster seats and had a grand time.

Aaahh Marilyn, too bad airhorn blowing on the telephone is discouraged by phone etiquette. Maybe that would get some of your customer's attention. a police whistle would get their attention as well. I just hang up the phone when dear son T is rude. I hear that so many flights are still cancelled. You could be having a long long vacation and the Dudes business could be running in the red.

I have written down the names of the books you recommended, Marie. One of these days I will get them on my kindle. I like my kindle but I like holding a book better. I like to look back at something I have remembered and forgotten a pice and that is hard to do on a kindle.

Deb, Sorry dh's appointments are not happy times. He has worked so long that to be in pain when he should be relaxing must be very disheartening for him and for you.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  7:42:54 PM  Show Profile
Holly--my parents will be moving this weekend. the weather is supposed to be near sixty. So no worries about snow. My mom said I could have her old Singer sewing machine from, I think, the 1960's. Maybe I will finally learn to sew. I am sorry ddk is having such a rough time. I know when I had my gallbladder out I was in pain for almost a week. When I have my surgery, I will not have pain for three days due to these "blocks" they use. A friend is coming over to help me with anything I might need help with. Won't be able to drive till after the pain med. has worn off.
Deb--I would double check to make sure test results are accurate. The VA is good, but they are so swamped that sometimes mistakes are made. I know people who have had some problems with the VA.
Marie--I recently read a YA novel "Where Things Come Back". It was a very good book--I honestly think a lot of the YA fiction is better than the adult fiction. I don't read much fantasy but I have been taking my books that have been at my parents' house and now I have an urge to read "The Valley of Horses" all over again.
Mar-- Baker Creek heirloom seeds has a very good vegan cookbook. I have made the sun-dried tomato and basil bread and I thought I had died and gone to bread heaven.
Bunny--what would you recommend for someone trying to learn to sew on a fifty year old sewing machine? Maybe I'll try a simple apron pattern to start. I do have a very mini sewing machine and I know how to use it.
Marilyn--brrr, you're making me feel cold. The wind has picked up here and I can hear it gusting but I don't think it's going to get much lower than thirty tonight.
The new guy still hasn't started at work. He's supposed to be evaluated next Monday. IF he's cleared to work, I'll have one day to train him. The temp. hates working, she says it hurts her back. Poor thing. She's thirty-five and I can run circles around her. And she whines. Maybe I should bring her some cheese?

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  7:59:06 PM  Show Profile
Cindy - My advice is to find a pattern and fabric you like and just start right in. I never took formal lessons in sewing. My mom taught me a few things and I just figured it out on my own. I had made myself a plain square quilt out of polyester fabric for college. After college, the first patterned project I made was a pair of shorts using some pretty checked fabric which looked the same on each side. I was confused by the similarity of the right and wrong sides. I didn't have enough fabric for the waistband so I made it out of a solid color which looked okay. I loved those shorts.

One thing I have always meant to do with my sewing machine is to go through the manual and perform every stitch and technique in the book.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  9:22:16 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, something easy and useful for beginning sewers is a pillow case. You can probably find a free pattern and tutorial online. They also make great gifts.
Simple grocery bags are good too.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 25 2016 :  9:25:08 PM  Show Profile
I also agree with Marie. Make sure you check everything out. If it makes a squeaking sound, it needs grease. If it has sat for a long time the grease can dry out and running it will burn out the motor. You will probably need to take it in somewhere to be serviced, but tell them about the grease issue. You can also find good used machines at some sewing machine stores. Older metal ones work the best if they have been serviced.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  06:04:19 AM  Show Profile
Hello, all. We got home last night. Totally exhausted from the day of traveling
I will read all the posts when I can. When B wakes up we will go pick up the dogs, get groceries and resume life here where it is cold and cloudy.

I hope all is well with all of you. I see pictures of snow and a beautiful sewing project of Bunny's.

My right eye is bothering me. Making my iPad screen wavy. Hope it clears up. Maybe pressure from the flight?

I have 404 emails to go through. Mostly junk mail.
Marilyn, good thing we did not try to meet up. We went to St John's, Antigua, not St John USVI. LOL.

I'll catch up soon. Big hugs to all.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  07:10:23 AM  Show Profile
YAY!!! Gypsy is back!!!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  07:18:43 AM  Show Profile
G -- Ha! Yes, that would have been a little different. We had a great time -- hope you did, too. The warm weather is such a nice break.

Holly - How MUCH do I love your airhorn idea??? The little bugger from yesterday came in and stood out in the front office lying and lying to His Dudeness about the things I had supposedly said to him on the phone. Dude just kept saying "No -- I did not hear her say THAT." The little idiot -- does he not see that we are sitting just a few feet away from one another and Dude can hear everything I say on the phone? Yesterday he was saying that I had threatened to call the police! When he said that, the puzzle pieces started to fall into place -- the kid is scared of me. He spent about 6 months in jail last year for some penny-ante connection he had to a big drug ring, and now he is scared to death that he will have to go back inside. I am just enough of an authority figure to him that he is scared of what I could do to him. So that makes dealing with him a little easier. He's still a little dirtbag, but at least now I know where all the anger is coming from -- it's just fear.

We are getting plowed out a little bit at a time here. The guy with the blade on his truck is out there working now, and the guy with the big loader will be back this afternoon for the big drifts. Most of the cars are still completely covered, though. Yesterday afternoon a customer came in -- he has a deposit on a Honda Odyssey van. He stood right in the doorway looking at the 4-foot WALL of snow and ice in front of the van from where the Borough plows went through and asked me if he could test drive it. It was all I could do to not be sarcastic. He's a nice guy, but I just don't think he was processing for some reason. I tried very gently to point out that he couldn't FLY the van off the lot, much less drive it. He huffed and puffed and fumed and just kept looking at that snow bank like he thought he could melt it. Actually -- Dude doesn't generally let people test drive anything when the roads are this bad, anyway, regardless.

Looks like the sun should be coming out and doing some more melting for us. I think we all got the nice big snowstorm we were longing for and now we would like it to just go away! ha ha ha I don't think the weather gods were listening carefully -- I asked for a nice big snowstorm IF I COULD STAY HOME! ha ha

We are flying down to Charleston, SC this weekend for their big Oyster Fest. After that, we should be home to stay for a while. I honestly wish I could just stay home, but Dude loves him some oysters and he saw this in a magazine somewhere and booked our flight using some miles he had. I am not a fan of raw oysters, but I like them other ways. My in-laws were from the Low Country and my MIL was a wonderful cook, so I am looking forward to some nice southern grub besides the oysters. Dude's youngest daughter and her fiancee live in SC and will be driving down to Charleston while we are there. That will be nice, too. They were just up here this past weekend, but with the blizzard raging, we didn't see them.

And so life goes on. I am at my desk, my paperwork is pretty much caught up and the phone is not ringing. Hope to get some knitting time this afternoon.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  08:27:18 AM  Show Profile
G, welcome home. The gangs almost all here. Just missing Ann. Hope she is doing ok in California.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  08:29:38 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, the air horn would be fun to use whenever someone lies to you or the Dude. It could get pretty loud around there.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 26 2016 :  3:15:36 PM  Show Profile
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