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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 07:38:22 AM
Life is definitely better than the alternative!!
Deb, the buoyancy of the water and being able to move more freely is so good, isn't it? So smart of you to take advantage of that opportunity. And to just make a day of it! I hope today goes smoothly for you.
Cindy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Whether you have time for it this year our not, it is a special day. I sending you lots of peaceful toppings thru a very busy weekend...and stressful waiting period for your surgery. I hope you can get some rest and then down the worry, it is understandable.
Holly, being educated about our food supply is scary stuff. Being chickens for larger and larger breasts...and then their legs can't support the weight of their bodies. And global warming...that is largely due to the methane produced by the castle industry and we focus on everything but the beef. We switched from soy bean and canola oil because of the GMOs. And, yep, the process is bad news.
Dh has way too much knowledge about our food supply. His education was in agriculture and food science. There have been many times that he had told me, "If you knew how that was made, you wouldn't eat it." And when dd started watching documentaries about how the animals are kept, he just logged at her like she arrived at a party late. But, yet how do you keep your food safe? We just have to do our best. Some fruits are very important to buy organic, some less so. When I was teaching for organic bananas,dh (who has been to many plantations) told me, just grab the non organic. Seemed weird. He said,"They grow right next to each other." I guess it is hard to have one field organic and the next field not...maybe the system has improved.
Today, we are going to buy some "wood" flooring for our bedroom. That carpet needs to be replaced and I would like to try the wood and two rugs on either side of the bed...hope I don't regret it.
We'll drop off Sammie while we are in Portland. She'll be back on Sunday. Dd is having withdrawals without her Labrador.
Marilyn, this weekend might be that shot of sunshine you need. The computer course will keep you engaged, does it start next week? Enjoy both your trip and class.
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 07:40:28 AM
Is brewers yeast the same as nutritional yeast? That is what we are using for a creamy/ cheesy sprinkle. I think it's called "nooch" by those in the know...not me! |
Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 29 2016 07:42:53 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 07:41:12 AM
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Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 29 2016 07:42:25 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 07:41:55 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 08:12:22 AM
Mar -- We chose a wood-look laminate floor for our downstairs. It has a cork backing, which the flooring guys said was the thing to use for any installation below grade. We have never had water get in down there, but we didn't want to take any chances. Dude is installing it himself -- just got a crazy yen to get at it without waiting for our contractor -- and he is doing a great job. We chose a color that really looks like wood, and it is one of those with planks that are about 4 feet long and 5 inches wide -- it clicks together. He doesn't generally like to do this kind of thing and had to borrow a little table saw, but it is going really well and we are both so happy with the way it looks! We don't have any carpet at all in our house. I have a couple of large rugs, but we really like the bare floor look -- so much easier to keep it really really clean. Let us know how yours turns out.
My class starts on the 10th of February. It is all online, but through one of the local community colleges. They will release a lesson each Wednesday and a lesson each Friday for six weeks. Then I have about another 2 weeks after that to take the final. I am way too excited about it. Dude said I could just take the class using the work computer, but I wanted it on my laptop so I can work on it from home.
Honestly -- I will tell you ladies something -- one reason I am taking the class is just to be learning something new. My mother's mental decline is really worrying to me, and I keep reading that one way to stave off memory issues and the mental decline of aging is to stay engaged and keep learning new things. I do plan to use the education and certificate to pick up some freelance jobs, and if something were to happen to the Dude or he decided to close the business, I will still need and want to work for a while, but keeping my brain sharp (ha!) is as big a motivation as anything for me at this point. I do love being a homemaker and if I were to stay at home all the time I would be busy making quilts and doing volunteer work, but at least for now I think I am going to be working. I hate having to think ahead and be so pragmatic, but it is up to me to look out for myself. Sadly, I used to think that my husband would provide for me -- silly silly me.
Reminding myself -- I probably ought to sit down and write my mother a letter. If she's having a good day, she might be able to read it, and if she is NOT, then Daddy can read it to her. I sent them a postcard from St John -- pretty picture -- but mailed it after we got home. I bought them a DVD about the history of making the National Park there -- maybe I will just pop a little letter in with that when I send it.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 09:31:25 AM
Marilyn, I almost wish I could take that class with you...almost. I'm pretty done with school for a while and am happy to wing it on my own. As far as keeping your mind sharp, I don't think sitting in front of a computer will be enough. Being active in other things is the key. I'm hoping my sewing will do it for me. But the bookkeeping thing is something I plan on working on myself. Between my sewing and bookkeeping, I might be able to keep my head above water if I can live with a family member.
Cindy, I think we all sympathize with the fear of surgery. But it usually ends up fine despite our fears. Hang in there and put your best thoughts in there. We are here for venting though.
As far as the food thing goes, I just want to know that any animal I consume didn't have to suffer too much. If we weren't eating cows or pigs, we would still be hunting deer and rabbits. But because of the volume, abuse seems to be the norm. Holly, I get my eggs from a little store in town that gets them from a local lady. I could get my milk there too but it is so expensive. I'm going to ask more questions about the dairy farm. I can also get butter there too.
During the summer at the farmers market I can buy grass fed free range beef. So that is another possible option.
I turned on the heater in the basement so it won't be so cold. I sold two dresses, so I need to get some new things made! I'll finish up the skirt and hopefully have some pictures.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 09:42:27 AM
Bunny -- Congrats on the dress sales! Hopefully your fan base is building. I know what you mean about something besides work. Fabric and fiber are the things that really inspire me. As long as I have my "stash," I will stay busy. I would dearly love to be able to work from home again, as I did when I was doing transcription. I just hate to have a commute! At least here it is not so bad -- farm wagons and Amish buggies, mostly -- and Dude does the driving. But it would be nice to be able to be at home more. Funny that you were mentioning buying eggs -- the coffee shop where I get my coffee in the mornings has a sign up to sell eggs -- also a little shop up the road on the way home. Lots of people out this way keep flocks, and I guess there's more than they can use. The Amish nursery where I trade has eggs, too. Lots of people take their empty cartons in and get them refilled. We don't throw ANYTHING away! ha ha
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 1:56:58 PM
I am at the game store with Dylan, the head geek. I sit on the computer and he takes calls and sets up the store.
Corn and soy beans are the most genetically altered crops. Some of it was from natural selection and some of it is engineered. I only eat corn if it comes from an organic farm. I do love me some corn on the cob. Our bodies cannot properly process the carbs in corn. Cows will gain weight quickly on it that is why factory farmed cattle are fed it. High fructose corn syrup is a waste product from processing corn. When it was discovered how sweet it was, it became an alternative sweetener. I did a research study on different types of carbohydrates once and learned that fructose has the highest concentration of carbs per gram. Those study meals were really small.
My wound was maybe 2 fingers thick and over 3" long. I had had it lanced three times before I had the first extraction surgery. I had a friend/lover take care of me. I chose him because he was a nursing student. I bought him dinner at a nice restaurant as payment.
My housemates and I used to walk into the nearby hotel like we were staying there and go right to the pool. They didn't ask for a room key or anything. That was fun.
At school we had indoor recess which all the teachers hate because they just want to be away from the kids. Today, two kids were having a problem. "She was laughing at me." "No, I wasn't. He was looking at me." They couldn't say why they always have this problem. Patricia and I explained to them that they can just go away from each other. I remember seeing that on Sesame Street. The SPEN (Special Program for Elementary Needs) kids in our hallway. They have emotional and behavior problems. Every day this week one kid has melted down and was screaming in the hallway. They called one of the teachers a F***ing B***H. One of these kids will be mainstreamed in Patricia's room next week. <shudder>
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 4:52:26 PM
Good evening everyone,
Happy Birthday Cindy. May the stars shine on you tonight. I am anxious to hear how your shoulder surgery goes. I think I am looking at some sort of surgery in the next year or so. We would miss you too much if you succumbed so that is not even in the realm of possibility.
Yes, Brewer's yeast is the same as nutritional yeast. I had not heard of its nickname before. You must have the inside scoop. hahaha I like the yeast with butter on my popcorn.
We read a book called Eating by your Blood type more than a year ago. Since C has issues with her weight and making poor choices about her foods she picked one thing from the book that she usually eats and eliminated it from her diet. She picked corn. that took out all of the high fructose and fructose corn syrup. That was a very hard one for her but she seems to be able to deal with it still. A couple of months ago she gave up soda. That was really hard for her as well. Anyway, we had not been eating corn so we avoided the genetically modified nasty of that one. Corn on the cob has gotten more expensive each year. Last year I did not buy any. I really missed it. I do really like the butter and salt taste with the corn. Maybe the cow will not eat our corn in the garden this year. So, I buy olive oil for the adult cooking. I had been buying soy oil for the children. they like to make french fries which uses a lot of oil. So, now I will have to rethink that whole piece.
Ddk's friend came to visit her tonight. C brought her home from town. She needs to go back home tonight but she and ddK have been laughing very loudly for a while now so that is a good sound to hear.
dsR and dsG brought home their report cards today. dsG is average. DsR is behind because when he does not understand or meets something new he has a fit and leaves the classroom. They are working with him on his behavior issues and his anxiety around failing and anticipation. He is a smart boy so he will do alright. I was a little embarrassed by the gym teacher's note about winter wellness because she used the wrong there instead of their and she used another homonym wrong. I think someone should have spell checked it for her before it was sent out.
You can tell if the eggs you eat are free running and not caged because the yolks will be orangey if they have eaten bugs. the yolks are light yellow if they are caged or on a room and only eat grain.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 5:35:45 PM
I am so impressed by the yolk info, holly. Thank you! Oh. That's right...eggs are off the list. Still. I really like knowing that. Bugs make the yolks that beautiful orange.
Cindy, I do hope you enjoy the peaceful toppings I sent about we change that to peaceful moments. Sorry.
Hearing kids laugh is the best.
We will be installing the floor ourselves, too. It is weird to me to not have a lot of extra room to put all the furniture without it being in the way. But, this house is smaller than the house we had in the past. So, we will be kind of upside down for a bit. It's always a bit disturbing to have things strewn about. Mar
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 8:19:52 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 8:15:48 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 8:34:41 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:29:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 9:34:51 PM
G--nothing wrong with talking about food. It's something every living creature has in common. We spent more time last night at my support group talking about food than about anything else. We have a woman who is SERIOUSLY into canning so I introduced her to So far I have been very pleased with the products I've ordered from them. I would like to get a pressure canner this year, if I can afford it. I got a bill from the radiologists who looked at my chest x-rays back in August and they say they've submitted it to my insurance, and my insurance hasn't responded. I also noticed they had classified it under behavioral health. Now, are they really stupid enough to think I was imagining being sick? The ER doctor told me she was worried I had congestive heart failure cause of the readings on my EKG. Guess she was imaging it? Even though I have the chart that shows my score was way too high. I hate dealing with insurance. All they care about is making money for the share holders and they want to pay as little as possible for the clients who buy their insurance. I like to look at the varieties of corn in Baker Creek seed catalog. It's all non-GMO and they test it every year to make sure there's no cross pollination. I found out you need at least two miles in every direction separating non-GMO corn from GMO corn or cross-pollination is likely to occur. And of course the burden falls on the organic farmers. I had never heard of using cabbage leaves in lasagna but I have seen it made using zucchini slices. I don't eat very much pasta but I love spaghetti squash. Teachers and newspaper reporters don't know how to use the English language anymore. Someone posted a headline about an "amphibious" baseball pitcher. They meant ambidextrous. I guess the guy's name was Tad Pole. So maybe he was amphibious. ;) It's supposed to be warm tomorrow, about sixty. So the weather will be great for moving. We got lots of boxes packed and I've been salvaging the stuff I want. I just HAD to have the two paint by number pictures that were in our first house when I was only four years old. Not sure why, but I have to keep them, I used to imagine myself IN those pictures. And I have a strong imagination. My birthday was uneventful, which is fine by me. I can't take pain medicine for five days before the surgery so my shoulder hurts and will continue to hurt till they knock me out. Bunny--I have been looking at your creations. I would like to get a dress with a not short skirt that looks "eco-chic". Something in Earth tones. I'm larger on top than on bottom so it's sometimes hard to find a dress that flatters me. I am looking forward to learning to use that sewing machine. My brothers could all sew when they were young but I was afraid of it. I saw my brother run the needle through his finger once and that freaked me out. Plus I resisted anything that might be construed as being Susie Homemaker. Domesticity doesn't come easy to me. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 29 2016 : 11:41:07 PM
Just a quick post before bed. I'm almost done with the skirt. Tomorrow I'll sew the lace on the bottom and make so eking of waistband and tie. It is a wrap skirt.
(12).jpg?v 38313001)
I decided to use all the flowers. The picture as usual does not do it justice.
Happy birthday Cindy!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 07:32:07 AM
Good move on the flowers, Bunny. They are so pretty. I'd like to see one close up to see how you made them.
Cindy, you are the one who put me on to the Baker Creek folks. I now follow them on Facebook and our local nursery (NOT a chain) carries their seeds. In fact, my spinach was grown from their seeds and I have carrots in the ground from their seeds. Thank you thank you. This forum is wonderful just for the sharing of info that we have. I love spaghetti squash with just butter and sea salt.
Cindy, the mind is so powerful, I agree. Imagine yourself sailing through the surgery with no pain, focus your energy on that shoulder and see it healing, see the doctors amazed at the powerful healing that your body is capable of. Hugs to you. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 08:51:32 AM
I always carry a small stuffed animal into surgery with me. No one says anything about it. They put a wrist band on it so it won't get lost. I hold it during the surgery and it is the first thing I notice when I wake up. It helps me get through the transition from awake to going under and coming back out of anesthesia.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 09:30:54 AM
I am here... Do you have a pot of coffee or raspberry zinger tea ready? This may be an epic post.... Or I might just get weary of it, but I need objectivity, and maybe some sympathy and coddling.
I went to our mother's two weeks ago. (In southern British Columbia) In all, there were fourteen of us... not all came every day to help pack up the apartment, but all helped in some way. We spent three days sorting, packing, selling, dumping. We took a nice collection of things to the room at the facility, so mom's room is nice and homey for her. The apartment is clean and empty.
For the first time ever, she was civil. Asked about certain items, we brought them, she gave them to us. My kids and I visited her several times a day.... This was HARD, ladies. But after the first visit, my son said, "Our mom grew some balls today." We got loads of four generation pictures with her, my daughter, granddaughter, and myself.
After that first day, mom wasn't able to sit up anymore.
My kids and newborn granddaughter and I shared a motel room. It was good.
My sister and I spent an afternoon at the bank. She has POA. I am the Executor. I don't think sister quite grasps that POA ends with the last breath, even though the bank told her so. I'm trying not to press... But quietly on my own, I have started my checklist, gathered phone numbers, made a folio.
Came home... got sick... still hacking up my lungs, stuffed head, headache, fever, but it is receding.
So now Trip#2 looms. Five tickets to California are confirmed, flying out on February 11. The sixth and last ticket should be confirmed today. Oldest son has arranged a car rental in Sacramento. And now the dealing with xh's family begins.
Last night, my x-sil said my nephew had a "trailer" which would do well for the "ladies." (I assumed she meant my daughter, two granddaughters, and myself.) She added she had a motor-home for my one son. A bedroom in the house for the other son.
My son advised her we would like a hotel, so we could have our own, neutral space, and be our "own little family."
"Oh, yes," she said. "I am the same way when I travel. It's up to you."
Son told her name of hotel he was considering.
"No, that's in a bad neighbourhood," she said. (I was kinda under the impression that most of California is a "bad neighbourhood." ;) )
AND SUDDENLY, x-sil had enough room in the motor-home for BOTH of my sons, and the bedroom in the house was miraculously big enough for my daughter AND the little girls. "There's not room in my house for TWO adults and TWO kids," she said. "Ann can get a motel if she doesn't want to stay here."
Well, I am having nightmares. It's the same ol', same ol' of the last 40 years. Saying one thing, meaning another. Heaping glory on my xh and s*** on me. I was to blame for every ailment, every complaint, and it didn't help that xh would outright lie to them about how wicked I was, and when they reamed me out, xh would stand behind their backs, mimicking their rebukes, laughing at my poor self-defence. Or lack of. While they stroked him, petted him.
(And should I mention, the sil lives in the same house she lived in 25 years ago... when we went to California as a family. Her boys were all still living at home. So that was ten people... four adults, six kids, all under one roof. The house was plenty big enough back then.)
I can handle this.... I think... I'm used to it. What SCARES ME TO THE CORE, is their repeating lies to my kids, turning them against me with their duplicity and maliciousness. They will charm and beguile my kids while smearing me. (And all the while, no one knows the truth about xh but me, my very closest friends, the police, my pastor, and xh's doctors, about his mental illness, what he did to me, or how he was. Not even my kids know.)
The cowboy reminds me, my kids KNOW me. They will come HOME WITH ME. Xh's family cannot rob me of my motherhood, my grandmother-hood.
I pray this will be so, that my kids will see through their intent.
We are ALL going for closure. We don't have to rehash the past, Ann-bash, xh-bash for that to happen. If his family were all they say they are (sinless Christians), this would not be an issue. I hope I have the strength to grow even bigger balls.
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 10:04:19 AM
Ann, I believe it is time to tell your children the truth about your father. I believe your children probably already know much of the story and hearing it from you will answer some questions for them.
Definitely make arrangements for all of you to stay at a motel. Tell SIL that you do not want to create any extra work for her. If she argues, INSIST on it. None of you need to be around that. Travel, sit, eat, stay and leave together as a group. Let not one of your group be alone with anyone of your XH's family. I believe they are looking for a way to sew dissention in your family. Do what you need to do and them leave. Thank them kindly for all the hospitality and make it clear that this will be the last time you will see them. Before you leave the state, sit down and have a nice debriefing dinner. Get all the feelings out and prepare to move on.
I know what it is like to have balls and, believe me, you will never lose them.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 3:32:37 PM
Dear Marie, you are Right. On. Target. One thousand percent. Ann, please listen to her. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 3:36:53 PM
And you know me, I would have some parting words for that *****. But don't. Silence is the best revenge. Marie is so correct--do not let them split you up. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 3:50:41 PM
Ann, So sorry for all the drama. Frankly, I would stay home. I agree with Marie as far as staying as far away from the drama as possible. And definitely talk to your kids. They are adults and just let them know how hard this is for you and why. Good luck and find something to enjoy about being in California!
G, here is a closeup of the flowers. I dropped my feed dogs on my sewing machine and used my darning foot and freeformed sewed everything down.
here is the skirt finished and looking ready for the official photo for Etsy. I'll do that tomorrow. I'm ready for a break. This skirt took longer than I would have liked. Close to 6 hours if not more due to a few broken needles and my serger being bad.

Depending on how you wrap it will depend on how the hem and flowers look. I liked the uneven look so I wrapped that way. The back side is a little more even.
And Ann....hugs and here is a nice cup of your raspberry zinger tea.
Marie, I like the stuffed animal with surgery!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 4:35:25 PM
Good evening everyone,
Ann I am glad you are back on here. The cowboy has your back and we are here to listen and offer our two cents. I agree with Marie. I think all of you should stay in a hotel. If the Xsil wants to visit with the children she should invite them down for a separate occasion. What closure are you hoping from this event or are you going for the children? You are a good mother. I am not sure that this occasion is the time to come clean with the children on the nasties the Xh perpetrated. This is so hard. I think that children know a lot more than we as their parents give them credit for. Maybe they need confirmation from you on what really happened while they were growing up. They were home all of hte time because you homeschooled them. I know you said the Xh turned them against you during the divorce. I think by now they have figured out they were fed hooey by him and have balanced what they lived growing up and what he told them after wards. Now they are having relationships of their own and are learning grownup communication skills. hugs to you,
I am glad you survived the visit and wrapup with your mother and that you were not alone.
Ddk says that there is a chipmunk in my greenhouse sleeping in the bag of insulation I have and eating the frozen broccoli plants. She has a good time watching it through the windows.
We are still dreaming of what seeds to buy and you are planting your garden already, G. Will the planting season end when the weather is too hot?
Overcast all day. We brought over hay from the other barn. Pretty easy in the solid snow. No sinking and tripping. There was slipping on the ice. I fell and dsC skated in his boots.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 7:15:04 PM
Ann, stay united as Marie suggested. I agree with everyone on that. I am glad your mom was pleased with the move. It will be lovely to have those photos in the future.
I'm dreaming of seeds,too. But, I think I better make up my mind soon. Thanks for the reminder about Bakers!
Bunny, it is a beautiful piece of art.
Holly, I hated with the chipmunk got in the greenhouse in Spokane. They look too much like mice to me. Freaks me out. You should skate like dsC rather than falling, silly. ;-)
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 30 2016 : 9:29:57 PM
I also think all of should stay at a motel. It sounds too much like a "Come into my parlor...." sort of thing. I am glad to refer people to Baker Creek seeds. Someday I want to visit. It's about a four hour drive, so maybe now that I have time off, I can drive down there. I know people who have gone to their big celebration in early May--they said it was the Woodstock of organic growers. I bought their BIG catalog with recipes and essays and LOTS of incredible pictures. I have SEED the light! I think chipmunks are just plain cute. I have a little ceramic/resin statue of a chipmunk. and a skunk as well. I also think skunks are pretty. But I give them a wide berth. The skirt is beautiful. If I didn't have an inner tube for a waist, I might buy it. Got to get back out to walking on the treadmill. Thank you for all the positive vibes for my surgery. I think it'll go well. Everyone says the dr. is good, and he is also cute. And he knows it, which I find a turn-off, but he really is cute. We got my parents moved!!!! their new living room looks almost like their old one--same color walls, same color carpet, same mom is a mess right now. She baked a frozen pizza and forgot to remove it from the cardboard bottom. guess we've all done that before. My oldest brother is staying there tonight. Tomorrow my brothers are going to bring over the cedar chest, sewing machine, and old bookcase I has as a child. (These last three are for me). I made a pot of vegetarian chili tonight that I'll freeze and eat after my surgery. I'm going to move the small bookcase in my bedroom to the kitchen and use it for storage. Then I'll put the old bookcase in my bedroom. I have lots of books so there are bookcases in every room except the bathroom. And if it wasn't for the moisture, I'd probably have one in there as well. I hope my parents like it out there. It's really nice. Some of the parents of the doctors at the hospital where I work live out there. There are lots of events. My mom says she's not interested in the events but I think she'll change her mind. Good night, Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6869 Posts

Debbie L.
6869 Posts |
Posted - Jan 31 2016 : 06:10:15 AM
Good Morning Gals~
We are getting the snow that was promised, but instead of a foot of snow they are now saying 2-3 Feet. But, that is fine with me, they say the system will last until Tuesday. Which will be a problem as Monday hubby has a big, important appointment and procedure at the big VA hospital in Denver which is 2 -3 hours a from us, which we will not be able to get to if this weather keeps up.
I have an appointment in Colorado Springs on Tuesday an hour away for my Rheumatologist appointment, it took me 6 months to get. The problem is a Mountain Pass between us and the big city, guess we will see!
Friday morning I had written a long post here and I swear I do not know what happened to it. I have so much on my mind and always in a hurry I bet I forgot to hit the submit button. I am crazy thAt wHy!
Today is a good nesting day so I will put on a big pot of soup and iron. I iron to Dirty Danicng my all time favorite and the only movie I will iron too.
It is dawn, no sun but the fresh snow is beautiful! The deer will be coming across our property soon. Such a wonderful slight that never gets old for me!
I have a big fire blazing in the woodstove so life is good!
Thinking of all of you and keeping you in my heart and thoughts.
Stay warm and have fun.
Hugs, Deb #1582 Blessed in Colorado
"You must do the thing you think you can not do." Eleanor Roosevelt
Women are Angels,and when someone breaks our wings We simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We're flexible like that. in Colorado |
Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on Jan 31 2016 06:14:04 AM |
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