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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  6:24:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Ann - I am sorry you had to live for so long with such a parasite. I am glad you got out of it even if the beginning of the recovery was so hard. I am glad you are happy now and have relationships with your dd if not your sons as well. It is nice the Cowboy took a risk to talk to the working woman in front of him. We all carry baggage. Who could get as old as we all are and not have any. Some people live in a fantasy world or a world of denial when it comes to relationships.

Some people live in such insular communities that thinking out side the box has no light. (reference the Duggar family incest situation)
climbing off the soap box.
I am glad you risked us.

hugs to you Mar. Sometimes genetics s***. It is good he has the stress test now and the abnormalities could be caught early enough to deal with. Take G up on those frequent flier miles.

G maybe you could send Ann some of your UFO quilt tops and she would finish them.

I am glad that rug is finished. It is a relief. I am working on a latch hook now. It is seemingly endless. In twenty more rows I will be half way on the ten inch section I am currently working on. I think the rug is five feet long. This is not good for my ADD.

Bunny nice to have an aware employer who values you.

I am glad to listen to you Marie about Lowell or any of the other parts of your life. Your ocean seems smoother now than it was a few months ago.

Marilyn you do have the best way with words. Packed yet?

I do take vitamin D. The only reason I would worry about bone density is that my mother's aunt's hip broke four times when she was elderly. She may not be in the right genetic line for me to worry about but she was one of the relatives that we were closest too growing up and she seems like she should be a factor.
When I go to the doctor the items that most people are concerned about like cholesterol and blood pressure are not really discussed so I believe they are not significant worries for me. So, I don't.

I am glad your cyst was benign. Those acute scares are vicious. Packed yet? G?

Boring day today. The good part is we are very slowly accumulating snow.

My ticket did not win last week. I am thinking to buy two tomorrow. If we win we could all meet on a cruise or at a resort somewhere. We will have to discuss what could be feasible for all of us. That would be amazing.

Where's Cindy ? and Betty? and Mel?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 14 2016 1:20:46 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  7:29:18 PM  Show Profile
Here I is! I've just been dealing with chronic pain in my shoulder and haven't felt up to typing. My dr. prescribed an anti-inflammatory and it seems to help. I get an MRI tomorrow morning. I know the techs so it'll be fine. I think I have tendonitis that was brought on by an antibiotic I took back in September. Good news is, my back feels better and I've been walking on the treadmill more. I do it in the evening and it helps me to sleep better at night. My mind gets so hyped up at night that I stay up till one or two in the morning. That doesn't work when I have to get up early the next day.
Ann--I loved your story about the Cowboy. Sometimes you just look into a man's eyes and KNOW....I'm an unchurched Christian who had a a very bad experience of the whole church turning against me because I was in the hospital and was hallucinating. It was terrifying and they acted like I was at some GD country club. Pardon my cursing but they told me I was "too dependent" on the church. Then the church can go on without me. Birds make better choiristers (sp.) anyway. I have a dear friend who has tried to be the perfect Christian wife and mother and now she has such severe panic attacks that I fear for her life. It doesn't help that she's married to a man who is probably somewhere on the autism spectrum. Her daughter has Asperger's-- a sweet intelligent and artistic teen but with lots of behavioral problems. K needs a man who feels as passionate about love as she does, and that husband of hers is devoid of all passion. But he's a good provider. I'll give him that much. And I guess he can't help the way he is.
Bunny--I think someday you'll meet a man with artistic talents and together you'll make fashion passion and you'll have your own line at a charming little boutique in a historic district and people will be interviewing can happen, you know.
Mar--sending you hugs. We worry so much about our loved ones, don't we? I think it's hard-wired into women. Not a bad thing, but difficult to live with.
G---happy for you that all's well. Now enjoy that trip.
Marilyn--you're wise to not trust your ex to any of your financial holdings. For upset tummy, papaya enzyme chewables help. My neighbor swears by them. I've tried them and they work but they were too sweet for me.
Marie--we sympathize with you in dealing with Lowell. I'm starting to think that that's just the way musicians are cause I know someone who's husband sounds a lot like L and he's a musician.
Holly---that rug is too perty to walk on. It deserves a space on a wall. Regarding bone density, I've read that bone flexability is more important than density. Dense bones break when you fall, flexible bones don't. That's why yoga is so good for your bones. I want strong but flexible bones. I've been taking vitamin D but I don't take any calcium supplements. I eat a lot of cheese and drink kefir and I hope that's all I need. My grandmother had osteoporosis. And I exercise. Lots of yoga poses are actually good weight-bearing exercises.
My mom seems more lively since her decision to move. She's been going through stuff and sorting out what to keep and what to give away. My dad just seems to accept it, but doesn't show any feeling one way or the other.
It's cold here but still no snow. Maybe someday I'll tell you about my love interest but things are pretty mundane right now. Have been for a long time. He's a friend but different than all my other friends. It's a strange story and I'm not sure where it's going.
Good night, all,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  08:05:16 AM  Show Profile
Not knowing where it's going has to be half the fun. Don't lose the enthusiasm. Friendship is the best start there is. Dh was my college roommate for a summer, sublet a room for summer quarter from my "real" roommate. We became really good friends. I told him his girlfriend was not good enough for him. He returned the favor by telling me not to trust my fiancee.

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Jan 13 2016 11:22:15 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  08:06:34 AM  Show Profile
G, we are hoping to be contacted today to make follow up testing appointment. It's a four hour test...
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  11:49:01 AM  Show Profile
Mar -- We will all be sending the best positive thoughts. I know it's no help to offer reassurance, but that's all I can do at this point. It's very easy to say "there, there -- it will all be okay" when it's not our loved one! I get freaked out when His Dudeness has a headcold, for goodness' sake. Wish they could just do the test today and there wouldn't be all the awful waiting! At least they are aware that there's a concern, and will get right after making sure everything's okay.

Holly -- I got a new Mary Maxim catalog in the mail yesterday and was sorely tempted by a rug kit with a momma fox and some babies (I won't call them kits because I already used that word in the sentence and that's BAD!!!) -- it was 30 x 50 and I thought that sounded big enough to be a useful rug, but also big enough that it would take a while to do -- and then I thought of our conversation about people tromping around on something I had done that much work on.....didn't order it and the catalog went into the bin. Also, it was acrylic. Seems to me that there used to be more kits available with wool yarn. If I am going to do that much work, I would rather it was wool.

So here's one of my "customer" stories. We had an '05 Saab sitting on the lot for a while. It didn't belong to us -- a big obnoxious guy (a friend and former employer of the ex-wife) had his assistant just drop it off here one day for us to sell for him. I guess he thinks we are in the business to do favors for him. He also seems to think that the fact that he has a whole crap-ton of money makes his every wish someone else's command, but that doesn't fly around here. He never asked us if we would sell it for him -- it just showed up here one day with a note on it. So for the longest time, the car just sat here. It had some problems, as any 10-year-old car would, but we didn't fix them, because it wasn't our car. We also didn't really push the car too much, because we couldn't finance it, since it wasn't ours. We would have to sell it for cash, and we don't have too many customers with that kind of cash. From time to time one of our customers would ask about it, but when they found out that it was a cash only deal, they weren't interested.

So several weeks ago, a guy came in and wanted THAT car. He had seen it on the lot (and it is a nice-looking vehicle if you like Saabs) and had been looking for one like it. He talked to His Dudeness, who explained the situation with the car and told him about the issues that he knew about. He also was very clear with the guy that this was not our car, and that it was going to be sold completely AS IS, so that he needed to have it checked out by his own mechanic and really look it over before he made a decision, because we could not give him any kind of warranty on it or take responsibility for it. So the guy takes the car and drives it for a day and a half -- took it to his brilliant fabulous mechanic who "specializes in Saabs" and came back glowing with excitement and paid cash for the car. He said he was going to park it for the winter, so he didn't license it or anything. A few days later, he called and said he wanted to go ahead and get it licensed, because he was so in love with this car that he was going to drive it, so he came in and got the license and left a check to pay for it.

Fast forward -- I know you can see this coming -- after driving the car for a few weeks, he calls and leaves a message that there are just SO many problems with this car! "About three thousand things don't work!" He wants to know what we are going to do about it. He called one day a week or so ago and I spoke to him. He said that the car was smoking and he had pulled over to the side of the road and was going to have it towed here, on and on and on. I told him that Mr. S was out and would not be back for a couple of hours, but that I would let him know that Mr Customer had called and pass along his message.

Let me just interject right here that I have worked for enough bosses in my time to never EVER say "I will have him call you back when he gets in." Oh no! I say that I will leave him the message, or I will make sure that he gets your message or whatever -- but I never promise that I will have him call -- I am not in charge of that.

So this guy is calling me today and telling me what I told him (not true) and what I said would happen (not true) and I think accusing the Dude's parents of never actually having been legally married -- it got a little hazy when he started shouting. ha As it happened, Dude was out running a car somewhere when the guy called, which only added fuel to his little tantrum. I have to run my laptop uptown to our IT guy after a bit, but I really want to be here if this guy comes by because I would love to listen to the conversation. I mean, he was given all the facts up front and all the caveats and all the warnings. If this had been OUR car, we would have it in the shop and get it straightened out, but we told him right from the get-go that we could NOT do that for him, and to be very very sure before he made his decision. Used cars are a pig in a poke at best, and Dude sat right there and told the guy that he could not warrant it's condition because it wasn't ours. In the meantime, Mr Customer went to his bank and stopped payment on the check he left to pay for the licensing. So the car is not licensed and he does not have the title to it. He has made himself a very big mess.

A few months ago, we had a guy take a car off the lot and the engine blew within about a month. We ate the whole thing and put a new engine in for him, even though everything is sold "AS IS," -- because that was the right thing to do. Usually if a customer finds something wrong within the first couple of weeks, we can make it right and everyone is okay with that, but that's for OUR cars.

Anyway, a vry long story, but it has made my day interesting.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  12:26:44 PM  Show Profile
Thank you Marilyn for putting my life into perspective today, lol. You deal with way too much stress. Good luck to Dude dealing with this one

I'm taking care of last minute details today. Shuttle bus charges with their expected tip runs over $175. Just for the shuttle. Was supposed to get a five percent discount but somehow it did not post to the total and now it's on the credit card and not worth the hassle to call and try to straighten it out. We live a long way from the airport though so I'm glad there is a way to get there and back without us having to drive.

We have a beautiful sunny day today.

Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:41:06 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  4:32:55 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

So, mpw O a pm the next page and can not go back to read about what I wanted to respond too. Marilyn let the ex sputter and fuss and get your money. He can not boss you anymore.
Funny about the SAAB. Maybe you could start making UTube videos of the customers and get sponsors and make a few bucks. The customer is learning a hard lesson. I hope the Dude does not capitulate and make good on it. He is such a decent used car man.
You are a far better people person than I ever will be. When I told some one I did not like people she said but you live with so many. I replied I live with children or special needs people not people who are chronologically adults and expect to be treated as adults but do not take responsibility for their actions. I can not deal with that.

The B being happy must make your life a bit easier, G. Sorry your mom is sad. hugs to you. Have a good time at the beach . I hope you have some good books to read. and a lot of sunscreeen and of course your camera to send pictures of your trip back to those of us in the colder climates.

Cindy I am glad you mother can make the best of the situation. I am especially glad that their move takes a burden off your plate.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  5:44:17 PM  Show Profile
Holly, don't sell yourself short. You are using your talents and making a safe home for your family. Staying away from adults who make you crazy, some to whom you may be related, I'd only a sign of your intelligence!

Marilyn, I agree that putting so much time into a project calls for using good materials. I would want the rug to be wool, too.

So, we are just hours away from the Powerball draw. A million dollars of tickets are being sold a minute.

The nor'easter looks like it will be a big one. That ought to keep your ground covered for a while, holly

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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  8:01:57 PM  Show Profile
I had the MRI this morning. I've had them before but this time it was different. I felt exactly like I was in a COFFIN. At my funeral. I would have started hyperventilating but I've been doing yoga long enough to be able to control my breathing. Even so, my breathing was rapid and shallow. I got through it, but then broke down afterwards. I felt so nervous and was crying--not sure why, I just wanted to take a clonapin. Which I don't carry with me because it's a controlled substance. So I was at the hospital and my medicine was at home. I was supposed to work after the MRI but I was too upset. I felt absolutely scared but not sure why. I couldn't even drive. They got me a cab to take me home (only five miles) and I took 2 magic pills and a few hours later I felt OK. My neighbor drove me back to the hospital so I could get my car. I made an appt. to see my therapist at 4:00 and at 3:00 I got a call from the receptionist at my dr.'s office and she said I have a rotator cuff tear. Which will require surgery. So now I don't know what they're going to do about the five hundred pound carts I have to push around or the forty pound weights I have to lift. The person in HR I need to talk to wasn't there today but will be there tomorrow. I guess they will put me on light duty. But since I didn't injure it at work (not really sure when I injured it--I've had pain in my shoulders for twenty years so I ignored it at first) they aren't required to find light duty or another position for me. So I want to get the surgery as soon as possible so I can heal and get back to work. And this WOULD happen at the beginning of the year when I have a whole new deductible to meet. So I plan to go in to work tomorrow but I'm not sure what they'll have me do. I don't have a note from my dr. yet (she can be slow to respond) so I hope I can get a note tomorrow. Her office is there at the hospital so at least she's right there. Anyway, this is life and I will deal with it. Not happy about it, but I will persevere. I always do. With some help from my magic pills. Modern medicine can be a blessing at times. Even though I prefer a holistic approach.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  06:18:30 AM  Show Profile
I am officially lurking on the 35 and under thread. I did this because I found out one of "them" had been lurking here. Take that you young wipper-snappers.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

77 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  07:50:29 AM  Show Profile
Checking in.

Our mother is being moved to an "end-of-life" facility today. I am scrambling to coordinate flights for myself, sister, her dh, my daughter, and newborn granddaughter. Our mother chose to live far from any of us, at least a 16 hour drive from me and the others who will be flying. Unfortunately also, this trip is more for the purpose of packing up her suite, putting her stuff in storage. Also to make some sort of peace with this woman who bore us, but beyond that, did very little in the way of nurturing. She was abusive and neglectful, vengeful and bitter; aging and illness made her even more so. (I should mention our mother is also a hoarder... and is adamant that her nine-foot wall unit and 1500 pairs of salt and pepper shakers WILL be going with her to the facility.)

My brother and sister don't want to see her AT ALL, just get in there, pack, do the paperwork, and get out. I'd like to do the same, but I will have to live with myself for the rest of my life, and the burden of regret can be very heavy. My daughter wants to say good-bye, possibly take some four generation pictures... Although, our mother has shown little to no interest in any of her greats, and each of her nine grands suffered some sort of abuse at her hands over the years. This is long and hideous story, and we all just want to be free and at peace.

So... trying to find flights for Saturday, accommodations. The cowboy has a sister about 40 minutes away from the care home and has offered to pick me up, taxi me around, offer a safe haven away from the drama that is our mother. I don't know how much I will take advantage of that, with my daughter and her baby in tow, but we'll see.

I had a long, long visit via telephone with my daughter last night. She is really struggling with her dad's death... we cried together... I was thinking all kinds of wild things about her silence since his death and Christmas... but she's just grief-stricken and she said I'm the only one she can talk to. She missed seeing my dad by hours when he died four years ago, missed her other grandmother's death, missed her dad's... She wants to say good-bye to AT LEAST someone who meant something to her (even negatively so), and we promised each other to focus on and remember the good times.

All three of my children are road-tripping to California in February for a memorial for their dad, with his family. My daughter asked me to go, too. I wouldn't road trip with them, but I would consider flying down, IF it's fine with his family that I'm there.

Being the "filling in a sandwich" generation is taking the stuffing out of me.

Keep cozy.


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Jan 14 2016 07:55:00 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  07:59:01 AM  Show Profile
Ann, maybe go to CA in February to be with your kids. You can skip his family get together if need be, but this is your loss, too. His family does not get to grant our deny you entrance to the state of California.

This is a time with a lot of end of life, search your soul make peace issues for you. Good luck. Get through to the other side. I think it is smart to try to do what will leave you with the least regrets.

Cindy I hope you are back to feeling yourself and that today goes well.

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  08:21:57 AM  Show Profile
Ann -- I think Mar's advice is spot on. It's YOUR grief and they're all YOUR feelings -- I finally learned that nobody else gets to dictate to me. Took me a long, long time, but it sure works better once you get to that point. It speaks well for the way you've raised your kids that your daughter wants to make the trip and work out her feelings.

Geez -- we are all in that same spot, it seems. Parents, end-of-life, loved ones -- all the heavyweight stuff that takes such a toll. This morning I was feeling so low! I am always very anxious the last couple of days before traveling, and I invent things to worry about. In my crazy head, Dude's cold was growing so SO large and even though I am pretty sure it's the one I had last week, I was quite certain that I was going to get sick while we're gone and yadda yadda yadda. Went out for my walk in the clear cold this morning and by the end of it I was feeling much better and more positive. Stopped at the drugstore and got him some heavy-duty decongestants to help him "live through the symptoms" (you know how men are when they have a cold!) -- he sounds some better, at least I think so. I had to remind myself that he's the one with the cold and even if I feel bad for him, he's the one who has to deal with it. And I guarantee you, once we get to St John, he will be out lying in the sun like a lizard on a rock and as happy as can be -- regardless of whatever head cold he's got!

Also -- a very good friend of our family is transitioning from this life to the next right now out west. She has battled several different cancers for several years and has come to that point where she just doesn't have any "battle" left. Her daughter was my daughter's maid-of-honor -- best friends since college -- just a lovely family. I sat up last night with an online Hebrew prayer book and prayed through several of them for her -- I figured if I spoke them in English, G** wouldn't be too upset. Then I prayed Christian prayers for her and her family and today I have been trying to see only light things and gentle things wherever I look. I would just like for her to make her passage if it is her time and for her family to be able to comfort one another. Dad is a rabbi and they are a family of faith with a strong support community. It is really tearing my daughter up, though, and that hurts as well.

So headcolds are nothing - pfffft. Cranky customers are nothing - pfffft. My mother's spiteful comments are nothing - pfffft. The sun is shining and my heart is full. BONUS -- All you sisters here in the iris garden.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  12:38:43 PM  Show Profile
Well -- will wonders never cease? (As my mother used to say) Mr Customer called this afternoon and apologized to me for being "snippy" on the phone the other day. As I was taught by a wonderful schoolteacher and mentor of mine, I did NOT say "Oh, that's okay." I told him that I accepted his apology and that I appreciated it. That makes exactly TWICE since I have worked here that customers have apologized to me. This guy is a high-strung nervous little person who got overly freaked out. The other time was a gentle giant of a big dumb lovable bear of a guy -- he was frustrated because I couldn't give him an immediate answer for his problem over the phone from 15 miles away. He came back in person and practically threw himself at my knees. He was easy to forgive and has never once acted that way since. I think this guy is just too high-strung for his own good. Sounds like me. ha ha ha ha

The Rasta Zombie woman, on the other hand, calls and swears at me regularly, has accused me of stealing her payment money, screams and swears and threatens to "take my job," accuses my mechanic of "doing something" to her car every time she brings it in, slams the phone down in my ear about twice a month, and threatens not to pay her bill -- has never said so much as "I'm sorry." But she's a different kind of nuts. Poor old thing is alone and scared and aging. She rents a room from two brothers who have a nice double-wide home on a very pretty country acre just outside of town. They have been trying to get rid of her for ages, but she keeps on paying her rent, so they can't evict her.

The sun is slanting its rays through the window onto my face and I could go to sleep right now! Do you think anyone would notice? So beautiful and sunny today -- very clear blue sky -- just colder than a well digger's belt buckle! I walked uptown to make a bank deposit after lunch. It is 20 minutes to 4:00 and I have 2.85 miles so far today on my pedometer. It's so much easier to get my miles in on workdays. At home I just wander around!

I don't want to jinx myself, but His Dudeness seems to be doing much better this afternoon. You know how you can look at your kids' eyes and see when they're sick? He thinks I am witchy woman because I can tell how he's feeling that way. I think he secretly likes to be fussed over, so I do the lips-to-the-forehead thing, too! He's so easy to please.

I need to make sure I can post from my iPad before I leave tomorrow. I had better send a quick e-mail to the techies -- I think there's something up with my password and I can't remember it.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  2:24:26 PM  Show Profile
I have my reservation confirmed... my daughter's at any moment. Sister and brother-in-law's flight coming together, everything synced.
Now, my son is driving down, 11 hours for him, leaving in the morning.

Marilyn, I thought it was only me that goes into a tailspin just prior to travelling. I am all excited until departure is imminent, then I have major anxiety and I want to stay home, no matter how wonderful I know the beach to be... Once we're on our way, it's all good. This is different, though; it's not going to feel better, really, because there's no beach where we're going.


My life on the ranch ...
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  4:55:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Hugs to you Cindy in getting by the anxiety from the MRI. I hope to never experience and MRI.

Mar have you heard anything from the doctors about the stress test. How long are they going to make you be on pins and needles? Have you spoken to MIL about dh's heart issues? He seems to have a big heart.

Ann hugs to you and strength to get through this trip. Taking care of yourself and all of the others will be more than a full time job. I am glad the Cowboys sister will be there to take care of you some.

I have never heard of "cold as a well digger's belt buckle" . it is very true, I was amused when I read it.

DsG had a basketball game tonight. His team won 14 to 12. He made three of the baskets. He smiled the whole game. They are 7,8 and 9 year olds.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Betty J.
True Blue Farmgirl

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Pasco WA
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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  6:23:34 PM  Show Profile
I don't like MRI's either. I have had several. The noise is what gets to me and also the confining space. However, I found that if I ask for a washcloth to put over my eyes it seems to go faster and is not so bad. Just a thought.

Betty in Pasco
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  07:15:13 AM  Show Profile
Oh Ann -- my sister in anxiety! I love to travel -- really do. Used to be a missionary and travel all over Central America and Mexico -- enjoyed it immensely. Then I got really sick on a trip back from Vienna back in about 1990 and it set off a chain reaction. The illness caused depression, caused anxiety, caused blah, blah, blah. I have been getting so much better (Did some intensive therapy for awhile which really helped), but having Dude so sick really turned my key this time. He laid in bed last night coughing and spluttering and breathing funny. My anxious mind starting imagining the worst possible outcomes -- we go down to St John and he gets sick and needs a hospital and I can't find one and he has a heart attack and dies and it is just too awful.... I hate my mind sometimes. I kept telling him he just needed to see his doctor to make sure there wasn't something worse than a cold working on him, and to get the appropriate meds to make him feel better. But of course, he is a big strong MAN and would have none of it. (I think that actually he was a scared little boy and was afraid the big mean doctor would tell him he couldn't go on his trip!) So I resorted to the written word, which usually helps when I need to express something to him. I left a note taped to the coffee maker asking him to PLEASE see someone because I didn't want his whole vacation to be ruined by being sick.

Took a couple of phone calls this morning, but he is on his way to the Urgent Care now, so I am feeling better about that. I had been doing really well anxiety-wise about this trip, because we did the same trip last year and there were not a lot of unknowns for me to "what if" to death! So now I am retracking my mind -- What if everything goes perfectly well and we have a wonderful time? What if he gets wonderful meds and feels lots better by tomorrow? That kind of thing. People who don't have anxiety issues just do NOT understand. (I have taken my suitcases off the curb at the airport and put them back into the trunk of the car more than once. Funny -- it has never been about the flying itself -- it's always the deadlines and being somewhere at a certain time and what if I have to go to the bathroom and they won't let me -- that kind of silliness that robs me of the joys of travel) I have my knitting bag in my backpack, so I ready to conquer whatever happens tomorrow. We are staying tonight at a park-n-fly nearer to the airport so we don't have to get up so horribly early.

So glad to see Betty in Pasco again!!! We miss you when we don't hear for a while.

Holly -- In Indiana, the guys used to say that it was as cold as a witch's t***y. I always thought that one was pretty descriptive, too. Of course, I try not repeat a lot of what I learned as a teenager in Indiana! ha ha ha

Our dear friend passed away after her long struggle with multiple cancers yesterday. Her husband is a rabbi and they are a family of very strong faith, with a great circle of support, but it still sucks big time and everyone is very sad. They will bury her today, as the Jewish do. She was so special to my daughter -- her daughter and mine met in college and were maids-of-honor and bridesmaids in their weddings, etc. My "little girl" is very very sad today.

I should probably try to get some loose ends tied up. We got packed last night. We never check bags, so packing can be tricky, but for St John it is all swimsuits and cotton coverups. We will leave our winter clothes in the car tonight. I really am excited for the trip and should be okay now that I'm getting Dude's health looked at.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  07:25:25 AM  Show Profile
Just got my password issue ironed out (with Brian's help) so I will be able to post from the islands. Just couldn't the thought of a week away from the sisterhood.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  08:51:43 AM  Show Profile
Okie-Dokie --- The diagnosis is pansinusitis and laryngitis. Z-Pak, Tessalon, and Zyrtec. I am much relieved. Thanks for letting me vent.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  09:40:13 AM  Show Profile
Oh, Marilyn, TRULY sisters, for I LOVE to travel, too. Norway, Israel, Mexico, the USA, and even these more domestic ones... I love airports, love everything. We usually take a winter vacation to somewhere warm, and I'm packed and raring to go weeks before.

But these "hours before departure"... arg.... Anxiety about forgetting something. Anxiety about leaving something ON. Anxiety about getting sick. Or crashes. Or bad weather. I've experienced all the above in my travels (well, except for a crash), had delays, plane trouble, missed flights, and I have survived just fine whenever it's happened... so I don't understand the high anxiety I get just thinking about something happening before I go.

I'm not as frazzled as I was last night. I'm packed. Doing some baking for the cowboy for when I'm gone, a rhubarb strawberry pie. I've prepped a nice supper. House is clean, laundry done. Just have a bit of ranch paperwork to do.

My son should be on his way, and typically a winter front has rushed in ahead of him, bringing snow and cold weather. Any pray-ers, please ask for his safety and for the idiots on the road driving 4x4's to slow down or get off the road.


My life on the ranch ...

Edited by - bramblerose on Jan 15 2016 09:42:46 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  10:43:19 AM  Show Profile
That's the trouble with anxiety -- we know that it is lying to us. We do survive just fine for the most part. For me, at least, knowing that it is all a lie has made it a LITTLE easier to deal with. Admitting what is going on, for one thing. I can finally say out loud that I am having anxiety or a panic attack -- for the longest time I was embarrassed to say anything. Now that I know that His Dudeness will be feeling better, I think I will be okay. We have a little hop from Baltimore to Philly (about 40 minutes) and then about 4 hours from Philly to St. Thomas. Once we are in St. Thomas, getting the Jeep and taking the ferry over to John -- that will all be "vacation," so it will be fine. I think once I get him into some sunshine and warmth, he will feel even better. Poor guy is so so sick! He is not, however, contagious, so I feel better about that, too. I went to the drugstore and got his prescriptions, brought them back, handed him the ones to take now and made notes for the ones to take later. I think he is finally glad that I badgered him into going to the clinic! I imagine that he will have a better night tonight and feel some better tomorrow already. That ought to help me as well.

I'm glad you are less frazzled. Sounds like you are keeping busy. Your life sounds so romantic to the rest of us, but it also sounds like HARD work! ha ha Cowboys notwithstanding.

I had saltines for lunch -- just couldn't think of anything else I felt like. We will have dinner at the hotel tonight and get to bed EARLY. Wake up should be around 4:00.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  10:59:45 AM  Show Profile
I guess the rest of us will have to step it up on here. With G, Marilyn and Ann will be quiet here!

Not much going on for me. I may have another small bookkeeping job soon. It is for a church.

My sister called in sick to work...again. I wonder how long she will have a job. She works for two places. JC penny's and coastal ranch. They will get tired of all the sick days soon. Then she will be home full time and no money. Not a good senario.

I'll be doing bookkeeping stuff today and sewing the rest of the weekend hopefully!

For all our travelers....have a wonderful time! We will miss you.


Farmgirl number 3738
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  1:55:54 PM  Show Profile
I also love to travel. I am anxious until I get to the airport at least 90 minutes early. After that, I just let it all happen. The worst experience I had on an airplane was when I went to visit my brother in California. It was just about 30 minutes before we were to land and I was feeling tired. I was looking forward to having lunch when I landed and decided to take a nap. I knew that the plane's landing would wake me up. When I did wake up, we were not moving. We were on the ground at another airport waiting for clearance to land at the airport we were supposed to. But, because my meal was late, I was having an insulin reaction and I thought we had some kind of accident and I was saying to the woman next to me, "It will all be okay. Please don't worry." After a bit, I realized what was really going on and I called the steward and asked for orange juice and crackers. That was scary.

Lowell is terribly anxious. He is so anxious that he gets some kinds of feelings like heart palpitations. We have gone to the emergency room many times and he has received a clean bill of health. He is in denial that the anxiety is a health problem. He has tried all kinds of medication and claims it doesn't work. Lowell is, of course, too smart for any therapist. He rejects their advice as platitude. He has just gone to see a doctor after opining that he has heart failure. They gave him a clean bill of health (again) but they are waiting on some more tests. For those who do not know, Lowell (DH) is a hypochondriac and cyber-chondriac and is always convinced he will die soon. He is hopeless.

I am enjoying a break at the game store with the staff and regulars right now. Everyone is excited about the pre-release of some new Magic cards. This place will be busy place tomorrow. I am playing my druid tonight. The group she is with is very non-functional and incompetent. Last time we met members of this non-human terrorist group who is advocating for more rights for non-humans. They wanted to kill me and the other human in our group. I was making myself as small as possible and not saying anything. The other human managed to insult them and they wanted to kill him. We got out of that but they came for at night during his watch and tried to take him away. During the fight, all four of the intruders were killed and our healer rendered mute. I slept through most of the fight. Tonight should be interesting.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  1:56:42 PM  Show Profile
Baltimore. All checked in and I already put our winter coats, etc., out in the car. Dude is napping, bless him. This is the quietest airport hotel I have ever encountered. We stay here often the night before a flight because it is so much cheaper to fly out of Baltimore than Philly and we can leave the car here and take their free shuttle to the airport.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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