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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  5:03:37 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I always worry that I will forget my tickets so I have to check every move I make.I have to make sure I have them. Just a little bit of paranoia on my part. So, when we travel together C carries the tickets. I just follow along having abdicated any and all responsibility. She thrives on being responsible.

I guess by now you are in the warmer climes, Marilyn. I hope you have some thing tasty for dinner.

I think subversive action is in order in your game Marie. Sneaking around might get someonelse killed and you could still be alive. I have no idea how these games really are played so take it for what it is worth.

I made pocket pies this morning. A friend sent over a half case of bananas sO I made a filling and put a few chocolate chips in each one. They are a big hit. They are a little labor intensive but I am going to try to make enough to freeze for snacks. I was originally going to make pizza dough and put the pizza fillings inside but the bananas arrived and took precedence.

Marie t think if you are a lurker you are not supposed to post just read. hahaha.

Bunny there is a half time bookkeeping job around here but I guess that is too far to commute. The position does not seem like a remote setting is possible.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 15 2016 :  9:58:08 PM  Show Profile
This girl druid is just keeping herself alive. She is letting the mistakes happen to someone else instead of her. I am smart enough to find a way to stay out of trouble. Our group will soon be passing through a desert. None of us has a clue what to expect. Should be interesting.

Oh, I don't post on the 35 and Under thread. I just told them that I would lurk because one of them was lurking here. Payback!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Jan 15 2016 9:59:40 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  07:35:30 AM  Show Profile
Holly, you and I travel alike. I always said I was "carry on" will I traveled with dh. Having me along on a business trip always resulted in his forgetting SOMEthing. Once it was his business cards...

Dh's doctor reviewed the cardiologists findings. Dh will have the next test as soon as we get an appointment. More waiting. Meanwhile- no exercising. Still don't like the fact that they have told him to cease exercising.

Bunny, hope you are having some creative time.

Marilyn, enjoy the weather now that you have made it there.

G, Hope it's smooth sailing!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  09:12:33 AM  Show Profile
I spent all day yesterday redoing the bookkeeping set up for the homeowners association. After some research online to work on another issue, I discovered I needed to do it a different way. So 7 hours in front of the computer entering over 200 lots and names again. And then entering their last payments. But I didn't charge them for that.mmy mistake. But nice to learn the right way to do it.
Holly, depending on what needs to be done, most bookkeeping can be done remotely. I only need bank statements and a copy of the check register. Of course someone else needs to pay bills and make deposits...and have the ability to scan the documents to email them to me.

Mar, I hope DH is going to be fine. Sometimes they stay on the side of caution to be safe. I hope that is in his case.

I think I'm in the same club as everyone else regarding travel. Especially on planes. My last trip was almost too much for me. Five hours in the plane and I was getting a bit panicky. I needed out!

Elon Musk has a whole new way to travel worked out. It is faster and you ride on air and magnets. I hope I live long enough to enjoy it.

Sewing today!! Yay. And I had two sales yesterday. I sold two of my lacy scarves. Very happy about that.

Enjoy your weekend.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  3:27:38 PM  Show Profile
Thank you, bunny. Congrats on the sales. Good for you for getting the account set up correctly.

Dh lowered his exercise level on the elliptical. In All the reading he has done about heart disease, he cannot find any expert who suggests he should completely stop. Rather people at the cardiology department told him to return to thirty minutes (he had recently increased to forty five minutes) and told him to NOT stop. So, he is making me nervous but keeping his heart rate down. He has done so much research on the subject. This is how he handles this type of situation. I am way overwhelmed with information at this point.

I made a load of burritos for dd and boyfriend. Lots of beans and rice for dh. Then I made laundry detergent. And got my salads ready for the next few days. Very mundane stuff.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  3:52:45 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I went and had my fasting blood drawn this morning. She only took out one tube. I told her the doctor was getting kind in her old age. I think she is in her late thirties. The tech was good. She got the pole on the first try.

It snowed small flakes most of the day. The roads are slippery but there is not much accumulation.

Bunny congrats on the sales. Glad you figured out the system before too many entries had gone in.

Mar I know so many people who have exercise equipment that they use for clothing racks. Dh is doing well by himself by using it. He is probably better off physically because he does exercise. I would bet if he did not he might be with his father instead of with you. Better to be informed than to be a medical imbecile.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  4:30:12 PM  Show Profile
Time to show off my labors for today. I think I did a pretty good job! And yes, I added links for all you lurkers out there!

My answer to the traditional wedding dress...

And something a little more subdued.

So glad to get that skirt done. Took three plus days to get it just right!

The jacket took two days and lots of little appliques all over. It was very fun to make.

Anyway, time to call it quits. I'm having a wonderful day!!! I don't even care if the sun is hiding!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 16 2016 :  4:32:51 PM  Show Profile
P.S.. I didn't make the flannel shirt! I think that came from Coastal Ranch Supply. I loved the pink so added.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 17 2016 :  4:28:00 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny I agree with you. You did a great job on these two outfits. I like the tailored look of the second especially. It would be a good suit to wear to an office. or a special night out.

Today was a gorgeous sunny day when I woke up this morning at a decadent 8 AM. Ida May was not happy to have her breakfast so late. She has hay in her stall so she is not starving but she does like her morning drink of milk. She lets me know that she is not happy be bellowing as soon as she hears me open the door.

Clouds came into the area a little after lunch time. I was busy making pocket pies. We made more banana chocolate ones and tried to make pepperoni pizza pocket pies. When the dough rose for the pizza ones it must have made the air vent holes close because more of them popped their seams than the banana ones that had regular pie dough. It did not diminish their taste at all. Now the boys can take them to school for snack.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 17 2016 :  4:58:52 PM  Show Profile
I totally adore the jacket and would definitely wear it. Absolutely lovely!

Today we have very cold below zero weather. I only went outside to let the dogs out. They don't stay out too long. The little guy gets cold feet and does his business quickly. The temperatures will be cold tomorrow and Tuesday then it will warm up to the teens and be above freezing by the end of the week. Very strange.

I have taken a bunch of pictures of projects the kids have done. Now I need to get them on a flash drive and over to Patricia so that she can print them and put them in the kids individual portfolios. There is no school tomorrow and Tuesday so they can prepare grades and assessments.

Other than that, I am staying in for the duration.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 17 2016 :  8:26:14 PM  Show Profile
It's very cold here as well, wind chills to -20 tonight. I have been holed up in my room all day, alternately crying and praying. A dear friend of mine has cancer. It totally breaks my heart. He is like the sun that comes up every morning to me...all I can do is cry and pray...

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  04:04:01 AM  Show Profile
Good morning, Ladies! We found St John pretty much as we had left it last January, but are staying on the more populated West End.

Where to begin.....

Got to Baltimore before dark on Friday evening. Poor Dude still very very sick, so I ordered room service, we ate dinner, conked out by 7:00 or so. At 11:30, Dude's phone rings us out of a deep sleep - recorded call from American Airlines telling us they had CANCELLED our hop from Baltimore to Philly and had "kindly" rebooked us for the next day, out of DC, flying up to NYC. What? What? So that's when we discovered that Dude's voice was back - he called AA and encouraged them quite vigorously to re-stow their alternative and we would just drive BACK over home to Philly and catch the Philly to St Thomas flight that we were already booked on.

So...we got quick showers, packed up and we're back on the road to Philadelphia. Took about an hour and a quarter in the middle of the night with no traffic. Got to Philly and got our new boarding passes. Spent several weary hours waiting for our flight. There were two or three other couples on the plane who'd had the same call from AA, but lived in Baltimore and didn't get the call until 3:30!!! Not sure how airlines feel they can do stuff like that. They told some people there were mechanical problems, but they told us at 11:30 the night before that there were "scheduling conflicts."

Whatever - we got to Charlotte Amalie, got the rental Jeep and drove across the island to catch the ferry over here to St John. Sunshine and warm and Dude's still pretty ill, but loving the sun (the lizard on the rock!). The property manager met us and we followed her up here to the condo. Did a little grocery shopping, grabbed a couple of sandwiches from a deli, came back here planning to watch our first sunset, but discovered ourselves passed OUT before 6:00!! We did each manage to open at least one eye to say "beautiful" before going out completely.

Dude is definitely getting better, but we won't be doing any parasailing or zip-lining, for sure. Yesterday we spent the morning at Hawksnest beach, then into town for a wonderful light lunch (seared Ahi tuna) and a couple of icy beers at the Beach Bar. Then back here for sunning by the pool. Today we will repeat, but at Cinnamon Bay - we plan to work our way around a beach a day.

The condo leaves several things to be desired. No laundry facility (which was a bald-faced lie, as you can see the w/d down in the open air basement, but it is padlocked away) and only 4 bath towels. Several things are broken - like the clothesline on the deck, but I made it work. We have been washing the kitchenware BEFORE we use it, because everything seems to have been put away dirty. But - and this is one big BUT - this is still paradise and most of the world would kill to be here. My Dude is on the mend, the beaches are white sand, and the view from the condo is pretty great - sunrises AND sunsets. I will try to post a shot looking back across to St Thomas.

So dear Goddesses - I am in paradise but thinking of all of you. Every time I see a cruise ship pulling into Charlotte Amalie, I wonder if G is on it. Enjoy your Monday.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Jan 18 2016 04:09:37 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  04:06:55 AM  Show Profile

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6872 Posts

Debbie L.
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  06:06:04 AM  Show Profile
Hi Gals~
I have been gone a very long time now. 1 year and four months so it will take me a while to catch up and get reacquainted with everyone.
How beautiful Marilyn, thank you for such a breathtaking photo, now that you are finally there enjoy and relax. Have fun!
It is cold here this morning as well in beautiful Colorado, but I am enjoying my morning coffee in front of the wood stove so life is good!
Bunny, I love the clothes you make and the embellishments you add to make them your own, just fabulous! I have been to your web site and
Have a few favorites, I will have to save my money!
Holly I bet your critter was a bit upset because you slept in, it felt good though didn't it? Sometimes we need it to restore body and soul. I am up every morning at 5 or 5;30, which I enjoy as I like watching the sun come up over Pikes Peak. But, maybe just once a week my Doxies would let me sleep in! I have 3 little mini doxies (Heidi, Bella and Holly), they like getting up early to go potty, eat then curl up in front of the wood stove and go to sleep! Umm!
Time for another cup of coffee.
Have a beautiful, awesome day gals.
Till next time.

Blessed in Colorado

"Dream as if you will live as if you will die today." James Dean

"The truth is everyone is going hurt you. You got to find the ones worth suffering for." Bob Marley

"Friendship is when people know all about you but love you anyway." in Colorado

Edited by - Blessed in Colorado on Jan 18 2016 06:08:40 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  06:33:55 AM  Show Profile
Hey Marilyn, nice view and nice descriptions. Where are the beach boys or at least the Dude lizard on a rock? Want to see! Want to see!

It is ccccccoooooolllllllldddddd here and the boiler hasn't fired up yet. Today's fashion: Layers.

Welcome back Debbie. Take your time with your update. We are patient here.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  07:59:30 AM  Show Profile
Holly, nice to hear you got a bit of a late start! I'm sure Ida May got her breakfast on time today.

Cindy, sorry to hear of your sorrow. I hope your prayers bring comfort.

Marie, I saw that you will be unbelievably cold today!

Marilyn, that's an adventure you're having. It does look gorgeous. Hope Dude's head clears so that he can fully enjoy the beauty you shared.

Just realized that it MLK day so we won't get dh's appointment made today. More waiting. The more research I do, the more worried I get. He had more symptoms than we realized.

Our Sunday visit with dnA was nice. A big championship game of Uno took up the greatest part of her time her since it rained the entire time. She was Grand Champion. And sang the whole way home.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  09:29:42 AM  Show Profile
Cindy, so sorry about your friend. Hugs...

Marie, I think I would do my business outside fast too with those temps. Way too cold for me! Stay warm!!!

Marilyn, sorry your condo isn't what it should be. But at least the rest of it is good. Hope the dude gets better soon. He sounds like a trouper at least.

Debbie, welcome back!!

Mar, hang in there. If nothing else, at least DH is finding out about this health issue before something drastic happens not after. Hope you get him into the proper doctor soon.

Not much going on here. Overcast and cold as usual. Heading down to the sewing room soon. Trying to decide what to do today. I have some reports I have to do for one of my bookkeeping positions. (The volunteer one of course.) I have been putting it off because I don't know how to do it and no one around to help. I just need to see last years and hopefully I'll get a clue.

Hopefully we will hear from G too.

Holly, glad you got to sleep in!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  11:45:21 AM  Show Profile
Bunny - do you use QuickBooks for your freelance jobs? I left my laptop with our IT guy to gut it so I can take some online classes - QuickBooks will be one of them. He said to let him know when I was done with the class and he could get me lots of work.

We ended up at Jumby Bay this morning. Dude hadn't been there before. The lunch at Skinny Legs - best burger on the east end. Back to the condo for some sun by the pool. Now I am relaxing in the A/C and Dude is lounging I the hammock on the deck. Another great relaxing day.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  1:56:55 PM  Show Profile
Dh and I had a walking date at the mall while MIL got her hair done. It was nice. Very uncrowded. Dh walked into the corners and I cut them, so he was always kind of chasing me. At the end I checked his heartrate. It was 108. Low enough that he was OK, not "strenuous" according to the rules. We did some grocery shopping on the way home and ran into our neighbor from across the street. She offered me more eggs. I declined. Told her dh was trying to lower his cholesterol.

I got a phone call from the pain doctor's office. The replacement doctor finally can accept insurance, including mine. I will see her tomorrow morning. I am glad to get that out of the way so that my schedule will be clear for a while... Getting my notes for her ready so that I don't forget anything. I hope she is young.

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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  1:59:14 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, just wave at all the cruise ships. That way you know you won't miss G. I hope you have the dishes all sanitized to just your spit and can just grab a glass when you want a drink! Enjoy that wonderful weather.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  4:32:10 PM  Show Profile
Have pulled myself back together--sort of. My shoulder is starting to hurt quite badly and I will see an orthopedic surgeon on Friday. Can't really do anything at work except train the person who is filling in for me--she's a temp.--the new guy still hasn't started. This whole scenario is weird. No one knows why he hasn't started yet. I hope he starts before I have the actual surgery--I need to train him and I can't if I'm off work.
Marilyn--PLEASE send some of that sunshine this way. It is COLD here!
Debbie--welcome back! I bet Colorado is so pretty now with all the snow.
Marie--I heard that it's so cold in Minnesota that even the natives are not used to it. If I see an Eskimo coming up my sidewalk, I'll know it's you!
Bunny--flannel and lace--looks like something I would wear if I ever get married (fat chance of that--I like my freedom).
Mar--hope you get some relief soon from worrying. And I hope dh is more well than you think. We always imagine the worst--women must be hard-wired that way.
I am more and more limited in the use of my right arm. Can't hardly stand to reach overhead. I can't even carry my purse with my right hand. Guess I need to jettison some of the junk in it--I think the pennies in my billfold must weigh about ten pounds. Just kidding. But it feels that way.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog at
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  4:49:44 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone.

Cindy I am sorry your dear friend is sick. Cancer is nasty. hugs to you.

OUr temperatures are in the twenties. Not too much wind. We received three or so inches of snow last night. I have seen snow men on people's lawns but the boys have not even tried here. I moved the piles of snow the town truck left with our tractor. C moved the piles by the mailbox. There was not too much but if we left it it could turn into a pile of ice and the mail truck would not get close enough to the box to slip the mail in. Then the mailman gets upset and leaves a pink slip in our box and we have to figure out a way to move the chunk of ice. Just easier to do it now.

Mar, I am glad dh is not traveling all around the country for business anymore. I am glad he is close to you so you can keep an eye on him. I bet you are a great UNO player and make the right choices so dnA can laugh and laugh. How are your spoons?

Marilyn glad you could make the connections to get on the original flight. What a pain in the a** to have to jump in the car but I am glad it was a viable option and your trip was not ruined. I forget that some islands are made by volcanoes. I had been thinking your were on a flat atoll. Thank you for the picture. How are the waves? Find any good shells? Do you eat conch?

Debbie, welcome back. This is the only board I type on because I do not have time to cruise all of the other boards. it is how I make this site manageable. Sometimes I look at the barters and the only swap I do now are the postcards. it is so easy to get caught up in the excitement and get overwhelmed. I am glad you found time to come back and join us.

So, C is a wealth of information from her telephone. Tonight she announced that a fart uses 64 calories and if you do 52 in a day you could lose a pound. What are we to do with information like that?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  5:13:23 PM  Show Profile
Had to share that last line of your post with dh, holly. It gave us a much needed belly laugh!!

Cindy, it sounds as though a few days off are much needed for you. And a lighter purse! I do hope you get the relief very soon.

We got further information regarding the first stress test that dh took last Monday. He tested positive for a blockage in the right bundle. The next test will give us the percentage blockage, I believe. So, no more hoping it's a false positive. His resting ekg was also considered abnormal by the cardiologist although his primary care physician had deemed it normal. Thank you for asking. I know this must be getting rather tedious to hear about, but I sure appreciate being able to unload.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  5:14:14 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I do use Quickbooks. I think it all depends on who you are doing books for, how you use it.
The concert association non-profit is easy. I just use the check register.
The homeowner association, I have to make invoices for each lot and then pay it when I get their checks. Then use the check register for the bills that they pay.
You can also do general ledger entries if needed.
There is still so much for me to learn. Each version is a little different.

Sounds like you are settling in nicely.

Spent the day reading in bed. I needed a shut down day doing nothing. I wanted to sew but no inspiration today.

Sister was sick again this morning and my mom got her a doctor appointment. She has a colitis like problem that seems to cause a lot of pain. It is hard to know how bad it is because she is such a drama queen.



Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jan 18 2016 :  8:39:52 PM  Show Profile
Holly--so if you want to lose weight, eat lots of beans, right? snicker, snicker

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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