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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 12:45:12 PM
Good evening everyone,
I have my annual in a couple of weeks. I think I am going to have to succumb to going to the shoulder doctor to find out what can be done about my hands and arms falling asleep while I sleep. Then I wake up. I was told in the past to sleep with my arms behind me and I try. But, since my hip started to pain me at night for no apparent reason it is harder to deal with both the arms and shoulders and sleep. So, we will see what the PCP has to offer. I have had a colonoscopy and thought it was a rather anticlimactic event from the build up. I do have the mammograms every year since I have cystic breast tissue. I do not have it in my genetic line either. Well, my paternal grandmother died from complications from its treatment when she was 94 so I am told it is not my concern. The doctor and I watch my kidney and liver numbers but they are well within normal ranges so far.
Why do we have bone density tests? Is there something to be done if the density is failing? Just wondering?
Enjoy the warm beach sand and ocean. I did not win Powerball last night so we will not be joining you.
It has been raining all day. The snow has compacted into a solid thin sheet of ice. I so wish we would have four or more feet of snow now, not in March.
Pizza for supper. The crust is rising.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 4:07:17 PM

This is the finished UFO. one down many too go.
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 10:43:57 PM
Holly, I love, love, love the rug. I like the subject, the layout, the colors, everything about it!
Bone density, or the lack thereof, can be treated. There is fosamax that many do not tolerate well. And a newer, once a month, medication that has all the side effects the older med had plus it is .considered a bit more difficult to take. You have to be upright for an hour or so after ingesting the medicine. I don't think I could tolerate either medicine, so I have opted not go know what my bone density is. I have also read reports that say if you have had any surgeries on your back, the test for bone density is unreliable.
Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 08:03:35 AM
Gorgeous rug, Holly!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 11:48:22 AM
As I understand it, bone density can be increased by regular, non-strenuous exercise.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 3:43:16 PM
Good evening everyone,
The rug is about 16" X 20". Someone I know has offered to frame it for me so it will go up on the wall. Maybe the next one I will make for the floor. But, after all of that work why do I want everyone to walk on it? It was a kit. The color choices were provided but the directions read. Roof red checked material. sky blues and pinks. sea, dark grays and greens. So I could choose the patterns of how each space would look. I think it came out very nice. Thank you for all your kind words.
I thought if you had bad bone density that it would reflect in your health insurance costs. It sounds like the remedy is not something I would like to be a rat for in the scientific experiment of finding out if it really works. I understand that non strenuous exercise can increase bone density as well. I try to eat enough foods with calcium in the hopes that it will go to my bones.
DsR is learning to tie his shoes. Yes, at 8 he is a little old but he never had an interest before or a need. Anyway, he is doing to two rabbit ears method. He comes to me yesterday and says is this how it is supposed to be? I said the knot should have loops coming out of it. He goes away and comes back with loops that he has created by taping the shoelaces into loops. The knot is still in place. He has figured it out now and wants to know if he can use the rabbit ear method of the rest of his life or does he need to learn the other way. I told him he could use the rabbit ear method and he was relieved. lol
It rained some of the night but by morning the temperature had dropped and it was snowing. We only had an inch or so accumulation but I was glad the ground was not bare.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 5:18:16 PM
Yep, weight bearing exercise makes your bones denser. And to take that a bit further, if you are carrying a few extra pounds, you are less likely to have porous bones. So, hey, for once the extra pounds works for health...not a reason to gain, but still, we have to celebrate what we can.
Dh's stress test did not go as planned, expected or hoped for. Eight minutes in abnormalities showed on three of the twelve leads. Further testing will be done. I am shaken up about it. He is,too. He is slender, exercises daily (aerobic - 45 minutes), hasn't eaten red meat in 17 years and the rest of his diet is very heart healthy. So, this is genetics.
On a brighter note, my test results came back negative. Good. But, the mail also brought a jury summons for dh. It's been a day!
Congrats to dsR. DnA just mastered that this summer...
Thanks for being here for me, friends. I'm gonna need you if this turns ugly. But, I shouldn't get ahead of myself...
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 6:54:32 PM
I love the rug, Holly!
I finished another baby quilt over the weekend. Tried my hand at free motion quilting. Turned out "not terrible," good enough, and fun enough to try again. This is a great thing for me, for although I have two nearby friends with long arm quilters, it's still a hassle to find time, especially for a homebody like me.
Today, I converted a tooled leather daytimer cover into a cover for my new little tablet, just by sewing elastic onto the corners, working/hiding the sewing thread into the lacing holes. The cowboy had it in his stuff. Turned out awesome, and an unused, beautiful leather item is now repurposed into something I needed.
Warmed up today to -8C.
Keep cozy.
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 8:10:46 PM
Hello friends,
Holly, I love the rug too. But mostly I want to know how good does it feel to actually finish one of your UFO's!! I found a quilting stand for hand quilting on our buy,sell,trade site here and it was $40. So I borrowed $10 from the B and went to get it only to do one quilt, which must be hand quilted because it was started by my grandmother. It was one of her UFO's.
Weight bearing exercise will build your bone density. Also vitiman D. As well as calcium. Holly I think as much work as you do, it should not be a problem for you for a long time. But being in an area with possibly not much sunshine, I'd start taking the vit D just to be safe.
Mar, I went on a trip to Italy with a group a few years ago and one of our group was a heart surgeon from California. He said heart surgery had come such a long way and was so safe now. I know that is an extreme and remote thing at this point Mar, and I know you are scared, but I still feel the need to encourage you. The waiting is the hard part. And not knowing. We are all here for you, and I've got lots of frequent flyer miles if you need a helping hand or a shoulder, just let me know and I'll be there. I can play dominoes with MIL and give you a break, if nothing else.
The story about little guy learning to tie his shoes is so sweet. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:43:39 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 8:25:32 PM
Ann, so when are you going to tell us your cowboy story? I get the impression you have not been together for a long time? Or maybe you have. These girls lived through my love stories, right through meeting and falling for the Brit, then finally understanding what they mean when they say " be careful what you wish for......" We've been living vicariously through Marilyn and her Dude lately, so I think it's your turn...... We especially like stories about "The Ex". I had not only an ex-wife but an Ex-SIL who was the real problem. Funny thing is my B has serious ADHD and he picks up NO clues, so the poor woman could stand on her head naked in front of him and he wouldn't notice. He looked at me like I had sprouted two heads when I told him she had a "thing" for him. He said he never noticed anything and the better I get to know him, the more I realize he's right. He never noticed. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 8:27:25 PM
One more thing--everybody got your lotto tickets? We each put in 10$ and agree to split our winnings. I'm counting the money now.
We pinned the tickets to our bulletin board so we won't lose them. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jan 11 2016 8:30:54 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 07:01:54 AM
I know plenty of grown men who still use the bunny ears method of shoe tying. I think it shows remarkable creativity to think of using tape to hold them still.
Holly -- I feel the same way about people walking all over a piece of hand-work. I have a big piece of rug canvas that I intend to make into a rug "someday." Maybe when everyone is gone and there will be nobody but me to walk on it in my sock feet. Ha.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 07:11:32 AM
We also like to hear the stories about the dumb thing DH did today. I provide a great many because Lowell is . . . well, he is Lowell.
Gee! They must know something I don't to ask me to have an HIV test. Maybe I should pay more attention to where I put certain things.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 10:26:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by doll58maker
Ann, so when are you going to tell us your cowboy story? I get the impression you have not been together for a long time? Or maybe you have. These girls lived through my love stories, right through meeting and falling for the Brit, then finally understanding what they mean when they say " be careful what you wish for......" We've been living vicariously through Marilyn and her Dude lately, so I think it's your turn...... We especially like stories about "The Ex".
Wow, this is very different from other forums I've belonged to, for talking about the husband, the "ex," if you are sinful enough to have one, and the new love interest were all highly discouraged. How refreshing to be "real" women with "real" men, with all our flaws and imperfections, as well as our strengths.
I was married to my ex for almost 31 years. I thought it was going to be perfect. He was a Christian. His family were all Christians, pillars in the church and community. We moved to Canada after six months of living in CA, USA. I am from here, he wasn't, but he claimed to love it here, and had more opportunities. I guess. I think. I don't know what's true anymore.
We had four children. DsA died at birth. DsS is 34, dsK is 31, and ddA is 26.
Xh had T1D since 1976, was considered disabled by 1990, and over the years, a multitude of issues arose, not the least of which was bi-polar, or as my doctor was more inclined to believe, Borderline Personality Disorder. Whatever it was, both doctors agreed it was likely he'd been born with it, had it at least 30 years, and there was little hope of recovery. To make a long story short, he tried to take my life twice, was arrested, passed a polygraph, apparently not unusual for BPD. He left me in June 2007, at a church music practice of all things, shouting accusations at me as he stomped out of the church.
Our children had all left home by then, two of them by running away. They didn't speak to me for a year. I knew they were in their dad's pocket, listening to his lies as they had for years. He was the "Disneyland Dad," never holding them accountable for schoolwork (we home-schooled for 22 years), nor did they have to help with chores. We lived on an acreage, with critters. Xh was "not allowed" to use tools, drive, climb ladders, etc. (This was before the mental issues came to the front.) With three children offered movies and playtime instead of school and chores, I pretty much burned out.
We tried counselling, but he was the wonderful, gifted, talented, handsome, spiritual one of us. He would collapse in tears, praying, surrendering, begging forgiveness, but by the time we were walking to the car, he was calling me a F****** B****. No ONE ever saw that side of him. He wouldn't do the homework from the counselling sessions... I could go on and on. It was hell.
So, I spent a year alone. In a house ten miles from town that was wood-heat only, water in a cistern that needed to be trucked in, no money, no job, no children, no family nearby. A few faithful friends kept me fed and warm, but still... there were many days the temperature in the house was 34 F in the morning and I'd be happy if I warmed it up to 50 F. I budgeted $6 a week for food, mostly day-old stuff, overripe fruit. At 50 years old, I had no marketable skills. I'd spent my whole adulthood being a mom, homeschooling, and belonging to a church that looked down on women with jobs.
I did housecleaning. (Now, there's a story or two!) I tutored. (All that homeschooling from K - 12 came in handy.) And I finally got a job in June 2008 at the local newspaper.
My second assignment was to cover a rodeo in a town 40 miles away. I was still in panic mode... never wanting to leave the house... and then never wanting to come home for fear of what I'd find. Or not find. The publisher assured me there was a gas allowance and a press pass. Just go. They needed a two-page spread.
You can see where this is going, right? About halfway through the afternoon, during the Pee Wee Barrel Racing, I heard a voice behind me say, "Are you working?" I turned and looked into the bluest eyes, under a black cowboy hat.
"Why, yes," I said.
In my mind I said, "There you are."
By the end of the afternoon, I had plenty of bareback, saddle bronc, and team-roping pictures, and very few of the barrel racing and bull riding. But I also had an invite to dinner. I was covered in dust, cow snot, and sweat. We talked for three hours at the little local diner, drank our way through several pots of tea.
Eleven days later, we went out again. A month later, we went camping at another rodeo two hours away. Several more dates, then four days here at the ranch for Christmas. January 2009, we went to Mexico. February 2009, I moved in. Here we are in 2016, and it gets better every day.
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Jan 12 2016 10:37:29 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 10:47:06 AM
Ann -- Cow snot will do it every time! What a wonderful next page you are writing to your story. I can see why there are unresolved issues surrounding the x's passing, but you are ROCKING your life, Lady! You are so so welcome here.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:27:50 AM
So now we do solemnly swear you in as an official goddess of the iris. Welcome to your new home.
We are over 50 and we do what we want. We even talk about our moms sometimes.
I love our stories. We tolerate everything except intolerance.
Gosh I love happy endings and new adventures.
My sonagram showed the lump to be a benign cyst.
Mar, how ya doin' today? Is DH as worried as you are? I bet not.
I'm going for a nap now. I spent last night worrying for nothing. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:30:09 AM
GGGGG!!!!!! (That's how happy I am about your benign cyst) Why oh why do we worry ourselves sick over being sick, only to find out we're not sick? Because we are the glorious creatures that we are, I guess. Anyway -- so so so glad!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:31:33 AM
I just wanted to add that my Brit cried when I got home and told him I was fine. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:32:30 AM
Thanks, M. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:50:04 AM
Tummy is MAD at me today. Couple of reasons, I think. For one, I made a yummy southwest beef and vegetable soup for dinner last night. Lots of tomatoes, spices, black beans and corn. So there's that! Also, I have finally put in motion the complete separation of my finances from the ex, and I have made myself half sick and ALL nervous about it for a couple of weeks. I have been speaking to my financial advisor and my attorney here locally, and they both tell me that I need to get cashed out of our one last piece of jointly-held business property. It's in an LLC holding our old office building and the flower shop next door. Attorney made some very good points. For one -- I do NOT need to have that big chunk of my financial picture a continent away (which I had considered) and also, if ex defaults somehow on his part of the payments, the LLC swoops it all up and I end up with bupkis (which I had NOT considered). So I sent a formal letter to the ex, requiring him to completely remove my name from the credit accounts he received in our separation agreement within three months, AND to cash me out of the LLC. Our agreement is quite specific about how this is to be accomplished and I cited "chapter and verse" to him. I got a call yesterday saying he had received the letter. He said it would be "hard" to cash me out and to call him. I did not call - I texted him back and told him that if he didn't think he could do it, then I would offer my share to the other partners. Ha! I think that lit a fire under him.
There's actually no wiggle room in the agreement for him to do anything but cash me out, and I am past caring how he makes it happen. I had always thought that I should just leave it be, and then eventually when the property was sold, I would receive my % of the proceeds -- you know, you let real estate sit, assuming it will just become more valuable. My attorney pointed out that I could take the cash now, invest it here LOCALLY or put it in an investment vehicle of some sort and still leave it to appreciate. Made good sense and I just want it all to be separate at last.
I know all too well just what an awful businessman the ex is, and I do NOT like having to leave my financial well-being in his buttery fingers.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 11:58:42 AM
What a romantic story Ann. <sigh> I am so happy for you. Congratulations on finding a good man.
I remember how it was when the anomalous tissue on my uterus. Gypsy is correct when she says that the waiting is the worst. However, even worse than that are the constant questions from Lowell which I cannot answer. He is very self-absorbed so instead of helping me with my fear, he wanted to know the specifics on percentages and how they came up with them. I finally inflicted him on one of the doctors and he was satisfied. I had to take care of myself. I really didn't have anyone to speak with face to face about how I felt. I broke down a couple times but I didn't cry until right before I was taken into surgery. I am so glad I had this place to chronicle my fear.
It is cold here at +2 degrees. The dogs just go out, get their business done and come back in. At least there is no wind. A blast of cold air just drains the energy out of a person. It always seems the wind is coming from the direction I have to look for the bus.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 3:50:55 PM
First...GG so got your news was good news!! Hate the stress waiting.
Second...Ann, seriously loved your story and so happy you found your cowboy!
Mar, sending good thoughts your way that everything will be ok. Big virtual hug!!
Marie, sorry Lowell makes everything so much more stressful. Hugs to you too.
It's cold today. 33 degrees. I worked until 2:30pm and was in so much pain I had to come home. I think it is the weather that is making my Fibro worse. I was on my feet all day at work doing inventory. My boss said tomorrow she will work on inventory and I can sew. She gets it. I'm so lucky to have a boss that pays attention.
My oldest is on his way to Florida tomorrow to learn how to use his new diving rebreather. I'm happy he gets to do something fun. He is a bit of a workaholic. He has been working extra jobs to pay for everything.
Ann you are so lucky to have found a good man. Most of the men that cross my path either want someone to take care of them or make money a big deal. In other wards, you got yours and I got mine and never the twain shall meet. If you have none like me, they aren't interested. I'm also too old and too fat. It isn't on my agenda for now. I figure if it is meant to be, he will show up.
Marilyn, good for you getting all the financials straighten out.
Later goddess sisters!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 4:12:59 PM
Thanks G. I'm so happy to celebrate your good news with you. And how lovely to have your importance so eloquently shown by years of relief from dh.
Bunny, I hope you get restorative rest tonight. Thanks for the much needed hug. I am totally wigged out. Dh's dad died at the age of 52. Dh found him when he got home from school. Ann apparent "event" while trying to get out of bed. It was the only day dh remembers his father missing work. He just didn't feel good... Sounds like heart to me... So, the genetics seem to have passed to dh. The thing that freaked me out the most was the technician told dh to scale his exercise back. When do they EVER tell you to exercise LESS? I'm not done with this man of mine and he has a strong will to live...We've lived thru a prostate cancer scare thirteen years ago. From the beginning, this scared me more. Deep down. For no reason. Just an uncomfortable feeling.
Ann, I'm glad you have gotten to write your real love story.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 12 2016 : 5:38:46 PM
Mar, when will they do the additional testing? |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |