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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 08:02:42 AM
So ... Evidently the coloring book was introduced in the 1880s as part of the movement to introduce art into the average child's education as a means of expanding his mind and applying artwork as a tool for all the other avenues of learning. The McLoughlin Brothers collaborated with Kate Greenaway, a popular children's poetess, to produce The Little Folks' Painting Book. McLoughlins continued to publish their books until Milton-Bradley bought them out in the 1920s. In around 1902, Buster Brown, among others, began to have line-books printed as advertising tools for their wares. In the beginning, the books were made for use with paints. Even after the increased availability of wax crayons -- introduced to the mass market by Binney and Smith in around 1902 -- most books were still published with the idea of use with paints.
Interestingly -- the word "crayon" has been around since at least the mid-1600s. It is a combination of "chalk" and "oil" to differentiate it from the pastels which are chalk and charcoal or other binders. Crayons were initially used mainly by artists and have been mentioned in literature back as early as 1813, in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." When Binney and Smith began to make them for mass production, they became the province of kindergarteners everywhere -- and aren't we glad?
Don't ever ask me to research something, by the way. ha ha ha ha ha
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Jan 06 2016 08:05:43 AM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 08:24:07 AM
Well, Cindy, Sunny finds Amazon to be very handy. In fact, he has an Amazon prime account so that he can save on shipping. He's very savvy that way. ;-)
Marilyn, I realized that your time in Costa Rica was along the time of your life that you were a left coaster. And now you are vacationing at a destination that is right coast convenient. Now, I can keep that straight. My daughter rides all disciplines. Doesn't really like the horse people involved in any of them...detest rodeos and racing. Likes bareback the best. It's been years since I've been on the back of a horse. It never was a wise past time for someone with a bunch of pounds and rod in their this point i would be certifiable if I continued. But, I do enjoy their company and their antics. And their smell. Holly, ...the weather....all we can do is talk about it!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 09:41:34 AM
Thank you, Marilyn, for the interesting read. I love learning about the "history of things." I haven't jumped on the adult colouring bandwagon yet, although I do LOVE crayons. I didn't care for colouring as a child, really, though I do like to paint with oils and I mess with that once in a while.
I am having a not-so-good day in this journey through grief, mostly to do with his family. They never really accepted me, even through 31 years of being married to their Golden Boy. He told multitudes of lies about me, and they would gang up to rebuke me. I never knew how to defend myself; they were too big, too many, and too righteous.
On the home front. I defrosted the deep freeze today, in anticipation of getting 1/2 elk. A friend got one here on the ranch about 10 days ago, and we helped get it out of the bush for him.
I knitted one of those frilly scarves yesterday, to start on my 2016 Christmas stash. It'll be for my daughter-in-law.
Speaking of horses and riding. I had a horse accident about 4.5 years ago. Got bucked off/jumped off and received a concussion, bruising, and tore the long muscle in my left leg. Still have problems with that. I haven't gotten on a horse since, though I'd consider it, if I could have a few "old lady" lessons on a dead-broke, bomb-proof kid's horse first, just to build my confidence. I have anxiety about even that, but it would go a long way to helping me get back to riding, which I do love. I grew up on horses, broke my own gelding as a teen. But getting bucked off at 57 is not the same as getting bucked off at 16. The ground is a whole lot harder and further away.
It's holding at -20C and no snow in the forecast. We need to get some snow soon, if we're going to have any moisture in the ground.
Keep warm and cozy.
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Jan 06 2016 09:46:22 AM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 11:08:36 AM
Horses are nothing to fiddle with, for sure. I am not sure that I would be up to riding again. I rode as a kid whenever somebody had a horse -- usually bareback and charging through the woods like idiots, trying to knock one another off. (Smart) I took it up seriously to try to learn to do it correctly as a "senior" girl with 5 grandkids and finally enough money and time to spend. It was good for me physically and mentally to learn some new skills and I really loved it, but I don't think I will ride again. I am with Marianne - not a smart move for me. And I am glad to know that someone else loves the smell!!! My friend had a red quarter horse mare named Foxy and she smelled of cinnamon and cloves to me -- I just loved hanging out with her! Then I got my old gelding, Image, and he had a completely different smell. Dude thinks I am nutty to like the smell of any horse -- his daughters and ex rode competitively and they all smell like $$$ to him! ha ha
Back from Rotary -- our first meeting after being off for a couple of weeks for the holidays. Just a great group of people to be with. We are starting to make plans for our upcoming year -- so many fun things in the works, and as our Club grows, we are able to do more things in the community. Exciting times for us.
It is sunny and gorgeous this afternoon -- warming up to the high 30s or maybe even 40, so it feels great.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 11:30:44 AM
A quick hello to all of you--we are on our way to the country house for a few days--my car inspection is due, my physical is due, dogs vets due--january is a busy month |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:45:23 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 1:45:01 PM
Well, nothing smells like a crayon! Or how about Play Doh, while I am in my childish memories mode! I am going to try my first one with gel pens -- talking picture in my book. I do have felt tip pens. No good pencils, although I did get dd a set of Faber-Castel pencils for Christmas. A great product in my humble opinion. I think the brush tip pens look interesting...
We made a trip to the farm store. Took Cheech with us. She was overwhelmed by the smells, but was able to focus long enough to take a treat from the cashier. Now she is asleep in front of her heater.
dh gets another tooth pulled tomorrow. He is very discouraged in how his teeth are giving up the fight. . .
Later this month he will turn 60. He isn't looking forward to that! And he is having a stress test EKG on Monday. The way this man exercises on the elliptical, he will have no problems. It is for a baseline level, not due to any events or fears.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 3:24:50 PM
I love the smell of horses--like hay and sweat and sweetness. I also love the smell of tack. When I collected model horses as a kid, I got most of them at a store called The Tack Shack. I loved, loved the way that store smelled. Even the models had a smell to them when they were new--it kind of reminded me of the way magic markers smell. I have some regular colored pencils, some watercolor pencils and some oil pastels that are difficult to work with. I used to love drawing with charcoal pencils as a kid and now they have the colored charcoal--guess I'll get them next. It's great when public transportation works the way it's supposed to. I've taken the bus to work when my car had to be worked on. the buses here are very dependable and run on time. I also use the Metro-Link (light rail) when I go to St. Louis during the day. But I drive at night. I don't trust the city after dark. Ann, I am sorry your ex's family never accepted you. That would hurt when people who are supposed to be "family" treat you that way. If either of my SIL's ever left my brothers I would still accept them. What I can't accept is people who pretend to love you and care about you, and you really believe them, and then you find out they've been plotting against you the whole time you thought they cared. That's why I love animals. And yes, I greet horses by blowing into their nostrils. I also sing to them. Horses like to be sung to. Dogs as well. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 4:14:27 PM
Good evening everyone,
I never met C's mother or father for that matter. I am a phase as far as they are concerned. C's mother died 4 or 5 years ago now. She controlled all of the other relatives invitations to C as well. When she died we were included in her obituary as C's family. I was not happy. Why should she have us recognized in her death if we were never recognized in her life. C and I were together more than 20 years when she died. It is telling that C says, "I have had the best relationship with my mother for the last 4 years since she has died. " Well, she uses better grammar than that. Her father talks to her now more openly than he ever did when his wife was alive but he has not recognition of her family. I am glad we do not live closer and do not have to do the familial get together dances. As with you Ann is it frustrating and hurtful that we are not liked for any reason that we are responsible for.
We had agreed that ddK might get a horse when she was 9. I went away one weekend when she was 8 and not only did C buy her a horse she bought her a pregnant horse. The woman who helped her buy the horse said the worse thing would be if she had twins because one or more of the three always dies. I was told I could ride her until the day she birthed. I got on her March and she stood and looked pained so I unsaddled her and she became a welfare animal. She looked like she had a 55 gallon barrel sideways in her stomach. She birthed twins on July 7. All three of them survived. The male was the size of a Brittany Spaniel and the female was the size of a Plott Hound. Each could stand under their mother's belly they were so small and she was only 14 hands. The mare was a dapple gray Morgan Arabian and the sire was a Pinto. The twins came out chestnut with some white markings. Each year as they shed their color changed and now they are both a dapple gray. They are living in MA at a stable that has all Morgan Arabians. Some one there is teaching them to drive. They must be spectacular because they would move together. All of this to say I loved watching them run through the snow.
The temperature rose to 30 F today. The sky was bright and cheery most of the day. A gorgeous winter day.
I do not really like to color. I like to make things more.
A friend of ours posted on his facebook page that he and his wife were in their bedroom and heard some thing fall in the kitchen. He yelled at the cat to stop messing around. A little bit later they heard something fall repeatedly in their unheated mud room. POP POP POP. He went out to see what damage the cat had done to find that all of the cans in the case of his iced tea had frozen and exploded. He admitted that he reluctantly apologized to the cat.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 06:13:09 AM
Wow! Popping iced tea cans means C-O-L-D! When I was a child bride and we lived in Indianapolis, we used to put our soda bottles out on the deck to quick chill if people were coming over. We forgot them a couple of times and ended up with a mess. Dude likes his white wine really really cold, so he is forever putting a bottle into the freezer to chill. I have rescued a bottle with a pushed up cork more than once. The power of nature is amazing.
Speaking of Dude -- I love him to pieces, but sometimes he just won't believe that I know what I am talking about. One of the bank accounts he uses for the business is a checking account that is solely for use with his debit card. He set it up when the girls were still away at school so they could each have a card to use for gasoline and incidentals. Now that they are both done, he just uses it for the business. When I came to work here, I set it up through our bookkeeping system just as if it were another checking account, so I can keep it up to date and balanced. Well, it closes on the 23rd of the month, since it was originally a "personal" checking account, so I always know I will get the statement before the end of the month. I knew it would be somewhat later for December with the holiday and all, but it still hasn't come. The operating account statement came yesterday (closes on the 31st) so I know that the other statement got lost somewhere. I told him that he would need to call the bank and find out where the missing statement was. He said "You go ahead and do it -- I will be running errands all morning." I said that the bank would not speak to me about it, because I am not named on the account. "You are the bookkeeper - of course they'll talk to you -- it's just the bank uptown." I repeated that they would NOT give me any information, but of course I don't know anything ---it's that pesky vag*** -- it makes me stooopud, I guess. Anyway, I called the bank and they wouldn't tell me anything. Sigh.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 11:00:08 AM
Oh I know that so so so well. Lowell has the same idea about financial information. Even though I take care of ALL of the financial stuff, the bank does not know that. I constantly have to have him tell them they can speak with me about it because I know WTF I am talking about. He gets really nasty to collectors because he doesn't understand they have a job to do. I am constantly running interference with them. I tell them that when they call, they should not talk to him because he WILL make them cry. They are happy to talk to me once we get all the credentials straightened out.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 11:08:45 AM
A 20+ year phase. Sure.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 5:10:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
If I ever sign my work checks for deposit that bank will not recognize my signature. C has dealt with the bank business for years. I guess I should be glad that they are automatically deposited now. I remember as a child that my mother got sick and my father had to do his own checking and the bank would not believe that his signature was his signature because my mother had always signed his name on all of the business accounts.
Aaaahhhh the Dude has not had his sense of business move from the art of the handshake to modern times yet. Maybe he will soon realize you need to be on the accounts. I wonder if the EX is on any of the accounts still. I surely hope not;
We had a good amount of sunshine today. It was such and uplifting feeling. Today is my mostly child free day so I had some peace and quiet and could do tasks that I wanted to do when I wanted to do them. So relaxing a day. I did get over to the greenhouse to put some felt in between some of the timbers to keep out the breezes. The outside temperature rose to 30 F. It looked and felt warmer than that.
Sweet dreams ,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 5:16:44 PM
I got a bill from a medical lab for my daughter. She was about sixteen at the time. She hadn't had any lab tests that I knew of, so I called to find out what the charge was for...You guessed it. They HIPPAed me. I said, "I'm liable for the bill." Why would I pay this? My daughter was sitting next to me listening and I knew I could have her waive her right to my not knowing what the test was, but I was wondering what my rights really were. HIPPA hadn't been around that long at this point. The person on the other end of the phone finally told me it was for DNA testing. I looked at my daughter. Dd said, "Who's my daddy?" Which started me giggling...we did get it sorted out. Dd had had no lab testing done. We had no bills to pay.
Mar |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 5:21:08 PM
Holly, I bet those matched horses were gorgeous in the snow. We have a thoroughbred farm near us. There are four yearlings at the farm. When we had a warm day last week, they were rearing and bucking. I always look for the babies when we pass. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2016 : 5:27:48 PM
Holly, I liked how you phrased the frustration of not being liked for any reason that we are responsible for. So sorry to hear of how poorly your family has been treated. With holding validation of your relationship and the family you have together is petty.
Cindy, the smell of it the leather or the conditioner, or combination of both plus horse?!
Ann, I hope today is a better day for you.
Marie, glad you got to reconnect with the kids.
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2016 : 10:29:54 AM
Holly, thank you for the beautiful card! I have never heard of asparagus berries.
And thank you for the wise statement about not being liked for something we're not responsible for.
I did have a better day yesterday. The cowboy had a meeting in town, and I spent the afternoon at the mall. I seldom get to do that. Bought a pair of jeans, a top, sweater, and scarf. Also, a tablet, since my Kobo e-reader died, and they don't make that particular model anymore. I liked having the functionality of a tablet, so I got a little Samsung. So far, so good.
The cowboy and the other cowboys have gone to another ranch about an hour north to work some cattle. I have a whole day to myself, but will probably squander it playing with my new tablet. I have a baby quilt to finish... ranch paperwork to do... should bake cookies... but...
Still frosty and -15C.
Keep cozy.
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Jan 08 2016 10:30:42 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2016 : 2:33:56 PM
I also got your card, Holly. It had been in the box awhile. I am going to find a little frame for the photo, Holly. It's too pretty to put away. This year I am going to do better with snail mail.
We had beautiful weather yesterday, today has been ok, but now the wind is getting up and the front is on the way. Hard freeze tomorrow night.
I love my iPad too much. Spend way too much time on it. I'd be lost without it. Ann, hope you are doing better, sounds like you are. A little shopping is the best therapy I always say. That and getting my hair done always pulls me out of the doldrums.
Mar, I think it's a good thing your DD got your sense of humor. Mine did too and it's the most fun, isn't it. She just nails it every time.
The horses sound beautiful but I didn't get how they became someone else's horses. I read through the posts pretty fast today so I need to go back and read that again.
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2016 : 4:36:08 PM
Good evening everyone,
Asparagus berries are the seeds of the asparagus plant. We think of growing asparagus from the roots but if you have male and a female plant then the female gets berries on it eventually. I think they are pretty as well.
We had these horses and were totally incompetent and ignorant in their training. We eventually traded them to a man who had two daughters and now has three who wanted horses for his daughters. Over time they realized that they were too expensive for them to keep so they found a woman who wanted them and was skilled enough to train them. So, now they live with her. The only qualifier we asked was that they stay together since they had been together all of their lives up till then. The male would only allow the farrier to trim his hooves if his sister or mother were with him so it is better that they remain close.
Today was a lovely day here as well. Temperatures got in the high thirties but the snow did not disappear. The stars were beautiful last night and this morning as well. I am appreciating the lengthening days.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2016 : 4:09:22 PM
Good evening everyone,
Today was overcast all day long. Temperatures were in the thirties.
Not much is happening. I have almost finished the rug hooking project that has been in the works for more than 8 years. I went to the rug hooking store today to buy a little bit of dark blue. The attendant was working on a rug that someone had sent to the store to be finished. A woman found it when she was cleaning out her mother's house and wanted to have it finished. The attendant said that they do many projects for people like that. She asked if I wanted to look at any books or magazines. I told her I was trying to be strong and finish my UFO's before I stated another project. She said she had many projects to finish at her house as well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2016 : 4:27:23 PM
Good news! My mom put down a deposit on a villa at an assisted living facility. They'll have privacy, a housekeeper comes in and cleans every two weeks and there are lots of activities to keep them busy. Now to put the house up for sale--my SIL's nephew is married to the daughter of a girl I went to school with, and her daughter married the nephew. the daughter's cousin sells houses in this area and can handle all the details. And my SIL brought a walker and a cane for my mom to use that had belonged to her deceased BIL. This is such a relief. More later... Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 09:31:28 AM
Good morning everyone. I have been busy so haven't had much to talk about. The concert association I'm treasurer for had a big event the other night. I spent yesterday counting all the money and doing the bookworm. Friday I collected all the dues from the home owners association I'm doing the books for. Lots of work. I don't get to do any sewing this weekend. I don't like it. I feel like I'm being robbed. Next weekend should be better.
Cindy, sounds like your parents will be much happier and safer in their new home.
Holly, I think anyone that has a creative spirit has many UFO's sitting around. I have many myself. I also gave a bunch to my half sister when she moved away hoping she could finish them and maybe sell them. I'm sure they are all still in the boxes I put them in. She has some major mental issues.
Not much else going on. The weather has warmed up to the high 30's. The snow is all gone and it is just overcast everyday. I'm actually ok with that. The sun brings very low temps at night.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 10:15:37 AM
I know, Bunny, I've been watching this stupid autocorrect change my words even when I type them correctly. I have to go back and read every word to see what has been changed. Crazy. I think there is a button somewhere that I can turn that feature off and I need to find it
I don't seem to have any news either. Cindy I can hear the relief over your mom's decision. I'm so glad for you. My mom is not happy but she is still in her right mind and can make her own decisions so there is really nothing I can do. I hope not to do that to my children but I probably will.
It is cold here and I'm trying to think of summer clothes for the upcoming trip. So much to do in just a few days. I got my annual peek and poke and mammogram done, still have to do eye exam and bone density test and go for a colonoscopy. Yuk. That will all have to wait til February.
Finally after a year I've figured out what I want for curtains in the new house. Ready to finish this place up and call it done. Everything else will stay with the farm house and hopefully sell with it. This is a time when I feel reluctant to let my land go but I know it is the right thing to do. There is a growing demand for these small acreage farms. Farming is in my DNA so it will be hard to drive away that one last time.
Everyone stay safe and warm. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 10:54:56 AM
Cindy, I'm happy to hear of the plans. They will take some stress off of you. Hope the job changes get kicked into high gear.
Bunny, I get in a bad mood when I have to put my sewing machine "away." I can imagine how much worse it must be for you to be robbed of your outlet time.
G, you are gonna have to look elsewhere for sympathy about having to search for your summer clothes!! I hope you have a lovely time and maybe find a couple that you enjoy spending time with. That is such a difficult thing to find, four people married to one another with similar interests and no personality issues.
Ann, hope you are staying warm and remembering to empty your bladder often during those long outside days. I sure don't blame you for making as few trips as possible, but boy did you pay the price.
Holly, how are you coming with plugging the breezes with felt?
G, it took me an entire year to order window coverings, too.
Tomorrow,dh has his stress test at the VA in Portland. Naturally, he made it at 8am so he will be in commuting traffic. Maybe that's the stress part.
I have four rounds left to finish dh's cap. He wants it for tomorrow. So, now I have to find like eight minutes to finish it!! ;-)
I've never had a colonoscopy. I've been doing the fecal blood exams yearly though. I understand this is a good indicator of the need for a colonoscopy. So far, so good. Waiting for results this week. I do think an eye exam will be necessary soon. It seems my reading glasses have gotten weaker. My teeth will be cleaned in three weeks...that should bring things up to date.
Just trying to guilt everyone else into any medical tests they know they should do, but...
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 12:01:29 PM
The temperature today is -3 and clear. Nice, brisk weather. Now this is more normal. I can remember how the snow used to freeze solid and we could walk on it. We used to cut it into slabs to make our snow forts.
I am pretty well taken care of by the doctors. I have a program called My Chart on which I can look up all my records and reminders. I can see now that I am due for HIV screening, a tetanus shot (which insurance will not pay for) and a mammogram. I do not get mammograms. I had one and got a false positive which freaked out my family. I wasn't freaked, just concerned. I have no relatives who have had it so I believe that the test is not necessary for me. I have to get my teeth fixed. I have two broken molars. I think those teeth are dead because they do not hurt.
The band is rehearsing "You Didn't Have to Be So Nice" by The Lovin' Spoonfulls right now.
I am in the bedroom with tea, chocolate, radio, animals, lap top and all my UFOs. It will be a good day.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
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