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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 01 2016 : 08:59:37 AM
Get up, you sleepyheads, it's 2016! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2016 : 09:13:21 AM
Good morning everyone! <she yells as she bangs on a tambourine and dances into the room>
How was everyone's New Year's Eve? Lowell had been on my case about the usual stuff and was just brushing him off. He went to bed and begged me to come join him. Even my little dog Morgan came out to ask me to bed. I brushed them all off until midnight. I could here the fireworks from downtown so I closed up my computer, went to the bedroom, undressed, got into bed, wished Lowell happy New Year and then spent the next 5 minutes waiting for him to get comfortable so that I could sleep. I had my little dog Morgan under the covers in front of me and Bob the Kat at my head on the pillow and Lowell spooning me and wrapping his arms around me. This was a great way to begin the new year.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jan 01 2016 09:15:00 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2016 : 09:38:34 AM
Happy new year everyone! It wasn't much of a party here. Just hung out in my room and read until 9:30 and then went to bed.
The fireworks scared the kitties so they scattered to the basement. At least they don't last as long as the ones on the Fourth of July.
Holly DdK does have a great smile. You have a houseful of so many different personalities. I can imagine they keep you running most of the time along with the animals.
I had to laugh a bit about all the discussions about all the aches and pains. We are an over 50 group after all. I sleep with three pillows. One for my head and one on each side to support my shoulders when I sleep. I live in a house that got really cold at night and slept with a pillow in front of me to help hold in warmth. I realized it helped my shoulder pain as well. I toss about a bit and got tired of pulling my pillow to the other side. Who now I have a bit of a pillow nest. Sleeping alone makes it easier of course.
Sold one of my expensive lace skirts last night. December was shaping up to be my worst month of all. It still wasn't good but it kept to my minimum at least. I'll be packaging it up for the mailman tomorrow. It is off to Hawaii. Then I have to get started on my new bookkeeping job. I get to start from scratch so I have lots to do there.
Have a wonderful quiet day.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 01 2016 : 3:55:54 PM
Good evening everyone,
A cold overcast day to start the year. A bit of new snow as well. The sky looked like it was going to rain but the cold held and we are still good with 6 inches of snow on the ground. A few more feet would be a welcome addition.
We have a bear hound who was a rescue from Virginia. I think someone must have shot too close to him when he was very small because he is terrified of any loud sudden noises. No hunting for him.
I tell my dd that I have paid a lot of money for that smile of hers and she had better smile and show her teeth. She has a wonderful personality as well. She is opinionated and sensitive to other people's feelings. She is growing up.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 03:50:38 AM
Her spirit shines through brightly in the photo, holly. I can tell I would enjoy her company. I'm glad to have seen a recent photo. Thanks for posting.
I am glad to have gotten past the fireworks, too.
We had a quiet First. It was very cold. Now, we will warm to our normal.
Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 07:56:53 AM
Good Morning, everyone! We ran into town to pick up the office mail which had been held while we were gone, and I wanted to print my end-of-month reports for December before we started doing any 2016 business. I also got a new pedometer, because I have accepted a challenge to walk 1000 miles this year. There are several of us doing it, including my daughter. I don't always want to have my phone with me and the GPS isn't that accurate, so I thought I would get a little clip-on.
I have tried to keep up a little bit from home -- I see that everyone has been having a good holiday. I will catch up better when I have a little more time.
Our trip over to Indiana to see my family went very smoothly. It was great to see my little brother for a bit before he had to go back to Japan. Dude hit it off famously with my Aunt! A couple more days and she would have been swatting at him with a wooden spoon -- a sure sign that she liked him! ha ha My mother has lost lots of ground since June. She is confused a great deal of the time and it is wearing my dad out. She will not let him get more than 2 feet away from her. Daddy and my brother left her at home with Aunt M to go to the drugstore and when they got back she unloaded on them. Had one of her screaming and crying fits about "everyone" trying to "get rid of her." One night Daddy and Aunt M thought she had gone into the bathroom, and they were having quite a frank discussion about future plans and then she popped out from behind the door WHERE SHE HAD BEEN HIDING to listen. Sigh. Another big fit.
We stayed in a lovely B&B -- we were the only patrons there and the hostess was a fabulous cook and it was just very very nice.
Now it's time to get a nice little walk in on my new pedometer and see what it says. I am already a day behind on my goal! Glad to be home. Next trip is to St. John in two weeks. Mmmmmmmm
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 08:04:46 AM
Marilyn, we could almost meet up. We leave in two weeks also, not sure which islands we are going to--possibly St John is on the list. I need to find the itenerary.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 08:17:06 AM
. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Feb 09 2016 7:46:41 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 2:55:33 PM
Good evening everyone,
Marilyn glad to have you back. I am happy for you that the trip went well for you in spite of your mother and her antics.
A lovely place St John for a rendevous. I hope it works out.
Another overcast cold day on the side of the hill. I did chores and had a nap. The days have been boring of late. I guess this time of year is for resting.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 02 2016 : 5:39:12 PM
Wouldn't that be something if G and Marilyn actually meet one another in St.John.
Marilyn,I remember that you have spent a lot of time living there. Will you visit people from your younger days?
I'm so sorry to hear of these men who are saddled with wives who are no longer themselves...exhausting does not begin to describe it. The world seems to be a scary place for these women.
It is nice that you got to see your brother, Marilyn. How did he take your mother's condition?
Hope Bunny is having a good day!
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2016 : 09:30:40 AM
Bunny was having a good day and most likely will today too. Although it is snowing. Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere until Tuesday.
It is so sad that as humans, we can't hang on to our sanity into old age. The fact that we don't keep a large family unit together doesn't help either. In Europe, three generations would be living in the same house with plenty of people to care for crazy grandma.
Marilyn and G, I think we all envy you heading to warmer climates! I see pool boys and umbrella drinks in your future!
I'll be sewing today on a new lacy fairy wrap skirt similar to the one I sold. They get lots of views. So bring people to my store that might not see it otherwise.
Not much else going on. Stay warm!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2016 : 09:44:55 AM
We are getting snow, too! It is the first snowfall since wee have moved here. Mom's hair appointment for tomorrow was cancelled, so I have no where to be for 48 hours. That's enough time for the snow to melt away and all the drivers who are not used to snow to be back to driving in the rain!
dnA will be here this afternoon. She reports that her goats hate the snow. The little dog from southern California is greatly unimpressed by it. Gracie was fortunate enough to go out before it started this morning.
I am still working on our Christmas puzzle. It is complete except for the boring (difficult) background portions. Too close to give up on it!!
Bunny, your skirt sounds pretty. Good time of year to put it up on your site...seed catalogs are arriving, everyone is thinking about warmer days and lighter, floaty garments.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2016 : 3:49:47 PM
Good evening everyone,
It lightly snowed most of the day. Not even an inch accumulation but at least what we have did not disappear. I see that the snow machine club here in town has put up their directional signs for the trails so they must have hope that we will have a lot more soon. I hope so.
I went grocery shopping today with ddK. Today she was in a hurry to get it all done. I told her if she continued to harass me about being done I would leave her at home next time. She likes to go so I will buy her her beauty products and specialty foods. She is eating vegetarian these days and likes the rice noodles and fancy sauces and the veggie sausages and veggie burgers. Usually she is a good help. Today not so much.
Last night I got up to go pee and in walks dsT. He was getting some melatonin and says Z (his friend) is here. His dad threw him out again. Well, Z has been making poor choices like leaving the house after midnight and flunking driver's ed. I am not sure what we will do with him. Both he and dsT need jobs but the only ones they are qualified for like stocking shelves at Walmart do piss tests and neither will piss clean. So, I am not sure what to do with either of them. I think Job Corps is an option but that requires that either of them agree to go. Too bad the Army no longer accepts young men with out a high school diploma. Z is always pleasant when he is here. DsT thinks he is being a noble big brother but he is really being condescending and bossy to the littles. He has tried a bit to be non confrontational. Big sigh.
Take a picture when the puzzle is done.
I hope the lacey skirt gives you an artistic challenge, Bunny.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2016 : 5:34:18 PM
Welcome to 2016! I never imagined being here when I was a little girl back in the 1960's. 2016 seemed SO far away and impossible.
I am coming out of the fog of grief over my ex-husband's death on Christmas Eve. It hit me harder than I ever imagined it would, though while we were married I had "walked myself through" his death a thousand times. My kids seem to be doing well, and none of them went to California to attend a service for their dad, if there even was one. I haven't heard, but then his family wouldn't tell me anyway. That's another story... for another day.
I am feeling a curious sense of "lightness and freedom." I've been divorced from him for eight years. He moved from Canada back to his family in California two years ago, so I don't know why this should be. And it's even curiouser... I am having a hard time coming up with anything bad to think about him. Hmmm.... I know I could if I really tried, but it feels so good to "let it go," and just remember how he was in the good times, in the early days, before everything went bad.
I've undecked the halls... sorted all the Christmas gear, cleaned out the linen closet, sorted/tidied half of the big storage closet. Cleaned and purged. I've set a few goals for 2016, and for the first time in many, many years, have the physical and mental capacity to fulfill them.
The new baby is thriving... approaching 10 lbs. She was 8 lbs 3 oz at birth. She'll be 3 weeks old tomorrow.
Out weather is steady... hovering around -12 to -15º C. Was windy over the weekend, but still pretty snow-less (NOT normal).
Bunny, I checked your Etsy site. I LOVE your creations!
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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Posted - Jan 03 2016 : 9:31:53 PM
Holly, the army requires piss tests too I'm afraid. Plus they do it all through your time there. It is hard to see a kid with no direction. Too bad you don't have a large homeless population. That might hit home somewhat. Plus, the military has its own set of problems. There are a lot of suicides right now. Maybe if you could get DsT to see himself as a good example, he would stop getting high and help his friend do the same.
Ann, thank you for checking out my creations. I enjoy making them. Sorry you are having a hard time with the X's memories. At least they are good ones.
Time for bed...night all!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2016 : 12:25:25 AM
I slept late Sunday morning so I'm still up in the early AM. Today is the day the new guy starts at my job. I hope to have him trained in two weeks and then I can start my new position. Holly--so many kids today lack direction. Maybe they don't have a positive view of the future like we had. Maybe they look at the messed up world they're inheriting and feel it's pointless to even try. I wish we could change that. Ann-glad the baby is doing well. Maybe your ex's death on Christmas eve was traumatic because it occurred during what is supposed to be a joyous time. Maybe now that it's a new year, you are throwing off the cloak of grief. Gee, that's a lot of maybe's. Maybe I need some sleep--but I don't feel tired. So I'll stay up all night listening to Native American flute music and reading. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Jan 04 2016 : 06:29:36 AM
Marianne -- It was Costa Rica where I spent some of my younger days -- we plan to go back there in January of 2017, so I am looking forward to catching up with those folks. We went to St John last January. Stayed on the east end, which is much more laid back and rural. This year we will be in Cruz Bay, which is on the west end. It is more built up, but certainly not a city. I am looking forward to seeing what our place will be like this year. Last year was a cottage all by itself and VERY private (including the outdoor shower, which we loved), and this year looks like a condo of sorts -- I think the lady said there are 11 units that share a pool. It is called Three Virgins View, I think. We are getting excited about going. Dude does love to be warm.
So --- back to work here on the first Monday of the new year and I got a very good walk in. It is COLD out there. First really good cold weather we have had. Lots to do today -- I didn't even bring my knitting in!!! Time to set up new files and move old ones, as well as deal with all the payment which are due today. I love to be busy!
Happy Monday, Ladies!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Jan 04 2016 06:30:02 AM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2016 : 4:35:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
Thank you for your kind thoughts and ideas for dsT. I do know he lacks direction or the discipline to find one. He is a slow maturer and that gives me hope. He walked late and talked late. HIs terrible two's lasted from 18 months to 6 years old. I think given enough time he will mature and become the responsible compassionate young man I know he is in his heart. He takes care of his friends. He does have worries and fears. He said maybe a year or so ago that why should he try as a young black male his future is either death by a policeman or jail. So, you are right Cindy he does have fears. But as long as he is alive there is hope that he will recognize that he has a wonderful future if he will grab it and try. There are a few homeless people in Montpelier. He knew some of them this summer/ Some were his friend and some he fought with. I know the military has many problems and it in not a situation that I recommend lightly. He would need a serious head adjustment to be remotely successful in the military. He thinks out of the box and could be very successful if he would see that as an asset. Unfortunately, he had many heartbreaks and has not recovered. He had a therapist but no longer sees him.
I hope the new man works out in your old job so you can move on.
I am glad you can remember the good times with your ex Ann. I guess if oyur children still require closure the group of you could sit around a campfire and tell stories and cry and laugh together. You are incredibly strong and loving.
We still have our ornaments strung across the beams. DdK took out the tree today.
I hope those of you who are traveling to warmer climates have a great time.
We were up to do chores this morning before sunrise at 6:15 and the sky was so clear and the stars and crescent moon so bright they were a delight to see. By sunrise the clouds were back until late afternoon. The temoeratures were in the low 20"s F.
I made a chocolate cake with smashed up candy canes cooked in it with chocolate frosting. I did forget to put sugar in the cake but that has not seemed to matter to those eating it. No one has complained. We had codfish cakes and green beans for supper.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 06:20:15 AM
I am still chuckling about Holly forgetting to put the sugar in the cake! What a "mom" thing to do! And I think it is very telling that nobody seems to have noticed. Of course, the frosting is probably so delicious and the candy canes are such a nice thought -- a great way to cut calories. I am going to smile about that all day.
It is cold cold cold here, too. I got my walk in just fine and it is fun to meet all the regulars on the sidewalk in this beautiful brisk and sunny cold! There was a guy lifting a broken postal truck onto a tow truck and we had quite a laugh about the extra load of Christmas cards being just too much for the poor truck. I have about had it with this blinkety-blank pedometer and its incessant random resetting! I have already ordered a new one from Amazon with a recessed reset button. Should be here Friday. I am enjoying keeping track of my steps and aiming for my thousand miles.
The friend who invited me to take the challenge with her posted something on facebook that was a new thought for me -- it said "It doesn't get easier --- you get stronger!" I think I am going to adopt that.
Have a Terrific Tuesday.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 5:14:50 PM
I like that saying. It reminds me of the army? Marines? Who have the saying, ' pain is weakness leaving your body.'
Holly, I'm glad your sugar free creation was a hit. Your kids are so lucky to have all your home made treats. This is the first year we haven't bought a bunch of candy canes after Christmas for the horses. We got so many last year that we still have some. And with dnA coming at least three times a week, the horses' diet had a wider variety than ever. Sunny gave Tahoe a new air popper. dnA got to open it and it was her favorite color...
Today,I splurged on a coloring book for myself. I was killing time at target and found one with uplifting thoughts. Couldn't resist. Plus, they had Staedler pens! I haven't seen them in years and I snatched them up,too. Reminds me of my days at the drawing board.
Marilyn,I hope you are happier with your new pedometer. Bet you feel like you are being cheated when it resets.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 6:30:59 PM
Good evening everyone,
I remember several years ago when C had a pedometer that reset. She was very frustrated and eventually gave it up. I am glad you are not giving up. My sister has one of those wrist fit things that is supposed to count her steps but she has to remember to swing her arm. I hope you have good luck with your new one. When you sit in your chair at work if you hang your arm over the side and swing it back and forth you will get more steps. I guess that is cheating and you would never do that. would you? 
There are some pretty nice coloring books out there these days. The art store here in town has some with sophisticated drawings like flower gardens. I hope you have a great time coloring.
Today was -4 F at breakfast and warmed to +20 F after lunch. The sky was a beautiful winter blue. So clear and bright. I wonder why when we have days of sunshine and then a couple days of rain people complain that there is rain. The same thing when we have unseasonably warm weather and then a couple days of frigid temperatures normal for the time of year people complain. Well, the skiers are not complaining about the cold. We are supposed to have warm temperatures on the weekend I hope we have feet of snow instead of the rain the weather guessers are hinting at.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Edited by - Tall Holly on Jan 05 2016 6:32:47 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 8:11:26 PM
We still haven't had any snow and there is no recorded history of our first snow being this late. I get frustrated when people say they don't want any snow. I feel like asking them:"Would you rather shovel snow now or face catastrophic climate change in five years?" I have to bite my tongue, which isn't easy. One way to record lots of steps on your pedometer is (I've been told) to attach it to a metronome. "Gee, honey, I walked 5000 gazillion steps!" I have two coloring books. But they're adult coloring books....can't let the children see them. They might want them for themselves. The new person was supposed to start yesterday but then I found out he would be in orientation all day. Then he was supposed to start today. He didn't show. My boss called HR and then she said, he was "Hopefully" starting tomorrow. Everyone else who was at orientation started today. So something's up but of course I'm in the dark about it. I had a good workout tonight at Nautilus. I walked three miles and did some weight conditioning exercises. I must be breathing a lot better cause I would get winded after a little over two miles last year. So I guess the supplements I've been taking are strengthening my immune system. I'm taking zinc, vitamin D and reishi extract. And elderberry extract when I start coughing too much. My creaky joints appreciated the workout cause exercise lubricates the joints. I did have to take a pain reliever before I went out there. I feel looser and more limber now. Where did Sunny buy a hot air popper for Tahoe? I think it would be cool to see a horse strolling around Target. And it wouldn't need a cart, just put things in the saddlebags. it's time for me to get ready for bed, I shouldn't be horsin' around on my computer so much. Having too much fun. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 9:08:55 PM
I went back to school today. I really missed those kids. Ray read 106 words in one minute today. Last year he was struggling so much. This reading program I am doing works really well for kids who are competitive because they always try to do better and they compare their numbers because I write them on their hands with a Sharpie.
Yesterday I had a few errands to run and I had the best luck with buses. First, I walked to the clinic pharmacy to order some meds and told them I would be back in a couple hours. I hopped a bus almost immediately and my next bus was waiting for me at Lake Street to take me to the rental office so I could pay the rent. Back on the street, the next bus was late but it took me right to the library. There I picked up a book I had reserved and made my way to the Davannis where I always eat when I have errands in that part of town. After a leisurely lunch of a calzone with back bacon and pineapple, I crossed the street and learned the next bus down Lake Street would be there in 2 minutes. I took that back down to 1st Avenue E to catch my last bus which showed up shortly after I got to the stop. That bus took me back to the clinic pharmacy where I picked up my meds. I then walked a couple blocks to the local small grocery to get my treats - diet Dr. Pepper and chips - and went home. My journey was a nice compact circle. I love it when everything works out so well. The weather is kind of chilly and I do not like waiting for buses especially when it is windy.
I have a pedometer which resets every 24 hours and, I believe, can store up to 5 days of results. I should get that thing out and join the 1000 mile challenge. I believe I could do 2.75 miles a day especially on the days I am at school. I'll take that thing out and set it up.
I bought myself a colouring book called The Time Garden. It has the most gorgeous pictures. I want to get myself a larger set of coloured pencils to use on it. I also bought a mermaid colouring book for a friend of mine who is totally into mermaids. I haven't seen her in a couple years. I might grab a short term rental car and head to St. Paul to visit. I think I will call her now. Crud! I can't get a dial tone. Great! Something else I have to do. Double Crud! The phone number no longer works. I believe this is serious.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Edited by - churunga on Jan 05 2016 9:19:37 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 06:17:55 AM
Having good luck with the bus would be a BIG bonus in the cold cold winters up north, for sure! I watch the weather/traffic here in the mornings while I am eating my breakfast, and they always show people huddled up together at the bus stops and train platforms -- brrrr!!! I personally am grateful to the people who invented the seat-heater! We are supposed to have a break in the bitter cold today -- up to 40 by this afternoon.
I got one of those coloring books for myself and gave my daughter one for Christmas. There is something so soothing about putting pen to paper. I am no great artist, but I sure do enjoy it. Some nights if I can't fall asleep I get up and color for a while. Seems to help. Must be some reason that coloring books have been around for so long. Now THAT would be an interesting research project -- the history of the coloring book!!!
Mar -- Once in a while I still find little bits of peppermint horse candy (extruded alfalfa with peppermint flavor and some pink coloring) in the bottom of a jacket pocket. Makes me feel a little sad -- I still miss my old guy sometimes. Horse people around here are predominantly English/dressage people, so I don't ride anymore.
I think my pedometer has a mind of its own. For now, I am using it the best I can and resetting it myself frequently. I am keeping a tally on my phone log of what my steps are at certain points in the day. We generally do quite a bit of walking when we are in the islands, so I am looking forward to having my new pedometer for that. There are some ancient petroglyphs that we will hike to see -- should be fun!
Here come the customers -- time to get to work.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |