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True Blue Farmgirl
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Gig Harbor
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Posted - Nov 17 2015 : 7:50:36 PM
Oh Marie, I'm not sure I am officer dating material. Besides, being on the other side of the country doesn't help.
Marilyn, dude better get it together. You should have stayed in bed. He must think you are superwoman.
I didn't get much sleep last night. I am not a happy traveller. I would much rather stay home and sew. But I really want to see my son so I'll buck up and get it done. Of course having my sister take me to the airport and pick me up has had its drama. She has to get up at 6am for work. So getting home at 8:30pm apparently is really stretching her to get enough sleep. I have been seeing an interesting trend between my mom and sister. My sister does nothing but complain about how tired she is. So my mom does her laundry and cook her meals. My sister will lay in bed after work and call my mom out of her room and ask her to make her tea, or something to eat. It is just amazing to watch. It just supports my feelings about my childhood. My mom always favored my sister. It hasn't changed.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 08:27:05 AM
You could look at it this way Bunny. Your mom takes care of your sister because she knows she can't take care of herself. She knows you can.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 09:47:06 AM
Marie, that is a very good point and I believe you are right because that has been the same with my mother and my sister and me.
Marilyn, dude has to understand if we think one of our sisters is not being treated right, we will send the posse after him. Hope you got your flu shot and are staying in bed til you are well. I fooled around and did not get my flu shot until last week. B has not had a shingles shot. I got mine when Medicare paid all but $28. Now it is about $150. He has got to get one. Shingles is absolutely horrible. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 09:49:04 AM
Bunny, you are amazing and don't you forget it. Anybody would be so lucky to have you. Breathe and have fun. Confidence is sexy. The travel part is really stressful but it will be worth it. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 09:50:39 AM
And you are going to be a knock out in that dress. Hold that thought. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 5:42:08 PM
Good evening everyone,
I know that auto correct has a mind of its own but I would like to say I had a good chuckle on Bunny's post when it said you were going to have your nails done so you don't look like a pheasant. Bunny I hope you have a grand time.
Sorry you do not feel well, Marilyn. You are too good to the Dude sometimes. I hope he appreciates you in the right ways.
What happened with the sock swap? Has it finally ended.
I was told today by one of the hunters that he is going to bring me quite a lot of venison. He got deer in both NH and NY and his wife only eats meat from the grocery store. Thank you for the cooking tips, Marie. My dad hunted before I was born. I do not know why he stopped. My brother hunts.
I finished the glass in the front of the green house. When I remember to take my camera over I will post a picture. It is not elegant but it does make it warm inside.
If V needs more books let me know I will try to make some funny ones.
This is going to be odd because I can not remember all of the information. Mar, I saw a children's horse magazine in Tractor Supply yesterday evening. I thought to buy it and send it to your for dnA but did not know if she or you bought it already. It had a website as well. Not too much help am I? hahaha
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 18 2015 : 6:11:07 PM
Holly, you are the most generous person. It is so special that you would think of dnA while you are out. I know you get precious little time to just peruse a magazine rack and you are kind enough to think of dnA. I bet you saw Young Rider. It is an excellent magazine. I have tried to have conversations with her about reading...It doesn't seem a big draw to her. I hadn't thought about a magazine for her. I think it is a good idea. Thank you for helping me see the light. I'll pick one up for her!! Your kindness is appreciated, holly.
Bunny is on her way!!
Marilyn must be recuperating...
G, do you need to shop for your holiday get away?
Mom got her new glasses today. Eight weeks after cataract surgery. She has decided for certain to wait until next year before deciding whether she will go forward with the surgery on the other cataract. Eight weeks is a very long time to not be able to see well.
Mar |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2015 : 09:18:37 AM
Back at work today. I went home before noon on Tuesday and stayed home altogether yesterday. I think I just needed some rest.
So excited for Bunny -- she needs some out-and-out FUN for a change! The Sock Sniper contest is down to the last two knitters -- one in Illinois and one in New York State. For a while it looked like Sweden or Finland would have the winner, but you never know how this contest will play out. I am still knitting sox -- just not for the contest. I probably already said that Dude loved the pattern I made up for him, so I have ordered yarn for a couple more pairs -- he didn't want to take his off. He said they stayed put all day and he didn't even feel them -- high praise. I have been experimenting with a pattern for plain bedsox, as well, and have finished a pair for a friend. Last year, just at this time, we were in South Carolina visiting one of the kids. There's a small historic village nearby with a plantation, etc. Dude bought me some nice wool that day that was spun from their sheep and the daughter's little Yorkie absolutely could NOT stay away from it!!! We kept moving it and she kept finding it. I finally had to shut the bedroom door to keep the silly little dog out of that yarn. Anyway, I knew that I couldn't make anything for the daughter with it, because the dog would be at her all the time. It was too scratchy for sox. I finally found a nice lacy scarf pattern and have cast that one -- it will be a nice change from knitting sox.
I guess it's time for lunch. It's raining absolute felines and canines, so I won't be going out. Looks like WW frozen pizza for me!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2015 : 1:09:03 PM
Well I'm finally here! I have been awake for 26 hours! Just woke up from a three hour nap. Still a bit zonked out. But my son is on his way...yay!! So warm and humid here. Raining like crazy. I love it! It is suppose to be nice tomorrow and cool off quite a bit. The hotel I'm staying at went out of their way to pick me up from the airport. The airline kept delaying the flight. I sat in Charlotte NC for almost 5 hours. My son had night duty so I figured it would be better to use the hotel shuttle.
Anyway, later for now. Thanks for the good wishes. I plan on truly enjoying myself.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 19 2015 : 4:32:29 PM
Good evening everyone,
The horse magazine is called, Blaze. It is at . It is very brightly colored on the cover. I did not know her reading level but it looked like it might hold someone's interest who was attracted to colors more than words.
I am glad that you are there, Bunny and excited still. Have a great time. It is nice the hotel was thoughtful for you.
I did not realize the shingles shot was so expensive. It is advertised at every store pharmacy around here.
I am glad the Dude appreciates the sox. It is nice he was so complimentary as well.. The last two sock snipers must have many pairs to knit and send on to finish the contest. Thank you for letting us know.
I planted Jerusalem artichokes today. I dug them up from one garden last week and planted them in another today. I thought it would be fun to make a labyrinth using them and grain bags to mark the path. I used to get grain bags from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters by the bale. They changed the rules a few years ago and now it is harder to get them. I would need hundreds to trace out a labyrinth so that project is for the future.
It was overcast and in the low forties all day. Looked very dreary outside. Once I went out it was very nice to be there.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 08:23:52 AM
This is the first day this week that I have felt 100% -- glad that little bug has passed.
Anxious to hear about Bunny's adventures and to see pictures.
Dude and I are busy planning our Thanksgiving dinner at home. This will be our first one that we have just stayed home and done it ourselves. Last year we had an early Thanksgiving at his daughter's and then the actual day with my daughter -- year before that, I think we might have been out in Idaho or something. Went to some friends' before that. Anyway, we are discovering that there are certain regional and family differences in what we think of as "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner fare. For instance, putting cream cheese in the mashed potatoes. I had never heard of that, but he insists that it is the only way to go. I have therefore put him in charge of mashed potatoes! ha ha He mentioned oyster stuffing and I put the kibosh on that -- told him he had his cream cheese potatoes, but there would be no oysters in the stuffing. (The man would eat seafood absolutely every single day!) When we first started dating, we cooked dinner together just about every night, and have always enjoyed that so much. I am just glad that he's not insisting on using the grill!!! ha ha ha ha
Years ago, I spent the whole month of November in South Carolina with my ex's family -- he had a college reunion and we just stayed the whole month to have Thanksgiving with his family. Talk about a culture shock for this little Yankee girl! There was not one white potato on the dinner table, groaning though it was. There was rice, of course -- my mother-in-law called it "perleau rice." I think that was the low country version of "rice pilaf." There were two turkeys, a ham and a whole pig in a pit! There was a huge bowl of homemade banana pudding (I mean the pudding was cooked up "a little bit of this and a little bit of that" right on the stove. The grandkids all hung around to see who got to put the bananas and vanilla wafers in the bowl -- a multi-generational tradition, evidently. And the ambrosia salad -- my MIL used whole oranges which she peeled and sectioned by hand, instead of canned mandarin oranges.
So ... I am wondering what was on your Thanksgiving table growing up that was special to your family. We are in such different areas of the country -- I thought it might be interesting to share.
My mother was not a great cook, but Thanksgiving dinner was always huge. Turkey, dressing, giblet gravy on mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, rolls, corn and green beans. Always pumpkin pie and mincemeat pie with whipped cream for dessert. We had a big lazy Susan that I got to fill up with its little dishes of olives, pickles and carrot sticks. We would sneak in and see how many black olives we could get onto our fingertips before she caught us and ran us off. The table was set with a white cloth and there was a little juice glass of her "fancy" tomato juice cocktail at each place. It was tomato juice with a little Tabasco and Worchestershire added. We were scared to death that we would spill a drop on the tablecloth. She would be up before daylight to make the stuffing and get the turkey into the oven. By noon, the windows would all be steamy and the house would smell so good that we felt we would starve before dinner. In Western Washington, November can be a very dark, rainy and WINDY month, so we kids would be playing inside -- throwing our stuffed monkeys back and forth to each other from opposite ends of the hall -- a game we called "Monkey Juggling." Sigh. I guess I do have some very good memories from growing up. Now 1....2....3......SHARE!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 4:57:15 PM
Good evening everyone,
When I was growing up we had all of the food you mentioned, Marilyn. WE also ahd shrimp cocktail or fruit cocktail as an appetizer. We (well, my father ate it) also had this dessert that was my father's favorite. it was made with a graham cracker crust, chopped up dates, marachino cherries and little marshmallows all mushed together. It was awful. One birthday after my mother died he made it for me because it was so special. it was awful and I thanked him for it. We had good china and cut glass goblets that we ate off. The children were all terrified that we would break one. WE spent the morning shining the silverware and silver serving dishes.
I have been perusing the catalogs and have found some special t shirts I thought I would share with you. For Marie to get for Lowell in the Wireless catalog there is one that says guitar whisperer, another that says, I am so picky I play guitar and another that says, Guitarists Fret over everything. For Mar in the Lighter side catalog there is a shirt that says Yellow Lab dog walker and you can put the dog's name on it.
and for general consumption in the Lighter side catalog there is one that says, Grammar, the difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts. anotehr that says the biggest lie I tell myself everyday is that I do not need to write it down I will remember it. There is a nice shirt that I might get for C that has a pink ribbon on a black background that says, Support the fighters, admire the survivors and Honor the taken.
I folded laundry and worked on the door for the greenhouse.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 5:25:52 PM
Too funny, Holly. Grammar and punctuation are everything. Except here where we have learned what we each meant before auto correct took liberties. Like bunny's pheasant. Sometimes it does come in handy when I'm trying to write a word I can't spell.
Your story about your dad reminded me that I used to make a dish that none of the men would eat but the women loved it. Isn't that weird! We only made it at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was black raspberry jello mixed with applesauce. . But you only chilled half the jello mixture then put a layer of this mix, then poured the other half of jello, so it sliced into one of those pretty layered dishes. The middle mix was half cream cheese, half mayo (only Hellman's would do) chopped celery and chopped pecans. It was something Paula Deen would take credit for. We also only have green bean casserole and corn casserole on these holidays and it's the only time we served both mashed white potatoes and candied sweet potatoes. Then a big fruit salad with fresh apples, oranges, bananas and grapes , baby marshmallows and maraschino cherries. All held together with sweetened whipped cream. Sometimes pecans added to that. We had various pies, usually three or four. And a couple of cakes. Mississippi Mud was my personal favorite. Runner up would be Italian Cream Cake. We used to make traditional banana pudding but a few years back we found a new family favorite that used instant vanilla pudding, eagle brand sweetened condensed milk and cool whip. Yep-- stroke in a bowl.
We only serve cornbread dressing. It's a southern thing. I've eaten oyster dressing and like it. I also like cream cheese or sour cream in the mashed potatoes. If it was going to be a big crowd, we would have a turkey and a honey baked spiral cut ham. Otherwise just turkey. Everybody would eat and the guys would pass out while the women did all the clean up. Then they would wake up and be ready to eat again. Ah, the good old days.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 6:42:29 PM
Talking turkey here too. Thanksgiving was always at my grandmothers house on my mother's side. My grandmother would complain about having to do everything herself because we would "just make a mess of it". Dinner was mashed potatoes with just milk and butter added. (I now add sour cream to the mix when I do it.) Cranberry sauce from a can. Salad was iceberg lettuce, shrimp and celery mixed with mayonnaise. Green bean casserole with onion soup and French fried onions. Yams cooled with brown sugar and marshmallows. We had the pickles, olives and celery with cream cheese in the little trough. Pies were traditional pumpkin and mince.
Today I spent the day at my son's friends house. Cooked dinner for everyone. The guys got their blues ready for the ball. It was a very nice day. I'm having a bit of a hard time though. I miss him so much. I love spending time with him but it also reminds me how much I miss him. Going home is going to be hard. The weather was beautiful today. But rain tomorrow. We go to Whilmington for the ball and come back on Sunday.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 07:37:53 AM
Bunny, have a wonderful day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 10:00:08 AM
My mom would always make turkey for dinner. We wouldn't use the good dishes or silver unless we had guests. We always had mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. My brother called the cranberry sauce in the small crystal dish "a dish of sour berries". She would make it with fresh berries and added sugar, cloves and nutmeg. I never ate it. If she got a nice fresh squash she would cook it up and puree it. I never ate that either. She would make her own gravy from the neck, giblets and pan juices. I would get to whip up the corn starch and milk to thicken it. We would serve it in the gravy boat that had two spouts. It was the best. If she had some skimmed cream (We always bought our milk straight from the farmer.), she would put that in the mashed potatoes. I ate a lot of those. The traditional dish in our family was fresh green beans lightly cooked with slivered almonds. I ate as much of these as I could grab. We had sliced pickles, small gherkins and olives in the long cut crystal dish. Mom would also make homemade biscuits or crescents. They were hot from the oven and I would smother them in butter. Mom loved to make pies. She would make pumpkin, cherry with a lattice top crust and apple with a wheat design cut in the top. We would get Kool Whip to put on them and that was probably the only processed product we had on the table. In our family, you had to guard your plate because Dad and us kids would steal from each other if there was something you wanted on the plate and the serving dish was empty.
I wasn't a good cook when I was a kid mostly because I didn't want to do it. My sister was allowed to mix and stuff. I would cut stuff up, stir and clean utensils when necessary. I became very good at clean up. When Mom and my sister were busy with the cooking, I would clean all the dishes that were around and put them away. As the food was put into serving dishes, I cleaned the cook pots. By the time the cleanup had to be done, all we had to do were the dishes, silverware, serving dishes and the last of the cooking pots and pans.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 4:23:11 PM
When I was young, Thanksgiving was (and still is) turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing (lots of stuffing), green beans (now my brother makes the green bean casserole), dinner rolls, cranberry sauce (I never would eat it), stuffed celery and pies for dessert. Homemade mashed potatoes were always made with butter, no sour cream or cream cheese. We used to have homemade stuffing, now my mom buys a box of that store stuff. This year I think my brother and SIL have ordered a dinner from some place in St. Louis. So I guess my mom will be fretting cause she has little to do. We also used the good china--I think last year we just had Thanksgiving themed paper plates, less to clean up that way. But my mom still gets out her good silverware for important dinners. Even if we use paper plates. It's very cold here. the wind is blowing and the low tonight is supposed to be 23 degrees, with a lower wind chill. I was wearing my alpaca wool jacket today cause it was so cold. I've also been wearing a scarf so I don't have to breathe in cold air. Must be working cause I haven't been coughing as much. I found the cutest little vintage manual typewriter today at a flea market store. The price was less than what new (yes, they still make manuals) ones cost and included a case. It's so cute I may put it on display. And it still works well so if the power goes out, I can still type my stories. I've cut back on my soda consumption and it's hard getting used to the lack of caffeine. I'm eating a much healthier diet than I used to and want to cut out the bad stuff. Tough getting used to but it will pay off in the long run. Bunny--I hope you have a wonderful time at the ball. Please include pictures! Holly--have you seen the "Fight Like a Girl" t-shirts to support breast cancer research? Our hospital gift shop sells them and other Fight Like a Girl items. I don't like when it's cold and the wind is howling. and dark. I saw the sun peek out once for about a minute this afternoon. It's supposed to warmer , and wetter, for thanksgiving. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 4:25:23 PM
Turnips from the garden. We are getting our first freeze tonight. We have shallots, gsrlic, radishes, spinach, cucumber (1) eggplant, peppers, cabbage, chard, cauliflower and broccoli. So we covered it all up even though I don't think a light freeze will hurt most |
Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 5:14:36 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 4:28:32 PM
Holly, the critter eating the garden plants is a rabbit. So someone told us. He got the bed next to ours last night. I've got a way to fix covers out of chicken wire but have not done it yet. My spinach is just the right size for him at, just coming up. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 21 2015 : 6:58:33 PM
Ok, time for pictures.
.jpg?v 66620036) .jpg?v 11578035) .jpg?v 50383909)
I had a wonderful time at the ball. Drank wayyyy too much wine. But I behaved. The kids are out for the evening and I am sobering up in bed. If I was a bit younger...I would have gone clubbing with them. But we have to behave. ready for bed.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 22 2015 : 05:25:22 AM
Oh Bunny! Your date is so handsome and you are simply glowing with pride! Your outfit looks perfect. So glad you had a good time (and that you behaved - ha ha). What a great event, and such good memories for you two to share.
G - those are beautiful turnips! I used to love to eat them raw as a snack. Glad you found out who the garden wrecker was - now you can fight him. Funny we were all thinking of something exotic! I guess it's true - when you see hoof prints, think "horses," not "zebras."
We have cold, cloudy and windy today. Yesterday was one of those postcard beautiful days. Sunny but clear blue. Dude is up on the hill working on one of his projects. He is building an observation deck up there so we can go look out over the fields off beyond us. There's a big tree down, and he's building the platform out of parts of an old "big toy" kind of swing set thing that he had when the girls were little. He has been grooming the paths through our woods - he knows I like to get outside and wander. We filled all the bird feeders yesterday, so everyone is happy.
There's a home health check-up nurse coming after a bit to take Dude's vitals, etc., and tell him what tests he should have (which advice he will promptly ignore), and then we will go run some errands. His MedSup policy offers these visits periodically and the inducement is that they will give you a gift card for Home Depot or a couple of other places. He ALWAYS says "yes." This past year he had a colonoscopy, saw his dermatologist, and had a prostate biopsy. The doctor checked his heart and lungs, and he sees his periodontist every six months. The man is fit as the proverbial fiddle, but he wants the gift card. I am glad he takes care of his health.
I cast on a pair of sox for his Christmas last night. He will probably figure out they're for him, but we don't make that big a thing about gifts, anyway, so it won't matter. These are a Caribbean blue/green self-striping - very pretty and soft. He loved his first pair so much and I love knitting sox.
My coffee cup is nearly empty. Notice to grab a shower so I will be ready for the day.
I hope Mar is okay - they were having some AWFUL weather out her way.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 22 2015 : 07:48:54 AM
Lowell only shops in one place - Wedge Coop. Yesterday, while we were grocery shopping, I took him around the gift section to a couple styles of socks I like. He said, "I will not buy Christmas presents. If you want something, let me know and I will get it for you." I was enchanted and for the first time I understood why he didn't submit to the gift giving frenzy. I said, "I know of this sewing machine that costs as much as a used car . . ." Tee Hee!
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 22 2015 : 09:13:34 AM
Bunny, you look absolutely lovely. Your boy is really, really handsome. Love the pics! So glad you are having a good trip!
I think most guys are like L when it comes to gift giving. They just don't know how or what to do. B knows I love flowers so he just sticks with that.
I actually do not like turnips at all. B showed me how to make them with mashed potatoes and I really like that. Neeps and tatties I think it is called. Growing up, We had to eat turnip greens that had been cooked with the turnips chopped up in the greens and cooked all afternoon. Yuk.
We had a freeze last night but today is crisp and cold which I really like. Supposed to be a rainy Thanksgiving but I don t care. There is no such thing as a bad day at the beach. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 22 2015 3:20:52 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 22 2015 : 3:54:06 PM
Good evening everyone,
Bunny you look wonderful in your pretty dress. I am glad you have had this time with your son. He is quite handsome in his dress blues. I am glad he is proud of you as you are of him. If he wasn't he would not have you around his friends. You both are so lucky to have each other.
We do the gift giving frenzy. I think we are almost done helping the economy boom. We have talked to the children about exchanging one gift each night for six nights but they would have none of it. Maybe if we had started when they were little.
I have been readying the pig pen for next year. I have added some fence posts to assist the wobbly ones to stay up. I replaced one of the doorway posts because the last one was snapped. I have been dragging rotty logs into the pig pen so the pigs will have something to worry next year. Next spring will be easier.
Today was in the forties and mostly clear. The sunset was gorgeous in it's corals and deep blues.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 06:34:02 AM
I imagine everyone is having a busy week -- getting ready for the first big feast of the season. I did my grocery shopping yesterday and couldn't believe how busy the store was, even on a Monday morning. I think I got everything situated, though.
Here at my desk, catching up from my Saturday and Monday off -- a regular every-other-Tuesday customer just came in to make his payment. His wife is a sweet little round lady who always has a smile (complete with dimple) and rosy cheeks. That is, until this past August, when she had weight-reduction surgery. She was very very heavy and was having trouble with her knees, diabetes, etc. Well, since she had the surgery she has not been well at all. Never out of the hospital for more than a week or ten days at a stretch. She has developed ulcers and has a bad post-op infection that they just can't shake. Add to that the fact that her intake of food is extremely limited -- some days by the time she takes all her pills and the water to swallow them, there's no more volume left for actual food. She has continued to lose some weight since the surgery, but her health is really really shot. I went out to the car to visit with her for a minute and she broke down in tears. When she came home from the hospital this last time, she found out that her 14-year-old daughter is pregnant. She has four of her own and a grandchild already living with them.
So I guess what I am saying is that my life is really something to be thankful for -- today and every day. I need to remind myself of that.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |