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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 09:05:40 AM
I have read random threads through the "Over 50" forum... and I came to conclusion that it's fine to talk about anything and everything here? I am enjoying "getting to know you" all through these posts.
I'm well within the age group, with three grown children, 5 grands (and one due to arrive any day).
We had a bit of snow last night, and it was -10C, but with a wind chill of -20C. Winter is getting to be painful, especially when I have to work outside. This week, we start preg-testing the cows. I do the vaccinations on the 2000+ cows, but it's taking its toll. I have trigger finger, (had a cortisone shot this summer which has helped immensely), and tendinitis in my right arm. It burns and hurts like the dickens. Anyone know of a relief? (My doctor said I have to quit doing what I do for relief, but that's not likely to happen soon.)
My life on the ranch ... |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 09:48:08 AM
Bramble -- Welcome -- yes, we cover a whole host of topics here! My sweetie has an issue with arthritis in his right hand, and I have told him the same thing -- stop what hurts -- ha ha ha. Not likely to happen soon.
Sounds like you have your hands full with a big herd. Congratulations on the next grand! Waiting is awful, isn't it?
I am in SE Pennsylvania and we are cold today, but sunny. Sounds like it is supposed to be warming up later in the week. At some point, I just wish it would pick a season and get at it.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 10:59:54 AM
We all do need to do that, Marilyn. That is a sad story. That surgery is considered to be risky and life threatening. So sad.
I wish for you all a happy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.
GG |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 12:21:53 PM
We finally have a Last Knitter Standing! It took 78 days and the winner had never entered a sock knitting contest before this -- and she had only ever knitted one pair of sox! Goes to show that it isn't always just the fastest needles. Lots of European knitters this year, and lots of Canadians, so international mail had a lot to do with how it all fell out. I had a great time, anyway.
Here's an in-progress shot of what's on my needles now -- Christmas gifts for His Dudeness.

Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 1:41:52 PM
Hey Bramble. Welcome to the Goddesses of the Iris. We can and do talk about many different things. I make it my practice not to criticize anyone on the forum. If I have a concern I don't want made public, I send a personal email. We all try to respect each others' opinions.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 3:39:29 PM
No, of course not. I just know that in the past members have not been very polite. This is just what I do and a way I keep my more opinionated comments off the forum.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 4:56:58 PM
Sorry, Ann, your post wasn't there when I posted. I was commenting on Marilyn's post about the poor woman having the bypass surgery. Now there are two posts in between.
Welcome to the thread, hope you will enjoy hanging out with us.
I am not aware of anyone being criticized on this forum, Marie I am so glad you are doing it privately.
I did get on Patty's case when she criticized us for talking about our mothers. Other than that, we pretty much take up for each other and allow this to be a place to vent in a safe place.
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 6:58:49 PM
Now I've decided to go back a few pages and I see Cindy's Thanksgiving post for the first time. What the heck-- how am I missing these?
Cindy, it is really hard to give up the things we love to eat and drink, isn't it? I think overall you are very conscientious about your food choices. Can't be perfect. Gotta leave a little room for improvement. My son is a real pain in the neck about diet and then little grandson rats him out about buying Krispy creme doughnuts while they were driving back from New Orleans. A whole box of them. After carrying on about gluten free--paleo--etc. we are all human, lol. |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 7:03:43 PM
No worries, ladies. I just wondered if I'd already said something out of line without realizing it. I have learned the hard way to keep my thoughts to myself, if they need to be, but I could inadvertently say something that could be perceived as rude or opinionated.
Our mothers? Is that off limits? It's a hard place to be... between our children having children... and our parents passing on. Holding two generations together, like the filling in an Oreo cookie, but feeling torn apart by a variety of feelings and responsibilities.
My life on the ranch ... |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 7:13:05 PM
Ann, I took a look at your blog--looks like you have a big operation there. Loved reading your blog--really interesting -- I tried blogging but then my life changed drastically and for about a year I could not post anything. So I let it go.
I could not deal with that much work, that much cold, I'm wondering where in Canada are you. My DH is from Canada--he said he never learned to like the cold. Sure is beautiful country though. I was only there once, in July, and I was cold then. Yes, I'm a wimp, lol. You and Holly will relate, she is a hard worker and lives through Vermont winters. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 7:17:31 PM
Nothing is off limits, you fit right in girlfriend. I like you already. |
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 7:24:00 PM
I live in a tiny place between Dawson Creek and Fort Saint John, BC... called Farmington... The cold is getting to me, yes. We hurt a lot of the time, from working outside, riding, walking, working cows, cold barn... and I just hurt thinking about preg-testing over the next few weeks. We try to spend a couple weeks during the winter somewhere warm... Mexico, Arizona, Hawaii... ANYWHERE where our nostrils don't freeze together and we don't need to wear long johns and mittens.
I apologize for the sorry state of my blog... as I've said several times there, "The problem with writing about living on a ranch is... living on a ranch."
I spent today in "nesting" mode... for my daughter who is 38 weeks pregnant with a pink bundle. She's six hours away, so I want to be ready to drop everything and fly down to her at a moment's notice.
So, today, I washed floors, deep-cleaned and re-arranged Guestroom #2, put the final touches on my son's Christmas gift (custom-made fishing rod carry case), made donuts for the Cowboy, and wrote to the editor of a beef magazine I contribute to, outlining four articles. Most of the Christmas gifts are wrapped, some already mailed, and the Christmas letter is done. I put out some Christmas decorations today... and hung the big outside wreath in the front room window.
When Baby decides to come, I want to be ready to go!
My life on the ranch ... |
Edited by - bramblerose on Nov 24 2015 7:28:14 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 9:41:38 PM
Yay Ann, welcome! We love new members to our little spot here. We know there are lots of lurkers out there...guess we caught one! You do sound like a hard worker and we will love to read all about your ranch adventures. Congrats on the upcoming grand baby.
Well, I'm home. It was an all day event going through three planes. On plane two, a young man threw up as we were taxing out. The pilot turned us around and headed back to the terminal for the cleanup crew and they took the poor guy off the plane. Delayed us an hour. It was a wonderful visit with my son. A bit cold and rainy. So we weren't able to do some of the things we wanted. It is hard to visit someone that doesn't have a home you can visit. We did hang out in my hotel room one night and watch movies. Another night at some friends of his. Saying good bye each night was hard though. It will be quite a while before I will be able to see him again.
My kitties were very happy to see me. Orange cat told me lots of stories. He is laying on my feet right now. The house smells so bad though. I checked the kitty boxes and no one cleaned them while I was gone. I have plenty of work to do tomorrow.
I sold two dresses while I was gone , so have to get those in the mail tomorrow. I also have a pet sitting job across the river. Thankfully I don't have to work until Friday.
I'm ready for bed. Nite all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
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Posted - Nov 24 2015 : 10:24:34 PM
Yesterday was a sad day at work. Our co-worker who'd been battling cancer passed away. We all miss her but are glad she didn't linger and suffer more. She had pancreatic cancer. One of the worst cancers you can get. So we have been kind of misty eyed at work. I feel bad for her husband--he was so emotionally dependent and attached to her. He has health issues of his own and now, without her there to take care of him... Ann--welcome! I had a roommate from BC in college. We got along at first and then she became a Valley Girl type snob. I only went to school there for two years so I have no idea where she is now. I can feel your pain--you must be very strong and determined to get out in the freezing cold and take care of all those cattle. I'm considering getting some hens next spring but I worry about how they'll fair when it gets cold. I only want three hens. I'd probably take them in the basement when it got too cold, knowing me. And make little Chicken nappies to keep them warm. Bunny--welcome home again. Too bad you can't teach orange cat how to clean the litter boxes. G--I ate "bad" food last night---I got some crab Rangoon. Tonight I had spaghetti squash with pesto and asiago cheese--it was delicious. I still find it hard to not drink soda. And I really want to cut back on sugar because it can worsen asthma. But I won't touch diet soda--it's worse than the sugary stuff. I'm reading a book about Ayurveda and it's very fascinating. These people figured out thousands of years ago some things that are being "discovered" today. Like, the mind has as much to do with your health as what you eat and how much you exercise. We've all heard "You are what you eat" but I read recently that "You feel what you eat". And I'd rather feel like a vegetable that came from the earth than a hamburger from a fast food place. Though I apparently don't mind feeling like Chinese take-out at times. Go figure. I have some metal embroidery hoops and I plan to embroider some Christmas designs and give them as presents. Haven't done any crafts in a long while and I miss it. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Nov 25 2015 : 03:37:29 AM
If we are what we eat, then I am a great cornucopia of a mix! Ha ha. I agree, Cindy, the hamburger sometimes seems like a good quick grab, but I always feel so yucky afterwards. Last night's fish was still frozen solid when it was time to start dinner, so we did a little what we call "mixed grill" which is basically cleaning up the little bits. Sautéed Brussels sprouts, glazed carrots, avocado, and a couple of leftover grilled chicken thighs. We were both stuffed!
Tonight will begin the Thanksgiving baking. Just some rolls and an apple pie for us, but I like to get it done beforehand.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2015 : 06:39:26 AM
Just back from my morning mile (which is now 2 miles, actually). I stopped in to get coffee at the local winery shop and coffee bar and was talking to Heather, who makes my coffee every morning. We were chatting about Thanksgiving plans -- they go down to their family house on the Chesapeake -- both sides of the family get together every year. She said the highlight would be the Annual Fruitcake Hurl, which takes place just before dinner. Participants must start building their hurling device no sooner than the day before Thanksgiving (her father-in-law always starts Thanksgiving morning bright and early) and may NOT use electricity to power the device. They cut the fruitcakes into puck-size pieces and freeze them so they will fly farther. She says that most of the devices are tremendous failures, but that they have a great time before, during and after the event! One year they went all out and built a fabulous trebuchet -- only to have it continually hurl the fruitcake BEHIND them instead of into the Bay. They even turned the device completely around and it still hurled toward the dry land. This year, her husband is building something along the lines of a potato cannon, but sized for a fruitcake puck. They have had gigantic slingshots, blow-guns -- you name it -- and the farthest distance ever was when her son used his plain old hockey stick and gave the cake a good slapshot.
I love holiday traditions like this!!! Our main one was that we put the Christmas music on to play AFTER Thanksgiving dinner -- never before.
When I was small, my dad worked at Boeing in Seattle (so did most everyone else's dad!). He would invite all the single guys he worked with over for Thanksgiving dinner, so we generally had quite a crowd. There was this one Japanese guy named Tad (Tadeo, I guess) who was divorced, and didn't get to be with his family on Thanksgiving, so he came over every year forever. He was a very traditional old-world guy, and would bring us the most extravagant gifts. Not just a hostess gift for Mother, but wonderful thoughtful individual gifts for each of us. One year he brought my mother a set of lovely hand-painted china teacups and saucers, another year a set of TV trays. We used them forever!!! He gave my brothers a slot car racing set one year and brought me my very first transistor radio, complete with leatherette case! I listened to my first Beatles song on that radio. One year there was a big stuffed donkey who I named Daisy -- just like the ones I had seen at the World's Fair in Seattle and had not even dreamed I would ever have. Who remembers Presto Paints? Tad brought me a set of those one year, too. It was like he had a special inside conversation with Santa every year and knew exactly what a kid my age would want.
Just goes to show -- we are all making memories whatever we do. I am reminding myself to savor them all! Happy Thanksgiving, Goddesses!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Nov 25 2015 06:47:14 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 25 2015 : 10:24:23 AM
Good morning everyone. I'm still a bit shell shocked this morning. Kitties have been very needy! They slept on me instead of next to me last night. I couldn't move an inch. I need to pull myself together. I have two kitties across the river to visit with. One is new. So that will be fun. Then home to clean kitty boxes and package up my sales. is just not working.
Cindy, so sad about your coworker. None of us get to stay forever, but illness is a hard way to go. Prayers for her family. I love your feel what you eat. So true! I'm pretty much over soda. I do indulge on occasion but can say no without a problem. I was bad and had mcdonalds hamburgers last night. I hadn't eaten all day and my sister was being a bit of a you know what when she picked me up. So I chose what was fast and easy for her. Don't "poke the bear" as we say. The rest of the ride home was better.
I think indulging every once in a while is ok. I usually eat fast food when I have no other choice.
We are having our thanksgiving today I guess. My sister has to work at 2:pm tomorrow. She gets home at 5:00pm tonight so we will have it then. It makes me miss my sons so much. I would much rather be with them. But, not happening for a while.
Need more coffee!!! Later all.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Nov 25 2015 : 12:52:11 PM
Don't poke the bear, indeed! Sometimes I want to take a great big stick and give it a JAB! I am learning better to keep my mouth shut as I become more chronologically enhanced.
Bunny -- Congrats on the sales. I remember the nights of sleeping with my critters -- I would lie in position until my legs went to sleep instead of moving and waking one of them up. Who owns whom? I was their pet, for sure!
My 13-year-old grandson just sent me a picture of "his" pies. He likes to bake, so for the past couple of years, he has done the pumpkin pies for their Thanksgiving. His big brother, who is 18, requested that there be mac-n-cheese on the table (his mom's homemade), so she said she would supervise and he could do it to learn how. I am glad she teaches her boys to do things for themselves. Scouting has been really good for that, too. They can iron shirts and sew on buttons and feed themselves. The big guy has enlisted in the Marine Corps -- delayed until he finishes high school in the spring -- so I am quite sure THEY will teach him an awful lot, too! ha ha Glad I don't have to watch.
We delivered a car this morning, which was scheduled. Then one of our older ladies came by to make her payment, saw a van on the lot and traded her car in on it. So we sent two out and took one back in trade. Not a bad day for a Wednesday. The phone hasn't rung in almost 2 hours, so I imagine when his Dudeness gets back from errands we will leave a little early. I have all my customers situated for the long weekend, so there shouldn't be any fires to put out and us not here to tend to them.
Almost time to head out. Enjoy your holiday.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Nov 25 2015 : 5:09:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
G your turnip picture has turned into a crocheted turkey. go figure.
I know several people who have had the stomach surgery. For some it went well and they couldn't be happier with it. One woman had the problems you describe and it was that the line they made in her stomach leaked into the part that was not supposed to have anything in it anymore. They had to go back in and resew it. She was one sick woman. I hope they figure out her problem.....soon.
Pancreatic cancer is so awful and fast. I am sorry she is not longer on this side of the veil and glad she is no longer in pain. hugs to you all.
Welcome, Ann. I only have one cow who is not pregnant. I milk her in the morning and it is enough milk for us and the chickens. Her calf was born the beginning of July. The vet is impressed with her size from having free access to her mama. I do not know about you finger. Is it arthritis or a pinched nerve in your shoulder? Do you milk? or have beefers? Will you send the nonpregnant cows to slaughter? Do you keep a bull? or several? I hope your daughter's labor is easy. I am glad you are joining us. Mother's are not off limits at all. Neither are fathers but they have not come us as often. Partners and children are not off limits either. ....oh, we can really get going. Never take anything too personally on here, typing does not translate over the airwaves as well as inperson talking. I think many of us filter in real life our conversations because we are who we are. So, let yourself type away.
I am sorry your visit is over with your son, Bunny. I am very glad you had a great time.
I think if you are in tune with your body in any way your feel what you eat. If more people were in tune then maybe the food industries would not get away with only providing so much crap on the market shelves. People would revolt and the companies would go bankrupt.
I like the idea of the fruit cake shoot. I wonder how old the cake might be. We have a potato shooter here and that baby can fire potatoes the length of a football field. It is powered by hairspray and a lighter from a grill.
I boiled down pumpkin and made two pies today. We will have apple crisp instead of apple pie. It is so much easier to make. C will make the turkey and fixings. I went to the store to buy the bread for the stuffing last night. On the sale rack was packages of bulky rolls and bulky sub rolls. I took the lot of them. When I arrived at the cash register the young woman said, WOW you have a lot of bread. I said, we are making stuffing. The woman in front of me said, yes. you need stale bread to make stuffing. They young woman said, I did not know that stuffing was made from bread. The adults always cook at my house. I said, oh, you do not consider yourself an adult. She said, not in cooking. It ended up she is 17 years old. I was amused by the whole interchange.
Some woman at C's work was giving away garlic bulbs so C brought home the bag. There were maybe 30 bulbs in it. I peeled them (what a pain in the fingers that was) the food processor chopped them) and I dried them in the dehydrator. The house smells like an Italian cookery.
I hope everyone has a pleasant day tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
77 Posts
77 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2015 : 06:42:14 AM
No milkers, beef only. "Open" cows "go away," along with any cows who have bad bags, bad eyes, bad feet, or bad attitudes. We have about 130 bulls. (They are semen tested before taking up residence here, and every year after.) We keep the calves until they are six months old or so, then sort off some replacement heifers to keep, and the rest "go away." Our cattle is grass-fed and natural.
The "trigger finger" is apparently like carpal tunnel, but it's in the hand/finger bones/nerves rather the wrist. The cortisone shot has helped, and I hope it lasts through preg-testing season, until December 10.
I've got supper in the crockpot, got my long johns and thermal undershirt on, ready to leave for the barn in about 30 minutes. Just grabbing a few minutes now to work on beef magazine before I go out. We hope to get 500 cows done today.
My life on the ranch ... |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Nov 26 2015 : 08:29:29 AM
Welcome, Ann. You will have lots to teach us about the cattle industry. Five hundred cows sound like an impossibly huge number to go thru in a day. My MIL has a trigger finger. Index, right hand, first knuckle. It's an irritation at this point in her life because she doesn't have the demands on her that you do. I do hope the shot holds you thru mid December.
Happy Thanksgiving to the rest of you Yanks! You gals are on my list of things to be thankful for, as usual. I'm looking forward to spending the day with my favorite people. But,I have to confess I could fast forward thru all food prep and food talk and food comparison and food shoulda, woulda, coulda... But, I'm enjoy doing our puzzle and watching the remake of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation together.
We have received some clear days which have meant cooler temps. dnA has very little meat on her bones, so we have been playing Uno more than fussing with the horses. She loves the attention, as all kids do.
Bunny, you were gorgeous. I can't remember if I ever posted how lovely you two looked. I know you are having a rough time being back with your mom and sis. The bad times make the good times sweeter.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2015 : 08:38:07 AM
I got up early to take the dogs out and start baking. As of now, pumpkin bread is 10 minutes from the designated done time. It takes a little longer because I believe our oven temp is off. I have mixed the batter and prepared the 2 pumpkin pies I am making. I want to get to Hayley's (DH DD) place by noon to start cooking the chicken and getting the sides together. I am going to try to stick pineapple rings on the sides of the chicken and slather it with charged water and brown sugar. No stuffing for this girl. I dislike it. I'll try to get pictures.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2015 : 08:47:55 AM
Good morning everyone. Happy Thanksgiving! We had our meal last night. It went pretty well. No drama except my mom pointing out all the fattening foods to my sister....which she made of course. She keeps commenting on my sisters food consumption. Which only makes it worse. But other than that no drama thankfully.
Mar, missing my kids only makes me more determined to get out of here.
Ann, I have followed a few Canadians on MJF and you all seem a pretty hardy bunch! Sounds like you could use a tropical vacation!
Well, so far this month I have had over $700.00 in etsy sales. It went a long way to help make my visit with my son easy. I have two dresses to get packaged up today, a sweater to finish up for a lady and two dresses to just finish sewing up. I did get an email from a lady from New Zealand that wanted to buy a dress and asked how to do it. ?? You click add to cart! I did calculate the shipping more accurately for her, but have not heard back. I think things are really expensive there. The duty fees almost match the cost of the item. I feel bad for them. It isn't the first time I have had someone from there want to purchase something and changed their mind because of cost.
Well, I hope everyone is in the thick of cooking and good company!
G, you need to find out what's up with your pictures!!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 26 2015 : 12:48:01 PM
Good afternoon everyone,
Temperatures have been in the thirties and forties today. Quite balmy. I am doing a science experiment in my garden. I have planted carrots, spinach, beets, cabbage and broccoli and covered them with hay. I am hoping they will come up in the spring without further attention. I hung the door on the green house. It fits and is closed nicely. It is on a sliding rail. I need to work on it further because it will not open. hahaha for real. I need to figure out whether I should remove a cross board I have on it or whether I need to move the window that is next to it in a bit or whether I need to shim the rail out a little bit so the door can slide by the window.
Ann- we call the animals going bye bye - sending them down the road. You must have put in many tons of hay. A woman from Ontario typed on here for a while and her family milked . They had five feet of snow on the ground and their pipes froze. Not a pretty picture at all. I hope she is well now. YOu must have awesome record keeping to keep track of which bull is whose father. I guess you must have boxes of shoulder length gloves. I hope you have long arms. Do you have a squeezer cage to put the cows in so they do not wander while you are in up to your armpit? Waiting to hear when the human baby arrives.
Bunny, if only the sales would keep up for a while you would be on your way to where ever it is you want to settle down. Maybe a small RV so you could spend time with either son.
I am glad you are having a cosy and contented holiday, Mar.
I prefer chicken over turkey be we do the tradition here. Marie I hope your meal goes well.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |