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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  1:34:58 PM  Show Profile
G - and who knows what the sales culture is at that dealership. Might be one of those "Make the sale at all costs" places and the salesman was under pressure to get the deal done -- then the finance people come back later and say "no can do." Whatever the issue is -- I am at the point of so much not caring right now! ha ha ha If His Dudeness wishes to speak to me further, he may use his inside voice for the rest of the evening. Too much yelling and snapping makes me not able to hear him. He had to meet with the attorney for Brother's estate this afternoon, and ever since he got back, he has been yelling and snapping at me -- which is very much not appreciated. Even though I can sometimes read his mind, and I figure that's where all the yelling and barking is coming from -- still doesn't make it okay. Grrrr.

I know what you mean about rereading posts -- it's worse for me when I am posting from my iPad. Makes for some interesting posts, though. :)

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  2:42:18 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn-take the rest of the day off. Mar, I hope you took the whole day off. Men need to do without their women for just one whole day and see how much we do that totally goes unnoticed. Until we don't do it.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  5:07:32 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

That salesman is sure in a fix. I hope you make a bit for the trouble you are going through.

Sorry for the Dude that the estate is not as clear as it should be. I hope that he has not been made guardian of the SIL or of the estate to deal out the money. Oh, it would be nasty if the SIL were a co owner of the business now. Don't go there. I hope the Dude settles down. I used to have a set of headphones that I could not hear whining when I had them on.

I lived in Chestnut Hill a part of Philadelphia for a few years. I liked to ride the train. I liked to go to the water and light show at Wanamaker's at Christmas time. It is not there anymore. I liked on occasion to have a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich in the Italian section.
When the middle set of children were young we stayed near Valley Forge and rode the train in to the city. They thought riding the train was the best thing to do. We saw the historic area. Then we went on to Assauteague Island. in Maryland.
I wanted one of the children to apply for an exchange program through the Rotary but none of them wanted to even try. I was sad for a little. What a great opportunity that would have been.

We had seven pigs this year. You are right. Farming is not for sissies. If you want milk you have to breed the cow and then decide what to do with the calf. You can not just keep the calves year after year. I guess you could if you could afford welfare animals.

I like banana bread. We can go through a loaf in ten minutes at our house. There is no freezing it unless I make four loaves at a time and get one into the freezer before the children get their little mitts onto all of them.

G you could make a garlic spray for the plants. I think a soap spray would work for the white flies.

It was rainy and cold all day long. I went over to the hay barn and distributed more rat poison. I went to collect the extra pig grain to bring up to this barn to feed the chickens and found that Coco had walked herself down into the pig room and helped herself. She said to me Gee, mom that was so yummy I could not stop myself from eating so much. Now I feel just awful. I think she will have diarrhea for a few days. I think she and Ida May bedded down in the pig room for the night. she did not come tonight when I called her. The pig room has a sand floor and is out of the wind. There is a nice big puddle outside as well to drink.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  03:24:39 AM  Show Profile
Holly - we were down in MD with friends over Labor Day and took their boat down by Assauteague! Even saw some of the little wild ponies. That was fun. I wish we had thought of taking the train into the city. If it were not for Dude, I would certainly not drive into town.

Dude got hold of the salesman from the Nissan place. He will be selling the car back to them, but is not sure how much he will ask - he hasn't given them a dollar amount yet.

It was very quiet around here last night. I was so tired of Dude barking at me all afternoon - I just did NOT feel like chatting and being close to him. Hopefully today we will get off to a better start. Supposed to be very VERY windy here - not sure that I will get my walk. It is amazing how much I look forward to that.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Nov 13 2015 05:42:48 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  08:43:33 AM  Show Profile
Holly you are right. I think I will get a bottle of the safer soap. The problem is some people neglect their beds due to illness or loss of interest and leave sick plants that attract the bugs, or they don't keep up with any kind of pest control so they become a problem for the rest of us. The bed next to us has not been worked so we asked about getting it in January. with two beds I could have melons, squash, and things that take more space. Already planning for spring.

Marilyn, sounds like someone needs to apologize. Guys can't stand the silent treatment. He needs to show up with flowers.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  08:52:07 AM  Show Profile
Funny day. Trying to get everything done so we can get out of here by 1:00 so we don't have to drive into the city in bad traffic. Not many incoming calls, but Friday is my day to make my collection calls. I have several people who have messages that say they can't receive voice mail -- I don't know if that's because they haven't paid their phone bill or what. Several of them have a message that says that they have not yet set up their voicemail box. So it's not always easy to reach some people. On one account, I called 4 separate phone numbers trying to get a live person or leave a message. If it just says "you have reached the voice mailbox of "number number number" instead of their actual name, I don't leave details -- just ask them to call us. I talked to one guy who hasn't paid us since September sometime. He told me his father just died and Ladies -- I didn't feel a thing. I am not at all certain that I believe him. There's always a story and I have heard so many of them so many times -- I call them my "Klinger" stories. Like when Max Klinger would tell the Colonel on M*A*S*H that he had a letter from home saying some family member was sick or dying or pregnant -- then the Colonel would whip out his file and go through the list of other times that particular person had died or been ill or pregnant.

We sold the little Ford Escort back to the dealership -- made about $25 on the whole deal, but goodwill is worth more than that. One of the drivers who came down to get the car was a very big tall guy -- he asked for the bathroom -- went in and started his business -- sounded like a racehorse in there -- with the door standing wide open!!! Who thinks that's alright, guy???? Then he came out (no handwashing followed) and started asking for doughnuts and coffee. I went in the file room and laughed myself silly -- Dude told him that Dunkin Donuts was down the street. Thank goodness for Lysol.

It is a gorgeous sunny day here -- supposed to get windy as the day goes on. Looking forward to a good conference tonight and tomorrow. Always interesting people -- old friends and new ones. Tonight is just a dress-up dinner and awards ceremony. We got about everything packed this morning, so it's just a matter of grabbing the bags and loading the car. My friend will meet us out at the house and ride in with us. Hopefully that will keep His Dudeness from driving like a maniac! ha ha ha

Have a great weekend, all.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  1:10:28 PM  Show Profile
Ha! Ha! What a guy thing to do. Lowell used to leave the door opened at our old place. Luckily, no one could see anything raunchy. My dad would ask if that guy had been born in a barn.

As far as the collecting goes, because you are a first party collector, you are allowed to tell anyone who answers the phone why you are calling. That should get their attention. I would write up a collection policy document and hand it out to everyone you finance detailing exactly what will happen and when if they fall behind. Keep notes on all your slackers so you can pull it out and confront them with it when you have to. I was a pretty hard ass collector in my time and everyone knew what to expect from me.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  4:00:04 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn you are too good to those poor sots. Time to put a lock on that sack's car. We watch METV and it has all of the old shows on it. The scene they use to advertise MASH is that one with Klinger and the Colonel. ahahaha

I hole you have a good time in the city.

I received my first seed catalog day before yesterday and I worte out my order today. I want to plant carrots and spinach this fall and cover them with hay to see if they come up in the spring. So, the order needs to go in soon.

Today I ground up and am drying garlic. I have no place to keep it without it growing. Some of the cloves have started to grow so I separated them out and will plant them when the weather breaks.

I made bread as well.

We had swordfish and rolls and beans for supper.

Sweet dreams.

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 13 2015 :  6:40:11 PM  Show Profile
I am so saddened but not surprised at the events in Europe. When we were in Scotland I was shocked and terrified at the news they reported that was not even mentioned here. The same thing that happened in Paris could happen here at any time. We are living in very dangerous times and for the most part we are oblivious to it. This is not meant to be any kind of a political statement.
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 14 2015 :  10:20:29 AM  Show Profile
Gypsy, this is true. The world is a dangerous place. I often think (plan) about what I would do if some sort of massive event happened to cause harm to myself or in the neighborhood. I have signed up for emergency training but haven't heard when the next class is.

The worst case scenario usually goes like this:

Lowell is at work and I am at home or out and about and an event happens that disrupts the infrastructure. The first thing I would do is assess the situation where I am. If I need help and I am at home, I will leave Lowell a note and get help. If I don't need help, I try to contact Lowell first then listen to the news to assess the extent of the damage, where people are going for help and what the recommendations are. If I cannot reach Lowell, I will try to find out where he is and if he is okay and stay at home. If I am out and about, I will go home if I can or stay in one place where I can be safe and help in any way I can. I would make certain that I am registered with the shelter where I am and that I am looking for Lowell. If I couldn't find Lowell right away, I would try to get home and assess the damage there. If it is okay, I will stay there and leave a note every time I leave telling Lowell where I am going and when I intend to return. I would try to get everything back to normal and help my neighbors out. If my home is beyond repair and not habitable, I would go to the nearest shelter with the animals and leave a note for Lowell. I would take only what I absolutely needed. Wherever I end up, I would do what I could to help out. I would need to reserve my cell phone power so I wouldn't be calling people constantly. If I couldn't find Lowell after a time, I would try to get a ride out to my parents' place leaving behind a message for Lowell telling him where I have gone. I would continue to try to find him and try to find the missing loved ones of others. In real life what I really want to do is agree with Lowell on a place and time to meet if we ever get separated like this. He doesn't think it is necessary but I do. I would be so depressed if I lost Lowell in this way. That is why I would work so hard to reunite people separated by some disaster. Okay back to real life now.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 14 2015 :  11:52:44 AM  Show Profile
Do any of you have the survival food and water and other disaster recommended items such as back up power, matches, medicines, etc. I don't. My house in the country has a safe room with supplies but that was for tornado disaster. There is one religious group that requires their members have a one year supply of non perishable food. I don't know which group it is any more. I listed a house for sale and there was a hidden basement full of survival stuff. That was at least 20 years ago.

I am not overly worried about this but I think the people who took credit for what happened in Paris definitely have America on their list. I don't live in a big city and don't go to big events. My neighbors in the country are Preppers. I can not live in fear or even in such a pessimistic frame of mind. Finding the balance between realistic and fatalistic, or just ignoring it because it isn't in my neighborhood, isn't that easy.

My real life day today is that I'm roasting a butternut squash in the oven to make soup with, DH Has gone for groceries and Home Depot, and I'm trying to (again) organize my house. It is just too small. I have arranged and rearranged and I can't get it the way I want it. DH has been such a good sport about me and all my stuff. As long as he has a clean shirt, a few books, and a corner for his keyboard, all is right with his World.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 14 2015 11:54:21 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 14 2015 :  4:11:14 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We have a writer in our Sunday paper named Willem Lange. He has a web site if you want to look at him. He wrote a piece several months ago in response to people who are not for any sort of gun control. He was asked what would he do if there were a bomb or something in Boston and twenty or more people showed up in his driveway. He believes the writer of the not wanted him to look aghast and bring out his gun. What he said he would do is turn and ask Mother (that is what he calls his wife in the column) to take out more for supper.
We have the same attitude. We have enough and we will share. Probably we will not be in a direct line of disaster. We have gravity fed water to a holding tank in the downstairs. If there is no electricity we can bucket the water up. We have a wood stove for heat and cooking. We have a generator for the freezers. The freezers would be a problem, we rely on them so much.
We live within twenty minutes of all who matter to us. I would miss my siblings but they have their families to deal with.
I think it is the Mormons who encourage a savings of a year's worth of food. I typed on a Big Family board and a woman on there had just accomplished stock piling a year's worth of food. She said when she was a child her Dad was laid off and she remembers eating a lot of pasta so she was happy that would not befall her family.
I think our neighborhood would look out for each other.

We woke to two inches of wet snow on the ground this morning. The weather guessers said, snow in higher elevations. I guess that is us. I thought it would be gone in the afternoon because the temperature was to rise to 46 degrees but that did not happen. Maybe tomorrow.

I should have said in the last post that our house had an overwhelming smell of garlic from it drying.

G sorry you are having a hard time settling in. I am glad that the B is not adding to your frustrations.

We had pork roast and baked potatoes for supper.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499

Edited by - Tall Holly on Nov 14 2015 4:13:22 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 14 2015 :  5:28:55 PM  Show Profile
It does make me sad to think of those people who just wanted to enjoy an evening out and found themselves in a crisis. Wee have most everything we need if there is an interruption in daily life. We do not have a substitute source of heat though...

I do take the course of trying not to dwell on the craziness that may happen. But, try to remain mostly prepared.

Got curtains sewn to cover the Windows that had broken shades for mom. Until she breaks the next set...

Took mom to Salvation Army for their Saturday specials. She really enjoys shopping and "doesn't need anything," so it works.

Tomorrow dnA will be here bright and early. I look forward to hear about her "social" which was held after school on Friday. She had received an invitation from a classmate who had purchased her ticket.She proudly showed us the ticket on Wednesday, and Thursday,...

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 14 2015 :  7:03:11 PM  Show Profile
If there were a disaster here, I'd have to be at work, unless I was absolutely unable to be there. Our hospital just started a system where almost everything is recorded by computer and I wonder what would happen if communications were disrupted. I have good neighbors who are home a lot and watch out for each other. I have a camp stove I could use to cook and heat water. I don't have a lot of food stored up. I don't store water, but in an emergency you can use the water in your hot water tank. It might not taste good but it's potable. I learned that at work. I would like to get a solar powered charger for my computer, cell phone, etc. I would worry about my parents and my brothers and their families. My SIL was in New Jersey when the WTC was attacked, about ten miles away. She was at the airport when one of the planes used in the attack took off. She may have seen the terrorists and had no idea. That's the scary part--they look like everyone else. I just hope I'm right with God and I tend to avoid big cities. I go to St. Louis but it's usually in the county. I never go to downtown STL.
And there's a reason why Americans don't get the real news---there's a conspiracy to keep people in the dark. There is a website that I've been meaning to check out. There's so much that doesn't get in the news cause it might "scare" people. Well, we live in a scary world so why not keep us informed? I don't get it. I think the people running this country think we're all stupid. But that's just my opinion.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 15 2015 :  05:21:39 AM  Show Profile
You are all making good points about preparedness. I used to do lots of canning and food preserving, so we were always well stocked - not so much now, so I think I ought to start looking at that. We have a well, so if power went out, we wouldn't be able to pump it. Maybe it is time to think about a small generator, too. Heat would not be a problem. Sigh. Keep calm and carry on, I guess.

Conference was fun, but I woke up sick yesterday. Sore throat, etc. we got ready to come home and the car wouldn't start in the parking garage. Dude found us a ride home with another Rotarian couple (who ought to have halos!) and he stayed Nd rode home with the tow truck. The Audi needs a new fuel pump. I was in bed asleep at 7:30. Woke up about 7:30. Think I will get my breakfast and head back to bed. No voice. That's odd

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 15 2015 :  09:33:30 AM  Show Profile
I live in a rather large city so I know there will be all kinds of chaos here. The authorities will be stretched thin trying to handle everything. I would have to monitor the situation constantly to see that where ever I am is safe. My first priority is to find Lowell. Once I know where he is and what has happened to him, it will be easier for me to continue. If I had to leave home, I would prefer to stay in a neighborhood shelter to help those around me. Lowell and I talked this morning and decided on places we could meet. First, we would try to meet here at home.

The next place we would meet if home is gone is Whittier School.

The next place we would meet if the school is gone is Hennepin County Medical Center.

If all that is not there, we will meet at the Dandelion Fountain in Loring Park.

That is the most enchanting place in Minneapolis. He still says that our neighborhood would not be disrupted, that they would probably hit the Mall of America. I believe that none of us can predict the place and time of an attack of this kind. Where ever it occurs here in Minneapolis, the effects will ripple everywhere. But . . .

It looks as if there will be no band rehearsal today because too many of the members cannot make it today. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 15 2015 :  5:09:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The snow melted away . There are only small patches around the yard. The sun came out in the afternoon.

I planted the rest of the garlic bulbs and covered them with hay. We brought over hay from the other barn for Coco to eat in the evenings in her stall. Neither of the jobs are hard, just tedious. I am glad they are done for a while.

One of the guys who hunts on the property shot a deer in New Hampshire and said he would bring me some venison next weekend. I am not fond of venison. I do Know several people who are.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 16 2015 :  4:15:46 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone. I see no one has posted today.

I wonder if you recall when I was in Scotland I commented that a lot of very frightening things were being reported in their news that was not being reported in ours. Now our news media seems so shocked.

Holly I would share whatever I have with anyone who needed it, but if thugs try to break in and rob or kill me in the middle of the night I will be glad for my loaded gun. My little 38 revolver saved me a total of 4 times over a twenty year period when I lived in Florida and in Houston. I have had a few close calls. Never had to shoot anyone. If you show your gun, they can't get away from you quickly enough. When I worked in Houston my lawyer said, "Carry. I'd rather have to get you out of the jail than the morgue." My brother did shoot someone who tried to mug him in Houston. He shot the guy only to stop him, not to kill. The cop said he should have aimed better. That was forty years ago.

It almost looks like fall here. We have had a lot of rain and some cold weather at night (not freezing) so the leaves are finally falling and we have a little fall color.
The Japanese Maple does well here but hardly anyone plants them. They would give us some red foliage in the fall. The days are short and dreary.

We got a little landscaping done and the yard looks a lot better. We pay to go work in the garden and then we pay someone else to work in our yard. Go figure.

I got Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas presents all done in one fell swoop. I'm taking everybody (family) to the beach for three days over Thanksgiving. Got a beautiful condo right on the beach. It's about a four hour drive from here, and about three hours for DD. Seafood not Turkey for thanksgiving dinner. Everybody is thrilled, I'll get three days with my dd and grand dd. And the guys can go fishing. We will go to Port Aransas, which has great fishing and great beach combing.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 16 2015 :  4:53:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We had a lovely day here on the old hill farm. Temperatures were in the forties and the sky was an amazing blue with fluffy clouds drifting by.

I spent the morning moving sand into the pig stall and around the outside of the pig stall so the water and mud will not be so deep when we want to go in again. I tried to get it ready for the pigs in the winter when they come. Last year we had to dig the food trough out of the snow and that was a tedious bummer.

The afternoon I worked on the windows in the greenhouse. I have to piece the remaining sections together unless I want to pay to have some glass cut to fit. So, it is slow going right now. It is warm inside with the sun shining.

G I think it is a good idea for you to take everyone to the beach. I am glad the invitees can attend. I hope you have a great time.

I remember when you said the news was awful in Europe. Our news agencies are so arrogant in feeding the masses only news close to home. I do listen to the BBC but that version is also watered down for the US consumption. I hope this is not the start of war. I read someplace a long time ago that WW3 would start in the Middle East.

Sweet Dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 16 2015 :  5:12:59 PM  Show Profile
Hello, everyone.
I haven't been posting mainly because ... well nothing going on here. Just work and sewing as usual.
I'm pretty much all packed for my trip. I leave late Wednesday night. Around 10pm. Not looking forward to flying all night. I get into Charlotte NC at 6am. 3am my time. And then I get to sit for almost three hours until I fly from Charlotte to Jacksonville. When the airlines messed up my flights and I had to get the late night flight. I forgot to get a seat assignment. Sooo, when I called the other day. She said all the window seats were taken. The only way I could get one was to pay an extra $32.00. Seriously... but I really didn't want to travel all night sitting in the middle seat. So I paid. I really hate flying.
Good news is the hotel I'm staying at said I could probably check in as soon as I get there. So I will probably get something to eat with my son and then take a nap.

Did get some sewing in yesterday. I made two sweaters for a lady. She liked one of them. But wants a little something on the sleeves like I usually do. Of course the one she wanted was the one without anything on the sleeves. I'll have to deal with it when I get back.
I also made two new dresses. One is a new style and it took a while but I really love it. I'll post a picture when I get it all done.

As far as the crap going on in the world.... same stuff has been going on for thousands of years. We humans are not very nice animals. With technology, we just hear more than we use to. Of course the media only lets us know what they want us to know. I stopped watching the news. I do check out my BBC app every once in a while. I just know I can't trust what I see anymore.

G, going to the beach for Thanksgiving sounds wonderful! I'm not much of a seafood person. I would have to have my turkey!
Have a wonderful time with your family.

Holly, I bet thanksgiving is quite a meal at your house! Feeding the multitudes.

I'll be home next week and back to work on Wednesday. I have kitties across the river to take care of.

I spent most of today doing bookwork for the concert association I am treasurer for. That and packing. Tomorrow I am having my nails done so I don't look like a pheasant.

My shoes came in. The heels are bit higher than I'm use to. No dancing for me! I know they take a keepsake picture at the ball. So you can see my dress and my handsome son in his Dress Blues!

I'll have my Ipad with me so I will keep in touch!

Later all...


Farmgirl number 3738
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 16 2015 :  5:26:04 PM  Show Profile
A getaway for thanksgiving sounds fun! Good thinking!

I wouldn't be too thrilled about venison, either.

Good luck on your trip. I hope the flight is smooth and the center seat is empty! Looking forward to hearing all about it all.

We are getting plenty of rain now! And it was very cool today.

I'm working on a new bed for Gracie. She loves to burrow and I haven't made one like this (with an attached cover) before. So wee will see how this turns out.

No big news here.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 16 2015 :  6:25:33 PM  Show Profile
Oh Bunny. The Marine Ball is a great occasion. My little brother was in Camp LeJeune and he didn't have anyone to take. He went online a few months before and found himself a nice Canadian girl named Darlene. He dated her to make sure she was worthy and asked her to the Marine Ball. He kissed her for the first time on the dance floor. Yeah, he was smooth. As they were dancing, he asked her why Intuits rub their noses. She said, so they won't get stuck together when they kiss. He sighed and said can we do this again. He posed his question again. This time she said, "No, why?". He said, "So they don't get stuck together when they do this" and he kissed her. He knew immediately that she was The One. They were married and now have a little boy. All I have to say is "good luck". You might look pretty fabulous to an officer.

Holly - I love venison. I would marinate it in milk and cook it with tarragon to take the edge off the wild taste. My parents had a butcher who would make deer jerky and sausage. I just loved getting a care package from them. Dad doesn't hunt anymore because he just doesn't like sitting out in the cold. Vonisha took your picture book home and I do not believe she will be writing you another letter. She was wearing lipstick today.

I went to school today. Mrs. Pendleton asked me to come because all the kids missed me. It was good to see them all. I got mobbed as soon as I walked in the door with kids wanting to hug me. They made me a big card. They wrote their sentiments in thought bubbles and pasted them in a large hand made card. It was so special. Tommy broke his arm so his mom had to write it for him. They talked about how much they missed me and what they did for Halloween.

We have had rain all day and the temperatures has been in the 50's. During the evening walk Morgan stayed behind and when I caught up with him, he was eating something off the ground. When I grabbed him and tried to take it out of his mouth, he bit me. Nasty little dog. We just took them to the beauty shop. Morgan looks like a proper French gentleman.

I just might get some clippers and keep him trimmed. I will have to make him a sweater for the winter.

We will probably have Thanksgiving with Lowell's brother and his best friend Sherri. There are scheduling conflicts what with work and other family obligations.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Nov 16 2015 6:30:23 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2015 :  03:36:40 AM  Show Profile
I do not wish to get up and walk among humanity today.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2015 :  06:52:08 AM  Show Profile
Of course, Dude wanted me to come in to the shop to print some paperwork for a customer. I came, but drove myself so I can go home HOPEFULLY SOON. I am running a low-grade fever and feel stupid. I have my "to-do" drawer empty and everything tidied. May I please go home now?

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2015 :  08:23:33 AM  Show Profile
Good grief--just do it. Don't ask.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 1:04:17 PM
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