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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 08 2015 :  7:36:17 PM  Show Profile
Kitty is still sick. He was growing up spots of blood yesterday. An online vet said it was probably the medicine making his tummy upset and the violent vomiting was tearing up his tummy. So, I haven't given him any more medicine and we will be back at the vets tomorrow. He is resting comfortably on my bed but meows at me every once in a while. I feel so bad that I can't make him feel better. I just hope I can get him in tomorrow. Monday's are always busy.

Not much else going on. I had a lady request a sweater upcycle from me. Took me all day to figure it out. I still have the sleeves to do. I just hope she likes it.
Did add two plus size tops today. I'm really happy with how they turned out.

Cindy, when I was in college in the mountains, we would go to the river and catch crawdads. A trash can full amounted to a small bowl of tails and claws when we were through cooking. But it was a fun day at the river.

G, glad B is getting good help on the ADHD front. Too bad he is doing this so late in life. I can just imagine the struggle it has been.

Nite all...


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 09 2015 :  04:33:24 AM  Show Profile
Reading Holly's funeral story makes me cringe. One more reason Dude and I have been having very frank talks about our wishes. Did I tell you he went to the funeral home and pre-paid everything and wrote it all out for the guy? It's so awful when people fight over that stuff.

Sounds like Bunny is having a wonderful up-tick in sales! Good going and great news.

I wonder how many languages that nun could speak?

I planted a seed yesterday. Broached the subject of possibly closing the shop Mondays. Told Dude I was watching him work six days a week, being exhausted, and for what? That business does not exist so that our mechanic will have a nice dry place to do all his side jobs and it does not produce the income upon which Dude lives. He only went there to keep busy after he had retired from his "real" job. He is always trying to find more hours at home to do the things he wants to do around here...I say he should NOT be working 6 days a week. Remarkably, he did not dismiss the idea out-of-hand and even talked about how to do it. We will see.

For me, it is my wonderful Monday and I will enjoy it all day long. Finished Dude's first sock and it fit perfectly, so I started the second one.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 09 2015 :  12:56:55 PM  Show Profile
So Dude rates a pair of socks!! Is this his first pair of Marilyn Originals? Love your Monday idea. He'll come around. Start making plans for what you can get done together on Monday...Oh wait, YOU"LL be at work....well, maybe we can squeeze it in next Sunday....

Bunny, I am sorry you are watching your poor kitty suffer. It is so difficult. Saying a prayer for you...

I got material to make two dog beds for Christmas. It is nice to have a project to work on. I almost had to put my sewing machine away since I hadn't used it in a bit. But, not now!

Holly, I do hope C can keep control of the memorial. It is important for everyone to be able to share what they'd like, but also to respect everyone's time. She will need to handle everyone with kid gloves. Good luck to her.

Hope all of you are well.

Bunny,, keep us posted.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 09 2015 :  4:55:46 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

We had another lovely day. Temperatures in the high forties and scattered clouds. I spent the morning taking dsG to therapy and in the afternoon I worked on putting two windows in the green house. I had the windows at the green house but the wood I needed to hold them into the frame was over at the barn with the green roof which is a bit of a walk away. Aaahhh to be organized.

DsG and dsC ground up and squished apples to make cider tonight. They picked 10 gallons of apples and made just under 2 gallons of cider.

Bunny hope the cat feels better soon. and that the woman likes the upcycled sweater. She must like your designs to ask you for a custom.

Hope the Dude makes a decision to work only five days a week. My father was self employed and worked seven days a week . After my mother was so sick he regretted not spending more time with her. He so wished to have a long retirement with her and he did not have any.

Mar did you ever do a woman's day out for a second time? and today was hair dressing day.

C is still having a time with the Ex of the deceased. A friend of the Ex and the deceased talked to the Ex last night and he is mad at C for putting strictures on him. C finds him to be a pain in the a**. C is prepared to handle him on Saturday.

I was thinking dog beds and pictured dog beds like we have. Now I am thinking you have little dogs and we have big dogs. Will you include yellow dog too?

Our son whom I told you all about getting married next July has decided to do it in December where he lives so he and she can have the insurance benefits. Now he is talking about having a potluck here in July and doing the whole wedding in Wisconsin. We are off the hook. He was whining a bit ago about why did we not volunteer to pay for any of his wedding. And now this is exactly why. He is not reliable in long term decision making. He is so much better than he was and not nearly so impulsive but still some disorganized. He is a miracle from where he came from behaviorally and is a compassionate young man but he is who he is.
Did I make any sense?

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  03:36:50 AM  Show Profile
I am awake. That is perhaps the best I can do today. Not feeling the love for going to work. Last night, after Dude had gone to bed, one of our customers started sending texts to Dude's cell phone. He had not paid his payment on time (which is a continuing pattern for this guy) had been out of town and came home to find that his car wouldn't start because his payment reminder unit had run out. Go figure. So he sends text after text after text, whining about not being able to start his car. (Dude absentmindedly had called this guy from his cell a year ago, so the guy got the number). I would love to take this idiot to school about common courtesy and personal responsibility, but I won't, of course. I told Dude when the first text came - he is ignoring them until we get to the shop.

We have rain today. I am determined to have my walk, though, so it is a raincoat day today! Time to drag myself up!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  07:51:09 AM  Show Profile
Okay, I am ready to get stuff done around here. Yesterday, I washed the clothes again (I always wash everything after I get home from my parents because it all reeks of smoke.) and mended a few things. Today I plan to do the dishes, make some apple cider vinegar, read my book (I belong to the book club started on this site) and do some crochet. Today, life is good.

We have had some wonderful Indian summer days. We have had sunny days and temperatures in the 60s. Mitzi is loving rolling in the leaves. They get caught in her fur and she shakes them out.

Time for pictures.

My pumpkins are now in the garden.

My dad with Morgan, Maggie and Mitzi. Duchess is in the background.

Mitzi out by the wood pile.

Morgan running around in the sun.

Mitzi looks as if she is growling at something.

I would have taken more pictures of Morgan but every time he stood still, he peed.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Nov 10 2015 07:51:54 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  08:08:28 AM  Show Profile
Bunny -- How is Kitty doing? It is so hard when they're sick because they can't tell us what's going on or what would make them feel better.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  3:50:20 PM  Show Profile
Sounds like Morgan had a lot of marking he wanted to get done! Looks like it was a nice weekend.

Bunny, hoping to hear good news.

Marilyn, have you ever made the mistake of placing a call on your cell phone to someone like that? What are these guys thinking! Sounds like this late payment ruined your night. Glad to hear there is still some NorthWest in ya, girl! Grab that raincoat!

I'm having quite the roll...yesterday, I picked up mom at the salon and forgot to pay for her service. Luckily, she had... Sheesh. Today was mom's last appointment following her first cataract surgery. She has decided to wait until Spring to undergo the other eye, maybe. It was quite difficult for her. And last week was the end of the eyedrops -- eight weeks worth rather than the normal one week course. Dh handed me all of Mom's id and insurance cards. I was busy trying to usher mom into the office and stuck them in my back pants pocket. Where they did not stay... Luckily, someone turned them in when we were only ten miles from the doctor's office. Back we went. Then to try to order glasses. Don't take her insurance here, but it you would like to go to our other store...basically back at the doctor's we headed there for the third time today. As I was helping mom choose glasses, I looked down and realized I was holding two pairs of glasses. Neither of which were hers. I had put her glasses back on the HUGE wall of glasses at some point. Commence search. Finally found them. For crying out loud. I was done. I don't want to do this cataract business again in the spring...

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  5:13:54 PM  Show Profile
Marianne, sounds like you need a good glass of wine and a hot tub after a day like that.

Marilyn, I sure hope dude decides to close on Mondays. Sounds like you are on your last nerve with customers. You sound be able to block your texting customer.

Kitty is doing much better. New medicine is helping. He still does a lot of talking though. I wish I knew what he was trying to tell me.

I sold 5 dresses last week. Four to the same person and she was a repeat.

I got a letter from section 8 saying I was eligible. The wait is 6-12 months but my mom had a friend that was told that and they called her in 4 months.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  5:14:46 PM  Show Profile
Sorry, 7 dresses.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 10 2015 :  9:30:51 PM  Show Profile
Bunny--I'm glad that Kitty is feeling better. They are so much more patient in telling us things than we are with them.
Marilyn--you need a break. and the Dude as well. Try unplugging just for a day and it's instant stress relief. Besides, I just saw a movie on cell phones tonight and there are some real dangers with excessive cell phone use, especially with kids, whose brains are more vulnerable to the radioactive effects. I'm not going to give up my cell, but I'll be more careful about how I use it.
Mar---I know how you feel. I'm glad my brother has said HE will stay with my dad when my mom has her knee surgery. Besides, I'll be at the hospital checking on her during my breaks. I hope she sets a date for it soon. she wants to wait till after the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
I have been offered the job I bid on at work. But I can't start till they find someone to replace my position and I'll have to train them. so it may be a while before I start. I'll be learning some marketable skills (my current job could be done by a gorilla--it's scary not to have any marketable job skills). My manager didn't want me to get the job. In fact se wants to go to another department, maybe even another hospital. I feel sorry for her but only so much. I tend to trust people but in my dept., that's a liability. It shouldn't be that way. I have been feeling better since the past few days have been sunny but Thursday is the three year anniversary od losing my Boxer. I still miss him. I love Jaxon but I still miss my sweet Boxer. I wish they could have met. I thinks Boxer would approve of Jaxon.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  03:28:31 AM  Show Profile
So glad kitty is on the mend. What a day Mar had!!! You know they say about why women our age don't have babies - we would put them down somewhere and forget where. I could just picture that wall o'glasses staring at you.

It rained most of the day yesterday, so we locked up and left just after 3:30 and didn't even feel guilty. Dude pan seared some lovely ahi tuna steaks for dinner and I sautéed spinach. It was perfect.

I should get up and get moving. It is so hard when it's still dark outside.

Hug your veteran today

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  07:19:13 AM  Show Profile
Good morning ladies.

Bunny, 7dresses? Wow! That is great! Hope it continues through the holiday season. Glad kitty is better.

Marie, thanks for posting the pictures of your family visit. It is fun to share in each other's lives in this way.


Cindy, the job change sounds like a catch 22. I know you will make the right decision. Keep us posted.

No I do not miss getting up in the dark. I always hated it. For some reason even when I tossed and turned all night, I was always sleeping so deeply when that darn alarm went off. The best part of retirement is every morning if I dont feel like getting up, I don't have to. It is wonderful.

I am not married to a vet, and that's another thing I am thankful for. My previous husband went to Vietnam, and was a POW. he was so damaged. It is drizzling rain here today so we probably will stay inside.

Yesterday we got our row cover finished for the garden plot, and we harvested choi pac and kohlrabi. Both new to grow and new to cook. Both delicious. We will do more next year. I have carrots, beets and spinach coming up from seeds. Eggplant and cucumber plants growing beautifully and blooming. Shallots and garlic coming up.c the garden stores will have onion sets in December. Some of the gardeners are planning to grow tomatoes right through the winter so I will be watching that. I thought they required hot weather.

Today I hope to get some work done in the craft room. Maybe.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 12:58:16 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  07:42:53 AM  Show Profile
So sad -- one of my favorite little old customers is not well -- sounds like he is clinically depressed. His son-in-law just came in and asked if there was any way they could return his car, as the old guy will not go out of the house or get dressed or even get out of bed now most days. Not a lot of choices for us -- either take the car back as a voluntary repossession, or wait around until it's so far overdue and we don't even know where the car is. At least this way we could possibly turn it around and sell it to someone else.

I really liked this little guy. He's not actually old -- only 69 -- but has always acted a lot older. He's a little Puerto Rican man who has been in the States for years and years, but is still very Puerto Rican in his speech and behavior. Very courtly and gentle. I am just glad he lives with his daughter and her family so there's someone to keep an eye on him. His wife left quite a while back -- said she couldn't take care of him in this condition. She is off in Florida now.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  07:48:16 AM  Show Profile
I believe you need a break Marianne. I worry when I read stories such as this. I don't know what you can do to relieve the stress in your life. I also believe you need to have a health check up. Remember that a person cannot take care of others until they take care of themselves first.

Wow Bunny! Seven dresses! You are on a roll. Hopefully this will continue through the holidays. I am so glad you got the Section 8 voucher. My suggestion is that you start looking at the available housing and interview the landlords. Get some square footage on the average apartment and see how much you will have to downsize. Well anyway that's what my hyper-organized self would do. We should have a house warming party when you move out and leave all the chaos behind.

Huh! I see that my mom is in that second picture also. I'll be darned!

Yesterday I cut up a bunch of apples. Many were going bad so I am making those into apple cider vinegar. Others were perfect for making applesauce. I staved the peelings and roasted them in the oven sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I left them in until they were crisp. I ate them all. YUM! Today I have to do some household finances and make banana bread.

Tonight is Dungeons & Dragons. My young sorceress has had her powers recognized by the lady of the house and will soon have new duties. I wonder if the lady will teach her how to read and write. I still want to keep some of her abilities secret just in case.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  08:13:09 AM  Show Profile
Marie, I just approved to be on the list. I still have to be qualified for vouchers. That takes 6 months to a year. But could take a little as 4 months. Then I have to take in all my financials. I'm a little worried my etsy sales will do me in there.

Marilyn, so sad about your little guy. Hope his family can get him some help.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 11 2015 :  4:46:19 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Mar I am glad you are on a new day. I bet all of your spoons were used up and you had no choice but to go on. You are a good DIL.

G what happened at the garden meeting about the critter that was eating the plants.

Marilyn, Some people are very cheeky when it comes to disturbing other people. Charge the man a service charge on his next bill for inconvenience. You are good to take back the car of the little man. I hope he can feel better soon. Depression is a nasty disease.

Marie Glad you had a nice visit with your parents and the pooches had a romp in the country. I guess you are feeling a lot better so don;t overdue it for a relapse.

Bunny I do not know a lot about section 8 and how it works so I hope the strings are pulled for you so that you can be in a healthy environment soon.

Cindy, I hope your work environment changes so it is less stressful for you.

The last two pigs were done in today. They were big. I took the extra fat the hit man cut off and traded it to a Christmas tree grower for a tree for this year. We will pick up the tree in December. I paid for a wreath and centerpiece with candles for my father's widow for winter holiday and her birthday. She never had much to do with me when he was alive but she is a lonely old woman and this gives her joy.

I went winter holiday shopping last night for clothes for many of the family. It was on sale so I did better than waiting.

I put out 4 pounds of rat poison today and will put out more tomorrow. I bought a nine pound bucket. I need to get them out of here. I wish there were some way to encourage them to find a new place to live instead of killing them all.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  07:33:07 AM  Show Profile
Holly -- How many pigs did you raise? Sounds like they were money-makers for you. I love that you call the guy "the hit man." Farming is not for sissies, is it?

I had a couple of errands to run uptown this morning, so my walk was more of a "get 'er done" kind of thing than an actual enjoyable walk. My youngest grandson turns 13 on Monday, so I needed to get a card in the mail to him. I have two grandsons out west still -- they are my step-daughter's boys. She wrote me off completely when I left her dad, which is fine with me, but I do send cards on the boys' birthdays (with a little cash inside) and something for them at Christmas time. I have yet to hear a "thank you" or a "kiss my heinie" from them. My ex sends me pictures of them once in a while. It was not easy for me to leave them, but I am so glad that I made the big move when I did. I was dying inside. Nobody can walk in your shoes or live your life. My granddaughter has finally come around, so I guess there's hope yet.

I also had to mail a little swap package for Thanksgiving -- I enjoy the swaps on MJF from time to time.

We will be going into Philly for a Rotary District Conference this weekend. A good friend and fellow Rotarian will be riding with us. We are all staying at the Union League, where the conference is being held. It should be fun. It is always inspirational to hear what Rotary is doing world-wide and in the other clubs in our district. There were about a dozen of us yesterday who attended the ribbon cutting at the new senior living community -- what a lovely facility! I will never be able to afford to live in a place like it, but it sure looks like a wonderful option for those who CAN afford it.

We are having rain rain rain! Tomorrow is supposed to be windy. I think fall has finally fallen for good here. Most of the leaves are off the trees and even if it gets a little warmer during the day, as soon as the sun goes down (at about 2:30, it feels like - ha ha ha) it gets chilly again. Soon it will be time for a fire on the hearth - mmmmmm. These grey days mean hardly any business. Dude has a dental appointment this afternoon and a meet with the estate attorney after that, so once the mechanic leaves at 1:20, I bet it is silent as a tomb around here. Plenty of time to knit!

Most of my Christmas gift shopping is done. I would still like to knit some nice squishy bedsox to have as last-minute gifts. Last year I did dishcloths to have for hostess gifts, etc. I think this year I am just going to get a few boxes of nice chocolates from the local Belgian chocolatier. That's what I am taking over to my mom. She wouldn't like anything else I made and she wouldn't remember it, anyway, but she LOVES chocolate, and these will be in a pretty box and she will love that. I bought some Qiviut yarn (from musk ox) when I was in Alaska, and knitted my dad a nice warm cap from that. He mentioned that the chemo had made his hair very thin and he wanted something to keep his head warm.

Wishing everyone a great day -- Happy Thursday!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  08:19:43 AM  Show Profile
It rained here starting in the afternoon and rained all night. It was a cold rain with thunder and lightning and at times came down really hard. There are still leaves on the trees. I have to take a picture of Mitzi in the leaves. Her color contrasts well with them.

I just got an email from The Ships Project. They send handmade yarn hats and slippers and cool ties to overseas troops. They also make afghans for which they need 7" knit or crochet squares. I had purchased some yarn before my surgery and intended to work on some. The email said they really needed crochet squares and among the colours are all five I purchased. I guess I know what I will do today.

My banana bread came out very nicely. I brought half of it to Dungeons & Dragons and froze the other half. It was a big hit. I changed the recipe just a bit by putting in a bit of pureed pumpkin which was left over. I also lined the bottom of the pan with some dried apricots I had sitting around. That turned out really neat.

Today I will be doing laundry (again), ironing, mending, working on household finances and making some little boxes. It will be a good day.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  08:28:38 AM  Show Profile
Oh Marie! The apricots in the bottom of the breadpans sound yummy.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  09:36:19 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn, my son's first wife did the same as your ex's dd. I have a granddaughter who is in her 20's and t
I have not seen her since she was about 12. Very sad. Most,y I am sad for my son. Sounds like you have a lovely weekend planned. I went to Philadelphia once and loved it so much I have always wanted to go back, but haven't yet.

I agree the banana bread sounds yummy. I love apricots as well.

We showed up at the gardens this morning to do volunteer work for the outreach garden beds. About 8 or 10 of us worked the beds, cutting off the leaves touching the ground and looking for loopers (little green worms) on the underside of the leaves. Mostly Bok choy and cabbage. Then they put out an organic dust to kill other bugs. There is a little spider and some tiny white flies that are eating the leaves. It was a fun time - gardeners are nice people. One older gentleman went down, but they all gathered around and got him up and he was ok. They tell us in safety class not To call for EMT without the person's permission because if an ambulance is dispatched and not needed, the person still has to pay the cost, which is $250. I guess they have had some problems with that.

We learned that the Bok choy is a cool weather crop, not a cold weather crop and won't handle freeze even if it is covered. It is so full of liquid that it turns to mush. Glad I found that out because we were going to set more plants out. So now I will wait til early spring. The leader of the group announced he had ordered a truckload of the 1015 Texas Sweet onions and everyone who comes to help plant them will receive 30 free plants. They will arrive to be planted in mid-December. I had thought they should go in at the end of January.

Holly, I don't know what ever happened about the rats or whatever was eating those plants. I never saw that lady again and the meeting we went to was not a question and answer thing--a guy just gave a little speech about what we could and could not do, and that was it. I haven't seen any more beds Eaten up so I guess that particular issue went away on its own.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  10:06:28 AM  Show Profile
I love Bok choy -- I wish I could get Dude to eat more stir-fry, because it is wonderful in that. He loves fresh veggies, and a stir-fry is such a great way to use so many different ones -- he just really really loves to cook on his grill. This time of year I get to cook a little more often. He likes my meatloaf and pot roast and the baked chicken that I do. I get weary of eating the same three or four meals over and over. There was a recipe on facebook recently for a "Fried Rice" that was done with cauliflower instead of rice -- it looked really good. I am letting my daughter test it out for me, though! ha ha She is trying to cut down on her carbs. We do a "potato" soup with cauliflower instead of potato, and that is one of our favorites.

It is as quiet here this afternoon as I thought it would be, and the mechanic hasn't even left yet. Honestly, I think I would rather be a little too busy than for it to get this quiet.

Somewhat troubling story crossed my desk earlier. A car salesman called from a big Nissan dealership up north a ways. He had sold a new Nissan to a customer, taking a 2000 Ford Escort as a trade-in. So the customer drives off with his new Nissan, and the dealership takes the 2000 Escort and sends it to the auction. Dude goes to the auction last week or so and buys the 2000 Escort for a very nice price. It has really low miles, which is great for us! So now we own the 2000 Ford Escort -- title is here and everything. So the salesman gets a call from his finance department saying that they will not fund the loan! (Evidently the customer's credit did not check out), and the salesman is hoping that he can buy the 2000 Ford Escort back from us.

So I got to walking the deal back through my head. Here's Mr Customer who has to give the new Nissan back because his credit didn't pass muster. But the car he traded in belongs to us now! We are under absolutely no obligation to sell the Escort back to the Nissan dealership. They are the ones who sent it to the auction to get rid of it. But what happens to Mr Customer now? He's got no car to drive? I mean, he gave up the title to his Escort in exchange for a little money off the new Nissan, but now he doesn't get the new Nissan. Seems to me that the Nissan dealership sent the car to auction just a little bit prematurely!

The poor salesman sounded pretty desperate on the phone -- Dude was out, but the salesman practically begged me to have him call and gave me his cell number. Somebody's having a stressful afternoon. My solution would be for the dealership to make good on their promise of financing, personally. They do so much hype and holler about "Credit is no problem" and "We finance anyone" and they got bit this time. Not sure what will happen, but I can tell we are going to make some money on the deal in one way or another. What if we had already sold the car to someone else? Hmmmmm This might be interesting.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  10:14:55 AM  Show Profile
I got the gluten free baking mix from Mary Jane. I tried scones with it but could not find a scone recipe from her using the gluten free mix, so I tried using her regular flour scone recipe. It did not work. So I added an egg, some cream, and it got to the right consistency, baked nicely with a bit of crunch on the outside, but it was soft in the middle, did not rise and get fluffy like a regular scone. So I'm wondering if I tried to add baking powder, or even yeast if that would work. Has anyone tried this? They tasted really good and would be perfect if I could get them to rise.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  12:00:01 PM  Show Profile
Sorry, G -- haven't tried the gluten-free. I have used her regular scone mixes -- they are heavier than a regular scone, but tasty.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 12 2015 :  12:35:11 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, your Nissan post was not there when I posted, and after I post, I go back and read it to check autocorrect and to see if I said anything that didn't sound quite as I meant (that has happened to me so I check now). Anyway, your post was not there. Now it is.

So for the record I don't ignore the other posts, it is just that sometimes I don't see them.

Back to your post, Marilyn, that is an interesting situation you have there. I'm thinking from what I know about your dude, he will bail the guy out but I hope he gets paid for his trouble. These guys sometimes just let things go and take the easiest way out.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 1:01:14 PM
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