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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 04 2015 :  6:21:49 PM  Show Profile
Mar - you are so right about the mail! This way I have plenty to do in the morning and can spend the languid afternoons knitting in peace. Tomorrow I am seeing my new dentist. I am hoping I like her. I was very unhappy with the last one. I had to find someone after I moved here to PA, but I was never happy with him and finally just said "no more." My precious friend and dentist out home was killed in an avalanche the year after I moved here, or I think I would fly out home once a year just to see him.

My sweet old Dude is not feeling well and I am so good at worrying. He just had such a thorough look-see this past summer and a very clean bill of health, so i think it is probably just that he's tired and fighting off a bug of some kind, but did I mention what a good worrier I am? I would rather be sick myself than watch him not feel well. He went to bed before 9:00. It is almost 9:30 now - think I will knit a little longer and the head down the hall myself. Maybe it's just the time change. Sigh.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 04 2015 :  8:07:39 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, I'm sure the dude is fine. There is something going around for sure. It's that time of the year.

My mom is being nice. Scary for sure. She bought my favorite ice cream and cooked me dinner. I think she is feeling guilty about trashing me the other day with her and my sisters little gossip session.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 04 2015 :  8:12:30 PM  Show Profile
Here is a picture of my dress for the ball. It is actually a skirt and top. Not the best picture, but you can get the idea.

Here is the top by itself. It is longer in the back.

one more just in case...

The top is very nice and can even be worn with jeans when I get home.

Nite all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  06:38:24 AM  Show Profile
Great looking outfit. It is one of a kind and no one will be wearing something similar.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  09:26:53 AM  Show Profile
Very classy outfit, Bunny! Black is always the best. I like the idea of being able to wear the top, too. I hate having stuff hanging in the closet that is just "there." Thanks for sharing the pictures.

I went and had my teeth cleaned this morning. I needed a new dentist. Had a lovely gentle hygienist who did a great job, but afterward, the dentist came in to look at the x-rays, and of course there's a whole bunch of work to do. I have so many huge fillings from my teenage years, and lots of them are breaking down. I am going to need a couple of crowns, anyway. I just hate the thought of a) Spending all that time in the dentist's chair and b) Spending all that money at the dentist's office! I am trying to remind myself that I am very lucky and have wonderful dental insurance, which lots of people do not. My out-of-pocket has never been too bad. When I got back to the shop, one of my very troublesome customers was hanging around -- she is just over 50, wears her grey hair long and straight -- it's always greasy and she's not a clean person. The topper is that she has absolutely the WORST teeth!!! There are just a few snaggly black teeth across the front of her mouth. It was probably good that she was here, so that I would be reminded that spending the money now, even though I hate to NOT put it towards my savings, will be the best thing eventually so that I do not grow old and toothless. My dear old Aunt E had just a couple of snags left at the end, and I always told myself that I would never let that happen to me.

Sigh. It seems like it's so hard to get ahead. But I am lucky lucky lucky and should not be complaining. I guess I will wait until the pre-authorization comes from the insurance people and then make a plan. The upside is that the dentist was very straightforward with what he found and what he recommended, but he also said that it was up to me to prioritize what was the most important for me and how much I wanted to spend at one time. He said he absolutely understood that money was a huge issue when planning dental work and that we would just work with the insurance and my budget.

So I guess what I am saying is that I need to just quit bellyaching and pony up and be grateful that I have insurance and access to good dental care. Thanks for listening! ha ha ha

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  10:55:45 AM  Show Profile
I hear ya, Marilyn. I need a root canal to the tune of $2400. I'm putting it off. Can't let hot or cold touch that tooth.

Bunny the dress is really beautiful! Couture by Bunny! I just lox it and I know anything like that would have to come from a very upscale store and be big $$$$
You will look fabulous.

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:55:45 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  10:56:47 AM  Show Profile
Sheesh! I just LOVE the dress. And I don't lox autocorrect.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  1:50:16 PM  Show Profile
But how do you feel about lox, G?

Bunny, I do think you have made something special and I hope you enjoy wearing it. Are you considering having your hair up? The color would look so nice exposed.

Last year was our Year of The Tooth. As in dh lost one after another. They just crumbled. Three total. One was a fake tooth from a childhood injury. I had to have a crown replaced. We live in an area that has a major dental school. Many graduates want to stay here. So, we have pretty good prices. And a dental office on every corner. My porcelain crown was $500. Cash. No insurance. She did a beautiful job. It relieved a lot of sensitivity I was having because of recessed gums. Couldn't be happier. dh got great treatment from her, too. We just got lucky because he lost the first tooth the day we moved out of our old house in Spokane. As we were unloading the horses at the boarding facility. . . bad news.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  2:58:49 PM  Show Profile
You mean like with bagels? Not my thing.
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  4:10:01 PM  Show Profile
yea, me neither
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  6:27:53 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

DdK and I went grocery shopping the last two nights sO I was MIA.

On the soup. C says she would have brought it home and fed it to the pigs. I think the Dude was sick from eating the soup. I think that someone else in the Rotary should start dealing with the EX so the Dude does not have too.

YOu only get one set of teeth.

I do like lox on my bagels with cream cheese. I like salted bagels or garlic bagel. I like sushi too.

Bunny the dress is wonderful. It is elegant. I would like to see a picture of you and your son.

This week has been record breaking as far as temperatures in the Greens, I was out in the garden in my t shirt today. I am cleaning up the old, making new beds and planting garlic. I found two dead rats. it was so gross. I called C at work and told her to come home and pick them up. She would not do it of course so I picked them up and dropped them in the bottom of the new compost bin. I figure it will rot there and the poison will not infect anyone.

I set one of the front windows in the greenhouse but I have to take it out and redo it so it sets in the hole the right way. Live and learn.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  6:57:34 PM  Show Profile
Wow we got lots more rain and still more to come. It is unreal.

I don't like the time change because it gets dark so early and seems like nothing gets done. I sit too much.

We are building a sort of greenhouse to go over our vegetable garden plot. We are copying what the others do. They drive short pieces of PVC pipe into the centers of the cinder block that makes the bed. Then a smaller diameter PVC is placed inside the bigger ones, creating hoops. The longer piece of pvc you use, the bigger the hoops will be. Then a long one is clamped along the top to create a sturdy frame, and the row cover is placed over that. When it is going to freeze, we just go over and roll it down and clamp it down. Instant greenhouse. We may not even need it, but if we do, it will be good not to have to try to figure it out at the last minute. The boc choi is ready to harvest already and the turnips, broccoli and cauliflower are looking beautiful. The cabbages are growing but not as well as the other stuff. The peppers are not doing much. We bought two eggplants and one is growing like mad and the other is just sitting there. We only bought one cucumber plant because I didn't think it would do well but it's growing like mad and full of blooms. Radishes and beets planted from seeds are up, carrots are finally coming up, shallots and garlic are shooting up green stalks. I just planted spinach a couple days ago. All this in a 5 ft by 20 ft space. And there was already asparagus in the bed when we got it. Of course this is for two people, not a family. There is still a little room left. No need for hunger in the world.

Since the beds are raised, all this rain has not hurt anything, even though there is a lot of standing water on the grounds. They have three hives of bees. Seems like they have thought of everything. It is lovely to go there and do a little gardening and chat with the others. I was thinking that Cindy was trying to get some interest in her neighborhood for a community garden. It is a great thing to do on so many levels. That is to say it is very therapeutic in addition to the benefit of fresh food.
Marilyn, did your Dude get to feeling better? There is something going around here. I had it last week. Then two nights ago b said he did not feel well but today he is ok.
Bunny, is your mom still being nice? My mom was more nice when I talked to her and it seems that the granddaughter that was supposed to be taking care of her has moved further away (about 20 minutes) and not coming by to see her so she is lonely. She wants me to come to see her. I hate the trip. But sooner or later I have to do it.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 12:55:08 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 05 2015 :  9:23:20 PM  Show Profile
I lox lox a lox. Especially on a bagel with cream cheese. Haven't had it in years cause my favorite bagel place closed years ago.
Bunny--the dress is gorgeous. and so versatile. And I like black. It's elegant and flattering.
G--I looked into starting a community garden but there is no water source on the lot. And the city isn't going to put one in just to have a garden.
Marilyn--I also hate having my teeth worked on. But I hate the alternative even more. We have a dental school clinic here for people who otherwise couldn't afford certain procedures.
I have been feeling lousy ever since the time change. Today was rainy and it's going to get cold. I was sick yesterday. Went home from work. I'd been using my inhaler eight to ten times a day for at least the past two weeks cause of my coughing. I think the albuterol made me sick. Haven't coughed much today and I haven't used it once.
November is the dreariest month.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  08:29:27 AM  Show Profile
Hey Ladies! Check out this video of Lowell's band playing at the party.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  10:44:27 AM  Show Profile
I lox lox a lox, too! ha ha We brought back a whole bunch of it from Alaska -- salmon the kids caught and had cold smoked right there in Anchorage. It's like eating butter!

Sounds like G has quite a garden going. Glad to hear that the flood waters have not reached the crops. It is scary sometimes to look at the weather news. I guess everywhere has "something." On my walk this morning I saw the most gorgeous bright red tree -- it was a big old grandfather of a tree -- perfectly shaped and maybe 30 or 40 feet tall -- simply covered in vivid red leaves. I took a picture, but it was a grey sort of morning, so not sure how it looks in the camera's eye -- it was wonderful in mine.

Dude won 6 bids at the sale yesterday, so he and some of the extra guys have gone to pick them up. They brought the first 3 back, had some lunch, and have now gone after the other 3. It will be nice to have some different vehicles on offer. I don't like it when the lot looks so empty. He got 4 Hondas, and 1 each Ford and Chevy.

I told you about the woman who came in and called me "Love" the other day. I have been trying to verify her employment and had received no response from the temp agency she works through. I finally had a phone conversation with them today, and it turns out that the "3 months" that "Love" has been working for them is actually only "1 month." Also, the agency expects her hours to drop off sharply in a few weeks when it is closer to the holidays. Sigh. I never know what to do in these situations. I don't want to discourage her, but the folks who are actually employed at the factory where she is assigned say that they nearly NEVER hire a temp on as a permanent employee. I guess the temp agency tells them the job is "Temp to perm" for some reason.

I just erased a whole long litany of sad cases. It is disheartening to listen to them all day -- no need to pass that along to you all!

My mechanic just left for the day. I have all my paper caught up. Probably only one more statement to come from a parts house, and it usually hits us right about the 9th or 10th of the month. If the guys get back with those other 3 cars before too long, we can catch the locksmith and have the additional keys made. Otherwise it looks like a very quiet afternoon.

I had pizza for lunch and now I feel sleepy and warm. ZZzzzzz

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  11:11:45 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn you are too kind hearted for that job. It is hard on you. My advice (so glad you asked) is marry the dude now so in ten years you can collect his Social Security. Resign and stay home. Let him hire a hard ***** to deal with the people.

Marie, B is asleep right now and I'm headed to the gym, so I'm going to save the YouTube for a little later but am looking forward to listening. Thanks for sending us the link.

My sons DNA came back and says he is 100% European, mostly Scandinavian, then irish and Great Britain. And some smaller stuff. So much for the Indian stories. Ha.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  5:31:08 PM  Show Profile
Marie, they sound really good. That looks like a very nice venue as well. I assume your dude is the one wearing the hat.

We had Bok choi from our garden tonight. I looked up recipes for it online and settled on one with chicken and herbs, garlic and onions. Sort of like a stir fry. Then made some white rice to put it over, and it was very nice.

Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 06 2015 5:33:46 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  6:09:24 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The band sounded very good. I think with more PR and some word of mouth they could fill the place and make a nice profit. I bet that would please all of them.

The temperature is turning. This afternoon the wind picked up a lot. The wind chimes are going crazy outside. Ours are a deep tone and are pleasant. Almost like church bell but not so sonorous. Today was in the high sixties. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the forties. We had a little rain.

I had the boys cutting down the dead stems of the Jerusalem Artichokes. We bent them and put them in the bottom of the new garden bins. When I get more time I will put the wet hay on top and then put on some soil. I planted 70 more garlic bulbs for next year. I still need to cover them with hay.

The bok choi meal sounds delicious. I like stir fry. I prefer brown rice over white but C likes white so we switch off. We had roasted chicken and baked potatoes for supper. with gravy. no vegetables......bad mothers.....

I made three gallons of applesauce. I put two of the boys in the tractor bucket and they picked apples. When they could not reach anymore they shook the branches and the apples rained down. They thought it was funny when the apples hit them on the head. I covered my head. The apple crop was exceptionally good this year in all of the state. Some of the branches were so heavy with apples they snapped off. We had several break. I thought the boys had swung on them or something but they seemed too high for them to reach. So, I was glad to hear the too heavy rationale.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Nov 06 2015 :  6:15:19 PM  Show Profile
Good day in the sewing room today! I sold 4 dresses...yay!

Unfortunately I also have a sick kitty. Had to go to the vet this morning. He is looking quite a bit better tonight though. Just a temperature. I bet he will be back to his old self tomorrow. Just have to do the pill thing twice a day. The vet gave me a pill popper tool. I have never used one before. Usually I don't have any problems getting their pills down. But it is nice to have a nifty tool.

Marie, great video! Now they will be immortalized for ever on YouTube.

G, good advice for Marilyn. I would never be able to do her job. My sarcastic nature would raise its head.

Marilyn, too bad about the lovely lady and her work issues. I think temp agencies lie as a common occurrence. Just like a part time corporate job will someday work into a full time position. It's all BS to get you to stick around.

Not much else going on.

I'm wondering where all our wayward sisters are. So many have fallen by the wayside. Or maybe just lurking???


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 07 2015 :  4:30:46 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

C got up early this morning to go to the butcher's to pick up the five pigs in vacuum sealed pouches. The people who bought them came this morning and took them home. I am glad because we do not have a lot of freezer space for extra meat.

Way to go Bunny! Four dresses in one day! Good for you.

I went to the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont's annual meeting this morning. I visited with some people I have not seen in a while. it was good. There was three person panel on racial profiling. It was not really about racial profiling it was more on racial disparity and personal bias. One woman who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has lived in Vermont for 13 winters spoke about the need for racial equality in health care. She also talked about going to get her driver's license and filling out the form that asks for race. She put down white and the clerk told her she would not have her license renewed because she filled out the form incorrectly. He informed her that she should have put down Hispanic or Latino. She said, I was born in b
Buenos Aries to European parents . I think that makes me white. She did get her license but she did notice that no one in the line behind her stood up and said she identifies as she does and you are breaking the law by demanding she identify as anything. She talked about Silence being wrong.

I made applesauce this afternoon and we changed out three beds into three different rooms. That was a chore, cleaning the rooms was the bigger chore than moving the beds.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 07 2015 :  6:33:39 PM  Show Profile
Everyone's been so busy and productive I feel inferior. But I have been working hard at my job. And I went to Nautilus the other night and worked out. Seems like it lubricates my creaky joints when I exercise.
I can picture apple-laden trees with so many apples that the branches dip and break. I have a recipe for an apple tart that I think I'll make for Thanksgiving. And yes, who was it that said. "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to remain silent."? Lots of people don't like it when I speak up about something important. They don't want to hear anything that might shake up their little worlds. They're comfortable in their complacency and stay that way due to the numbing effects of too much TV, fast food, and boring jobs. My parents, sadly, are like that. well, they no longer have jobs but you get the picture. My mom dropped her wallet at the grocery store this afternoon. I was at the their house and a lady called and said she had found the wallet on the parking lot. so I drove out there to get it from her, thanked her profusely, and then located my parents at the store, still looking for it. Thank God for good Samaritans. Nothing was taken from it.
Bunny-congratulations on four sells! I bet with the holiday season here you'll sell a lot more. I hope your sick kitty feels better.
Marilyn--I wouldn't be able to do your job. I have no patience with people who lie and act like rejects from Deliverance. I am a softy for an honest person who has fallen on hard times. I'm glad that I'm getting a raise at work but I suspect that the woman who does the same work as me at the other campus gets paid more than I do. She got a market adjustment several years ago and I didn't. I just found this out recently. I've been there twice as long as she has.
It's going to be cold tonight, down to freezing. I saw the perfect flannel shirt in an L.L. Bean catalog and there's a coupon for $10.00 off. Can't have too many flannel shirts. I got the latest MJF magazine today and there's a wonderful article about intuition. And how to make frost for your windows using Epsom salts. all kinds of ideas to keep me busy. I hope you enjoy the latest issue, too.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Nov 08 2015 :  06:41:11 AM  Show Profile
I am at my parent's house in Wisconsin right now with Lowell and both dogs. Morgan does not like riding in cars while Mitzi does. Usually when riding around town, Mitzi will be sitting on my lap looking out the window and Morgan will stand on my belly or chest whining and hanging his head out the window while I hold on to him. Not on this trip and not for 150 miles. I made the dogs a little lounge area in the van right behind the seats with their favorite blankets to lie on. Morgan whined for a while but then would do it only sporadically. When we were on the highway for a while, he fell asleep. Mitzi eventually got off my lap and sat in the back also. It was nice riding along with no dogs on my lap.

Thank you all for the kind words about Ten Thirty Bones. Yes, Lowell is the one in the hat. (The hat is his cool and he never performs without it.) Joe the bass player kept missing his backup parts because he didn't always get up to the microphone in time. Dave's (the other guitar player's) dad took the video. Sadly, Joanna, the girl playing acoustic guitar, has left the band. Lowell needs to get another singer who can hear harmonies and has some instrumental abilities. I think he should look for another female. He said that females have all kinds of drama but he will just put a call out for anyone who can sing and play and see what he can get.

This is Morgan's first time to Mom and Dad's country place. He likes it here. I will get some pictures up when I return.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.

Edited by - churunga on Nov 08 2015 06:41:49 AM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Nov 08 2015 :  12:20:26 PM  Show Profile
Marie, I hope you enjoy your country retreat. Looking forward to the doggies' photos.

Bunny, congrats on a stellar day of sales. How is the kitty?

Cindy, I think I'll request the MJF magazine from the library! It sounds like a good one.

Holly the woman from BA at the meeting has an interesting story. Wish it was an unusual one! My parents were first generation born Americans. Neither could speak English when they entered school. Surprisingly, they had no patience with ESL programs or giving any students that couldn't speak or read English extra help in school. They feeling was, "We didn't have any help." I am sure there were special circumstances that they just chose to overlook...

dnA had an unusually long visit this morning. dh is walking her home now. I don't choose to be outside as much this time of year, so some of the visit is now moved indoors. Gracie likes to see dnA, however today there was no bacon. Gracie was decidedly less enthusiastic than when there is bacon involved in the dnA visit.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Nov 08 2015 :  3:54:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I have friends who were raised speaking French. When they went to school the nuns told their mothers they were slow and should not be in school. The mothers all from different families said, did you notice they do not speak English? I think when your parents were young there was no such thing as ESL. I think it was sink or swim. or go to work.

Today was a lovely day. The sky was a clear blue no clouds. The temperatures were in the forties. I spent the day in the garden trying to get the new beds ready and cleaning up the ground. I am closer and hope to finish tomorrow.

C is orchestrating the remembrance for Nicole who died out in California of the brain aneurism I told you about several weeks ago. He Ex is being a pain. He has told C he wants to speak extemporaneously. Others have told her he is not able to do that and it would be a disaster. C is asking those people who want to speak to prepare a two page double spaced speech and send it to her to be included in a booklet to be handed out. He is resisting and she may tell him to go suck eggs and not include him. Nicole's father wants his minister to speak and the minister believes he is controlling the service even though C has told him no he has five minutes just like everyone else. This service will be put over the internet so her friends in Europe, California and New Zealand can be present. C needs to have the booklet ready for Tuesday to be printed.

We had ham last night for supper and bacon this morning from this year's pigs. It was very tasty.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 08 2015 :  5:48:24 PM  Show Profile
Today was a gorgeous day. It was cool but that's to be expected for this time of year. I drove to the AKC Museum of the Dog in Missouri and met a friend there. We explored the museum and walked a little in the park. Saw some very close up deer who were totally unphased by the people. In my quest to eat local, I decided to fix some crawdads for supper. They were precooked so I put them in a pot of boiling water with some Old Bay. Not much meat but now, if I ever get lost in the wilderness, at least I'll know how to eat a crawdad. I've had deep fried crawdad tails but this is the first time I've ever fixed them as they are. I put all the leftover shells and pinchers in my compost bin. I also got a spaghetti squash and I'll fix that sometime this week. Can't believe it's almost thanksgiving already. But yes, all the store have Christmas decorations up. PLEASE don't start playing Christmas music till after Thanksgiving.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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