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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 01 2015 : 8:34:14 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:43:11 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 01 2015 : 9:19:38 PM
The Halloween party went pretty well. I hope these pictures show up.

From L to R: Dave, guitar and vocals; Joanna, guitar, keyboards and vocals; Vlad, drums; Joe, bass and vocals; Lowell, arrangements, guitar, keyboards and vocals.

They had a lot of space to spread out in which made getting a picture of all of them playing difficult. Joe is in the foreground dancing as he plays his violin bass.
The venture took in $120 so after paying for the hall ($75), I get to split up $45 to the band members. This doesn't cover the printing and other stuff I bought. Everyone had fun and it was a lot of work. No one gave me receipts so I guess I'm the only one who will (eventually) be reimbursed.
Gypsy - Ha HA HA HA I wish that would happen to me. This picture thing is really goofy. Maybe you should have the computer scanned for a virus or Trojan horse.
I will now be taking it pretty easy until after Thanksgiving when I will go back to school. Everyone misses me. The principal of the school was fired and being investigated. No one is saying what the investigation is about. I know some dirt about her but nothing that would lead to this I think. I know some of the parents are going to be happy to be able to help pick a new principal who will engage the parents a little more.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 04:28:11 AM
Monday morning and I am happily still sitting in my warm bed. I love having this day off. The weekends just go far too quickly. We went to the neighbors' for dinner and a movie last night. We had been talking a while back about the Johnston Gang. They were a local family gang who stole cars, tractors, etc., and eventually started killing each other and anyone else they thought could tattle on them. All took place back in the later 70s. Neighbor had said that he knew there was a movie made about them, and he found it on Netflix or something. It was At Close Range. Tough movie to watch at times, but some local color, etc. The dinner, on the other hand, was a perfect 10! She loves to cook and is very good at it. She had cooked a sort of root vegetable medley (rutabaga, parsnip, carrot) and it was beautiful and delicious.
Time for me to drag myself out into the real world. Laundry day today. I have to run up to the feed store later and pick up our pre-ordered birdseed. We get a discount if we order it ahead, and we go through so much of it. I think he bought 48 suet cakes and 4 fifty-pound bags of black sunflower. We will have a busy backyard again!!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 08:18:58 AM
I got to the feed store I spite of a detour for bridge replacement. I left the huge bags of seed in the car, but got 3 suet cakes hung. They went up at 10:50 - I am watching to see how long it takes for our bird population to find them. We have several varieties of woodpeckers.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 09:14:46 AM
My goodness! At 11:35 some kind of alert must have gone out. Three varieties of woodpeckers (Downy, Hairy and Red-Bellied) as well as tufted titmouse, blue jays, cute little wrens, chickadees ... They're all coming back. Yay!
I finished another pair of sox from my Sock Sniper pattern - not sure who will get them.
.jpg?v 1203927)
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 10:40:16 AM
Marilyn, the socks are really nice. Thick comfy socks are one of life's great pleasures.
I'm realizing one of the reasons I can not get into the arts and crafts again is that I'm trying so hard to eliminate all clutter, and I just don't need any decorative objects, so why make them? And I sure don't need any more clothes. Socks, on the other hand - so useful, and they do wear out so they don't stay around for 20 years. I think I will use up some fabric to make some pretty pillow cases, maybe a bathrobe from quilt squares, maybe some pjs from the bigger pieces. I've taken to heart Mar's suggestion to not force myself to do the UFOs that I've completely lost interest in. And have no use for once they are finished.
I envy the backyard birds, but they tell us here not to put out feeders because it attracts mice and the mice attract snakes. One of the negatives of living down here. Rattlesnakes are a real problem. Some people put out feeders anyway. I'm afraid to, since I have these small dogs that go out in the yard. Maybe you could take pictures for us. And for the picture troll, whoever that may be. I'm going to make Brian aware of this issue. I do not appreciate my posts being messed with.
I'm going to go ahead and order the bulk gluten free mix from MJ. It is expensive but I would like to make scones again. And those fold overs are really good.
Our Bok Choi is already ready to harvest. The little garden is doing well. Today is a perfect fall day. The windows and doors are open and the air is fresh and crisp. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 02 2015 10:47:01 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 10:45:03 AM
Marie, I guess you guys can do the music for the fun of doing it and not for profit. That sadly seems to be the way. Too many of our "stars" are no talent individuals who happened to be at the right place at the right time or had some good marketing help. While others who are exceptionally talented, remain in the shadows. It's true in all of the arts. Hope you are getting enough rest. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 3:51:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
A friend came over and mostly straightened out the tie rods. He has huge hands and very strong arms. I would say he has amazing muscles but you fine women might think I was admiring his shapeliness but in truth I haven't really seen them and his face does nothing for me. hahaha but, I can use the wagon now.
I am glad Bunny that you and your son talked it out. I am glad he thinks enough of you to finally make an effort to talk to you.
A young woman who lives near us and went to school with my biggest boys birthed a baby girl last week. She named her Hemera which is Portuguese for something pretty which I can not remember.
Cindy are you allergic to the mold in the wet leaves?
DsR is in the shower singing all of the words he knows how to spell in a rap rhythm.
Sweat shirt weather continues here in the North Country. I am not complaining. I called the oil company to tell them I had turned on the furnace and they needed to start the winter delivery schedule. Last year I did not call them and into November they continued the summer delivery schedule and we ran out of oil. I did not know that off road diesel is the same grade so I can use it in the furnace.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
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The Beautiful Pacific NW
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Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 5:37:06 PM
G,I am glad you are going to permit yourself to pass on finishing the projects that no longer interest you. Our big threat to the little fur babies are the birds of prey. Dh saw a large eagle at dnA's paddock Sunday, which is very near our home.
Now Holly, we can all admire strong muscles ... especially when they are doing us a favor! I love the rap shower singing! I wonder what Hemera means in Portuguese. Let me know, if you find out. I got all the daffodil bulbs planted. I just love knowing they will greet me in the spring. I had dh rototill the area outside our driveway gate. The grass struggled there and it is inconvenient to drag a hose to water all the way out there... so now,I will have an entire new look! Thank you so much.
Bunny, I'm glad to hear that all is normal between you and your son. Crescent City isn't exactly close to...well, anywhere. It is difficult to have things delivered there and the post office considers it a different zone than most of the coast. I wanted to mention those things because of your business. Mom's 92 year old brother lives there and we have run into some situations getting things to him.
Marilyn, if you posting those photos of your socks, I'm gonna end up thinking I should try knitting a pair! I know I'm not quite there yet...
So glad you are keeping the birdies happy. We have had some sightings of our three remaining ravens. I do like watching them!
Marie, it sounds like it was a worthwhile party. Lowell sure looks happy. I hope you got many thanks. It sounds like quite a scandal with the principal! Is it a he or she? Money or sex? Let us know the dirt when it comes to light. Fingers crossed you get a worthwhile replacement that does great things for the student body.
I had my normal Monday. Took mom to the hair salon and then to grocery shop a bit. Everything went well. Then I got my gardening time, so I was happy!
Hope everyone has adjusted to the time change! Marianne |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 8:24:32 PM
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Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:46:08 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 8:25:48 PM
I hope you can read that. It is worth reading.
Holly, it doesn't hurt to look. The guys do, so why shouldn't we? Glad you got your wagon fixed. There's a joke in there somewhere.
Mar, gardening is a wonderful thing to do, isn't it? I always feel better and less stressed. Sounds like you will have a wonderful spring. We don't have enough cold weather for most of the bulbs. Tulips don't work at all and I rarely see daffodils. You have those beautiful azaleas too. We have very alkaline soil and water. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 02 2015 8:33:03 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 02 2015 : 8:36:46 PM
Mar, crescent city does look pretty isolated. But I may not have much of a choice. I'll just have to hope for the best. I would be more concerned with getting packages out more than in to me.,
Got another top done today. My dress for the ball is done and my shoes should be here tomorrow. Had issues with mom and sister today. I'm so ready to get out of here no matter how or where at this point.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 06:24:40 AM
Dude stopped at the ex's yesterday to drop off some certificates for her to calligraph for the Rotary Club and she sent home a container of homemade soup. Isn't that just special? I am trying to remind myself to think of her little passive-aggressive behaviors as pitiful. And no -- I have too much experience with this woman ("This is Marilyn, the woman who lives with my husband.") to believe that it was just a nice gesture. He knew when he brought it into the house that I would not be thrilled, which means to me that he is at least catching a CLUE from time to time! ha ha I think he also knew that I would not be eating any of it. Just my own little passive-aggressive way of saying I don't need her in my world. ha! He got it out of the fridge to bring in for his lunch for today -- shouted down the hall "Should we have some crackers?" I said I would be eating my apple for lunch, so it didn't matter to me.
He is heading out this morning to pick up some cars from the last auction, so it will be either A) One-armed paperhanger busy or B) Deadly dull and boringly quiet. I should get started on my paper, anyway. We came in early today after voting, so I had extra time on my walk and got just over 2 miles!!!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 08:25:44 AM
I feel like I get so far behind with everyone's news over the weekend. Holly got her wagon fixed by the neighbor man. Bunny is so fed up with her mother and sister that she's considering moving to the ends of the earth. G is avoiding snakes (always a good idea), Marie took on an additional career as a roadie, and Mar has gone daffy at the end of her driveway -- does that about sum us up? ha ha
I am watching to see what my latest sox become -- it will be interesting to see if the picture gets whisked into the ether. After I finished the sox yesterday I cast on a hat. I bought a Qiviut (musk ox) kit when I was in Alaska in August, and the yarn is really interesting. It feels sort of rough to begin with, like most "wild" fibers do, but the longer I knit with it, the softer it feels and it almost feels like there's a lanolin-type substance on it. It is going quickly -- not sure if it will be the right size. I suck at hats. They always come out too big. If this one is too large, I will frog it and size down a couple of notches on needles. It's a fun knit, so that's just doubling my enjoyment, right?
Oh -- my zombie rasta woman customer came in to make her monthly payment a little bit ago. She kept saying "Excuse me." "Excuse me." I responded and she said "Oh, I am belching." Lovely. Thank you -- but very polite. I think she was on her meds today because there was no argument. She is failing so much. I have really seen her go downhill in the 2 years that I have been here. It is scary and sad. Even though she can be a truly dreadful and awful person to deal with, it is sad that she has nobody in her world to help take care of her, and she's obviously going downhill and will need to be in some kind of care facility at some point. She is estranged from her sister, who she accused of trying to steal her identity. She has mentioned a son somewhere. Last time she was in, she told Dude that her old boyfriend is with a new woman, so she doesn't even have that option left.
After she was gone, I went over to my investments statement and took a look at my retirement accounts -- had to give myself a little reassurance that I was working in the right direction. It's scary out there, but still quite glad I am no longer with my ex. Life is good.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 11:29:58 AM
Dude should have refused her kind offer, saying that you have already prepared a lot of food and it would just go to waste. Period. Marilyn, she isn't your problem, he is. However, if you are both still married to your exes, then she isn't lying about him being her husband. It's complicated isn't it.
Mar, thanks for checking with Brian on the picture weirdness. I wish I had not deleted the ones that had been put on my posts so he could have seen for himself. If it happens again I will notify them and leave it there. It's good that they will respond.
Hang in there Bunny, we are all rooting for you. It will work out because it has to. That's my logic.
Going to go out and enjoy this lovely day. Rain will be back. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 3:54:33 PM
Should have flushed it, Marilyn. End of story. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 5:18:29 PM
And tell Dude if he brings home any more care packages, you will flush him next. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 5:19:34 PM
B would probably have eaten it on the way home and tossed the bowl. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 05:55:52 AM
Ha ha ha ha ha. I like all of the above! Flush him like an old goldfish. Life is so complicated at this stage -- some days I think staying with my high school husband would have been the best idea. Oh well, lots of water over that particular dam.
It is nice to hear the attorney say "You need to get that divorce DONE!" though. He really likes his attorney and takes his advice very seriously, so I am hoping we are both going to be divorced before too long.
We got to the office good and early today, so I had plenty of time for my walk -- I am up to two miles!!! Still not pleased with my breathing on the uphills, but I have always had that issue.
I knitted a cap from the Qiviut yarn I bought in Anchorage. It was a quick knit -- just Monday and Tuesday. Everything I read about the fiber is that it will be warm and possibly indestructible. I have been looking for a pattern for some warm caps for my Daddy -- he's been losing his hair from the chemo and wanted something to keep his head warm.
Time to get something done.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 07:33:08 AM
I'm not certain how I would handle the Ex-giving food thing. I am of three minds:
EVIL - Take it without saying a word and dumping it in the trash or the bushes as I leave hopefully while the EX is watching.
NEUTRAL - Ask to use the bathroom and leave it there before I leave.
GOOD - Thank the EX graciously. Take the dish home and enjoy the gift the EX gave of not having to make dinner that night.
I will be playing Dungeons & Dragons tonight. The sorceress in this game has been purchased as a slave and is now a servant in a rather posh residence. I'm keeping my magic under wraps, my head down and my eyes open. Another member of our group is about to be the main attraction in the arena. The rest of them are making contact with a group that wants to take the government down. If I ever see these guys again, I will be very angry that they didn't rescue me from the slave traders.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 07:46:51 AM
Sometimes being single is a blessing. No issues with excess baggage from the past.
My dress for the ball is finished. I tried to take pictures but it is black velvet and impossible to see what it really looks like. I tried bright lights but you just don't get the look very well. I know there will be pictures at the ball and I will get one taken there. Better lighting and better photographer most likely.
My x has decided to wait two more years before retiring. I'm glad someone has brought him/her to his senses. Hopefully my oldest can help his dad eliminate some credit card debt before then. Although he will probably just rack it up again. My x has always been terrible with money. So I just need to chill for two more years. I'm going to keep up with section 8 anyway. It could at least get me out of here for the time being.
My sister got fired from one of her jobs yesterday. They had called her into the office the day before and told her she needed to be nicer to everyone. So yesterday the cable guy came and hooked cable back up. She is splitting the bill with my mom. She called in sick and they just fired her instead. I'm afraid this is so typical for her. She just started working there and this is the second time she called in sick when she wasn't. She just didn't want to go to work.
I love this time change. I have been waking up an hour earlier than usual thanks to falling back.
Have a wonderful day! Later sisters!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 10:35:52 AM
I don't want to go to work, either! It is a gorgeous sunny warm day here (high 70s), so Dude says we are closing the door at 4:00 and heading home -- yay!!! He wants to go home and sit on the deck and enjoy the sunshine.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 11:34:24 AM
Good for you, Marilyn. It's a pretty nice day here too. The mornings are humid and foggy but then it clears off to become a nice cool day.
I think I like Marie's Neutral position best about the carry home. I would definitely do that. But Dude would not be able to do that. After thinking this most interesting topic over, I think my DH would take the soup to keep from offending the EX, then he would chuck it in the back seat and worry all the way home how to keep from offending me by bringing it in the house, knowing I was already pissed off that he went over there in the first place, but by the time he got home, he would have already forgotten about the soup, and it would be discovered three months later when I began to notice an awful smell. Then I would ask him, "where the h*** did that come from." To which he would reply, "I don't know" and I would never know for sure if he really forgot or if he was fibbing.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 11:51:56 AM
That scenario sounded like Dude until the part about forgetting and leaving it in the car. I know he knew that I would be upset when he brought the soup in -- I have made comments before when she used to send him food. One morning a long time ago -- I don't remember if I had already moved up to his place or not -- I was having an awful time here one morning with horrible customers -- I think it was the day I had to call the police because Baby Huey was threatening me -- anyway, in Dude comes after having stopped off to pick up one of her cars for service. I was upset and still having some panic and adrenaline was coursing through my veins. He had a container of soup (I guess she likes to cook soup and makes too much, like we all do) and I said "It's so nice the way she takes care of you" in the snottiest voice I could muster. I felt bad as soon as I said it, but I was so scared and upset. He didn't care for my comment, but at least I let him know that I did NOT care for the way she kept "caring" for him, even after she knew I was in the picture. I am with Marie up to the point of me eating her soup. Dude brought it here to the office and had some for lunch yesterday, but he knows I won't have any.
I have as much of the October end-of-month done as I can do. I still need the operating account statement. Our mail comes so late in the day now! Our long-time carrier (like at least 11 years on this route) retired recently, and the new guy is a nice kid, but he's a lot slower than David was and I think they may have had to adjust the routes some, as well. Most days our mail is not here before we leave.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 2:03:39 PM
Now, Marilyn, you are looking at the mail situation all wrong. You get your mail delivered first thing before you even get to the shop now! Who could ask for more?
MIL is always telling me the mail is slow "up here." (In comparison to "down home.") I don't know how she can ascertain that the delay in mail between San Diego and Vancouver is solely the fault of the Pacific northwest mail carriers. But, there ya go.
I had had a nice morning planned out today. dh got up and went shooting early. I had planned to hit JoAnn's for some Christmas gift supplies. I asked Mom if she would like to peruse her Salvation Army shop - it's half off day. She certainly did. So we planned to leave about 9:30. Then dh thought he'd like to come and hit the Sportsman Warehouse... So that moved our heading out time back an hour. When he got home from the shooting range, he had determined that his new glock needed to be returned to the manufacturer and decided to run around and see to that instead of coming with us. That meant that I was looking at leaving Mom for quite a while on her own.... So, I stayed and bargain-shopped with her. I'll hit JoAnn's some other day.
I understand everyone's upset about ex's. I am lucky to have my dh's exes firmly in the past at this point. But, I do remember his asking his ex if she was "happy"/satisfied with the plans that we had worked out for her to see ds. I didn't want him to even ask about her feelings. The funniest things bothered me. Thinking about them sharing a closet seemed very personal. Weird. Oh well.
I think I will finish up this cap I am knitting. We had our first frost this morning, so it's hat time! mar |
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