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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 19 2015 : 2:51:06 PM
Ok. I was going to post. But I can't. I'm laughing too hard. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

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Posted - Oct 19 2015 : 4:08:55 PM
Good evening everyone,
DdK is trying a plant based diet. She researches on line what to eat and how to exercise. She has a good plan in her head. She takes long walks at least twice a day. I do not know if she does running when she is out. She goes in the woods and I think it would be hard to run. She talked at the end of last week about getting up at 4 and using the stationary bike for an hour. She might be doing it the bike is at the other end of the house so I would not know. She is five feet tall and very strong. Her genetics will make it hard for her to ever be slim. She likes her body so that is good. Good luck on the diet and the exercise. I would guess organizing the exercise is harder than organizing eating well. You seem determined and that makes it easier than just wanting too and being wishy washy.
I told C about dnA and the hot chocolate. She had a good laugh. Well, I guess it is better to get the joke late than not at all when it comes to the dog's toy and dh.
DsG had therapy this morning. Usually I run errands while he is being entertained. While I was looking at LED bulbs I ran into a friend I haven't seen in maybe ten years. We had a good chat. He recognized me. I did not recognize him. He used to have a beard that was just a too lazy to shave face. Now he has a trim goatee.
This afternoon I worked on the platform with a roof for the generator. Just takes time. I made the shelf it sits on 36 inches off the ground. It seem high to me but I guess if there is snow on the ground it will not be so high.
My neighbor Clumpy called tonight. How could she get the skunk out of the chicken house without getting sprayed? I told her to put cat food outside and hope it leaves. It was snuggling in to the corner with the hay.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2015 : 8:42:43 PM
I had a good day. The weather is sooooooo lovely.
I had to be at my diabetic doctor's office at 8 AM so I got up at 6 AM and walked the dogs. The air was pleasantly warm with no wind. The doctor looked at my blood sugar results and they were as chaotic as usual but my A1C was in good shape. We decided on a new course of medication and made some follow up appointments. She didn't know that I had had the surgery. I guess the doctors don't talk to each other.
I had broken my glasses. I brought to the shop where I always go. She said that she would have to look through her supplies to see if she could find a part to fit. Meantime, I have to save up $380 to get a new pair. No, Medicare does not pay for them.
When I came home, I sat outside with my dogs and read. Mitzi was certain there was a critter in the wood pile. She just would not leave that area and kept her tail wagging. Later she went to another part of the yard and was searching for it there.
Here is a picture of my new flannel nightgown and the sheets I bought for my recovery.

Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 06:16:24 AM
Marie -- Love the lilac! I hope all that flannel helps you sleep and recover.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
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True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 08:54:03 AM
Didn't get to sew much this weekend. Did computer stuff. I'm trying to learn a new software program to make my pictures look more professional. I'm also putting together a new website for my clothing in addition to Etsy. Plus, I still have a box of quilting books for sale on another etsy store. I still have a quite a few to add. If anyone is so inclined it is
So this weekend was all about computers....mind numbing. I did have another sale though! I'm $100.00 away from my base monthly goal.
I do have a finished top I need to photograph and post. Just didn't have time. I'll make sure to post it here when I get in my store.
Time for work....later everyone!
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
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Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 11:42:16 AM
Great job, Bunny! Sounds like lots of irons in the fire, but maybe that's what it takes. You are a very productive person. Glad that keeps you out of the "line of fire" with mom and sis.
My daughter is back from her trip to Idaho to see my folks. We were texting back and forth this morning and wow!, did she ever have words for the preacher at G'ma and G'pa's church!!! They were NOT kind, either. My folks have always been faithful church-goers, and sometimes the rest of us have not been too impressed with the pastors of some of the churches. Several years ago, they were living in Arizona in the winter times and had become very involved in a church down there -- lots of good friends, a choir to sing in, all the things they always like about church. Every time I talked to them on the phone, they just went on and on about this preacher -- what a great guy he was, etc., etc. I went down to Arizona to visit them and they took me out to eat (early bird special at the local eatery) and we ran into the preacher. Ladies -- as soon as I laid EYES on that man, I knew he was all sleaze!!! As Sophia Patrillo said "There was something about him. I couldn't put my finger on it, but if I had, I would have had to wash it afterward!" I got the most awful yucky vibe from this slimeball, but of course I did not mention it to my folks, because he was their pastor. So about 6 or 8 months later, my mother calls to tell me that Rev. Wonderful had been having an affair with ... wait for it...the church pianist (why is it ALWAYS the poor pianist?) and they had run off to Phoenix to live together, leaving Mrs. Wonderful to pick up the pieces of her shattered world, as well as that of the church. Sigh.
Daughter was just horrified at the scare tactics this little shaved monkey was spouting from the pulpit. The whole congregation is elderly people and his basic message was -- to quote my daughter -- God loves you, but you don't deserve it, but you better spend every waking minute trying, but you never will, but God sure does love you, and Jesus is coming again.
My mother, for one, is absolutely terrified of putting one TOE out of line at age 83, after living her whole life thumping on her Bible and shunning every evil she could imagine (and she could imagine a LOT of them, let me tell you - ha). She has a deep conviction that God is just waiting for her to slip up one time and send her right to hell. It is so so sad. My dad's doctor told him several years ago to have a glass of red wine in the evening to help his heart and whatever. Daddy enjoyed his one glass of wine in the evenings for years. Recently, my mother made him quit that little pleasure because, as she put it, "We are too close to the end!"
Sorry to dump all this, but it is very frustrating to see this happening. My dad has always been a very moderate person and very thoughtful, but my mother has come up with some real gems and drags him right along. She was convinced that I was out in Idaho at the same time as my daughter -- she said she had seen it "on the morning news." She went on and on about it while my daughter was visiting. She has blood flow issues and nods off a lot. Then she has little dreams while she's asleep and wakes up thinking they are real.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 1:46:21 PM
m |
Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2019 2:38:45 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
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Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 4:02:09 PM
It's not just churches. It is anytime a group of people get together. City council, 4H groups, school boards, Red Hat Society, PreSchools! I have lost faith that humans can function very well in very large groups. I think we do better in smaller doses where the power can stay in check. Or maybe that's just how I function better. Speaking out of turn, I guess.
But, marilyn, it is sad to see your father lose yet another simple pleasure due to your mom's fears. Aren't you glad your daughter can ascertain the craziness from the pulpit. What's the latest with Sock Sniper? How many are still in?
G, how has the NO trip gone for your son and DIL?
Bunny, I just ordered a new computer...well, dd did through her work account discount program. Yay. I don't look forward to getting used to it, but this one is starting to have a real attitude. It's five years old. I think that's about average for a laptop. It isn't an expensive one and neither is the next one...just looking for a work horse.
mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 4:35:14 PM
Good evening everyone,
There are sharks preying everywhere on vulnerable people. A 2 X 4 up the side of the head would not be good enough. Geez Marilyn your mom has enough issues without an outsider adding to them. C's mother was hooked into some thumper that sent her tapes to listen too. The system is a piece of work. It amazes me how vulnerable even smart seemingly together people fall for the brainwashing that goes on. I guess you dad just wants to keep your mother as happy as possible. If it is at all possible. Lonely people just want a place to belong and get sucked in.
I have a shirt that says "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in Large groups."
I think there may be some HIPPA regs that keep your doctors from talking to each other unless you give specific permission. I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Warm sunshine is so healing.
Diversification Bunny is the way to go.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 4:50:03 PM
Glad I didn't offend everyone with my rant. I consider myself quite spiritual, but church - not for me these days.
There are about 10 snipers left! Getting down to the last days now.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 11:56:46 AM
Quiet day on here! And here at my desk. Boss has gone to a bid sale, so it's just little old me. The phone is not very busy. I am pretty much done with paperwork and just enjoying the sunshine.
Our Rotary Club president was home with a high fever today (she's a physician, so she gets exposed to everything), so I chaired the meeting. It was our Students of the Month week. Every month we honor 2 seniors from the local high school. They are usually good scholars, but are chosen on the basis of their well-roundedness and service to their community -- home, school, town. It is always a great meeting to hear about their busy lives and optimistic plans for the future. We had a good crowd today, with several visitors. The "Comunidad Hispana" organization from a couple of towns north of us is opening a branch here in our little town and a couple of staffers were there to get acquainted. That is wonderful news! Hopefully we will also be able to get one of them to join our club. It is always easier to find ways to help an organization if they are represented in our membership. We are always looking for service projects, and having an insider's input helps us know where we can be most helpful. I especially enjoy the "hands on" activities. On Friday, one of our members will be rappelling from a 31-story building in Philadelphia to help raise awareness for "Outward Bound." We recently sent an at-risk teenager to one of their summer camps. She had never been camping before and had never been away from her father. He said it was the longest week of his life and she said it was the shortest of hers! ha ha ha No mother in the home, but Grandmother is nearby.
I guess I will make myself another cup of coffee and get some knitting done. His Dudeness was watching me knit on a sock last night and said "You know, if you would knit me a pair of cool socks that only went up to here (a couple of inches above his ankle), I would wear those!" So I am all excited now that I could knit something for him and he would wear it. But they have to be "cool." hmmmmm I think he likes the self-striping yarns. I am thinking of knitting bulky bed sox as my Christmas gift knitting for this year. I like to have something that I can knit a whole bunch of to give as hostess gifts and for last-minute stuff -- something that doesn't have to be specifically a certain size or color or whatever.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 12:56:50 PM
I know it is so wonderful when the man recognizes the value of a craft. Lowell has always said that when I crochet while we are eating dinner and watching TV, he feels so much calmer. Maybe have the Dude look through some yarn catalogs and let him choose the type of coolness he wants.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 1:43:24 PM
Holly, I like your TShirt - I'd be careful where I would wear it, however. Probably not to church or to a meeting, lol.
Marie, the gown and sheets look very cozy and comfy - I like that color too. Sounds like you are doing well - I'm sure L is relieved.
Marilyn you keep making me feel like I should be knitting socks instead of wasting so much time online. Saturday we are going to learn how to play pickle ball. Going to the gym, taking a couple of classes, getting involved with the horticulture group, taking care of two houses, it all seems to be growing into too much. I really have learned to enjoy down time. There are neighborhood parties, special interest group parties, holiday stuff and I'm feeling overwhelmed with too many possibilities. I do not know how the time goes by so quickly. I like to stay busy but am not a party person. I don't actually like parties. I know that sounds weird.
Mar,I didn't hear any news about NO, LA. was there something going on there? My son said they were staying just off bourbon street and the whole part of town smelled like an old dirty ashtray. Which it is. They are sending text and pics and seem to be having fun. They don't get off the island much to see how the rest of the world lives. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 12:38:04 PM |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 4:48:13 PM
Good evening everyone,
I understand about parties. I like to visit with people on occasion. I do not like parties especially where there is drinking because some people are stupid when they drink. I do not like to be around men who leer. I can deal with small gatherings that have a specific purpose.
Glad the Dude appreciates your skill with needles and can say so out loud.
This is sort of a disgusting story. I was out moving piles of dirt to fill in a low part in the field. DsC comes running over with a long string with a blob at the end from the hay barn. Joey (the dog) is killing the field mice. he yells. Bring them here I say. I look, and they are not field mice, they are rats. A little while later he comes running with his hand scooped saying, look mama there are babies and their eyes are not open and Joey killed one of them and look at them aren't they cute. I said, give Joey the rest of them to kill. No, he says. I want to raise them for pets. Joey and dsC spent the rest of the hour digging up rats from the hill under the barn. Lunch time came and he brought the five dead adult rats and the four pink baby rats to the house. He buried the dead ones in the manure pile for the worms to eat the flesh off so he could just keep the bones. I am not sure what he did with the pink babies but they are outside and by morning they will be cold and dead. I do not like to kill wild things but for rats I make the exception. So, we will be putting out rat poison in the hay barn on Saturday. When he brought them to the house both dsT and ddK had fits on him.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 5:03:19 PM
Holly, too bad you do t have a pet snake. It could eat the baby rats and be done with them.
G, you need to use the word "no". Sounds like you are getting overwhelmed. Just plan on something once a month and be done with it. The pickle ball might be nice as long as you don't have a bunch of other things too. It this B's doing? His ADD needs lots of activities. He needs a buddy to play with so you can do your thing at home.
I just got home from work. Tired! My boss cut out the top to my dress for the ball. I'll start sewing it on Friday. I'm sure there will be tears. It is velvet and boy does it have a mind of its own. My youngest called and he was able to get leave for the whole time I'm there. So we will get to spend lots of time together.
Anyway, time for a short nap.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 5:52:28 PM
A young man who grew up with my middle set of children just graduated from basic training at Paris Island. He will be stationed to study to become a JAG investigator in South Carolina. Is this near your son, Bunny?
I thought about a snake for the rats and then wondered how I would catch it again to keep it safe for the winter. I think C and ddK would have conniptions if we had a snake in the house.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 6:14:20 PM
Holly, my son is in new River North Carolina at the marine air base. Your guy must be officer material. Snakes do hibernate when it gets cold.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 21 2015 : 6:38:20 PM
Holly - I am with you on the rats issue. I suppose a snake could be tough to keep in your climate.
My daughter called this evening and told me some funny but scary sad stories about stuff my mother said while she was visiting. Not sure how long Daddy can take care of her when she's so nutty. I am afraid their trip to Indiana will be hard.
Sleepy - which is a nice change for me! I think I will try actually going to bed!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2015 : 06:49:50 AM
G -- I hear you about the parties. People seem to think that I am an extrovert because I tend to cover my discomfort and nervousness with chat. In reality, I am a very introverted person and going to a party is a huge dreadful torture generally. Once I get there, I can usually find someone to speak to, but small talk is really not my "thing." I always feel like I have nothing in common with most people. Why is it that we (such a disparate group) get along so very well? Just glad we do!!!
My dear daughter has always been a curvy girl. She developed early and that made her a little uncomfortable sometimes, I think partly because the style at that time was very straight and thin and it was hard for her to find jeans, etc., that she felt were "right." Anyway, after she became a mom, she has carried quite a bit of excess weight. Her dad's side of the family just happens to be built short and stocky and that's the way that is. Knowing that doesn't really make it easier for her to feel good about herself in this culture, but I can see that's where the genetic component comes into play. A few years ago she did the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk for a couple of years -- walked and trained and was very very fit, but still was not a thin person and is never going to be and she is working hard on being happy with herself. (We all know how much easier that is for US at our ages than it was for us at her age - 43)
I mentioned that she had just returned from a week spent with my parents out in Idaho. She called last night and was giving me the details of her visit, and some of the weird little ideas that are floating around in my mother's head these days. So she texted me this morning and was telling me that Grandma was making "fat jokes" at her during her visit. They had gone out to dinner for my daughter's birthday, and when they sat down at the table, my mother started scooting over away from my daughter and saying "WoW! Do you have enough elbow room?" and leaning way the heck over. When she came down from singing with the choir on Sunday morning, she sat down next to my daughter and then made her sniffing noises and leaned way over and then scooted down the pew, saying "I didn't realize it was going to be so tight here!" There was nobody in the pew but my dad, my daughter and my dear lovely wonderful hateful judgmental mother. She has always made remarks about "fat" people and snurled up her cranky sniffy nose at anyone she thought was a pound overweight, but it is just too hurtful that she said things like that to her own granddaughter. My daughter said it is rather convenient for Grandma that she won't remember having said the things she did, but of course SHE will remember them, even if she knows that my mother is full of hot air.
I wish I could feel more love for my mother. The ridiculous stuff that she does these days is partly just due to her dementia, but so much of it is really the radicalized and uncensored version of the way she has always been and the unsavory and hateful attitudes that she has always expressed in private -- she just has no filter now, so more comes out. I am feeling very unhappy with myself this morning.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2015 : 08:22:03 AM
And now for something more positive.
The other morning on my walk around town, I started to make a mental list of some of the sounds that you really only hear in a farming community -- especially with lots of Amish neighbors.
Go-to-town buggies with the clatter of trotting hooves followed by spoked wheels on dry pavement.
Squirrels barking from the overhead lines -- afraid you will chase them up there, I guess.
A full farm wagon going through a rough intersection versus the same empty wagon coming back through the same rough intersection after the produce auction -- and the team of 4 Percherons pulling it -- all 16 of those wonderful big hooves pounding the road.
A milk tanker cranking up to make the light on the uphill side of the one big intersection "uptown."
The creaking of the old iron pass-through gate between two of the 1880s shop buildings on Market Street and the swishing of the broom as the storekeeper sweeps the sidewalk to start his day.
The huge tractor with its fat tire sound -- pulling over to let a line of hurrying cars pass.
The giggling teenage Amish girls in their "town" bonnets, sitting frontwards and backwards and stuffed into the buggy every which way -- going to town on an errand on a sunny fall day.
The "hyup-hyup" of the young man starting his buggy horse to trot after stopping for the traffic light.
The sounds of Mexican Banda music floating over the mushroom packing plant.
If you take away the drone and hum of all the cars and buggies, all the shouts and calls of the people coming and going about their noisy business -- you can almost hear the last dry cornstalks rustling in Coates' field just outside of town and the breeze whispering through the tobacco barns with their sides propped open.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2015 : 7:13:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
I was going to comment Marilyn that it sounds like the veneer that your mother had has dissolved from her dementia and then I thought NAH! She has always been this way. I am not sure why you and your daughter continue to torture your selves with visits to her. Being polite? Being family? or you just want to see your Dad? C 's mother was rude to her and she always had hope that she would be different. I think I said before on here that C said to someone, My mother hasn't said a mean thing to me in two years because that is how long she has been dead. You are made of much stronger stuff than I am. I would have given up. I have an older brother who believes he is an only child. I stayed one night with him when our younger brother was in the hospital. HI was talking and he looked around me to his friend and said see how she is full of drama. I did not think I was being dramatic and I should have turned around and shown him what drama is in our house. I am not sure he is worth it. I stayed at a hotel the next few nights. I am sending you and your daughter strength and hugs. I know the hurtful words stay with you for a long time. I wish we could all forget the hurtful unthinking things people say and only remember the kindnesses.
DsC and DsR took cheese over to the rats this afternoon. We did not know they were going until the deed was done.
You live in an amazing place Marilyn. We hear the sound of the wind and the birds and the chipmunks scolding each other.
I was listening to a radio show on the way home tonight. It is called A Way with Words. They were discussing the spelling of dilemma . Some people spell it dilemna. which is wrong. I guess enough of us do it that it was up for discussion. they Hypothesized that it was led by the Catholic Schools. I remember it as dilemna and I did not go to Catholic schools. They are looking for a primer or any school book that taught that spelling.
I went to October madness in Montpelier tonight. Many of the stores had 20% off. I began my winter holiday shopping.
I finished the stand for the generator and moved it with the tractor to where I wanted it. I put the generator up on the platform. I think it is very high off the ground but in the winter it will not be.
So, I was wrong. Our young neighbor will be stationed in North Carolina. I will find out what base he will be at. He has only finished high school so I think he would not be officer material. We'll see.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 22 2015 : 7:28:26 PM
Holly, your neighbor will most likely end up at either Camp Lejune or New River air base.
My mother tells my sister she is too fat all the time. But they both hide food from each other. They hide it in their cars and my mom hides it in her room in dresser drawers. My sister hides food in her room/ the living room. No one bothers me and I don't hide anything.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2015 : 06:36:09 AM
Good morning all,
It is finally raining here, and on a day I was to spend with my grandson. Also will most likely cancel the pickle ball training tomorrow as the courts will be wet. It's one of those fronts that moves in and stays for a few days of just drizzling. I'm really not complaining though, we were still so parched from the long hot summer. A cool rainy day is typical fall weather here.
We went to the dinner party last night and ended up having a really nice time. It is a good group and once we get to know everyone it will be great. We are trying to round our lives out socially and at this point in life that means you have to join things. I am wondering, Mar, what is it about the Red Hat Societies? I know nothing except I've been invited to join a couple of times and they say all they do is have fun. Are they commies in disguise?
Have a great day, ladies.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 23 2015 : 06:41:04 AM
Bunny -- I hide food, too -- IN MY BELLY! ha ha ha I guess it's not technically hiding if everyone can see it, though. Sigh.
Holly -- We stick around to see my dad. That's always been the way. And Mother wasn't as awful to the boys -- I got "lucky" being the only girl, and I guess she thinks my daughter is me now.
I am still laughing about the littles taking cheese to feed their rats! I suppose an animal is an animal is an animal. Some people keep spiders as pets, and I couldn't do it. I am glad you mentioned the chipmunks! When Dude took all the old paneling and ceiling down in our old basement before the remodel, there was a veritable Habitrail of chipmunk tunnels and burrows and caches! I kept finding little stashes of seeds and nuts in the toes of all my winter boots that were in storage down there. We had to send them outside, but we were both relieved to see that they didn't leave altogether -- they are still busy around the place ---- just OUTside!
We have had really warm temps the past couple of days, but it should be moderating some now. So glad, because once fall gets here I really like it to stay!
G -- Are you in the path of that weather that's coming up from the hurricane? I saw it on the news this morning. Looks like it will hit the west coast of Mexico near Puerto Vallarta -- just awful!!! The tourist areas are bracing for a hit. I know there are American tourists trapped there, but I always worry about the nationals who live in such poverty and have so little to begin with -- then it is nearly impossible for them to recover. Hopefully the tail end that's headed up to Texas won't be a problem for you.
Dude stopped and visited with his attorney for a bit yesterday to begin talks about his new will. First thing the attorney said was "Why the H*** aren't you divorced from **** yet?" He said that it had just been easier for her health insurance, etc. Attorney said "Well, if you die with the situation the way it is -- she is entitled to 1/3 of your property." I'm not sure that he's still breathing - h a! It was quite the yank on the old reality choke-chain. I am so glad the attorney told him, because he just won't listen to me. I told him that is why I am trying to get mine all settled -- the convenience of joint accounts for money transfers and all that is fine, but the downside is too scary.
I slept last night -- finally! I had one of my horrible insomnia nights on Wednesday -- up until sometime after 3:30. Of course I still have to be up at 6:30 to get ready for work. I don't want those zombie shows on TV, but I was probably doing a pretty good impression yesterday. By about 5:00 I was just miserable! Then we had to stop at an open house grand-opening for a shelter for homeless families that our Rotary Club has been working on. We didn't stay long, I can assure you.
A few years back, several people in the area began to formulate a program for a shelter that could accommodate families with children, because there just aren't many. They eventually formed an organization called Family Promise of Southern Chester County. (I think there was already a Family Promise group somewhere else that they connected with) Anyway, they have a network of area churches that provide overnight living areas with bedrooms, bathrooms and common living and cooking areas. They rotate around the area, so each church hosts the families for a week at a time, and the church member volunteers come in and feed the folks dinner and breakfast while they are there, and pack lunches for daytime. During the day, they bus the families to this new facility, which is a day center. They leased the old convent building from the Catholic church that had to move out of town and build a place where they could have parking for mass. The lease on the building is $1 per year, but the building needed tons of work, so several Rotary Clubs got together and repainted, carpeted, redid the whole place. They have nice common rooms, nursery, playrooms and several office rooms where the folks can get help with job searching, etc.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Gathered Up: Over 50 Farmgirls  |