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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Oct 23 2015 :  2:58:51 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 10 2019 4:42:08 PM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 23 2015 :  5:05:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I gave a pint of blood today. My blood runs out of me slowly and they had to move the needle twice to fill the bag. I was not impressed and glad when it was over. A small bit I can do to help someone who doesn't have a choice.

My two foster women and dsL are all at respite this weekend. Two mornings without having to wash wet sheets will be a treat.

A cold blustery day today all day long. We have a set of chimes out front that ring in the wind. They are a set of deeper tones and pleasant to listen too. They have been chiming since well before dawn this morning.

Another hen hatched out three chicks today. She has been sitting out in the weather for many days now down by the bike house. Each time I saw her I thought she was dead. We put her and her chicks in the stall vacated by Mrs. Orpington when her two chicks were big enough to roan without the worry of them being stepped on.

The Hit man comes tomorrow to slaughter the pigs. While I was giving blood this morning the technician asked if we were already for winter. I told her the wood was in, the hay was in, the chickens were in the freezer and the pigs were going tomorrow. She said, oh, I never expected an answer like that. I am not sure what she did expect.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 24 2015 :  4:24:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

The Hit Man came today. He and his BIL did five of the pigs. BIL cut his hand while skinning one of the pigs. He hooked the skin between his thumb and first finger. He drove himself to emergency care and now is decorated with 16 stitches. So, they will need to come back again for the last two pigs. We sold one as live weight. it was five feet long from between the ears to the base of the tail and 63 inches around. Using the formula found online somewhere. C figured the live weight of the pig to be 567 pounds. But, the pig was dead, skinned and gutted when the people took it to their house to cut and smoke. They were happy. We charged $2 / pound live weight.

It was a cold blustery day. Temperatures were in the high thirties and low forties.

I am glad you are having a nice visit with grandson. He looks like he has good energy to share.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 24 2015 :  4:31:48 PM  Show Profile
New computer is here!! And I am actually able to use it. dd and her boyfriend helped me with a few things, but it was very simple. Thankfully.

It has been a great Fall day here. dd and I went to the Saturday Market. The only thing we brought home was handmade soap in seasonal fragrances, peppermint, cinnamon clove and then lemongrass/coconut (dd is wishing she was still in Hawaii!) We also got to walk along the river on the floating docks and that was very nice.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  3:47:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I finished putting the windows in the attic of the green house. Only need to do the big side on the bottom and the door side. I do not know if I will get them done this fall. I hope so. I still need to finish filling in the bottom with logs, manure and soil.

Congratulations, Mar on being fifty steps above computerly illiterate. That would be 48 steps above me. hahaha Glad you and dd had a good time together.

Overcast and breezy most of the day. not complaining I could still wear just one sweatshirt although I did put on my flannel lined carharts yesterday.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  3:49:53 PM  Show Profile
Mar, my last new computer was a Mac and I still don't know how to use it, after two years

We said goodbye to DS and grandson today. I always think I won't cry but I always do. I'm sad for a few days and then I get past it.

We are drying out from all the rain. It is always feast or famine in Texas. We had so much rain and severe flooding in the spring, then a long hot dry summer, now finally the rain is back and a lot of it. We have friends in Mexico not far from where the hurricane came ashore but they are at 5k ft elevation so they only got rain as well.

Mar, I am a big fan of handmade soaps with essential oils. Never got around to making it but I try to buy from locals who do. It gives the whole house a nice scent.

Board is quiet again. Where is everyone?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  3:56:39 PM  Show Profile
Holly you posted at the same time. It was cool and breezy here today too. Not often we have the same weather. Hope you get to use the greenhouse this winter. We won't get frost for another month. My carrots did not come up so I need to replant, also want to put in some lettuce.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  4:46:01 PM  Show Profile
While my son was here, I had him do the DNA test. Used the one from Ancestry, now I read it isn't the best one. But the kids have been wanting to do it for a while, so I finally ordered the kit. For some reason they needed a male donor. We have a lot of info on my side but none on their fathers side. He has died and had very few relatives. I don't know what will come of it but will possibly give them some info they will find useful, or at least interesting.

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 25 2015 4:49:29 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  5:35:20 PM  Show Profile
The DNA information sounds like it will be very interesting, g. Sorry for your having to say good bye. I do hope you will see them shortly.

I got home, unpacked, started laundry and dh convinced me to lie on the sofa for a bit. My arm still hurts from all the twisting he had to do. (Wink) I fell deeply asleep. He told me he was going out for our evening visit with mom and I was absolutely NOT to come. It feels so nice to be pampered a bit. Absence did make the heart grow fonder. Little Chihuahua was beside herself when she saw me, too. I haven't been out to see the horses yet...and dnA was told she had to wait until tomorrow to stop in...48 hours is a long time away from home!

It started to rain this morning so dd and I decided not to do any shopping downtown. She did need to do a grocery shop, so we did that. It seemed strange to me to get into a car in an underground garage, drive thru a city for eight blocks, enter another garage and take an elevator to a Safeway that looks just like any Safeway I've ever been in. When we got home to her apartment,I realized we hadn't been in the open air at all. She will walk to the store when her list is short and light enough.

Holly, your greenhouse is almost complete. How excited are you? And your freezer must be almost full. I assume you don't have the pork back from the butcher, yet.

While I was in Portland, we went to Powell's City of Books. It is an entire city block, almost two acres, four stories and something like for million books. Overwhelmingly is an understatement. I saw lots of Books on painted gourds and immediately thought of Holly.

Have a nice evening,
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Oct 25 2015 :  5:37:19 PM  Show Profile
I am here and so tired. I try to sleep in most mornings but Lowell complains so much about taking the dogs out that I just get up. Once I am up, there is so much to do that I don't settle down for a while. It isn't good for me to sleep too long because my blood sugar tends to drop and I get into trouble.

I am hoping that Lowell understands where in the grocery store the hot chocolate mix is and gets enough of it. He didn't take his cell phone with him so I guess he will have to go back to get some dog food. {He got cocoa powder so I dragged him back to the store and showed him EXACTLY where the hot cocoa mix was. I'll now have two QUARTS of cocoa powder.}

I need help closing the windows. If I have the maintenance guys do it, I will need some time to know when they plan to come so I can move stuff out of the way for them. I really shouldn't be lifting some things now but oh well. The windows are very cheap and are starting to fall apart so having Lowell help me will just be more trouble than it is worth. He will ask why the windows are like this and then will proceed to the general unfairness of the landlord tenant association in our economy and the need for liberals to start their own economy with better . . . yada . . . blah . . . blah . . . blah. At least he dug up the canna lily bulbs and buried the pumpkin.

Anyway . . .

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  05:03:53 AM  Show Profile
We may be scattered all over the country, but it sounds like we are all adjusting to fall - whatever it means for our location.

G - it is always hard when "the kids" leave, isn't it? One reason I moved here - I get to see my grandsons whenever I want. Saw the grandsons on Saturday - the younger one is sprouting...I swear he's grown six inches in six months.

October has been way too busy. This past week was awful. Too many commitments and too many events. Saturday night was the Rotary Club Casino Night fundraiser. Dude tended bar, so he was on his feet the entire night. I sold 50/50 tickets and helped with the roulette table, so I was on my feet all evening. We both fell into bed after 1:00 and laid there with feet and legs aching so bad we couldn't fall asleep. We needed to be up early on Sunday because the insurance company was sending a visiting nurse for a home check- up at 8:30 for Dude. (He gets a little discount if he does the check-up). So we dragged ourselves out of bed and waited breakfast....tick tock tick tock...eventually it's 9:00 and Dude is HOT. The nurse never showed - never called - nothing. We finally had our breakfast and started our day. Dude went over to the Widow's place and got the LAST load of Model A parts out of the garage, so we celebrated him being done with that project. He got home at about 2:00 and was changing out of his dirty clothes when someone started knocking at the door. It was a neighbor wanting him to do some title work for a car she had bought ages ago. I was furious. The man works six days a week. There are offices all over the place that DO this kind of work, and this person waltzes over on a Sunday afternoon to "just drop in" and ask for (free) advice. This is the woman who let her two pit bulls run loose in the neighborhood until they chased another neighbor's dog back into its own home through the dog door and killed it inside its own home while it was trying to hide in the bathroom. Same neighbor who wrote a bad check as a graduation present for Dude's daughter, then replaced it with another bad check. The same neighbor who has stiffed our lawn guy for the past two years until we confronted her and insisted she pay him. I was as absolutely UNgracious as I could be until she left. Wouldn't even speak to her. Doubt she will pick up on it, but I do NOT want to interact with her on any basis.

As a result of the past few weeks, we have decided to back away from as many things as possible - we laid in bed last night practicing saying "no" in different voices. Ha! We will see how that goes. I am enjoying my Monday at home. Still in my jammies. Planning NOTHING.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  08:48:06 AM  Show Profile

I feel the same way. Now that I am in recovery mode, and am mentally more healthy, I see that being at home and doing things here is very relaxing. I also may cut back drastically when I return to my normal schedule after Thanksgiving.

One thing I may do is absent myself from the Friday night Dungeons & Dragons game. Hunter, the story master has lost control of the story to two very aggressive power players. Power players are those who use all the rules possible to create an extraordinary super-character who basically cannot be defeated no matter what it thrown at them. They waste a great deal of time arguing why the rules should be interpreted in their favor. If I were the story master, I would first know the rules better than and power player, give the character a flaw that they will discover eventually and have all the toughest enemies attack them exclusively. But, I'm not the story master.

I guess I get to carve the two (or more) LARGE pumpkins for the Halloween party at the end of the week. We haven't put up any posters (we don't have any) and haven't done any other kind of publicity that I know of. Lowell is so loathe to advertise anything, especially after seeing Mad Men. All I know is that we need 15 people to show up to break even on the hall. I would like more to cover expenses and those expenses will only be covered WHEN I GET A RECEIPT. Ha! Anyway.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  11:09:50 AM  Show Profile
Well I just made this large post and my iPad decided to skip being on the internet part and it was gone.

Short version...

Son and I are not talking due to him wanting me to live with his transgendered dad and look like a lesbian couple. And I need to make sure I have a job when I go live with him. Feeling like burden to my family.
Need to reapply for section 8. In three years I can move back on my own.
Staying home...lounging in bed with kitties and reading free kindle book.
Finishing dress for ball on Thursday. a nutshell.


Farmgirl number 3738
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  12:39:00 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Dec 10 2019 4:43:49 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
3331 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  2:00:43 PM  Show Profile
Chill out day, my behind! We never get a chill out day. Any of us. We may spend some of our energy thinking we are having a chill out day and then our mind goes the way yours did, G and we start in...thinking "well, I'll just get ahead!" HA!

It is nice to be home. MIL announced she was going to take a break from having her hair done at the usual salon... ??? And go where instead? I asked her why. (This was dropped in my lap on the way to the salon.) The reasoning was that this stylist was doing something to make her hair fall out. Seriously? You have very little hair. Have always had very little hair. And you are creeping up on 90 years old. Who has a full head of hair at that age? Oh. The second reason....the hairdryer is too hot. "Did you ask her to turn it down?" "Yes, but then it takes too long to dry my hair." "I can see why that must be the stylist's fault."

Well, mom came out of the stylist's area beaming following her hair appointment. Apparently, she was very happy and told me she would be coming back there next week. I thought, "OK. Keep me posted. I'm at your beck and call..." I am very pleased that that just sorted itself out. I don't enjoy looking for a hairstylist that will do an old fashioned set roller set and tease.

We continued our morning by stopping to do the grocery shopping. Mom only needed a few things, but since we were there... Consequently, I will save dh a trip tomorrow. Which turned out to be very appreciated since he had a few surprises when he cleaned up mom's place while we were gone. We will allow her the dignity of keeping her own home as long as she is safe. And since dh is very handy at fixing things...he can un-fix anything that we don't want her to have the ability to turn on!

Bunny, your son is suggesting a lifestyle for you that might lend itself to an award winning series. But, who wants to star in it, right?

Marilyn, people have no class sometimes. Our neighbors have started burning their yard debris on the first day the ban was lifted. It is all wet. And they just let it smoulder and try to relight it. So, it stinks. Day and night. And when they decide to 'really get it going' it gets so smoky. For crying out loud.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 26 2015 :  5:35:10 PM  Show Profile
Mar, It might work as a reality show. I could be missing out on fame and fortune.
So glad MIL is sticking with her current hair dresser.

Read a whole book today. Haven't moved from my bed except for food and bathroom. My mother keeps coming in and staring at me with this stupid look. "Yes??" I ask? "Oh nothing. Just wanted to see how many cats are on your bed" .


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 27 2015 :  06:55:42 AM  Show Profile
Oh Bunny! "I just wanted to see how many cats are on your bed." That is priceless. Did you just lie there thinking of creative responses? I'm afraid I would have. Reading a whole book is my kind of productive.

Hairdressers are on the receiving end of a lot of fault, aren't they? I got my hair cut again on Saturday -- short, short, short -- just the way I like it. She always "does" it afterward with gel and goo and spray. Then I go home and jump in the shower and get it all clean and fix it myself. I love the way she cuts it, but I don't like wearing all the product in it. This lady has been cutting my hair pretty much ever since I moved to PA and my hair was waist-length with straight bangs and usually in pigtails. Now I take a picture of Judi Dench in for her to use as a guide. Some change. Hey....maybe it's her fault that my hair is grey?????

I had my walk this morning. After Saturday night's Casino Night, my feet were pretty angry with me at first, but we got our whole 1.6 miles in. Lots of paper to shuffle this morning after Monday off.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Oct 27 2015 :  8:44:47 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--I understand about sore feet. The only reason I can get through a day at work is my shoes by Merrill. They're costly but worth it. I'm on my feet all day. when i had a pedometer and was keeping track, I once walked 27,000 steps in one day. My feet are achy right now. Gotta flex them to keep them feeling right. Try soaking your poor tootsies in hot water with peppermint oil.
Holly--will you use the greenhouse for gatherings during the cold months? When I belonged to a CSA, the last meeting of the year would be a dinner in the greenhouse, with homemade hot apple cider. Umm, hot apple cider sounds so good right now. I'm roasting some plums, want to enjoy them before they disappear from the store shelves.
G--glad you had the chance to see your grandson. Enjoy him now, they grow up fast.
Bunny--you deserve some pampering, so stay in bed with the cats as long as you feel. Trying to think of a name for the reality show--no, can't think of one.
Mar--my mom is FINALLY going to see her dr. tomorrow about knee surgery. It would only involve a small incision, then they put a small pad in there, and there's almost no down time. she was worried he was going to tell her she needed knee replacement surgery. I'm not sure when the surgery will be scheduled but I'll need that day off cause I'll have to drive her to and from, plus can't leave my dad alone.
Marie--isn't there some kind of higher authority you can go to in your games? It's no fun when two people ruin it for others. Maybe there's another group you can join.
I still haven't heard if I got the position at work. I had my second interview on Friday, and today, the guy who was working as a temp, decided to quit. Said he felt too tired to work. He's YOUNG. Aren't young people supposed to have too much energy? Actually, I think he was just lazy. I force myself to go to work whether I want to or not.
Went to my cousin's on Saturday. She lives in an old farmhouse from the 1800's. There were a lot of people and a real nice bonfire. And lots of food. I ate nachos but no meat. I find I like myself better when I don't eat meat. Feel like I'm being true to who I really am. Which is one of the hardest things in the world to do.
Gotta go eat those plums.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 27 2015 :  9:59:03 PM  Show Profile
Great. Another long post and my computer decided to shut off. I got a new lapdesk thingy so I could type on my laptop and use my mouse while sitting in bed. I think my computer hits the edge and hits the on off button.

So I'm not going to repeat everything again. Just know I said good things to everyone and have a nice night.

Oh, and my son is still not talking to me even though I tried to call him.
I sent in my application for section 8 housing but the apartments that are available are scary. I should come up on the list in 3 to 6 months.
I need to save up money until then. Maybe something better will come along.

Nite all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  06:07:27 AM  Show Profile
Cindy -- I bought a pair of Merrill sport sandals when we were on vacation up in Banff probably 10 years ago. Bought them in town, put them on my feet and walked about 2 miles back to our hotel and never felt a thing! They are my very most comfy shoes -- so much so that I keep them on the pedals of my elliptical trainer so that I can just step into them for my workout. They really are the best. I think if you prorate the cost over 10 or 15 years, it's not bad at all!

We are getting some of that leftover rain from Patricia, so everyone is driving like they've never seen wet before. Sigh. We were bringing two vehicles into work this morning, so Dude called me a few minutes after he left and told me the road was closed and which way to go to get around it. Then about 3 minutes later he called again to say NOT to take that alternate, because he was sitting stuck in the backup there. I went my own alternate way and never ran into anything even remotely like traffic. Ha! Too windy to carry an umbrella for my walk today, so I stopped in town and got my coffee before I came to the office. The lady at the coffee shop had gingersnap scones again! Yum.

My daughter posted on fb yesterday that she is making lots of progress in stopping her "shame spirals." She described them as absent-mindedly taking a bite of leftover birthday cake in the morning and then progressing to mainlining cream cheese and finishing the day with shots --- of BUTTER! Not really funny, but she expresses herself well. She has been working very hard with a good therapist and is making lots of headway with her food issues. When she was in college, she was anorexic (we, of course, had no clue - duh), and now she is overweight and has real food issues. I am so grateful to her counselor for all the good work they are doing. I just want her to be healthy and to feel good about herself. Wouldn't that be nice for all of us? She actually included her grandmother's recent fat jokes in her post -- she is becoming so much more brave than I was at her age -- I am very proud of her.

His Dudeness is making cranky noises out at his desk -- I should go see what I can do :)

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  07:43:42 AM  Show Profile
There is no higher authority for these games. We have all been just thrown together by our love of table top role playing games. I will probably speak to Hunter privately with some suggestions to regain control. We are all friends so diplomacy is required. When I make a character, I make certain I have a flaw which can limit my progress. The sorceress is very naïve and trusting. She is addicted to the feeling of euphoria from the wild magic and love. She also believes everything will turn out badly. The druid is left-handed which is considered magical or demonic depending on the culture and remembers every insult thus nursing silent resentments. This one was insulted by another character and made him smell like a skunk for a day. It will be okay.

I have so much to do. Dave, the other guitar player, sent me a poster. Now I have to run (um . . . bus) to Uptown to get it printed. Lowell wants a table top flyer with the lyrics to one of his songs on it. I will also put our Facebook page on it. The really great thing is that the State of Minnesota has finally sent the property tax refund so I am $500 richer. (Unfortunately, this amount is considered income for tax purposes.)

Marilyn - I am proud of your daughter for taking charge of her life and deciding to love herself.

Bunny - It is unfortunate that many of the Section 8 units are not in the best shape. Places can be found if you persist. Annette found a lovely little one bedroom in a very secure building with very attentive management close to downtown. I am surprised you are able to get a Section 8 voucher so quickly. It's a 5 or more year wait here.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  08:07:28 AM  Show Profile
BTW -- I made some brownies over the weekend using Mary Jane's organic mix. They were very very good. I did do a little doctoring -- I cut in the butter and then added an egg and some cream, then a little more water to make a less stiff batter. It wasn't pourable, but it was definitely more liquid than the package calls for as a Bake-Over crust, etc. After I had the batter in the pan (about 8x8, only rectangular), I dropped a few spoonfuls of crunchy peanut butter on it and then swirled it around. Oh my oh my oh my. Stop me! I will definitely be ordering more of the brownie mix. I am thinking that a swirl of raspberry jam would be pretty yummy, as well.

Marie -- Sounds like you are mending. That's good news.

My mechanic is mad at me -- won't make eye contact or speak to me. This morning, he came in shouting about something he had heard about from the TV news. Someone had "told" him about an event that happened and he was all up in arms and insisting that we be angry with him. I told him that I wasn't there when it happened so I didn't know the whole story, so I wasn't going to be angry about it. This is something that happened in a whole different state from us, but the news media has been hyping it and talking it up big, because there was some video. He just went on and on about it (he hadn't actually seen the video -- someone had told him about it at work last night) and getting louder and angrier. I just said that I wasn't going to be upset and have an opinion about something that I had no knowledge of and that I wasn't going to be manipulated into being angry by some talking heads at a TV network.

I have been "off" TV news for quite a while now, and it is making my mornings (especially) so much more pleasant. I watch the local weather forecast and then I sit down and eat my breakfast and then get ready for my day. It was just too easy to get all wrapped around the axle about things and be manipulated into feeling anger or fear (NEVER a positive emotion) or outrage over something that, when I really really thought about it, I had no personal knowledge about or stake in.

I like this feeling of calm that I am nurturing in my life these days, and television is not good for that.

The Dude's ex is not good for it, either, and I am trying to put new batteries in my remote and see if that will help..... ha ha ha ha ha

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2259 Posts

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Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  5:16:46 PM  Show Profile
Hope everybody saw the funny post.

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 29 2015 08:49:00 AM
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  5:17:06 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Bunny tell your son you like d*** and not p**** and to get over it. You left the X once and why would you make the same mistake again? ARGH children who try to help and don't. Are you on your way to the Ball now. Isn't it tomorrow?

I have Merrill's and several of my family members do as well. They last and are comfortable and do not need to be tied. What more can a person want in a pair of shoes?

Mar you must keep a journal of stories and when MIL dies publish a book of short stories. It would make so many of the other caregivers know they are not alone. and they could all wet themselves while reading it.

It is a couple of year wait for section 8 here I think. I hear the list is long.

It is raining here. I made some new beds in the garden. I noticed in my parsnip bed that there was a very nice round hole going down. That is a rat hole. Before I could go get the poison to pour down it Joey started to dig. He did not find any rats but he did not go to the bottom of the bed either. I will have to take a rat bait station out and put it in the garden. I am not pleased.

We turned off the TV news at 9/11. It scared the littles who are now teenagers too much. I read the newspaper or listen to the radio in the car. Sometimes I read it online.

The chickens are molting. They look pathetic with the new feathers coming in that have the band on them and look like quills When the band falls off the feathers will be there. It must not be very warm wearing the quills.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2259 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2015 :  5:21:02 PM  Show Profile
some things I post are pertinent to the conversation we are having at the time, not for the amusement of lurkers, so once we are done with that conversation, I remove it.

Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 29 2015 08:51:33 AM
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