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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 : 7:51:43 PM
The motion camera and the copper strip are both great ideas. I will be a star at the meeting Saturday morning coming up with such great ideas. Where would I get copper strip and how wide is it, Mar?
I'm very tired tonight. I love my kids, but............
I did not know about the foods you mentioned and gout, Mar. I'm always learning something new from you. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 15 2015 7:52:49 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2015 : 8:05:49 PM
Try to post a pic of us today with my grandson. Will take it down tomorrow and hope the gremlins don't turn it into a pumpkin. Notice the bag, Bunny.
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 19 2015 6:33:05 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 15 2015 : 11:20:07 PM
G, the bag looks great. I'm so glad you are finding it useful.
I did not get the job I applied for. I guess it is not where I'm suppose to be. I'm thinking of looking for something part time. I'm just getting tired of being turned down. I have a pretty good feeling it was my age.
I had a sale today....yay!
Too tired to post much else. I'll be back tomorrow.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 11:40:21 AM
Silly silly day today! It is a lovely crisp fall day -- plenty of sunshine but nice and cool. My baby daughter turns 43 today. She is out in Idaho visiting with my parents and staying with my brother and his wife. Uncle Ed took her out on the ATV -- they rode across the desert and saw lots of wildlife. Then he took her target shooting. This morning, Aunt Linda was baking her a birthday cake. She is having a very good visit, and that's good. She has always been sort of special to my folks, because she was the first grandchild and we always lived very close to them.
Today was "let's search for lost keys" day. Every time His Dudeness needed a key, he had to tear everything apart to find it. Then he went to McD's to get lunch for our mechanic, got to the drive-through and made his order, and then when he got to the window he saw that he did not have his wallet. It was sitting on his desk. So back he came and then back over to McD's -- then when he got back here, he found that they had not put my salad in the bag. He was having a challenging day. It has quieted down some since the mechanic left at 1:30, thank goodness.
My crazy rasta-wig lady just called. She is furious because there's a strange noise in her car. I wanted so desperately to tell her what strange noise I was hearing! ha ha ha When she is off her meds, she will call and yell at me for a bit, then slam the phone down. Then she will call back in about 10 or 15 minutes and start up again and then get wound up and slam the phone down again. On and on she will go -- shouting ugly filthy names at me each time and escalating until I just tell her I am done listening to her and she should not call anymore. Then next time she comes in (and has been taking the pills) she will be just as sweet as honey and make her payment. I have had to ask her to leave before, though. When she gets just too abusive I have to have her leave when there are other people here. The police have had to pick her up before, when her family swore out a complaint. They had her on a 72-hour psychiatric hold and when she was released, NOBODY would come pick her up. She ended up calling me and asking me if I would come get her and bring her home. I explained to her that she needed to get a friend or relative to do that for her. She said "Aren't you my friend?" Hmmmmm -- no.
This morning, I had a couple calling. He and She are both on the contract for a car they bought here in the spring. In the meantime, they are on the outs. One day She wants the car and the next day He wants it. I keep telling them that I do not care who has the car, but that they are both on the contract, so they are both on the hook for the payments, regardless. So She calls and says "I would like to remain anonymous on D***'s car payment." I stuttered for a couple of seconds and finally just had to ask her what on earth she meant. Evidently there's some kind of power struggle going on between the two of them. She says "He's going to call you and try to get you to push his payment back and I don't want you to take any money from him." Sure enough, he calls me almost as soon as I hang up. "Ummmmm...I am hoping that you can extension my pay time, because I am in Philly because grandmother is dying of the cancer." Sigh. I got so tickled -- it reminded me of that episode of M*A*S*H where Klinger brought the Colonel a letter from home saying one of his parents was dying, and the Colonel pulled out a file with a half-dozen other letters that Klinger had forged listing all the different family members who were dying or pregnant or BOTH.
I just don't believe anything anymore.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 3:09:43 PM
Marilyn, how do you do it? They say knitting is very therapeutic. .
Marie, I hope you are feeling much better.
We are having a quiet afternoon. Kids went into the city and we did not want to go. Nice to have the house quiet, but sad at the same time. They will leave early in the morning to drive to New Orleans for DIL's conference, then back here next week. I would not want to do all that driving. I am enjoying an afternoon of doing nothing. It is still so very hot here, looks like we don't get fall this year.
Here is how we spent our morning.
[IMG |
Edited by - doll58maker on Oct 18 2015 5:23:04 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 4:06:16 PM
Grandson is gonna be a lady killer! Such a good looking boy. Those onion rings look good, too.
We are supposed to have a warmer and drier than normal winter up here in the northwest.
mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 8:11:33 PM
Thanks, Mar. I love this little guy and I don't get to see him but every couple of years.
I hate weather changes. If this the global warming they are talking about? Our nights are a little cooler but still 90's during the day. We are still wearing our summer clothes.
Marilyn, I know the dude realizes how lucky he is to have you taking care of business the way you do. I would not be good at that job.
Lots of people missing. Guess I will stay off a few days and give it a rest. Maybe everybody just needs a break. Wonder what happened to Steph. Haven't heard from Janie or Mel in a while either.
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 03:50:50 AM
G - that is a handsome grandson you have there!
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 07:23:53 AM

some pretty trees.

asparagus seeds in the melting frost.
The internet did not work last night. I will read the posts tonight to catch up. C and DdK are going to the shoe store to visit the Timberland representative. They are both very excited.
Have a day with moments of joy
Holly farmgirl #2499
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 07:56:21 AM
Oh Holly! You have frost already -- yikes! We are under a freeze watch all weekend, though, so I guess it's time, even down here. It sure felt good to have the house all warmed up when we got up this morning. You have a great eye with the camera. Thank you so much for sharing.
I am at the shop today. Dude is the organizer for our Rotary Club's quarterly highway clean-up, so I come fill in so he can do that. They had a big BIG group today, so they were done early. Now he's gone out with a truck to pick up the bags. When he gets back I will head on home. Some friends met us here at the shop yesterday afternoon to go out to dinner with us. They brought us a big bag of apples from their Granny Smith tree, so I need to get on home and get started peeling and coring and prepping! There will be applesauce aplenty! I am thinking of putting it in the crockpot and letting it just stew away.
The crazy lady I spoke about yesterday just stopped in to yell at me for a while. As she was leaving, Dude pulled back into the lot -- poor guy. She has cornered him out there now. She insists that we did "something" to her car because it is making a noise. She was literally stomping her foot at me!!! I wish you could see her with the makeup plastered on with a trowel and the red red lipstick and then that wonderful rasta wig sitting crookedly about halfway to her ear on one side. It makes me sad to think that there are old people like that who have to be by themselves and there's nobody in their world to take care of them.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 08:27:36 AM
Good morning everyone.
Holly, as usual, your pictures are amazing. Thankfully no frost here yet but it is cooling down.
G, your grandson is quite the handsome guy. Glad you get to spend time seeing everyone. Hawaii seems so far away.
Marilyn, I would not hold up under the stress of dealing with your characters. It is too bad your crazy is all alone. I guess that is why so many end up on the street.
Marie, how are you holding up?
I got my truck back yesterday. The shop found out what was draining the battery. It was the drivers side seat motor. Funny thing is, I have asked every shop I have delt with since I got here to fix it. But no one has...they always forget to look at it. So, I made a point of telling these guys to fix it. It turns out three wires were exposed and shorting out and draining the battery. I'm so happy it is finally done. I also had them do an oil change and replace the batteries. Winter and a diesel motor are hard on them. The old batteries would have probably been fine. I just didn't want to take any chances. I hate being without my truck. I feel trapped somehow. Like I can't get away from here. My sister is working two jobs and is gone most of the time. But when she is's all about her. I'm trying to just stay out of the way. But she is a pig and everywhere she goes, there is a big mess. My mom as usual is not feeling well. It's always something. Yesterday, it was her whole body hurt. Before that it was her "detoxing from pain meds". It is hard to know what is really wrong because she is such a drama queen. She went to the doctor on Tuesday and everything was fine. I want out of here so bad. I'm feeling trapped and hopeless about it. I keep telling myself to not give up. Keep working, saving money and work on my sewing. I just wish I could see some result. My truck has now eaten up all the money I had saved. Next month I go to North Carolina to see my son and will have to take money for that. So there goes my paycheck. Sigh...
I did have two sales yesterday. So that was uplifting. Today I'm sewing the last muslin for my dress to the ball. Then it is time to sew the real thing.
Sorry to be such a downer. I just don't have anywhere else to vent.
Farmgirl number 3738 My blogs: Handmade stuff
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 10:15:19 AM
Dear Goddesses of the Iris,
Thank you all for the well wishes. I am starting to feel more like myself now and feel as if I need to download my story.
We arrived at the University of Minnesota hospital shortly after 6 AM and made our way to the surgery. This hospital complex is a veritable dungeon maze of rooms and corridors. The ground floor is actually the 2nd floor so the mind has to be adjusted on entering. We were checked in and as we waited I told Lowell who to call after the surgery was over and what to do if something happened to me. I told him that I didn't think something would, I just wanted to make sure that he knew.
The surgical department has 25 operating rooms. They seem to be scheduled in a similar manner as airport gates. Lowell was with me during all the prep. I was very anxious and covered it up by telling all my jokes. The one about this area not having been used recreationally for over a decade. The one about a musician without a girlfriend being called homeless. The one about the large pizza can feed a family of four and a musician cannot. I guess I entertained all of the 12 medical professionals I met. I told them that when I wake up I tend to know I have severe pain and can't really say where it is. I asked if I could get morphine <evil laugh> and they said they could do that.
So I was all prepped. I had the massage boots on to prevent clots and all the IVs in. Lowell gave me a kiss and left. I was now alone and had no one to tell jokes to. I started to cry. Lowell looked back and saw. He came back and asked what was wrong. I told him that now I was alone and I couldn't hide my fear from myself anymore.
I felt pretty groggy while they wheeled me out. On TV shows when someone is being taken down to an ER or surgery, the camera is always looking at the ceiling. I turned my camera to the sides to look at the whole hallway. I remember entering the operating room.
The next I remember is waking up feeling very agitated and in great pain. Again, I didn't consciously feel the ache. I couldn't speak or open my eyes. My throat was dry and felt clogged. Eventually I gestured toward my stomach. I could hear everyone rushing around trying to find something to give me to reduce the pain. Apparently, I had the robotic procedure instead of the vaginal one.
Next, I was awakened by a nurse while in another room lying on a gurney. I couldn't speak except at a croak. My mouth was dry and I had to pee really bad. I was given a bed pan and I couldn't go. My muscles seemed to not want to work. Two nurses took me to the bathroom. I could barely walk. I believe I heard one of them make a remark about not wanting to do this. It took me several tries to finally pee.
When they brought me back, I was put into a chair. I protested. I wanted to lay down and sleep and I TOLD them so. They reclined me and I fell asleep. When I awoke, Lowell was there. I wiggled my fingers to show that I wanted him to hold my hand. He must not have been looking at me so I croaked and wiggled my fingers. He was attentive but he didn't know what I wanted. I had to tell him to hold my hand and get me some water.
A nurse came in and asked me if I was ready to go home. This nurse will now be referred to as . I said no. I was supposed to spend the night at the hospital. Several different people came in asking me questions. I was awakened several times by this. Finally another person came in and I just answered all the questions before they even asked me. I was so sick of all this. Why wasn't I in a hospital room? said it wasn't medically necessary. I told her that I wanted to be there because I wanted a peaceful night's rest. said that wouldn't happened because they would wake me up multiple times. I said I had to get into and out of a cargo van to leave. Lowell said that he could help me. I finally said that I was not certain that I would be adequately taken care of there. said that I could get an infection in the hospital and home was a more safe place. asked me again if I was ready to go home and I clamped my mouth shut. asked if I was going to answer her question. I said, "I will not answer you."
I discussed it with Lowell. I explained to him my reasoning and how I wanted to ease him of the first night care and how I wanted one good night's sleep because he doesn't sleep so soundly. He said, "It would be easier for me if you would come home." So that was that. To make his life easier, I went home.
We stopped at the Coop on the way home. I wanted pudding in single serving packs. He came back out to say they didn't have this item anymore. I told him to go to Cub but he wouldn't do it. I ended up with yogurt. I have described to all of you how that tasted in my mouth. When we got home, he took the dogs out, changed the sheets to the brand new beautiful ones I bought for this occasion and proceeded to make HIS dinner and play chess. I undressed, put on my fetching flannel night gown, unpacked my bag and got my meager dinner. I dosed on the couch not really paying attention to the TV. I took myself to bed at 9:30. I had to remind him to take the dogs out.
The next day Lowell had to go to work and, as usual, was pressed for time. He didn't want to take the dogs out until his hair was washed and combed, face shaved, teeth brushed and body clad in work clothes. I told him to just put on a sweater and shoes and take them out for the morning pee before Morgan did it in here. He is not as selfless as I am so I put on some clothes and took them out to the front yard. They wouldn't come in when I called and I got dizzy. When Lowell found me, he just yelled at me. I guess I made a mistake there.
I sat out on the couch when the neighbor guy Sean came to look in on me. His wife has had a surgical hysterectomy so he knew the drill. He went to the grocery store and got me pudding and jello. What a great guy. He stopped in frequently to check on me and took the dogs out a couple times.
Since then, I have been taking it easy taking naps in the afternoon and eating soft foods. I kept getting phone calls so I just let them go to voice mail and picked them up on my cell phone. The phone cord is no good but Lowell refuses to go out and get another one. The windows need to be closed but I cannot lift anything yet and I need to move stuff away from the windows so Jim can close them. Maybe I will be able to do this on Monday. I have to go to an appointment anyway.
Okay, the story is done. Lowell is a substandard caregiver and I expect too much.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 12:05:02 PM
tried to edit |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Oct 17 2015 12:15:30 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 12:06:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
Marie - you tell the story well, and hopefully it will have a happy ending! It does sound like you are on the mend, and that is great news to all of us.
Dear Dear Bunny - Go ahead and vent here - it is quite safe. I think we all take it in turns.
I have applesauce cooking. There was a full bushel of apples, but they were NOT nice. I had to do lots of culling and cutting and cleaning - made me remember being poor as a kid and having to take everyone's leftover produce and free berries - oh how I hated that. One time the preacher at our church told my mother that there were gooseberries growing in the woods behind the church and we could have them. So of course the Hartman kids all trooped out with buckets and pans and we picked and got nettles and got stung by bees and bit by spiders, but we got a truckload of gooseberries. I was about 8, I think, because it was before my baby brother was born. And did I mention that I HATED gooseberries? We got them home, and the. The boys were free to go play, but I had to help "put them up" because I was a girl. (Still am, actually). I was supposed to be cleaning the berries while Mother went to get the jars or freezer boxes or whatever. I tasted a berry and it was so sour! Made my teeth hurt and my glands ache. I looked at all those nasty berries and I just KNEW that we would be eating them all winter. Mother never would put sugar in anything, because it was "too expensive," so I just saw all those pans and bowls and the naughty came out in me! I stuck both my hands into the nearest pan of berries and started squishing them. In bashed my hands up and down like I was churning butter, and then I moved to the next pan and the next...I mashed berries as fast as I could go! I mushed them and squished them and squashed them and ... Then my mother came back to see how I was getting along. As you might imagine, she was somewhat displeased. She told me what an ungrateful horrible wasteful awful little girl I was, and that Jesus would be very very upset to see me act like that. I postulated that perhaps the hungry children in China could have my share of the gooseberries, since I did not intend to eat them under any circumstances.
I don't remember what happened to those gooseberries. I do not recall if she used them up in jam, or made pies, or froze them squishy. I was in my bed being punished. But I personally have never eaten a gooseberry since then.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Oct 17 2015 12:16:41 PM |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 12:17:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
quote: Originally posted by Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
Marie - you tell the story well, and hopefully it will have a happy ending! It does sound like you are on the mend, and that is great news to all of us.
Dear Dear Bunny - Go ahead and vent here - it is quite safe. I think we all take it in turns.
I have applesauce cooking. There was a full bushel of apples, but they were NOT nice. I had to do lots of culling and cutting and cleaning - made me remember being poor as a kid and having to take everyone's leftover produce and free berries - oh how I hated that. One time the preacher at our church told my mother that there were gooseberries growing in the woods behind the church and we could have them. So of course the Hartman kids all trooped out with buckets and pans and we picked and got nettles and got stung by bees and bit by spiders, but we got a truckload of gooseberries. I was about 8, I think, because it was before my baby brother was born. And did I mention that I HATED gooseberries? We got them home, and the boys were free to go play, but I had to help "put them up" because I was a girl. (Still am, actually). I was supposed to be cleaning the berries while Mother went to get the jars or freezer boxes or whatever. I tasted a berry and it was so sour! Made my teeth hurt and my glands ache. I looked at all those nasty berries and I just KNEW that we would be eating them all winter. Mother never would put sugar in anything, because it was "too expensive," so I just saw all those pans and bowls and the naughty came out in me! I stuck both my hands into the nearest pan of berries and started squishing them. In bashed my hands up and down like I was churning butter, and then I moved to the next pan and the next...I mashed berries as fast as I could go! I mushed them and squished them and squashed them and ... Then my mother came back to see how I was getting along. As you might imagine, she was somewhat displeased. She told me what an ungrateful horrible wasteful awful little girl I was, and that Jesus would be very very upset to see me act like that. I postulated that perhaps the hungry children in China could have my share of the gooseberries, since I did not intend to eat them under any circumstances.
I don't remember what happened to those gooseberries. I do not recall if she used them up in jam, or made pies, or froze them squishy. I was in my bed being punished. But I personally have never eaten a gooseberry since then.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl
1138 Posts
1138 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 12:18:26 PM
I give up. I am obviously too stupid to function properly this afternoon.
Farmgirl #6318 "Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 1:14:08 PM
Marilyn - WOW!
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 5:20:38 PM
Marilyn, I bet Jesus had forgiven you. ;-) Bet your mom hasn't! I detest the titles " woman's work " and crud like that.
Bunny, as Marilyn had already said, vent away.
Marie, I think you are on the mend. I do hope your problem is solved and you start to feel much better.
Dd came to "work from home" at our house yesterday. She spent the night and got too have a great visit with her dad. She and he went up to visit dnA's goats, which pleased dnA very much. Then they stayed up together for a bit after I headed for bed last night. And this afternoon they headed out together to do some shopping after having spent the morning figuring out some financial decisions for dd's retirement planning. For this visit, I was definitely in the background. They enjoy one another and it's fun to see. I got to be mom and send her home with goodies for her freezer.
Dh and I found our holiday puzzle. We all sit around and do a 1000 piece puzzle for the holidays. It makes it nice for visiting. And you can go into the sunroom or living room to stretch out and still be part of the conversation. Wee used to play games, but I have told you how dd and I can't be on the same team because of our unique ability to communicate. So that means we are each teamed with one of the guys...and end up wanting to kill them because they are so dense. Puzzles are better for Peace on Earth.
Holly your asparagus seeds are so interesting. I have never seen asparagus go to seed and I didn't know it had a pod. Looks like a rose hip! Thank you again and again for the bulbs. They will brighten my day time and time again.
Mar |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 6:09:41 PM
Good evening everyone,
When we had goats and sheep we used an elastrator to make the males eunichs ( the computer tells me I am spelling it wrong.) I have not had their nuts fall off in my lap like dnA. Well, then again I did not hold the kids in my lap either. I am sure dnA got over her shock of the blood. I guess she never had a shock about the testicles sitting in her hand. She is so very funny.
I tell the children the only difference between the jobs a man and a woman can do is breast feeding and standing up to pee. Although there used to be an instructional website for women on how to stand up and pee and not bet any on your clothes. I have not looked for it for a long while.
Marilyn you have far more patience than I do with the adults who come to the shop. I might lock the doors and hide in the bathroom to avoid the unpleasantness.
Marie I am glad you are on the mend.
I am glad to read the vents they make me feel not alone when I want to go off the deep end of the pier.
Where did the new woman go from southern California who was planting the garden. I am so bad at names.
G take lots of pictures to remember the good times of your visit. How long a drive to New Orleans? A few days rest for you and the B before they come back again. Did your dd come up with her family as well?
Apparently there are male asparagus plants and female plants. The ones with the berries are female I think and are not supposed to produce as well as the male plants. I think they are pretty and don't really care. I have thought of picking the berries and seeing if I can start some plants from them. MIght be a good science experiment for my free time. The pods are the size of a chickpea.
It snowed today. The snow did not stick because the ground is way too warm but the boys were very excited. DsG wanted to go make a snowball. I guess the one he managed was the size of a marble.
I do not peel or core the apples to make sauce. I have a foley food mill. I wash the apples and take off the stem. Sometimes I cut them in pieces. Then I boil them to be very soft. Then I put them through the food grinder. I do not have the patience to peel and core. I have used the apples from our wild trees this year and the apples are small. They make great sauce. They are nothing anyone could bite into more than twice.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2259 Posts
2259 Posts |
Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 7:35:07 PM
Marilyn, for some reason, this site is much harder to use than it used to be. Autocorrect just gets worse and worse. I'm not sure what a gooseberry is, but they don't sound very appetizing. I'm surprised that you have much to do with your mom considering how hard she was on you.
Marie, I am so glad you are on the mend, and kudos to your sweet neighbor. L probably means well but sounds like you are the strong one, and I'm sure it was very hard on him to see you so sick. That hoarseness is because they stick the breathing tube down your throat during the surgery.
Bunny, focus on the ball and how much fun you are going to have. Hope you will post pictures of your dress, preferably with you wearing it.
Holly, the photos are wonderful. I love the glorious fall colors.
Mar, I'm so glad your DD is close enough to visit you often, and it's nice she and dnA can hang out together some. Sounds like they might be good for each other.
Newcorleabs is an eight hour drive from here. Thank you autocorrect, That was supposed to be New Orleans.
Thanks everyone for putting up with my showing off my grandchild.
We can not grow apples here so ours are shipped in and the organic ones cost a fortune. The GMO pesticide ones look beautiful but are tasteless.
We went to see Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks tonight. No we didn't go with Tom Hanks, he starred in the movie It was a Spielberg movie and so well done as usual. I highly recommend it. |
Edited by - doll58maker on Nov 29 2015 12:35:21 PM |
rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2015 : 10:55:33 AM
Well, G, it is sounding like New Orleans isn't the best place to be right now... Maybe their trip will be cut short and you will have more time with that handsome guy.
Since it was cool this morning, and rainy, we decided to make hot chocolate for dnA to enjoy. She enjoys anything chocolate. Now, we can't just open an envelope for hot chocolate in our house... So dh grated while I heated milk and added a bit of half and half because the milk was nonfat. (Needed to fat it back up!) Then we heated, removed, stirred, reheated and finally dumped it into a thermos because this particular treat was going to be enjoyed in the barn, not the house. dnA spills a lot and it is easier on everyone if there is just nothing to worry about being ruined. I guess I should have left Gracie in the house though. She didn't get burned, but she got covered in hot chocolate. dh did his best to clean her up with wet wipes and paper towels, but she may need a bath. dnA thought the warm cup would feel good against Gracie's bottom. Which made Gracie jumped. Which bumped the hand holding the cup. And the chocolate spilled on Gracie and the barn floor. But, as I said, no burns.
Just ordered two pounds of See's Candy for MIL brother's birthday. What a long living family. He is turning 92. See's is the best candy in my humble opinion. Actually, it even passes Chocolate Man's standards as a very good chocolate for the price. That being said, two pounds was $51.
Mar |
True Blue Farmgirl
3966 Posts

3966 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2015 : 2:15:23 PM
I am slowly getting back to my regular-ish schedule. Yesterday I washed dishes, dried cherry tomatoes in the oven and updated my druid. Today I went out to the garden and harvested the rest of the tomatoes. They were mostly green. All I have left to pick is some nasturtium leaves. I have been sitting in on few vocals for the band so they can learn the songs for the Halloween gig. I didn't get an artist for the posters. I'm hoping that Lowell's ex-wife can do it.
Marianne, that hot chocolate sounds exquisite. I believe that if I drank that, I would never want anything else. Kids are so cute when they try to help out.
I need to call some people tonight as soon as the band leaves. I believe I now have enough energy for that.
Marie, Sister #5142 Farmgirl of the Month May 2014
Try everything once and the fun things twice. |
Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl
2305 Posts

2305 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2015 : 4:47:00 PM
Good evening everyone,
Mar I am surprised you did not pee yourself laughing at dnA as she was trying to warm Gracie's behind. Sometimes it is so hard not to laugh when the child is so serious. Did dd have a great time in Hawaii? Was it work or vacation? We used to make hot chocolate mix out of dried milk, confectioners sugar, cocoa powder coffee creamer, and tiny marshmallows. it was very rich. not especially good chocolate but the children liked the sweetness. i have not made it in a long time.
Glad you are feeling a bit stronger, Marie. I bet you add a fine quality to the vocals. YOu can make relish with the green tomatoes.
G your grandson looks very bright. I hope he has good memories of coming to visit you every now and again.
The apple crop was so abundant this year that branches broke from the weight of the apples. They are not much to look at but they are sweet.
I went to the bee farm today and bought a 5 gallon bucket of golden rod honey. they had basswood honey as well but I wanted the allergy preventive effect of the honey. The woman is very kind and we talked a while about life and books. There is an author named Willem Lange who writes a weekly piece for Sunday's paper. Last week he talked about gun control and what that could mean. He wrote that in response to a piece he wrote a couple of months ago some one wrote to him well what if there was a dirty bomb that went off in Boston and 200 people came walking up your driveway. Willem said, he would turn to Mother and ask what the grocery situation looked like. He thought the writer of the letter would have shot them down to protect himself. Willem wrote that this situation is what is happening in Europe now with the Syrians. I told the bee lady that yes, we would invite people in and figure out how to deal with the food situation. She smiled and we agreed that living where we do and how we do we are at a finer advantage than a lot of people. I think Willem Lange has a website. He has some good ideas.
We have snow on the ground. Just a covering. I expect it to be gone tomorrow but dsG and dsR were out throwing it at each other today.
Sweet dreams,
Holly farmgirl #2499
True Blue Farmgirl
2914 Posts
2914 Posts |
Posted - Oct 18 2015 : 7:51:26 PM
Well, fiddlesticks. I just had a post and lost the whole thing. Holly-no snow here yet but we had our first frost last night. The trees haven't peaked in their color yet. I like Tupelo honey cause it never crystalizes and I like the taste. I have some strawberry honey from around here but it's in the comb and just tastes kind of unusual. Mar--I've never heard of warming a dog's bum with hot chocolate. I guess there's a reason why. I have a recipe for Mexican hot chocolate and I may dig it out. it's getting cool here at night. Bunny--I know what it's like to feel trapped. Is there a park where you can go to get away from time to time? Marie--Lowell deserves ten lashes with a wet noodle and you deserve a break. Please don't overdo it as the stitches can come loose too soon if you're overactive. I'm sorry you had to deal with Nurse Ratchet. G--your grandson is handsome. I hope he appreciates his visits with you. Marilyn--I bet God was laughing as you smashed all those gooseberries. People (like your mother) who think God doesn't have a sense of humor are in for a rude awakening. I'm still learning more about a plant-based diet. A good website is the T. Colin Campbell center for nutrition studies. I made channa masala last night and I'll bring what's left for lunch tomorrow. It's been proven that people who eat a well-balanced plant-based diet don't get as sick as often as most people, and they avoid a lot of diseases that people in developed nations get. It was scary being sick for so long and I don't want to go through it again. Plus I really want to lose weight. It would make it easier for me to do yoga and I could hike better if I wasn't carrying all this extra weight around. I used to be thin--don't quite know what happened. But I still see myself as a thin person. I just can't do some of the things that a thin person can do, like a seated forward bend in yoga. And I'm tired of muffin top! I feel like I'm wearing an innertube. I'm too young to feel sick and tired all the time. Need to reclaim my health. Cindy
"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit "In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl
3331 Posts
The Beautiful Pacific NW
Washington State
3331 Posts |
Posted - Oct 19 2015 : 12:21:46 PM
Holly, I used to make that same hot chocolate mix. I thought it was delicious. Dh could taste the butyric acid from the non dairy creamer...sigh. It's an adventure being Mrs. Chocolate sometimes. In that particular instance, it just meant more for me.
Cindy, I think you are on the right road to achieve your health, weight and lifestyle goals. Love hearing about your latest discovery, whether it's nutrition or nature walks...
Bunny, keep on sewing. Don't forget, we all said we would be up for a weekly featured piece from your collection.
Got a cute goodie for dd today. It's a cube that says "Work Hard, Be Nice" for her office. She'll like it. Also started a couple Christmas gifts. Namely quilted throws for Yellow Dog's dog bed. They should shake out nicely and save dd some laundry. One for her. One for her boyfriend. One for Yellow Dog.
They gave each of the dogs a new toy for the week that Sammie stayed with us while they were in Hawaii. Gracie has a habit of humping her toys. Her toy was named Buck Fuddy. And just yesterday,dh "got" it...
Have a great day! Mar |
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