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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  8:31:54 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2019 2:32:27 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  10:34:01 PM  Show Profile
Almost time for bed. Finally got on here to read the days posts.

I missed the opportunity to wish Marie luck. I will be surprised if she feels like posting tomorrow. I remember being pretty out of it the first day. But then that was because the pain meds didn't work and the nurses wouldn't do anything about it. I'm hoping Marie has better luck.
Anyway, Marie, I will be sending you good thoughts tomorrow and hope you are up to your self soon!

Went to the job interview today. Not much to say. She was concerned about how long I would stay. I lied and said I planned on being around a long time. But I still want to go back to California. I just know it could take longer than I want.
She was also concerned about how I felt about working around a bunch of blue collar you g men. Mainly regarding language and personal attitudes about different things. She made sure to tell me that they were all hunters and drank beer. I laughted and told her I raised two sons. One in construction and the other is a Marine. I've heard it all. She did ready my resume at least.
She said there were two others to interview. I'm not holding my breath as usual. If she is smart, she will hire me instead of some cute younger woman. I'm old and won't have to worry about the guys being attracted and distracted by me. We will see.

G, hope you have a wonderful time with your son and his family. Don't stress so much. I bet they will just be glad to see you.

Nite all!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 12 2015 :  10:35:26 PM  Show Profile
As usual autocorrect had fun with my post. Sigh.....


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  06:27:14 AM  Show Profile
Back at work after my Monday off. Daughter left for a week in Idaho with my folks -- she will spend her birthday there. Finished a pair of Christmas gift sox. I started on a pair of mitts, as well. We went out on the boat on Sunday and had the MOST beautiful and sweet day on the water. Then came back in and decided to go ahead and pack her up for the winter -- the marina and dry storage closes on Thursday and we won't be able to get out before then. Sigh. It's always a sad day when we say goodbye to her for the season, but now we will have Sundays for work around the house.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  08:27:16 AM  Show Profile
Marie's big day! Hopefully she will be out of surgery and on her way to a speedy and full recovery -- feeling better than ever before.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  1:30:10 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn, Love the color of those socks. I am sure they will be appreciated. How nice that your daughter is having a birthday get away. Were your parents good grandparents? Mine were pretty good grandparents... They were very careful about not showing favoritism. And I really appreciated that.

I can understand having a "moment of silence" when you stow your boat. Another sign of the change of seasons, another year passing, time moving on... At the same time, it allows us to embrace the new season and enjoy the heck out of it because another is just around the corner. Unless you live in CA... Sorry!


Sending good thoughts to Marie. I, too, hope she is home and on her way to a full recovery.

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:35:33 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone

So, I am looking at the last page because I can and as I am scrolling down I see a wet hen. it snuck in there and a couple of purse pictures disappeared. How did I not notice before? She was funny.

I like the socks. A color pattern and a texture pattern as well. You are clever. If I knit which I can but I don't because I have careless children who think nothing of pulling out the needles and that makes me beyond crazy to pick up the stitches are the kind of knitting my ADD brain can deal with. Those socks do not have a row of boredom in them. haha

Sending Marie hugs.

Mar I am sending the daffodil bulbs in the next day or so. No note inside. That would require more organization that I have going for me right now.

I put two windows in the top floor of the green house this morning. It filled up about a third of the space. It is a start.

The weather Goddess has been smiling on us to grant us such a long and glorious fall. I was outside in my t shirt today. So very rare and event this late in the year.

The vet came and dehorned Ida May this morning. it was so awful. I am glad it is done and I am glad she will not have horns to gore me with as she grows. He also gave Coco a shot to have her ovulate. it is hard to tell when she is in heat with out other cows around. He could not tell how far she is along in her cycle so we will try inseminating twice this month and then again next month as well.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  5:54:15 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:04:42 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  9:33:57 PM  Show Profile
I found another post of mine where my picture had been replaced by a pic of a woman holding some crocheted things. Marilyn, your denim socks have been replaced with a Halloween tablecloth. WTF?
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 13 2015 :  10:29:42 PM  Show Profile
I blame things like that on Ed from IT.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  01:10:53 AM  Show Profile
I feel pretty sh**ty right now. That's right. No editing this one. My lower lip feels as if someone punched me and my throat is so sore I believe I can only eat soft food. Lowell got me yogurt instead of pudding as I asked so now every time a burp, my mouth tastes vomit. My tummy hurts every time I sit up or roll over. I can feel the incision out in there every time I pee.

I didn't stay in the hospital. They seemed to be in a rush to get me out of there and all I wanted to do is sleep. They kept coming in and asking me questions until I finally said, "I will not make any more decisions." So after discussing it with Lowell, I let him take me home. The doggies are so confused. At least I have my nice new Vermont Country Store nightgown on.


Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Gig Harbor Wa
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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  08:10:48 AM  Show Profile
Marie, now is the time to just rest and let your body recover. I can't believe the hospital let you leave.
Hope Lowell does a better job at taking care of you. At least you have the doggies to keep company.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  11:00:56 AM  Show Profile
Marie! So glad to hear you are on THIS side of your surgery. Hospitals really aren't set up for rest, are they? I am going to echo Bunny -- I hope Lowell takes good care of you, and if he doesn't he'll have the Goddesses to answer to. Seriously -- I know the earliest stages are awfully hard, but we all have nothing but confidence in you and we are so glad you are taking care of yourself.

I just had to take a credit application from a yucky guy. He had been a customer here previously and I went back and pulled one of his old files. Oh my goodness! He had left post-dated checks and then called and asked for them not to be deposited -- about a billion times. Then he had written several really hideous notes and stuffed them into the mail slot -- just nasty filthy language and mean comments directed at Dude's ex, who used to work here sometimes. Now, I do not personally want to spend time with her, but when I was reading the notes it really ticked me off!!! It was weird how protective of her I felt. Anyway, I am not sure why the Dude decided to go ahead and do business with this icky guy again, but when I took the credit app, I was very clear with him that we would prefer payments in CASH and that we did NOT accept post-dated checks. Also that one bad check would result in his account being tagged for "cash payments only." So now we will see how long it is before he is in default. I am not optimistic.

We had a great program at Rotary. A young man from Haiti who started a school in his home because he lives in a very poor area and the local kids could not afford to go to school. There is evidently no infrastructure for public education in Haiti. So sad and what a waste. Anyway, he started this school back in 2008 and is able to provide basic education up until 6th grade. Next year they will be adding a 7th grade and hopefully then 8th and 9th. The government provides a test at the end of the 6th grade, and every one of his students has passed that test. We have been raising money for the school for some time.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

3331 Posts

The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  12:32:32 PM  Show Profile
Well, now Marilyn's socks are a Halloween table 285.

Marie, stay low, get rest and beware of the third day post op. It has a way of knocking you down. A lot of previously inpatient procedures are outpatient now. Hospitals are a great place to get really sick so it's good you are home. Yogurt was a bad choice. Tell Lowell he doesn't need to get creative. Thinking of you.

Holly,I will be so happy to have more of your daffodils! MIL enjoyed them so much. One bloom scented her entire living area. Having lived her entire life in the San Diego area, mom has never been able to enjoy bulbs.

Yesterday,I tackled an overgrown bush in our front planting. Like everything else, it had major thorns! Dh helped and I am happy to have it out.

I got two postcards from dd from Hawaii today. They have been home five days. No wonder everyone uses email!

Dd text messaged me that they were giving flu shots at work today. She mentioned how happy she was to NOT have to get one with an audience of co-workers.

Marilyn, you show what a decent person you are to be on dudes ex's side. Seriously, what is right is right.

Holly, how do you know if you are a healer? I'd like to think I am, but I believe it takes a lot of energy out of you...since having enough spoons is my biggest problem, I wonder if maybe I am not an intended healer. THEN, I started thinking (dangerous activity,I know) maybe my thoughts/ideas are my healing ability. And I decided I needed to share more of my thoughts. Starting with dd, of course. She was sad to find that her boss/mentor and favorite person at work was moving on to a position with Microsoft directly. They will still have contact professionally. So,I told dd how this was really wonderful news, etc etc etc. And ended it with, "If you are given soup, order nuts." It seemed profound at the moment. After that nonsensical motto,I explained my new, let's call it, mission statement in life to dd. And added that since I would be sharing all these new nuggets of wisdom with her father he might be visiting her more often to get away from New Me. Ha!

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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  4:00:39 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I am not sure how you know you are a healer. Our Leo who was born at a pound and a half and really has no useful speech but signs some makes people feel better. He is only 5 feet tall and slender although he is getting an in your thirties paunch which he laughs aobut when anyone points it out. He can spot some one who wants to feel better and puts his head on their shoulder or touches his/her arm gently. Later they notice whatever was weighing him/her down is not so heavy. He fixes migraines and sore backs. There are classes out there on manipulating energy. I think you have to be able to feel it move in order to manipulate it. I am not so good at feeling it move. In Tai Chi you are supposed to be able to feel the energy or chi eventually. I am not so good. DdK is a healer as well but she has not internalized that she is so it does not come naturally to her. When she is doing her massage therapy she can move the energy but not just anytime. I think you know you are a healer if you make people feel better. Better than what? Better than now.

There is a shamanic healer here in Montpelier named Susan Grimaldi. if you google her name you will come up with articles she has written. I think healing may involve adjusting the energy flow rather than taking your energy and giving it to someone else. I think in some cases if the person is overloaded and the energy is not directed the healer can take that extra energy away so you could get more spoons.

Marie sending healing thoughts your way. I hear that Reiki healers can manipulate energy over distances. Lowell's learning curve seems to be a very gradual incline. but not flat.

I think your compassion for the EX maybe more of compassion for the woman who had to out up with the sliminess of the customer. the woman happens to be the EX. I guess the Dude has hope that the slimy man can pull through on this one.

Slow day. Rained in the morning and only cleared off as I was taking dsC to therapy. We did his school work most of the day.

sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  4:36:15 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:06:01 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  6:12:21 PM  Show Profile
Marie--I hope you are a little more comfortable by now. Lowell giving you yogurt=bad decision. After I had surgery I was on a full liquid diet--pudding, ice cream, tomato soup )low sodium), 7-Up, clear juices. it helps ease your body back to a regular diet. Also (not to sound gross) if you do get sick, it comes up easier. I used to make a lot of hospital trays and that's why they recommend it. What kind of pain reliever did they give you? Make sure that man of yours waits on you hand and foot. If he doesn't, tell him that his guitars may suddenly start disappearing. I hope you are surrounded by lots of pillows and a warm comfy blanket.
Regarding energy healing, I can feel and partially manipulate the energy of animals but I've never tried it on people. there are things that can go wrong if you're not properly trained. Some, like Leo, are naturally empathic. I can feel people's auras but I'm not very good at seeing them. My friend Lorenzo was a trained Reiki Master. He practiced Reiki in Central America but the Catholic bishops in North America banned it. (Lorenzo was a priest). I think some bishops in the Church would criticize the way Jesus healed if He came back tomorrow.
Marilyn--I couldn't deal with some of the people you have to put up with. It's one thing if they can't help it but sometimes I just wish the yucky person would go crawl back under his rock. It's not that I hate them; I just can't be around that kind of energy. it messes me up. I need a peaceful environment to escape to and I guess that's why I live alone with my animals. It's very difficult for me to work in a hospital setting.
G--I hope it's not rats eating the plants. Maybe rats with antlers? Squirrels will eat my tomatoes and something ate the tops off a whole patch of beans earlier this year. I made a spray from boiling an onion and garlic and then bottling it. Seems to work Ok at times, but not always.
I had an interview last Friday for a different position in my dept. at work. Now I have to wait to see if they call me back for a second interview. I've done lots of the type of work it involves but my supervisors don't like me. We are a small dept . but it feels like an "us" against "them" at times. Sad.
Night, all,

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 14 2015 :  9:10:48 PM  Show Profile

Edited by - doll58maker on Sep 19 2019 4:20:06 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  06:47:31 AM  Show Profile
G -- Who is the old ratty man who gave you his t-shirt? ha ha ha ha I couldn't resist that one! I wish I had the gift of healing. I think my daughter is an empath -- she feels everything so deeply for everyone - it makes me hurt for her sometimes. And she does seem to make everyone around her feel better. My mother could witch water -- it always scared her to pieces, but she did it for lots of people.

Do you live where there are armadillos? I know that they can get under just about any fence going and that they can be a real nuisance to get rid of, once they get established. Remarkably, even though we are in deer country, they never once bothered our garden -- possibly because it was right up next to the house and our big ugly scaredeer was standing there. We get lots of them in the back and up into our woods. I hope you get your produce without having to "share" it with the wild creatures!

Does anyone know what is going on with the pictures in our group? I wonder if it's happening on other pages as well.

Marie -- As much as I love yogurt, it is NOT pudding!!! Geez. Why do they do that stuff? If I say I would like a Coke, please -- I do not want a Pepsi. And pudding and yogurt -- come on! Feel better soon in spite of your help.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  07:57:03 AM  Show Profile
Marilyn--haha--can't put one over on you!! I haven't slept with too many ratty old men! Very many, I should say. Some of the early ones could be ratty old men by now,

Edited by - doll58maker on Jul 17 2019 2:35:11 PM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  12:15:33 PM  Show Profile
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Sometimes we have to go pretty far back to take a look at the old "life list," don't we?

Pretty quiet here today. The sun is shining like crazy and I feel like going outside to roll in the grass. My shop-guy (not the mechanic) is here today -- he had a head injury several years ago, so he gets a disability income and only works when he is able. When he works, he is a busy bee and gets lots done - will do anything -- working on the cars, cleaning up, taking the recycle to the dump, landscaping -- just whatever we need. Then he may disappear for two or three weeks and we won't hear a word from him. I had a big old potbound fig tree that has needed repotting for the longest time, but it was just too big and cumbersome for me to do alone. I had the pot and all the soil, etc. So today, Jose and I took the poor old fig tree out of his pot and gave him a nice new home with lots of wiggle room for his toes. The tree belongs to the geologist daughter, so she had a nice collection of special rocks all over the surface of the soil, which we removed and replaced in the new pot. Then I trimmed all the dead leaves off and gave him a nice cool watering in. We had to fight a round of scale on him this past spring, and he got through that okay, but he kept dropping leaves and the daughter said to try repotting as a last ditch effort. I am hoping that this will do the trick and he will regain some of his lost vigor.

Jose is an interesting guy. He's only 45 or so, but has so many health issues. He came here from Puerto Rico at about 18 years of age and has worked as a landscaper and laborer most of that time. He has Lyme Disease, which he contracted while working as a landscaper. It went undiagnosed for a long time, so he has bouts where he suffers pretty significantly with it. He also has gout -- which seems odd for such a young person, but the doctor thinks it is related to the Lyme. A couple of months ago he had a flare up of the gout and was absolutely out of commission for a couple of weeks. He said even the sheet on the bed brushing against his toe sent him into spasms of pain. He couldn't wear shoes for about 10 days, so of course he couldn't work around here. He has horrible headaches from his head injury, and sometimes he is laid up with those for days at a time. He doesn't like to take all the medicines, so when he is feeling better, he thinks he shouldn't have to take the pills, so the cycle begins again. He and his wife have three of the most lovely daughters -- 18, 7 and 1. The middle one teases him mercilessly and he is powerless to resist all the femininity in his household, poor guy! ha ha He is generous and soft hearted and impishly funny. Dude says that Jose would walk on glass for me -- some days I think that is true. He is generally my ally around here and is always ready to help me with whatever big icky dirty project I need done.

There are still a very few sock knitters left alive in the Sock Sniper contest. There are two left in my old platoon, so I keep checking in to see how they are doing. I doubt that the socks in progress that I sent on to Sweden have arrived yet. I think she will have to frog them completely and start over anyway. I have been checking the project page of the gal who began them, and she has lots of pictures of perfectly nice sox there -- not sure how she managed to not notice that these were completely TOO TOO big! I am trying not to think that she just did a crummy job because she knew the sox were not for her and that they would be someone else's problem.

Dude has taken Jose out to Her Imperious Widowness' place to look at some landscaping work she wants done. He had worked for Brother from time to time in the past -- clearing wood and such. She had thought that Dude was going to come out and do a bunch of her landscaping "projects" for her, but he just deflected that idea by saying he would bring Jose out and then told her how much he charged per hour. Bless his heart. She was pretty disappointed that Dude was not going to come out and do it all himself. I guess she is finding that her "umbrella" has a hole in it. I told the attorney what she had said -- about being under Dude's umbrella -- and he said that was very very common with new widows. I had predicted this early on, but Dude poo-pooed it. Now he sees what I was getting at!

I met with my financial advisor yesterday and feel lots better. He gave me some very specific steps to take to get my situation to where I want. I already contacted the ex and told him what needs to happen. Thankfully, he agreed with me about 5 years being plenty of time to let things slide and that we needed to get it all settled. Of course, it will still be up to me to get things done, but that's okay. That way I can make sure it all happens. He is the world's most gifted procrastinator.

I have been sitting here goofing off (procrastinating?). I should at least try to look busy. Hoping everyone is having as nice a day as I am!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Oct 15 2015 12:19:23 PM
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  1:43:36 PM  Show Profile

We have a good friend who was an electrician until he had a nasty fall that ended in a substantial brain injury. He has terrible headaches as well and has found that medical marijuana was tremendously helpful. He found that using the butter that has the oil in it to make baked goods was the easiest way to "dose" it so that he could predict the outcome. Now that marijuana is no longer illegal, I wonder if it is cheaper for him. He was disabled, as well. Also very much wanted to be productive. I am so glad that Jose has this job, it must make him feel wonderful. Does he know that gout is VERY suseptible to diet changes? Some of the surprising "problem" foods are turkey, spinach and I think everyone knows about peas. MIL has had a few episodes of gout and once I printed out a list of foods to avoid or to eat sparingly she has not had another.

I am glad you will start your official divorce. I think a lot of people put it off and then if something happens to you...nothing is the way you want it.

G, my raised beds have a strip of copper around them to deter the rabbits. It works like a charm. We have the inner yard double fenced and the deer seem to stay with the horses... So far, so good.

Marie, we are waiting to hear if you got your pudding yet.

MIL went back to the opthamologist for a three week check up. He removed three stitches from her eye. She says it has made it much more comfortable for her. Her sight has improved roughly three lines on the eye chart, so she is about where she was while wearing corrective lenses for distance. In one eye. And no one thinks it is the best idea for her to try to have the other cataract done at this point in time. This has been an ordeal. We are finally down to giving her drops in her eye only three times a day. Then we will go to two and finally once a day in the next few weeks. With the change of weather underway, we are thinking about revisiting this subject in the late Spring of '16. Of course, Mom will be 89 by then...

dnA will be here today. She is on medication, one is for ADHD. She takes a tablet before school and a few days ago, it slipped from her fingers. She has a great dog, Bandit, who eats like a labrador, although he is a different breed. He scarfed up that tablet before anyone knew it had hit the floor. And had a very good nap for the rest of the day.

We are supposed to break records for warmth today. Maybe even hit 80 degrees.

Hope everyone is well
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

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Oxford PA
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  4:24:55 PM  Show Profile
I am still chuckling about that drowsy dog!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  5:24:20 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Marilyn do you think the widow thought the Dude would be available to service her and set you out to take your place? Seems like she had some designs on him. I am glad the Dude has figured out some of her plan.

I think 89 and cataract surgery is better than 89 and knee replacement surgery. My friend's mother did double knee replacement at 86 and has not been right since. Too many other health issues are now manifesting in her worn out body.

Jose sounds like a good guy. You do know a slew of nice guys to balance out the slimy ones. My father always told us that we needed to have compassion for the people who were not as fortunate as we are. Maybe that is how the Dude feels about these customers.

My accomplishments for the day are I folded all the laundry and took the mucky hair out of two bathroom drains so they drain now. The laundry took a lot longer than the drains.

We had our first hard frost last night. The garden looks very wilted. I scraped the windows on the car with the edge of a cd cover to take the littles to school. By afternoon I was out in a t shirt.

You could set up a motion camera by the gardens to find out what is eating the garden. When we had rats they did not eat the garden just the compost.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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rough start farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

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The Beautiful Pacific NW Washington State
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Posted - Oct 15 2015 :  5:32:51 PM  Show Profile
DnA is a hoot and a holler. She and her sister got five goats in April. I think I told you all about them. They are all males and subsequently were "banded." One morning, dnA was giving the goats morning cuddles when one jumped off her lap and let out a scream. She ran into the house to tell her mom that Thor had screamed and there was some blood on the barn floor. Her mom knew that probably the banded sac had probably been pulled off just a tad bit before it was ready to just fall off. "Mom" didn't want to call attention to what she figured had happened, but finally mentioned that maybe a little "something" was on the barn floor... that's when dnA grabbed the Dixie cup into which she had put the missing pieces before going in to alert her mom.

I love this kid's spirit

Edited by - rough start farmgirl on Oct 15 2015 5:33:41 PM
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